The Wingham Advance, 1908-03-19, Page 7DOCTOR IN TROUBLE Alleged Victim, J033i0 Eden Gould, Prom Peterboro Her Young Man oral the Doctor Locked Up, Girl Died In Toronto •on Tuesday Last'. •••,•••••••••‘ Toronto, March 10. -About 1.30 o'clock yesterday enoraing Die A. Ct. Ashton Pletcher, 1215 College street, • was ar.. rested on the charge of the murder of an hotel evaltress, Aside Ellen aettld, while Henry Bernal:neon, aged 21 years, is also under arrest on a like indictment as an acceesory before the act. The police luul been aetively working on the ease Mr several days before, but on Fri- day discovered the residence of Smuttier - son, and the ease was quid:1y completed after that. The dead girl, Jessie Ellen Gould, aged twenty, came from Peterboro, where her father We, foreman in some works, to Toronto some years ago, and has held several positions in the dee'. Prior to three weeks ago she was a waitress in the Cadillac Rouse on Teraulay street. Three weeks ago she had to leave the hotel, and Sauriderson has made the statement to the pollee that he made arrangements for her to room at a house on Mutual street. She went there, but was afterwardremoved to 73 Shuter street. • Implicated the Doctor. In his statement S.aunderson implicat- ed Dr. Ashton Fletcher. Sanuderson'a statement went into detailof the alleg- ed operation, which, he claimed, took place at the Flutter street resideuee, even to the price to be paid. On Tuesday, Mareh 10, Dr. Ashton Fletcher called up Dr, J. 11. 'Todd and asked him if he could _go down to 75 31ritter street to administer an names- thetie in a case he had there. Dr. Todd went dowu and found Dr. Ashton Fletch- er at the house with Miss Gould and three othez- women. Dr. Fletcher said to him, pointing out the girl, "A pretty sick woman, isn't she? Do you think it safe to administer an anaesthetic?" Dr. Todd felt/ her pulse and found it ecarcely stirring, but the heart-beat was better, and he thought it safe to ad- minister ether. Dr. Fletcher suggested that the girl would be better in a hos- pital, and, Dr. Todd concurring, she" was sent to the Western Hospital, where she died. an Tuesday at about midnight Dr. Tod.d went up to the hospital on Tues- day night and. found Dr. Ashton Fletch- er there. The girl had just died. Said He Was Called in. In a statchnent made last night Dr. Todd, jun„ stated that the facts given nbove in reference to his connectioii with the case were correct. He added that Dr. Ashton Fletcher had first called up- on another physician, but the latter be - tug out of town, he had requested. the aesistanee of Dr. Todd. The father of the girl was notified of her death and came to the city and arranged with A. W. Miles undertaker, College street, to prepare tlie body for .burial and ship it to Peterboro. The liody was shipped to Peterboro on Wednesday aad was buried on Thursday. The father and those at Muter street were informed that death was due to appendicitis aecompenied by a sharp,attack of pneumonia. Dr. Todd, against whom there is no charge, saye that the girl certainly 'dial net have pneu- monia. The death notice on file at the City Hall states the cause of death as acute septic peritonitis, with rupture of the pus tube, and the report is signed by Dr. Ashton Fletcher. Dr. Ashton Fletcher Arrested. Dr. Ashton Fletcher was arrested at: his residence on College street by De- tectives Sockett and Arellibald at about half -past 1 yesterday morning. Be was taken to the City Hall first and after- wards to Court streetstation,where he stayed until yesterdaymorning, when removedj he was to the ail. Ite has en- gaged J. W. Cerrry, K. C., as counsel. As the charge isione of murder bail tannot be granted without application to a higher court. Henry Saunderson is a young eleetri- clan, but bas been out of work-lor some .weeks now, but previously held a posi•- lion with a city firmHe was arrested at half -past on Saturday night by De- tectives Mackie and Soekett, at an ad. drese on Yonge street. Pee was takento Esther street station and detained there. He admits in the fullest possible manner ethat he made arrangements with Dr. Ashton Fletcher with regard to the girl. Ile says that the girl threatened to poison him and then rilson herself. He suggested marriage, he. says, but the offer was refused. The body will be exhmned, probably to -day, and brought back to 'Toronto, where a post-mortem and inquest will be held. portion .of tire rtelnetton in the average I number of ehildeen itta. family In the eounty of Loudon le in till arobability duo to the fact that title Jaeger bourne% ftt',1 t aItt'eater .0XtPat than baltlAittr Matt tiVe etenternia preeeitri evideth tousle to drive demi bean tho Oentre of Lea- den to the outeleirta of the county said beyond the eouettry, sae is rale, tho iatreene the family the geeater is the diffiettlty of finding imit- able house aceout notlations in the mere oesstra parte, mad Use straeger ,itre the influences of attravtion t0 tiro atiburbe." BANDIT IN MAIL CAR. OARING ROBBER'S WORK ON THE GREAT NORTHERN. ••••••••••• BOON TWO Mell °leeks, nabbed the Oar and Delivered Way Station Mail for Hundred 0,111es-then Dropped Off Train and Escaped, Spokane, Wrote, Meech 15.-.4. bandit 1)04)114 the mail car on the weetbouell limited of the Great Northern Railroad at Penner's Ferry, Idaho, before day- light to -day, bound the two melt clerks, robbed the mail ear, and de. livered way station mail for erle ,hure dred miles. Then he dropped off the train and escaped. The robbery was not discovered until the train reach- ed Spokane, five hours after the bandit boarded it. The train curled the through mail, and much of it was registered. The amount stolen will not be known until the registered mail has been checked up. When the train arrived at Spokane at 9.20 o'olock to -day the mail ear was closed. Employees at the station open-. ed, the ,car and found one of the mail clerks lying bound on the mail sacks. The other elerk was loeked in a closet, t MISS NIGHTINGALE. The Soldiers' Friend Presented With the Freedom of London. London, March 10. -The freedom of the city of London was to -day bestowed upon Florence Nightingale, the organizer of the nursing in the Crimean War. The ceremony took place in the Guild -Hall in theepresenca of a. largegatheting which included many doctors and names. The aged nurse, Miss Nightingale, is in iter 88th year, was too infirm to attend and was represented by her nephew.' Sir Joseph Dimsdale, the City Chanel berlain, in making the presentation ex- plained not the city regretted by the unexplained omission of a former gen- eration that Miss Nightingale had not been honored. in this way half a century ago. - e READY TO SUBMIT. Sultan Mutat Hafid Makes Further V I NO HELP FOR HIM. Slayer of Grace Brown to be Exe- cuted This Wefk. Albany, X. Y., Meech .10. --Governor Hughes will not interfere in any way with the. execution in the week, begin- ning March30„ of the death sentence upon •Chester Gillette, of Cortland, eon.- vieted of the murder of Grace (Billy) Brown, of South Otselie; at Bie6Moose Lake, in the Adirmulacks in Suly 1900, -and.now in the "death cells" at Auburn prison. The Governor would not talk about the matter for.publication this Morning, but it may be stated with en- tire confidence that he has carefully readnot only the unanimous opinion of the 'court of appeals affirming Gillette's conviction, bet also the evidence in the case, and entertains no doubt of Gill- ette's guilt. .11 was reported to -day tient Gillettee mother was on her evity bet..e to appeal be GOverThOn? Hughes to save her son's • • Peace Proposals. Paris March 15. -The Government believes there is a good 'owed of a defitiite settlement of the trouble it Moroceo. This will be based upon the submission and elimination of Molai Hafid, the insurgent SulteneWhile nego- tiations with Mulai Mild have not yet French commander in lforoceo, tele - granite that stpplications far peace halm been received front Held and his leaders. The general reports also that Freneh troops are encempal at the gates 2f the Seta, and that the pacification of the entire Clusouia region is proceeding rapidly. Gem &Moak lout granted a, rade toe - duct to the chief of the (Macula tribe, who has annotmeed that Multd MOM is ready for submieelon, to come to SCUM, where the French commitialer is at pre- setit stationed, to discuss terms.. LONDON'S LARGE FAMILIES. Were Driven Out of the City to the Suburbs. London, March 15. --:-During Gm last oix years there has beet: tt &table of over 10,000 in the number of ehildeen attending the elementary echo& of LOriden, arid the offidal repottiog the matter to the Lettlon County Countil Board of Edeteation eaye that nee of the Oltief eauswe its the seilitetien wieeh elevens to he takirig Oare in the aver- age eletao Lontlt»i fennee. There ie Ito auggetation ni1,aett mild* Mr the repeert onyx: "Sortie - CUT HIS THROAT. Capitalist and Politician Takes His Own Life on a Train. Chattanooga, Tenn., March 10.-4ames Johnson, capitalist and politiehen of Ibis city, lasts night committed suicide by cutting his throat on an Alabanut Great Southern train: Mr. Johnson, who had been te 1sTew Orleans, accompanied by his wire and baby, was taken ill on Saturday night and stopped over in Bir- mingham. Daring the night lie took an over dose of strychnine, but was able to resume his journey yesterday. When the train was between N.Vhitnes and Caldwell, Ala., Mr. Johnson went to the lavatory. A few niiiintes later he was found with his throat cut. Xo cause can be assigned for the suicide. • MACKENZIE KING IN LONDON. _ ..•„. ****,••• GERMAN TASTE IN SOUVENIRS, , CHINE„SE ROYAL IVIAHRIAGE CON- TRACT IN A VILLAGE INN. •••••••••••• ••• Brought From China After the Allied Armies Left the Celestial Country - Owner fled No Idea of Its Great Val. -Its Less Caused Agitation. Berlin, Mach of China's most eacred peblie doeuments,t lie marriage contract of the reigning Emperor, Hwang Hsu, dated Yebruary 20, 1000, has been discovered in, Germany and formally handed over to the Chinese Government. The document had been missing from the archives of the Imperial. Palace) duce the visit paid to Pekin by the allied armies in the summer of 1900, It is sup. posed to have found its way to. Germany ie. the keeping of one of the Kaiser's subjects, who happened to be present when the various representatiVee of wester)) cleilization helped themselves, to souvenirs 'capable of removal, The marriage contract consists of a gorgeone piece of silk, four Maga length and it foot wide, which folds up in a curious manneruntil it assumes the form of it fafiey leaflet. richly emblazoned with dragons and other artiatie emblems of the Chinese dynasty, and recites the sol- emn conditions of the sacred peat in Ori- ental terms, Ever since the diaappeareece of tin document the Chinese diplomatic retire- sentative,s in all parts of the world have corxclacted all exhaustive settech, but were baffled, until the document was located a, few weeks ago in a village in southern Germany, in the porisessien of a tavern. keeper, who had not the slightest notion of its tremendous import, and thought it looked as well on his wall as any mul- ticolored pill advertisement. Before the contract was sent back to China it was carefully scrutinized by Oriental scholars and reproduced, so that it copy may bn kept in Europe as a curiosity. e, Disastrous Flood Walla Walla, March z6. -Not for years has this city faced so serious a situation as it does to -day from the floods which have come down from the Blue Moun- tains and made Mill Creek a roar- ing torrent. The Fisiirth street bridge has been washed out; part of the Third street bridge has been blasted out; the gas works have been flooded and closed dowt;. Main street for. several blocks hove Sixth street is reported to be under water. In the business district the water is rapidly filling basements. Flood conditions are apparent in all parts of the Walla Walla valley. ase-44.-e-e-e-ese-a-e-s-s-e-ea : iiie t KILLED BY GAS. • Blackstock Merchant Found Dead in Bed in Toronto. 1 11. tun guilty and, am ready to take uty puubsinuent. 1 have told the truth, I understand tidily what must he .the consequences." There are solne 'pereons whe believe that Orehard has been guaranteed M. inanity. This is denied by those in authority and Orchard hitueelf. The prison same and Orehard'is spiritual advisers express the ' apinion. that ehould an effort be made to eommute IIIS se.ateuce or pardOn him Osehard wilt refuse to tweept leniency., It is the .general belief that Orchard expects to .die, and that he wieltes to etiffer the extreme penalty for his runes. Deputy Minister of Labor Will leiter- view Colonial Secretaries. London, March 15;. ---Mr. W. L. Mac- kenzie King arrived in London to -day, To -morrow he will see Lord Stratheona, and will subsequently interview. Lord Elgin and Mr. Winston Churchill, Inter-. viewed regarding Canadien feeling on Oriental iminigratioa, Mr. King odd trou- ble was anticipated, cepecially in British Columbia, if the problem were allowed to remain uneolved. COU NTE R FE IT PASSPORTS. Over Three 1-lundred to America t old by Japanese Clothe, Tokio,Mareh 15. -The Government has oneasilied a fraudulent passport ntatufactrirerLt &Mori, it seaport In gotta -tern Japan. Feveral arrests lave bean natie, anoluding tsvo police officers %olio are charged with briving eolli over 300 tratV120T101. to Alalerift for $130 easel), Toronto, March 10. -Samuel Parr, of Blackstock, Ont., one of the best known young merchants between Toronto and Peterboro: was found dead in bed in his room at the Wilson House, 111 York street, this morning, with the gas turn- ed on full. There was nothing to indi- cate suicide. Parr came in last night from Blackstock, and seemed to he in splendid health and spirits. SAVED WAR OFFICE FROM LOSS. British Minister Sells Hotel Before New Law 'Becomes Public. • Lendon, March 15.-A charge of a piece of sharp practice is made against Richard Haldane, Secretary of War, by 'a Portsmouth publican, who is tenant of a publie house which be- longed to the .1•trear. Office. Mr. Hal- dane, as Secretary of War, was the owner, and put it up at auction, with a reserve price of $50,000; The pub- lican acquired it at that price. low, after a couple of months, he finds that the Government's License Bill has reduced the. value of the pro- perty to $10,759, the average valuation of three firms of valuers, including the Government agents who condueted the sale. The publican argues Hutt Mr. Haldane must, as a member of the Cabinet, have known the terms of the bill and taken advantage of his (the pnblican's) ignorance in the ire. tenet of the WaeOffice. 4 r; WAS A FAIRY TALE OilLit. 'JAI.LTA. . • . •••••••••••,. Something Like es Blizzard But Sun Shone Later. Torouto, March 10. -About 8 o'elock Ude ,morning it real winter storm passed over Toronto and the weatern pert of Lake Ontario. The snow aml, wind for it time made things look like it north. west blizzard, The wind a first blew from the south, but veered around to almost north, and at the same time a sudden 1 all in the temperature was not- ed. At 8 a, m. tho mercury registered 34 degrees, but by 0 o'clock the column had fallen, to 20 degrees, a decrease of eight degrees in Quo hour. The storm, however, was of short duration, and by 0.)10 the sun was out shining io flue . spring-like style. PARDON FOR KARR. Beamsville Lad Who Gave a Poi- soned Candy. St. Catharines, March 10.-(Speeial)- 'A, W. Maequis, of this city, solicitor for the young lad's .father, has received is letter from the Under Secretary of State, J. Pope, dated Ottawa, March 14, which grants a pardon to Louis Karr, of Beamsville, who is serving e sentence in the Lincoln jail for having administered poison in a candy he gave to a com- panion in that village in January last. There was it good deal of sympathy ex- pressed for the young man, who, it was thought, was not aware that the candy eontamed a poisonous drug, or that the affair was in any respect as serious as it proved. Story That Sovereign Bank Had Lost $6o,000. • Toronto, March 10.. --,"It's a &lie, tale," deelared General branager Jerarnett, of the Severeign Bank, when asked concern - Mg it newspaper story to the effect that the Sovereign Bank held two notes totalling $02,000, the maker and. endorser of whiciacould not be found, "Will you let tie deny that the bank holds or has held any such notes?" asked the reporter. "Deny it? Why, the whole thing is a fairy tale, so farI knave."' "And," added the reporter, "you ;night to know, should you not, sir?" "Yes," was the reply. "A. niee pipe dream," was the deserip. tion applied by Mr. W. G. Boland,to the story. "There is nothing to it, that I know °V' he said. A despatch from Montreal says: When seen in regard to the -rumored loss of sixty odd thousand &lbws from the Sov- ereign Benk, Mr, D. MeStewatt, former general manager, said: "That is a, most, extraordinary story. I'do net believe is word of it." ' eeeeeeteeeeeeeeeee. ORCHARD WANTS TO Die. ••••••••••••••• COUNTESS COMING. Daughter of First White Man Born at Sarnia, Ont. ••••••••• .••• Port -Hama Mich., ,Mareli '10.--1'ert Miran will he tielted soon by Countese De Smeturer, u Deemer Port Huron woman, and, the daughter of Louie La - forest, the first white man born in liar- nia,. Out. Twenty years ago Miss Mary artforest was wedded to Count de Saute urer, of France, and. elle now writes her biotiler that she e ill vi sit this country in the near future. The Count and Countess have been traveleing through Italy and other foreign cottuttiee for the last four yeers for the benefit of the Countess' health, He is Aexishis to Suffer Exteerhe Pens UNDER STREET .CAR. Toronto Boy's Miraculous Escape From Death This Morning. Toronto, Mareh 16.-1.4ward Sheri- dan,' a boy of nin•e years, living at 57 Brant :Arcot, playing with some emu- ptutions on Queen street, near Spadiaa avenue, was struck by the fender of an emethound street ear, eetrriett along it lit• tle .dieteutee and finaiiy rolled under the our, but behind the first wheels. The mutoeman promptly applied the braitee bawd, preventing the hind track from passing over the litdle fellow. The boy eraaiibed out from under the body of the oar, When IVO was, found to be uninjured, °swept for eevelest serious bruises :shout the heal LONDON GIRL Found in Detroit Resort and Will be Deported, •••••••••••••• TOOK IT BACK. •••••••••••••• Girl Witness Against Hitchcock Contradicted Her Testimony, 11,11.0* VI* NOW York, Mardi 10. -The ToSelen1)- tion of the trial of Raymond Hitch-, Cook, the comedian, in the %Orme Court to -day furnished a sensatien when. Elora Whiston, who had been ealled as a corroborating witness, com- pletely refuted her testimony given before the Grand Jury. In reply to questions by , Assistant District At- torney Garvan the girl declared that Hitchcock never had harmed her and that sbe had. told the story to the Grand Jury as she had boon directed to do by an agent of the .0hildren's Society. It was partly upon the tes- timony of Flora Whiston that the Grand Jury's indictment against Hitchcock was based, 'Hitchcock Acquitted, Raymond Hitchcock to -day was ae- quitted by direction of Justice Blanchard thd Supreme Court of chargesbrought by SCVOral young girls, after one of the girls had testified that the allegations she had made against the actor were ontrue. Detroit, Allele, areli inunigra- idea officials are investigating the case of it girl Who arrived her on Saturday and went at once to a resort where she was found later in the day by the po- lice on a tour of inspection, and taken to headquarters. The girl Says she was sent to Detroit by it man in -London, Ont., to prevent her from testifying against a citizen of that place who is charged, with it 'serious crime, She was told to remain here and sbe would be taken care of. The girl claims to be 10 years of age, but Rieke younger. Her presente' in the United States is a vio- lation of an iatereational treaty and she will be deported. e ee1'-e-e-e-e-a44-4-e-fea••••-•-•-a-e- Three Drafted Stratford, Conn., March O. -By the overturning of a rowboat op- posite Lordship Park by a sudden squall yesterday afternoon Peter and Andrew La Croix, father and son, aged so and 10, respectively, and Henry W, ii1on, also about so, all of Bridgeport, were drown- ed. Their bodies were washed ashore, where they were found + several hours afterward. 44 -0 -444 -4 -42 -44 -4 - SHOT HIS WIFE. THEN FORT WILLIAM MAN TURN- ED PISTOL ON HIMSELF. Elderly Couple of Fort William, Mar- ried Twenty Years, yictims of Tragedy -Husband Dead; Wife Can Hardly Live. Felt William, Ont., March 15. -After living together for over twenty years, a petty quarrel of an old couple of this city ended in a terrible .tragetly on Satur- day afternoon, Mr. 'Wm. Garton being dead by his owa hand and his wife lying in the McKellar Hospital in it -critical condition, as .the result of a bullet wound in her head, the wound having been in- flicted by Garton before he turned the weapon on himself. The couple were in •the• back yard at the time, and the till, gedy was started by a war of words, which was suddnely ended by Garton whipping out a revolver and committiug the insane deed. , Neighbors who were attracted by the shots found both lying apparently life- less on the ground, but it closer examina- tion showed. that Mrs. Garton was still alive, and she was hurried off to the hospital, where medical aid has, so far, been able to keep life in her, although the final outcome is very doubtful. No reason for the rash aet is known. Garton was apparently sane, and was not a user of liquor. The coupilchaveehve residedm here for any years, and it family of grown-up children, ON THE PANAMA DITCH. Worle Progressing Wonderfully, Says Capt. Kutz. New York, Marea 16.4-alarked pro- gress in the conetraction of the Pan. ma. Canal is reported by Captain I', W. Kutz, instructor lo eigineerin„e at West Point Military Academy, whe re." turned • -to-day o11 the steamship Pare anut after a thirty days' inspection of the new waterway. Speaking of his (tip, •Captain. Katz said: e"The work seems to me • to he programing wonder- fully. During 24 days of last month 3,000;000 cubic yards of earth were re- moved. .Eveey one appears to be happy end eontented, and the fault finder and forecaster of the future has disappeared. I believe the canal will be completed by July 1, 1915. That is the estimate of Colonel Coethals, who is -Chairman of the lethinian Canal Commission." I Captain. Kilts advocated an army canteen as it solution of the liquoi nroblem on the isthmus, where, he said the licensed saloons were pro.ctiealle cola:oiled by Chinese, who sold inferice liquor. natewilil be organtaede aceordittg to a. prolate° of Hon, Mr. Matheson, .and douletlase the: qt"tiori of lawyere! .fees will be ia t4. awe into At Oa pre - sant tiine soma .orlisieliem is divested againot the manner hz which, the in - forum -thin is .given to the pahlio 410- 0011815. Per inetante, Mr. J. R. L. Stem,' re tint down as "wow:table $2•,- 200.," tuid there are inany other like Roma that vendee to produce, lively ses, slam 115vounteittee. Some Liberal meridiem have- searethed invain to eee what .the Van Zant invete- tigation cost the Province, but zujpM- ozztly them lies been no -settlement as yet of the account of Commissioner Xos, ARK,. of Leaden, e. ; HIS HOUSES STOLEN. LONDON MAN'S BUILDINGS R - MOVED WHILE HE WAS ILL, ••••••••••,•• Three Cottages TOla Down and Carried Off -Thieves Told Police They Had Received Qom to Clear the Ground, ••••••••••* Loudon, March 10. -When Mr. John iliorris Goodwin, of Broudesbury, wont to Willesden Green on Friday, after having been eoufined to his ionise for 4 month with influenza,' te look after omeeproperty .itt Nos. 210, 298 and 300 High road,' eansisting of mall cottages and wooden buildings, be found it pee. net was Mr, Goedwin's statement in the Willesden Police Gout, when im ap- peared to proseeute Joseph Griffiths, itis wife) Elizabeth, and George-Morgen, all living, who were charged with steeling a quanity of timber and building .loa. terials, the property of Mr, Goodwin. Mr. Goodwin stated that he found the buildings "completely wiped off the earth." • The buildings were peraienent .and heavilzatiled, and quite £200 damages had.'ffeen done, Moro than twenty tons of timber bed been removed. Pollee Constable Bryant said that on February 10 he saw Morgan - down these premises, HO said to him, "Are you clearing them all away, old dap?" to whieli Morgan replied, "Yes, have orders to shift 'em." The of- ficer saw him working on the buildings several days, and one day be saw it building which he was knocking down fall on him and bury him. Ile extri- cated Morgan, and found that he was not much hart. He went on with his work and pulled down all the build- ings, MIT. Griffiths told. the Magistrate that fifteen people were -engaged in re- moving the property. LOST THEIR MONEY. Puncture of Drace Bubble Bursts the Backing Company. • e London, March 10. -At a meeting of the shareholders of the 0. H. Deuce Co. it was agreed to wind up its affairs. All the funtle have been spent, and the emu. pany owes $1,300. The company WAS formed to finance G. IL Druce in hie fight for the Portland estate, on the ground that Time. C. Deuce, the proprie- tor of the Baker street bazaar, and the late Duke of Portland, who was noted RACE TROUBLE. BRITISH It P. SUED. Shootipx In Alabama Lumber Camp Cat In Wages, •••••••••••••••• • EDITOR WANTS PAY. -FOR WRfT ING THE merweres SPEE0Hes.. Sonde in AO0O-Orit ot 300 Guineas for Aloha, Ala., 'March 14. --Another sere •Services Rendered in Recent By,. Ions outbreak has occurred In ths loot- election , Hundred' Guinea.* ,ber caluPs of Grant P4141). where We' Pharged for After-clinner .Speecti, tion was recently brought about by ••••••••••••• 4e 01 IT; t 07,04pir.tsiliatol viwZ311" amuuklg ,1rxr; glimpse LondonbM eh , ind the scenes areh 13.ateAn. erda,. Youislana; to Altexivp4pg„ mrir mentery candidature Was jifferiled ecial train last night en route groin Patlits ella. ing it manlier of persons who have been week when Frank llarrie,"a well-knOWa wounded at Verde, The trouble. grew out of the dissatiS- jsQuIeliduaAligiti‘rvhoThriser.e'otsTutrheQfnVe4wily-litYeleenteirti faetion and friction O'er wages and the member of Parliament for littetings, recent race trouhle, in which the negroce for 030 guineas, for services rendered i‘iveegrreioeadrivrilelituriTii°eldn, YetTsliailg Itis renewal dillidrtuunre"atit"thNeviit'vhcetriti: bye-eelle"le4tniotitt °Wail); the outbreak between, the lumber emu- Gueros is the man wile won hie election peny and white laborers, by blainiag the rise in the priere of Reports brought here„ say that there 'wend ott the Liberal Goverenneat, Liar - Is great exeitement et Verde and fur- rla presented his bill as follows:, ther trouble is feared. To ten leeding artieles for paper es - Among those who were injured were tebliehed to promote Ducrost interests, George .Poole, ef Orange Texas, and 60 gueneats, Robert Strong. Gee, Sinitl, bookkeejer To preparing two speeches. of 2,90 to for a lumber eompany, also was injured. 3,000 words, 100 guineas, More than a wore of shah were ese 'le preparing one after-dinner speech chauged, of 0,000 words, 100 guineas. _ Harris explained that he hod written A SALUTE TO THE FLAG. speecho for several politicians, whose ISLAND TUNNgL, • - Toronto . Controllers Interview Hon. Dr. Pugsley, • Ottawa, Mae& 15. - Controllers trocken, Spence and Denison, with Property Odosmiewioner Darris, yes- berday inteerietred the Minister of Mar- ine and the Minister of Public Works, reepectivelee• in reamed to two mitters of much noportianee Go the City of Tor- onto, the - meeganization of the life-sav- :nig eel n on 'reroute 1siiand, with its removal fleen the Eastern to the West- ern Gap, and the construetion of a, tun- nel between the Island and the mainland near the Western Gap, the Government to bear the expense of the 400 feet of cutting from share to shore and the city to coariberte the wet of both ap- proaches, • The confereuee With Hon, Mr. Bro- dear in reetted to the lifeeraving sta. tion ware geld in the morning at, a querter to Nevem That with Dr.- pogsley far the discussion of the ton. projeet took place in theafter- noons and it wee pointed oat that, rur the city would never be allowed to construct a bridge . to the Islaral, tumid wee the (rely tame tive, A great deiveway system, to eost a mil - lien dollars, was in contemplation, and the deputation thought, under alt the cireumetances, the Government could 'fairly be asked to assist Dr. Pir&ley evinced great interest in the:project and said he would send an engineer of his departmenL shortly to look into the matter and report • • * TO DEFEND AUSTRALIA. Premier Deakin Advocates Expendi- ture of $9,000,090. Sydney, N. S. W„ Alareh 10. -Speak- ing on national defence at Sydney to' ley, Premier Deakin said Australialay open to the firstcomer but for the sup- remacy of the Zritish fleet. It Was :lot natural that one part of the peo- ple should allow another to pay or fight for its safety. The Oevernment to leal with the future hoped to have .!,00000 men available and a 'flotilla of fifteen toast defence vessels. The total ...xeienditure for three years heuee Would not exceed £130,000 annually. - The Premier's speech was xociferously applauded, When _it was announced that the United States fleet had ac- cepted the invitatiou to visit Australia three deafening hurrahs were given by Premier Deakin's request, THE POPE'S JOKE. The -Vatican Chuckling Over His Holi- ness' Latest Bon Mot, -T,ondon; March 15. -The Vatican. 3aSt:4 a writer from Rome is chuckling over the following jest by the Pope. Ho has a friend in Venice who le 3iek. During the. week he received in CHINA AND jAPAN AGREE. for his eccentricity, were one and the tudience it Jewish gentleman, who is Azt1110 pemn, And that the funeral of Also a friend of the invalid. In bet - The Tatsu Maru 1 htl d ent Sall ef ante r, Drnee wes an inipostare, the coffin 005- cling his visitor farewell the Pope ilySettled.. - taining some heavy subatan' ce instead of eaid: "'If you see our friend tell him a body, in order to permit of the Duke 1 send him my apostolic blessing." Tokio. March 15.-A satisfactory set- disappearing in his mistimed role of "But, . your linlinees," °Wetted the: names he refused to disclose, and his That is One ee Japan's Demands rToin tonne sever before had beau considered to 4)e t4oloitelsliitgighimen, well-known Lib - China. Pekin, March 10. -There wits a Inc. eral journalist, testified that Harria' between e eeno earteonicl e Rah; asititis tiled tayapt:-ndeftiy? charges for the artWles were fair, but he could say nothing about the stgeeters, as he had no experienee in Minister to China, and Na Tung and Yuan Shih E.•)ti, representing the Pekin luP, Govern -meat, over tlte Tatsu Mero in- cident. No final understanding was reached, however, and the dismission of the inntter is to be continued. Baron Hayashi proposed that China pay the purchase price, something over $10,000, of the arms on board the Tatsu Meru if she insisted upon their re- turo, as Well as demurrage for (hi time the vessel had been in the hands of the Chinese anthoritiese He insisted, however, that China release. the steam- er and that Chinese warships fire a salute to her flag in the presence of a Japanese Consul, In consideration of thia Japan would relinquish her claim foe payment for the arms and leave the matter of the punish- ment of the of•ficials who are responsible for the lowering of the Japanese flag oti the Tatsu Mato to the discretion of China. To Dieu eroposals China replied that she was Willing to restore the ves- sel and incorporate an apology, for the flag ineiderit in the. final settlement. China lies presented her side of the ease to the diplothatie representative,s in Pekin of the several powers. dement of the Trawl affair Wee - bazaar keeper without emitting incon- other. ]am it Jew. flounced Ole afternoon. Clibla 1,3 1, eon .. venient enquirie). " "That does not neater," retort4 t1A large number of shares were sold Pope, "the goods are all right, thongT ceded all the Japtitieee demands. She al; the par value of $5. They were quoted the packing noy be bad." will purchase the ante and ammunition on. board the Tatsw and will hoiet the at $12.50 .before George H. filed his perjury eomplaint against 'Herbert Druce. Japanese flag over pie vessel. While the I, NEW JUDGE. his action oe the part of the claimant flag is being rehoieted it Chinese warehip eaused it boon atul the shares sooii r050 Ottawa, Ont., Mar& 10. -(Special). -- will fire it salute. Mr. Walter Cassels; K. C., this meeting There is it general feeling of relief irt to nearly $25 . When the Deucn vault in Highgate took the oath and entered upon the consequence of the settlement of the cemetery was opened and the body of duties of Chief Justice of the Exeltequer incident. Thos. V. Druee arid tot 'zoo pounds -of' Court. lead, wee founh in the coffin the Stock ULTRA VIRES. British ColumbiaNatalAct Again Knocked Out. 'Vancouver, March 10. -The Provin. dal Natal Act was this morning ruled by Mr. justice Morrison ultra vim and repugnant to the B. N. A. act. The decision. was on the habeas corpus, application for eighteen Hindus, con- victed in the Police Court under the Natal net, The chief points urged on behalf of the application were that the Dominion immigration act and order in Council covet! the whole field; sec- tions of the Dominion act are abso- lutely affirmative, making the . Pro- vincial act' absolutely eonflicting, and that ships' offieers, obeying the Do- minion rtet booms liable to penalty under the Provincial act, and the lat- ter is, therefore, repugnant. E. P. Davis, counsel for the Hindus, strongly urged that the sentences in the Police Court were certain to .have a very strong tendency to cause trouble in India. The action of one small Province. and one Pollee Magis- trate within that Province might have terrible results in the British Empire. The Hindas were ordered to be re- leased. The Province will appeal the decision. SUICIDE AT COBALT. - • Jack Pikkaman, Finlander, Found Hanging to a Beam. Cobalt, March 15. - This Sunday morning a shocking suicide was discover- ed about 4 o'clock, when Mat 4wikiski discovered the lifeless form of Jack Pikkareen, a Finlander, aged about thirty-five years, suspended from a beam by a stout rope at Larsen's board- ing house on Main street. The man was quite dead when found, and is supposed to have been hanging about three hours. Deceased is believed to have no relatives here. Despondency is supposed to have been the C1111410.- The remains were re- moved to Campbell's undertaking rooms. THIRTY TO BE HANGED. A Long List of Death Penalties in Russia. St. Petersburg, March 15.-A large number of death senteneee were pass- ed to -day in various parts of Russia,. Those who will saffee the cleath pen- alty inelude ten robbers at. Xrement- chug, four tobbeirs at Kies'', three men waro made an attack upon the postoffiee itt Proskurov, three brigand's at Lodz. it 'peasant of Korkov, and two poi:Him:1 prisoners at Kursk. At Yekaterinbu.rg seven man WPM eentene.ed to be hatigeel and one to imprieenment for life for au Abed: upon the noittiting house vonneet. Ashland, Ky., March inen are _ reported drowned here to -day. The tow ed aid: a mine, the property of one of the Countillora of bbe empire: boat Boaz, which left Pittsburg on Tties- - day morning for Cincinnati with twelve 25 YEARS ON BENCH. coal boats, sixteen barges, three fuel CATHOLIC MARRIAGES. .Rules Promulgated York. New byArchbishopof New York, March 15. -In aceordauce withit reeent decree of Pope Pius X., Archbishop Farley sent a letter to the rectors of all the Catholic churches in this city explaining the new marriage law that will go into effect at Easter. It was reed at all the masses to -day, In the main the decree prohibits civil marriages for Catholics, and declares unions in the church_ on and after April 10 invalid if either the bride or bride- groom is not a Catholic. --The following el:lenges are made in the marriage legislation of the Church: 1, No marriage will be valid unlese it is performed by tt, priest, duly authorized, and before at least two witnesses. 2. A marriageaserformecl between two Catholics, or between a Catholic and a baptised non-Catholic by a civil magis- trate, alderman, notary public or Protest- ant Minister, will he null and void. Hith- erto such meninges were valid. 3. No marriage will be lawful unless it is performed by the pastor of the bride, or by as priest delegated by him or the bishop of the diocese. .4. Those of the faithful who are of marriageable age, or who may be con- templating marriage in the near future, should secure positive and correct in- formation as to the date id, ate and the place of their baptism. ELOPEMENT IN THE. COUNTRY. Herbert McLaughlin and Margaret . Monkman Have Gone Together. Tortilla:), March 10. -Having pictured a nice little home in an American Oty pretty little Margaret E. lVfonkman, the 16 -year-old daughter of H. Menkman, of Xettleliy, eloped Friday afternoon with Herbert McLaughlin, VL years -of The course of true love did not run . any too smooth, for the pair started away from hone in an old weather -nee - ten boggy with a broken dashboard. The horse was a sorrel animal in Very poor condition -and so were the roads, for the irate father, who wired the police the above information, could not follow his girl, giving the reason that "the roads are etoto-dhaay.d," but he will arrive In Toronto The pair were traced down Yong° street, nearly to Teronto, and it is supposed that they were on their way to Toronto Junction, where the soung lady has relatives. Buffalo was to be the destinatiou sometime to-merraw. Tho young man wore it ' 'dark seit of clothes and it black fur coat. DETERMINED TO DIE. A Montreal Woman Made Three At- tempts to 'Suicide. ' Montreal, March 15. -Mrs, Foran, a middle-aged woman, attempted suicide by three different means tea); morning: First, by throwing herself in front of a street car; second,by taking benzine, and, filially', by stabbing. Tbe woman, who resides at 100 Bleury street, had been in a fit of despondency concerning family matters. Bushing out of the house, she lay down tit front of an Outremont car, Rua was within an ineh of being crushed bythe Wheels when the motorman brought the ear to a stand- still. She was removed to her home, where she immediately lifted it large bottle of benzine and swallowed the contents. This, however, did not immediately -disable her, and he seize& a pair of scissors and stabbed herself. She svill probably the. l,1 :FIVE MEN DROWNED. Baeges on Which They Were Work. log Struck Pier and Sank. , i•••••••••••••• boats and it crew of thirty-five meta ran into a heavy fog early to -day o:t Cat - Judge Meclennart will Probably Re- lettsburg, and, being unable to tie up, tire on Pension in October. Ottawa, hlarch 15, --Mr. Jastice Mnelennan, of the Supreme Court, will romplete his 25' yeers on the bench next October, and will then isa en. Lincoln's Operator Killed. titled to retire on full eislary. It is undereteod to 1* his iatention to risk Ditighaentoe, N. Ye lefereh 15.-Dewit for his peneion and then resume his Palter, of Hancook, who svas private tele - residence in Toronto,graph operator for President Lincoln *ee durieg the civil war, was killed on the r15,0,1•1 DUTIES 14 PER CENT. Erie tracks nt Narrowsburg on Friday filially strock an exposed pier of the proposed Ashland -Ironton bridge, one mile below this city. It is reported that nearly all the barges were sunk. :a. .••••••.J.... London, March 13. --The Militia!' of the British death duties wee, illuetrele afternoot, Mr. Fuller svas about 70 yeas of age and was employed by the Etio as It telegraph repair Ulan. Ile hrtd been Weeds 'Hole, Mites., March 10. The e_ 1 Vieline, Meath 10,-Eraperor Fronds ed 1-- coo ti 1 a f t • t e years'. Ile Was riding his track veloeipede . ._ ed on Pridey. ()mot Itarker reeeiv- le the employ of the mini for about, 40' Thirty ThOticiand Dollaes Paid Out rockets on Sehoeitbronn castle for sever- 3._L.tte .geof her 'husband. who died four train. head, passed a, satisfae'tory night. There - th'erefore takes a iloraile duty of 1430,000 In lawyere Mee ahem\ In the ' ‘ ........................a.e............-- Fall 'River, Maattq March 10.---eTaenes .****_......4**•••16,...* 6.....• ON THE ROCKS. not be sold for five cents. southwest gale of yesterday and last LAWYER'S WERE COSTLY. - • . • * of - • . alty for His Crime. eight bore heavily upon the eteamer SU - WARSHIPS FOR. HAYTI. , Boise, Idaho 'Meech 1g. -On the Via, whieh ran on to Soar and Pigs London. March 16,-- Iles morning of 'his 42M1 birthdays . next Beef 'Saturday, and at dawn to -day the this inornina sent °Herm by 'cable to the . AalwiraltY 'Wednesday, Hoary Orehard, confeseed vessel hnd ;settled fleetly tie the upper „., British elitism% Indefatigable rota Creasy, mutderer of fernier Goveenor Frank deek, seereingly indicating that the antertenber who WA,1 killed by the greater portion Of the bottom ha btat . which are both in West Indiett Water, exygolon , of a lamb ae the gate.of his tore away end that the clumees of eavs proteetion of Britiele Intereste. ree'idenee in. Caldwell on the evening ing bee Ima been eedueea to a, minimum, of Dee. ;10, 1003, will fate Judge Fremont . • •,......--mt*,- V.** to peneeed forthevith to Hayti for the .e.:. t Wadi prepered to hear the death eon- Bolls of Shaisdon to be Remoulded. Footed Dead on 'Floor, tame meted out to him. , ' London, Mani: 15. ---The famous bells atilt, 'Mardi 15. -e -A fernier Mulled Orchard, against the urgent plena- of Shandon, immottalized in Father Rankin Murray, of Meth Dumfries, near , into of hie attorney MO others, re- Prout's verse and more reeently 11405 "Mill, woe rental dead on the floor fueed when arraigned 011 Merck 10 ter eopulariesal lie- William. IlIaek'tt uovel, ef Ole liense We Intomang. Ile lind been let his previous plea or "not guilty', have aroveli to trioalla from Cork, ill •for Wine' time. Ife wee 'between 50 Meta 01 to plead to a teeter degree of len their way to it bell foluselry, where mid nn yeti.* old. murder, than 'first degree„ Ile mid: aitiey will be remoulded. JOSEPH SICK. ' ( eo, to me. on joSeph, who has been confined to his who cline into possession of 11113 'mall when he WA8 etillek by . paesenger by Province. at days suffering from cold in the days before she aid. The Government KILLED BY BUCKET., Tororrto, itts4 ytur was he fever. 700, or 14 per mt. of the estet. the Province of Ontario paid out, neatly Legisleture 41, few days ago Mt. C. N. • $400,000 FIRE. AUSTRIAN ENIPOOk ILL. 'Monitory wag end joint gearshift and ltalUIPT Kavelea were injured, near - Smith (Soule Ste. Marie). drew attention Lytine, Mardi. 10. --The fire \Odell - don seriously, by the felt o'f o: looted to the frequeney with width the -law- broke out laet night in it big biscuit face _ Vienne, Mark 15. ---Emperor li'raneie etati bueltet, weighing fully it tot, at the yrttS1 tarots Lwere seattered threneeleseat tory her and width .spreed over it block. &mph hits been eoufined to his raw dock of the American _Mint Werke tei- the Pages of the publie fte:_ount.s. 'These r+1 buildings tovering 22 tints, is under ia ahoenbrunn Castle for several days day. TiwArtitlett, evits due to the break - individual fees vary frosa $25- to. -$8.104, ....entail. The lees is placed -at $400,000, pest suffering from n add in the heed. ing of it table, While the exempt fee is without. $700. • lie continues to work ileily.allitangli Ito eti)•eee - With very few eteeptions ate* lawyers ' One Ituellred .pasisengere were hurt in ehan refused to grant general midi:fleet.. The 'Moose Morietain mites Win begirt alto instal:de of tho lagraive Prat Ovineial .. A treteteak et Netvfounaienti. Arelidillse laeree realiiiroul preeided *libeling hem ore by the outening of neei- denartentette.. rire rendered 30n families limn tivk-i ' it).414(y at a stala dineer given bit !honor ',Ain% wording to. it St:thine-at of Mr. '1'414nm/row the rublie Aceowas Oesn. at Big limber,"...Ntont., with $400,000 lose. of Grand Duke Serginsi. , D. D. Mann.