HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-03-19, Page 5II 1111 111 .W 111, I, I�I�i II 1.1 I .'01.11 4. 1., Ilio II .,1 II I, 1 1 L .11 11 im,Io 1,1111 111.1111) N y , Jallo,1 1,11 a 1 11. 1 .111 III I 1.1 1 olII II I 1,i1 I M 11 9 .1 Many .Imitate BUT , NONE CAN' EQUAL THE GENUINE KING HATS. They appeal to men who dress well. They have the finish that marks the high-grade quality. THE WING AM A1DVA,NOB, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1908. � steins --Tine Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. is to build a passenger and package freight steamer 305 feet long for the Northern Navigation Co, -After a 10 -hour meeting of share- holders, the trouble in the Colonial Cement Company, of Wiarton, was settled. i - Winnipeg, March 12. -More than 70 municipalities are now in the lists pre- - - paring fora Local Option vote, while there are prospects of seven or eight more. The campaign will be managed in a systematic manner, with simul- taneous action throughout by the Royal Templars of Temperance Ex eeutive of the whole province. • • •1 1 • 1 McGee & Campbell 111 Clothiers and Men's Furnishers, a' '„ Il1,,1 6::1... .1.0..164.1tl1...1 •. I 1..1 - I. 1....1.. �.i.�.r . ...11..a.. a.i. I ..II .I 6. IIIi-. .I.......1i h.,. ,..1..n u..111Li.u:.f.Zi-.]1110.0 ias_allu. 1.1 AL.. ,,i a II a. o ...of L... - 1.oL , do ...1 o,1,...1....1.1 . .1 ici , 11 ..1 1.n .1 ....1,1. • . - 1.1 1.1 n1 1u 11.01e3 Keep It In The House Coughs and colds develop like wild -fire. At night there inay be a sneeze -a slight tickling in the throat. Next morning -a bad cold. A.t the first signs, take Bole's Preparhion of friar's Cough Balsam Yt breaks up colds -stops the cough -heals the throat and lungs, never fails to cure chronic bronchitis. Largest and best as cent cough remedy in the world. Used in Canada tor over xoo years. Prepared, recommended and guaranteed by 03 NATIONAL DRUG 4 CHEMICAL. CO., L>M,TCD - LONDON, ONT. . your friends and neighbors that fol• T ,L X1,35 Cash they can get the WIN(x- HAM ADVANCE along with. the WEEKLY MAIL -EMPIRE for a whole year. big a snap to miss. (1111.1111111111111188811BID Olt 11 STOVE At COST For 30 Days Its too AT 'YOUNG'S Big Hardware WINGHAM - ONTARIO Sta -. 01111111111101111111111110 i /t.d. .L..tl,tv;1 _ Wei t:.e_., a:;a W .� 1' as ...i. Y.a�4�Yir►. -Already there aro several rural telephone companies in Wellington county, probably the largest of these being the. North 'Wellington Tele- phone Co„ with headquarters at Ar- thur. It now corers 37 miles with 28 telephones, has a Government charter and is capitalized to the extent of $15,000, But Minto's progressive far- mers are In no wise behind their brethren, and all over the to*nship a deep interest is being taken in a pro- posal to establish an extended system of rural telephones, covering the greater part of the township. At. present five fanners on the fourth concession have telephones installed in their homes, and are fast reaching the conclusion that once installed in a farm house they become a fixture which the farmer is not willing to dispense with. • -Reports from Ottawa are to the effect that no military training camps will be held east of Winnipeg this year except at Quebec City where the training will be combined with the big tercentenary celebration to be held there in July. It is thought that the new experience to be gained by the mobilization, camping and military operations of twenty thousand men on the historic Plains of Abraham will be worth considerably more than the usual camp training would be. The great bulk of this big army will be gathered from the military districts east of Winnipeg, and not less than five thousand, probably, from the Western Ontario Command, which in- cludes the Toronto district. Every corp in the command will be expected to furnish a quota for the Tercenten- ary contingent. The city corp and the rural will have equal show. Question For Every Reader. If you could .find a sitnple vegetable remedy for keeping all organs healthy and strong, wouldn't you use it ? Most pills are harsh, cause pain, and sick stomach. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are different -they regulate and cleanse the system so gently, act so silently you scarcely realize you've taken medicine. You are cleansed, appetite improved, color clears, sleep is restor- ed. Every man, woman and child is helped. by Dr. Hamilton's Pill. Try a 25c box. 1 1 Clinton.. On Saturday, while Mrs, Stewart, Victoria Street, was proceeding home- ward, she slipped on the sidewalk and broke her left arm above the elbow. Mr. John McGarva underwent an operation in the hospital, on Monday, and so far appears to be recovering from the effects thereof, a fact his old friends will be delighted to know. Owing. to the inability of Hodgens Bros. to dispose of their business in enbloc, Miss Reynolds, who has had charge of the millinery department for several seasons, has resumed the 'position there, for the present. Mr. W. Jackson has received a let- ter from the Secretary of the Western Ontario Bowling Association, asking for volunteers for a team to the old country this year. It is likely that Mr. J. W. Irwin will be the repre- sentative from Clinton. Everything is in readiness for a big- ger and a grander show than ever, a bigger prize list, more classes. Prizes for all grains and potatoes, is a new feature, and should encourage a splen- did exhibit, on April 2nd. The Clin- ton Poultry Association is holding a Sweep Stake Show in the Council Chamber, the same day. Quite a number of tenders were received for the new Roman Catholic Church, and these were opened on Wednesday, Mr. Thomas McKenzie being the successful tenderer, an assurance that the work will be well done. The church will be a handsome and commodious one, of which the popular pastor, Rev. J. A. Hanlon, and the Congregation, will have every reason to be proud. Messrs, Runlball & Mciath, car- riage makers, have dissolved .partner- ship. Mr. Rtimball is one of the old- est business men in the town and no man stands higher in the esteem of the community, as a Ivan of the strictest integrity, ain't bas reached the age where ho is entitled to a rest from business activities. Ile will st}ll, however, do some work, though the business will be curtailed. i MCLEtOD'S DELIGHT', Rheumatism Made - t to Misery South tel American Rheumatic Cure Brought a Welcome Xtelict. Nr. Meteod, of Leith, Ont., walked into the store of a Iocal druggist in Owen Sound at which he has purchas- ed South American Rheumatic Cure, told said: "1 ant so perfectly rlellgllted with the rdeulte obtained from the use ,t this grated remedy that I came un- solicited to offEr you the use of my name In recommending it to others Who ntay bo as groat sutfarers from rheumatism as 1 was." (24) Per 04ItAxivr 'V, WWWWW6MANWANNNWMAMINAIWWWW46i ALWAYS IN THE LEAD 4444N4114+4•44N4•44 For the largest and finest selections of the following brand new goods, D. M. GORDON is always in the lead. Yes, always in the lead-in Styles, Qualities and Prices. Why ? Because we understand where to buy and when to buy, so that we can give customers the very best values obtainable in the country, viz., Dress Goods in all shades, designs and textures ; special attractions in Black Silks ; beautiful and extensive range of Blouses, in Silk, Muslins and fine Lawns. Seo our immense stock of fino Laces, In- sertions, Embroideries, &c. The largest and most complete range of Window Curtains in Lace, and charming shades and designs in Madras Muslins. Very pretty I'ripts-the prices will please you. Please come in and see the goods ; our description of them fails to do them justice. Groceries -Pure and Fresh. Great Values. Highest Prices For Good Tlade.. D. M. CORDON mkkm 11 Ot / W 1 re 41 ) y . [[ tetj m .Y? 51 l> 4 1441INARA • Teeswater. The total amount obtained by the municipalities in Bruce from the Rail- way tax of the Provincial Govern- ment, for 1906 and 1007 was $4,902.5Q. The. Township of Carrick, whieh includes Mildmay, received the largest amount -$684.f38, Oulross got $220.40 and Teeswater, $148,80, Mr, J. K. McLean received word last week of the sudden death at Regina, Sask., of Mrs, John Gillespie (former- ly Mary Strati), 2nd line, Oulross) on the first of the month. Beath was due to appendicitis and was preceded by only a brief illness. She had been taken to the hospltal at Regina for treatment. Mr, Bernard Delp, who last week was reported critically ill, died Mon- day morning. He had been delicate for a number of years and had suffer- ed a great deal during several winter seasons. He was an old retired farm. er of German descent and came to town about five years ago from his farm on the 10th line of Kinloss. He was aged. 74 years, was twice married and leaves a widow and a large family of grown up sons and daughters. Have You Ugly Warts ? Cure them with Putnam's Painless Oorn and Wart Extractor, U'ifty years success is a guarantee of its merit. Beware of substitutes. AMCNUE 444 Ap -ger fil; lr i i 4,I 4'i7 l�w • 0 ✓1 L"TLE'Y -late 14 Iii, NN O,�,LA FTS' AV:F. t r OTT /_ Qii4 A •1 11 f..P ~-. 'i `'''IC: i Ui dt COtttNtiVr. • In ,�� : _ fVf-3'a'� ,10,..',441,,-07 ' I •i �.,y RIVER. -_ U;79. -1 y, if 47 �_•,yrRds : u . ,. • • riQ \ r� li bac �Icw "own o' St. Iou!s ... MANITOBA .. . No Competition in Flour Mills. None closer than Winnipeg, thirty-three miles. Not one in this section of the country. It is becoming a necessity. RESOLVED Situated in one of the most fertile belts in Manitoba, ST. LOUIS offers an excellent chance for a small Roller Process Flour Mill that would do gristing for the farmers and supply flour to the lumbermen, fishermen and navigators, a crusher in connection with same would also do well. Any supplies can be dumped into the city of Winnipeg by either rail or water. Abundance of wood .and water warrants cheap motor power and the company purpose being liberal with a free mill -site. The North-West sheep ranchers have plenty of wool to dispose of and would appreciate a home market. NOTICE An experienced man with up-to-date machinery would find ST. LOUIS advantageously located for the manufacturing of socks, mitts and other staple woollen articles, while there are plenty of fleeces to be had from our Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta ranches, thus utilizing the production of our western country which is a ready market for the goods. Fuel and water is •ceittainly a great point of economy for this industry and should be quite a consideration. The company is disposed to give suitable concession of ground for a factory site of that nature and other special inducements for the promotion of same, provided application is made at once and the factory put into operation before the end of the current year. No better location for a Planing Mill than the new town of ST. LOUIS on the Netley River and the C. P. R. beach line, being a Natural Port of Navigation. VIZ Connected by rail and water with the forests and saw -mills of the surrounding rivers and lakes, ST. LOUIS is bound to develop into a manufacturing town of considerable importance. The progress of the town and district in general warrants business for the 'manufacturing of rough lumber into siding, flooring, shiplap, sashes, doors and other material entering into the construction of houses and boats ; boxes for the exportation of fish, etc., while any over -pro- duction may find an open market and best facilities for shipping In to outside points. Steam power is most desirable, sines it can be developed at little cost ; Ind besides a flee site the company have other inducements to offer to the right niau, provided application is made at once. For further information address to N TL,E'Y' 1 M PROV .: NT Cts.. 411NITHn 304 Xennedy Street • WINNIPI O, MANITOBA. 5 40.71 Pattteo rns 1,00N Idea The LeadingStore Maga lues 70 1 E Ladies' New Spring Coats We are now ready to serve you promptly with anything in LADIES' NEW SPRING COATS and SKIRTS Now Displayed on SECOND FLOOR. Every Garment Correct in STYLE and PRICE Each garment is perfectly designed, and made specially for us, and the workmanship is of the highest standard. This DEPARTMENT has shown great progress and is now one of the most IMPORTANT in our BUSINESS, and we feel confident that the display we are making this sea- son will lead to still greater success. We extend a cordial invitation to all our friends to call and see the full collection. .o 1. I 1.11.1..1.1 1. II i II .I 1...I . 161 cto 1 ,..ill I. 11.....1... : H. a.. E. I. IIsard& IiI1 .. .- 1.11 1..L_ �. 1 1 ►4►-ww&&w& 4a It 1' 41 4 4- 4'• 4 4 4 'a 4. 4 R.GAIN•* t4 1 Parlor Cook, regular $45.00 -reduced to $35.00 1 Parlor Cook, regular $40.00 -reduced to 32.00 1 Cooking Stove, regular $36.00 -reduced to ....... 29.00 1g 1 Six -lid Range with warming closet, regular $60.00 - reduced to 48.00 (A number of second-hand Stoves cheap.) Bread Mixers, regular $2.25 -reduced to 1.50et Granite Wash Basins, regular 35c -now .25 Cold -blast Lanterns, regular 70e -reduced to .50 Happy Medium Buck Saws, regular 50c -now •. .39 '* A Buck Saws, lance tooth, regular 75c -now .49 4 Horse Blankets, regular $L25 --reduced to - .90 4: Leather Halters, regular $1,00 --reduced to .75dt 'q -AT THE Central Hardware. Leather Halters, regular 75c --reduced to .50 •* 4 Rope Ties -now .08 '6 4 Light Machine Oil, per gallon .2001, Cut Nails, per lb 102 '* Lantern Globes -now .05 « 4 Four dozen Clothes Pins -for .05 I* 4 Good Axe Handles -each .08 '. IP Lamps at Cost. Razors from 50c up. * I* Skates to clear at Cost. Call and see our New Century and Easy Washers. 4' 11' * 1 •F 1J. HILLIN 4;1"* A t m * *4s .*** * $3*