The Wingham Advance, 1908-03-19, Page 2C,
- I - ------ I- , - .I.-- � ---.-- _____ I 11 -1 11 . , .. 1�14"410'"40"4111.*"*'" , " I . � I �, �'. I JlVJTW �4. '# .6 ." —, "I If qNWITT -- ' -we"""T 77I 7' "Inw:111. -V7
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- - ",", ,,,,,,, -1111 _ '% __ _, ' - — - I- - __r.�' _ __ 6, ". . , . 1-1-11.1-1.1. I .... 1111.1- ,- . . .. I. .. __ ,
=_ .- � - 11 .. 1. 11 I- -_ ., .1� . 11 I !----! � �� - ... -1 - .. 11 .....''. . ..... 11.11.1 `� ' "' ", , '"' I 1.111, . '"" .6', J " -141
I - __, � .... _ 1. _ _ ___ _ __ -----.--- - .�T-1—__ _. I '
, 1.1 . 6 . I
-, 61 - -"�_ Reading And tho. metill laouilli May be
.1, liftod tile veil from tile brideN hoad, ailt . I . ' I Juallty, tbar nektum of JAI$ act4 and their . N .1 e
. NY , I 1, , onp sliould
W" X, XX — 200=22 I '. fil *$ . alotive, , forced memo higher, but I
2P.M2 -�; frIeudi pressed aroulld Ivith cougratl,k-
-2, latious "I 6 � , I '- "V 0_,; Tbs, Wingbom Advan, C1 �
' . II. Christ the, lift) 0.114 Ilght of 14011. i take, Profits oil tile Aitroug apots, Alld
I I'll, ,�,lut,gluoas bteakfAlit IVA11 Waiting �.. 6 . . Christ'i life was a 41vlue reve4ation. It . r\ I En ME% D tradore mhouhl not hooltitte to sell lie-
- -
� th ining �Qoill, to N011011 tilt) coin- .1 6 .1 . � '.. Ia uot speculation that cuit, teach us the I "I �Wkv weir _ . UVO Wilt$ OU All bulges. Vri"s Nvill be ,
. alre(t. It wa , . darill; 0o next three
I I liany tivoit roll, 3 it breakfast I—.. L 5 ... "I .. I highest roligiolls, truth, but thtl,t tru,th, T"190. HA4,101. propirlotor
1W 'renell stl,l(�, II-Itil Illeats, And or four weeks.
*_� _ I after the I . embodied In a life. Christ 14 the lig4t 1�
The Tri, le -1 galue. and 1141stry, fruits and light wines, .1 of the world, the revelation of the 10ohar. .... I I 1. I 1 '6 1 .., -1 '' ... . 1 4
- Bra4street's TrAde Re-
. ;W ote. ,�lld healt1w woro drank, Quit toasts LIMON XII.-MAUCH 21;;'. 190% Actor and Ivill of tile rather, and of , flew.
J%'$41,0 11m 1wild, and losts, 11114 good TORONTO MARKETS, '
II I what Man May become, Christlo life is . Molltroll" "r1te wholesale triWii IA=
11 I N, amsed Revikwi--Read J9114 0- 41-51, tile greatest Miracle of history, (Alreat. FArmorol Mar4o.t. CQutillueS to 11914 a -(104t tone' T46ers 'a Dr. Agnew
I "'o"' .
0 " wl"les' ill'( 4:011gratulatlo"s we I Only a moderate deviand for most lines .
0 Zo ilrolind--i1nd so the warriago festival 'a and. gentleness, hollacas ati,d plkyl - Thr, (A'r%la 'A.14*ot was d4 f �v Physicists, Surf#44irs, A40OUGhOUIP
"0 �&
SO Iranto to tin Oita lit last. hunlilrory.-Lessou 1. Tqpio- QlArlat Ili I'L'.s it . pathy are 11, lirlth lit- Of dry goods, and, noth
,1011 A A superb trayelling carriage, drawn his relai0oas. Place. BqArevus. Jolim'fs stropgtli ild sytu perfectly Oil offerlog. Prices are nominal at quo. .. Ing $Tk tk* W�kT 9 %
. bNnded. Ilia life was the light Alta. We � pronounced improvoillont; is, looked foi-
and'Tliu" False l I by a pair of Itigh-bilirited, dappled "-pl Nyil,% Ivritten. betwe,on 80 aild 90 6 from tittlolls. until tho retail trade in a . pring Ila I O"We'-v"W" tX fto Waild"AW )3W*-'
_ _ o I
. .1 Men in tilat Ile delivered men 'ith but- ' 6 es, *a
gray horseg, stood before the 4. D. Jollat Iras 010 941Y 1"t10 living Ignorance, unbelief Anil, vico, Anil Srdia T)airy inarUets fairly, active, v 'I'll Q 0 P61-ing Milli -
I ,
iW. . I 11*011 'i"ider way' nory, Plot *&as "W"" 44 #mlell I
1 41 liall door. Anil as Boo" As tile at ftt time- Ile A-eloA* to Oil-rilst all .the ruin and inl,,ery which are their ter selling at 2$ to 39Q per Ill., c,nil iiew - trado but; been fair with an avarage yet. . L . '''. ' - '' ' '
Z NA' NI" I Invariable attendadiii ,and bro tight ?out- uvie of buslueen. Values hold, .generally ', ... � , ' .
"NAXXXXXXNANANANNA %XX=XN brido bad clinuged Tier wedding dress th,i) Word of Oods a-11 things were Made laid dozen. I
I b him, he Iv,as tilt) 'We and V lngs,. . ateady t6 M,
for it riding liallit, the young palr-ba(10 Ile light then, ta tile knowledge. of divinq till try firm on limited receipts
011APTUR )=IV. I o� to fk0th aud holiness, an4 to Y, , there being 0 Canadian cotton !Ile � J P KENNEK, N-Dif NSASA
, nx I
- ,,,, .0for,elm is mado. t4 John the hAV'o bel
1 blending of deforouce, with playful fond- � adieu to their friends, entered 00 'Car , A that tem- Ilay quiet arid stead d glirruirices owing to thq fact - , I -
I 11VOR, dropped upon one knee and pre- r1age, and. got out upou their bridal t0ilv- BaPtist, tht fQTQrtlWlQr Of c1riet; bo aud eternal happiners with which $(its of 12 lovtda at $2.0 to $21 4 to"' that they have had or4ora. t , A
Josq)h Barton arrived, in a plain tray-, it was to be it very extensive *ue, was ,Ijw,b thalti. IA&t, but lvqte sent to peral StrAw is nominal at $10 a, t9n. 0 Cover the Otgogbw 01 *0 Britleh -Xedlool Assotibitt*'Ll
, , selited it to her., saying, these are Inseparably connected. This balance �f the year, The opetatIves of
oiling earriago, on the last of May, and ,,Ifere is the lirst .rl!ll.rts of lily labor, The - find eill bear witiness of Ultat Light," Jesus AV" I Dressed hogs in limited ogler, with VOD,41ASFJ� JK 3WT0X$n .
I .grocee4ed W Now York change Ile .effected 1. By His doctrint, 114 one comparAy have struck, and t4p trouble GOLD ,
en tile first or juno Joseph, and Letitit kind I In -,ge lady'. barke for Htirope, where they spent tltv, true IAght- prices steady. I,Ight, sold at $7.20, 4 aae do . liV_
I* it at tile feet of illy I!( svIllob is diville efficacy, not only foi- . way become general, in wIllell c' _
l ***I ##,*tiola 1pild to r4$e%W' Of 'WOL
,%.ore quietly luarried at the village butubly 'entreating Tier accel Itioveral niontlis in travel. 11, Top' lot 1111.0 believer's 140-poortra-y- eliliglitouing, but for purifyi,og And heavy at $0,75- cries rally be affected. 1,Vlie hardware I I wes od Q1114ran,
church, and, arultl the sailles and good pool, "'Ift" i They ]lad thought to glide I-ery quiet- l;j,J of 'IDIS Master. Plaeot BathAwa. 'A Wheat, white, busli., ., $0 90 $ Q 00
, transforming the seals and julpm-ting . trade is moderate, but there Ia reported
Avishes of their friendii, they departed for it Nylls 'a Illugnificent parure of pearls, ! ly and unobtrusively through tb6ir Coll- e45la ba.d aris�n Ili Jobn�s inivistrY, Ore consolliti011 0,11d, happiness. 2. BY 1119 in- Do., red, buoh. .... .. 0 90 Q 00 to be a rather better Oomwod for certaht 00", bqur*4 to 4 0� In. I I to 0 V, W ,
flich far western holue. that a royal bride might have envied. it i Chiental tour, but everywhere in the sa.u.1pearin sent a deputwOon front Jern- carriatiou, life and death. For these Do., spring, bush. . - 0 03 0 OQ lines. This follows upon some eafsiag . . I . � . . _. 0,
C 0 AST, Oh
4 eat Irt t ' J U 1;--hq -110 im; John Do., Uooso, bush .. .. .. 0 M 0 00
The wedding day of Maud Will V4110n* )lad taken tile wliole proceeds of tilt, oW cltiai of tile CbIlti0elit hild tile young 1 4 MAL, were the Ole eat revel-0on of God, the . I . ,, In Prices. , The movement of staple gro, IRR ORT C EDMON'D
or was appointed for ThuvskIQT,,thQ 2,ttlr- $ol(.. ot his greatest works to pareliam, artis0s faine preceded him-, and in ever,y 443d h(l was A-Ot tile "41Sir, nor 4 S) benevolence of Ilia Dature, and 111s CAW, bush . _ . - . - . , - Q 55 V cerj(18 Ia brisk. Sugaro and teas ai@o firm. # . 4 1P � a
-A. solstice. .1 4. ll",.,l tr wilere file love of libertv and h- rih-+ abouit vilkoin Moses had 13 ley b It. - '-. - - .. 0 05 0 68 I ) . -
of qu,aet,iq glorious a,.- �ilolu. *lil had condense , .q. - 4 . paternal love to men, of the Saviour, I XUSAeS RK Milliner a quieb. 01ountry I I I
Had the arrangements been left to tile the labor of years in one costly offering, tile esteera of political righteousness pre. JvTjtiZ,rbT1b Ito )%V.5 111'arely it voiog c , Rye, boall .. .. .. .. .... 0 84 0 00 n. O. P. a,on6.) I
but unai- vailed waa the memory and name of irig in tdAe wilderitess, "AfAke s Ui ... and Ills. great and, glorious work, of the Peas, bush � . .. .... .. 0 88 0 00 trade is fairly steady, with collections 46
disposition. of till., beautiful, and laid it ;it her loet. They represent- dignity of man, and the cortainty of a fair to goo4l. PH 6101AN AND SUROXON
liuming, yo,illifr heiress, OV ]It%' gifted toy- ed not so nially thousand vulgar dollftri, Daniel Hunter tile wilteliNvord of the peo. th-D %yay of -tho L*rd," J hu . a tivied Hay, timothy, toll .... " 00 21 DO W I
o .0, been just bt�jt painfUl (IM) -8 al ple. And Ili till places were attention and %yiTbil Ny,tit,cr; Clirist wc,ttld, a ze with state of immortal existence beyond �StraNv, per toil. - .. .. 15 00 10 00 Torontp. There has been but little qw.floo v1th Dr, ()hlshO1.VA,)
or, their marriage would Ila% ]d night-% of toil Bud death and the grove. 3, By His example. change in the condition of trade here I #
as unpretonallig it ha i toull. study, glorloud days, Ana llights of in-4pir- adulation lavished upon the beautiful tAle Holy spirit. Seeds— . ,- � . I 1.
But the nutilagoll-IRM'Of tile affair rost- atioul young Nvonian—tho only daughter of the, I.fX, ,Ilotoc: k;ecrot of soul Saving, The example (1) of Ilia holiness, ivliieb Alsike, No, 1, bit, - - - - 0 60 10 00 during the past %yeel;, Spring guNds. are
and mighty Daniel Hunker and the bride of ptace. Betihivii)mi-a. JoAtu p,i,vto lid otfi0eitcy to His doe. going to the retailer and some re -orders
ed not Nvith tile youthful pair, they liad Tile Nyorldly, the sordid ,tile cold ,d Jesus gave evidence a . Do., No. 2, bush.. , - , 8 40 8, 75 IR VANSTONE
_ - I tile first; sculptor of his time. And ever ,oi4t to two disciples who follOINT,e(l Jesus; trino, (2) of Ilia "sufferings, and the Red clover, No. I., 12- 00 13 00 tire coining forward. These, however, are S
scarcely A Voice ill the matter. Neither the prudent, inight blame this extr%vtl- . 71 Md 'hat seek ye'.111 glory that should follow," in which Ile light. It has only been du
ialconer nor 1\14ud were in the least tit,- gance. 80 did not Maud, Ilia beautiful where Maud's heart beat high at the Jesus tarned,w said, "Al , Timothy, 100 Tbs... , . 7 00 8 60 . ring the past X"Ar AND SOLW=3
V 'rho gift touched her heart, it i hollors paid to the memory of Tier littlier , Iihe asked Christ Nvil-em 'lie (livelt; is our pattern (11, Thu. 2, 11; Rom, 9, few days that the weather has at all I I
gre� responsible for tile splendor thilt bride. Y 17 , 29). 4. By His institutions. sibea- Dressed begs .... .. .. .. 6 75 7 25 encouraged spring business. Dry goods K*mw ** loo iLt lowest rotts. Office-
ettertiled their marriage. 'ter, in it could not have dono had Tier bride. and the genius of Tier husbail;d. jyt mid� "Corne find se6;" Alldlv'ly I .
Falco � . win b ding down the Holy Ghost upon the It' ,ggs, new laid. doven .. 0 25 0 28 orders have been fair, The millinery
�N'asllingtoil, NVIlere lie re- groom ))eon a millionaire, 11-110 hild MOF I They returned to their liativo country. ,foiiitul litil. brother, Simon, aild broug,li't Butter, dairy .. .. ...... 0 28 0 32 VZ&T= DLMCI
fact was ill , 0 '� � liff lifin be Jesus; it is apostles, instituting baptism, the Lord's trade has been about equal in volume WIN014AX .
mai;1ca until tile Iveck of the Wedding. drawn it cheque upon Ills banker for th I unit reached WaRlibigton the followi 7 suppomd alsto t1lat supper, the Christian ministry Do., creamery.. .. .. .. 0 62 0 35 to that of last year. General canditions
1 January, in tile height of the ses6iou of 3 1`40theT, Jalue5; J11111CS ,, public
Airs. Level, its the nuttron nearest of price of the jewels. But this was the olm found Ilia b . worship, and o I . Geese, dressed, lb... .... 0 10 0 12 have prevented much increase in this con. .
It I NO It Congress and of tile fashionable season, found Philip; Philip. foilud Ne:41laillel; ther religious exercises,
kill to the bride, as well its nearest lit labor of years, Her ey'08 fi cc t .T which are the most effectua 0hickens, per lb. - 0 14 O. 10
I Here also, quietly as they had glided �,�.&n p1lil- Tatllarxlel that [he I ineans for �_'_' * * , nection. Values are steady to firm. The
hand for tile occasion, very prollell)' tears, her bosom heftyed with emoti,$), great eclat. told N el I-Xi4led banialting ignortknee and lAnbelie Ducks, dressed, lb. .. .... 012 0 15 hardware trade is rather more active, DICKINSON & UAOLHES
lit, they were received with I Tat,hiani , f, '111' Turkeys, per lb,.. .. .. ..O 20 023
find rightfully assumed the Of!CQ Of uti$- and her voice faltered, as. lit lovely lilt- had found &e "A,Icssjub� is piety and misery, from tile earth, and .Wfetals are quiet and prices are easy. ' I
Now, we all laility rho said-. "I am not worthy, deal-- The celebrated young sculptor was the aq objection; Nathaniel Wfts soon con- I Apples, per bbL .. .... .. I 50 3 00 BARP,ISTERS, SOLICITORS, P,TQ
tress of tile ceremonies. ion., lion of the season. The memory of Dan- vinced tileat Jesus waJ3 the Mesdall. for tile diffusion and establishment of There has Iree tivity I
know pretty little Mrs. Lovel's passlOn Oat Falconer; but I accept your pree s6on,s, m' + 0 P5iatoes, per bag .... .. 1 00 1 10 in tile building. trades, although its vola Oittics--Moyer SlocX WInglism.
gift; it is inestimable; its cost cannot iol Hunter was green in the hearts of - 1V Topio: Le fro .ale teatple knowledge and faith, virtue and- gen. Cabbage, per dozen ........ 0 10- 1 51 none *
� -
for display, and to that NVIts duo tile JI cieni�llw. PlAce; 'Jelusaloill. imuis nine 'happiness among Mon. , nob up to. illat of ,Mgt year, JL U Dickinson, nudler UMmes.
to prepara- ge ,%toil; every gem here stand his countrymen—opposite parties, n . Onions, per bag - - .. .. 1 25 1 40
ostentatious sploiltior of tI calcul. a for . tile of III. Christ's Influence known by i tis I . Conntry trade is brisker. Dairy produce I
. NY York, daysof toil—of an artist's priceless toll. parties, united now to do kis great ita- wen.t up to, Je,rumAem. ab the lu I Beef, -hindquarters .. .. ..8 holds firm. Other lines are coming for. .1
,tions. Site took, her niece to NO � and his only representative, t3jo Pasvor,or, And round tho temple dec- fruits. What is the evidence that the Do forequarters. . . . 6 50 0 50 1vard fairly well and are aboutstea4y in I
— Yost and priceless 101-0, too. Hetivca ture justicel 21 vo out jun is active? The fact that every Toot Do choice, carettee.. .. 8 00 9 00
and, without tile least'regard to cost make me deserving of itl" And she Ili,; beautiful do,uggliter, was everywhere eaated b t4e tivuliGrs- He dPO 'a sprouting. What I$ tho evidence that :: tone. Hides and leather are dull. Choice ' J. A. MORTON
for the little lady Was )lot drawing UP- bent forward andc'elagped ]ter it rm 4 attended with the most digtinguialled 9h#6p it oxen paid overturilleil Ole ta- i The Do., medium,, earcase.. 0 25 7 bo
it magnifl. MR1141 Once more found herself - a �.Iuttou per eNyt, .. .,.. 6 00 . 9 DO cattle are firm and scarce, and hogs Are i
oil her own funds—P,eltieted - honors. 4 bles of the anoney chU1190"S and com the sun has brou lit summer? nee 9 0 quoted higher, OR
' .is F ii,therts fruits of surnmer. INIhat is the cvIdo Veal, p, me, per owt.. .. 7 QQ 0 .
cent trousseau, with IvIllch was it bridal around his neck and dropped her beati, ri BARRISTER AND SOLICIT
of .111atellIess beauty and tiful boad upon his' shotlader and Ivept the reigning queen of the capital, while manaed them not to wake It, Winnipeg: Trade holds the brisk tone
dress and veil such blissful tears I Wesently she lifted lFalconer was its IRSt and greatest cele, tioulm A hoirs,o. -of meTchandige, The Jewo that the suit has been shedding down Lamb per cwt. . � _ .. 11 00 12 50 noted here last wc�k. Wholesale orders MONEY TO LOAN
splendor, and 11, set of opals'Of tile pur- * AUthority he did uporl the earth its light and warmth and ) .
tier face, till radiant with light and love, brity. . rtoked litim. by what ripening power? The flavor of the fruit. . Live Stock. are still good, find shipments are going '� I .
eat water, They then returned to HOW- I whispered. I Ill ,*Nfurch the vollug pair sought once tb:os,o thillmi;. of live sto( was Block. WInaham. ,
let Hall, where 'Mrs. Lovel vemained to ' all , I 'I, too, have a gift Cor 3-011, dearest, more their beautiful counti-v seat it t Jr. I.rople: Jesus, tilt SaN,146-ur of the Bring me all apple. If it is hard and The total receipts _.k a t tile forward well. The millinery trade Offloo-Morton �
superintend affairs until after I ITOWlet Hollow—for it rcas�n tbab will N1,,rkl, Platko: jorumieni. Nicodoinus, aoid. I know that it is the product of a city market shice Tuesday, its reported good, and general business seems to be .
the inar- .
" it'AY year. "Y'Vellinzion Mutual-
� i1age. Moutlis previous %he had Writ- Ift"coller; ')'it 'L 'q 'lot so Proclo"' ;�i soon appear, For in June there war, all .a rulor of the Jews had an Illtgry rainy, sunleps summer. Bring hie an- by the railways, wore 100 ear loads, 00,11- about equal to that of this time last
, -cival, il(r- Yours. Oil; lie-, not nearly so %vorthy * noed the sub- othex, and if it I% mellow and full of The outlook would favor a very 1.19
ten to 187ir Henry and Lady Pei yotir acceptance; lot- love has not toil Itch! born to the estatem--a fino boy, who .W1, - i-mis ilni�_�5 . I
ed �t,h Jesus, posed of 1,035 cattle, 1,975 hogs, 503
vising them of tile �%I?Proaehillg evelit, I Xtniel -lilt- iugar and aroma, I know that tho su'ral at il'),carling larabo, ,%lid 114 calve:i. large acreage for next season's crop. Col. TI, 6
roceived bapttsm tile natue of T ject of the ile,%v bvirth whiell Nimile and aroma do not come out of , 111%clsl ranged from 15 to 26c, per ewt. . .
and expressing the great pleasure she for it!" the 14 lections ar� fair to good r Ire TIns. Co.'
And, rising, she wont to all escritoire Hunter, And the happiness go the young 00,da n,ot underst,flnii.; the Saviour thev . , Vancouver and Vlotorla,—Tha whole. .
should feel could theymakes. visit aild and took oilt a packet tied with red couple needed nothing to complete it. spoke of the brazen serpent which 1109, ground, but from where there was light lower than on Monday, and from 30o to sale trade is meeting with a fairly good . I
be present at the ceremony. This silo - �vod and - And now in conclusion, it is only no- 0..mude in the -wilderrim, and said that and licat. And I car: judge of the influ- 50c lower tlian two weeks ago, (tatablithed 1840.)
of courtesy, tape, and crime lip to NvItero'he al demand for all lines. Retail trade is
had written as a More form put it in Ills ]land. Ile unfolded and ox- Fessary to add ftat the neighborbood a, tho. s,nxnt was lifted up, "even so once under which nations have been im. Exportors—A. few s4iolce quality. ex- good along the coast, and general trade Ifead ofnoc&-�UELPIT, ON -T.
little thinkinte that Tier invitation would anihied it, while she leaned upon I& improveinents -which ]lad been projected 6lot the Son of man be lifted lip; that folded, by tbe nature of the firult, they at $520 to* $53.25, these - Risks taken ot,R11 (,1.L7.,,&3 ot Insurable, Pro. e—
Illy be �oc it was, therefore, I � I and commenced by Mr. and Mrs. Hunter w1w produce. Show' me a natiork developing earne cattle would have brougbt.$r),.q0 tj has titken a more active tone during the perty on the epili or ' Ir
cepted. shoulder. I . soever believoth in him sliould not past w ok or two. The outlook favors , prol'ahim rot3 systkul .
pilth'l It was a deed of conveyance of Howlet -o carried oil to tonipletion by tile coarse animation, find I will allow you $5.35 which was the top price of pi�-ked greaterea(lethrity in provincial industries. 11-INES GOLDIR.,
w as much surprise as pleasure thatt I wet ' (rr).A.s. DILVIDSON,
upon their return from New York Mrs, fl� youthful proprietors of Howlet Hollow, 71111 -Lo a nation that has not been true to tile steei!s two weeks ago. T. Halliami FT-wident.
.111, and tile whole of her landed estate, c: The way to find SaivatleM ers, gtttho`�cd Collections are generally g9od, Secretarr,
Lovel found a letter, from Lady Percival, to Falconer O'LearY, regularly and le- Under their auspices tile mountain hant- plai,-, Jailob'a Ivelfl , Jesm goes light. On the other hand, show me an bought ove load of export Quebcc�Little change is noticeable in. JOUN, lt.47^=11�r .
c dial congratulations to the gally drawn up, signed, witnessed awl lot of Surninit has sprung up to be orw through Saxonria; 1409s tit Jamb's NfP)I; individual, a. familly, a commitnity that tip on the market in small lots, at the trade situation of the past week. . ,&goct. - 1,YViSliain, 0ot
I 0
idegroom, and announcing I of tile Illost flourishing villages ill', m4rets a woarioll; oaks of Tier a (hink; she yieldo the products of a higher moral $15J2 1-2 to $5.75..
. —
bride slid br sealed. exp, I Fee -tire, and I will pronounce that higho" Butchers—Good butchers and light ex- Collections are slow, but 'wholesalers ap- --- . --.-- . .----
the speedy arrival of herself and Sit- 'I had reserved it for to-niorrow," I that section of the couliti'v. Ws surprise; Jesus Speaks of the ant -with the outlook. - — " ,--.-" _. . .
Henry to assist at tile solemnities. Tile t. flolvict Hall is gift of God—living iva,bor; wie desirea moral nature to be the result of the life porters, at $4.50 to $4.90 per owt.; falr pear fairly satisfied --- - I _ !
Anil at this momen . .
he said, simply; "but indeed I could not I tile t4 ned hospititlity, it., Jesus asks Tier t* call b,er bus", lid; and light of men. "Anil the work of to mroditim. btitchei-s' $4 to $4.30, light Weather conditions have been favorable . . It � I , - , . i? �
letter Ivas cLecompanied. by a costly , ' - to city trade and those ongageyed in the -1, .1. �
I resist the pleas;ure of puttiligg it Ili j .,,, I the honored shrine of genius, and the _;J�e says she bas norle; bas had- five; righteousness shall be peace, and the butchers' and good cows, $3.50, to 0.85, I..' I 11,
and cle-ant corboille—the baronets 01- hands to -day." ' favore.d abode of domestic love and bliss. Jevna a pyol;hot; asks about PLIce effect of - righteousness quiettlessa and common to medium'mws, $3.00 to .$8.85; millinery business are making active pre- k .1 ilit .
ferin- too the bride. ecAnd you—the richest hiliress ill i 1w i . . parations for the opening, I'vbich is ex- , = - �
o St _V*.M1lAp; tme Nyor*J1.) TaiL-A be in assurance for evcr."—Fro�n Biblical IT- light, interior eows, $2 to $2.85 per cwt.
iends shower The End. of I , I
" in glft'A uPon nle—tlle3' ae—have thus conveyed to me the � . . pected shortly. -- r:- � "
overpower me 11 said the %I I Vit and in truth, lustrator. - - - Feeders and Stookers—Best feeders, -_ ' 11 i
witil, kindness, ,h6le of your property, and left. yourself I I .. Hamilton,8pring movement is going R C
gentle girl, with tears of slVect emotion ponrillessIll DEFENOE SCO�J`S- A POINT. * .'qkmNsrII. Topict A WLudy of faikh- Plam. - - 1,000 to 1,100 Tbs, each, at $4 to $4.60 forward well. Retrfflors report a some. P R 0 W1 F T LY S E C U - I
. C�=, in Giflisec, T%e GaMenals, r4colved BLAOI<MAII,ING A DUKE. per owt.; best feeders, 000 to 1,000 lbs., ,—.---.—,—,.
in her eyes. "What of that? Are not our inter- what improved tone to trade followiliff v6ltt for ovir iwer,-.40nir bo U% I'll ver. .4
Timm week ,i of Caper- each, at $3.60 to $4, best abookers, thin, or's tJAP 11 al) I 11 1.4,w -r-ti On, F-,"Inc,14-d.,
liday of tho Ilia, 'Mother Had Expressed D,)ubt of Daugh- Chirls,t gla,,dly6 A noblemal 0 into upon eather, Ili gen _- .
, On the 1101 t one?" site whispered, alryly, fouilly. , . the warnier w eral I wpudrl C.: yentr in -
a ildy Percival arri-ved at ca 9 e Heaven'. I I imion hcm�d at Jeslis bad mro How Savarian Farmers Got Money ZOO -to 800 Tbs. each,. at ,$&M to $13; Send ari a roug-3 sl,ttch 6
Sir Henry art, I - I ,oni $3 lines trade has a quiet tone. Manufac. ventloa or lutpruve"* cut wid wt W11, t0 T0114
. "Yest blessed b , they are ter's Story. . I 11(asUmied to him to entrOat butchers', h .50 to $4.60. , i
the Hall. and were most cordially ivel- one; but, Wing one., Ivhy did )-oil ;lot Galoo aa� , from Nobleman. turers are only moderately busy. $ to whetlur !'.!:; V, obablyA
. Mary 17011 Mul to come itaid -beat his sort; Jiisus lHilkers. find Springers—About 40 or *4 our 0 'o tL11-rn ,
rs, Love], in tile riame of I New York, lVarclx I(I.—Airs. , l'it
A .�.titblZ rl,liftctod spp$1ccflr,sh� v '
ionled by M n .your own right- it Hag'en, mother of Ellen, the London�Geueral tone of business here , -d by - W9
And o 9.
the youthful lady of the houRe. would have been the same thing, sill)W dhiel o"ra" told him to return and that Ilia soin %ras ,lifunich, Alarch 1.4—The hearing of 50 fresh arrivals of milkeis and sprill cen successially prosecill,
plaining witness against Raymana 11,Eft,lod; the -man belioved C%Tist's, words. the slub Uronghl; by Duke Francis Joseph era, the bulk of which were of medium is fair. Retail trade has a qtiiet tone, conduct fully etfiti K `ll� " I offlot-S It', Youtreal
nalia was Iv&l ileased that the little our iliterests tire inseparable. Answer, I but stocks are being pretty well cleared qudWarbiatAort, t if.quuJ,ficsustrrromr,t-
, Hitchcock, was called to the stand due-. %O son beg -an to remyer at f2lo ,'cry of Bavaria against a farmer named quality, with a few good raid an ,dd ly dispatelt wo-jr. and quiomy s,-curc II-t"rts
bustle of their arrival vrould subside be, ljvc, ,,.1ly?,, up. Country trade is quiet oil account asbro-Idasthtluvelkijon, 1,j;gbe%tr0tmnces
i ing the actor's trial to -day and advoit- :h6,.r Jostis hiad said., 'Thy eon livetb." froffmaier, .who recently was successful choice cow, interspersed in the lot, sold I
ill" Of FfticOlocy, `110 was I "Ohl" said Aland, lilding her bluphing oe bad roads. Boot and shoo manufac- furnisbed.
expected to I'Zch' the neighborhood oil face ill his bosoiti, and speaking in the ted that she had e&presed doubt Of , *Y111, Topic. iosqla ea.ving the ,rin. Ili blackmailing the dtike when his high- from $30 to $56 each, but only one cow Patents Procured through 114rlon'& Aft -
tile truth of -her daughter's charges. . pv. Place: ,T-eimsalem. Jesus Iverit to ness was automobiling in the vicinity of at the latter price. . turers report a fairly good demand for riou rerAlve special notice without chargi: in
the twentleth. soft, low tones of shy devotion, "you Counsel for Hitchcock was able to, I Bambery, has been fixed for next Mon Veal Calves—Prices for the bulk of their lines. over ioo utwapapers distributed tbroLghout4
Accordingly, oil the !morning of that jernsQ,om t,o ri,rbtend t&,o feavt of the - , —There is still it quiet tone to the Dominion.
. do not know a woman's fond, doting place 0, record a letter in whielt the pimoyor, Jesua saw an Infinn man at day. the veal calves sold at $3 to $0 per cwt.. Ottawa. ftedal :—Patert business ut Manufac.
amy, the guests at the Hall had the heart. She 'does so ,delight to depend witness, sought the aid of tke defend- ta-,e pool'ol Bethesda, -who had been sick The duke considers that tile black- with .A very few choice at $0.50 to $-, business here. The demand for whole- - Yuliginctr.s.
t,houghtfulnessaild good nature tokeeit, upon Tier husband; to owe all things to ant in scouring the release of Ellen thl.,ty-eight yesm; asked Lim if be de- malling was prearranged. Hoffinnie'r, ,talc lines is light, and retail trade is only MARIM & MAM0,A I
cut of the Nva.y and leave 'Afand to 11 erself lli� 1,yot to receive everything from his , from the custody of the Gerry Society,L r seeing the duke's automobile approach. d Lambs—Prices for sheep moderate. Local industries are expected I
so that the first meeting of the young ))and I ,.Cllltt is tile way witl " .4�id to be nmde whole; the nmll rC- to allow improved activity early in the Patent Experts and S01101tor2i ,&I
Ing, detached Ilia horse from a farni per, o,,�` generally wer-e- casier. The 01111ccol I New York 1.116 R
. i Tier. God � I'lle- a.0 1141F
. ! where, Mrs. Van Hagen Ivrote, the girl plied that behiad it* one, to put him into and I... ., flontr,
,is made Tier so!" . . - next feNv weeks. 11111C AMATMC Bl(i9,WX81lW&;n 2.C.
pair should be aloile. lu was b Ing held as a witiless ttgalust, We Ti"j; Jwus told him to rise, tike wacron and purposely inflicted a serious beat lambs were quoted at $0.50 to $7 ___14_*0 L�,___'__� - I JIC-1!
Without kilo-wilig why she was left, This was it now revelation to Falconer, him. Tehe letter continued: tip. lids bed and -walk; the man did, as wound upon th�- animal. When the duke per cwt., but, there were, a very few I . .
-� was nevertheless very glad to find �IGHT POOL WITH POOL.
maud 4, His facii might have been .in artist'e "I have no wrong impression of tile conini"ded. . . came -tip 11offmaier accuseah(d highness selected ewes and wethers that sold at I � P&II -
herself the sole occupant of Tier draw- study for a denii-god! It was all-glOri- visit of you and Ellen to Great Neck. , IX. Topic- Tlw gospel f0aQL Place- of having collided with his wagon, and $7.25 per cwt.; common rough lamb -i iation Will Protect MAY 0031P Jue'KES. - -
. -t E.
ing-ToOm. oils 'with inspiration, and "Blessed be We have hot)% lived there and Nye know .wes How Church Associ . —"IT
-lie it, -ired herself with that Nocir Be6hesda on the northeast shore causing tile injury to Ilia horse. A crowd sold at $5 to $6 per cwt., expel I
., 6 ,Ad att God for Nvomant" lie ejaculated. Then, it is all righ.t.11 of VIle Sea of GeliIec. jesuR ;,nd Ilia of about one hundred peasants then $4.25 to $4.75 per cwt., rams, at $3 to the Young Men.
poetic beautY which"-sRY as you IV'11 disengaging himself from. her shy em, Followb is letter' diveiples NverA. in*0 it desert Place to be appeared and refused to let tile duke $4 Per owt. Ottavra, March 15,.—The Men% A i -
only can inspire and teach for the be, brace, he tore the deed in fragments the defence asked Airs, `Von R "" Qtering Seeks to Prevent Actors
loved one's eyes. Her morning dress agen'. 'alone; arreirt niultittAdes follo-wed them, depart until lie ]lad paid over to Hoff- Hogna—There was a. fair delivery of afi,n of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
. and throw it upon the floor. "Do you know Mrs. Hitchcock?" JQaus 1;�uglrt, Mora and healed 01-eir Maier all the money in his possession hogs, about 2,000. 'Alr. Haivis q4tod Churell, Ottawa, are
NVAS pure and delicate white caulbric, Maud regarded this sudden change -_ about to -try tin wz- Poking Fun at Rockefeller.
"Yois,ll replied witness. "I have spo- sj,otc. in tilic, itfternoon tbo disdples sug. and -promised to forward the farmer an prices unchanged., at $15�'15 for selecta, ,
,lightly edged, with tile finest lace. Her with a look of perplexity and trouble, k her -yesterday # . crinterib that will be watched with in, .
gestRil thst the multitude Khould be additional suin of $40. and $4.75 for lights, fed and watered. p
luxtria,lit hair of golden auburn fell in But lie. turned, with it radiant smiloW 6vening, when -in the corridor of the ,el(tcd to Tile dilke related the incident to the . Sugar Market. terest. Chicit-n, Ill., Alarell It;. --If tile vity
sRait away to buy food; Jesus & "
]ringlets down-ber beautiful opeuod his arms, and gathered her to Ilia building." Prince Regent of Bavaria, who advised authorities find th'tt tIv!y call prcvoll�
R face. Expectation had feed. thean tlrm,e; it, Ind wits found with St. Lawrence sugars tire quoted asiol- .11,71ten tin application for a pool-roorn ,
and blooulin� bosom, saying.� . "Did you tell Mrs. Hitchcock thgLtYou five locome and two fisb*g; fire th-ou. him to bring suit against Hoffmaier, wrels, and lle"llse for Ilintonburg was before the it legally, stage jokes which have for
. --
beiglatened. the vivid flush, of Tier "it was the idea of my taking this did not believe �,Ir. Hitchcock has mis- M - Particularly as there was reason to be. lows: . Granulated, U.70 in bt Llieir targets Joha D. Rockefoller, J. 1'.
cheeks and kindled the brilliant light of patrimony away from you"that kindled treated your daughter Ellen?" . na mW, -,N,Qre, fed, besliles ,womell and lieve this method of blackmailing was No. I golden, $4.30 Ili barels. These board of control recently, there was Aorgair, Chauncey M. DePoW and Othl-'r
Tier eyes. I : . My scorni Deal! level sweet .NLLaudl it 'ch0.1reu. Christ flio food, of the becoiu;qg popular, there having been sev- prices are for delivery; car lots go less. considerable opposition from. the resi- so-called "plutocrats" will Ile heard tit) I
And then tier heart fluttered. in Tier AN,as beautiful—it was lovely—in . you to "I did not say that.,, � X, Topic, Josus dents of the suburb. It was urged longer oil Chic.lgo stages. .)Irtyor Buvi�-
"Did you gay that Ili sullsance?" �aoul. Place: Caperrarum. Tile livulti. eral �),her similar attempts in Bavaria . Junction Live Stoi:k. that, Ili the part, privately -ran. pool- "o
bosom like a wild bird in its nest, for offer it, but it would have ben loathly 'IN.Nrell, I said sobatthing like that." t,d.,cS seek for jcl�u%, 110 again -h-eals recently. I for youthful has referred to COI�oratlon Counsel
S V I a - - - . . Brundage, a letter received from Mr.
Tier spirit perceived almost before her in in,.- to take it! I eet M vial that - - 4 - r � There are 53 carloads of B�e stock at ,O,M,-had become resorts
their sick; many follow him for the the Union Stock Yards for sale t Alon- gamblers and -that their influence on Deering, P
. "loavcs and a of the the young of the community had been 1.
. . . ear heard tho coining of hbr lover. lovel-v epithet of endearment suits you CAPITOL FRAUDS. fisives;'i we should In'buT for RIFLES SENT AS MILK. day's market. Twelve carload a' resident of the Deering Coal
' 9weet 21auill—for you are sweet, I . �meat which endureith. Wlia(b are the . r Company, against such cxhibitiom of a'
There was a quiet,, light sound 01 yeti-il I above are horses, of -which there are OvO bad.
horsol�s hoofs galloping tip to the door, er than life &lid Immortality to met" Four Men Pound Guilty at HArrisburg, wicirks of (led? Ajwsrer, To believe on Hindu Revolutionists Said to be Ae 200 fresh arrivals. While the discussion was at its leged wit.
the elastic spring of the rider from thes, Now, lob the worldly, -wise blame them Cirris-t, They dimire a, sign; think tive in New York. by the railways. height, Rev. 'Mr. Eadie,.minister of the . mr. I � )oerhig cites an act now be!.i,,,,
saddle, Irtirried footstepsup the portico, if they will for that devoted affection, Pa. i __ N given Ili a local playhome in w1kich 11-1
' "'an Ch"is't; Illarilla in 2�ew York-, Afarch 16.r—Within tile Now York Sugar Maeke Hintoriburg Presbyterian Church, wrote actur, who is supposed to be runni ; a
a word with the servant in waiting at perfect trust, and generous self-aban- Harrisburg, Pa., 2\1arch 1O.— The. b"lose"' Urmt("' t' t
the door, and in another instant Fal- donment so natural to youth and love— Juvy in the first of the Capitol con the desert; their error;� the Faflier giv- past few weeks Now'York bits be- Sugar—Raw firm; fair refluba * 3.150, to Rev. Dr. Herridge, pointing out the side show, asks IJ�00111L to step w. mi'd
spirJY eth 14uo ba,ead; thev desire this b,re4d; g`,'S,,S all. importance of providing some method - .. 'I -)
coner was in the room, and AL-tud. Was and making such cel6tial happiness d. cases to be tried gave a ,ver- -us the bread of iife; -will receive ff-11 m l m oLetive confriis of centrifugal, 98 test, 4,05e; MOIME , the young men off the streets ' set John 1). llmkefellul-, .it ln-.I.� ,
� let of ne of flie Jer, I - of taking pour a;l-I
in his arms,presiwil. to hiS bosom, warm while'it lasts. ' guilty as to eveTy o the Hindu revolutionary party ,oucattle gar, 3.30c, refined steady. =Etm Ills Money front the
I heart to heart, flushed cheek to check, At 8 o'clock the next morning tile four Men who have, been on trial vr1i6eoulte to llim. of India. At least oric large sidpitient , . at Hintonburg, and suggesting that pos- 0 orldow colleges to educate 1110re
glets to rayon locks. wholp ivedding 'Company as%erriblod lit [tore for the last seven weeks, to -nigh'. . Xf. To. ic: Christ is light of the world, of rifles has bren made secretly from WinhtPeg Wheat Market. sibly the Men's Assoolation.muld devise people to rob the poor."
and the golden vim, Joillim, Jesus saw it blind -
it Wits a close, silent, impassioned em-. the gorgeously furnlshc�a saloon of the after six hours' deliberation, The t, labeled "condensed milk," and Following are tile closing quofatiuns some means of meet the need. "it is just this kind of titta-ek that ia-
T, - man. disciples asked Christ who had 111ii, Pei' I The association proposes to fix tip
brace of fervid, pure, young love—a love Hall. ,,a ee,,tml group, the "cynosure men found guilty are: John H. San � ' tile we.pous are now in the jilmils of na-- on Wit-rupeg grain futures to -day: -, -;,
I sinned, this man or his parents; Jesus . flames the minds of ignorant ptn.Dn.
ineffable and full of joy—a joy too of neighboring eves," was, of course, derson, contractor; Wm. P. Snyder, tives. Wheat—lifarch' $1,11 1,2- bid, May a hall as a club room for the jFoung 1) ieve thc, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,tLintt the wor-if,
I wish yen could have former Auditor -General; W. L. Ma. re ` that neither this man nor his So seriously does the British 00 $1.13 3.4 bid, July $1.10 bid. - men of Hintonburg, Games and. citter- who el sOluct _� 0
great for speo6h, p pl'elt', Iritli - of It, and if 'g coitid be donu
I the bridal party. ' aren 3 had Binned; .makes clay v
6110 Iva tile first to TCCOver self-pos. QPou the young pair as they ate thues, former State Tres -surer, &lid Spittle. anoits the blind maies eyes; ernmen -egard the rreertioviary Oats—March 45 1-2o bid, X&Y 49c Did. tainments and rnagazines will be pro- se
s od there 6 i insur. tostop that sort of sinall talk And thw
lit the Midst of the superb room, sur- . , ill, g the East Indiana In Nd Choose,
session, With her beautiful face dyed James AL Shumaker, fornier. super- ovement amon Bacon an vided, and quite a fevr of the members rank cartoons that appear in cert -ala
laterident of public buildings and torriniands the man to go t4 the Pool of Oil of the association are in favor of newspapers, I believe tbit such thing -i
with blushes, she gently strove to re- rounded by the small but splendid com- grounds. Siloam and wash; he obeys; comes back America that .three Scotland Yard. do- London cable says., Canadian bac havint, a pool table. They take the posi-
lease herself. I pany, and waiting to pledge each other neighbors are stirred� tectiva tire now at -work in. this dity. is steadier in tone and in fmik demand, as we have had happen lately would W
. And Ile, -with a loye too tender to con- W)se willing vows of love and faith to The. maximum penalty for each de- seeing; his They ally on the movements of the ex. current qnotationg ranging 41s to 448,, tion Lat there is nothing wrong or few and far betiveen."
strain, freed her,still lightly boldini one last , till ir hearts fendant in this case is two years' im- PRAOTIOAL APPLICATIONS. objectionable in a pool table so long In turning over the lett-er to the cor-
-ough life and—in. the' tromists among the Hindu "situd- exceptional 46s; how, long out, 460 to
they added, bevand deathl prisonment and $1,000 fine, The four - c(I ts b,itting is eliminated and the conduct poration c � se indome.1 I
-white ]land and trazinW��itii unutte ble ('olden text: ;f him was life - and ents," and, it was declared yeatertlay, 53s. Cheese is quiet it -'unchanged -, -1 -11 -1 ounsel, Mayor Bus
$ .men were convicted of defrauding e have employed several American .is- prices., 01 Gila players prope y ju tr a . on the letter, "I think it would be well " ..
affection upon her -charming, dowticast. Falconer looked liandsome, Imposing, . . the life Avila the light, of meno )(,,Tolln . I : 1, . "I
princely. Ilia dress was of invisible blue State. sistants, Oita of whom is a woman. - British Cattle MarAstd. A CONFIDENCE *GAME. to follow some of the sogge.4tions lie cif. *.. . .1 � - :
face. md, with Ills cloth, with tile coat lacings, the vest The prosecution of the Cli,pitol 1,4�*. . I - f fora if we can put it stop to this tiol, I
And how handsome he loob frauds is the indirect outoorne of the 1. Christ the true life. 1. A life of
fine, Athletic, yet graceful for"', and stock, etc., of rich 'white satin. His A London cablot Lon�don dablea are
. -fine' great political upheaval in Philadel- Clio highest knowledge, a knowledge of MENU PRINTED IN ITALIAN. atc�dy at 10 14c to 12 8-4o per lb,, dress- of practice in Chicago." � i
dark, resplendent countenance full of f1g,'"T wits drawn up to its fullest phia, in 1.905, which resulted in the the Moral nature of God, the spiritual _ . I - Father and Son' Wore Found Guilty it is belitwed the city will send oil' I
and splendid coujite. ,a ed -weight, refrigerator beef is quoted '
strength and fire, height; Ilia dark Ing Introdutes a Novdity at Parl _ at 90 per Ili. " at Chicago, letters to theatre managers to havP
. fall of that year iii the election of W. nature of man, and tile true liatuxt Of Ki .
Ile spoke first. "'Mallal lily own i. nance was irradiated ivith the love and 11 Barry, a Democrat, to tile 01fico the relations between God and man. This mentary Dihn6ril. John Rogers &I Co., Liverpool, cable chioago, "llat-oh, 14�Bexlsork Bid%vell vaudeville performeri r�frain. froin rt--
I ide and joy he could not entirely sup- ol' State Treasurer. After Barry t000l,- knowledgio is threefold In its contents, marks of this kind,
Atauat fairest angell look up! -Let Alto i pr
! 1) r e S6, to -day: TTnited States steers, 12c to and his .9on ChittrIts, InIonlotera Of tilt, I : 1,
see your blessed eyes I" ; office -he st4rtled the people of the find is thd blended reinIt of the porcep. i M- &reh 15.-�At the annual Par. 12 1,4c; Canadians, 11 1-2e to 190; cows, Bithvvll Electric Coln,titny, a " eotd . I
Rome' �
I And Alaud wits such a beautiful and Stato by -charging that the books. of tions of the intellect, heart -and con, liamentaty dinner at the, Quirinal -it not- A "THIRTEEN" DISASTER.
Smiling it little tit his enthusiall1in, slip � peerless bride[ She wore a magnifi- the StAte treasury showed that tha scierice. Neither alone can reach it; for able feet Ivas that for the first time the 11 1-2o; bulls, 10 1-24, trade is-SIOW- met(&" e&-neern, we -re found guilty to- -
"ifted her white lids and shot one swift, n oven g Imps raght of Operating a confidence Pole, 'it _�'eaob New York -
I cent dress of white brocadc� deeply ()a, II 0 of it we must menu was print4d entirely Ili Italian At LIVE; Potymn*t W11OLOSALE. Thirteen Sailors
shy glaneo into the dark splendor of his I ftol. instead 6i 06stin&0$4,000,000 to obtai 3 - pollittirltdo'ry oficace.
, floull(oll with Brussels lace; the bertha ho.c actually cost $13AO, . be vlevat;Od above the uncertainties of the expreas wish of the Xing� XtAlian, Turkey", young ... ... ..... $ 0 IS th $0 20
eyeit, and then dropped them agairf Ili Tlirkeya, Old -, --- .1, 0 16 to ... Beimn Bidwell is 9, brotbet Of G-porge Wrecked on Ftb,. x3.
� and ille sleeve falls of the salito trim- An ilivdatigation foll,bwdd and the the intellect, the selfishness of the heart atid not French, will be the language of Chickona, fancy, large, --- 0 13 to ... and Attskin IIA4,woll, v6o, It is suid, de- New York, INfarch 10..- -The arrival at
xL confusion so beautiful and bowitabillif' l mint -t Her rich veil, of Ample size and ca." was laid before the Attorney -Gen- and the bovillilorments of consolened. the court in fUture. Defspite Much bunt- dhick6n% medium ... ... ... 0 It to . I
that her lover nearly lost his reason, � 0 09 to _ frall1w. the Bank of Erigland- Z't of this pol-t to -tiny (Friday the 1.3th),
collivell texture, fell around Tier beauti. oral who began proceedings which "This is life cternal." and Chelat pos- Ing of dictionaries it was impos "ild to Fowl ... ... d- -77 -..,. :... 2 cc to 3 00 I
and snatched and strained Tier to 111-4 i fill form like a. transparent .iiist; a have' resulted in the indiettrient of gessed It in its ful6ss, because lie had find Ittilian equivalent lot "menu,, and squal, oat ok. . - - � - - - 815,000,000- Ile fit'llItted tild olee'tric Coln- of thirteen sbillwl'evict'd se riMn WhG5e
bosom in a delirium of passionate do. ' wreath of orange blossoms crowned her. fou lloonsommo,11,so for the former "prArizo" i.avWWOOL APPLU .1hAA1=. pa*y in 1006. 114 dedliand thak Tile had vessel was lost on February 13 mark- I
I ; rteon persons. The other te-a will this knowledge In absolitte fulness and itx� bmanted. an eleetrio mot*r th" watild ed tile end of another 1-thirteon" di -s-
. head, and Tier splendid, gold -luted ring- be tried later, tortaffity, and elund to beat witness to (dionot) Ivas -used, and for the latter ,qef.ora, Woodall & Co. oabled:—"12,700 b
light . , rolt with goo dtmaild , t he �,
-rs I .. I 11 ' JiL , . ol , not burn out. Ile Ailso amited, ths 't Crew
A ain she extricated It, in . , mtarket firm, aster. The scanlert composed th,
wit g Olt, allffil"d � lots flashed x1own each side )ter bloo . . - I it- -and thus to bridge over the gulf '" (consumed), Philologists at lit,eguotailorts tor good fruit*, othOrfidull wais the inventor of the trolley ear llnil of the Ilriti,,h bark Piritarli NV,00a.
h rosy blushes, and he led ,]ter to n ilig cllccla�, making a sort of halo around THB ARW INPLUMA. I which the greatest geniuses had fAil6d do not sympatlize with the change. and vaiulls nominal.11 1. which was wrteked. oil A reef Of Salitil 11
seat. And there, close by Tier sido, with I thent. fler eyes Wert fixed Upon the � . Financial Items, of the electaie fan. . I
. I �' tospah. 2. A life of perfect love. Xnowl- Tho -y say they profergood.Frenclito invwtots from all pmrba of the Unit,ca Crwl, Cuba, Fehruary 13. The crew
his arm enfolding tier waist, with bis 1 ground. Threo young ladies, Irk white Worst Type of the DilseAse tit OJd. ,edge the most perfect is only one ele- - bad Italian, I
other hand clasping her fingers, with hI4 i iiatin and white rose wreaths, and. three niont. Love is the grandest form of life, � . �. 'I � 11 I � v.rho Now York banks frained $000,000 States Aw,woted has advertisewont's, Ivert tilk�n off the 'bark and the ves-
resting In Allettsureleas content I I London. - I through sub -treasury operstiolls on Fri- sending, to it* 40M"liy- a totita of $22se 1 wits eventlially haulod front the
c 1.011 young gentlemen, Ili the proper wedding because It includes all thopther vittudg, HINDOOS TURNED AWAY, I OW, a0c,o)-ding to tile bo,oka of tile 00,1- , 11, I
hylerslovely eouritena,"e, and reaTing (Irras, officiated as attendants. The Ray, London, Alarch 1O.—A danaefou-14 tona- which -without it Are nothing. Consider day. roef, towed to Shitata Cruz and coil -
there the prophecy of long yLars of love . I Heavy subscriptions of OM�IOYM COM- mm. 0mr1co V. Did,well, the lmt, IkVA doinned. I
i Mr. Lovel performed the ceremony, and �,Iieatiou of iAtfludrisao Mileb, Othough the Infinite difference between the senti. A Party of 'twenty Refused Landiri . I
and joy unspeakable, lie begmt. to pour i Sir Henry Percival gave awar the bride. ong Suspected u a posalbility, Ilia otily 9 pols tjnitoa states steel corporation to appolo W, Sceivitar-Y Ailid Geller' 11'
out tile fullness of his heart; to tell lit -t nia;Ats. we cherish toward Shakespeare colliqMily, recei it' �1'111-" Tht shipwrerktil 141rilleTS Nye" sent I
I Falconer pronounced his voNvs ill deep, recently been demotattattil all mil 4tnd Christ. We -admire &11(1 woridisr irt at Wrangel. clit down, Allobnont of-prefortod $took gor of Olt ving 11 10P LO New York by the British Consul at -
of Ili$ infinite affection; of his long find , parlic"it toile, with 1)1.q P"s fixed Upon actual fact, waa deeiefibeit by a, phyoi- the � oils easo; we aduliro find worallip in Vitywouvet, Nfareli Me— A ilespateh to 50 per cent. port of thle, %Usok in 010 C01WIT111 Santa Cruz. i
bitter sufferings in the paRt-, of 1114 � bis beloved. Put lklaudl� voic, clan in the West End. This mraplica, Dilla's lieviow Says autual progress ill. : It w4Lq elaillied by the pra!;etntion . � - -
e faltered the other, The one Xddoyl Inimerisely to ' froni Julleau, Alaska, states that the —
bounding delight Ill the present) and TIN , very niveh, and her eyes constantly tioll is know -ft us i-Afluenital aboti-, 011f. literature and our knowlodgo-, the eommerelal chiinnels,is, slow, but thore that Vi4ift1l's 111-04m. Ivas impmeti.-t;ttile,
I peop16 (if Wrangel ttsAellibled oft Arrival Ia a little Impr6voine.lit, each week. fuld that tilt fA1,10T a,na 6011. R�j�, th,oir TO INCREASE ORDER OF MERIT. I
rapturous Ilopeu for tile future. ,oll�ht tile grolmo, lilitil when obc, came oltentla; and had resulted fatally in ' othet. created a new religion and, discov- I of tilt steamer Cottage Citv froiti the flei-solls
And sho spoke of his artist life; of to lie asked. the sit cases in NvIrith it has btth -crecl it God of greater goodriosi than tile 1%outh. Awl prevented the landifig ,of ,BradatrciiVa says 1n;Y1119 is still along private,,st,wk ill t1le 00MTRiair to Andrew Lang suld MA10t.06herAl
his blilliaTib success.; Of the pride wid 4,.Ifaud, Avilt thou have thIR man to be noted, worlil bad over known, bibeause tile key- : twenty Hindoolt. Word from Dougl Very eoAlscVv6tfvd Titles. Avila believed th*y %Nv,re buy-ing troastivy
its � Westtrn Tinion dividerid lie, , *
- thy - atterifice, aria its , Tillana says they will. jiot be allowed to Very dou,bttill, as it has insufficient stook � Loiidori, INtarell, is. --it is wievea
. weilded husband, to liv otogo-they "In odrtain �bevorb typhdid caiies," ,11ote of his life �Ntfts � 1. . L, � �
pleasure alto took Ili Ili,; growing ePI01) .tt quarter stock. 'Ilii* mori'will -be #At&ed, later. Prentb to be Include&
vity, and Iter perfect faith Ili his futur., I atier tlod,li ordillanco In the holy estate said +4 dootott, ,,the bacilli havo b6til -crown th(i crolo, 3. A life of perfeet f land thore, . left in the trc4sury and could not n1dolm Thr Toronto t1hivers1tv ,561int.) h..l,q the I(Ing contemplates tht k-n1arg6.n*nt .
Immortal faint. What joy to hear M4 of Illatrinlolly? Wilt t1lou obey him and fobild in the blood, thd tho same, thing doing. The gret6test life Ia that Ili whieb I The Juneau City Council At & speeirtl
Praigos frolil, her lipsl 110 it -it almost 1 eerv,3 a efish distribution. adilptod the following v,40ution for tivi of the Order of .Merit froni 20 0 1!3 ) i
him, love, lionor and keep him in 11118 "I pelted with rogAra to the in- , the grik-Adest ideks, omotlori8 And action% ineoting decided iot t* alfow thiN 111ti- 'Se*enty-six f(stilti for ' sholv 1008 exams.- 'limb the univeraltic,-i da members. Tilt.. order iq absolittoly In "* �
overpowered by them. Ile could only ; sickwIss and In health, and, forsaking fittenallgerm. 111it, great da"Xdr In such* are ptrfeetly blotided. Such wits Ilia life. ; dooft to tonle &-qhort, Ilitidods already I
raise, her hand. to his heart find pross it I all' others, keop, thpe only unto him as citses is aouto ,01cerittive Alatkad '61 1rufftit,n natilra Ia oralltAtIly so pool, that , orap,o not dc,ereamd, 24-01, k1ld fOt seven ,not rtqiiito -examinationa in Vnft Aw
gii4i. . the personal gift of this 'King. ong .1
. . I I ill '71ints...111 supported. sit the pliblie mc- , " 4 4 - m m rn .1.1
. there agitin and again, murmuring be. I longy ,is yo both shall live?" the valves of the heart. It 't)ilt t4lAk6s Dft#n tj* rAowd Aviih laxg,e Months, 1042. grammar otid arithmetio, but that t;. ill tho pro At embers of it tris Ad Ir
ftvilti Iml UA pen" will be required tit 4ettve oil the , 61, In dates who psm sahlihietorily txilwina- I' I'dijee'l Yallutgata and 07moa,
tween whilea- ""Ity queatil lily queen"I I ) king st, gemerous effort over place, ths biloill! rAultiply ovi, thd ,tit- + turitil,'havc a difficulty in kt�ping 016m: I riett boat mith, I Thirty-ofte roft(IN f6t fitst We s it tt g6bra 11 :f �
F31 lifted, her soul4it eyes to eerating pktolift Ob the46 Y&I*eA. Aila edvet put#, ond are not gr#xt in ideft-q, ' ' ' ' 12.40. is thou lit tit.
! , """' I (_ 6, I i,.,?),tb(liqIt oompositiort All(I literitfuTe. la. mout it visher, Ilut it I g -it
I -t
or some other ellithet of ellthuai.,tstio lit. - , """' 1-4%uroh *�Ilo,w Average ross -ileereal ti I I , and goorm-lry au(I v..) A,116161tll two Briti.-I'll Admirals. r- ey -
feAfflon. I ,'.,�(,�T,-..��,-"(,'.f.,(. nyldegroom'o gale, and -all8wer- ate carried, to 'the Itililm ata bralti, dtov kil(I vice Atotm- '0011alaor the )IN that - Tho trItI411 Atotall -P Silvia wa,4 wwvk- frolli 111t J� an
Nvllpn alto eetl4ed sifoaking, lie at's).q... 1-11, earnpNtly: wherd abseemm ftl% formed. It tbl;, 011ARt-6*0 114ell In MOO, Not to bi%lst I vd off WOOLItt 11trill, ,,NT,a5;s., saturtl.13., 11V. I 1lu.qlnL%gq )-oportit tire IK,tti,r coliddr,wil to littv" flilfill,ptl unherA.y Adnilral Mr Aithilt, lVil-461i A01 wwo;l
4. i "I Will!" litflt� liblia of, oft ilit, w6fideTfill quantity hi wm-k Mat I fore �trlkltig rdw livid. pit-kod. up two I West than expected. vrqui ,emptiti itt itrithittetie tinil Pilgrtl0i I* added, Mill. Andrew Litifig, I lie nuttinr,
taid %ith a brigglit qnille toolt it fleh eal' takts p1me there 18 vdry Itilhi, gramnlar." and Miljor-General '81T ("Porge, vrelloh.
, When the rites wvrp over Mrs, I,ovel recovery, (11ii1st (11al 706k At iti tTairgemilent 6016r shlp*fieked CMAVS.
Let froul tll(! table, alul, with a 4-harmin.. Towit Tdpleat The Aarrimane, � .
I �
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