HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-03-12, Page 88 (CtrareD WITIT EMMA, Tho good sisters of St. deeeph's In* tam Home say of Dr. AgnereS Cdanment—s"Wo give it our highest recommendation. We Vse it 0003Y ttridi find it a t,eat cure." St .7osephio Infant Henze, South Troy, N.Y.: "It you sell Dr. segziew'a Ointment In poutal boxeswe wish you would send us your lowest price for it by buying in large quantities. Many children are brought to our home cov- erea. with EMMA, and of all the treatments and ointments vie have used we find Dr, Agnew'e ointment tho most satistactory—eit has made some great cures for uo. We give it our highest recommendation." . 35e ceete. (17) For see by A, L. HAW/470N. 4 Telegraphy Highest paid onietaia were once operators. Demand exceeds supply. Six thousand needed during next telt years. °Motors have secured in- creased salaries and 8 -hour day. Wo prepare you in shortest time and place you immediately neon graduation. Competent instructors, unsurpassed equipment, wide experience. Commereial subjects free. Enter now. No vacation. MAIL COURSES, WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE A.Rintina, M.A., Ph,D., Viee-PrIncipal E0.Oronolv, Principal. ONE WAY Colonist Excursions TO THE WEST Commencing Feb'y. 29th and continuing daily until April 29, 1908, to following points :— V.ANCO OVER, 13.0 1 A. SPOKANE, Wash SEA.TTLE, Wash $47 75 PORTLAND, Ore.— SAN FRANCISCO, $47.80 MEXICO CITY $47.80 Tickets also sold to other cer- tain points in proportion. For tickets and full information, call on W. HENRY, Town Agent, or write J. D. McDonald Distriet,Passenger Agent, Toronto. THE WING -HAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, AIARCII Wroxeter, N, Allan continues seriously ill, Reeve R. B. Harris was in Wing -- ham last Monday on bueineee. Mr, Ana Mrs. W. Stott, Moosornin, Sask., returned home on Tuesday., 111111111111M1111111111111152111% Talk About Your annual sales, clearing 'sales, slaughter sales, going - out -of -business sales, stock - reduction sales, and your stook -taking sales, but we can meet them all. Just a few quotations :— Tomatoes, per can. 10c 3 cans Corn for 25o 8 cans Peas for 25c 3 cans Pumpkin for 25o 3 cans Wax Beans for 25c 6 bars Sunlight Soap for.„ 25c 20 -lb. pails Goldenette Pure Cane. Syrup 1 00 10 -lb. pails Goldenette Pure Cane Syrup 50c And everything else accordingly. Quality second to none. W. Bone PHONE 113 • Opposite New Bank of Commerce WINGHAM RITCOTITI & COSENS Insurance and Real Estate- - Telephone No. 123 Changes in Insurance properly made nandle the best Companies Investments made Equitable insurance rates Mis Fraser MoDonald of Jamestown is visiting with )iia sister, Mre. D. W. Rae. Messrs. J. Rutledge and 13, Carr took a business trip to Wingharn on waesday last. A. IL Rae and Ostein Smith left on Friday for Toronto where they will spend some time, Messrs. R. J. Laing 4 Go.. have taken charge of the grocery business formerly conducted by A. fi, Rae, • Mr. D. W. Rae, who was seriously bajured in the sawmill here is, we Are glad to report, now on the road to I recovery, Mr. W. S. liIcKercher returned from Ooderich last week where he has been assisting in auditing the books of the County Council, Mr. and Mrs. .T. R. Wendt returned from their honeymoon trip.on inSatur- day of last week. 'We join wishing them bon voyage through life. (Too late for last week.) Mr. A. L. Russell, jr., left for an extended trip to Loudon, Detroit and other points on Tuesday. Mr, Skiff. Robinson of Respeler was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, .M. Robinson, on Wednesday last. Mr. A. H. Rae pas sold his grocery business to Messrs, it, J, and N. Laing, who will carry on the business in future, beginning March 2nd. Gavle Davidson (son of Mr. John Davidson our genial blacksmith) has rented his father's business stand, and will carry on the business in the future. The Y. P. S. 0. E. of the Presby- terian Church held a successful social gathering on Friday evening, Feb. 28th. Refreshments were served, fol- lowed by a splendid program of solos, duets, anthems and readings. The marriage of Mr. John Wendt. jeweler, and Miss Kate Robinson, took place on Wednesday evening, Feb. 26th. Only the near relatives of the contracting parties were present. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wendt left for a visit, to Mildmay and other points. Ile struggled down the slippery street, He had hard work to keep his feet. fle struck a very icy spot. He looked for help. He found it not, His heels went up and he went down— The shock it simply jarred the town— And everybody laughed 1 Dn. OVENS, M. D., London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at McKibhon's drug store, on Monday, March 30th. Cataract, squint, failing eyesight, nasal catarrh; deafness, head noises treated and glasses properly fitted. Flours -12 a. M. to. 8 p. c Morris. Mr. Jas. Golley has purchased an evaporator outfit and will make maple syrup this spring. A two weeks' old lamb belonging to Jno. R. Bell, Sth line, weighed 21 pounds. It is a good one and will be hard to beat. Mrs. Jno. R. Bell, 8th, line has a nicotine plant upon which are 15 fine flowers, something like a cale, lily. There are also numerous buds upon the same plant. Another of the pioneers of Morris township passed away over the invis- ible line on Sunday morning last, when Mr. Alexander Nichol died at the home of his son, Robert, with whom he had resided for the past year. He had been in failing health for the past two years. The last five weeks he had been confined to his bed, when at the age of 77 years ,and 7 months, he passed peacefully away. The deceased was born in the village of Duns,' Berwickshire, Scotland. He came to Canada in the year 1852, and six years later, settled on the 6th line of Morris, where he lived until the time of his death. He was a liberal in politics, and a life-long Presbyterian, and a regular attendant at Divine worship as long as health permitted. Mr. Nichol was widely known, and highly..respected, being honest and up- right in all his dealings, and by his thrift and economy left for each of his family a comfortable home. His part- ner in life, whose maiden name was Margaret Miller, predeceased him five years. His family consisted of two daughters and six sons, namely—Mrs. Alex. Connon, Mrs. Alex. McNeil, Robert, Alex., Edward and James, all of Morris. David and Thomas died some years ago. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon from the residence of his son Robert, where a very impressive ceremony was held by Rev. Mr. Wishart, B.A., after which a large procession followed the remains to the family plot, Brussels cemetery. 1 ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes front horses, blood spavin, curb, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, Sprains, sore or swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder- ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by A. L. Hamilton, - Attend promptly to business Negleet no details Devote our time to our own business Correspondence eolicited Our aita—everybody satisfied Schedules arrange4 for inanurg. risks Experience Of over twenty years No unsettled claims in that time See ns before you do business 1,1r, john Bell returned to Calgary We tall make it pay yon to do so on Monday after spending a couple of Information freely given months ander the parental roof. Now is the time to insure Mise Potter has returned to town agairi and is in charge of the millinery Give us a call 1-teneet dealing 'with buyer end Seller tdigeittorn. ent Poppleetone & Gar - A lot of 1908 Calendars; call for one There died in Blyth on Friday, Menlo book and blotters given away Match Iths Miss Sant Leckie, eldest daughter of Mrs. Alex, Loekie, aged 40 Office let stairway south Bk, Hamilton years. The funeral took place Mon - New list of propertied—right prices day afternoon to Union ceinetery, the time to tatted is NOW Revs Mr, Small conducted gereice, Alt, business confidential label Estate in Wingham is all right it Has Killed Hundreds. DIStIlAn00 is A- ttectesity Strong purgatives have killed many Own your Own 110A10. tood. mare Costiveness is bad - ,r Blyth. Miss Colvin of Brussels will have charge of G. M. Chambers & Co.'s millinery department. Mr. Wm. Heffron has rented Wm, Campbell's office for a butcher shop and has moved into it, East Wawanosh. (Too late for last week.). Will. Spa. Oth line, lutends going West in a couple of weeks, we hear. Mitre Ada Campbell of Nile BMA lest week with Wends at Marnoch and. neighboripg Miss Lizzie rairservice of Landes - bora spent last week with her friend, Miss Nethery, gravel road. Miss Annie Taylor, Oth line, has been a great sufferer for the past two weeks with an Ate.* of toneilitio. Bert. Carter disposed of six three - Year -old cattle at a. fancy figure one day last week, Mr. Hardisty was the purchaser. Cook Bros. of Westfield have purs chased A threshing outfit and straw - cater complete, and intend starting busipess neat season. J. 13. Nicol arid family of Belgrave are visiting friends in East Wawa - nosh, prior to their departure to their Pew home near 13luevale. Hervey McDowell, 5th line, has been ill for the hist while, with what at first was feared to he appendicitis. Later reports say he is able to attend to his 411t100 as usual. Miss Della McDowell of Goderich High School was a visitor at her home on Oth line over Sunday, She was accompanied by her cousin, Gordon Wightman of Goderich. Jno. Dow, Westfie'd, recently had the misfortune to have his cutter bad- ly broken while going through the pitch -holes, which abound between Belgrave and Oth line corner. Many of the farmers in this vicinity are complaining of scarcity of fodder already. Straw is very hard to ob- tain, while bay has soared. in price to such height that the farmer is very reluctant to indulge in such a luxury for his stock. A very enjoyable time was spent last Friday evening at the home of Win. Stackhouse. Games and, music made the evening pass all too quickly, and at a late hour the guests departed, after wishing Mr. and Mrs. Steakhouse and Miss Ada a pleasant sojourn in their new home in Blyth, where they intend moving in a few .days. Wm. McClarty and family of 'West- field intend leaving these parts in a couple of weeks for Manitoba, where Mr. McOlarty has taken up a home- stead. They will be nitwit missed by their many wenn friends, but espe- cially bythe members of WestfieldOhuroh, Church, in which Mr. and Mrs. Mc - (natty and family have been most willing and tireless workers. Ritchie Cosen PEAL ESTATE AND /NSUNANCE W.INGNAM IstrstJtafrenty WO of the newt Of natalltee violent eathertics aro worse. If both - ere& with biliousness. try Dr. Handl- ton's Pills. They are AO rnild you can scarcely feel their action, yet so effec- tive that the entire ilytte111 IS cleansed of wastes, Dr„ Harniltert's Pills Move the bowels gently, they tone the ma - nevi, &Wet digestion, clear the skin. Por those subject to colds, biliousness, try a 25c box of Dr, Hamilton's Pills. Doctors Fear Tonsilitis Outbreak. Hundreds of eases are reported. If your throat is irritable and sore, ger- gle it three times daily with Nerviline and put on a Nerviline Porous Plaeter. Follow these instructions closely and you will avoid Tonsilitis, Bronchitis and Throat Trouble of every kind. Hundreds are preventing and .curing their colds by this method and report eminently satisfactory, Both Nervi - line Plasters and Poison's Nerviline can be had from any dealer., 25c each. - Fordyce: Miss Elsie Pow has gone to Toronto. Chickenpox has visited our neigh- borhood. Mr. Horace McKay called on friends last week. Mr. S. Philips is able to be out after being indisposed. 'We are pleased to see Mr, Chas. Taylor out driving. Miss Lilian Kinsman is spending her holidays at home. Owing to recent storms our mail has been delayed again. Miss Clara Graham is spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. J. Mc- Gee. Mr. Jas. Aitcheson has returned from spending a few' weeks at his former home in Durham. Mr. Will Taylor, student of Knox College, Toronto, and Miss Mary Tay- lor, Westfield, spent Sunday at Mr. J. Webster's. Report of U. S. S. No. 12, E. and W. Wawanosh for February :—Sr, 4—M. Webster, A. Philips, Te, ...Woods, G. Philips ; Jr. 4—M. Bell, E. Webster, C. Taylor ; Sr. • 3—M. Barbour, P. Webster, E. Ramage; Jr. 3—T. Jamie- son, N. Taylor, 0. Chapman; Sr. 2—P. Todd, M. McGlynn, M. Bell, W. Chap- man, H. Woode,- C. Lever (x); Jr. 2— H. Chapman, P. Chapman, E. Woods; Pb. 1—V. Jamiesors, E. Barbour, A. raylor, L. Philips. (x absent from exams.) • - • 1 • Do Your Ears Ring ? This is the beginning of chronic ca- tarrh. If not checked, the result is deafness. The simple remedy that many physicians advise is to slowly inhale ‘Catarrhotone" a few timed each day. ' The soothing vapor of Ca- taa•rhozone cures the Catarrhal con- dition and. healing improves at once. Head noises, buzzing ears are cured. For catarrhal deafness, throat, nose and lung catarrh there is probably no remedy so efficient. Grey. (Too late for last week.) Miss Eva Bryans is just recovering from an attack of quinsy. Hugh Elliott of Moles*Vorth has been laid up with pneurnotia, but we are glad to say has taken a change for the better. The bale of clothing at Roe's church is about, to be sent away to the "shack- ers" of Toronto, The 'people here have been very generous. Will Burke left this week for Exe- ter. where he has seented a position. Will is an Al barber, and we are sorry to part with hitn, but Exetersceill find him a good cititen, We are sorry to report the condition of Mr. Alex, Robertson. of Hotel* to • be very eritical. M. Robertson being a welt knoteri cattle dealer, has manyfrieds, friends, 'who hope to hear of a ehatige. Arr. Nelson Hayden did a good, Charitable act one day last week by plowing the roads all the way to Jamestown, a distance of over three miles. Then the snow plook rime along making the roads grand. If we had more non like Mr, Hayden Wo have better rode. „ 1-10Wicik, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Edgar, son., of this township recently celebrated their °olden wedding. About seventy guests were present, among them, Mr. Lodger's associates as Elders in Sortie Presbyterian Church. The honored hoot and hostess welt!) the recipients o va an ieautiru golden pies - ants from their family, in the shape of a gold ring to the mother and a gold - headed cane to the father. The passing away of Mr. James Brown of Fordwich is much regretted, Deaeased had been in failing health for some time. Ile had beep a re- spected, resident f 1 for 45 ITOF1, /delve, Prairie Scratches, Barber's Itch, and every form of eon- tagions 'telt on human or animals ?pared In 80 minutes by Wolford's tatty Lotion. It never fella. Sold by L A. L. Hamilton, years, He leaves a widow, three sons and two daughters, one daughter hav- ing died about three years ago, lie. leaves also four brothers, John, of Indian Head, George of 13rassele, An- drew of Hamilton, and Thomas of Howlett, Two eisters also survive, Mrs, Reading of Winghein, and Mrs, Henry of Algoma,. The bereaved fam- ily will be deeply sympathized with in their loss of a kind. husband and good father. The Auditor's report of the Town- ship for 1907 is now in the heeds of the pripter. The auditors, .A. A. Graham and Jno, Hammond appear to have done their work carefully and well. We append a summary. RECEIPTS. Resident fees, $ 27586 81 School puroses 1509 25 Licenses 168 00 Loan s 10800 00 Miscellaneous 817 26 Sinking Fund a,ce t. . . . '1107 84 Cash balance from 1900 0740 52 $ 54795 08 gxneisnerting. Salaries and. allowances $ 1140 52 Stationery and printing ,.. 180 55 fnt' Lies a Roads and bridges 4885 88 School purposes. ....... „ 11502 •69 Board of Health 70 00 Oharity ..... 87 40 County rates 11033 03 Law costs 24 05 Debentures 10400 18 Loans and notes paid 10800 00 Drainage 415 00 Miscellaneous 166 8* Gorrie police village. 570 82 Fordwich " -' 460 42 Cash in sinking fund 50 00 Cash balance Dec. 31st 1907 2016 15 $ 54705 68 The current liabilities are :—Sinking Fund, $600; balance on steel bridge, $400 ; total, $1000. Available assets, 52009.11; other assets, town -hall and furniture, $2130.00. The railroad lia- bilities are 50500. These debentures were in 1891 ; there are 13 of them, of $500; rate of interest, 5%; none of the principal is paid, but there are assets of $5800 available to meet these when they fail due ; interest paid in 1907, $325. The sinking -fund of $5800 is in- vested. The School debentures of the township are ;—S. S. No. 17 --Debt. $2000, ten debentures of $210.58 each; interest, 4 per cent; debt contracted in 1900. S. S. No. 7—Twenty debentures of $316,61 each, contracted in 1000; inter- est,.31 per cent. S. S. No. 11—$1300, contracted in 1903; ten debentures, $160.28; rate 4 per cent. Gorrie Police Village debentures— $400, contracted in 1905. Gas Plant debentores—$1600, con- tracted in 1900, ten debentures of $197 26 ; rate 4 pet' ceut. On Dec, 31, 1907, the amount of prin- cipal .and interest due and unpaid on all of the above debentures was --none. On Dec. 31, 1907, the amount of cash to the credit of the township, in the hands of the Treasurer, was $2016.15. COUNCIL, MEETING. Council met Feby. 20th, 1008, in the Foresters' Hall, Ford wich, pursuant to adjournment; members all present; Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. The Reeve and Deputy Reeve re- ported to the Council, that they had made satisfactory arrangements for the Township printing. Moved by Messrs. Underwood and Winter—That Mr. Hall, of the Wingham Advance receive the Township printing for the stun of $65.00—carried; Moved by Messrs. Winter and Downey, that By-law No. 8 for the year 1907, known as the Local Option .By-law be read the third time and passed—carried. A bill was presentedto the council by Dr. McNaughton for $24.00 for attendance on Jess Harrison. Moved by Messrs. Hainstock and Winter, that the Council pay Dr. McNaughton the sum of $10.00 as payment in full of his acct.—carried. Tenders were then opened for mak- ing' the Tp. tile. It was moved by Messrs. Underwood and Hainstock, that Frank Bolt receive the contract, for making the tile, his being tile low- est tender, at the following figures, 18 inch for $1.45 ; 12 inch 93c; and 8 inch for 60c, and to receive 10c per tile for all he delivers at Fordwich, and to de- liver all required at Gorrie free, and if required to make 30 inch tile to be paid 20c each for all be delivers in Ford- wich and to deliver any required at Gorrie free—carried. Moved by Messrs. Downey and Win- ter that the following accts. be paid: E. Donaghy 95c for gravel. The Council then adjourned to meet on the third Wednesday in Martell, in the Township Hall, Gorrie, when pathmasters, pound -keepers and fence viewers will be appointed. L. Weikel., clerk. Holyrood. Miss Hattie Ellis is arosa-making in the village, Mr. Percy and Harold Thacker are visiting relethres here, Our auctioneer, Mr. John Nevis, is kept exceeding bury this spring. Mr. Jno, Haines of Toeswator spent last Wednesday at his home, here. Mr. Thos. Ilenry spent a, day, last week with his brother in Huron Tp, Mr, Will. Foram, who has been in Montreal for sometime, has returned home. Mr, and Mrs, Dempsey gave it num- ber of friends an enjoyable tune last Tuesday evening. • ROY. Mr, Watson conducted service here last Sunday niorning in the Methodist Chureh. Brussels. We aro sorry to learn that Mrs. J. Gilpin suffered an attack of para- lysis which has left her in a critical condition. We are sorry to report that Mrs. 13. Garnin of Grey had. the misfortune to fall and break a limb, while walking in Brussels on Friday, Oth; we hope the wound will Soon heal, Blyth junior hockey team journey- ed to Brussels on Thursday, March 5th, and played a game with Brussels players. The score ended ten to three in favor or Brussels, The referee was "Grunt" Sims of Blyth. WON MIS CASE. boaters Saki 1Tc Must Dies Dia Ito Itailled tinier South American 'Cid- ney Cure, and Diabetes Was Abses lately Cureel, A prominent legal light in a Cana- . dia.n Western town treated and dieted ler year s ter What the doctors- diag- ribsed becantr 13:611Tclibil ettet?ill;ifIllitabetes.o lila practice, othterlaeOlripli:atietri�$ csieut! Ungin, and his eiriterings were Most intense, Almost as a last resort ho tried Seth Atnerleari Kidney Cure, And, to Ma elz1110:,surprise, immediately began to int This 18 ever 0, year ago. no continual taking this greatest of all kidney opacities, Sind to. daY he 10 a well man. (20) For Sale by' A, lb itiout4ole. Notice To Contractors. (Sealed tenders will he received by the undersigned up to the 20th of March, 1903, for the erection of a new School Building in S. 8, No. 7, East Wawanosh, six miles from Belgrave, Material in old building to be used in new one, Plans and specifications ran be obtained from the undersigned, The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, WM. ROBINSON, Marnoch P. 0. CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No, 434 Meets the first Friday in each month, in the Chisholm Hall, at 8 p, m, Candi- dates for cheap, re/table Insurance are • solicited. .Ask to see our rates from any of the officers. Ladies' risks accepted at the sante rate as mon. ItnY. T, 8, DOYLE G. H. VOOMIAN Leader Rec. Secretary W. J. Weirs - Secretary 12, 1908. The Some lith of Ireland lNews. So sure as the 17th of March is the first day of Spring, so sure does the new goods arriving daily tell us very plainly that Spring is near. New goods smile with freshness and beauty in every department, and customers and patrons of THE LITTLE EATON will be served by air competent staff who deem, it a plea- sure, not a trouble, to show all the nice things. Price And Quality. You can't separate them. They go • together. Tho quality either snits the price, or the price suits the quality. 1 Offer -Quality • Lowest Possible Prices This is the best safeguard a customer has, and. you'll find you're some- thing in at the year's end, The Tea and Coffee Store J. Henry Christie • 1 • Royal Grocery You To Please Is our principal Object. The better you are satisfied with our goods, the oftener you. will come and bring your friends with you. One trial of our TEA. and COFFEE will convince you that we handle the best in the market. Also a full line of fresh Groceries. Produce Wanted —PHONE 54— A. J. MALCOLM Successor to 0, N. Griffin WESTERN ANADA IP YOU THINK OP !RAKING A "HOME 01 THE WEST YOE STIOULE HAVE THESE free Books "SETTLERS* GUIDE" ..WIESTERN CANADA" "TOURIST SLEEPING CARS" TIME TABLES Just the practical information you need Appy tet nearest 0,P.R. Agent, OP to 0. a. Pos`rtn blitriet Parc Agertt• • 'TORONTO CANADIA11 PACIFIC RAI LV/AY i: We show a raft of the above just out from New York, Toronto and Montreal. Come in, look them 6 tiver . DEPARTMENT TALKS. Ladies' Clothing. Smart, jaunty styles, new ,and Springy, in Coats, Skirts and Suits. We do any alterations necessary, free of charge, and at once. SHIRTWAISTS.—In Lawn, Mulle and Silk. WH1TEWEAR..--A bran new stock, good values. UNDERSKIRTS.—In Silks, Sateens, Silk and Cotton Morriettes, in many shades and styles. MILLINERY. This department is preparing for many, many, surprises. Our Milliner has just come home from the Wholesale Millinery Openings in London and Toronto, and is just filled with the newest ideas and styles. We solicit your trade in this line for Spring. Variety •and price will please. aocoOtiocoodociameiocio6Cioac0000000OoociociaeooboOacodocioo60000caooadoomb000 Dress Fabrics For Suitings For Men. Ladies' Wear. , One Dress for each customer, sold only in Dress ends, is a special feature which makes is possible for you to get an exclusive cloth of your own— tbipk it over. We are authority �u styles, shades and cloths because we keep up to the minute with New York news. When you want it new, try The Little Eaton Dress Goods Department. Corsets. Not the ordinary cut. Corsets with smart points which are made especially to beautify a lady's figure. Get wise. Where? At The Little Eaton. Belts, Collars and Lace Etons. Kid Gloves. LONG, in all shades. MEDIUM, black and white. SHORT, all colors, all guaranteed; if auything goes wrong, you get a new pair at once. Agents for PERRINS' Celebrated Freneh Gloves, 1000 Pairs Of Swell Lace Curtains. •0 if if !4a Our Special Order Department is again very t! active. We want you to give us your Spring Suit t. order. Snit ends iu Worsteds, faucy and plain, The. ,s0 cut is 50% of your Suit. The Little Eaton shoulder t4 and collar will make you stop. *: 40 ' 4 AO Spring Shirts. We control the famous CRESCENT MANUFAC- TURERS' goods in Wingham. 50 duels Shirts of the new cloths, in stylish colors and styles. Every shirt guaranteed to wash without fading and TIM- I FIT. . I . Headgear For Men. Tho . world-renowned Christy Hat is another s:ned.rimontgaddition to The Little Eaton furnishing stook. For wear, style and smartness, Christy has them allt Ready To Put On Clothing. nem we mean just what we say and are proud of this department because our Fit is where we shine. Cloths, patterns, ete., is a secondary consideration. Special attention paid to your particular build. We have Suits made in proportion and to suit your shape. The largest stock of Raincoats, in ninths and fanoys, ever shown in town. Our odd tailored Tronsere, ready to put on. Well, you'll buy them if you see them. They're swell. Carpets. The top is certainly our place when it comes to this line. 69 patterns, ranging front 250 to $7.50 per pair. Tapestry, Velvet, Rugs and• Squares. Standard ! sizes, made free of charge to special eizes, New de- . signs, svSell shades, harmonizing effects, When in • need, we can help sotne. Wall Paper. • Come in. and bring your friends to see our Our fresh new stook will refresh the mind and store. FARMERS, we want anything you've got and please the eye. 98 patterns, ranging from 5o to 35o. - We do this line at Wholesale Prices. Great values well pay you well for it. You're the salt of Wingham, and varieties, De ye mind. , . .•444004444.4.44444444.•44444.4,444.4044 HANNA B Wingham, Ont. 0: 00 .0 0