HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-03-12, Page 5ahs • . IP 11 l.. 1. 1 ip r m 1114.141111111111111111i14141/1 ! ❑y !Ill 1 r r a 11111111.1441101•4141..11,4 l New Toppers - New Spring Weight Over- coats - New Showerproof Coats. Ours are just a little better made, with a littler,more style, and a little better quality for the money, than you'll see elsewhere. aipM McGee & Carnpbell. 1-51 1. a ,. chic,_ gl u The 100 Year Old Cough Cure If the throat is "raw," -chest sore -bad cough 1 -and you ache "all over "-take Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam Hest thing you ever tried. It eases the throat -heals the lungs -breaks up a cote - and cures a cough in no time Prepared by the largest wholesale drug house is the world from the formula in Luse for over a century, Dig bottle SSG At druggists. ,R NATIONAL Deese a CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED - LONDON, ONT ro4111MNIMI) MID it II 411111121Maile STOVE At cosi 'or 30 Days • g Hardware iWIM ONTARIO !SIuii 011110110 111111111111 MOM 0010011110 riliuYioi J -_._mom' .77.,.- --,.r ""'" T WIN AM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, MARCS 12, 1908, Clinton. 111x. '.''hos. Triek has a pocket-knife wilier he atairns td have carried for 20 years, and it is Still in excellent con, ditio. I1r'n. Onslow Orrell, caretaker of the cemetery, bad an unusual experience :Al on Monday, having Live graves open at one and the sante time, .20 Dir. Thos. Livingstone, of Ilullett, disposed of a very fine pair of geldings coming three years old to Mr, Rans- for•d, for which the received $375, Arr. Gillen, Superintendent of the 11/ Western Division, passed through hero last week. It is pointed out by the railway authorities that no other practical course is open for thetn, than to build the station at the Y. It is also intimated that the station may be erected this year, and will be in keeping with the requirements of the two lines to be served. There is naturally considerable opposition . to .30 pet the proposal to change the station's location. .311 • The knitting factory is one of Clin- ton's most progressive industries, A little over two years ago the wheels began to *trove, and now the plant is Complete and modern, including, for instance, sixty knitting machines. They are the most tip -to -date that money can buy and sueh.labor savers that one man has a bank of sixteen and another fourteen, And it is thus throughout the industry, only the most improved machinery being used. An addition to the factory last fall was the dye house of which the lower story is used for the .dyingmachinery and the upper for the storing of unfinished stock. The normal capaci- ty of the dye house is now 350 dozen pairs of hose per day, whereas a year ago it was but 75 dozen. There are 65 people on their pay roll and for some time past the industry has been running over time. Only One Painless Corn Cure. Hundreds have tried, but no one has succeeded in making as good a remedy as Patnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Its by far the best -be- ware of substitutes for "Putnam's." -Alex. C. Graham and wife of Lobo enjoy the rarej distinction of having passed their seventy-first anniversary of their marriage. Though Mr. Gra- hen-NS-now-id rahens is-noi -irf his ninetieth year, and Mrs. Graham only about a year younger, they are both in good health and remarkably well preserved. Tho Chatham News say :-"Crows aro reported to be dying by the thou- sands in all parts of the county. The sleet on Saturday put the finishing touch to their hard luck. The snow was completely crusted over, and the crust was too thick and strong for their ' beaks and claws to break through. As -a result the birds are starving. School boys in the country are having lots of "sport" with them, They snowball the birds out of the trees. The crows are too weak to get back to the trees, and simply lie dqwn and die on the snow." • i TELLS HOW TO MIX IT. A well-known authority on Rheu- matism gives the readers of a large New York daily paper the following valuable, yet simple and harmless pre- scription, which any one can easily prepare at home. . Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce ;. Compond Kargon, one ounce ; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. • Mix by shaking well in abottle, and take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. He states that the ingredients can be obtained from any good prescrip- tion pharmacy at small cost, and, be- ing of vegetable extraction, are harm- less to take. This pleasant mixture, if taken reg- ularly for a few days, is said to over- come almost any case of Rheumatism. The paih and swelling, if any, dimin- ishes with each dose, until permanent results are obtained, and without in- juring the stomach.. While there are many so-called Rheumatism remedies, patent medicines, etc. Some of which do give relief, few really give perma- nent results, and the above will, no doubt, be greatly appreciated by many sufferers here at this titnc. Inquiry at the drug stores of this neighborhood elicits the information that these drugs are harmless and can he bought separately, or the druggists here will mix the prescription for our readers if asked to. r: . -Owen Sound town' council at its session on Monday night passed, a by- law compelling all persons selling milk within the•corporation to take out a license. All milk is to be strictly' test- ed in future and must contain the nein statutory standard of 31 per cent. of butter fat and must not weigh less than 87.50 of milk solids per centum. Rules have also been laid down for the care of cans ana other 'utensils used in handling the milk and for the proper condition of the cows and the cJeanli- ness of their surroundings. The by- law goes into effect on first of May, and the intention of the authorities is to see that it is strietly''enforeed. Tortured trod 'tormented wttl* .111tert% rnattsm and $ciattga'-,South Amort, P440 'U140010600 Cutra tivArka the Wender, vire, :loin Visitor, Woodstock, N.13., woos; "1 had been sufferings for over three years from muscular rheuniat' tern Arid on one occasion I had a very acute attach of sciatica. Poe several weeks T was unable to walk or attend to my household duties. rrIed sev- oral remedies, and physicians failed to give lyre relief, 1 saw South American itheuinatiel Cure advertised acid bought a bottle. It did mo a wonder - rut lot of good. Vont bottles effected a perfect and permanent cure.''. 0.0 7i`or SMe by' A. L. tJOtwro.t, • M • vti!i u i+�1�1iN bP ALWAYS IN THE LEAD 444.1444444+444444144 For the largest and finest selections of the following brand uew goods, D. M, GORDON is always in the lead, Yes, always in the lead --iii Styles, Qualities and Prices. Why ? 3ecatie° we understand where to buy and when to buy, so that we can give customers the very best values obtainable in the couutry, viz., Dress Goods in all shades, designs and textures ; special attractions in Black Silks ; beautiful and extensive rauge of Blouses, in Silk, Muslins and fine Lawns. See our immense stock of fine Laces, In- sertions, Embroideries, &o, The largest and most complete range of Window "Curtains in Lace, and charming shades and designs °in madras Muslins. Very pretty Prints --the prices will please you. Please come in and see the goods ; our description of them fails todo them justice. Groceries -Pure and Fresh. Great 'Values. Highest Prices For Good Trade. D. M. CORDON w it.calo '° ��a if te p t' � if '' ti G'41NARA 41 1 el li i.o; 7: :s ST a •,.-rmcrtt�^+rm^rmnmmrtr. s`�, t•L .�, sl n> s .��,-..,. .-`���'b,+.. • �,_�� 1 -The O.P.R, roadbed between Han- over and Walkerton is ready for the ,, ties and rails. It is expected, that the - drat 0, P. R. will steam. into. Walker- Kew Idea ton early In May. The large wooden Patterns 10a bridge which crosses the Saugeeirnear Hanover and which has been the chief obstacle of delay along the Walkerton route is said to be finished and ready • for the steel, The report of the Light and Heat Oor'llmission of the city of Guelph shows groes earnings for the year to be $4838,37, an average of 17 per cent, interest, and the total profits for the 18 months were $30,014,33. Since the eity operated the plant as a muni- cipal utility, net profits have been realized of $70,121,30. Dollar gas is foreshadowed by the report in a short time.. Your Nerves Are Weak. You sleep badly, appetite is vari- able. You eat but gain no strength, Morning tiredness makes you wish night would come, your blood is thin and watery, your nerves have grown weak, the thought of effort wearies you. You need Ferrozone; it makes blood, red, strong blood. An appetite? You'll eat everything and digest it too. Strength? Thais what plenty of food gives. Ferrozone gives hope, vigor, vim, endurance. -Use Ferro - zone and get strong, Results .. are quick -cure is lasting. All dealers sell it in 0Oc }loxes, AV010.44 It ,i ,,••••• "� . .$ ✓d'ETI.EV144 IIIIVE.1? _ ,.',`�f g s) • 51441f cit�•I� • ." _ \ t) MUNICIPAL !I'io :ew gown of St. Louis ■.■ MANITOBA ■■■ • No Competition in Flour Mills. None closer than Winnipeg, thirty-three miles. Not one in this section of the country. It is becoming a necessity. RESOLVED 4 Situated in one of the most fertile belts in Manitoba., ST. LOUIS offers an excellent chance for a small Roller Process Flour Mill that would do gristing for the farmers and supply flour to the lnmbermen, fishermen and navigators, a crusher in ,connection with same would also do well. Any supplies can be dumped into the city of Winnipeg by either rail or water. Abundance of wood and water warrants cheap motor power and the company purpose being liberal with a free mill -site. The North-West sheep ranchers have plenty of wool to dispose of and would appreciate a home market. • NOTICE An experienced man with up-to-date machinery would find ST. LOUIS advantageously located for the manufacturing of socks, mitts and other staple woollen articles, while there are plenty of fleeces to be had from our Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta ranches, thus utilizing the production of our western country which is a ready market for the goods. Fuel and water is certainly a great point of economy for this industry ,and should be Trite a consideration. The company is disposed to give suitable concession of ground for a factory site of that nature and other special inducements for the promotion of same, provided. application is made • at once and the factory put into operation before the end of the current year. �+ No better location for a Planing Milt than the new town of ST. LOUIS on the Netley River and the C. P. R. leach line, being a Natural Port of Navigation. vTz' Connoted by hall and Water with the forests and saw -mills of the surrounding rivers and lakes, ST. L0171S is bound to develop into a, manufacturing town of considerable importance. The progress of the town and district in general warrants business for the manufaoti ring of rough lumber into siding, flooring, shiplap, sashes, doors and other material entering into the construction of houses and boats ; boxes for the exportation of fish, etc., while any over-prd- duction may find an open market and best facilities for shipping to outside points. Stearn power is most desirable, since it can be developed at little cost ; and besides a free site the company have other inducements to oiler to the Tright man, provided application to made at once. For further information address to NI3TLEY IMPROVEMENT CO. LIMII'fD 304 Kennedy Street WINNIPIO, MANITOBA. The Leading Store Zga70 • Ladies' New Spring Coats We are now ready to serve you promptly with anything in LADIES' NEW SPRING COATS and SKIRTS � a Now Displayed on SECOND FLOOR. Every Garment Correct in STYLE and PRICE Each garment is perfectly designed and made specially for us, and the workmanship is pf the highest standard. This DEPARTMENT has shown great progress and is now one of the most IMPORTANT in our BUSINESS, and we feel confident that the display we are making this sea- son will lead to still greater success. We extend a cordial invitation to all our friends to call and see the full collection. H. E Isard & Co. 4444444444444444444*A fA444441s 4 4 4. 4. 4• 4, MARCII .P P •P ARGAINS 1 Ss p IP 1 t b b •• • a �' P 5, 4 t) 4> 'a IIa 4 en:rai , . '1'. to 4 are 4. 4 4- P 4;. P 4- ! 4• P P 4 P 4` P $35.00 32, 00 4. 1. 5, I. 4 4, 4 4 AT THE 4' • 4 4 4. 4. • 4 4• 4- 1 Parl8r Cook, regular $45.00 -reduced to 1 Parlor Cook, regular $40,00 -reduced to 1 Cooking Stove, regular $36.00 reduced to 1 Six -lid Range with warming closet, regular $60.00- reduced to 48.00 (A number of second-hand Stoves cheap.) Nickle-plated Tea Kettles, regular $1.35 -reduced to.,, .99 Bread Mixers, regular 52.25 -reduced to 1.50 Granite Wash Basins, regular 35e --now .25 Cold -blast Lanterns, regular 70c -reduced to .50 Happy Medium Buck Saws, regular 50o -now .,.39 Buck Saws, lance tooth, regular 75c --now .40 horse Blankets, regular $1.25 --reduced to .90 4' Leather Halters, regular $1,00 -reduced to .75 4 Leather Halters, regular 75e --reduced to .50 Rope Ties --now .08 Light Machine Oil, per gallon .20 Cut Nails, per ib . .02 Lantern Globes -now .05 Lamps at Cost. Razors from 50c up. Skates to clear at Cost. t Call and see out New Century and Easy Washers. 29.00 v. f 5, A .r, P P rP P P, 5, l 4 ILL.( 44* ' *$**+# *4 i H4 Q' i "?'* : ri 0`. 4410.444#3 • • a