HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-03-12, Page 44
Now Spring Goods.
'We've just opened out our New Goods for Spring
nicest range A theyare the 1 g
and Sommer, To say
shown here, is putting it pretty strong. But really, the
Suitiugs are beautiful, both in design and material. Tho
prevailing colors are elephant grays and browns,, in stripes
and plaids, Of course, blacks and blues are always eor-
reet, and we have a large range of these goods.
%L&TS.--A choice stock of Hats for the Spring and
Summer in all the newest styles,
FURNISHINGS. --A good new stock in all lines of
Shirts, Underwear, Ties, Collars, Gloves, Fancy Vests, &c.
Come in 1 . Come in 1
Robt. Maxwe11
& Men's Furnishers
combines the flavor of pure
white winter wheat with
the body-building qualities
of the best hard Manitoba
spring wheat.
Jewel Flour
is a blended flour. It is
a sweet, wholesome flour
that makes that delicious,
flaky pastry, those creamy
biscuits and appetizing
bread. We have been
Jewel Flour
for years and guarantee it.
Ask your grocer for Jewel
Brand the next time you
want flour.
Manufactured by
PFEFFER BROS. Milverton, Ont.
--One 14 the most notable vietorles
in the Conservative cause was the gen•
eral election in New 13111p5wlck on the
- 3rd lost, when the strongly -entrench -
1t` 04 Liberal government met with over.
• �'#, xligolIl1t ,0011IY4,x whelming defeat, the returns standing
Theo, Hall Proprietor..
Every Treasurer of Church, Lodge
or Association Funds should at once
open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT for these
Trust Funds.
We specially invite this class of
Accounts and pay highest current
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of
XbftaL•f at
—They have a great time electing a
Mayor in Uoderich this year. At the
January election, Dr. 4acklin wa§
elected, but on a recount, his oppon-
ent, Robert Thompson, was elected;
NowThompson's right to the office is
challenged, on the several' grounds,
such as improper handling of the hal-
lot boxes, undue influence, and that
at the time of the election, he was in-
terested in town contracts,
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
Rest, - - - 5,000,000
Total Assets, - 113,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
Business may be transacted by mail with any branch
of the Bank. Accounts may be opened and deposits
made or withdrawn by mail. Every attention is paid
to out-of-town accounts.
♦N•NN•1111N111 !•••
Coal Goal
We are dole agents for
• the celebrated. Scranton Coal,
which has no equal.
Also the best grades of
S16ith114, Cannel anti Ho-
mestio Coal and Wood of
all kinds, alware on hand.
Residence Phone, NN�o. 55
11 Noo.44
We carry a fall stock of
Lumber (dressed or undres-
sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Barrels, to.
Highest Price Paid for all
Muds of Logs.
J. A. 1oLEkN
31 Conservatives,,10 Liberals, and five
Independents. The defeated Govern -
'tient was a corrupt aggregation, and
New 13runswIek electors had got as
tired of them as Ontario had of the old
Ross regime, What makes the vie-
tory more remarkable was the ,fact
that a formes Premier, TIi•, Pugsley,
Minister of Public Works in the
Laurier cabinet, took a hand in the
election, and made the most bare -faced
promises, which cannot be regarded
in any other way than as bribes, His
speeches implied that the Dotuinion
Government was willing to , spend`
some millions in New Brunswick, if
the province returned the local Oov-
ernment to power. The•answer of the
electorate shows that the people of
that province spurned the briber of-
fered. It also indicates the trend of
public opinion, and may prove another
hand wilting on the wall to the spend-
thrift Government at Ottawa. The
turn -over also shows that, as in On-
tario, hundreds of honest Liberal's
assisted by their votes to overthrow
the discredited Government.
—Ottawa has had the heiaviest snow-
fall this winter, that it has bad for
years, for the Observatory there re-
ports one hundred inches. Rapid con-
densation of the "hot air" resulting
from the long,:hot speeches in the
Commons, is probably the cause. If
the members do not out their speeches
shorter•, the city will be snow -bound
for ever, or perhaps there will be an-
other Laurier tower catastrophe.
—The rapid spread of tubercolosis
is beginning to arouse the people of
Ontario to take some steps to stop
the tremendous death rate resulting
from this disease, now known as the
"white plague." Last week a deputa-
tion waited on the Ontario Govern-
ment, asking then, to devise some
means to restrict the ravages of this
disease. Judge Barron, who has
taken an active part in the movement,
addressed the Government, and in the
course of his remarks, stated that five
people go down to death from tuber-
colosis to one that dies from intemper-
ance. This is startling, if true, and
Judge Barron has made,a study of the
subject, and knows whereof he speaks.
Premier Whitney promised that the
Government would give the matter
careful thought, and that preliminary
steps would be taken to aid in driving
this awful scourge from Ontario.
• r
—Sir Mortimer Olark was appointed
Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, April
21, 1003, consequently his five-year
term of office will soon expire. Very
little (if any) fault can be found with
his official acts. Since we, as Cana-
dians, dearly love to be governed, re -
governed and over-regoverned, and
are willing to pay well for the job, it
is gratifying to have pleasant old
chaps like Sir Mortimer, do it, and do
it so as to cause no friction. Our
Lieutenant -Governor's duties are very
light, and the pay goes to the other
extreme, so it is a choice office for
Government pets. Report has it,
that Sir Richard Cartwright will be
the next occupant of the gubernatori-
al chair. This politician has seen his
best days, and is now but a mere fig-
ure -head in the cabinet. His trans-
ference to Government House would
cause no serious disturbance in the
political arena, other than to leave a
vacancy for one of several waiting for
the position Sir Richard now occupies.
The spring session of the 1110
Court of Justice for telal by jury open-
ed in Godericll on Tuesday before the
Honorable Mr. Justice Mabee. The
;locket was a long one, containing six
defended jury cases, one undefended
jury case, .and Ave undefended non -
jury cases.
The first cause tried was Williams
vs. Beattie, a 'n r n
eza , an cti n for red[ ctic ,
The parties to the action live in Gode-
rich township, and the case lasted till
after noon on Wednesday; when the
jury gave a verdict for plaintiff, and
the Judge recorded a verdict for $300
and costs.
Fisher vs. Pigott et al was an action
to recover damages for injuries claim-
ea to have been caused on the line of
the Guelph and Goderkh Railway,
while the track was being built. 13y
consent of counsel a verdict of $500
without costs was recorded by the
Taman vs. Empire Accident & Sure-
ty Company was an action by the
widow of Joseph S. Taman to recover
$1000 under a policy held by deceased
at the time of death, By consent of
counsel for both parties 1 -lis Lordship
directed that a verdict for $050, with-
out costs, be entered.
Last year it was decided to re -ar-
range the system of book-keeping in
vogue in the department of Marine,
presided over by Hon. Mr, Brodeur.
There should be in the service
accountants who could re -arrange the
system. If outside help was needed
there is plenty in this country. But a
deal was made whereby a United
States concern supplied alleged ex-
perts, and ran up $50,000 in bills, all
for starting a new set of books in a
single one of the sixteen departments
of the public service. Here are some
of the payments: (Hansard, December
11, 1007 p. 510. Auditor General's Re-
port 1000=07, p..77.)
Kenneth Falconer, at $40 per
day .. $7,032.04
J. N. Gunn, at $75 per da.y182.12
W. B. iichards, at $75 per
day 2,277.01
W. F. Russell, at $50 per day2,310.80
Geo. E. Fawcett, at $50 per
day , .. 504.44
L.)1. Acton at $30 per day, .. 1,180.04
F. H. Leland at $30 per day... 5,801.05
Geo, Pare at $25 per day 1,378.20
M. L. Cooley at $25 per day2,231.28
H. A. Marven at $20 per day5,282.05
S. Kettridge at $15 per day3,407,55
A. 13. Murray at $15 per day1,551.04
F. B. Wittet at $15 per day1,524.95
H. H. Petze at $15 per day1,044.48
H. Kipwell at $15 per day2,275.15
—Just recently, the House of Com-
mons held a remarkable session, sit-
ting from Thursday afternoon until
within five minutes of twelve o'clock
Saturday night. The cause of this
long session was the refusal of Hon.
Brodeur to give information regard-
ing certain.expenditures in the depart-
ment over which be presides. The
Opposition then refused to allow a
single item of his estimates to pass un-
less the information was forthoorning,
and it was not until nearly midnight
of the third day that the Minister
capitulated and brought down the
papers required. Without entering
into the merits of this particular case,
we may say that the Opposition, and
the country at large, are entitled to
all information regarding the expendi-
ture, which has doubled and nearly
trebled in the last few years. Some of
this information never[ would be made
public, if it were not for the Opposi-
tion. That is why a strong Opposi-
tion is a safeguard to the people, and
the very with -holding of information
arouses suspicion. If everything is
all right, let the daylight shine,
* *
Town of Seaforth vs. Dick, an action
for breach of contract, the defendant,
who had been granted a. loan of $10,-
000 on certain terms, it was claimed,
not having ;fulfilled them. Counsel
states that the action is settled so far
as plaintiff's solicitor can consent to
such settlement. Adjourned till May
sitting of the court to admit of full
settlement between the parties.
Wilson vs. the Pittsburg' and Ohio
Mining and Engine Co., an action to
recover goods seized by, the Sheriff of
Huron on suit of defendant company,
and claimed by the plaintiff company
to have been iliegaily, seized, the
goods being the property of and on
the premises of the Goderich Engine
Co. The case closed on Wednesday
evening after argument, when the
Judge reserved his decision.
So far as is known all these but
one came from the United States, and
several of thein are young men said to
be receiving $500 to $1,000 a year from
the American firm. The Government
paid their travelling expenses from
New York and paid their board in
Ottawa, The allowance for board was
$5 per day each for four men, and $3
per day for nine others. This is a
pretty high transient rate for clerks,
considering that one of the $5 men
was in Ottawa 175 days and that
others were 146, 257 and 204 days.
Moreover two of threemembers of
parliament who met these experts at
Ottawa, and 'boarded at the same
house with some of them, positively
assured the Minister that while the
country was paying $4 and $5 per day
for their board, the boarders them-
selves were paying less than $1 per
day. Mr. Brodeur solemnly stated
that the experts furnished vouchers
for all payments, but was obliged to`
correct his statement when shown
that certain accounts produced had
no voucher with them. It looks as if
this whole book-keeping scheme, pro-
fessedly undertaken to protect the
Grovernment from boodlers, was a
grand boodling operation. It was
found that not only was the money
to the imported book-keepers for
board and expenses paid without
vouchers, but that no officer certified
to the corrections of most of the $50,-
000 paid for the accounting.
--E. N. Lewis, of Huron, has ham-
mered into shape his bill to discourage
the killing of men, women and child••
ren by hunters. The bill provides for
this addition to the criminal code t
"Every one is guilty of an indictable
offence, and liable to two years' im-
prisonment, who injures by shooting
any person, although the person
eltarged believed the object he was
aiming at was a deer, moose or other
animal." Mr, Lewis, before drafting
this bill, collected statistics showing
that enough people to populate a fair-
sized town were killed yearly in Can-
ada attd the United States by eareless
hunters. tie has noted that these
hunters are liable to no sort of punish-
ment, because they kill by mistake.
At the satire time they may be punish-'
ed and heavily punished if by mistake
they kill in contravention of the game
laws of the province or district in
whieh they ate hunting. The Lewis
argument is that a human being ought
to be as precious as, for example, a
cow moose, and. ought to be protected
from the guns of Inen who, to begin
with, are hunting for pleasure only,
The bill has been given a first read-
ing. and stands among the public bills
and orders..—Toronto telegiram.
—Alleged improper packing of ap-
ples through which 0. I. Carpenter
& Son, of Winona, allege they lost
$20,000, is reason for their snit against
M. G. Dippel and A. E. Sherrington
of Walkerton, James Davidson of
A1lenford, A. L. McKinnon of Paisley
and the Bruce Fruit Growers' Associ-
ation, Walkerton.
12, 1008.
Canadian Hain Restorer
Will restore gray hair to its natural color,
Slope fasting hair, causes to grow on hal&.
heads. Cures dandruff, itching, scalp diseases.
Icy its use thin hair grows luxuriantly,
Contains no oily or greasy ingredients.
Is entirely unlike any other hair prepara-
tion over offered for sale.
4 good, reliable Canadian preparation,
Unaollclted Testimonials.
'I Ti, Church,
Burke, Missionary1 , b
!th ctrl.
ra �.
Akhin,im. Egypt, and friends, greatly pleased..
With results atter two years' using.
L. A. Hopes, 'Wither, Montana, My hair
and whiskers restored to natural color, dark
brown, by using Canadian Hair Restorer.
M. Orum,Bur essvtllo,Ont. Canadian Mlle
Itpstoror is the post I have ever used.
John G. Hall, New Abordeon, Cape Breton.
Canadian Hair Restorer has worked wonders.
My bead is nearly allcovered with thick
growth black ),air, original color.
Sold by all wholesale and retail druggists.
Mailed to any address in the civilized world
on receipt of price, 500. Manufactured by
THE MEUWIN eu,, Windsor, Ont., Canada,
Sold in Wingham by—J. Walton ItloKibbon,
A. L: Hamilton, F. 11. Walley, Druggists.
Scott vs. Bunston, an undefended
action for false arrest, was tried by
jury and was soon concluded, the jury
giving a verdict of $100 for plaintiff.
Yeo vs, Yeo—Action to set aside
conveyance as fradulent. Trial not
Green vs. Schillenberger--Adjourn-
ed to the sittings at Stratford.
Bissett vs. Pigott et al—Adjourned
to the next sittings of the court for
this county.
Medd vs. Mills et al and Ryan vs.
Malone et al were to be heard. •
Some Important Facts Which May
Prove Helpful.
Thirty years ago old-fashioned cod
liver oil had to be forced down a
patient's throat. Invalids couldn't
take it, and children wouldn't. But
the doctors prescribed it, and it had
to be taken by force. Yob it cured
people when enough could be taken
into the system, for it has ever been
the greatest of all tissue builders and
general reconstructors known to
We are now anxious to have every-
one know that Vinol is a new form of
this very old and valuable remedy,
containing in a concentrated form all
medicinal elements of cod liver oil,
actually taken from fresh cods' livers,
but by an extractive and concentrat-
ing process it is made without oil or
grease, and it is as delicious to the
taste as a fresh orange.
Vinol does not upset the stomach
like old-fashioned cod liver oil and
emulsions; its strengthening and heal-
ing properties are remarkable, and
both daeters and patients are delight-
ed with its action.
Many wonderful cures right here in
Winghnrn have been effected by its
use, and we ask all our customers to
try Vinol on our guarantee to return
money, every tinge it fails to Make
rich, red blood, increase the appetite
cure stomach troubles, gine strength
and renewed vitality to the aged, run-
down, tired and debilitated, or mire
chronic golds hacking coughs or bron-
chitis. J. Walton Meltibbon, ming.
ham, Ont,
B.S.A , L,D,S , D,D.S.
Honor Graduate of University of Toronto
and Licentiate of. Royal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario.
Orrises: n BEAVER BLOOM — v4-iNanaar
D.D.S., L,D.S, •
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the pen.
nsylvania. College and Licentiate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
—Office in Macdonald Block-
-Thos. Ryan, acting bailiff of Mt..
Forest, and Mr. Harry Arnott, a farm-
er, of Egerton, while making a seizure
on Warden Shand, of Egerton, on
Thursday Iast, became involyed in an
altercation, and Shand shot Mr.
Arnott through the hand. Chief
Cringle, of Mt. Forest, was sent for
and placed him under arrest.
Goderich, March 0.—Scarlet 13. Wil-
liams, .of Colborne Township, son of
the late Raby Williams, died at the
Goderich Hospital last night, having
been taken there afew days ago. He
was in his 55th year. He was unmar-
ried. The funeral takes place to -mor-
row, the service to be held at St.
George's Church,
n -,
Heart Disease that Dallied the Clover.
est Physicians Gives Bp the Fight—
Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart
Wins Again.
It isn't a bit of boast to say that Dr.
Agnew's Cure for the Heart works
miracles every day. A Toronto lady,
living on Queen street west, was given
by her doctor " till morning at most
to live," and when the life cord
seemed just about to snap this great
remedy was suggested as a last re-
sort—and it saved the life—stopped
the pain inside of 30 minutes, and to-
day she is enjoying excellent health,
tree from all heart suffering. (11')
For Sale by A. L. HAMILTON.
In all the years that V,vg-ve been
selling shoes we never remember
anything to equal the value we're
sluing now .' in "Imperial" Shoes
for ladles and gentlemen.
We want you to see for your,
self how good they really are.
Every patr sold under an absolute
guarantee, which shows the
maker's confidence in leather and
`y ''imperial •
Shoes'are in a _class
by thetraelves.
Miss Elizabeth E. Grant
Teacher of Piano, Theory, Interpreta-
tion, Harmony. Pupils prepared
for Conservatory exams.
Studio in Macdonald Block — 2nd Floor.
Terms on application:
General Hospital,
'(Under Government Inspection.)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished.
Open to all regularly licensed physicians.
Rates for patients (which include board and
nursing).. -43.50 to $15.00 par week, according
to location of room. For further informs,-
Box 223, Wingham, Ont.
Chen. B. Gretn w Wing)►e►rn
Thoroughness is the key-noto of this
institution. Our school stands for what
is HIGHEST and BEST in business
education. Wo have throe departments
—Commercial, Shorthand and Telegra-
phic. Our graduates always succeed.
If interested, get our free catalogue.
Capital (paid up) - $3,848,000
Reserve (ed n l d. - $5,068,000
Total Assets, over $48,000,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Can-
ada, the United States and Europe.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and
upwards, and added to principal quarterly.
D. T. HEPBURN, ]ganger
R. Vanstone, Solicitor
Protection and Safe
ARE coranlNED IN
The Endowment Policies
The Dominion Life*
A sound, well managed
Canadian Life Assurance Company,
Average rate of Interest
earned in 1906--
6.73 PER CENT;
Local Agent -- Wingham,
A Mistake
If you bay a Piano with,
out seeing our stook, comparing
prices and tatting into a000unt
the quality of the instrument.
All the best makes always in
stock Iieintznran, Newcombe,
Dominion, and others.
Also Organs, and the Very
best Sowing Machineit,
David Bell
Stand --Opp. Skating Rink
Jno. Kerr
New Goods For Spring.
NEW BOOTS AND SI-1OES for Men, Women,.
Boys, Girls and Infants. Quality guaranteed.
New Ribbons, Collars, Belts; Hat Pins.
New Muslin, Lawn and Curtain Net.,
New Table Linens, Table Cloths and Napkins.
Fine Bleached Damask Cloths—Napkins to match.
New Patterns every week.
You get the very latest styles
in the Ladies' Hoine Journal
Patterns. As soon as a pat-
tern is out of style, it is re-
called. No out of date pat-
terns here,
New Groceries, New Spices.
Our Spices are pure. Our Groceries are fresh
and good. New Biscuits and Confectionery. New
Fruit. Another five gross lot of fine Toilet Soaps.
Salada Tea and Blue Ribbon Tea at old prices.
Try our home-made Orange Marmalade, it's good,
Buy your Lantern Glasses here, only 5c each.:
Be sure you get the
"New Spring Quarter-
ly Style Book." The
best fashion book pub-
lished, Every, woman
should have one,
Price, 35c for the. Style Book and a 15c Pattern.
We expect to have every department full of new
goods in a few days. They are coming just as fast
as the manufacturers and wholesale dealers can for-
ward thein.
,a aI ail, ,u. ii u,I . ,m,u.a.0 A. 111.1 11.11
• .1 I Lit 1.1...,,J4 AIM
Seed Graf
For Sale.
Peas, Barley, and a
new variety of
Also Goose Wheat.
A. Mills