HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-03-05, Page 88 THE WINGHAAL A 1 • . .DVASOBt TRIMSDAy mAReff
lteliered in 00 bliaUtea.
Dr, Agnew'a Heart Cure not only
cures the heart, but the nerves as well. .
In ft trice it allays pain, in a twinkling
it gives strength and vigor and it
works a quick and permanent euro as
by magic. This remedy cures by
new process and is an honest, harm-
less, wonderful remedy' for weak
hearts, weak nerves, weak blood. (13)
Dr...agnew'a Liver rine, 40 doses, 10e.
For Sale by A. L. Ilaunaort.
40101 • '1.1 .1
Richest paid oillolals were once
operators. Demand exceeds supply,
bix thousand needed Aurin next few
years. Operators have secured, in-
creased salaries and 8 -hour day,
We prepare you in shortest tisne
and place you Immediately upon
Competent instructors. unsurpassed
equipment, wide experience.
Commercial subjects free.
Enter nosy. No vacation,
A. A. llianka,
Geo. Sporran', Frincleal,
The roads are passable, bat still in a
very bad condition.
M. Coulson s roe; vertu slowly
from L very severe a,tta of la.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wylie ere both laid u
with le. grippe ; We hope for their
speedy reOnVerr,
Ur. joint Wray, who has been so
seriously ill, is now able to be around
et hie work again,
Mr, Allan IfiFalielt lots been drawing
h iy to Wroxeter ; hay is worth hand-
ling at $10 per ton.
Mr. Ezra alerkley has been under
the doctor's care this last week; at
last reports he was improving.
Mr. Peter McDougal bought three
fine cows last week; real good cows
are very scarce around these parts,
Mrs. Wm. Weir and son John have
returned from Clinton, where they
wei'e visiting Mrs. Weir's daughter,
Mrs. Bartley,
• Mr, Robt. Breen is drawing wood to
Wingham, Xr. Breen has had quite
a spell of sickness, but we are pleased
to say he is able to get out egain.
By all aecoluits feed is going to be
a very scarce article among the farm
era before the middle of May, and yet
stock seems to bring very good prices
at the auction sales.
Mr. Geo. Dane of Gorrie died on
Sunday last, aged 00, Ele was single,
and resided with his brother, Mathew..
-• He had been a long time in Howick,
and was well respected.
Thos. McMichael sold a fine bunch
of fat cattle this week. There were
sixteen of them, and they- were dan-
dies, They should bring, Mr. Mc-
Michael quite a few d,ollars, for it cost
something to fatten them. •
Thos. Martin has removed from near
Wroxeter to the farm recently vacat-
ed by john Galbraith, who. purchased
Oliver Millsfarm near Bluevale, and
has removed there. We hope the
new neighbor will prove as good as
the old, and no doubt he will.
Mr. John M^Burney is agairedra.w-
it% hay to Wingham. Mr. McBurney
is a self-made man, and the kind of
men we should take pattern from,
While he is prospering 012 every hand,
his family do not hesitate to put their
shoulders to the wheel in a time of
need. It would be better for Ontario
if there were more men like him
in it.
I • w. •
Colonist Excursions
Commencing Feb'y. 29th and
continuing daily until April 29,
19081 to following points :—
vAtrootrvstt, 13.0.
E, —
SEATTLE_ , 'Wash 47 75
PORTLAND, Ora .....
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal} $47.80
MEXICO orr2.. .$47.80
Tickets also sold to other cer-
tain points in proportion.
For tickets and full Information, call on
HENRY,W. Town Agent, or write
J. D. McDonald
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Has moved his Stook of
to the old PUT OFFICE
STORE in the Macdonald.
Block, opposite new Bank
of Commerce, and is now
ready for business.
Stock Fresh, Prices Right.
W. Bone
Ptacors 113
. tiowiCk. Morris. Pliy Thie Poor eirl.
g f
A.eaos Willis of Gorrie has rented .6,esessor Wagon, is making his Ma-
Growinhat without aststrength--yes, Into weakness,
. Tired of amuse
Bert Ring's farm on the 10th con., and nual rounds, she is, pale end thin too, She doesn't
will take possession soon, W• hear On rob. 10th; a young son Caine. to eat enougb and digests far too little,
that Mr, King will go. West. - grace tbe beam of mr. go, Mrs, j'ag. This.conalition is so common. but how
seldom notieed even hy fond parent5.
lee is being delivered from Lalgelet Sliedden. Give her Terrozone—then watch her
at each of the Clifford hotel storages, Joseph Parker and hride. of Schretappetite improve—see her cheeks and
Thequality of the ice is only mode*'- her are visiting with friends and, reia„ lips grtnv ruddy,. watch her spirits
ate, being sandwiched with snow.
The Wingham Advance and the To-
ronto 'Weekly Mail -Empire can be had
for a whole year for $1,13. This low
rate may soon be withdrawn. Sub-
scribe at once,
Da..Ovstte, M.D., London, Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at McKibbon's
drag stere, on Monday, March 80th.
Cataract, squint, failing eyesight,
nasal catarrh, deafness, head noises
treated and glasses properly fitted.
- flours -12 a, m. to 8 p.
Insurance and Real Estate
Telephone No. 128
Changes in Insurance properly made
Handle the best Companies
Investments made
Equitable insurance rates
Attend promptly to business
Neglect no details
:Devote our time to our own business
Correspondence solicited
Out aira—everybody satisfied
Scheduled arranged for manurg. risks
x.perience of over twenty years
NO unsettled rattans in that time
Sea nil before you do business
We can make it pay you to do so
Information freely given
Now is the time to insure
Give tie g Call
nonest dealing with buyer and seller
A Tot a 1908 Oalendare; call for one
ItIento books and blotters given away
Ofilee 1st stairway south Bk. Hamilton
Near list 052 properties—right peicee
The) time te invest is NOW
411 Ittsittess confidential
*Real Estate In Wingluatt is all tight
Inetranee is a nebetssity
Own yonr own home.
. The measles and the mumps are pre-
valent. •
People are beginning to wish for
more settled weather.
The Township COuncii met in Ford-
wich on Satorday and awarded the
printing to the Wingbana Advance,
Oft -Male say that the printing was
never done as well as it was last year,
end the price was certainly r,eason-
Or worthy Reeve and Depaty-reeve
attended the County Council last
Week in Seaforth, and were again
storm -stayed in Winghean, -We hear
that the Good Roads by-law of the
County Council was knocked higher
than a kite.
Owing to an outbreak of scarlet
fever, Clifford public schoel was on
Friday last closed for a week, or pro-
bably longer. The outbreak was
first reported last week, and prompt
measures were taken by the Board of
Health to prevent the spread of the
Thos. Montgomery; who has had
Wm. .A.ndison's farm on the Oth con,
rented for the past three years will
move next week to the McMicheal
%tw near Wroxeter. Mr. M. bas
been a good resident of Howiek and
his neighbors will he sorry to see him
go. Mr. W. Andison will move on to
the farm and again try his hand be-
hind the plow.
Mr. Qeo. Rusk, sr„ the well known
resident of this locality; died at his
home on the 14th of Bowiek, about
two miles from the village, on. Tues-
day afternoon. Mr. Rusk was strick-
en with paralysis late en Saturday
evening last, from the effects of which
he neverrecovered consciousness. His
son, Prof, W. J. Rusk, of Grinnell,
Iowa, arrived home a few minutes be-
fore his father's death.
three at Sunshine.
Teter Barr, lIth line, has 0 spring
lambs already added to his flea, 2 of
them arriving in January,
Mr. Lowe and Mr. Davidson of
Leadbury were visiting with Edwin
and Teed Armstiong last week,
The horse fair will be held next
Friday afternoon. ,
Blyth spring show will be held here
on Tuesday, March 81.
John I. Kelley, formerly of Blyth,
has purchased the Walker House in
Kincardine and will take possession in
The C. P. R. has removed the 11.52
and 6.20 trains on this line for the
present till the snow storms subside.
Snowplows run ahead of the morning
train and evening express and being
them in on time. The G. T. R. even-
ing train gets here about once a week
on time.
The Auburn Rifle Association will
Dan. Black of GIamis isVisiting hold. an oyster supper and concert in
friends in the neighborhood. • the Temperance Hall, Auburn, on
Mr. Forma intends to have his sale Wednesday, March 4. jos. Stalker
on the eighteenth of this month. and John Moore, of Blyth; Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Elliott spent a Downs, of Clinton; Jas. Redmond, of
few days at Teeswater with relatives. Westfield ; F. A. Sutherland and Har-
vey McGee, of Auburn, will supply
Miss Maggie McKenzie of Janette -
the programme.
dine is spending a few days in the vil-
Mrs. J. G. Moser met with what
lage. •
Harry Bell, of the tenth concession • might have been a most serious
entertained his friends on Friday accident this week She was on a
night last. step -ladder, which had some ice on
••the foot of it.. The ladder slipped,
Will, Hayes, who has been up nortn throwing Mrs. Moser to the floor and
for a couple of weeks, has returned causing her to break her arm and also
home again. • •cutting her face, which came into eon -
Jas. Baker, who had his foot cut tact with some other article.
while chopping in the bush, is able to
be out again.
Miss Nellie Haines, who has been How To Remove Warts.
visiting her sister at Bayfield, has re-
. It's really a simple nriat‘er to remove bride of Schrieber, Ont., were visitors
turned home
warts and callouses if you apply Put -
Teaming seems to be rather dtmeult nain's • Corn and Wart Extradtor. at the home of the former's uncle,
Cure is certain—failure impossible— Geo. Barkley, Brussels. Mr. Parker
to do lately, on account of the condi- if yon use "Putnern's."
tion of the roads.• Was a former resident a town, being.
" - Jr •a son of the late Geo. Parker, of San -
A number from here attended the
funeral of Mr. Peter Watson at Luck- • Belmore. •
now on Saturday. Robb. Ross, who has spent the win -
Wm. Findlater of Dauphin, Man.,' ter here, will take a position on the
Rodger Corrigan entertained a num- is visiting at his home here. • steamer Mornnnit running between
bei of Lucknow and other friends last
Friday, and everybody enjoyed them- Miss Alice Irwin- of Wro•xeter was Fort William and Montreal. The
selves till the early hours of the moth- the guest of Mrs. Jeffrey last Skinday.
and is having new boilers placed. in
boat is laid up at. Toronto this winter
Mr. and Mrs. Copeland and daugh-
in I W ih hi•successful
Airs. Jas, 13. Berney of 4th line is
visiting at Landesbaro this week,
with her slater, Mrs, John Rirkcon-
Mr. Geo. Turvey and family have re-
turned to their farm in this township
after three years' residence in Wing -
Miss M, E. jermyn, who has spent
the past six months in. Wingbatn, has
returned home for a While before go-
ing to Toronto.
The total receipts of the township
for 1907 were $38,08i.54r, and the ex-
penditure, $35,602.08. The assets axe
placed at $0,400.00, and the 'liabili-
ties, $8,028.29.
Ritchie & Cosens
iffrotinitty Slut the
Last week James Speir, who is a
breeder of good stock, disposed of a
young thoroughbred Durham bull to
William Fraser, 14th 'con, of Grey, at
a good figure,
Recently the members of Jackson's
church, 8tb line, took in a load of oats
and mangoicls as New Yeatoe gifts
for their esteemed pastor, Rev, 0,
Anderson of Blyth.
• Last week the remains of Miss Find -
later arrived from Los Angeles, and
were interred in Wingham cemetery
on Saturday. The funeral was very
largely attended,
Mr. Bert and the Misses Bessie and
• Ethel Watson attended the reception
given by Isfr. and Mrs. Qeo. Ohristo-
pher of Walton, on Friday evening'
last, in honor of .their son William,
and Miss Lncy Sholdice of that place,
who were married on Wednesday last.
One of the pioneers of Morris Town-
ship passed away on Thursday in the
person of Robert B. Laidlaw, in his
eightieth year. Be settled on his
farm on lot 14, eon. 9, over 50 years
ago. His wife predeceased hii . twelve
years ago on Wednesday, the day he
had the stroke, which proved fatal.
' To Cure Sniffling Colds.
The easiest and pleasantest cure is
"Catarrhozone" which fills the nose,
throat and lungs with healing balsams
and pine essences that kill a cold in-
stantly. You experience a pleasant
sensation of relief at once. Soreness,
congestion and irritation leave --the
nose and throat, the head is cleared
and every trace of cold or catarrh is
cured. Catarrhozone is so sure, so
pleasant, such a safe remedy for win-
ter ills that you can't afford to do
Without it. Sold by all dealers, 25c
and $1. Get Catarrhozone to -day.
• =
The bachelors and benedicts of Brim:
eels hold their annual ball, on Friday
of this 'week.
'Geo. Muldoon, of town, and George
Keys, of Morris, each have a ear of
horses ready for shipment to the West,
but owing to the disarrangements of
the freight service on the raihiays
have not been able to ship.
On Friday last Walter and Mrs.
Wilbee, Turnberry St., Ilritssels, cele-
brated their Silver Wedding. Owing
to the recent demise of the latter's
mother the Customary jubilation over
such important anniversaries was not
beCtiductor Joseph C. Parker and
Ilse. able gain Is Mundy the result
of eating and digesting enough, and
thereby nourishing blood, twain and
nerves. To n women Terracotta
restores strength she has lastr—to a,
girl it brings strength perhaps she
never knew, Yott'll, try Ferrozone,
60s at all dealers
Notice To contractors..
Sealed tenders will be received by
the undersigned up to the 20th of
March, 1008, for the erection of a new
School Building in S. S. No. 7, Rout
Wawanosh, six miles film Belgrave.
Material in old building to be used in
new One. Plane and speciflektions
can be obtained from the model:signed.
The lowest or any tender not neceS-
sadly aceepted,
Marnoeh P. 0.
Fartn For Sale.
Lot 20, Con. 1, Kinlose, is offered for
sale, comprising 100 acres ; about 90
acres cleared. and well fenced. It has
a good frame barn, brick house and
orchard, and is well watered, It is
situated one mile from Whiteehnrch,
five from Luelinow and seven from
Winghana. For particulars, apply to
shine, and is a popular young man.
Residents of this vicinity regret to There was ncr service •in the Met
hear of the death of Miss Wasman of dist church last Sunday owing to the denly on Wednesday morning of laSt
Clinton, a former resident bete. She bad roads, which prevented Mr. Rue- swaegeihnra at, his home 707 Fitzhugh St.,
Was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. sell from coming fx..om Wroteter, w Mich. :iVithoht warning,
the home is bereft of father and has -
13'. Wasman, who removed to Olin, Last Wednesday evening a number band, the Only intimation of inibend-
ton a few years ago. The funeral, on of the young people of this vicinity ing- ill, being discovered early fit the
the 21st, was largely attended, Rev. were invited to the home of Mr. Wm. morning, when his wife awoke to find
D. Rogers of Seaforth, a former pas- McEee where a pleasant evening was ' him breathing with a great deal of
tor, conducting the service. Many spent in games and other arttUSe- effort.
beautiful floral tributes Were laid upon ments, but the chief characteristic
the casket, Owing to poor health, W. J. was heWevet an oyster supper.,
tett, who has been manager of Brus-
c - 1 Next Monday night, a scotch pen- sets branch of the Metropolitan Bank,
lie bled Of Kidney Disease. gram will be given at the Literary for nearly two years, has asked for
Society at /nglis/ school-hoese. " A
How often we hear of these sad• and beat granted an extended holiday
very good debate Was given a week
The back pains and headache . . . of five months. The Blink here will
:eiTs.noticed—brit not treated. Dizzy. ago last Monday, the subject ofvial& be plated in charge 02 13' H. ()pray.
vole, frequent call and languid. eornh- was "Resolved that Reading is more who was a formee member of the staff
until the disease was far advanced, 1.1.1--64- here for several years, Who tales
hong appeared, hitt nothing was done instructive than Travellieg."
cute invariably restitt.4 from Dt. eaptaLo. _of the affirmative was sar, official ettasge next Monday. Me,
'Hamilton's Pills. They restore pee- Geo. MeJS.06, and the captain of the Fawcett expects to spend probably a
We w s 62,..
ter Hattie are spending a few weeks
With Mr, Fleming Ballagh. They season.
A former resident a Brussels, Itobt.
tend going west in the spring.
ho. Mattice, was taken from this life sari -
J. '1%
Miss Elizabeth E. Grant
Teacher of Piano, Theory, Interpreta-
tion,Harmony. Pupils prepared
fr Conservatory exams.
Studio in Macdonald Mock —2nd Floor.
• Terms on application,.
feet health. destroy every symptom of negative, Mr, - Geo. Lowry. The month here and will theti take a trip
diseased kidneys, build lip cOnstittl-• deeision was given in favor of the
tions that defy farther outbreaks. etarraatire, with a view of building up.
Because purely vegetable, and free #...t ,
from injurious materials; no remedy v - x
equals Dr. Hamilton's Pills for ,Kid-
ney and Liver complaint, Sold in 250
boxes by all dealers.
Vield—In Wingham, rob, 20th, to Mr.
and um Wm. Field, aeon.
Hutton—In Mottle, March 2nd to Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Hutton, a daughter.
Dennis—Di Winglaixtri, March 2nd, to
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dennis, a
gdwarae—in Wingluttn, T'elt. 22nd, to
• Mr. anc1 ClarittOpher RdWarde,
a daughter,
Does Your Side Ache
•When the first syinctoms appear,
• It penetrates to the muscles apcl
chords that are sore—take away attif
WM, Raker, 10th clan., is pulling ness--rentoves all straAn find intim-
- dowtt his barn and rebuilding. It inetion. If the condition is theoni%
affected spot. This draws out any
Andrew Johnston has ditpo,sed of virua Or Sleuralte irritation, restores
• earl, The price is said to be in the momently cures mg weaknese or
straw died will be built by XL titb With Neiviline—eu it In deeply.
Speiratt, 10th non., 28x40 feet.
will be 40x80 feet. 'put Xerviline Porous Plaster on th
his Earns near Walton to Wm. David- the tissue to t eir healthiness, per -
'neighborhood of 29,400. Me. John . tendency to pain. eeviline Piasters
aton has purehated the house and lot absca'll all the h t
deletdriotis aecretions througthe eeaxed perres and when
belonging to john Irvine In the vil. used along with Nervilitte IWO, every
• loe,
imueottlar pelt or mile mot to.
e Little Eaton
lith of Ire1an Ne
So sure as the 17th of March is the first clay of
Spring, so sure does the new goods arriving daily tell
us very plainly that Spring is near. New goods smile
with freshness and beauty in every department, and
customers and patrons of THE LITTLE EATON will
be served by our competent staff who deem it a plea-
sure, not a trouble, to show _all the nice things.
Ever think what it moans to get your
order filled with goods bought by the
merchant on the "Just.as good" principle,
IT MEANS peer material— bad work-
monship—inferlor goods, and. --a host of
other things.
In Eatables Tcigclie'7u3n0t1.1hulnijat in
our food produedon we want best.r.u.so.
• liestanv, SANITARY Conditions -- and
that's where the best comes from.
Get THAT Best Here
J. Henry Christie
Royal Grocery
• To Please
• Is our principal °beet. The
better you are satisfied with
•our goods, the oftener you
will come and bring your
friends with you.
One- trial of our —TEA.
and COFFER will convince
sea that we handle the best
in the market. Also a full
line of fresh GrOcerieS.
• Produce Wanted
—PHONE 54—
Successor 50 O. X. Griffin
L -11
W TOU 110141a or MAKING
A ittailig IN TOE WEST
Free Books
"SETTLERS' 01011)E"
Just the practical
you need
Apply i6 esarsst
gent, or to
c. t. reerteet
District PAus, Awn
• awriiimithitt•••••.
• One Dress for eaoh. customer, sold only in Dress
O ends, is a special fealore which makes it possible for
I: you to get an exclusive cloth ,of your own—tlaink it .
over. We are authority on styles, shades and cloths •
because we keep up to the minute with New York
1 news. W hen you want it new, try The Little Eaton
4 Dress Goods Department.
Ladies' Clothing.
Smart, jaunty •styles, new and Springy, in 4
Coats, Skirts and Suits. We do any alterations- i!
necessary, free of cliarge, and at once.
SHIRTWAISTS.—In Lawn, 1Viu11e and Silk.
WHITEWEAR.—A bran new stock, good
UNDERSKIRTS.—In Silks, Sateens, Silk and
Cotton. Morriettes in many shagles and styles.
This department is preparing for many, many,
surprises. Our Milliner has just come home from
the Wholesale Millinery Openings in. London and
Toronto, and is just tilled with the newest ideas
and styles. We solicit your trade in this lint;
for. Spring. Variety and price will please.
Dress Fabrics For
Ladies' Wear.
10 Corsets.
Not the ordinary out. Corsets with smart points -
Iwhich are made especially to beautify a lady's figure.
Get wise. "Where ? At The Little Eaton.
h Belts, Collars and Lace
We show a raft -of the above just oat from New
••• York, Toronto and Montreal. Come in, look them
•• over. •
- 'T1
Kid Gloves.
LONG; in all shades. MEDIIIK, black and white.
SHORT, all colors, all guaranteed; if anything goes
wrong, you get a new pair at once. Agents for
PERRINS' Celebrated French Gloves.
1000 Pairs Of Swell
Lace Curtains.
The top is certainly our plat* when 11 coined to
this line. 69 patterns, ranging from 26o to $7.50 per
Wail Paper.
• Suitirigs For Men.
Our Special Order Department is again very
active. We want you to give ns your Spring Sait
ordei. Snit ends in Worsteds, fancy and plain. The
cut is 50% of your Suit. The Little Eaton shoulder
and collar will make you stop.
Spring Shirts.
We eontrol the famous CRESCENT MANUFAC-
TURERS' goods in Wingham. 60 dozen Shirts of 4,41
the new cloths, in stylish colors and styles. Every 4.0.
shirt guaranteed to wash without fading and Tiny ,,t,4>
. .
Headgear For Men. "a
The world-renowned Christy Hat is another tez
strong addition to The Little Eaton furnishing stock.
For wear, style and smartness, Christy has them' all •
Ready To Put On
Here we mean just what we say and' are proud
of this department because our Fit is where we shine.
Cloths, patterns, ete., is a secondary consideration.
Special attention paid to your particular build. We
• have Suits made in proportion and -to suit your shape.
The largest stook of Raincoats, in plains and fanCys,
ever shown in town. Our odd tailored Trousers, ready
to put on. Well, you'll buy them if yon see them.
They're swell.
Tapestry, 'Velvet, Rugs and Squares.
sizes, made free of charge to speoial sizes.
signs, swell shades, harmonizing effects.
need, we can help some.
when in
Come in and bring your friends to see our
Our fresh new steok will refresh, the mind and ' store, FARMERS, we want anything you've got and
please the eye. 08 patterna, ranging from 5o to 850. •
17;70 do this line at Wholesale Prices. oreht values vre II pay you well for it. You re the salt of Wingham.
and volietiee. • De ye mind,
Wnigham, Ont.