HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-02-27, Page 5'..III 1111 .111111111! .1
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Wioter 7(Jnderwear
Quick Selling Prices.
Our Underwear has pleased many
a customer this winter - it
will please you, too.•
Clearing Prices
y Men's All -wool Unshrinkable Underwear, elastic knit,
regular $1.25 a garment -Clearing Price $7c
- Men's Fleece -lined and. Union Underwear -75c lines
for 60c, and 50c lines for 40c -
Boys' Wool and Fleece -lined Underwear, in sizes up
to 30, regular 30c to 60c a garment -clearing at.... 25c
McGee & Campbell
&u . •,I I.L
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
Friar's Cough Balsam
One of the good, old-fashioned things that leas
never been. improved upon.
Infallible. for coughs, colds, bronchial and lung
i troubles.
It is the largest and best 25c remedy for coughs
and colds. Prepared, recommended and guaranteed
by the largest wholesale drug house in the world.
If your druggist does not handle it, let us know.
NATIONAL DRUG & CHEM. CO., Limited • a0 LONDON, Ont.
When wanting a Stove, call at
Young's Big Hardware, and see what
he• can show you in that line at
very Low Prices.
Oak Heaters, coal or wood, from $8 to $18
Cast Ranges, from $20 to $45
Steel Ranges, from $25 to $45
Base Burners, from T5 to $45
Wood. Cook Stoves: from , • . , , . , 7 to $29
Call and see for yourself, that
we have the goods at Right Prices.
Doherty Stoves and Ranges are un-
Carvers in ease
IPic Knives in case
Berry Spoons in case
Butter Knives in case
Pickle Forks in case
Cutlery of all kinds
'Flews Item
---over 5,000 Laborers are said to lie
at work on the G. T. P. east and west
of Quebec.
---Thos, Olayborn, en negro ex -slave,
died recently at Williamsford, Grey
county, aged 110 years.
-Paris will erect a new public school
to cost $55,000, and Mr. John Penman
has offered to contribute $15,000.
-Mrs. King, Dobbinton, who depart-
ed this life on llth inst., at the age of
105 years, was the oldest person in the
county of Bruce.
-The township of Carrick is again
practically rid of the smallpox. There
were some eighty cases in all, and the
expense to the township will be in the
neighborhood of $000.
-There will not be much of a crop
of sugar beets from Walkerton vicini-
ty this year. The farmers who raised
any last year and sold them to the
Berlin factory have had to take sugar
for their pay. Several farmers near
there have sugar to sell.
-The local option recount held at
Durham resulted in the reduction of
the prohibition majority from 12 to 10.
The liquor interests are now going to
attack the by-law on a technicality,
as they claim they can show that a
Targe number of votes polled were
-Chas. Stewart, an old pioneer of
Kinloss, died on Wednesday, 19th
inst., after a long illness. He was 87
years and 5 months and was one of
the first settlers of the township. He
leaves a widow, four sons and five
daughters ; his death being the first
break in the large family.
-The Senate railway committee
amended the Lancaster bill for pro-
tecting level erosstngs by additional
words which will allow the railway
commission to exempt crossings from
the operation of the law where it sees
fit to do so. The last two sessions the
Senate has thrown the bill out alto-
-The Province of Ontario is asked
for about $120,000 of a bonus by the
Owen Sound & Lake Shore Railway,
a deputation from which interviewed
the premier last week. This steam.
road, almost 40 miles' long, is to be
run from Meaford to Owen 'Sound,
avoiding the heights of land. These
heights are the centre of the snow
area, and are invariably blocked with
snow in winter. The provincial bonus
asked is $3,000 per mile. The road
already has $0,000 per mile from the
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Have You Nervous Dyspepsia ?
How it shakes one up, invades sleep,
destroys strength, adds real misery to
life. Not the stomach, but the nerves
are effected. Starved nerves cause the
whole trouble. You need Ferrozone
because it is a nerve food. It supplies
the elements that are•needed to make
rich red blood. This is the saving
hank of health. The richer the blood
in .red cells, the richer you're sure to
be health. Ferrozone quickly makes
blood, strengthens the nervous sys-
tem, invigorates the digestive organs
and the nervous disturbance disap-
pears. You'll try Ferrozone, 25c per
box at all dealers.
J. C. Bennett left Port Arthur on
Saturday, after 'spending a few weeks
with his parents.
Lucknow curlers arrived home on
Friday wearing handsome gold medals,
won at Seaforth.
Lucknow people have sent quite a
number of parcels to the relief of the
"Shack town" sufferers. The Express
Companies give free transportation.
The bachelors' and benediets' ball
last Friday evening was a decided. sue -
cess. The music furnished by Black -
stone's Orchestra of Goderich delight-
ed everyone. .
Mr. Wm. Connell attended the fun-
eral of his brother, the late Andrew
Connell at Mildmay this week. It is
tut a few weeks since another broth-
er, Mair. Jas. Connell, passed away.
The interment took place to Kinloss
cemetery on Saturday nefternoon, 15th
inst., from the home of Mr, Alex.
aedley (gravel road) of his brother,
the late Thos. Hedley, aged 07 years
and 7 months, who died very suddenly
on Thursday last, at the home of Mr.
Thos. Henry, Ashfield, from heart
Writes a Getter to the People.
For the largest and finest selections of the following
brand new goods, D. M, GORDON is always in the lead.
Yes, always in the lead-in Styles,. Qualities and Prices.
Why ? Because we understand where to buy and when to
buy, so that we can give customers the very best values
obtainable in the country, viz., Dress Goods in all shades,
designs and textures ; special attractions in Black Silks ;
beautiful and extensive range of Blouses, in Silk, Muslins
and fine Lawns. See our immense stock of fine Laces, In-
sertions, Embroideries, &c. The largest and most complete
range of Window Curtains in Lace, and charming shades
and designs in Madras Muslins. Verypretty Prints -the
prices will please you. Please come in and see the goods ;
our description of them fails to do them justice.
Groceries -Pure and Fresh. Great Values.
Highest Prices For Good Trade.
combines the flavor of pure
white winter wheat with
the body-building 'qualities
of the best hare Manitoba
spring wheat. '
Jewel Flour
is a blended flour. It is
a sweet, wholesome flour
that makes that delicious,
flaky pastry, those creamy
biscuits and appetizing
bread. We have been
Jewel Flour
for years and guarantee it.
Ask your grocer for Jewel
Brand the next time you
want flour.
1Vlanutactured by
PFEFFER BROS. - ivllilverton, Ont.
I love the clear old grandrnamas
\Vho knit and dream all day,
I love the dear old grandpapas
Who smoke and chat away
Of scenes o'er which they fondly pore.
"The happiest days," they say,
"Were those long, long ago, before
The bush was cleared away."
What tales they tell of wolves and
That used to roam the wild, [bears
But they were brave, had little cares
Tho' they as heroes toiled.
The giants of the forest bore
To earth beneath their sway,
For well they wrought long, long be -
The bush was cleared away. [fore
For neighbors they were neighbors
To aid their brothers of the glen And lent a willing hand [then
To clear the wild woodland.
Pride never entered at the door,
Monopoly had no sway,
'Twas friendship's brotherhood before
The bush was cleared away.
The logging -bee, it brings a smile
To many a wrinkled face,
For they would come for many a mile
To enter in the race
Against the men from Grainby: Gore,
Or from the Billing Bay.
Then spree at night they had, before
The bush was cleared away.
The whiskey then was good and pure,
A gallon for ten pence,
And you could drink it, be secure,
Oh yes, it was immense,
Not like the poison .nen now pour
Down them, that works decay,
Not like the good old stuff, before
The bush was cleared away.
The candle gave them ample light,
No lamps on poles: 'ad they,
To turn to noon -tide nature's night.
They had their right of way
By blazed paths. No engine's roar
Was heard by night or day.
The ox -cart was enoggh, before
The bush was cleared away,
The meetings in the small schoolhouse
Knew not the cushioned pew.
Bot 'twos for Truth they did espouse,
Tho' they were poor and few.
And oft. on wings of faith would soar
Their thoughts when they would
They were far better Christians, 'fore
The bush was cleared away,
The spinning wheel was good enough,
No factory goods had they,
No pedlars with their shoddy stuff
Would throu' the forest stray.
No mutton sleeves or bangs they wore,
They were more grave than gay -
The maids the laddles woo'd, before
The bush was cleared away.
No boodlers ruled their politics,
Or bolters held their sway.
They had no gerrymander tricks
Or double tax to pay.
No great Sir Bowell on the floor,
Not even Willie Rae.
They were unknown, long before
The bush was cleared away.
I love the dear old grandmamaa,
Who dreamt and knit and nod,
I love the dear old. grandpapas,
Who soon beneath the sod
Will lie at rest, their journeys o'er,
But memory oft will stray
To tales they told to as, before
The bush was cleared away.
"To Whom It May Concern : I am a
trained nurse of nine years' experi-
ence in hospitals and private cases,
and for the benefit of the people of
Wingham I wish you would publish
my experience with the cod liver pre-
paration, Vinol.
"1 was completely prostrated from
overwork, I had no, appetite, cotllct
not sleep, my kidneys, liver am bow-
els became inactive, and as T. grew
weaker l'• °Mild not retain either medi-
cine or food on my stomach, and
raised blood.' The doctors said my
coirdition was critical and I would
probably die.
"As I had seen Vinol preseribed for
my patients with Such remarkable
results, I decided to try it. After the
first bottle I began to improve. I
continued its use and soon bean to
, g .
sleep and eat Well , ever. organ in
my ltody' ryas strengthened and be,
canis normal, until it sees} a good to
be rye i} 4)( wi,s rtl ioveti to, perfect
he h an�st{•engtix.
'lltd `ise all y atientt{ who need
string ls, 'rant i �rlpblood itand flesh
tissue to take V dol, asis so far
superior to ohl•faslriorled cid liver oil,
ettlnleions, or oilier tonics, I.ha tbeth
M. Cremona., Trained Marne, Boston,
In \Vinglratn we sell Vinol on
positive guarantee to return money if
t falls. J. Walton Mcliibbon, Drng-..
Sliffoeaticn, kilttitertiapg, ralrttj
Acute, P'at(rs�tPxi' t6}OS
floa3FScirgktil-]x, Attiblv'sucart
f1W Relleycs in 30
In prises o€ hes 1. trgUili Pr... Ag-
now's (ire ttlr'opt 'lt7j,n,r,t nes proved]
lOo tl}ti cqulelsnst aetins remedy An
¢x#g once. t 'rag stepped le, �Yhcil theylctAn of heart disease seet111ecl llleyoi
hone-inthe'last- gasp rag stayed
flearn+s grand; and has proved anever•
ailing and perrnarlent euro. It is an
renee medicine and will do all Oahu.
ed for it.
Dr, Aiknew's Liver Pills are the
cheapest liver eorreetor known. (Jf )
For Sale by A. IL 7#Al.tltrON.
'Willis Presbyterian Church, Clin-
ton, are considering the question of
individual comnmunion cups. •
'Wesley Church anniversary is dated
for March 5th. Rev. Dr. Briggs of
Toronto will be the preacher.
Miss Mary Wasmann, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Wasmann,
passed away on Wednesday last, after
an illness of eight months. She was
but twenty years of age and possessed
an amiable disposition which endear-
ed her to her associates.
The G. T. R. Jct. here was early on
Thursday morning last, the scene of
a bad wreck, and as a result three
large locomotives and a snow plow
were ditched and badly disabled.
Fortunately no one was injured. A
freight engine became disabled at the
Jct., and the auxiliary from London
came to repair it, and this being done
the train pulled back on the siding,
The conductor came to the station and
gave the information that the track
was clear, and in the meantime the
train pulled out partly on the main
line, supposedly to pick up some tools
they had left, when along came a
snow plow and three engines from
Stratford, in charge of Roadmaster
McGar, Who had been given a clear
track to Goderich. The plow struck
the derrick car of the auxiliary, and
was forced off the track, finally land-
ing on its side a considerable distance
in a field. Clear hy, and the three
engines were all ditched and jammed
together like a pile of scrap iron. The
Stratford auxiliary carne to the
rescue, and the track was oleared by
In all the l OPS that we've been
selli►ag shoes -we never renumber
anything to equal Vis60 we're
Sill ;19,w 4t1 "inverie• Shots
lathesand getltitimo
We want yoy to see For your.
self" l aw goad they really are.
Every pair sod under an absolute
guarantee, which shows the
maker's confidence in leather and
"Imperial" Shoes are -In a class
by themselves.
soLtl 13Y
^Geo. B. Gi eq
Brussels' branch of the Upper Can-
ada, Bible Society contributed over
$150 to the central fund,
A goodly number of our townspeo-
pie have shown their regard for the
poor of Toronto by gifts of money and
St. Joh'n's Church Sabbath School,
Brussels, forwarded $3.58 to the Baby
Poor fund at Toronto and also sent a
large bale of clothing.
The proposed Orange celebration
for July 12 next will not be held here,
as was anticipated, as the county
lodges will sub -divide as may please
them this year.
John Walker, formerly of Brussels,
has leased the store lately occupied by
1, V. Fear, Seaforth, and will open up
a furniture and undertaking business
there about the first of March.
The ice harvest has engaged the
attention of the teamsters W. Sel-
lers' team went through the ice on the
mill dam, but were rescued from their
cold bathwithout suffering apparent
Robt. Thueil has disposed of his
residence, Turnberry street, now ten-
anted by Dr. Fetid, to Mrs. Keys, 5th
line, Morris, for the sum of $1,000.
Mrs. Keys recently sold her 100 acre
farm to her son and will take up resid-
ence in town.
A skating rink for Brussels is
among the probabilities. P. Ament
and N. F. Gerry took a trip to Chesley
a few days ago to see one there. It is
proposed to circulate a subscription
list and if sufficient money is in sight
Mr. Ament will get out timber this
winter to get things ° in shape for
building next summer.
A proposition is on foot for the
extension of the C. P, R. line from
Port Burwell via Exeter and Seaforth
to Brussels and north to Wroxeter.
Correspondence is being ' carried on
with the Company in reference to it.
This line would provide a short north
line now required and would tap the •
C. P. R. lines east and west at Walton
and Wroxeter. A delegation from
the municipalities interested may wait
upon the C. P. R. The road is survey-
ed as far as Exeter.
A meeting was held Monday even-
ing to discuss the Canning Factory
project in Brussels when a score of
citizens assembled in the Council
Chamber. Reeve Leckie submitted
considerable information concerning
the industry in Ontario and outlined
what had been done with the stock
lists in town. $0,200 had been sub-
scribed, but as $25,000 was estimated
as the lowe.st sum necessary to launch
the enterprise, there is apparently a
big shortage yet. After several had
expressed their opinions the matter
was referred back to the canvassing
committee to see what further aid
may be secured when another meet- .
ing will be called.
Was Averted by the timely nse of
South American Nervine -Doctors
slid their best but were powerless. -
Mr. John Lee, of Pembroke, says: -
"I had indigestion. I had .lost my
appetite. I was run down in flesh. I
was so sick that I feared fatal results,
and was almost in despair because my
physician seemed powerless to cope
with the disease. ' I was induced to try
South American Nervine. I received
so much .benefit from one bottle that I
persevered in the treatment, and to-
day I am a new man and am cured
completely. (12)
Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills cure liver ills,
10 cents.
For Sale by A. L. HAMILTON.
West Wawanosh.
Chickenpox is again prevalent.
Jno. Medd, V. S., is buying a car of
heavy horses for shipment next week.
Ashfield and West Wawanosh Coun-
cils held a joint session on Saturday,
22nd inst.
The property.known as the Auburn
House will be sold by public auction
at one o'clock on Saturday, Mar. 14,
0. P. R. surveyors were working at
Auburn station recently with a view
to improving the road to the station.
Dungannon Rifle Association re-
ceived a cheque for $60 from Ottawa,
to assist in keeping the range in order.
The members of the Epworth League
of the L,ondesboro Methodist Church
pais. the Auburn League a very plea-
sant visit on Tuesday evening.
Bobt, MCllwain of the Nile was•re-
.eently presented with a handsome fur
ivereoat and Persian lamb cap, in
recognition of 'Ws: services in connec-
tiaa with ,t,ise.. O#tarch and Sabbath
Rey, ll1r. Oraw delivered his fare-
syeli ter on in Calvin church on Sun-
day, {bt , inst. He and his family
have r41�,,ve.l to Fergus. Rev. C.
I$titller 'rii'If Dungannon is Modera-
and�l tutfthed the pulpit vacant on
Sunday Myst, •
Henry Horney of the Nile has dis-
posed of Ws farm and is moving into
Gocjpploh. We are very sorry to see
him go, as he has been a faithful
member of the Nile Methodist Church,
being a class leader and a member of
the quarterly board and for a number
of yeara leader of the choir,
Sciatic Pains Made Limbs 'Useless and
Life a I3urden-South Amerkan
Rheumatic Curd Snapped tho Pain
Chords and Cast Away tho Crutches.
James Smith, Dairyman, Grimsby,
Ont., writes: "I was a great sufferer
from sciatica. 1ror a time I was com.,
piotely laid up and for two weeks I
was compelled to go on crutches. My
limbs were almost 'Useless. I tried
many remedies without benefit. South
American Iihenmatlo Cure was re•
cote p ended, It took six bottles to ef-
f-fOct h curd, but I am thoroughly
rut•ed, and 1 heartily recenirnend it as
the Streatost of remedies." (10)
Wiathata, revEwe- by A. L. nANIILTO.f.
/0- AN\
New idea The LeadingStore itaga Ines7
Advance Shipments Of
Spring Stock
For 15 Departments Just Received
Three Cases Dress Goods
Two Cases Hats & Caps
One Case Prints and Ging-
Nine Rolls Linoleutns and
One Case Ladies' Spring
Nine Rolls Japan Matting
One Case Lace Curtains •
Ten Rolls Carpet
Bight Bales Art Squares
and Rugs
One Case New Corsets
One Bale English Longcloth
Five Cases Boots & Shoes
A large volume of BUSINESS at a very small .
expense is the explanation of our LOW PRICES
in all Departments.
Buyers of Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings, S
will find it to their advantage to see our NEW 3
DRESS GOODS before buying. J
A large variety of very pretty Spring SHIRT WAISTS
-nicely made, buttoned in front or back, short or long
sleeves, very moderate prices. See them.
All that's NEW in Laces and Embroideries, you will
find in the Notion Department. Special -value in Corset
Cover Embroidery.
All kinds of Remnants left after the BIG SALE, now
on centre tables to be sold regardless of Cost.
• . . / u u... -.I l.•111 i .. /I iL, LL
WANTED. -Large quantities of Butter, Eggs,
Dried Apples and Potatoes.
■ u ■ `■
Ib 4,44AiE4
Central Hardware.
.......:_.. _ ......._. .
1 Parlor Cook, regular $45.00 -reduced to $35.00
1' Parlor Cook, regular $40.00 -reduced to 32.00
1 Cooking Stove, regular $36.00 -reduced to 29.00
1 Six -]id Range with warming closet, regular $60.00-
reduced to 45.00
(A number of second-hand Stoves cheap.)
Nickle-plated Tea Kettles, regular $1.35 -reduced to•.99
Bread Mixers, regular $2.25 -reduced to.. 1.50
Granite Wash Basins, regular 35c now •25
Cold -blast Lanterns, regular 70c reduced to .50
Happy Medium Buck Saws, regular 50c --now .... .39
Buck Saws, lance tooth, regular 750 -now .49
4 Horse Blankets, regular $1.25 --reduced to .90
Leather Halters, regular $1.00 -reduced to .75
Leather Halters, regular 75c -reduced to .50
Rope Ties -now .08
4 Light Machine Oil, per gallon .20
4 Cut Nails, per lb .02
4 Lantern Globes -now .05
Lamps at Cost. Razors from 500 up.
Skates to clear at Cost.
4 Call and see our New Century and Easy Washers..
4, '}
4. __ •t'
rd * 1 m
014.+44449-40. 41“Arii'i'iiti'. ,1-(4 ; ,.I