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The Wingham Advance, 1908-02-13, Page 8
8 4-twYwwwnlwwwwmwwaxMrowirnykvuvwwwrr riz A GREAT SiaughterSale Men's 8 Women's Fur Coats AND ALL LINES OF FURS FORor wc 71. Dt.WOMENImp, MISSES AND CHILDRENwcwz or lo Women's Cloth Coats, all new ; Men's, Youths' and ye 7.or tat Boys' Overcoats and Ready-to-wear Clothing of every size or ao and description, will be cleared out from and after to- ao day at 25 per cent. oil every article. Think of. it, a anik la IAN dollar for 75c, $2,00 ' for ?1,50, and so on to $100 for mr 31,31 $75, etc. Come to Gordon's Great Sale and save money rsE xe this hard season. See our Windows and Bargain Counters As for other very tempting lines at very small prices. Goods charged will be at regular prices. Ns ere D. M. GORDON Open For Business Now Having purchased the Hardware stock of Mr. Bishop, we are now open, and for the next thirty days are offering some goods at greatly reduced prices. For example -- 1 Parlor Cook, regular $43.00—now $35.00 1 Parlor Cook, regular $I0.00—now 32,00 1 Cooking Stove, regular $30.00—now 20.00 1 six -lid Range, with warming closet, regular $00.00—now, 48.00 A number of good second-hand Stoves cheap. Cold Blast Lanterns, regular 70c—now , . 50c Nickle Plated Tea Mettles, regular $1.25—now 99c Light Machine Oil, per gallon 20e Razors, all prices from 50e Granite Wash Basins, regular 35c—now. . . , 25c Granite Wash Basins, regular 30c—now 25c Lantern Globes, regular 10c—now 5c Balance of Skates at cost. Builders—get our prices, New goods arriving every day. Central Hardware J. V. HILL • '1' 4 0' 4 4 f► 4 4 4 1' 4 4 1' 4 4 4 :4 '4 1 4 ',,7w**,+Y*wa,*****,ti►4►*'4'��'�'�'�'��'�'�►w'p��'l►1r11♦�►wr 33% rT' 131;it t- rr A p 4**, --404 1L, Kt fail, IIIiiliflllll ��I� (II The Smallest Buyers are treated as fairly and courteous- ly here as those with larger orders. Whether your order be small or large, it is appreciated. Send - Bring - or Phone Try this store with your next or- der. We don't offer you cheap goods, but give you The Best At Lowest Prices J. Henry Christie The Year 1908 Will be the beat year to invest in Real Estate, as prices are somewhat easier, and the recent slump in Stooks, Bonds and Chattels, will turn the at- tention of people to Real Estate, A man that has a place to sell, And goes and whispers down a well, Don't get as many golden dollars, ds he that climbs a tree and "!rollers." Morin —If you have a good proper- ty for sale, list it with rig. We know all the prospective buyers. New List of Farms: 100 Acres—Near Whitechurch; fine buildings 100 Aures -2i mis. from Wingham; price right 100 Acres—Near Belgrave: a money maker 100 Acres -7 mfg. from Blyth ' a creat Bargain m 200 Acres—Near Wingham' e'en t miss it 100 Acres -24 miles from Whiteehuroh; owner must sell GO Aores--Near Wroxeter: a eholee let 60 Acres—Near Bluovalo • will sell oheap 36 Acres -3 miles from Wingham; a sacrifice Algia a number et nice piaoea in the Town Plot suitable for retired farmere. Houses and building lots In every part of Wingham. ham. An listed at right »rices. We 'want to deal fairly with both buyer and seller. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ]STATE AND XNS1JI ANON WINGHAM thee neyaltf the iktHmion J,1„11,.iA„• IIm,1.lill!YIIll Came Estray On to theremises of the under- signed, Se of N} lot 1, con. , r r, Morris, about January 21st last, a black sow. Owner will please prove property, pay expenses and remove. THOS. PROCTOR. r Royal Grocery IS THE PLACE TO GET Good Groceries DELIVERED PROMPTLY. Having purchased a horse and sleigh, we are now able to deliver to any part of town. Call and see our China be- fore purchasing. --PHONE 54— Eggs and Butter Taken A. J. MALCOLM Successor to 0. IT, Griffin morl One 'Way Second Class Colonist Tickets will be on sale com- mencing February 29th and continuing daily until April 29th, to the following points— Vancouver Seattle Taodrna San 1'ranotaoo Salt Diego Victoria Portland Spokane Los Angeles Mexico City For tickets and full information, call on W, H! AY, Town Agent, or write J. D. IVIeDoirnalcf Dletrioir i?a eefker Aa;eet, Toranta, THE WING: AM ADVANCE, TITUBSD.. X, FEBRUARY SIe>fni. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Wm. Abraham is on the sick list, Miss Gertie Bush is laid up with the measles ; we hope for her speedy re. covery, Wm. Gallaher of Fordwich intends to move to his new home near Blue• vale this week, The Quarterly Board meeting of the Wroxeter circuit was held at Salem on Monday afternoon last, We are pleased to report that Mrs. ui, Mitchell is improving and we hope'eze long to see her around again. 111e, Anderson of Manitoba is the guest of Alex. McPherson et present ; he expects to return to Manitoba in the spring.. We are pleased to learn that Mr. John Wray, who bas been seriously ii1 for the past three weeks, is improv- ing rapidly. Owing to the storm last week and the roads in suck bad condition, the Quarterly service at Salem was with- drawn for this quarter. Miss Maud Higgins entertained a number of her Salem and Wingham friends a week ago. They all report having spent.a very enjoyable time, Owing to the heavy snow; storm, the S. S. No. 0 school, Turnberry, has been closed, with the exception of one clay last week. The roads are in a very bad condition, but we expect in a few more days there will be. better travelling. We hear of a great many cases of la grippe. Among those that are ail- ing are, Mrs. Jas. Wylie, sen., Mrs, Jos. Smith and daughter, Mr. T. K. Powell and Mr. Anderson. We are glad to say all are reported"to be on the mend again. Lost His Voice Entirely Mr. J. H, Woods, of Point Rock, Oneida Co., N. Y., had a hard experi- ence, '+A bad attack of Catarrh set- tled in niy forehead and the pain over my eyes was so intense I thought my head would burst. My voice grew very hoarse and I coughed every night, and through the winter could scarcely speak. My voice was gone. Two doctors didn't help me at all. The second doctor ordered "Catarrho- zone". It cured ec the and. many m y others here use it also. My doctor says he doesn't know anything so good for Catarrh and Throat Trouble as "Catarrhozone." Use it to -day, you are better to -morrow, 25c and $1 at all dealers. Try Catarrhozone. t 1 Wroxeter. Mr. A. L. Russell, jr., returned from Wingham on Tuesday last. Miss Evelyn Edgar, Howick, was the guest of Ars. W. J. Johnston last week. Mr. Peter Smith, of Hamilton, is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. Oliver Smith. Mrs. 0. 'Smith has moved into the residence lately occupied by E. W. Lewis, Howick St. Miss B. Lovell, trained nurse, is at present ' rn attendance dance on Miss Mc- Naughton of Turnberry, who has been very ill of late with pneumonia. A number of the members of Forest Lodge A. F. & A. M. journeyed to Wingham on Tuesday evening of last week to attend a meeting of the Ma- sonic brethren in that town, .1, COLDS, HEADACHE, CATARRH Relieved in 10 Minutes by Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Rev. W. H. Main, pastor of the Bap- tist -Emanuel Church, Buffalo, gives strong testimony for and is a firm be- liever in Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der. He has tried many kinds of remedies without avail. "After using Dr: Agnew's Catarrhal Powder I was benefited at once" are his words, It Is a wonderful remedy and will relieve any form of head pain in ten minutes and eradicate catarrh, Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure helps the overworked heart. (3) For Sale by A. L. HAMILTON. St. Helens. Robt. Smith lost a horse the other day. Chas. Durnin is 'aid up with a boil on his neck. Miss Mary Rutherford is visiting friends on the Oth concession. Herbert Woods of Toronto is spend- ing a few days at the home of his father, Matthew Woods. We are sorry to hear that Charles Taylor is not improving as fast as his many friends would wish. Messrs. Donald Murray, J. B. Ruth- erford, Geo. Webb•and John Webster attended the meeting of the Presby- tery at Wingham on Tuesday. 1. • A CRAZY MAN Pound Eating An Egg, Shell And All— People Are Amazed, A crazy man was recently found eating an egg -shell and all and it was declared additional proof of his in- sanity, as every one realizes that the shell of an egg has no food value, and is both indigestible and injurious. It is just as crazy for a. sane person to swallow a lot of cod liver oil to get the benefit of the medicinal elements contained therein, as for the crazy man to eat the egg, shell and all. Scientists agree that the oil or greasy part of cod liver oil has no medicinal value whatever, and only upsets the stomach and retards re- covery, but it is the medicinal de - Manta enveloped in the cods' livers and their oil which represent all the tonic and curative power of that fa- mous old remedy. Vinol contains alI the medicinal, curative elements of cod liver oil, but; is entirely free from oil, and is there- fore the best strength creator and tonic reconstructor possible to obtain. The reason Vinol is so far superior to the old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions is because it is made by scientific, extractive and concentrat- ing process froth fresh cods' livers, combining with pe tonate of iron all the medicinal, healing, body-building elements of cod liver oil, but no oil. Vinol is unexcelled to restore health and create strength for run-down, do- bilitated, tired, overworked people, oldp people, weak women, nursing mothers, puny, ailing children, con• valeseents, or for people suffering with hard colds, hackie coughs, inelptent consumption and bronchitis. Try it. If it fails we will return your money. J. Whiten McKibbon, druggist, Wing - ham, Out, Brussels, Salt In bulk :is being ship zed this week from Brussels Salt Works, Scotch h. in the TownTTa1I,rt �underaxile atlepices of the Sons of ,Scotland, A. A. White, teller of the Standard Rank, has asked and. been granted 11. months leave of absence in the hope of building up his health. Calls were made on Brussels food 11staffssnow shovto supplyelltorhe's neeatdsWaltonof the, (i, Pe. , ' only trouble was to get the rations transported the 5 miles intervening, At the meeting of the Official Board of the Methodist Church, Brussels, Tuesday evening, a unanimous invita- tion was tendered Bev, E. G. Powell to return for the third year as pastor. Philip Atnent's employees have shifted their scene of bush labor from Morris township to the 17th of Grey where the proprietor has several hun- dred acres adjacent to leleNaught sta- tion. A cook provides the necessary bill of faro, as it is too far to return each night to Brussels. A canvas of the town was made last S:t irday by B, Gerry and M, H. Moore in tiro interests of the proposed celebration of the next 12th of July in Brussels, The response was very favorable and other names will likely be added so as to put the Committee on Easy street if it be decided to cele- brate here. Last Friday as Mrs. J. T. Wood was about to descendthe hall stairs at her home, carrying a lighted lamp in one band and some clothing in the other, she slipped and fell headlong to the bottom, passing the 10 steps with a hurry that considerably exceeded her usual agility. Fortunately the light in the lamp went out when the crash came putting any danger f'om fire out of the question. A very badly sprained arm, a wrenched back and disabled nose were among the damages sustained. Peculiar Weakness In Women. Many women suffer untold torture from nervous debility arising from disorders of the feminine organs. Day by day they grow worse. A false sense of modesty prevents them using a good remedy like Fet•rozone--and it would cure there, Lost nerve force is brought back, new vital energy is sup- plied, irregularities disappear. Ferro - zone does restore weak pale women, For those who suffer and find work hard to bear nothing supplies the health and vitality that Ferrozone surely brings. Guaranteed free from alcohol and sure to cure, 50c at all dealers. Belmore. The Public School here was closed last week owing to Mr, Bryans' ill- ness. ' Miss Charlotte Hamilton has return- ed home from her visit to Brussels and Attwood. • There was no service in either of the churches last Sunday owing to the stormy weather. A number nt r of our peoplespent e nt a very pleasant evening at the home of Mr. Thos. Inglis last Tuesday. Miss Emma F,dwards was unable to return from Corrie to her school last week and as a result the school was closed. Mr. Fry, agent for the Tea Com- pany, Stratford, was detained at Bel - more for a week owing to the severe storm. We regret very much to report. that Mr. Savage is very ill with pneu- monia, and we wish him a speedy re- covery. Miss Jennie McKee has returned to her homeere h ,after spending over two years in training for a nurse in a New York Hospital. This Combination Always .Wins. How often we hear of people who have had an aching joint or muscle for years. No more speedy remedy can be adopted than to rub on Nerviline and then apply a Nerviline Porous Plaster. At once the muscles begin to resume their wanted vigor and flexibility. Inflammatory symptoms and pain disappear. Nerviline Plas- ters can be worn by the most delicate child or aged' person. They are in- valuable as thousands have proved. Used along with Nerviline they are guaranteed to permanently drive out any muscular ache, pain or stiffness. Try these remedies, and judge for yourself. 25c at all dealers, or N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Jamestown. , La grippe is prevalent around • here. Midwinter sale is now on at the Jamestown general store. Mrs. Edward Mulligan has sold her farm to Chas. Baket, her son-in-law. Wm, Burke, who has been working in Hensall, is visiting at his home here, Samuel Burke has the contract of drawing milk on 2nd con., Grey, to Molesworth factory ; remuneration, $1,25 per trip. Grand Oyster Supper and Concert 4n Victoria HaII, Tuesday, rep. 18th. The proceeds to go towards maintain ante of the Hall. Morris. Township Council will meet on Mon- day, 17th. The 0, P. R. had a genuine old blockade this week. The snow storm of the past week piled some of the roads fence high and public travel was nearly at a standstill for several days. We are sorry to hear that Frank Garnier, of the 2nd, is in -very poor health, but hope he will soon be able to be around again. Iy 1 ].3ARDER'S ITC1H Cured in 30 Minutest, A single application of Woolford's Sanitary Lotion Will usually eure a seer Vere case of Barber's Itch, It at once destroys the microbe causing the ail- ment and the patient is ae ordtngly free from the disease within a feW moments. Of course a few days must elapse before the skin can heal and W- eeny) as 5ni0otii as formerly. This remedy also cures instantly, itch, mange, prairie scratches, and every form af` contagious Moll=zbn human or animals, (1) ser Sala br A, L, itAM1t40214 Langslde,. Owing to. the cold; weather thele were very few at school last week, of putt Tiffin glinithe wood rat �8. contract , 8. lie puts in first class wood, We 1 learn front pretty good arrthari- ty that par burg is to be served with a daily mail at no distant date. Owing to ill health Mr. E. W. Tay- lor has decided to give up farming and will, either sell or rent his farm. llic0lzaz•les Stuart lost a horse last week. They found it lying dead on gang to the barn In the rnoriring. Moffatt Bros. have taken the job of hauling inapte to Lucknow from Alex. McLennan's, McDonald Bros. are do. Ing the cutting. One of those pleasing events was celebrated at the home of Mr. Alex. McLennan; eon, 8, Iin[oss, on Wed- nesday, 20th ult., when his sister Eli- zebeth was united in marriage to Mr. McBeth Malcolm of Hanley, Sask, After the ceremony which was per- formed at 11 item„ by Rev, G. P. Dun- can, the guests sat down to it snuiptu- ons dinner, after which party, went to Teeswater, taking the afternoon train to Toronto and other points. Condemned By Physicians. Unscrupulous dealers often prepare corn remedies with caustics and acids. Refuse such, and insist on Putnam's Painless Extractor. It's purely veget- able, safe and sure, Whitechurch. Tho home of Mrs. Jas. Mc0lenagban was the scene of an extremely joyous and pleasant event on Wednesday last, when her daughter, Miss Addie, became the bride of Mr. John Ross, son of the ,late John Ross, Kinloss. Shortly after six o'clock, the happy couple (the bride leaning on the ar•in of her brother Robt.) took their place before a bank of flowers to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march ren- dered by Miss Annie Barbour, The ceremony was performed by Rev. kV. A. Finlay. After congratulations, the company proceeded to the dining -ball, which was magnificently decorated with evergreens and streamers, where a sumptuous wedding dinner was served. The bride was beautifullyattir- ed in white silk, and wore the custom- ary tulle veil, and carried a bouquet of roses, while lily of the valley adorned her hair. The many magnificent and costly presents testify to the esteem in which the bride is held. The groom is a prosperous Western farmei••near Carievale, Sask., and there the happy couple will make their home about the lst of March. We join with hosts of friends in wishing thein bon voyage on the journey of life. 3: is Your Back Weak ? When the back drags and aches, feels lame oyer the spine, when there is indigestion, headache and constant call to make water, beware of sick kidneys. If neglected, this condition develops and soon you're unable to work, The only remedy you can rely on is Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Every symptom of disordered kidneys they cure by removing the cause. You im- prove immediately, day by day you will experience benefit from Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Best for the kid- neys, liver and stomach. Sold by all dealers. : - , Clinton. A goodly number of the Organ Fac- tory hands were vaccinated on Wed- nesday. There is a female inmate in the House of Refuge. said to be 107 years of age, and she enjoys her pipe as much as she does her meals. The wife of Rev. Mr. McRae, Cyan - brook, who has been at the hospital here, for several weeks, is able to sit up, and will probably go home next week. While some cars were shunting here on Sunday, a brakeman named Leon Whitty, of Mitchell, was knocked from' the top of a car, and fell on his head on the track, slightly, fracturing the skull, and inflicting a wound that necessitated his being removed to the hospital. Mr. W. Doherty received a telegram on Monday night, Informing him that his nephew, Mr. A. M. Burchill, Prin- cipal of Weston Public School, had just died. Deceased will be remem- bered as a former resident of Clinton. He was a young man of sterling char- acter, and was seemingly in the best of health when suddenly cut off. The following are the town officers: D. L, McPherson, Town Clerk, salary, $250 ; M, D. McTaggart, Treas., $.1.00 ; Jos. Wheatley, Chief of Police, etc., $400 ; Tax Collector, $50 ; R. Welsh, weiglrmaster, Night Constable, etc,, $100 ; Thos, Cottle, assessor, $85 ; 0, Crich, Cemetery Supt., $375; J. W. Shaw, Medical Health Officer, R. Mennell, Pound -keeper, O. Johnston, Engineer, fees. • 7. z- - _ THIE ARCHDEACON OP P.E.I. Praises Dr, Agnew's Heart Cure— Remarkable Testimony. We, the undersigned, have been se- riously troubled with valvular heart disease; have both had fainting spells upon the slightest extra exertion. Last April, when we both were unable to do any work of Moment, we began using Dr, AgneW's Heart Cure, having no faith in it but hoping it might re- lieve. After taking rix bottles We feel almost Cured. We feel compelled to send this unsoficited testimonial, with the hope that others may bo benefited as we have been. Gratefully yours, T, B. Iteagh, Archdeacon PrE1,I., and L D. Iteagh, (2) For Sale by A. L. HAnuLTO.r. Seventeen Teachers of wide experience, broad scholarship and untiring energy, employed by us, have built up a curriculum unser as. sed in Canada for thoroughness, system and Actual business procedure. Timex cot/rms.—Telegraphy, Sten- oirraphy and Commoroltj. ]Cuter anytime. Individual !Wm. don. Graduates assisted to positions, No vacation. Mail Courses in Languages, book. keeping, Shorthand, Penmanship, Ste, Send lilhCd d atChog . grade Business Collage#, WINOHAM BUSINESS COLLEOE A. A, Mann, n, Meet,h:ne ia1'e-Prinotpal One, Srorro.t, Prtnolpal, Niummiramolaillomme 1, 1908.. /' The Little Eaton's STORE NEWS Big F&wuary S Stogy ! Ioo 1 Listoll! 1 v A Y and save us th ES, it is our turn now. and get the good out Genuine, Barefaced Bargains. 2 and save us the trouble. I: :: oooomooClo©diiiiceoC,iCioOgf:,ciCioialemocioCC:'c000. cooocacao6ocoE3G3ooboocicoooccoad'.'L3f36 I*1 pir ♦♦ SUITS,—All-wool domestic Tweeds and imported . SCARFS.—Of best Alaska Sable, dark rich brown, it Worsteds, double or single breasted sack styles, heavily furred, 70 inch long, 12 tails or plain, check and rly $8,aid patterns, ornaments, extra value, regularly 525.. $15.00 sizes 35 to 44, regularly $3.50 to 812.50... T.89 AIsabella Sable Scarf, 00 in. long, hest sellers this 4 OVERCOATS.—Of Vicunnas, Beavers, Cheviots and season, full furred, good wearer, regu- Broadcloth, in rich black and dark grays, also ]arty $9,00. $5.89 imported Tweeds in stripe, cheeks and plain vel- vet vet collar, 48 to 51 inch length, sizes 31 DIUFFS.—Alaska Sable Muffs, No. 1 quality, Im- i to 44, regularly $9.00 to $14.008.9 Aerial style down beds, large, regular i1 $11.50 to $13,50 p$.�$ BOYS' SUITS.—Of fine and heavy Tweeds, blue and black Jerges, single and double breasted, Dozens of Stoles, Caperines, setts of new up -to - double seats. knees and elbows, dandies for . date Furs at almost half price. Don't wait. acO 1, sizes 20 to 34, regularly 84.50 to 3.69 You'll be too late. r • Crack these Eaton snaps of them. We mean Real, They talk for themselves 4141444•404044.44,,.N,,, 04,4N4,444444444444,4444 4044000 A+Hi44+O+P0 c 9 A February ! g: WE TAKE EITHER—WE NEED BOTH. TOP PRICES FOR TRADE. O („ Men's hinter Clothing om Ladies' Furs Der m BOYS' OVERCOATS.—Of good, heavy, black and white check Worsted, finished Tweed, also black and brown all -wool with white stripe, velvet collar, Chesterfield style, sizes 28 to 33, regularly 51.50 to $8.50 $3.98 P. JACKETS.—mien's double breasted P. Jackets of heavy, dark Oxford Gray Frieze, strong Tweed and Corduroy liming, sizes 30 to 44, regu- larly $5.00, for y9s7e,9 COATS.—Of dark and light fancy trimmed Tweeds, Beavers, Meltone, Broadcloths, in loose, semi All Leather Coats, Vests, Duck Coats and Vests, . and tight styles, sizes 32 to 40, 46 to 50 in. long, heavy All -wool Tweed and Corduroy Pants—cut •new fall coats everyone, regular $10,00 to the heart—no'v'a your chance. to 518.00 $7.93 , 40 Ladies' Coats, &o. ® `1I 6 9 096 Men's Furs Black Calf Coats, black China Dog Coats, dark brown Calf Coats, all sizes, regular $20 to $30, all guaranteed $16.00 No..1 Comedian Coon Coats, sizes 42 to 48, pritne, selected, travellers' samples, natural, $50 to $05 $45.00 SKIRTS. ---In beautiful blacks, blues, dark grays, in numerous styles, all sizes, many extra fine, regularly $4.00 to $7.50 $3.49 CHILDREN'S COATS.—Nifty, blue, grays, browns, reds, trimmed with braids, brass buttons • and velvet, all sizes, regular $1.50 to $8.50 $3.69 TRIMMED EATS.—Balance of new fall stock in browns, black, white, retia, etc., regnlarly $2.50 to $7.00 $1.49 HOSE.—For boys and girls, good black AII- 13 wool Worsted, sizes 7 to 10, reg. 25c to 40c.. C TOQUES.—Of finest wool, in good, large shapes, Fur Collars for Overcoats in Beaver, German Otter, navy, blue, black, red and white, regularly 25C near Seal, Wombat, Krainer Lamb, Astrachan, 35c to 50c well lined and fitted to your coat while yon wait, regularly 54.50 to $8.50.�� Pur Caps, Mitts, Gloves, Cloth Caps, away down. It's an eyeopener what we can do. Don't go cold. Men's Furnishing Clearings UNDERWEAR,—Wool and Fleeced Shirts and Drawee%) plain and fancy, new clean goods, all sizes, regular 50c to OOc each 49C BOYS' UNDERWEAR.—Wool or fleeced Shirts and Drawers, good, new, clean stock, all sizes, regularly 25c to OOc 33C SHIRTS.—Colored Neglige, cuff attached or de- tached, good washers and wearers, regularly 69C 75c to $1.25 If stung elsewhere, Quit going there ; But anyway, -- Come in to -day, You're welcome here Each day this year. At last to "The Little Eaton" They kept their visits repeating, Till week by week they stopped a leak, With us there is no cheating. TRADE OF ALL KINDS WANTED Butter, 25c. Eggs, 25c. Dried .Apples, Ge. *1i44l4NN414*♦NNii44444,4*#*444M444,44i4i► N441"s440ss4er0Qs4e•®64 HANNA BROS. Wingham, Ont. •9