The Wingham Advance, 1908-01-30, Page 51,111, 1. .
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High, Medium &
Low Priced
Exclusive Lines.
Our zoth Century Brand is r: '\,de by The
Lowndes Co., of Toronto. And our Sovereign
Brand is made by The W. E. Sanford Mfg. Co.,
of Hamilton.
Twenty per cent. discount allowed off the
regular prices of these lines, bringing them below
the selling price of inferior grades.
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
The County Court opened in Gode-
rich, on Tuesday afternoon and was
not concluded until the following
Monday afternoon.
Leiper v. Story—An action for the
price of building a cement wall and
floor of a -barn. Trial of this action
commenced at 2 o'clock on Tuesday
afternoon and was not concluded until
1:355 p.m. on Thursday. The jury dis-
pensed with. Argument in this case
has not yet been heard.
McPherson v. Ryan et al.—Action
for wages as foreman of a number of
lurnhermen. The jury returned a
verdict for the plaintiff for 5129.50,
aud His Lordship directed judgment
t) be entered for the plaintiff for that
Reese v. Pigott et al.—Action for
injury to plaintiff's grain in a mill at
Blyth by being flooded with water.
His Honor struck out the jury notice
and trial was postponed until the 3rd
of February at 2 o'clock.
Flays v. Vodden.—Action for fraud
in watering cattle improperly immedi-
ately before weighing them. The
jury returned a verdict for the de-
fendant, and His Honor directed judg-
ment to be entered dismissing the
action with costs.
Galbraith v. Hackwell.—An action
to recover the sura of $100 alleged to
have been paid by misrepresentation
and deceit. The jury returned a ver-
dict for the plaintiff for, the sum of
$100, judgment being entered for that
amount, with costs,
``f There were two non -jury cases
entered for trial. Nicholson v. Cooper
was settled between the parties,
When wanting a Stove, call at
Young's Big Hardware, and see what
he can show you in that line at
very Low Prices.
Oak Heaters, coal or wood, from $8 to $18
Cast Ranges, from - $20 to $45
Steel Ranges, from $25 to $45
Base Burners, from ...515 to $45 .
Wood Cook Stoves, from 7 to $29
1 Call and see for yourself, that
1 we have the goods at Right Prices.
Doherty Stoves and Ranges are un-
Carvers in case Butter Knives in case
Pic Knives in case Pickle Forks in case
Berry Spoons in case Cutlery of all kinds
Big Hardware
411/111=11129 MEM • CI MED 11111111113111114 J
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111 IIwIIII 11111111 I II
That snow is not the only thing that falls this time
of year. Our prices have come down on some of
our very best values ; we don't want any left over.
Before stock -taking, we offer the following goods
at remarkably low prices, in order to reduce our
stock. Be sure to see them before purchasing.
Ladies' and Men's Fur Coats, Caps and Gauntlets to go at less
than cost. A number of Fur Mutes, regular from $5,00 to $12.00,
your ohoice for $3.00; just the thing for girls.
30 Ladies' Cloth Jackets, beautiful material, your ohoice for $2.00.
32 pieces Dress Goods, ranging from 20 ots. to $1.00 per yard,
to be cleared out at 50 ots. on the $1.00. A splendid chance to
secure good warm clothing for school girls.
A large assortment of Flannelette from .5 ots. per yd. to 17 ots.,
less than wholesale prices to -day. Also a nice line of Fanoy Wrap-
perette and Kimona Cloth.
Heavy Canadian, all pure Table Linens, 66 inch, regular 60o for
500; 70 inches wide, regular 00o for 75o.
All wool and Union Sheeting, double and single fold yarns, sin-
gle, two and three ply, best home made.
Men's and Boys' Cloth Overcoats at half price.
Men's and Boys' Ready-made Suits or made to order.
Underwear of all kinds, also Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at 25 to
50 per cont. leas than regular price.
Men's heavy top Shirts, Cardigan Jackets, Boys' Sweaters.
Our Groceries are fresh and reliable. 3 lbs. choice Raisins for
25o. Extra, choice, recleaned Currants, loo per pound. Jelly Powder
5o per package or 0 for 25o. Tomatoes, 10o a can. Other things
equally the same.
Flour, Bran, Oil Cake and Beet Meal constantly in stook.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Wheat
Oats taken in exchange for flour.
6 a I 1. .1.n. .
T. A. Mills
Charged with perjury andobtaining
money under false pretencetf, Narcisse
XX. Cantine, a land promoter, was ar-
rested last Wednesday, at St, Joseph,
Huron county, by the Chief Constable
of Oodet•ich, Inspector Duncan of
Toronto received word of the man's
arrest, and sent >.3p Detective Ander-
son to take him to Toronto.
The false pretences charge relates to
the alleged obtaining from Ziba Galla-
. ghee, barrister, of 34 Victoria street,
Toronto, of $2,475, and 120 shares of
stock of the St. Joseph Land and Im-
provement and Manufacturing Com,
puny, of which the accused was the
It is alleged that Cantine got Galla-
gher to put up his money as security
for the shares, and by making a false
declaration got the stock back, One
part of Oantine's scheme was to ex-
ploit St. Joseph as a summer resort,
and he built a large hotel at a cost of
- 5100,000. He then, it is alleged, got
_ Gallagher to buy the property under
the impression that it was free from
, all incumbrances and liens, which the
complainant declares now was false.
-'The perjury charge arises out of the
Cantine left Toronto some time ago
for Goderich, and then went to St.
_ Joseph to take part in South Huron
election. The chief of police of Gode-
. rich, hearing that the man was in St.
Joseph, drove 38 miles after him and
arrested him there.
—The Attorney -General of Ontario
has recommended that part of the fine
imposed on'the M. C. R. in connection
with the dynamite explosion in that
town last summer be paid over to the
town of Essex.
At a meeting of the West Iluron
Liberal Association, on Friday, it was
decided to hold a convention at .(bode-
rich, for the selection of a candidate
for the Local Legislature, the date to
be fixed later,
On Saturday morning last the
Sovereign Bank of Canada ceased to
exist, its business having been taken
over by a number of other banks, the
branch in Canada being transferred
to the Royal Bank of Canada, by
which name it will hereafter be
`known. When the change become
known here, nouneasiness was mani-
fested, because depositors and the
public generally felt satisfied that
their money was perfectly secure,
The local branch here, which has been.
under the management of Mr. IL E.
Dewart, will remain as before and
business has been going on just the
same as if there had been no change
Ten years of Iihenmatio Torture Had
Sapped all Joy from Life, but South
Amorlean Rheumatic Cure Proved
the Life Nectar.
"For over ten years I was a great
sufferer from rheumatism. I tried
many remedies and was under treat-
ment of best medical men, but noth-
ing gave me any hope of a cure• X
procured a bottle of South American
Rheumatic Cure; its effects on me
were truly wonderful, for when I had
taken but one bottle every pain and
symptom of rheumatism had left me.
I heartily recommend it." — W. H.
Sherman, Morrisburg, Ont. (32)
For Sale by A. L. HAMILTON.
Slaughter Sale
Men's Women's Fur .Coats
Women's Cloth Coats, all new ; Men's, Youths' and
Boys' Overcoats and Ready-to-wear Clothing of every size
and description, will be cleared out from and after to-
day at 25 per cent. off every article. Think of it, a
dollar for 75c, $2.00 for $1.50, and so on to $100 for
$75, etc. Come to Gordon's Great Sale and save money
this hard season. See our Windows and Bargain Counters
for other very tempting lines at very small prices.
Goods charged will be at regular prices.
How To Improve t�callti.
No better way than to improve the
blood ---cleanse and enrich it, give it
nourishment and strength, This can
he quickly done by Dr. Hamilton's
Pills which have a vitalizing, pnrify-
ing effect that is unequalled in any
other medicine. With lots of pure
rich blood circulating to all parts of
the body, with snap and vim running
through every vein and artery, robust
health is inevitable. No cleansing
building tonic is as good as Dr, Hamil-
ton's Pills. Sold by all dealers.
Miss Elizabeth E. Grant
Teacher of Piano, Theory, Interpreta-
tion, Harmony. Pupils prepared
for Conservatory exams.
Studio in Macdonald Block 2nd Floor.
Terms on application.
B.S.A, L.D.S, D.D,S,
Honor Graduate of U'niverpity of Toronto
and Licentiate of Royal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario,
OiOncitc 1 1 I3eAVRrt lltoerc '1Z ixotrAm
D.D.S., role.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the .?en-
naylvanfaCollege and Licentiate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
—Aloe rix Maollepald 131op�C-�
Isarcrs Half -Yearly Clean Sweep Ten DaysSale.
Commencing Saturday, Feb, 1st1 and Ending Saturday1 Feb, 12th, '08,
STUPENDOUS Money -raising Sale, wherein we 'must realize Five Thousand Dollars in 10 days' time. Great honey Saving Chalices
in Fifteen Departments. Never mind how much we lose—it will be your gain.We've held some very successful Ten Days'
Sales, but this will eclipse all former efforts and will appeal to the ECONOMICAL BUYER, to whom the saving of a dollar is equivalent
to a dollar earned. No excuse to offer for this .Clean Sweep Sale, than that we need money. READ THESE PRCIES—it will prove
the most profitable reading you have done for some time. Shop early in the day- if possible.
Grocery Department.
Great Money Saving Chances For
.Ten Days Only,
1 Lb. Art Baking Powder with Graniteware Premium,
worth 60c to 75c each, 10 Day Sale Price only 43c
2 Cans Red Salmon for . 25c
Royal Yeast Cakes per box 03c
25c strong Brooms 20c
Cooking Figs per lb. 050
12 bars Laundry Soap for 25c
Pot Barley per pound only 03c
10c bottles Extract; sale price' 08c
Best Tomatoes per tin 100
Canada Laundry Starch per lb 00c
Japan and Ceylon Teas, 25c quality 20e
2 large boxes Matches for .. 25c
4 large packages Gold Dust for 25c
4 lbs. Ginger Snips for 2..5c
Corn Starch per package...,.... 08c
Big Savings on Clothing.
Men's strong, wall -made Overalls, blue or black, sale... 50c
10 Men's black Kersey Overcoats, well made, late
style, worth 58.50. sale price $0.50
18 Men's plain and fancy Tweed Suits, worth $7.00
to $7.50, sale price 5.00
Boys' heavy Overcoats, worth $5 to $0, for. ... ... , . 3.95
Men's heavy glay Twill Pants, regular $2 for......, 1.50
Boys' strong Tweed Knicker Pants .50
Men's heavy Pants, worth $1.50 to $1.75, sale 1.25
Two Thousand Dollars' worth of Clothing on second
floor must be sold out to make room for spring stock.
A large stock to choose from. Every pair to
be sold at cut price. Como and see how much
you can save buying footwear here.
20 PER CENT. discount off all"lines of Dress
Goods, Silk and Velvets. Buy your Spring Dress
now and save money.
Regular dollar Curtaigs, 31. yards long, on sale .75
25 pairs worth $1.255 per pair, nn sale .08
15 pairs, regular $2.60 value, 10 days' price $1.50
12 pairs worth $2.50, sale price 1.00
Bargains At The Ribbon Counter—Our Big
Stock Must Be Reduced. '
25c plain wide Ribbon, all colors, sale price....... , . 20c
20c fancy wide Silk Ribbon, sale price 15c
to"e plain Ribbon, all colors, sale price 120
20c platin Ribbon, soft taffeta lye
120 plain Ribbon, all colors 100
5 pieces fancy Tweed Dress Goads, wide, regular 50c
value, Eale price...,,.•,,.,, . 88e
Crum's best Prints, worth to -day 11- c wholesale, . lot of Corsets to clear, worth $1,00 and $1.25, on
Clean Sweep Sale ................. lop bargain tables for,....,..,......,...........,,,, 000
pr Remember the date-.sSATURDAY, FEBRUARY FIRST. Ev'ery'thing will be
redtrcecl. No goods charged at Sale Price. Cash or Produce in exchange for good.
No sales put hed on tickets during this Big Sate. -
Gents' Furnishings.
5 Doz. Men's Seamless Cashmere Sox, good buying
at 25c, they go at 19c
A lot of four-in-hand Ties, regular value 25e, sale. • 10c
Men's heavy Wool Underwear, good value at 75e, sale OOc
Men's heavy, fleece -lined Shirts and Drawers, 50e
duality 30c
Mens heavy wool Sox, 25e and 30c lines, sale price20c
50c heavy lined Leather Mitts for 39c
Everything in this department at greatly
reduced prices,
51 inch bleached Linen, regular 40e for 28e
50c half -bleached Linen, sale price 400
60c bleached Linen, wide, sale price 450
75c extra wide bleached Linen, sale price ... , OOc
$1,00 lino quality, 10 days' price 80c
Ladies' Wrappers, well made, lined waist and sleeves,
fast colors. regular value $2.00, sale . , , ......1,19
Ladies' Kid Gloves, black or colored, guaranteed,
regular ppr•iee 51.25, 10 days' sale price 000
10 pieces \Vra perette, nice pattern, 10c quality for8c
25 doz. Ladies' heavy Vests and Drawers, regular
Value 2:icto35r.e,th t1
Extra heavy ribbed wool moll,
good value at 35c, sale 25c
Heavy black Sateen Underskirts, worth $1.25, at• . , . , 00c
44 inch Pillow Cotton (circular) fine quality, good
vitiate at 20e, sale price 15c
4107,. 'Pablo Napkins, good value at 51 per doz., sale.. 75c
Large size Table Napkins, wet th $1.50, for $1,25
Extra huge blah Linen Napkins, special value at
$2.50, they go at ....$1.05
.rW 116.1 rur. 4.110
Ladies' black Kersey Coats, worth $7.50 for $1,05 i.
Ladies' black Beaver Coate, worth $8, for 5.50
Ladies' dark Tweed Coats, worth $12, for 7.95
Ladies' gray Cloth Coats, worth $10, for 7.00
Children's Coats at half price.
All our Coats roust be sold regardless of cost price.
A line of dark Tweed Skirts, all new styles, regular
value $5, for $3 75
Fine all -wool black or blue Venetian Skirts, $5 value.. 3.95
A lot of plain and fancy Tweed Skirts, value up to
53.50, for $1,05
Best English Lonsdale Cambric, regular 15e value,
sale price.. 121c
Ladies' Rat -lined Coats with hest Sable collar, $65
value for $50.00
Persian Lamb Jacket, worth $75, sale price 50.00
$35.00 Seal Coats on sale at 25.00 ;
Ladies' Coon Coats, good value at $50, sale price30.00 '
Astrachan Jackets, $33 value, 10 days' sale price, 25.00
Big reductions on Fur Caps, Muffs, Ruffs, Stoles,
Gauntlets, etc.
Thousands of yards of Laces and Embroideries,
Dress Trimmings, etc., to be sold at great sacrifice.
Salespeople Wanted.