The Wingham Advance, 1908-01-09, Page 5r --
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Money Found
As Advertised We hand you
back 20 cts. on
every dollar's. worth of goods pur-
chased here.
What It Means To You
Men's $15.00 Suits for
" 12.00 " "
' 8.00 4
Youths' $10.00 Suits for
Boys' 7.00 " "
5.50 "
3.75 "
Men's $12.00 Overcoats
4 9.50
Youths' 6.00 "
Boys' 4.50
" 3.50
t 4
I Special Discount On Furs
1 1 Men's $65.00 Coon Coats for
" 22.00 Dog Coats for
I 70.00 Fur -lined Coats for
20 Per Cent. Off
. Fur Caps and Collars, Shoes, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Hats
1 and Caps, Underwear, Hose, Mitts, Gloves, Braces, Um-
brellas, Overalls and Smocks, Trunks and Suit cases.
McGee Sc. Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
1 . '
Unroll County News.
Ridd, principal of Auburn
school, has given up the teaching pro-
fession, and for the fixture intends re-
siding in Peterboro.
Goderich, an. 2. -The funeral a
one of Goderieh's oldest residents took
place this afternoon to Maitland ceme-
tery, The deceased, Mr, Thomas
Graham was in his 03rd year,
-Mr. J. Torrance, son of Inspector
Torrance, of Clinton, who bas for
some time beon connected with the
Edmonton Bulletin, has joined the
staff of the Herald, a new daily estab-
lished in Lethbridge, Alberta.
-The Rev. E. Shaw and wife of
Lyons circuit, formerly of Belgrave,
were made the recipients of handsome
gifts at a surprise party held on theie
circuit. Mrs. Shaw was ,presented
with a handsome carriage rug and a
beautiful Saskatchewan robe,
-One of the oldest residents of
Goderich township passed away on
Saturday last, in the person of Mar-
tha Cassels, wife of Mr. E. Rumball,
of the 13th concession. Deceased was
a native of Armagh, Ireland, but has
resided in the township for over 50
-There passed away on Saturday
the 28th, a fine, promising young man,
of nearly 21 years of age, John Stew-
art Green, of the Oth concession God-
erich township. He was born in this
township and has worked at home on
z his father's farm, being the only
help Mr. Green had, and was only ill a
short time.
-Children of Stanley township,
Huron county, will have to be vaccin-
ated. The township council has in -
1 structed its medical health officer,
Dr, J. Rogers, to vaccinate all child-
ren under seventeen years of age‘who
I J have not beon vaccinated within the
last seven years. These will be vac-
cinated free, but others must pay 25
1 ;
riggababwoumiio GEM GO lb 41MENIMINEI
11 lr 101,11.i..1114l1.4 .o.1.4 :A.
When wanting a Stove, call at
Young's Big Hardware, and see what
he can show you in that line at
very Low Prices.
Oak Heaters, coal or wood, from $8 to $18
Cast Ranges, from $20 to $45
Steel Ranges, from $25 to $45
Base Burners, from $15 to $45
Wood Cook Stoves, from $7 to $29
Call and see for yourself, that
we have the goods at Right Pries.
Doherty :7'9ves and Ranges are un-
Carvers in case
Pic Knives in case
Berry Spoons in case
Butter Knives in case
Pickle Forks in case
Cutlery of all kinds
%IP MO I •-JM 40111111111116110 J
-Thursday afternoon fire broke out
in the kitchen of a Grand Trunk din-
ing car as a train was being made up
at Goderich. The gasoline stove was
in use and some of the pipes or burners
were jostled as the train was being
made up, causing the gasoline to
nite. The fire was confined to the
kitchen and the damage was not
great. The town brigade was called
out to extinguish the flames.
Defeated by Dr, Hamilton.
In no way is health so menaced as
by constipation. Ib leads trl indiges-
tion, insomnia. anaemia anu a hun-
dred ills. Ordinary remedies fail --
they relieve -don't cure. The worst
case is defeated and cured quickly by
Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which cleanse
the entire intestinal tract, stimulate
kidneys and liver, keeps the pores of
the skin open. You'll never have
stomach trouble, yellow complexion
or headaches if you use Dr. Hamilton's
Pills. They are a perfect system ton-
ic. 25c at all dealers.
z: - a 1
We aro well into January 1908, and
give below a few of the events of Jan-
uary, a year ago, for the benefit of our
1-Nayal dockyards at Halifax, N. S.,
transferred to the Canadian Gov-
ernment. Crops of 1000 in the
three western Provinces put at
201,600,000 bushels.
2 -Minister of Agricultural intro-
duces bill to provide for the inspec-
tion of meats and canned goods.
Thirty-five people killed in railway
wreck in Kansas.
3 -Opening of Manitoba Legislature. -
4 -Hotel Quinte, Belleville, burned.
7 -Ontario succession duties for the
past year given as $1,031,088.
8 -Death of Shah of Persia.
9 -Premier Laurier introduces a bill
re -adjusting the representation of
the new Provinces of Alberta and
11 -Tidal wave engulfs Sitnula, Dutch
East Indies -1500 lives lost.
14-Kingst on, Jamaica, wrecked by
earthquake. More than 1,000
lives lost.
15 -Bishop Sweatman, of Toronto,
elected Primate of all Canada.
17 -Quebec city experiences the cold-
est weather in fifty years,
18 -Great famine in Central China.
Dominion Government gives
$50,000 towards relief of Kingston,
19 -New Shah of Persia crowned.
Governor Swettenham, of Jamai-
ca, requests United States Admiral
Davis to withdraw his marines
from the island. Secretary Root
at Ottawa.
24 -Opening of Ontario Legislature.
25 -Death of Hon, A. G. Blair, ex -Min-
ister of Public Works.
20 -British Labor Congress pass reso-
lution favoring woman suffrage.
27 -Death of Senator Dobson, of Lind-
28 -judge Taschereau appointed Chief
Justice of King's Bench at Mon-
31 -Death of Timothy Eaton, founder
of T. Eaton Company, Limited.
Strike of telephone girls in Toron.
- I
/Mart Disease that Baffled the Clever-
est Physicians Gives tp the right -
Dr. Agnew's Cure for tiro Heart
Wins Again.
It isn't a bit of boast to say that Dr.
Agnew's Cure for the Heart works
miracles every day. A Toronto lady,
living' on Queen street west, was given
by her doctor "till morning at most
to live," and When the life cord
seeined Just about to snap this great
remedy Was suggested as a last re-
sort -and it saved the life -stopped
the pain inside of 80 minutes, Mid to-
day she is .enjoying exeellent health
free tram all heart steaming. (10j
Vol, Sale by' A. L, gAmtirost,
• _
SIMIMIllaimm mom mum
Shoe Fly Sale
Here -For The Month Of
Extraordinary Values
Be Up and Doing.
No Bluff. No Sham. 0 No Catch. The Real Thing.
Look Wise at the Mighty Good Values.
50 pair of Men's extra Gum
Bush Rubbers, sizes 6-10,
regular value $2.50, Shoe
•Ply at .$1.95
20 pr. Men's long Felt Boots, •
odd sizes, value from $2.50
to $3.75, Shoe Fly at....$2.25
40 pair Men's Felt Lined
Shoes, first-class value,
regular $2.40, Shoe Fly at $1.75
25 pair Men's Hair Lined
Shoes, extra vnlue, regu-
lar $2.75, Shoe Fly at... .$L75
25 pair Men's long Leather
Boots, whole stock, sizes
GS, regular $3,25, Shoe
Fly at $2.00
15 pr. Boys' Leather Shoes,
felt lined, regular $1,75,
Shoe Fly at $1.25
. _
100 pair Ladies' Felt Slip-
pers, all styles and colors,
regular $1.50, Shoe Fly at 90c
Everything in Ladies' Shoe,
patent, gum metal, kid, felt,
felt lined, all to be sold at cost.
Everything to go at Cost.
Strictly Cash Shoe Fly Sale.
, II NI 1 IP . NM 1
I . 10 MIS 110111 p .111 1 11 • I 1 di
Every Housewife Should Have
"Universal" Food Chopper.
It will chop all kinds of meat, raw or cooked, and
of fruit and vegetables, into clean-cut, uniform pieces, fine
as wanted, without mashing, and with great rapidity.
with the chopping knife and bowl entirely, doing its
tenth the time, and producing an absolutely uniform
cutting sausage meat it cannot be surpassed. Sold by
Union evangelistic services began ft
en IvIenday, Jan. 0, by the Presby-
terians and Methodists of this vil-
The Pryne flouring mill, BruSsel$,
has been running some nights as well
as the day to keep up with the rush of
W. 3. Palmer has arrived in town
and is now In charge of the electric
light system of Brussels, having pur-
chased the same from F, A, Moore.
The timbers constituting the tem-
porary footbridge over the Maitland
near the old flax mill, were taken
away last Saturday by the rise of
the river.
While learning to skate at the park
rink last Thursday evening, Cora,
daughter of P. S. McDonald, had the
misfortune to break a small bone in
her leg just above the ankle.
_ On Dec. 80th, Albert H. McOuffin
paid Nature's debt at Los Angeles,
California, aged 57 years, and was
- buried in Rose Lawn cemetery on the
23rd ult. Mrs. McGuffin is a sister to
T. 3. Gilpin, Brussels, and was mar-
ried to deceased partner 23 years ago.
She taught school at the stone school
house, Morris, for six years.
Colonel I Sergeant Jas. Simpson, of the Brussels Co., 33rd regiment, hasn
beeawarded a medal for long service
and good conduct in the Huron Regi-
ment. Sergeant Simpson has belong-
- ed to the Brussels Company for over
= twenty years and is one of the few in
the Regiment who has the honor of
receiving recognition from the Gov -
E ermnent of Canada.
P. J. McDonald, who has been at
. Moose Jaw foii the past few months,
arrived home on Christmas day on a
visit with his wife and family. He
will return next March. The past sea -
all kinds
or coarse,
It does
work in
one -
A knowledge of Business Paper is
of inestimable value to every young
An accountant must be familiar
with the uses of notes, drafts and
checks to hold a responsible position.
The young man in business for
himself should possess the knowledge
necessary to draw up correctly all
manner of business forms, such as
notes, drafts, vouchers, leases, part-
nership agreements, etc.
He, who intends to remain upon
the farm, must know the meaning of
"negotiability," "indorsing," "dis-
counting," "protesting," etc., or he
will find himself "out of pocket "
now and again.
1,1re thoroughly teach all these and
many more valuable things in con-
nection with "Bills of Exchange."
Write for our large, illustrated,_
free catalogue. It explains our
Business and Shorthand Courses in
detail, and shows the value of the
:Business Educators' Association
Diploma to our graduates.
Our graduates are in constant
Members of Business Educators'
Association. Principal. London.
When Children Cough
give thein that old reliable remedy that never fails to cure
Friar's Cough Balsam
It stops coughs -breaks up colds -and heals infiatnma-
floe in throat and bronchial tubes. Absolutely pure and
safe for children. 25e a bottle. At druggists or from
The new year was ushered in by the
ringing of bells, blowing of whistles
and music by the Wingham Army
In a close and interesting game
of hockey played here on Thursday,
Jan. 2, in the Northern League, tuck -
now defeated Palmerston by 8 to 7.
Referee, A. Brooks from Listowel.
A week of Prayer is being observed
in the local, churches commencing
Monday evening in St. Peter's, Tuba.
day evening in Methodist church and
Wednesday eveniag in Presbyterian.
Sohn 11IeLeod, formerly of Ashileld,
brother-in-law of Mts. X. McLeod of
town, while working on an electric
plant in Brantford, was caught in a
belt and had his leg and arm broken.
Ile was taken to the hospital, but on
Sunday night heart failure set in,
which resulted in his death. He
leaves a widow and four children.
The interment took place n't St.
Augustine cemetery on Saturday-,
Dee. 21st, of the late M. O'Loughlin,
aged 30 years, who has been suffering
from a decline for several months.
Deceased who was born on thd pre-
sent homestead on con. 12, West Wa-
wanosh, Was. one of tho most highly
respected young men of the district
and his early demise Is regretted by a
wide circle i4 friends and neighbors.
son was spent chiefly on the water-
works dam for the corporation of
Moose Jaw. Length of cement dam
was 340 feet, with an average of 25
feet in height, much of it being below
the ground. The north side of the
basin was lined with concrete, which
averaged 10 feet in height and was
about 200 feet long. It took 927i bar-
rels of cement and 1100 yards of gravel
to complete the contract. The con-
tract price was over $24,000.
: I
The "Just As Good Kind" Never Pays.
If there is one thing more than an-
other that should aggravate a self-
respecting person, it is to be told that
the article they ask for at their drug-
gist's is not to be had, but that they
can have something "just as good or
better." The principal reason for
such attempts at substitution is either
the desire of the storekeeper to sell
something on which he can make
more money, or he hasn't the goods
asked for, and wants to make a sale of
something in its place.
Every reader of this paper should
bear in mind when asking for Vinol,
the modern cod liver oil preparation
that is for sale in Wingham at J. W.
51cKibbon's drug store, only,'and that
it can always be had when ask-
ed for.
The reason why Vinol is so far
superior to old-fashioned cod liver oil
and emulsions is because it is made by
a scientific, extractive and concentrat-
ing process from fresh cods' livers,
combining with peptonate of iron all
the medicinal, healing and body build-
ing elements of cod ilver oil, but no
As a body braider and strength cre-
ator for old people, delicate children,
weak, run-down persons, after sick-
ness, and Chronic Coughs, Colds,
Bronchitis, and all throat and lung
troubles, Vinol is unexcelled.
No one wants an old fashioned cod
liver oil preparation or emulsion after
once tasting delicious. Vinol. Try it.
If it fails to benefit we will return
your money. J. Walton McKibbon,
Druggist, Winghatn.
- - 1
Mr, Alfred Elliott, of Thedford tile
yard, brother-in-law of Jos. Cook, has
been in this vicinity for some time
looking over the country in view of
starting a brick and tile yard.
Miss Lucy Stevens has been engaged
by the School Board as successor to
Miss Edna Manning at $430 per year.
She is an accomplished and successful
teacher, and will maintain the excel-
lence of the stall.
A short time ago Dr. Gifford was
appointed assistant Surgeon at Lon-
don Asylum. Last week Mr. Gifford
received notice that his services were.
not required, no reason being given
for the dismissal. He is the eldest son
Of Rev. Dr. Gifford, late of Clinton.
His Honor, Judge Holt, has given
judgment in favor of John O'Keefe,
Seaforth, ordering Mr. J. Rumford,
the defendant, to pay damages and
costs of the action. John O'Keefe,
who is a cattle buyer, of Seaforth,
brought action against Mr. Jno. Elms-
ford, claiming damages for not de-
livering certain fat cattle that O'Keefe
bought from him.
Dnring 1907 there were 66 inter-
ments in the cemetery, 7 more than in
the year 1900. Of the interments 23
were rnen, 20 women and 14 children
under the age of 10. .A. very unusual
co -incidence occurs in respect to the
first and last interment of the year.
The late John B. Rumball was the
first person buried in 1907 ; his aunt,
Mrs. E. Rumball, being the last.
Doctor" Said Ite. Must Die, But no
Dallied Under South American Kid-
ney Cure, and Diabetes 'Wtte Abso-
lutely Cared.
A prominent legal light in a Cana-
dian Western town treated and dieted
for years 161 what the doctors diag-
nosed an incurable ease of diabetes. Ile
became so bad that ho had to quit
his practice, ether complications set-
ting itt, and his sufferings were "nest
intense. Almost as a last resortho
tried South American Kidney Cure,
and, to his own surprise, immediately
began to linprove. 'refs is over a
year ago. He continued taking this
greatest of all kit1BOY flpPeitIPP. rid to.
day he is a well mart. (20)
For Sale by A. L. Ifiturraox.
Read ! Realize! Profit Is
s r
II. E. Isard & Co. have decided. to sell out all
Goods on the Second. Floor, at
Stupendous Money -raising and Stock.'
reduction Sale. Eight Thousand Dollars'
worth of Merchandise on. 2nd Floor to be sold
out Quick at Cost and. Below. We don't want
the goods we want the money. This Great
Sacrifice Sale is certainly a Bargain Feast of
Men's & Boys' Overcoats, Men's & Boys' Suits;
Pants, Reefers, Overalls ; all kinds of Furs -Fut -
lined Coats, Fur Coats, Gauntlets, Fur Caps, Ruffs,
Muffs, Caperines, Etc.; Girls' Coats, Ladies' Coats,
Children's Coats, Underskirts, Waterproof Coats.
Carpets and Curtains.
Tapestry Carpet, Brussels Carpet, Wool Carpet, Union
Carpet, Hemp Carpet, Stair Carpet, Matting, Oilcloth, Lin-
oleum, Stair Oilcloth, Art Squares, Rugs,. Mats, Lace Cur-
tains, Roller Blinds, Tapestry Curtains and Table Covers.
Positively everything on 2ND FLOOR going at WHOLE-
SALE PRICE. All must be sold out by end of Jan'y.
Ground Floor Bargains.
BIG BARGAINS in all Departments on FIRST FLOOR
during STOOK -TAKING now going on. Stock MUST be
greatly reduced before inventory at end of the month.
In justice to yourself, your family and your pocket -book,
you can't afford to overlook this great money -saving op-
Don't fail to secure your share of the BARGAINS.
TERMS: -Spot Cash or Trade,
ukt. Ssav& E) Co.
1 ,11.1.1.• 1111
Slaughter Sale
Men's 8 Women's Fur Coats
Women's Cloth Coats, all new ; Men's, Youths' and
Boys' Overcoats and Ready-to-wear Clothing of every size
and description, will be cleared out from and after to-
day at 25 per cent. off every article. Think of it, a
dollar for 75c, $2.00 for $1.50, and so on to $100 for
$75, etc. Come to Gordon's Great Sale and save money
this hard season. See our Windows and Bargain Counters
for other very tempting lines at very small prices.
Goods charged will be at regular prices.
Big Sacrifice of Hardware For
Cash Only.
We will continue our Reduction Sale during January,
then take stock and retire from business. Now is you
chance .to, make money.' Parties that intend building or
painting in the spring will do well to get their supplies
now. Come and look through our stock; no trouble to
show goods and give prices. We are giving sono won-
derful bargains in following lines, at and under cost:
Silverware, a beautiful set of five -
piece Tea Set.
Nickel -plated Tea Kettles.
Nickel -plated Tca Pots.
Copper Boilers. Graniteware.
Glass Lamps. Tinware.
Parlor and Hanging Lamps.
Table and Pocket Cutlery.
Skates. Guns. Cross -cut Saws.
Plow Chains. Stall fixtures.
Axes, Spades, Shovels, Forks, etc.
Tools of all kinds.
Steel Ranges. Cast Ranges.
Heating and Cooking Stoves.
Builder Hardware.
Mixed Paints. White Lead.
Paint Oil. Machine 011,
Window Glass.
Barn Door Hangers, etc.
Sereen Doors and Windows.
Lawn Mowers,
Ideal Woven Fence.
Carpet Sweepers.
Meat Cutters.
IL Bishop , • Central Hardware.