HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-01-02, Page 8• • • SHOT HIS. , FATHER TO •, • eearching near the sport, dieeovered two They are of Anierioan Manufacture and imager trays beside the railway traok. poorer quality, One hi round and the other °Wittig, and both beer the initiale SAVE His DtioTHER. Tel ,en1e1:71eicPeiebfittlre:;ip°114athl; where the silver eatne from ,or how long • Buffalo Man Was Chok- ing His Wife, Son Set Bullet Into His Brain. Mother Had Saved the Boy From Father. Baffalo, Dee. ha—White clutching his wife's throat in Or vice -like grip, Charles. Schroff, a salooakeeper at 253 East Gen- esee street, was shot and instantly killed at 1.10 o'clock yesterday afternoon by his son Charles, 10 years old. The trag- edy occurred in the family kitchen in the rear of the saloon. It was the climax of a quarrel which began in the midst of the noon meal. In his haste to save his mother from hs nether's fury, the youth reached over her shoulder to fire the fatal shot. mocking curse of violence lingered on the father's lips as the bullet plowed through his brain. The lifeless body dropped like a log to the floor, almost dragging Mrs. Schroff with it, so tight was the hold on her neck. Wren she realized the etw-fulness of the deed Mrs. Schroff eheleked and swooned away, with her face buried in her hands. Three younger children ran out of doors, screaming at the top of their voices. When the shot was fired Louise, a 12 - year -old daughter, was speeding to the Sycamore street police station, a block away, to call the police. "Father is getting crazy!" cried °the Slip of a girl as she ran breathlessly in- to- the police station, She led the way back, -and Detective Leary and Police- - 'limn Scott followed. When they arrived Schroff's body was lying in a pool of blood on the floor. The youth whose heart was torn by love for his mother and fear of his fath- er stood over the corpse. He was half dazed. The revolver still dangled from his Tight hand. "You must come with me to the sta. tiener said Detective Leary, touching the youth on the shoulder. Without a word Charles handed the weapon to the officer and set out for the station. His composure surprised the The boy's courage failed him as he walked inao the police station. Tears glistened in his eyes and his lips quiv- ered. "IS he dead?" he asked in a whisper. The detective looked straight ahead and. pretended not to hear. The young prisoner's knees gave way and he would bave fallen to the floor but for the as- isistance of the police, who rushed to his side. "Idid it for mother. Father was ehoktrig her until her eyes bulged way out.. He was awful when he drank." This deelaration seemed to put new energy into the distressed youth. He shook himself together and did not again yield to his emotions. When he teas being examined at police head- quarters he tidked calmly of the shoot- ing. .He was all the time steeling him- - self against collapse. The revolver' with which Charles killed his father was a 38-ealibre weapon and was kept in a drawer behind the bar in the front cif the building. When the trouble began Fred, a 14 -year-old son, ran for the weapon. eetle returned just as etchroff grappled his wife. Charles impishsively snatched the revolver from his brother s hand and ordered his father to desist from ill-treating the mother. "If you don't let her go Pll kill -you," -cried the son as he leveled the weapon. The father laughed eerociouely and squeezed the harder. The muzzle of the revolver flashed fires and the father aank to his death. The bullet entered the left Kix oxd ranged upward, com- ing out in the middle -of the top of the forehead., Blood gushed from the two external wounds until the entire floor was besmeared. The blood flowed so free- ly that the features of the dead man quickly became so covered by the life flow that they could hardly be recog- nized. The struggle which ended in the slay. ng .of Schroff was the second that he hod WI with his wife within. a half hottie. ming the first encounter he hint r against the red-hot kitchen Ads, • .„a time he stifled his rage, • lent A up again, with the fatal Pesult. The ;: id'iate cause of the father's attack go" the mother was anger be- cause she intervened when he attacked Cheeks. The boy made a statement of the thooting to the police and his at - count was praetieally corroborated by the individual statements of the other Members of Use family. ROCHETTE DEATH, THE CORONER'S JURY'S VERDICT AGAINST THE HUSBAND, Omer Rochette's Marriage Took Place Soon After He Buried His First Wife, and Quebec Police • Are Now Poking for Him. Qiiebee, Dee. 30.—"T1iat deceased died froni the effects of art arsenical Substance, criminally administered. by Omer Rochette, her husband, and that the said Omer Rochette should be held responsible for the death." The above is the verdict rendered this afternoon by the Coroner's jury over the remains oi the late Mrs. Omer Roehette, who died here on the 17th of November last, and who was buried on. the Oth of that month. Ten days after his wife's death Hachette married a young girl named Mar. leeteit. The newly -married couple left immediately on 4 lioneynt0On trip to lVfontrefil. Many rumors then a0111* Menced to eirculate regarding Mrs. Rochette's death, and became so sen- sation:1,1 and assumed such propor- tions that COrtnier Xolleoeur had the body exhumed and the stornaelf, lungs and bow* We analyzed by Rev. Mr. Mien. professor of Laval liniversitsr, and it. Marois, who both testified to the Met that arsenie wee found in conaiderabie onantitiee fri tha stomach and mteatines. A nchew- M 0. hien abet, after reekvering. from the' ON RE UN'. N URDER F sprang at Terrace. E MO wmCuRRy dead° Well Of the two Was the. bett, • — , . 9 start the diseltaige of the gua gave•hiku, ' ° Then COMMeneed 4 Woggle that watt ter Man, Curry well Man at 10.0 volAials, while Territee is Meaner in etattlre and lighter in Weight, but very W7. Xn the etruggle the lamp WWI overturned and the oil ran ever the table end floor. Terrace kept a firm hold on the shotgun, and in the struggle attempt. ed to pomt it at JaMes Curry's head, but his arm was struck and the shot which was intended for Cuery entered the ceiling. So occupied in the etruggle Was Curry that he did net even know the gun had been firecl the second time, but the small boy, who stood at the door, saw the flash in the dark. For several minetes the,struggle continued, until, having failed to shoot (terry with the second cartridge in the.guri, Terrace threw the weapon from him and took from his pocket a, heavy stove shaker, which he had been carrying all day, He dealt Mr, Curry a severe blow' on the head with the shaker, and protecting himself from the rain of blows dierry'e right arm and left hand were leadly in- jured, Finally Curry's weight told on Terrace. The dim light from the stove enabled Curry to see 'that they were struggling near an old-fashioned, lounge in lite dining room, and with one sniper - 534." There ia absolutely no clue as to The Old Man Shot Down hy His Hired Man. it lay undiscovered, except that there WAS anOW for only ten days before. The pohieiare sureti '1 • w Is thieves' of the husband stated that 110 was plunder and that the big tray was doub- Life and Death Struggle Between , present during the two last days pre- led up so it ould be put in a bag or ceding his aunt's (bath at Rochette's under a coat. house, and that any medicine given Probably the thieves were carrying to the deceased wite almost always the stuff through on a train wad, being given to her by the hueband, anxious to be rid, of it, threw it into Detailed Mothe of Awful Tra- when last heard of, Itachette and the ravine from. the bridge, not knowine Son and Murderer. Uie second wite were in montrom, but there WOO a. roal below, and thinkli gedy Near Bramnton. he is supposed. to have left that city they could recover it later. The stuff is on the 9th instant, Chief McCaskill believed to be worth more than three expected that Omer Rochetto will soon henaleed dollers. . 1 ti,* cell at the jail here, on the same has the matter in hand, .and it is A Brampton, Ont., despatch: Lying in proprietor of the erchants' Olt 11 1VIA NEWARK MYSTERY be captured. Roebotte was formerl mattress on which his victim pseud • away, is John Davis Terrace, and in here. - the house teltere he was born and • CURATE SHOT. NUDE BODY OF UNKNOWN WOMAN lived. for nearly eighty years, ten FOUND IN POND. lace southeast' of Brampton, is the body of William Curry, who was IRISH CLERGYMAN ATTEMPTED TOshet by Terrace on Christmas night, MURDER HIS SUCCESSOR. Had Been Strangled- to Death—Victim, • Seen by Watchman Going Toward , blood, Another Itas been add. Rev. Thomas Gibbing Went Gunning for Rev. W. White on Christmas Day; Pond in Company Early Hour. have been recorded. in Toronto Town- ., ship, and. the murder °nest eight was Found Him in Jaunting Car, and probably one of the most deliberate and Seriously Wounded Him. Newark, N. J., Dee. 30.-4 murder premeditated of them all. Terrace eombining the elements of enystery and carefully prepared to murder James Cur - deliberate cruelty, that takes it out of . London, Dee. 30.—A despatch from .. , - I 3r) son of the man who was mardered, Dublin says that Rev. W. White, dio- the ordinary, was cemauttee on toe but shot Curry's father instead, and. in Elackeneack Meadows in the town of cesan curate of Cashel, in .County Tip- an attempt to murder the son, after he /Unison, early to-dliy, and the undo perary, was. shot and seriously wouhded body of the victim, a comely woman of had shot the father, he was so roughly on Christmas Day bv a brother clergy- perhaps 30 years, was discovered. nearly handled that he was unconscious for sev- man, Rev. Thomas 8: Gibbings, who un- euhmerged in the icy waters of a little . eral hours, and for a timeItwas feared til • tl fli i t d i tl iti ond Onl the feet projected when 1 Id 1 di WithMan at an ed to the long list of erunes winch human effort he threw his assailant secen y o cae n ems on p . • u now held by White. Gibbings, who is a chalice passersby broke the ice in whieh Protestant clergyman drove out in a the exposed portions were incrusted and jaunting ear looking for his victim and dragged the body ashore this afternoma found White also in a- car returning'from Idle body had not been identified to - conducting Christmas -service at Ballin- night, and it was pretty well established garry, a village in the eastern part of the that it was not that of a resident of county. this city or Harrison. Suspecting his predecessor's purpose Two men who occupied a yacht moor - on seeiug the gun, White drove huriredly ed near where the body was found are down a side road, but was overtaken by detained by: the police, but the meet Gibbings, who declared he would shoot importitat clue obtained was furnished within a minute. "Speak with me and to -night by Peter Coogan, a watchmen explain before you do," answered, me, employed by the Marine Engine Come attempting to shield himself behind the pany, who recognized the body as that ear. elibbings fired several shots, shat- ef a woman Whom he had seen crossing tering the victim's hand and knee, the the meadows in company with. a man car protecting the more vulnerable- parts lima 2 o'clOek this morning. Later he of his body. Afterwards the wounded maw a man alone. He then. carried a man was carried to a neighbor's house bundle in his tu•ms. The man was shsrt and later to Dublin Hospital, where his end stout, condition is regarded as serious. Two girls returning to their hame in Gibbings drove hastily away and gave Earrison long after midnight this morn - himself up to the police. The brother of ing heard a woman's cries floating over the wounded man, also a clergyman, says the marshland. They seemed to come he knew of no quarrel between White from the direction of the pond, and to • the startled girls sounded like "Spare and Gibbings, one" and "Help." Rearer home the girls were appioaehed by a well-dfessed CRUELTY To DOOMED PIGS. , stranger, 'ho accosted and followed them until a policeman was met with, Dr. Hollingsworth Tells of Carelessness when he turned and fled. in Slaughtering. A sealskin muff, a fur neckpiece, a • Alit and a woman's red coat trimmed Ottawa des -patch: Dr. Hollingsworth with military braid were found along reported to the City Hall to -day that -cin-der path n.erte the pond. The wo• gross cruelty was practiced by butchers of the city, more particularly in the had been dead about twelve hours when the body was found, Death hut been slaughter of pigs. e clue to strangulation. "In one slaughter house in the city, he remarked, "I have seen pigs strung 3 e up and dashed into boiling water before WHY HE KILLED HIMSELF. they are dead. The kicking of the poor animals just as soon as they reached the Toronto Furrier Could Not Stand Black- water made a terrific splash and their mail and Slander. shrieks were simply,heartrending. "In the case of attempts to stun pigs A Toronto despatch: "Can't stand the I have seen some cruel 'things. Animals slander and blackmeil and worry any are hit indiscriminately by strong hutch- longer. Have always dealt square and ers. Some of them get away half stun- honest. Have been used mean -and shah- ned and race about until the butcher by here. What I. -have belongs, to my catches them once more. Their throats brother, Alec. Hobrecker." are then cut and many of them are This comndunication was found by the thrown into boiling water before they side of Gustave Hobrecker," who was are dead. The animals are all huddled found dead. in his room at 5 Ann street together, and seem instinctively to have last night, the thirty -two -calibre re - an idea of their impending fate. volver with he had shot himself "I have seen them run from the in the right temple being still clasped in butcher and in not a few cases their legs his hand. The note, which was legibly have been broken." written in pencil upon a bill head bear - Public abattoirs where there will be hie the dead man's business address as humane treatment is a local proposi- %%eider in and 'manufacturer of fine tion, furs, at 49 King street west, was ad- dressed to an intirrigle friend. FAMINE IS THREATENING. Mr. Ade:vender McNeill, the keeper of the rooming house at 5 Ann•street, last Turkish Villages are on the Verge of saw Hobrecker on Christmas night. He was always a taciturn man, who never Staevation. but of necessity during the whole four - Boston, Masse Dec. 30.—The American teen months' stay at the house spoke Board of 'Commissioners' for Foreign . to his fellow -lodgers or anyone. At Missions .has .received advices from the 1:a -past 10 one of the lodgers thought interior of Turkey, showing unusually k he heard a pistol shot. severe famine eonditions. Bread is dou- Over a year ago Hobrecker failed in ble its normal price, wheat and other his business as a furrier, eel he lived in cereals are considerably higher than last retirement at Ane streeet. He was of year, and prices for other necessities are four or five times -higher than fifteen Hebresesextraction, but had. lived for years ago. years in Canada. He was about fifty Teachers bile village near Erzroom, - reeve of age. and it is believed has no eektives in the city. whose salaries for the year average $79..e , • 20 in American money, • are .obliged to pay $52.80 for a year's „supply of wheat. Mr. Herd, the British Consul at Bitlis, reports that several hundred pereons in Moushplain and Bukrik will probably starve to death before the winter closes un'ess relief reaches them soon. Famine is also threatening other vil-•• loges near Erzroom -and few of the in - either to .America or to Russia. Smithboro, Dec. 30.—In a pistol habitants have the means of escaping, „ battle following the robbery of the Van - TWO ACCIDENTS. della passenger depot early here to -day one of the robbers was shot five times, Middlesex Man Injured by Falling and Eniory Brown, city marshal, of .Scr- Vat—Impeled on Hook. rento, was wounded twice. Both rmen are in a serious condition. A London, Ont., despatch: William , The companion of the wounded robber McAdam, a farm laborer on the ' was arrested and. lotked up at Green - Fourth Concession of London Town- Else four miles away, where his ship, had a narrow escape from death ' eomrade Was also locked up after having by the falling of a huge syrup vat been given medical treatment. which had been placed on an inseCute' platform, His right leg was broken' PISTOL FIGHT. Robber Shot Five Times and City Marshal Also Hit. across the 'lounge. He then wrenched the stove shaker from Terrace's -hands, and beat his assailant over the head With his own weapon until he was un- conscious and Tell to the floor. Curry was almost exhausted from the efforts of the life and death struggle, and for a moment lay panting on the sofa. Staggered Back to Bed. He soon recovered, hiewever, and has- tily lighted another lamp. He expected to find the body of his father lying on the floor, and 'looked there, but a huge pool of blood -showed only where • his C. Terrace is a paluter by trade, and father had stood. With the strength he his home is in Newcastle -on -Tyne, had gained by his vigorous outdoor life England. He arrived iu Canada only , on 'the farm, the (Ted man had managed a month ago, having sailed from LW- to stagger to his bed and fall across it. erpool far St. John, N. B., on the His left side was almost completely torn steamer Lake Manitoba, Nov, 20th. He away by the charge of number six shot, arrived in Toronto a few days later which had been fired from such a close and. was in the Imimgration Depart- distance. He died, however, without re- gaining consciousness. ment at the 'Union Station there when Mr. James Curry went in looking for a Medical Aid Summoned. man, and was employed on trial for a James Reid, the boy, was hastily de - month. Terrace has a wife and child in spatched for Mr. Black, Mr. J. lVicKaY, Newcastle -on -Tyne, another neighbor, and Dr. M. H. Aikins, William Ourry, the murdered man, who lives at Bitrnhamthorne, several would have been eighty years old on miles from the scene of the murder. It New Year's Day, and- except for' a was two hours before the doctor arrived, few years, when he lived. in Bramp- and a few minutes after his arrival old ton, resided. on the farm and in the Mr. Curry breathed his last. same house where he met his death. Terrace, inethe meantime, was being He was a magistrate, and had oecu- looked after. He was totally unconscious pied positions in the County Council, and for a time it was feared that he having been reeve several times. skull had been fractured and that he James Curry, whom Terrace intended would die. Dr. Aikins patched up the Co marder, is unmarried, and. 46 years cuts on his head and face, and also &t- old. He has been in the Coanty Conn- tended to Mr. James Curry's injuries. cil, and is one of the best known farm- At 4' o'clock this morning George Jack - ere in the vicinity of Brampton. son, one of Curry's neighbors, went to the house and remained thel'e all day. Laughed at Hired Man. .Win. Baldock, another neighbor, also re - Not being accustomed to farm la. unlined at the house all clay. bor, Terrace was perhaps not as good Investigation Opened. a man as Mr. James Curry expected to At 6.30 this morning Badock and obtain, and he was often criticized by Black drove into Brampton to inform Curry as to the character of his work. A few days luso, when the pump in the Mr. W. H. McFadden, Crown Attorney, yard near the house was being repaired, ocfontmhaentieritagebdyy,CaonrodneMraDMr. McFadden, laecf-t James Curry laughed at Terrace and at once for the scene of the crime. Mr. twitted him tbout the way he took hold of the handle of the pump. An argument George Broddy, High Constable of Peel County, also left for the scene, accom- followed, and Terrace was informed that menied by County Constable, Jackson, his month's trial had shown that he was I and upon their arrival Terrace, who was. unfit for farm work, and that he still unconscious, was placed under Would have to leave at the end of the lard. About 10 o'clock Terrace regain - month. He .became angry, and claimed guard. ed consciousness, but lay with his eyes to have been engaged for a year, but was agent told that his. time would closed and refused to talk, except to ask expire 4,t -he end of the year. That for a drink. ended the!. argument, and no more After hearing the particulars of the thought- wasziven to ib by Curry, but case the Crown Attorney and Coroner Terrace evidently decided then and there empanelled a jury, which viewed the re- mains of the dead man and adjourned to shoot-biiir employer at the first op - until Monday at 2.30 in the Town Hall portunity. ' -Christmas Celebration. the scene of the murder. The following of Elmbank, a village about a mile from Yesterday morning Jetties Curry and farmers comprise the jury: Walter Bah his father hitched up their team and dock, Wm. Hanna, Robt. Reech, Sylves- drove to the, residence of Mr. John ter Osborne, Robt. Whitehead, Walter Black, Wm. Curry's son-in-law, in order Rain, Win. McBride, Geo. Potter, Wm. to ,celebrate Christmas. The home of Whitehead, Roy Hammerton, John Han - Mr. Black is about a emile from the na, Robt. Speers, Ward Truman, James Curry honiedtead, and throughout the Leech and Absalom Petherick. day the old man wile in the best of Removed to Brampton. spirits, and talked of having a. celebra- at 4 o'clock Terrace had recovered boa on New Year's Day In honor of sufficiently to be removed to the his eightieth birthday. At eight o'clock, Brampton jail, and as Dr. Aikins eel. - father and son left for home, arriving tified that it was safe to remove the about half an hour later. Terrace, who rimer. High Constable Broddy placed had. remained at the Curry homestead P him on the mattress' taken from the bed all day in order to write severed letters, in which William Curry had died, and including, one .to his wife, opened the after wrapping Terrace up warmly to door for Wm. Curry to enter the house, protect him from the cold, drove into and went to the stable to assist James Brampton, accompanied by Mr. Jackson. Curry to unhitch and stable the horses Terrace was perfectly conscious, and for the night. By nine o'clock the horses when placed on the floor in the cotridor had been. attended to and James Curry of the jail slyly opened one eye and and Terrace eateed the houee together. took in the surroundings. His left eye The kitchen of the homestead is not used was so badly 'bruised by Mr: Curry's during the winter, and the diningroom blowS that he was unable. to open it. is utilized as a kitchen, dining and sit- Tfe stolidly refused to speak when ques- tingroom. On one side of the room, Honed. ' connected by a door, is the old mad The remains of Mr. Wm. Curry will bedroom, mai as he was very tired he be buried on Saturday at Dixie, and had gone to bed. Also employe -d on the the funeral will be in charge of the farm is a boy mimed James Reid, 12 Loyal Orange Lodge of the comity of years old, who was sent out from the Peel, of which he had been Master Barnardo Home. After stabling the several times. horses, the boy, James Curry and Ter- A- Terrific Struggle. race entered the diningToom and sat '-' .3 down to read, each being interested in A visit to the Curry homestead was a newspaper. The boy soon remarked made this afternoon, and the dining - that it was about bedtime, but neither room was in the • utmost confusion, Terrace nor Curry paid any attention to showing that the struggle between Mr, his remark. Suddenly Terrace rose from Curry and Terrace must have been a his chair and walked to the corner of terrific one. A. pool of blood on the the diningroom, where stood Mr, James floor showed where' Mr. Wm. Curry had Curry's shotgun. The boy had by that stood after being shot. Mr. James time entered. Wni. Curry's room, and Curry, who was almost overcome with was pitying no attention to Terrace. grief, could seemly narrate the ,facts of Grasping the gun in both hands, Ter. race walked completely round the chair on which jams Curry sat, engrossed in his newspaper, and after a seeond's hesi- WHO, CAN THIS WOMAN BE? She May Have Been Strangled or Poisoned and Her Body Thrown Into ,the Pond. Newark, N. J., Do. 30s ---The Identity of the young woman whose body was found in a pond in Harrison, a Sabarb to this city, yesterday, Teineies. unknown, For nearly twenty-four hours the body has lain in the morgue, and the features. have been viewed, by hundreds of per- , sons,. but none of them ever saw the . woman before. In view of forther tigations which lieve been made, the police are inclified to believe that the woman Was a visitor to Newark from some twitchy city. That she may have been. a., resident of Brooklyn seems not lonely, as the coat found near the . body wits purchaeetl In that city. As yet, however, the officials here have • went Into old tnan Curry's room when Terrace pieleed up the shot guo frem the corner and was standing be- hind the old man -when Terrace shot him. He then ran out of the dining - room door, but later looked in alai' SalV the flash when Terme diseharged the gun the second time. He then, drove for the neighbors and Dr. Aikins. High Constable Broddy, who was at the house all day, after placing County • Constable Jackson m charge of Terrace, made a. Initiate examination of 'the house. He found that Terrace had ran- sacked almost every room ill the (lave], - elizg uwnhtielrethe to Jemtleuts hudateraiuy dkineepvt- the shells for his gun. Two empty shells were found in the two barrels of the gun, and two more, loaded, were found in the pocket of Terraceee coat, • showing. that he intended to make sure of hie jab. The stove Shaker used by TeiTace which he carried in his pocket, . was a steel ono and weighed about three pounds.* It was curved 'so that 0, good grip could be obtained. Ter- race had. been in the habit, of carry- ing a heavy. hammer in his Rocket, but left it in his room on Ohnstmas morning aed took the shaker instead. Crime Was Premeditated. Terrace is 28 years old, and, as be- ' fore stated, has a wife and child in Newcastle. His grip• was examined, and in it were found writing ma- terials, whieh had used to write to his wife yesterday, and a photograph of himself and his wile, and their baby. Several recommendations, in- cluding one from Wan. Harrison', of Newcastle, told. that Terrace was a proficient painter. Shamming Unconsciousness. The crime was the one topic of con- versation on the streets of Brampton, and general regret was expressed that such a venerable" old man as Wm. Curry should meet such an untimely end, and sympathy for his son was also generally expressed. Mr.' James Curry lived on his father's farm for 35 years., and in Brampton the remain- der of bus life. His father owned a house and 30 acres of land in Brampton and lived there for several years, until his wife died, when he again moved to his farm and lived with his son and daugh- ter, who survive him, together with Mr. Black and another daughter at Stayner. Two other eons died several years ago. • 3 WANTED TO DIE. SEEKS OFFICIAL PERMIT TO END HIS YOUNG LIFE. Detectives Intercept Foreigner Who Has Scrupulous Notion About Being Within the Law on the Suicide Act. • Buffalo Dec. 30.—While on Ids way to police 'headquarters to ask for a per- mit to commit suicide, Paolo Definite, 21 years old, of No. 21 Blossom Alley, was intercepted by Detective Sergeants O'Grady and. Higgins and. taken to the Pearl street station, where he is being held for examieation by Police Surgeon Fowler. He said he wanted to take his own life, but wanted to "be on the side of the law." In his pocket was•found letter con- taining a $1 bill, aceolimanied by a note requesting that a mass be said for the repose of his soul. Another en- velope contained a ten -cent piece and a note written in Italian dh•ected. the dis- position of the sum. Before starting for police headquar- ters, Defauti had purchased revolver for wbich he paid $5.50. it was,in his not been advised a any definite progress towaed clearing the mystery by the po- lice of Brooklyn. An effort to leera the exact muse of the woman's death will be made to -day, when an entopsy will be performed, The present theory is that she was straiseled and the body thrown into the pond. The marks on the throat,- which led to WS belief, are very indistinct, however, and there ie another opinion that hie may have been killed by a arag or even thrown into the pond. while alive. It is expected that the autopsy will defin- itely settle this point, In the meantime, Albert Thompson and Frederick Workman, who lived on a small yacht near the point where the body was found, and Who were detained by the pollee, are still under restraint. They deny all knowledge of the woman. WAS AN EXPERT ALL RIGHT ENOUGH. CHICAGO SCIENTIST DIED OF LOCK- JAW, AS HE PREDICTED. Ile Was the Man Who Wanted the Doc- tors to Put Him Out of Pain—Con- sulted With the Physicians as to His Condition, Chicago, Dec. 30.—Dr. Joseph F. Pea - sen, department superintendent em- ployed by a Chicago pacldng firm, died last night of lockjaw, resulting from a fracture of the nose, which occurred a week ago. Dr. Peasen fell down a stair- way in the laboratory of the packing plant. The skin over the nose 'was brok- en, and the wound. became infested with tetanus germs. On Christmas Eve the physician was suddenly stricken with jockjaw. He diag- nosed his own case. and with the aid of pencil and paper eirected his family to send hint to a hospital. He then sent for a lawyer and made his will. During his illness he constantly joined with the hospital physicians in their con- sultations and'gave it as his opinion sev- eral days ago that he could not recover. The immediate cause of death was said to be heart failure following a convul- sion. REV. R. M'COSH DROPS DEAD. Rector of Christ' Church, Chatham, for Fourteen Years, A Chatham, despatch: At 7 o'clock this evening, after partaking of sup- per, Rev. Robt. MeCoeh, ter fourteen years rector of Christ Church and rural dean of Kent, being succeeded in the latter office a short time ago by Rev. T. Dobson, of Tilbury, drop- ped dead from heart disease from which he had. been suffering for some time. The late rector was highly es- teemed in Chatham and Kent county, for his earnest piety and broad-mind- ed Christianity which was quite un- denominationals He is survived by a widow, two sons, one in the Standard Bank, St. Thomas, one at home, and two daugh- ters, one of whom resides in Petro - lea. .He was area '58 yeasL.-A-peiiii: liar circumstanos is that for his Christmas sermon he chose the text: "In the midst of life we are in. death." SCENE AT CATHEDRAL. Land Law Reformer Protests Against Christmas'Celebration, New York, Dee. 30.—A cable to the American from Manchester, England, says: A great sensation was caused in Man- chester Cathedral this morning by the action of Stewart Gray, the famous ad- vocate and land law reformer, who until recently was superintendent of the Man- chester Poor Farm Colony. He entered the pulpit of the cathedral and protested against the birth of the Saviour being celebrated when there ivere so many poor and starving people in England 'whom so- ciety could not help. "It is blasphemy!" Mr, Gray shouted, "and in the name of God proteet," Mr. Cray's unexpected address against the prevailing sociakconditions, made to the fashionable and wealthy Manchester pocket when the officers brought him to el n" t:ee lervice was stopped, ushers seized (hay ejected nm from the cathedral. - T W 1 Down'ObfHUNDRED Troops gpaut ii io) ri it, , ef lo.eracitbeltyl aregmroeavtedstbiirn.1 Tv:: the station. After investing the money, he con- inKILLED. stilted. a friend. whose name the de- tectives withheld, and asked him the — Chile's Nitrate him that the Superintendent of Police code of procedure for procuring a pee - mit to mut his life. The friend- told was the only person who mild ac- commodate him, unless he wanted to - Varperaiso, Dec. 30. Shot Strike: According to a see the mae•or. When Defanti started statement issued officially the recent en. to see the chief, the friend notified counters at Iquique between nitrate O'Grady and Higgins of the incident. strikers and the pollee resulted in the Thottgh he has no 'reason feir Want- killing of 210 men and the wounding of ing to take his life, Defend seemed about fifty. During one of the engage. the murder of his father end the des- determined to do so yesterday. At po- 'netts the troops fired particularly •at Perate struggle he himself had had in ' lice headquarters he was told that it the leaders of the strikers, but their aim °veer to save his own life. "I was sit- • would be necessary to Wait thre0 a' aye I was poor and the men were not hurt. ling in a Chen' readieg," lie said, "awl liefore the permit could be issued, so ! The President and the Vice.President of other day, and I've got the laugh on man until he sno'ze, and evhen „I looked mind in the meantime. He told the offi. Spanish Anarchists, have disappeam. and he sustained internal injuries. REVOLUTION' IN ECUADOR lotion, said, "You laughed at me the was payina no attention to my hired that he may have it chance to change his 1 the local strike organizations, who ore Mi. Thomson Brooks, of McFar- lane Side Road, was the victim of a peculiar accident yesterday, He was at work in the top of his barn and in descending, jumped, his arm catch- ing on a sharp hook, which held him suspended by the tendon of the' arm' until his weight bent the hook and released him. 4 - SILVER PLATE FOUND, A. Lot of Thieves' Booty Picked Up at Niagara Falls. Niagara' Falls, Dee, A—Detectives are working oo a peculiar mystery here toelay and eo fitr without result,. On Tuesday evening William King, employ. ed by the Ontario Power Colimany, when passing down Murray street rt. vine under the Michigan Central bridge saw an object protruding from the melte ing mow lkside the toadwity and mt.' covered two magnificent sil t trays. One le nearly three feet lou nd. two feet wide, one weighs fif n pounds. The other is a foot in elf eter.. Nth bear English hall marks, and are evi- dently solid silver of the finest tinaity. They are splendidly ortutMented and mountesl. The large one ltes beer used, but the smaller one is new. Tim large one bed been foreihly folded up, and is much damaged. Mr, King turned the silver over to the police and Detective MacNamara, _sees Quelled by Arrest of General Viral and You now.' Twenty Followers. to see the muzzle of his own shotgun James Curry looked up from. his paper muzzle of my shot -gun pointed at me. until the perniit Was isstied, and would work going 011 in the greater potion of When I left the house in the morning the make no ettempt on his life until he se- 2 the nitrate plant because the laborers oVer the top of my paper I saw the cers that 10 W011 111a a. a have emigrated in large mothers. At ;Washington, Dec. 30, --The State De teem was not loaded, but when we March- cared the necessary document. . thrust almost into his face. When he partment to -day received a cablegram left the house in the morning he knew ad the house this InOrning We found that To test the determination of the man, Antofagasta the men in two sstothb. E.. om its representative in Quito, the that the gun wits not loaded, and he Terrace had stolen four shells 04 of the officers handed him Berne rope, but agents ere 04. Other workers are read, EequadOrian capita, to the effect that again laughed at Terrace.. This seemed boreiat &never, two of "%VIII& lie he : i. They ed: tiro to go Bo:Ale:ken., umBAutNiTheoyRclitit.ve nye an attempt at revolution there was to anger the hired mail more than ever, Placed in my gun, and two were found if he woad take --------------------------ll himself, leaders, quelled by the arrest of General Torah and he again theeatiened to shoot his in the pocket of the eoat he Wore. and he said yes. When they wanted formerly Ecuadorian Minister to Great employer. Curry became anxious and When I Iniew that . Terrace hild shot him to Wee a gloss of beer to kill him - who were eharged with attempting to entreatinot him to put down the gun. The the struggle commenced. We knocked use his gun. The Terrible Suicide of an Essex County Britain, and twenty of his adherents, attempted to strove with Ids hired man, my father X made a grab for him, and self he offered to take the beer and then ' overthrow the Governmeut T initial noise of 'lite argument, and the voices over the lamp, and X did net know until His father, Guiseppe Defanti, is said step was to be the seizure of the bar- of the men, raised in anger, roused afterWards that Terrace had fired an- to live in this city, :tea lie told the psa racks et the capital through the conver. Olinda, Essex County, despatch: While Mon to the revolutionary movement of William CUM" from hiS slumber, and. he other shot, which struck the ceiling, If lice that his mother was in en. asylum walked to the door of hie bedroom. the fight had lasted a minute longer I for the hisitne in Italy, temporary ineane because of the death the soldtdis of the garrison. . Standing on the threshold, he agape eeuld not have stood it, so fierce hed it of her ehild some time ago, Mrs. Oliver - e---, whet the aretim.ent was all about, and. beeetne. The wound his s dieeed ray BODY BURNED AFTER DEATH, Woman, MISTOOK. CHILD FOR BURGLAR, Terrace immediately turned. int the old father's side WAS somethieg awful. The Orton saturated her cloil________ othing with Lo -day and set fire to berself, The cloth. ing was eompletely burned ftom ber A. California Man Shot His Five -Year- "NoW you 1110V0 one step and I'll shoot ------ te shot, es Terrtke NVOS only ' Held Husband of Wonian Found Dead Near Macon. man, and pointing the gun at him said, whole left side wkis blown away by the Authorities body and her life 1 i 1 f s Otipa le( 0 it- - was foetid dead. on the banks of the AZTEC CORN, away. Hew the Allot missed the hort Vaal Shot Fired, • ithout feet itw \ len ne ire • and Old Son. you," - San JoseDee. 30.—Bertrain Sem- year-old boy, lurving Mistaken him or it , moved, Or whether he merely took a heed during our straggle, but did not Pound in New Meiriean Ruins, burglar. -The child, it is believed, was step to halftime himself,le not known, know it Was there till afterwards." Wetts, formerly impounding offker Of walkieg in bus sleep. The parents -were but he did move, .atulcci, onte there WAS Mr. Cuery stated that lie was ft1n 1 MAO% The hist ken of her alive Was awakened by a noise in the meet, end a flash. Stitggering is!, the wall, the old reerritee wow reeover, for lit, , tro-tim` when she left the house of it friend yes- Denver, Dec, 30.—A new Variety of seeing the outline of a figure near the man shouted to leeds' son,"He hes shot snorter have the liew take It is reeerted that there was trouble in Aztec ruins in northere New Mexico eorn grown irom it single grain found ,s fired. Ile at ones riot to the ae the house, etveld net give a very been burned tater the wouterde denth, nvereging seventeen hulks long. The Its eourse terdav afternoon. .ersa. The lad Reid teas . other Men. Watts 'wee tweeted. The value. Muted last spi »„, its s it c between: Watts •Mid Ids wife Alunit an- last yeat promisee to proveof high P SO were among the last Gum have the irten's blood ea hie Ikends. Small Boy' Stery. male the old men When the joints§ Reid, the small boy 'who was eoronethi jetty aecidee Gust the, body"loid grew eighteen feet high, hearing ears ,r of tial kitithorl bob ,Tfon'os ourrY, detailed aettlnit a ale glieettago ad mei held Watts en an ikeeeesoey to howil- kernels are larger and sweeter than or - Macon, Oa" Dee.10,—Mrs. John Watte ell the ribs itnd the left lung were blown Oartutlgee River toolay, ITer betty Wait kre ettrly tO-day shot and killed his lihe. •tVhether ite wits so eurprised that he do not know. I got sunk shot hi by brully bathed, She WAS the Wife of ,Iohn Valuable Variety Grown Prom Kernel 'window, they onehided WM that of a me, aim, and burglar. • Mr. Setters rushed for Ids words he pistol and fired, killing the -child in- .standin. stently. Mr. Somers is the son of Hobert shot flomere, a prominent temperanee tenelner mn this city. hearing his father 'shout that he had lie was filthier -Md. Ile atitted tlittt 110 eVier . ditiary torn. 1 -,"_ir".77:71riiii..7-1.777r7 17.74- ..A1LL FOR. A DOL. D OUBIX *RI= MAR GENOA OVER IP OUR ERITJAICOS.. nateM }louse0440,1 Stabbed tabor 'I,eader And Wife, Virith Whom lie Had Quarrellerb--BebY Found PUY' ing in Its Parents' Blood, Genoa, Dee. 00„—lieated worda,. bold, derer °seeped to the mouotaine„ where his arrest is problematic owing to the f r, facilities to fugitives to escape over the ahillings for rent led to a double murder by the husband. of one of them in the euburb of Sampler d'Arena. The mut'. tiwveetnietwo wives over a question a four Signora Bianchi, the wife of a trade union leader, with four children, who. sub -let a room to a custom homie guard named Quattrocchi and his newly mar- ried wife, quarrelled evith Signora Quat- troceld over the amount of rent to be paid before the latter left, Bianehi en - toyed, but seems to have taken little part in the discussion. Quattrocelii appeared in the doorway. holding his hand behind his back. Suddenly he sprang on Bian- chi, dealing him a blow in tile chest With it sharp clasp knife. Bianchi's wife rush. ed to his assistanee, but Quattrecela turned his fury on her, atehbing her in the chest, shoulder, face and lower body. Bianchi seized a chair to defend himself and his wife, but was overpowered; and fell mortally Wounded, The knife, brok. en by the force of the blows, wee found on the floor, Neighbors hearieg cries ran to the Bianehies lodging, Quattrocchi rushed past them, covered with blood, into. the street. Though chased by a crowd that showered blows on him, he sped - to- wards the Ligurian Alps and is still at large. On entering the room the neighbors found the husband and wife on the floor dying. The children wete huddled in 4 Corner whining with terror, except the little two-year-old baby, which was play, ing with a toy in its parents' blood. ASHOKAN DAM FRAUDS. New York's Water Commissioners Will Be Removed. New York, Dec. 30.—As a result of the investigation made by the commis- sionensof accounts into the award of the contract for the construction of the Ashokan dam, a part of the city's new water supply system, the Board of Wat- er Commissioners will be removed by Mayor McClellan unless his action is forestalled by their resignations, The water eommissioners, Edward Shea mons, 'Chas. N. Chadwick and Charles N. Shaw, awarded the Ashokan contraet to MacArthur Brothers Company, whoge hid was $12,669,755 against $10,315,530 bid for thee work by the John Pierce Company. . FIRST SHAVE IN 53 YEARS, And When He Went Home Wife and Children Didn't Know Him. Lodi, 0., Dec. 30.—A Christmas gift of a peek at his face, enshrouded by whiskers for 53 years, was the dona- tion of Martin Overs, aged 70, of this village, to his wife and seven children. He had a three foot and a half growth of 'whiskers, about which he had dis- played great pride for years, shaved off to -day, and went home with a great muffler wrapped about his countenance, fearing the cold. Mrs. Overs almost collapsed from fright as he strode into the house. She did not recognize him till he spoke. Ovens shaved for two years as a youth, but no razor had touched his cheek since he was 17 years old. 1 WANT UNION DISSOLVED. Mine • Owners Claim it is Proni Anarchy and Murde Goldfield, Nev., Dee-.''SQ,— fight into the Federal co' next move of the Goldfield Association. To -morrow it su filed here asking not only for al tion against picketinnt'"and inter with, but for the final.dissolution of the Cloldfield Miners' Union. The•suit is to be filed by the Goldfield Consolidated Mine Company. The Goldfield Union is charged in the bill with "intimidation," and of being guilty of "wanton destruction of. pro- perty, murder of innocent citizens, law- lessness and anarchy to sueh an extent that it has instituted a reign of terror in the Goldfield district." GRIP SMITES NEW YORK. Sixty-eight Deaths Took Place Within the Last Week, New Yoark, Dec, 30.—The city's grip epidemic isn't letting up a bit. It is getting worse. Singers, actors, profess sional men and clerks are suffering. There were sixty-eight deaths last week, as compared with fifty-one for the same period last year. The disease is not only serious in itself, but the ba -.,e elllus affects every known throat and lung disease. Lobar pneumonia caused 217- deaths, against 134 last year; bronchial pneumonia last year, 98; tithe , year, 159.. SPREES END IN MURDERS. Two Men, on Way Home From Party, Attacked and Killed. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Dec. 30.— Follow- ing Christmas celebrations in this city two men were murdcred and one fatally wounded early this roorning. Frank Smith and Adam Lashefsky while going home from a Christmas party were attacked by five men. Smith was stabbed three times in the heart and killed, instantly, and Lash- efsky was stabbed nine tittles in the back and chest and 'is dying. About 'the same hour Frank Morrow and his brother-in-law, Sohn.Gallop, while going home after a celebration quer- relied and fought, Morrow being stab- bed to death. Gallop was arreeted and the police also have five men suspected of Smith's murder. • Or UNEMPLOYED WAITER'S CRIME.. Shot Manager and Head Viraiter *When Refused a Job. Philadelphia, Pa., Dee, 30,Wilhbam — Paeans, a waiter, fornterly employed in Horn & Hendart'e reetanrant itt Ninth and Filbert streets, entered the plate to -day, and after Meg refused a' position shot John C. Witcher, the Mato- rtger, end Frank Rosman, the head waiter, Both were taken to it hospital, where they were saki to be in a serious eondition. Weans else aimed twr. shots at the enabler, but both weed WU. Its then placed the revolver to his bead in an effort at Weide, httt the Weepon failed to explode. Fifty nerantS Were in the reetaurent at the time. Paeans was overpowered and turned over to polieeman. YIP —