HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-01-02, Page 7TIE WINGPAIVE. ADVANCE, T . RS
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Midwinter Sale-,?.
An Exceptional Opportunity to Buy Superor
Goods at Less than Price of 2nd -rate Goods
I w 1, . 41111: ....,.
We are starting out the New Year with a firm resolution to reduce our
stock one-half. To do this, we've cut the price away down, making it easy
_ and possible for everyone to purchase all their requirements in our lines,
20 Per Cent. Discount
- This seems large, but we're actually going to give you a 'discount of 20
per cent, off the original price of every article in the store, with the excep-
t tion of Rubbers and Overshoes. Positively nothing misrepresented,
Note A Few Prices.
Men's 'single and double breast Suits, fancy Tweeds and 'Worsted, well made and trimmed, regu-$12.00
lar $15,00 -Midwinter Price
Youth's single and double breast Snits, fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, long pants, newest styles $8 00
i and pattet•ns in Worsteds and Tweeds, regular $10,00 -Midwinter Price ,
I3oys' two and three-piece Suits,'good patterns, reliable makes, regular prices from $3.'75$t300 $$7.0 $1,60
. -Midwinter Prices fromi 4 Men's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoats in Mittens, Tweeds, etc., are going at a discount of....20 per cent.
Bats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Neckwear of all kinds, Underwear, Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, Handk cent off
r -
chiefs, Braces, Boots and Shoes, etc. -Midwinter Prices per _o_ff
Extra Special Prices on Furs.
Men's Coon Coats, regular $05.00 -Midwinter Prices
ii it. a 70.00-
Men's Black Calf Coats, regular $35.00 -Midwinter Prices
Si i. Dog .: ., 28.00-.-
,( Si {. .. ,, 22.00- ., a
Men's Fur -lined " " 70.00- "
Regular $12.00 Caps for $8.00
it 7.50 Caps for
Fur Collars in Persian Lamb, Electric
Regular $15.00 Collars for
'7.00 "
3.75 a"
$10.00 Caps for 7.00
6,00 Caps for 4.00
Seal, German Otter, Coon, &c.
$12,00 Collars for 8.00 I
4.50 ""' 3.50 ,
3.50 " ..2.25
Nothing charged during Midwinter Sale. Come soon. Come often.
Mdiee & Campbell:
JANUARY. 2, 1908,.
Loose Leaf Ledger System
Tho ONLY Qomutoroial Sobool west of Toronto using the abQvo
Wholesale houses nailing rimily for graduates of OANADA's Gitt'EATEST
"Learn to do by doing." Each student has loose leaf ledger, bill
and charge system, card system, bank book; ;ells out soores of notes,
drafts, deposit slips, cheques, statements, leases, mortgages, receipts,
shipping bills, etc., ete, Oar etndents no AOTUAL BUSINESS from the
first day, '
Gregg Shorthand
Touche Typewriting*
Taught by the most widely experienced teacher in Ontario; she is also
A GRADUATE or JoIIN B. GREGG, TUE Amnon, and highly Fermin.
mended by him, Last year our Stenographers were all placed within
TEN DAYS of graduation. Many of these young ladies now drawing
$700 to $800 per year, It is freely admitted that we train the most
rapid and accurate,
Is well equipped. Railroads are short of operators, and salaries
are advancing rapidly.
Students attending our chain from almost every county in On-
tario; many from Manitoba, Sail.atchewan, Alberta and British
Columbia; some from the United States, Englaud and Scotland.
We train more young people than any other management in
Western Ontario.
Average situation taken by our graduates is not excelled; we
invite comparison. Individual instruction. Day students attend
night classes free, and may • take all of the above courses.
`V3knO .a.m, I3► s� ess edo1\ege
The speedier a stenographer can
typewrite a letter the more valuable
she becomes to the busy business
Practice does a great deal, but
correct fingering and the ` Touch
Sstem," which we teach thoroughly,
are of paramount importance. •
When the " Touch System " is
mastered the operator never looks at
i her notes, She savesthe time o.
the keyboard,but keeps her eyes
1:�__“ W.-„ .4. .-.-, • . 444.`, _ d " t'
When wanting a Stove, call at
Young's Big Hardware, and see what
he can show. you in that line at
very Low Prices.
Oak Heaters, coal or wood, from $8 to $18
Cast Ranges, from $20 to $45
Steel Ranges, from $25 to $45
Base Burners, from` $15 to $45 ,
Wood .Cook Stoves, from $7 to $29
Call and see for yourself, that
we have the goods at Right Prices.
Doherty Stoves and Ranges are un -
There is quite a serious outbreak of
smallpox at Formosa and Riversdale,
and one case on the 15th concession
of Cuirass Tp., is in the fatnily of
Robt. Bell, and was contracted by one
of the sons who recently arrived home
from the west.
Mr. Adam Davidson, a brother of
Mr. T. Davidson of town, is here to
spend the winter with former friends.
Mr. Davidson was one of the early
settlers of Culross but left here 10
years ago, going to near Bad Axe,
Michigan. From there he moved to
Manitoba five years ago, and now
makes his home near Sterling.
A very distressing case of death
from insanity occnred on the Durham
road, this' side of Enniskillen, on
Wednesday of last week. John Hoff -
art, a farmer, became mentally derang-
ed several weeks ago and for a time
was very troublesome. A feature of
his insanity was that he refused to
take food and this resulted in his
death last week.
Carvers in case
Pic Knives in ease
Berry Spoons in case
Butter Knives in case
Pickle Forks in case
Cutlery of all kinds
N 'S
Big Hardware
tkigi atesitiste 01110 0 0 OM 400100000
by the "sight" operator in glancing
from notes to keyboard and back to
notes again --a considerable item in
a day's work and a severe strain on
the eyes as well.
Our large, free catalogue tells more
'about our stenographer's course and
gives much valuable information
about the diplomas of the Business
Elucators' Association.
The supply of our graduates is not
equal to the demand.
Principal. Lbodon.
Members of Business Educators'
riarr s Cough Balsam
One of the good, old-fashioned things that has
never been improved upon.
Infallible for cougbs, colds, bronchial and lung
It is the largest and best 25c remedy for coughs
and colds. Prepared, recommended and guaranteed
by the largest wholesale drug house iu the world.
1f your druggist does not handle it, let us know.
NATIONAL DRUG & CHEM. CO., Limited • 8o LONDON, Ont.
Nome Advazitswee '+ f stile Covered
Yard llirstetn,
A now ockeme for stabbingdairy
cows time been suggested by Professor
Ed of the dairy departU3ent of the
Kansa State Agricultural college. A
covered yard plan. consists of building
a cheap structure and allowing the
ems to run loose la the sta'ale. Iu
other words, it is merely a covered
yard, with some cheap rooting material,
closed In on all sides. On one end of
this yard is a milking stable, lute which
the cows are driven to be relined every
nigbt and Morning. They ere fed their
grail rations sante being milked. The
roughage Is feet In the covered yard
Advantages of the Maned.
The advantages of this method of
stabling are enumerated as follows:
First. --Cheapness; no stalls, no ex-
pensive building and no cement Boors
are required, except those that are In
tbe ranking stable.
Second, -This covered yard is bedded
daily. It'has the advantage of making
tbe greatset amount of the best hut-,
num of any plan that may be devised.
The stable is cleaned out at such time
as to allow the manure to be hauled di-
rectly from the stable to the field. Thus
nothing 1s lost In the way of Fertility.
Third. -Coes are more comfortable
in such. a stable than in stalls.
Fourth, -With plenty of bedding the
cows can be kept cleaner.
Fifth. -It saves labor to clean out
the stable every day.
Sixth. -All that it is necessary to
keep scrupulously clean is the milking
stable which Is but a email part of the
Gering In the Dairy.
The conditions most suited to the
growth of germs are food, warmth and
moisture. Milk furnishes the required
food for their growth. Bacteria are es-
pecially numerous In and around a
dairy and get into the milk in many
ways. Thousands of thein are con-
cealed In crevices that can barely be
seen, and if they come in contact with
milk they will increase many thousand
fold within a short time and set up bad
fermentations, which are familiar. to
all dairymen. - Kansas Experiment
-The wave of bard times which cle- Brussels.
Christmas collection was taken
the Methodist Sabbath School, Brus-
sels, for the Hospital for Sick Child-
ren and the respectable amount of
$20.21 contributed.
luged the United States and washed
over seine parts of Canada, has ap-
parently net st:ruek Brnce, if the
House of Refuge statistics may he
taken as a criterion. Last year 'when
the horizon was beautiful and money
Feeding the Milk Maker 1
Read !
Did it ever occur to you that there
will be as much difference In the ap-
pearance of an animal fed upon well
developed grains of corn and one fed
upon shriveled kernels as there Is dif-
ference In appearance in the two kinds
of corn?
Good rood at AU Times.
Every breeder sbould have a com-
plete understanding of bis business and.
the individual needs of each animal, so
that there will be no time in the year
when the cow may not have an abun-
dance of good, rich, juicy foods best
suited for milk production.
Nothing Just as Good.
The dairy cow is the hardest worked
animal known. 'She must have the
very best feed to produce a large flow
-of milk and nourish her overworked
body. It is a well known fact that the
same amount: of green forage tbat will
satisfy an animal if allowed to dry out
and fed with an equivalent amount of
water will not satisfy its hunger. The
moisture contained in succulent, juicy
feeds has therefore a great digestive
value to the remaining part of the feed.
Many mixtures have been given, such
as bran, beet roots, mashes and soaked
or wet feeds of various kinds, but none
of these has ever equaled in food value
green feed stored up in an air tight
receptacle, where it Is preserved, as in
the case of the silo, writes C. W. Me-
, aye
lick of Kimg
Kimball s Dairy Farmer. Sul
contains just enough lactic acid to
stimulate digestion, while the natural
unfermented foods do not.
Cali Meals.
Calf meals or milk substitutes are
manufactured in large varieties, and
in there is abundant evidence that they
are extensively employed, a circum-
stance which renders it opportune to
give a warning to cattle breeders both
In respect to the quality and the price.
for in many cases the latter Is out of
all proportion to their true value at
the market rates for feeding stuffs,
and no calf meals, however well pre-
pared, can be worth some of the
prices quoted. While I strongly Im-
press upon stock owners the neces-
sity of exercising caution and pru-
dence in the purchase of milk substi-
tutes, I do not unreservedly condemn
or advise their nonuse. On the con-
trary, there are several very satisfac-
tory preparations on the market, pro-
vided their prices are reasonable.
An Excellent Calf rood. Sa /� �j'
an excellent If food, Which when
BigIA.V� A+ of V
was flush, there was an average ofThe regular tweeting of East Huron
5l inmates iu the House. Thisyear Farmers' Institute will be held in the
when credits are stopped and moneyTown Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday,
is tight, we find the crop of chantyJan. 16th. Outside speakers will be
J. Glardliouse, Highfield, Ont., and W.
patients dwindling down to an aver -F. Ii`idd, Simcoe.
Don't Neglect Your Cough. age of 48, 34 of these being males and14 females. This decrease of poverty On Saturday afternoon a meeting of
You may dislike taking medicine--
butcoughsare best cured without ' shows a healthy financiial condition the Directors of East Huron Farmers'
medicine. Theodern treatmentis'throughout the county, and probably Institute teas held in the Council
heatarrhoapor, -it isn'tine essit'sa : gaes far to prove that the present Chamber to draft the program for file
healing vapor, full of pine essences . scareofhardtimes is more of a myth regular and supplementary meetings
acid healingbalsams. It spreads aver _ to be held shortly.
thesurfacesthatai'etweakandsore thanareality.from coughing. Every spot that's Adtttn Varcoe, a former resident of
soogesdea is healed, irrisecion is • D:ussels, is here on a holiday from
soothed away, phn gto and secretionsare cleaned out, and all symptoms ofPRINTED BY REQUEST. Swan River, Ma;n., after an absence -sof
cold anal catarrh are cured. Nothingso q'ack, so sure, so pleasant as Oa-
tttrrhozone. In 25ct. and $1.00 sizes i
at all dealers.
-A prominent dairym1tt,n who has
been travelling throngh the countryfor the past six Weeks, particularly in
Western Ontario, said Saturday that
the scarcity of feed was having ono
good effect on the' fanners in forcing
them to sell all the cattle that other -wise, even in a season of abundant
hay, would have beers carried over
winter at it loss. "Many of the farm -
cin not Calculate closely enough,"
he said, "regarding what cattle will
pay them to house -feed and what
should be solei in any event. The lack
of feed will bring their stocks down to
a more satisfactory basis,"
J?AIitr ovio t THE Irsrts.
Xlcadaclie and Catarrh Itellered in 10
That dull, wretched pain in the head
just over the eyes is onoof the aue
archhavdoffateattgnd that the sebeen sown, and it's your warning to
o.dtitlnister the quickest and surest
treatment te' prevent the seating of
this dreaded tnalad3`. De, Agnew's
Catarrhal i'owder will stop all pain in
s8tnd curdton minutes, a13r. Agnewv's Ointment soothes all skin
diseases. ug' Cents.
for Salo fry A. L. ITArawro.t.
nearly 8 years. Ile has 160 Beres of
Mix the following by shaking well land near the above mentioned village
n a bottle, and take in teaspoonful but is still a bachelor.
doses after meals and at bedtime. Tne anniversary teameeting was
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half held in the Methodist, Church, Brtits- be prepared by mixing two parts, by
ounce; Conine -and lfttrgon, onto ouuceI eels,Christmas night. Tables were : weight, of oatmeal, two parts of corn-
Conipound Sytup Sarsaparilla, three set an the schoolroom well l:idea with meal and one part of pure ground flas-
ouncea. A 'local druggist is the good things of this life. After sap- seed, all of which should be finely
authority that these simple, harmless .per the program fuss given in the ,ground. This food should cost just
Realize ! Profit I
Selling Out!
H. E. Isard & Co. have decided to sell out all
Goods on the Second Floor, at
Stupendous Money -raising and Stock
reduction Sale. Eight Thousand Dollars'
worthof Merchandise on 2nd. Floor to be sold
out Quick at Cost and Below. We don't want
the goods - we want the money. This Great
Sacrifice Sale is certainly a Bargain Feast of
Men's & Boys' Overcoats, Men's & Boys' Suits,
Pants, Reefers, Overalls ; all kinds of Furs--Fur-
lined Coats, Fur Coats, Gauntlets, Fur Caps, Ruffs,
Muffs, Caperines, Etc.; Girls' Coats, Ladies' Coats,
Children's Coats, Underskirts, Waterproof Coats.
Carpets and Curtains.
Tapestry Carpet, Brussels Carte Wool Carpet, Union
Carpet, Hemp Carpet, Stair Carpet, Matting, Oilcloth, Lin-
oleum, Stair Oilcloth, Art Squares, Rugs, Mats, Lace Cur-
tains, Roller Blinds, Tapestry Curtains and Table Covers:
Positively everything on 2ND noon, going at WHOLE-
SALE PRICE. All must be sold out by end of Jan'y.
Ground Floor Bargains,
BIG BARGAINS in all Departments on FIRST FLOOR
during STOOK -TAKING now going on. Stook MUST be
greatly reduced before inventory at end of the month.
In jastice to yourself, your family and your pooket-book,
you can't afford to overlook this great money -saving op-
portunity. -
Don't fail to secure your share of the BARGAINS.
TERMS: -Spot Cash or Trade.
3C. s. bisafr& Co':
-. ,.I
Now That The Xmas.
RushIs Over
And the pleasure and worry of purchasing gifts is past,
we wish to call your attention to the great
Bargains which we're now offering in
Ladies' Coats, Furs and
Onr Coats and Furs, which are all this year's stock, we
oiler AT COST. Underwear at greatly reduced prices.
In this line we offer the best lines in Penman's and
Watson's celebrated makes.
some friend whom you wish to remember at Now
osing a
soiueall and Hdkfs.,te shall assist you Collar's, Gloves andaiBelso left,, besidesarticles.
Is there
Year's ? If
as we have
many other
IIi;hest Prices Paid for Trade,
Wishing All the Compliments of the Season.
In case, however, the market ppScc 1Iardsiare
and quality of Calf meals are dispro-
portiouate the following will be found
ca oo , ,
used with a stunt' allowance of pure
linseed cake, has so far given the best
results in my experience: This may
from a menshouldbe repay
The mixture is said to ct'd ' the vii- with.water and allow -
the clogged and inactive and to b '
ble of all kinds, if taken before the evening of Friday, Jan. 4th a n Per day for calves a mouth old, new
stage of Bright's disease. o'clock for the purpose of considering - p foOd the calf
Those who have tried this say it the question of starting a canning ie ac- - millkbe being
firsthe roper a1 ow0! a may
positively overcomes ppain itt the back, tory here. There should gto
clears the urine of sediment and yenta tenduuce. L'russels will make sob- soon the
increased the enitlf pound
lates urination, especially at night, stantial'progress in proportion and more per day as
miring even the worst forms of bind- citizens take hold and push local older. Thle ration may be profitably;
der weakness, industries and in this way build up supplemented by one-htilf pound to one
1, man or w,-.,, n here tylia feels the town. pound of pure linseed rake per head
that the kidneys aro not
ingredients can be obtained i anima' auditorium, about half the price charged for sonic
al cost f m our home druggists calf meals. Itprepared for
1 teams end A public meeting of business
l It others interested in use by boiling wv w
n overcomng Blackheads, lags and vicinity of Brussels will a Ing to stand for twelve hours. Begin=
tvcakuess and Urinary trou- held in the Council Chamber' . on 71So . Begin -
inn with one-quarter pound per bead
strong or
1, per day. --W. Ii. (Gilbert in ,A,merican
' 8110
tir ...
heal . _.
' ii a itivator. _
i y Cil 4444_
acting '
inial this prescription at home and
give it a trial, las it is said to do won- HEART' DISEASE
dere for many persons. none -vett In SO Mtiutee-----lir. ,dgnew's -
The Scranton (Pa.) Tithes was first Ueart Cure is the 31ystio
to print this remarkable preseriptlon, ]licant cly.
in October', 1000, since then all leading
nowspanet's of New
orl, Boston, This
remarkable p
Philadelphia, Pittsburgaud other ported relief tulos In atcaeca
uucem din -
vibes have inaxclarntttiy antro of organic or t=Ymlfatlietic Iwettrt
it to their readers, ease and speedily ctfeets a Curd. It is
I i nrte
a magle remedy for palpitation,
nese of breath, smothering SPO11d, Pala
Tu one of the Toronto daily paper's, to left side tinct ail symptoms oif a diet'
there is it largo illitstrttted advertise -
t ens
o t
ren to
cart. It also s q
�n advertising
Ci ,
o aHerd.
�1�u tiilyd Milk." y Strange to stry the nerved and cured stomadti tttsor
illustrated part of the advt. is a river Dr. Aftnoves Liver Pills are the 'best,
scone. It may have been appropriate; 40 doses, 10c. (14)
at any rate it was suggestive. Vox, Salo by A. L.1.1Antu.TO2.
Any Weakness In Your Back
Sometimes yott experience pain and
wveakness 'tvithottt much suffering,
tette on the pain will sorely come.
stopped to by
be s
The troublel p
tib it t
`n r Y
�ih e-
over the spine, and then put ona
viline Dorms Piastet', In these reme-
dies you wilt find wonderful and quick
relief, They will spare yon from an
attack of Lumbago, which is 1 he out-
come of negieetod pain in the back or
side. Int, ill rr
Att i
lenlNe1taNerViinPnsteess hito egtat,
Cash Only.
We will continue our Reduction Sale during January,
then take Stock and retire from business. Now is your
chance to make money. Parties that intend building or
painting in the spring will do �i*ell to get their =supp1tt3.
Coe and look through our stock; no trouble to
show goods and give prices. We aro giving some ;won-
derful bargains in following lines, at and under cost:
Silverware, a beautiful set of five- - Steel Ranges. Cast Ranges.
piece Tea Set. Heating and Cooking Stoves,
lY ioel•plated Tea Kettles. Builtltsr. l:'iardv�are.ltlte Lead.
Muted Paints. 11[iic
Niekcl-plated Tea Pots. Machine sail.
Copper Boilers. GrAniteware. ' Paint 011.
Glass Lan -Ips, Tinware. Window Glass
rarlor and ,ganging Lamps. Barn Door ravagers, etc.
Table and rocket Cutlery.Soreen Doors and Windows.
Skates. Guns. Cross -cat Sat'. Lawn 11Iowers.
g: Stall al
1 $xtl
Ideal l
Axes, Spades, Shovels, Ior sf etc.
Tools of all kinds.
g. Bishop -Central Hardware