The Wingham Advance, 1907-12-26, Page 5The Coinplimcnts
of the Season
To A1J�
During the excitement of Xmas.
shopping, you may probably have
overlooked some of the friends
whom you wished to remember.
We've made special provisions for
after -Xmas. shoppers. The assort-
ments are still good. You cannot
help. but be suited here.
Men's Furnishings of all kinds, Boys'
Furnishings, Clothing, Boots & Shoes,
U mbrellas, Trunks and Suit Cases,
Men's Fur and Fur -lined Coats, Fur
Collars, Fur Gauntlets, &c.
Big Discount On Soots.
Don't forget to take advantage
of the 20 Per Cent. Discount we're
giving on Ready-to-wear Suits.
Money saved is money made.
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
When wanting a Stove, call at
Young's Big Hardware, and see what
he can show you. in that line at
very Low Prices.
Oak Heaters, coal or wood, from $8 to $18
Cast Ranges, from $20 to $45
Steel Ranges, from $25 to $45
Base Burners, from $15 to $45
Wood Cook Stoves, from $7 to $29
Call and see for yourself, that
we have the goods at Right Prices.
Doherty Stoves and Ranges are un-
Carvers in case
Pic Knives in ease
Berry Spoons in case
Butter Knives in case
Pickle Forks in case
Cutlery of all kinds
Young's for Xmas. Gifts
Messrs, Fisher & Christener this
week ship eight stallions to the West,
where they expect to dispose of them
The private ca; of Mr. Fitzhugh,
3rd Vice -Pres. 0, P. R., went to Gode-
rich on Friday, for the purpose of con-
veying a patient from that town to
one of the city hospitals.'
The apple evaporator closed clown
last week after working up 15,000
bushels of fruit. Town & Case had
five evaporators under way this sea-
The popularity of the Wearwell
Hosiery, manufactured by the Clinton
Knitting Co., is shown in the fact
that on Saturday the company made a
shipment of five tons to one firm,
which mean a good many pair of
Principal Hartley of the Model
school was given a surprise on Thurs-
day evening last when his class of
teachers -in -training assembled at his
residence and presented him with a
handsome case of pearl -handled knives
and forks.
Tho Robinson farm, on the Huron
road, just west of town, was sold by
auction, Lal Paisley being the pur-
chaser at $:5870 ; the property is a
good one, but has been neglected, and
it will take considerable to put it in
proper shape.
There is very little talk so far con-
cerning municipal affairs and the pro-
bability is that Mayor Wiltse will get
a second term by acclamation, if he
wants it ; he has been a good officer,
and, now that a Police Magistrate
looks atter unpleasant cases there is
less to worry and annoy the Chief
Executive of the'town.
On Thursday evening of last week,
as Mrs. Wm. Walker, was performing
the ordinary duties in her kitchen,
her daughter carne and told her she
was wanted in the parlor. On enter-
ing the room she was much surprised
to find her Sunday school class wait-
ing her presence. They bad been ad-
mitted very quietly at the front door.
They presented her with an address
and fruit dish, as a slight appreciation
of her services.
Because Doctors Couldn't Help Her—
South American Nervino Cured
Mrs. Geo. Schlee, wife of a well-
known contractor, of Berlin, Ont., was
for about eight years unable to at-
tend her household duties—at times
confined to her bed—suffered great
weakness and nervousness. She was
wasted to a slceleton. She de -
paired of ever being well again.
She was induced to try South Ani-
erican Nervine; a few doses gave great
relief. She tool: in all eight bottles
and was completely cured, and every
day she sings the praises of this won-
derful remedy. (11)
For Sale by A. L. HAMILTON.
Now That The Xmas.
Rush Is Over
And the pleasure and worry of purchasing gifts is past,
wo wish to call your attention to the great
Bargains which we're now offering in
Ladies' Coats, Fars and
Our Coats and Furs, which are all this year's stock, we
offer AT COST. Underwear at greatly reduced prices.
In this line wo offer the best lines in Penman's and
Watson's celebrated makes.
Is there some friend whom you wish to remember at New
Year's ? If so, call and we shall assist you in choosing a gift,
as we have some Hdkfs., Collars, Gloves and Belts left, besides
many other articles.
Highest Prices Paid for Trade.
Wishing All the Compliments of the Season.
Big Stock of Hardware to be
Sacrificed, for Cash Only.
Have sold my business, but the stock must be
Reduced, and for the next few weeks the people of
Wingham and surrounding country will have one of the
chances of a lifetime to obtain Bargains in STOVES,
and a host of things too numerous to mention.
Big Stock of Skates.
And don't forget that everything in the STOVE
line 'is to be sacrificed.
Now is the time to buy for Christmas, so hurry
up before the best is gone.
H. Bishop - Central Hardware
rmm11mIMMTmmMTnMITRllmi IliPM1rmmimimMmmMmmiamm1MmmI1
Big Hardware 1
„‘irrnrrirrrOM0 ill Mrr10rr10r+ 4110
t re
Our first Xmas. trade in Wingham has been designed
to meet the needs of a larger patronage than our store
has in the past enjoyed. We trust you will countenance
our efforts to place before the buying public a higher
grade of Xmas. goods than is usually shown in Wingham.
While we enumerate a few specials, remember we cannot
Imention a tenth of the Xmas. stock that is opened.
500 boxes, fancy, beautiful and useful,
filled with paper and envelopes of all
grades, price depends on size and
quality. Prices from 15c to $3.00
Leather Goods
350 Wrist Bags and Squaw Bags, bought
import for Xmas. trade, nothing more
practical, nothing more appreciated.
Range 500 to $14.00
Are here in endless variety, Hand -painted Sets, Military Iiair Brushes,
Ebony Brushes, Toilet Cases, Jewel Cases, Collar Boxes, Cuff Boxes, Glove
Boxes, Sewing Cases, etc., etc.
China Department.
We have all the Newest shapes in Limogues China, nearly $600 worth of
the Elite 62 is open for your inspection, and to reduce this stock during Xmas.
set, we have concluded to offer a 10% discount until Dec. 26, for instance:—
when your friends would so :nuch appreciate an extra piece added to their
Cups and Saucers, now 07c Casseroles, now $3.25
Sugars and Creams, now $2.70 Platters from $L00 up.
A. full range. 10 per cent. off it all.
Selecting gifts for teachers, etc., we offer our Xmas. stock at 15 per cent. off.
The vote on Local Option for Culross
takes place Jan, 0th; it is expected to
The debate in the Town Hall as to
the efficacy of Local Option vs the
Gothenburg system, was decided in
favor of the former,
The electors will vote at the Munici-
pal elections on the question of accep-
ting a grant from Mr. Carnegie, of
$10,000 for a Public Library building.
Joseph Hockridge, an old resident
of the boundary line between Culross
and Kinloss, died on Wednesday of
last week at the age of 80. Tho fun-
eral took plaee on Thursday to Tiffin's
Teeswater Council passed a resolu-
tion urging Mr. P. H. McKenzie, M.P.,
to draw the attention of the Railway
Commissioners to the unsatisfactory
connections between C. P. R. and
G. T. R. trains at Wingham and Har-
W. I. Chisholm, Inspector of Schools
for Bruce, states that although the
minimum salaries based upon the
assessment of sections have been done
away with, yet the repeal has had lit-
tle effect upon teachers' salaries gener-
ally. Same have been reduced but
others have been increased, In most
cases they remained the same. One
school had about discarded a Normal -
trained teacher and taken on a 3rd
class teacher at a salary reduced by
$25 when they discovered they would
lose money by the change. They
would lose $10 on the government
grant of 40 per cent on the salary over
$300 and also 820 which the govern-
ment gives to sections engaging a
Normal School graduate. No, 1 Cul-
ross gives the • largest increase in sa-
lary. Their minimum was $400 but
they paid $500 and re-engaged the
teacher for $000 for 1908. Next year
the government grant on salary
alone will be $120, The teacher is
Oliver Coumans.
Now is the time when the doctor
gets busy, and the patent medicine
manufacturers reap the harvest, un-
less great care is taken to dress warm-
ly and keep the feet dry. This is the
advice of an old eminent authority,
who says that Rheumatism and Kid-
ney trouble weather is here, and also
tells what to do in case of an attack.
Get from any good prescription
pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Ex-
tract Dandelion, one ounce Compound
Largon, three ounces Compound Sy-
rup Sarsaparilla. Mix by shaking in
a bottle and take a teaspoonful after
meals and at bedtime.
Just try this simple home-made
mixture at the first sign of Rheuma-
tism, or if your back aches or you feel
that the kidneys are not acting just
right. This is said to be a splendid
kidney regulator, and almost certain
remedy for all forms of Rheumatism,
which is caused by uric acid in the
blood, which the kidneys fail to filter
out. Any one can easily prepare this
at hone and at small cost.
Druggists in this town and vicinity.
when shown the prescription, stated
that they can either supply these in-
gredients, or, if our readers prefer,
they will compound the mixture for
—It is almost incredible, yet never-
theless true, that in forty-two days
of the present American football sea-
son, there were thirteen young men
killed, and scores permanently injured
or disfigured. This is almost equal to
a railway accident, (indeed worse than
sone) with this difference, that the
football affair is "sport," and •tire rail-
way accident would have been report-
ed with big headlines in the daily
papers as an "Awful Catastrophe."
The permanently injured, and the
parents, who have to foot the doctors'
bills will wonder, where the "sport"
comes in.
R. :C• Saunders
Extra help to wait on you.
illtllllllUW W�1111&WW1U ill IWWW►Illll IllW�llll�J1111llIIW�1W11 lWLUiL
Was Averted by the timely ase of
South American Nervine—Doctors
did their best but were powerless.
Mr. John Lee, of Pembroke, says;—
"I had indigestion. I had lost my
appetite. I was run down in flesh. I
was so sick that I feared fatal results,
and was almost in despair because my
physician seemed powerless to cope
with the disease. I was induced to try
South American Nervine. I received
so march benefit from one bottle that I
persevered in the treatment, and to-
day I am a new man and am cured
completely. (12)
pr. Agnew's Liver Pills euro liver His,
10 cents.
For Sale by A. L. HAMILTON.
Is The Place To Buy Your
Watches, Clocks, Gents'
and Ladies' Chains, Necklets
and Lackcts, Cuff Links,
Bracelets, Brooches, Tie Pins
and Jewelry of all kinds.-
inds.Diamond, Wedding and En-
gagement Rings a specialty.
Silverware of all kinds. .
Call and inspect our stock,
We have the goods and the
prices to suit you.
R. K N O X
The Leading Store
NOW Year's
Christmas Presents
In Great Variety At ISARD'S
HANDKERCHIEFS FOR XMAS.—Dainty Handkerchiefs are
always acceptable Xmas. Gifts. We can supply the hand-
somest styles and best qualities at Lowest Prices. See our
special line at 15o each or 2 for 25o
SILK HANDKEROHIEFS,—In plain white, hem stitched, fancy
colored and initialed. Prices are—. . .10, 15, 25, 35, 50, 75c, $1.00
SILK COLLARS.—Just received by express a shipment of -141,;:.
very latest novelties in Ladies' Silk Neckwear. Prices are -
20, 25, 35, 40, 50, 60, 75, 90c, $1,00, $1.25. See our Leader.... 25o
LADIES' BELTS.—This store is headquarters for the largest
and best assortment of Ladies' Silk and Kid Belts. Prices -
25c to $1.25. See our 75a Kid Belt for 50e
LADIES' GLOVES.—What more useful., present can you give
than nice Kid Gloves. We have the BEST MAKES. FOWNES'
Guaranteed Gloves $1,25
SILK WAISTS.—We are agents for the LA MOSICA SILK WAIST,
the very latest styles and made of Guaranteed Silk, white,
cream or black. See our Leader at $2.90
OTHER USEFUL PRESENTS.—Hand Satchels, Squaw Bags, Fas-
cinators, Clouds, Cushion Tops, Table Napkins, Tray Cloths,
Table Cloths, Silk Garters, Silk Umbrellas, Ribbons, Kid Mitts,
(hilts, Rugs, etc.
FURS.—Special Values in all kinds of Furs. Big Stook to choose
from. Ruffs, Muffs, Gauntlets, Throw Scarfs, Fur Coats, Fur -
lined Coats, etc,
Presents For Men.
Gents' Furnishing Dept. is crowded with the up-to-
date Furnishings for Men and Boys. Silk Mufflers, Way
Mufflers, Kid Gloves, Braces, Collar all styles of Neckties,
Fancy Shirts, Cuff Buttons, Mitts, ur Caps, etc.
The Clothing Department is a busy \spot these days.
Why ? Because the stock is large andrices are Low,
and for Christmas Buying we are givin a Straight 20
per cent. off our Close Prices on Men's send Boys' Suits,
Overcoats and Pants.
�C. S. Ssarc! E)` ed0.11
• w
Anybody who has the "determina- ..
tion" can become a good penman if
he or she will intelligently follow
our instructions and practice an hour
or so a clay for a few months.
Penmanship is of far greater im-
portance than most young people
`Ve know from intimate acquaint-
ance with business men that there
isn't anything that creates a mcj
favortle Ym pression
than the ne
an applicant's
Write for our cal
catalogue. It ex s Bu.,xness
and Shorthant' Courses in detail.
Shotes e Rine of an education in
a scion~ th
1 which is a member of the
Busness Educators' Association.
he demand for graduates is�
treater than we can supply.
Members of Business Educators' ,l. W. WESTER ELT,
Association. principal, London.
WX3 GiIAnr
000000000 0 000000000000
It is always good -policy to secure early, yo'' -
Winter Clothing. Here is a list in which y
might find something to interest you. :—
3 Only, Dog skin, worth $25 00 each, for !r 20.00
2 Light colored Calf, worth $25.00 each, for 20 00
1 Black Calf, worth $28.50, for 22.50
1 Wambat, worth $33.00, for 25 00
3 Black Calf, worth $;33.00 each, for .... 27.50
Canadian Coon, not dyed and handsomely striped -
1 worth $05.00 for. $50.00. 8 worth $75.00 for 05.00
BOYS' REEFERS.—Worth $3.00 for $2,00, worth $3.50 for $2 50.
BOYS' OVERCOATS. -25 to he cleared at less than cost.
Regular $3 00 for. $4.00 Regular $10.00 for ...... $+ 00
0.00 for 4.50 " 12.00 for 0,00
Regular $14.00 for.... 47.00
A lino of Boys' Heavy Honeycomb Stveaters jest arrived.
A Few Ladies' Astrachan Coats—Best Linings.
4 Worth $50.00 each for..$37.50 5 Worth $37
1 " 45.00 " . 32 50 1 40,
2 Worth $30,00 for $22
WRAPPERETTf..A good Assortment and
white kept in stook.
Grey Flannel, 153 to 75c per yd. Wroxeter •far
Mitts, Gloves, Gauntlets, Sox and Hose. We can keep
and feet Warm if you buy from ns.
Stanfield's Unshriuknble Underwear for Men and Women
Flour, Bran, Oil Cake and Beat Meal always on hand.
Highest prices paid for produce. Fresh Groceries arrivin
for the Xmas, trade and pricey very lbw.