The Wingham Advance, 1907-12-12, Page 8r.....
Come To D, M. Gordon's For
We're giving very special Bargains iia all lines
of pure, fresh Xmas. Groceries. Just call in and see
the Bargains we're offering ----will save you money,
and that is very important just now. We are not
in the habit of "biowing" very much, still we know
that we give our customers as good value at all
times as the fellows who do so much "blowing."
Dress Goods, Mantles, Furs, and all lines of
Dry Goods, still hold their important place in this
For Good Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, and
Poultry, we are always at the top notch.
M.GO �D.
Big Stock of Hardware to be
Sacrificed, for Cash Only.
Have sold my business, but the stock must: be
Reduced, and for the, next few weeks the people of
Wingham and surrounding country will have one of the
chances of a lifetime to obtain Bargains in STOVES,
and a host of things too numerous to mention.
Big Stock of Skates.
And don't forget that everything in the STOVE
line .is to be sacrificed.
Now is the time to buy for Christmas, so hurry
up before the best is gone.
11. . Bisilop - Contral Hardware
Toliet Sets.
Just arrived from S. Field-
ing & Co., Stoke-on-Trent,
one crate Toilet
Sets, new shapes, new pat-
' terns, nicely enamelled with
gold lines, very cheap.,......,
$2.75 to $6.00 per Set
The great China Sale still
going on. Customers great-
ly pleased. Wonderful bar-
Xmas. Fruits, Peels, Nuts,
andy, etc., at the old re -
able Grocery.
1 Good Advice.
Now is the time to buy Wing -
ham property, as prices are solve-
what easier than a year ago, and
the purchaser will not have to
pay 1907 taxes,
1 Story Frame Patrick Street
1 Story Frame Minnie Street
1 Story Frame Francis Street
1 Story Frame North Street
1 Story Frame Scott Street
1e Story Frame Francis Street
1?; Story Frame Scott Street
1;i Story Frame Alice Street
2 Story Frame. Minnie Street
1Story Brick,
John Street
1 Story Brick Josephine St,
2 Story Brick Victoria Street
le Story Brick Victoria Street
l;i,, Story I Mine, new, ...Edward St,
A number of nice proporties in Town
Building lots in all parts of town.
Farms for Sale -A long list.
Ritchie Cosens
Best Sitoatons
Aro available with renewal of indus-
trial aciivitios in early SPRING. If
- you desire one, you must enter NOW.
Short, sharp, snappy courses for those
whose timea
or money is limited, and
the broadest and most comprehensive
curriculum for those who would at-
tain more than ordinary success.
MAIL COURSES in Commercial,
Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil Ser II
vico, Matriculation, Penmanship, etc.
Write for particulars to
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
Only two more weeks and a lot
of Christmas shopping to be done in
that time. A better stock than ever
of ZIOME and IMPORTED Groceries and
Provisions, Fruits, Confectionery, &c.,
is placed at your disposal.
Teas and Coffees.
These are lines that got special at-
tention and every ounce is up to high
water mark in quality, Get some for
Both Currants and Raisins aro the
very best that money oan buy. They'll
speak for themselves. See them,
These have been bought on QUALITY
basis alone, and the prices wont be ex-
orbitant Dither. Cooking Figs -eating
2'igs-imported Grapes, Nuts, &c.
Best Prize Canadian , , .. Imported
Roquefort.... Ingersoll Cream ... , Me,
Laren's Primrose Oreain.. , .Limburger,
There's all kinds to pick and olioose
from. Never a better or larger stook.
Drop in before Xmas. and loop them
over -China Tea and Dinner Sets; Tot.
let Sets; Water Sete and Berry Sets;
Marmalade Jars ; Pickle Trays ; on
Bona and Fancy China of nearly every
Butter, gggs, Potatoes, White Pleaes,
fried Apples, Ste., Wanted,
J. Henry Christie
Grocer & Caine Merchant
The Board met on Tuesday evening.
The minutes were approved, and the
following aceonnts passed :---
A. B. Lloyd, phone messages... $ 50
Hunter .&: Co,, fire grates 10.00
E, Dennis, freight +t cartage. , . , 50
F. Groves, nal. and postage.,30,25
0, N, Griffin, supplies , , . , 3.00
The Principal's report showing an
average attendance for Nov. of 314,
was adopted.
The inspector's report was read.
I.le recognized the excellent work be-
ing clone by the teachers, but spoke
very pointedly against the system
of heating and ventilation. The re-
port was considered.
Trustee rustee Moore being absent through
serious illness, it was moved by Trus-
tees Hall and Ross -That this Board
regrets to hear of Mr. Moore's illness.
Wo tender our sincere sympathy, and
express the hope that he may soon re-
cover and again be able to take his
seat at this Board,
The Secretary was instructed to
notify the Town Clerk of the neces-
sity of an election of Trustee, as per
Payment of salaries of teachers and
officers was authorized.
On the invitation of Chairman
Lloyd, the Board and officers were re-
galed with oysters, at Moore's restau-
rant, where a vacant place indicated
the absence of Trustee Moore,
all hard, soft or calloused lumps and
blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney,
stifles, sprains, sore or swollen throat,
coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonder-
ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold
by A. L. Hamilton.
Mr. J. R. Wendt paid a hying visit
to Mildmay on Wednesday last,
Rev. A. L. Russell and Rev. L. Per-
rin exchanged services on Sunday
Miss Russell returned from Wing -
ham on Thursday, after spending a
week with friends there.
Mr. W. H. Carr, Editor of the
Star was in Toronto on business the
first few days of the week.
Mr. Chas. Eekett arrived home from
the West on Wednesday last ; he is
spending a few days in town.
Mr. Earl Armstrong. who has been
for over a year in the West, is renew-
ing old acquaintances about 'town.
The second public meeting in the
interest of Local Option was held in
the Town Hall hero on Wednesday
evening of last week. Rev. Hazle-
wood of Toronto Junction gave a stir-
ring address. The by-law will be
voted on here next January.
r n r
For Quality and Quantity ask your
dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs"
"Stag" and "Ourrency" Chewing To-
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches,
Barber's Itch, and every form of con-
tagious Itch on human or animals
cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sani-
tary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by
A. L. Hamilton.
Mr. Isaac Brown has closed his evap-
orator for the season.
Mr. John Barr took several fat cat-
tle and sheep to the Guelph fat stock
show this week.
G. M. Chambers & Co. have rented
the store vacated by Mr. Golden. Mr.
Chambers will have charge of the Pub-
lic Library.
Throngh the influence of Dr. Chis-
holm, M.P., we are soon to have a
mail service on the C. P. R. Our citi-
zens inener'
g al appreciate this.
Mr. James Cutt has been laid up for
several weeks with rheumatism ; his
many friends will be pleased to know
that he is progressing favorably and
will soon be able to go out.
The following are the I. 0. O. F. offi-
cers elected :-P. G., Harry Haines ;
N. G., A. Robinson ; V. G., F. Ander-
son ; F. S., E. McTaggart ; R. S., R.
McKay ; Treas., James Cutt.
Christmas Railway Rates.
Are yoti going home for Christmas ?
Take advantage of the cheap rates of-
fered by the Grand Trunk Railway
System. Single fare between all sta-
tions in Canada, good going Dec. 24th,
1907, and 25th, 1907, valid for return
until Dec. 20th, 1907. Single fare and
one thirdood going Dec. 21st to 25th,
1907, valid. for return until Jan, 3rd,
1008, For further information and
tickets apply to any Grand Trunk
Ticket Agent. Wm. Henry, agent.
Township Council will meet on the
16th inst.
Arch. McDonald had the misfortune
to lose a valuable young colt last Fri-
day. The animal reared up and broke
its neck
We have heard of a few farmers in
Grey who have killed litters of pigs
owing to the declining market and the
high price of grain.
The trustees of Duke's school have
re-engaged the services of Miss Lizzie
McVay for 1908 et a salary of $450.
She is giving good satisfaction.
Levi Whitfield, 12th eon„ who had
the misfortune to break his knee cap
some months ago, is able to get
around with good prospects of the
complete restoration of his limb.
Mr. George Johnston has men busily
engaged putting up a new windmill.
He is having the water forced to both
barns, which will prove agreat con-
Dr. Agnew's Ointment can connt Its
cured patients by the thousands.
Rut in no ono skin disease has it "s0
many alfnost marvellous eures as in
eases of Bezema-this tenacious skin
disorder which has baffled many a
physician in seeking after a cure, Ono
application puts out the lire, takes
away the itching, stinging sensation,
and after 0 a feapplications iications the u
ons begin to dry r
e np, diminish, and
eventually disaprear entirely. The
beauty of the treatment is, It leaves no
sear or trace of the trouble --but a
skin as soft as baby's. Cures plies in
four to six nights, $6 ate. (4)
Lase 15r. Agnaw's 1'1115, 10 cents,
ror Sala by A. 14, tIArttL'rorr.
On Friday last, joy eame to the
home of A, G. Webb, of the boundary
line, in the shape of a fine healthy
baby girl, and George, who is always
a jolly good fellow, is just a little more
jolly than usual.
On Tnesday morning, Dr Jamieson
narrowly escaped having a
the. It
seems that the kitchen chimney has
an opening in it on the opposite side
to which the kitchen pipe enters it ;
this opening is into a bedroom and has
been covered over with the wall paper.
On the morning in question, the chim-
ney took fire ; the paper also caught,
and falling on the carpet, would un-
doubtedly have caused a fire, had it
not been seen in time,
One of the saddest events that we
have been called on to chronicle, hap-
pened last Sunday afternoon, when
Mrs. H, Pettypiece passed over to the
great and ever-growing majority, She
was in the very prime of life, leaving
behind her a sorrowing husband and
four small children, the youngest be-
ing only 10 months old. On Dec. 1st,
Mrs. Pettypiece was in her usual
health, but when ready for church,
complained of not feeling well and did
not go. The next day, medical aid
was sutiunoned, and it was found she
was the victim of pneumonia, and in
spite of all that medical skill and lov-
ing hands could do, she succumbed on
Sunday last, after one short week's
illness. Her sudden death has cast a
gloom over the entire neighborhood,
and mach sympathy is being express-
ed for the bereaved husband and fami-
ly. The remains were interred in
Tiffirr's cemetery on Wednesday.
The funeral was largely attended.
57.62 The Critical Age.
Height of vigor is past -nature's
power slowing down -vitality ebbing
away, endurance decreasing. Stop
the progress of decay, tone up the
weakened nerve centre, impart vigor
to the tiring body -prepare for the
crisis. Best means for rebuilding is
found in Ferrozone; it brightens up
the whole being, imparts power,
strength, vigor. Old aged is pushed
back twenty years, the reliance of
youm and new
Ifo tlis establshed.itry
restored, You'll nFerro-
zone, 50c at all dealers.
Mrs. Martin Masters has not yet
fully regained her accustomed health.
Mrs. Robt. Musgrove is still ill ; her
many friends wish her speedy recov-
ery. .
DEATH OP Mit,. W. STEwiwr.-This
week, we have to record the death of
an esteemed resident of Bluevale, Mr.
Wm. H. Stewart, who passed away on
Tuesday last. Mr. Stewart had passed
the allotted span of human life, and
was eighty-eight. He was born in the
County ,of Cavan, Ireland, and came,
with his wife to Canada in 1853, set-
tling for awhile in Hibbert township.
In 1850, he came to this vicinity, and
for over fifty years has been a respect-
ed resident of Bluevale. He was, a
loyal Conservative, a member of
L.O.L. No. 706, and a member of Blue -
vale Methodist Church. His partner
in life passed away about two years
ago. He. leaves four sons -Thomas,
of Bluevale; W. H., Principal of Acton
School; James G. (formerly of Wing -
ham) and Robert, who recently grad-
uated in medicine. There are also
two daughters, Mrs. M. Masters of
Bluevale, and Mrs. A. Proctor of Blue -
vale. The funeral takes place on
Thursday, Rev. Geo. Baker conduct-
ing the services in the church, The
members of L.U.L. No. 760, attended
the funeral and performed their ser-
vice at the grave- of their deceased
Fr -
Nave You Stomach Trouble ?
When you wake up with h
and bad taste in the mouth, some -
thin to settle the stomach needed,
g isn d,
The dull, heavy feeling must be lifted,
and appetite must be created. Get a
tumbler of water, some sugar, and
then pour in a stiff dose of Nerviline.
You'll feel tip top in a few minutes.
Nerviline invigorates, braces tone,
puts virn and snap into your move-
ments. You'll be fitted for a. hard
day's work by taking Nerviline-no-
thing better. Large bottle, 25c every-
Miss Irene Kitchen left for her home
in Essex on Friday last.
Miss Lizzie McLaughlin leaves this
week on an extended visit with friends
in Niagara.
The election of officers will take
place next Thursday evening at the
close of the League meeting.
Miss Evans and Miss Wilkin of
Gorrie, spent Sunday last at the home
of Mr. R. McLaughlin,
Mrs. Wm. Smith of Manitoba (nee
Miss Charlotte McMichael) presented
her husband last week with a boun-
cing young son.
Reports are that another wedding
will take place in the near future.
Pilot Mound will furnish the groom
and 11Moleewoc•t]i will furnish the bride.
Rev. Mr. Perrin gave a very impres-
sive sermon last Sunday afternoon.
The church was well filled. Rev. Mr.
Baker of Bluevale will take the work
next Sunday on the Wroxeter circuit.
Municipal politics are quiet this
year. The three public school trustees
whose term expires are D. C. 1toss, R.
Leatherdale and Jas. Elliott;.
A successful Measuring Tea and
Musicale was held in the Town Hall on
Tuesday this week, under auspices of
the A.Y.P,A. of St. John's Church.
L. 0, L. No. 714. -At the regular
meeting of Loyal Orange Lodge, No.
774, Brussels, held on Monday even-
ing, the following brethren were elect-
ed to official position for the ensuing
year :-B. Gerry, Worshipful Mitnvter ;
Joseph Hunter, Dep. Master; W. R.
Mooney, Secretary; S. II. Jackson,
Finance -Secretary : M. M. Cardiff,
Treasurer. Committee men --J, 13.
Smith, N. McCauley, George Davis,
R. terry, Wm, Keys. Lecturers --
Wm. Bolt and ,Joseph flaunter. Ty-
lers, J, W. Simmons and Nelson Car-
diff. By a vote of the Lodge, dorm -
tions 'were made to the Protestant
Orphans' Horne tut Piston, Ont., and
the Sanitarium at Gravenhurst,
A Case 01 Poisoning.
Not ttnfrequently caused by cheap
acid corn salve. Be safe and use Put-
ilarn's Corn Fxtractor. Purely veget-
able, harmless and always cures. In-
sist 0i 'Putnam'«,"
East Wawanlosh,
Mrs, Jas. Armour of Wingluaru
visited Westfield friends last week,
Wm. Rath, Oth line, treated the
young folks to a pleasant evening last
Marvin McDowell, Oth line, was at
home to a few of his many young
friends last Friday afternoon..
Miss Maggie Wightman and Master
James of Morris spent a few days last
week, at the home of Mr, Jas. Noble,
0th lino.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Craig, 5th line,
gave a dance to their many friends
last Wednesday evening, which was
much enjoyed.
Many in this neighborhood attended
the funeral of the late Mr. Peter Por-
terfield, Marnoch, which took place
of Saturday of last week,
The revival services in connection
with Westfield are still in progress,
and quite a number have already
signified their intentions of living a
different life.
Miss Phoebe McKellar of Michigan
accompanied her brother Albert on
his visit to friends in these parts.
They intend remaining amongst their
Westfield friends for two or three
One dollar is a small sum to invest
when it is considered what wonder-
ful value can be hacl if properly plac-
ed. A dollar sent now to the ]i a►ntly
Herald and Weekly Star, of Mont-
real, will mean that every week dar-
ing 1008 you will receive the best fami-
ly and farmer's paper in America.
The Family Herald and Weekly is
really such wonderful value that no
home canwell afford to be without it.
Tho children enjoy it, fathers and
mothers enjoy it, in fact it is such a
source of pleasure to any household
that no home in Canada can well af-
ford to be without it. Send a dollar
now to the Family Herald and Week-
ly Star, of Montreal, and you will
never regret it.
Township Council will meet on Mon-
day, 10th inst.
Thos. Clark, 5th line, has been both-
ered with a swelling on his left arm.
The Sunshine Sunday School intend
holding their annual entertainment
on Dec. 18th.
Mrs. John VanCamp and daughter
Nora, 6th line, spent a few days last
week at John Nethery's, Ist line.
The Sunshine Methodist Sabbath
School will hold their annual Christ-
mas entertainment in the church on
Wednesday, 18th inst.
-Mr. Mart. Garnlss held a successful
wood -bee on Thursday afternoon of
last week, and also entertained the
young people to a party at night.
Everybody had an enjoyable time.
The trustees of Belmoi a school have
engaged the services of Robt. Bryans,
son of Wm. Bryans, 4th line, for the
incoming year. Mr. Bryans is now
at the Model. He will make a good
teacher we have no doubt and we wish
him success.
Rev. Mr. Watson gave an interest-
ing and instructive sermon Sunday
last.... We are sorry to hear that Mrs.
John Fraser is under the weather
again ..Miss Martin intends holding
an entertainment for her pupils Fri-
day afternoon, Dec. 20. ...Miss Kate
McIntosh has been engaged for the
ensuing year....Miss Annie Censer of
Langside was in the village last week.
Mr. James Kenny sold two valuable
horses last week to Alex. McLennan..
We are sorry to hear that Miss Mag-
giBaker is seriousl ' . .
tl[ .. We expect
to see and hear the Carey Bros. soon
at the township Mrs.
hall and s.
John Gamble had their reception last
Friday night; there were about a hun-
dred guests present.
Praises Dr. Agrew's Rcart Cure--
Remarkable b c 1'CStin70;i
We, the undersigned, have been se-
riously troubled with valvular heart
disease; have both had fainting spells
upon the slightest extra exertion.
Last April, when we both were unable
to do any work of moment, we began
using Dr. Agnow's heart Cure, having
no faith in it but hoping it might re-
lieve. After taking e1x bottles we feel
almost cured, We feel compelled to
send this unsolicited testimonial, with
the hope that others may he benefited
as we have been. Gratefully yours,
T, 33. Reagh, Archdeacon P.E.I., and
,I. D. Reagh. (5)
For Sale by A. L. HAMILTON.
Learn Dressmaking by Mail.
I will teach Sanders' Improved
Course by mail or personal instruction
in four days, at Belgr•ave, commen-
cing Monday, Dec. 9. The whole fam-
ily can learn from one course. All
wishing to learn, do not fail to see me
at Belgrave hotel, Saturday, Dec. 7,
from one to five p.m. only, when I
shall enroll pupils for class. Commen-
cing to
teach in Bluevale, Monday,
Dec. 16. See me at Bluevale hotel,
Saturday, Dec. 14, from one to five
p.m. See me at Exchange hotel,
Wingham, Saturday, Dec. 21, from
one to five p.m. only, when 1 will
enroll pupils for class in Wingham.
The Pnrvn of Wingham offers for
sale $1$59.78, of Local Improvement
Debentures, and $1800.00 of Water-
works Debentures, bearing interest at
five per cent, per annum.
These Debentures cover a period of
fifteen years, payable in equal annual
instalments during the said period. '
Offers for these Debentures will be
received up to and including the Four-
teenth day of December, 1907,
Any information required may be
received at the Clet'k'e office,
J. 13. FERGUSON', Clerk.
100 Acres, North half of lots 10-20,
eon. 1, Morris (Bluevale road) is miles
from Bluevale, 2i, from IVingharn ;
lana in high state of cultivation ; 10
acres bush ; good fences ; well water-
ed; barn 00x40, straw -shed 08x30, with
stone walls and good stabling tinder
entire building. Good frame house,
kitchen and trood-shed, with hard awl
soft water in kitchen. Would ex-
change for good 200 or 150 acres well
sltetrated, For further particulars ap-
ply to Jlt ItMY'1'1' EROS., Bluevale.
Good Old Santa Claus
Xmas.. Reductions
'`Tile Little Et -in"
During Next Two '` eeks
In all Departments of its entire Stock, which is New,
Clean and Up-to-the-minute, showing superb quality,
elegant variety, at moderate prices.
A Xmas. Handkerchief will be given
The Little Eaton the day before Xmas.
Pencil Boxes, Book Marks and Pocket Mirrors given to parents buying goods
at The Little Eaton from now until Xmas.
G I RLS I g�
to every boy and girl who comes to
33 Ladies' Cloth Coats, 46 to 52 inches long,
32 to 42 bust, in plain blacks, blues,
brown and wine shades, regular $10 to
46 Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Coats in light
and dark Tweeds, Golf Plaids, self-trim--
med, velvet and braid trimmed, velvet
piped, all good long coats, sizes from 10
years to 40 bust, regular $8,50 to $12.00.
I0 Natural Sable 2 -skin Scarfs, 6 tails, good
full furred, regular $9 to $10. DECEM-
6 Natural Sable Muffs, empire shape, dark,
full furred, regular$ to 11 $13.50. DE-
9 Natural Sable Scarfs, 60 inches long,
trimmed with ornaments and tails, good
quality, dark full furred, regular $14 to
$16,50. DECEMBER SPECIAL-$12.98
I8 Ladies' Wool Golf Jackets in plain and
fancy reds, blue, black and white, trim-
med with brass buttons, regular $1.25 to
$1.50. DECEMBER SALE 98c
I2 Doz. Ladies' and Children's Worsted
Hose,sizes A
e 7 to 10, regular 35e to 50c.
16 Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, beautifully
lined and quilted, sizes 34 to 40, length
27 to 36 inches, regular $32.50 to $40.00.
Ve;y Special Prices
On Fir Sets, Fur -lined Coats, Persian Lamb,
Near Seal, Coon, also Fur Collars
for Ladies' Cloth Coats.
CALENDARS. -A beautifully six -colored Cal-
endar, 16x20, exact copy of a painting which sold
for $1000 in London, Eng., last Feb'y ; handsome-
ly gotten up -the prettiest girl in seven counties -
will be given away as long as they last, with every
purchase of 50e or over, starting Saturday, 14th.
I0 Doz. Men's Heavy Leather Mitts, calf -
faced, continuous thumb, wax sewn, knit-
ted wool lined, regular anywhere 75 cts.
I4 Men's All -wool BIack Sweaters, heavy,
suitable for:hard work, regular $1,00 to
5 Doz. sample `'inter and Fall Caps in
Corduroy, Tweeds, blues and blacks, fur
inner band, newest styles. regular 50c to
22 Tweed Overcoats in -plain blacks, grays,
browns, and black and white stripe and
check, 50 inches long, 34 to 42 bust, lat-
est style, regularular
3.50 to $12.50. DE-
SALE $7.98
4 Doz. dark brown Kid Gloves, wool nap
lining, dome fastener, good stock and
durable, regular $1.00 and $1.25. DE-
9 Extra dark brown -Calf Coats, No. 1
Astrachan. or Persian Lamb collar, soft
oily skins, regular $35, DECEMBER
SPECIAL $29.50
4 PIain, jet black, Galloway Calf Coats, soft
and pliable, farmers' satin quilted, leather
shields and wind cuff«, regular $27.50.
9 Dark Gray, Irish Frieze Pea Jackets,
double breasted, high storm collar, heavy
tweed lining, regular $5. DECEMBER
I2 Doz. Fleece -lined Shirts and Drawers,
extra good fleeces and well finished, regu-
lar $1.25 to $1.50. DECEMBER SPECIAL
2I Boys' School Suits in dark Tweeds, all
wool, also blue Berges, regular $5 to $6.50.
3 Doz. Boys' All -wool and Worsted Sweat-
ers, plain and fancy in blue, red, with
and without stripes, regular 65c and 90c.
7 Men's Leather and Corduroy Reversible
Coats, B. B. K. goods, best in Canada,
regular $7.50. l?ECSIInI;R SrECIAL.,.$5.98
Extra Special Prices • on Men's Fur -lined Coats, Fur Collars, Caps, Fur
Coats in Coons, Wallaby, Galloway Calf, Russian Calf, Horse Hide, Dog. All
Firs guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded.
Potatoes, 65e ; flutter, 13d ; Eggs, 30c ; vied Apples, 7c ; Turkeys, 130 ; Chicks, Sc
to 10c ; Ducks, $c to 10e ; Geese, 8o to 10c. .8.ny quantity taken as Cash.
George C. Hanna