HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-12-12, Page 5�mmn nmmnmm��nmm s c UMAIIILW Lith lltltitaii WfidillWftWlVlllllsldlllllllWlWl11111111ILWLIW.WIIOIIIAIIIIIIIIIIUMIL ILWI lt�t,!�+MIIIKWILUM oar THE WINGIJAM ADVANCE, TIIURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1907, 20 Per Cent DISCOUNT Our December Discount Sale is in full swing. Have you heard about it ? We're giving a discount of 20 per cent, off the regular price of all our Ready-to-wear Suits. What It Means To You Men's Suits Men's $to.00 Suits will now cost you.. $ 8,00 ,a I2.00 " ..60 15 00 " " .. 12.00 '' Youths' Suits Youths' $6.00 Suits will now cost you . , $4,8o 41 8.00 " as .a ... 6.40 " 10.00 " " " . 8.00 Boys' $3.75 Suits will now cost you $3.00 50 ,a as as as 3 6o ,a 5.5o as as to 4 40 Every Suit in the house is subject to the discount. The sooner you come, the better choice you get. Tell your friends, that they may share in the profits also. McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers orie filealliM SWIM CD Mat STOVES !I When �vantinD a Stove, Young's Big Hardware, and When wanting, a Stove, call at Big and see what he can show you in that line at very Low Prices. Oak Heaters, coal or wood, from $8 to $ 18 Cast Ranges, from $20 to $45 Steel Ranges, from $25 to $45 Base Burners, from $15 to $45 Wood Cook Stoves, from $7 to $29 Call and see for yourself, • that we have the goods at Right Prices. Doherty Stoves, and Ranges ate un- excelled. Carvers in case Bitter Knives in ease Pic Knives in case Pickle Forks in case Berry Spoons in ease Cutlery of all kinds Young's for Xmas: Gilts 1Y0UNG'SI „iet Big Hardware WINGHAM - ONTARIO tkrIMO IIrrirrrrrrr1111r� A PLATFORM OF 1115 OWN, Points in a Recent Address by E. N, Lewis, M, P. for West Huron. The Advance notes, that during the debate on Speech from the Throne, last week, l';. N. Lewis, the member for West Huron, and Dr. Chisholm, representative of the East, both ad- diessed the House, The Ottawa Jour. nal says :—"Mr, Lewis had a platform of his own, and he stated_it so briefly and succinctly, that it enlivened a de. bate, that had already begun to peter out," Among the changes advocated by Mr. Lewis were the following :— Amending the criminal code by pen- alizing the use of knives by foreigners, Violation of female chastity should be punishable by death. Penalties for men who shoot other men by mistaking them for deer. Railway companies should be obliged to inspect locomotives. When Banks raise their rate of dis- count, they should, be compelled to raise the rate of interest on deposits. Railways should be obliged to pro- vide sufficient rolling stock. There should be an export duty on Canadian pulp wood. Mr. Lewis promised to move that at the next general elections there be submitted to the people the two ques- tions : Shall the Senate be abolished ? or, Shall the Senate be chosen by the Provinces ? MAKE IT YOURSELF. There is so much Rheumatism hero in our neighborhood now that the fol- lowing advice by an eminent au- thority, who writes for readers of a large eastern daily paper, will be highly appreciated by those who suf- fer Get from any good pharmacy one- half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ouuce Compound Largon, three onnces of Compound Syrup Sarsapa- rilla. Shake these well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime ; also drink plen- ty of good water. It is claimed that there are few vic- tims of this dread and torturous dis- ease who will fail to find ready relief in this simple home-made mixture, and in most cases a permanent cure is the result. This simple recipe is said to strengthen and cleanse the elimina- tive tissues of the Kidneys so that they can filter and strain from the blood and system the poisons, acids and waste matter, which cause not only Rheumatism, but numerous other diseases. Every man or woman here who feels that their kidneys, are not healthy and active, or who suffers urinary trouble whatever, should not hesitate to make up this rnixture, as it is certain to do much good, and may save you from much misery and suf- fering rafter while. Out• hone druggists say they will either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription ready to take if our readers ask them. POWER GOING TO WASTE. To the Editor of The Advance. DEAR SIR :—Like "Reader" No. 2 of last week, I crave a small space in order to say a few words on that ex- cellent editorial of yours, three weeks ago, entitled. "Power Going To Waste." I do not expect, however, that my eloquence or logic will make crooked places straight or rough places smooth, nor even stop the waste of power now going on in the Churches. You remember Sir, when Miss Morton (evangelise) was in Wing - ham, she often urged people thus :— "Now won't you come into the inner circle"? Alas, Sir, the "inner circle" is not always pure, Jealousy, that green-eyed monster, has crept in, and tills his belly with the talents of the faithful. Because of this fiend in- carnate, this viper of the pit, some who regard their one talent (or mote) as a gift from God, hide these talents in a napkin, rather than come in contact with this soul-destroying fiend. Another reason for wasted power is, that some under -rate their powers, as much as others over-rate theirs. These hesitate to express themselves, lest they suffer a deluge of harsh criticism, or perhaps ostra- cism, or both. Lastly, party politics and political methods, has tainted the sanctity of the Church, causing pre- judice, and bitterness, where harmony and love should reign as among mem- hers of the same family. A chilly at- mosphere in the "inner circle" freezes out some who would otherwise be good workers. Hence a loss of power. I ata, dear Sir Reader No. 3. S ' i COLDS, HEADACHE, CATARRH Relieved in 10 Minutes by Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Rev. W. H. Main, pastor of the Bap- tist -Emanuel Church, Buffalo, gives strong testimony for and is a firm be- liever in Dr. Agnow's Catarrhal Pow- der, He has tried many kinds of remedies without avail. 'After using Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder I was benefited at once" are his words. It Is a wonderful remedy and will relieve any form of head pain in ten minutes and eradicate catarrh. Dr. Agnew's Heart pure trellis the gverworked heart. 3a ',For $a1@ by A. L. IfAtuILr0N. N. GRA;NDIRONK W Xmas, and New Years Between all stations in Canada. also to Detroit, Port Huron, Mich., Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N, Y. At Single Fare Good going December 24th and 251h, 1007. Returning until December 20th, 1007, Also going nee. 31, 1007, anal All. 1, 1008. Returning until an. 2ed, 1903. At Fare & One Third Geed going becombor 21st to 25111, 1907. Returning until January 3rd, 1008. Also good going December 28th, 1007, to January 1st, 1903, Iloturoing until. January 3rd, 1908. or tickets, and fall Information, call on 1V. UIi J1tY,/own .Agent, or write Jr D. McDonald »ietriaii Fseeonpltr Ag8>yt, roranto, Ww Christmas Store News. Our first Xmas, trade in Wingham has been designed to meet the needsof a larger patronage than our store has in the past enjoyed. We trust you will countenance our efforts to place before the buying public a higher grade of Xmas, goods than is usually shown in Wingham, While we enumerate a few specials, remember we cannot mention a tenth of the Xmas. stock that is opened. Stationery 500 boxes, fancy, beautiful and useful, filled with paper and envelopes of all grades, price depends on size and quality. Prices from 15c to $3.00 Leather Goods 350 Wrist Bags and Squaw Bags, bought import for Xmas. trade, nothing more practical, nothing more appreciated. Range 50c to $14.00 CASE GOODS Are here in endless variety, Hand -painted Sets, Military Hair Brushes, Ebony Brushes, Toilet Cases, Jewel Cases, Collar Boxes, Cuff Boxes, Glove Boxes, Sewing Cases, etc., etc. China Department. We have all the Xmas. shapes in Limogues China, nearly $600 worth of the Elite 62 is open for your inspection, and to reduce this stock during Xmas. when your friends would so much appreciate an extra piece added to their set, we have concluded to offer a 10% discount until Dec. 26, for instance :— Cups and Saucers, now 67c Casseroles, now $3.25 Sugars and Creams, now $2.70 Platters from $1.00 up. A full range. 10 per cent. off it all. TOYS AND DOLLS IN USUAL MULTITUDE. TO COMMITTEES Selecting gifts for teachers, etc., we offer our Xmas. stock at 15 per cent. off. R. E. Saunders Extra help to wait on you. 111 „tt, ,1„ 1„ 11„ 11111 i,,t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1„ 1,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,111,111 „ 1,,,11,,,11,1,1,,,,,,1,,111111 „ 1111 i” 111111111,1,1111,,,11,1,,,,,,,111 rL rChristmas Prosolats The Leadio Stare "°�i�°`'$ Christmas Presets In Great Variety At ISARD'S HANDKERCHIEFS FOR X6MAS.--Dainty Handkerchiefs aro always acceptable Xmas. Gifts. We can supply the hand- somest styles and best qualities at Lowest Prices. See our special line at 150 each or 2 for 25o SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, --In plain white, hem stitched, Panay colored and initialed, Prices are.... .10, 15, 25, 36, 50, 76o, $1,00 SILK COLLARS,—Just received by express a shipment of the very latest. novelties in Ladies' Silk Neckwear. Prices are - 20, 25, 35, 40, 50, 60, 75, 90c, $1.00, $L25. See onr Leader,... 25a LADIES' BELTS.—This store is headquarters for the largest and best assortment of Ladies' Silk and Kid Belts, Prices - 25o to $1.20. See our 750 Kid Belt for 50o LADIES' GLOVES. --What more useful present can you give than nice Kid Gloves. We have the nun MAKES. FowNas' Guaranteed Gloves $1.25 SILK WAISTS, --We are agents for the LA MosKA SILK WAIST, the very latest styles and made of Guaranteed Silk, white, cream or black. See our Leader at OTHER USEFUL PRESENTS.—Hand Satchels, Squaw Bags, Fas- cinators, Clouds, Cushion Tops, Table Napkins, Tray Cloths, Table Cloths, Silk Garters, Silk Umbrellas, Ribbons, Kid Mitts, Quilts, Rugs, etc. FURS.—Special Values in all kinds of Furs. Big Stook to choose from. Ruffs, Muffs, Gauntlets, Throw Scarfs, Fur Coats, Fur - lined Coats, eto. Presents For Men. Gents' Furnishing Dept. is crowded with the up-to- date Furnishings for Men and Boys. Silk Mufflers, Way Mufflers, Kid Gloves, Braces, Collars, all styles of Neckties, Fancy Shirts, Cuff Buttons, Mitts, Fur Caps, etc. Busy Department. The Clothing Department is a busy spot these days. Why ? Because the stock is Iarge and Prices are Low, and for Christmas Buying we are giving a Straight 20 per cent. off our Close Prices on Men's and BoysSuits, Overcoats and Pants. �c. S. Asara E) Co, WING HAM -41Eaassaaaa.,. Mai Don't Worry ABOUT WHAT TO BUY FOR A Xmas. Gift. W. G. Patterson has done the worrying. He has a fine stock of the latest and best Jewellery that money and skill can buy. Come and s'ee our stock, and you will be surprised that such goods can be purchased in Wingham. W. G. Patterson The Watch Doctor, Wioghamr 111111010111110141111.0111401111011100111111111.6 Teeswater. The school Board has engaged Miss Lulu J. Edmunds, of Wheatley, Ont., as teacher in the entrance class room. Mr. Angus Keith, of Lenore, Man„ formerly of the 4th line, Culross, is visiting in the township. He has been 17 years in the West. • Rev. Selborn Anderson, Blyth, con- ducted the anniversary services in the Methodist Church last Sunday. He was assisted by Rev. Mr. Tait, B. A.., of Knox Church. Services of song were conducted by the church choir assisted by the Carey Brothers. Magistrates Brink and Purvis had a criminal case of a serious nature to deal with here on Thursday last. De- tective Jos. Armstrong conducted the prosecution and the victim of the law was one, Robt. Snaith, a young man whose home is west on the 12th con., Culross. There are so many Smiths out there that there is some difficulty in making distinctions. This one is a son of Wm. Smith (Rich Bill.) He was charged with stealing a sum of money from an uncle—Robt. Smith. Ile pleaded guilty to the charge and was sent before Judge Barret for sentence. The Judge dealt with the case on Friday Ietting the young fel- low out on suspended sentence, he to appear in 12 months. Whether or not he will receive sentence at that time will depend upon his returning the stolen money and his conduct in gen- eral. We understand that the money has already been returned and that Smith promised the Judge that Ito wonld hereafter conduct himself in such a way as to keep clear of detec- tives and courts. He said he had been led to steal through drink and that he would never take another drink of liquor. it The Bruce Times gives the follow- ing under• the heading of "High Liv- ing": --Never since the cow jumped over the moon has milk soared so high in Walkerton as at the present time, and the fact that it is to take a still higher flight is enough to disturb the equilibrium of every economical house -keeper. At live cents a quart rnilk is a necessity, at six cents it is at luxury, at seven it is an impossibility ---to most of us. Hereafter we will join the water -wagon Or drink cham- pagne. You are tip against the game these days no matter which way you Wen. Butchers, bakers and milkmen have increased the price of living, while undertakers by raising their rates have increased the price of dy- ing. It's enough to make a man curse the dray of his birth and dread the ex• pense of a funeral. DAUBER'S ITC/I Cared in $0 MinuteS, A single application of Wooiford's Sanitary Lotion will usually cure a se• sero ease of Barber's Itele It at once destroys the microbe causing the ail• merit and the patient to accordingly tree Prem the disease within a few moments. Of course tt few days mast elapse before the skin can heal and be. tome as smooth as formerly. 'This remedy also eures Instantly, Itch, mange, prairie' scratches, and every ;form of co:Western: Itth on bunion or animals. (1) For Salo by A. L. /LutnLTosr. We teach the " Gregg " System of Shorthand because we know it is the best. • It is written in one straight line and based on the movement required to write ordinary longhand. It re- quires. no shadings, ,lack slants or vertical strokes which are " hard to remember " and require "slackening up " to make correctly. The Gregg is thus easier to learn, write and read, A speedy, accurate stenographer is the result. The Principal " Saline,, graduated ,nder the author of the " Gregg system, and her two assistants are graduates of the Busi- ness Educators' Association. You are assured of the very best tuition here. More information in our large, illustrated catalogue, which we would • like to mail you free. First lesson on Gregg sent .free on application. A greater demand for our gradu- ates than we can supply. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Members of Business Educators' Association. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal, Load O 0 O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 O 45 O O 0 O 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0000000000000000000.0 D N'T DELAY It is always good policy to secure early, your Winter Clothing. Here is a list ill which- yojl might find something to interest you :-- MEN'S FUR COATS. 3 Only, Dog skin, worth $25 00 each, for $20.00 2 Light colored Calf, worth $25.00 each, for 20 00 1 Biaok Calf, worth VS.50, for . 22,50 1 Wombat, worth $33.00, for 25 00 3 Black Calf, worth $35.00 each, for .... . 27,50 Canadian 'Coon, not dyed and handsomely striped - 1 worth $05.00 for $50.00. 3 worth $75.00 for 05,00 BOYS' REEFERS.—Worth $3.00 for $2.00, worth $3.50 for $2 50. BOYS' OVERCOATS. -25 to be cleared at less than cost. MEN'S HEAVY CLOTH OVERCOATS. Regular $R 00 for. $4.00 Regular 810.00 for $5 00 ' 9.00 for 4.50 " 12.00 for 0.00 Regular $14.00 for... , .$7.00 A Iino of Boys' Heavy Honeycomb Swanton Jost arrived. A Few Ladies' Astrachan Coats—Best Linings. 4 Worth $50,00 eaoh for.,$37,50 5 Worth $37.50 each for..$21.50 1 " 45.00 " . 30 50 1 " 40.00 " .. 30.00 2 Worth $30.00 for $22.50 VvRAPPEREPTE.—A good assortment and prices not advanced. T'LANNELEtTE BLANKETS. -11-1 and 12-1, both grey and white kept in stook. Grey Manuel, 15o to 75o per ycl. Wroxeter Yarn always in stock, Mitts, Gloves, Gauntlets, Soir and Hose, We can keep your hands and feet warns if you bay from us. Stanfield's Unshrinkable'Undertvear for Men and Women. Flour, Bran, 011 Oako and Boot Meat always, on hand. Highrst prices paid for prodnoe. Fresh Groceries arriving daily for the Xmas. trade and prices very loW. 0 O O 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 O 0 O O 0 0 0 T. ill A. Ms' 00000 0000000 00.' i>0 t 00000 .1 vv