HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-12-12, Page 41
Christmas Gifts for
Men & Boys.
It is difficult at times to know just what to
get for the Men and the Boys, but something use-
ful is always appreciated. Our store is full of
useful as well as beautiful things suitable for
Gifts. Look over this List, It is sure to suggest
something you want:—
Smoking Coats
Fancy Vests
Neck Scarfs
Gloves. -
Cuff Buttons
Watch Fobs
House Coats
Fancy Shirts
Tie Pins
Cuff Holders
Lounging Robes
Facey Suspenders
Neck Ties
Shirt Studs
Tie Holders
Fur Collars
Fancy Collar Boxes
Come along and see our stock.
Bargains For Saturday, Dec. 7th.
25% off oll our Sweaters for
Men ;will Hop;.
1:tit�eC.C.nfu.':�,GY ct'•••.Y.aT_ah-•.nw.Y<.- _ mommosza
�--�•-•`^`-•"W"^"�-•^•^•^••-'-•^•..[C•aOa�'ism.n.'.6.u.x.,..>ae..,.:'.3m4+ClVYL•�tlu:u.-r. s.c-.n-Y a+LLWn'.1:<,i'�
Tailors ant) Furil l f.•• °
r •n s
Every Housewife Should have A
"t'r'ersai" Food Chopper.
I/vvill chop all kinds of meat, raw or cooked, and all kinds
rII t and vegetables, into clean-cut, uniform pieces, fine or coarse,
as wanted, -without mashing, and with great rapidity. It does away
with the chopping knifea
pp g and
bowl entirely, doing its work in one-
tenth the time, and producing an absolutely uniform product. For
cutting sausage meat it cannot be surpassed. Sold by
which has conducted a conserva-
tive business since 1872, and has steadily
increased its assets until they now amount
to over thirty-two million dollars, is surely
a safe institution to be entrusted with your
'Wingham - C. P. Smith, Agent.
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LASED, General Manager
A. R. TRELA1tSA, Superintendent of
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
Rest, - 5,000,000
Total Assets, - 113,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at
current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in
the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit.
Goal Coal
We are sole agents for
t Oel
c era ed
b t Scranton Coal
which has no equal.
Also the best grades of
Smithing, Cannel and Do-
mestic Coal and Wood of
all kinds, always bn hand.
Residence Phone, No. SI
Office " No. Bl
141111 No. 44
We carry a full stock of
Lumber (dressed
ee 9
ed o
r undres-
d1 es -
sed), Shingles, Iael,
Posts, Barrels, etc.
Righest Price Paid for all
kinds of Logo.
•$•I4I3441► 0414144.41444444.410444444.4111.
Ijt :i ngl2nm lbblutte
Theo. Hall - Proprietor.
(Continued from last week.)
The Council met at 10 a.m, pursuant
to adjournment. The minutes were
rend and approved.
The report of D. Patterson, County
Commissioner ommissioner was feed, The
County Bridge Commissioner in his
report said he had examined all the
wooden bridges in the county that
were over twenty feet in length and
gave an estimate of $05,850 that
would be required to renew the wood-
en bridges. The last wooden bridges
were built during 1894.5 and sorne of
these would yet be good some years,
but the above sum should cover the
cost of replacing the wooden bridges
with those built of iron. Now bridges
had been erected this year as fol-
lows :—Bluevale ; one south of Wing -
ham ; Campbell's bridge, south of Bel -
Jrave; King's bridge in Ashfield; St.
oseph, in Hay ; Grand Bend, in
Stephen ; Sauble; on boundary be-
tween Huron and Middlesex counties ;
Kirton, on boundary between Huron
and Perth counties. Bridges will need
to he rebuilt next year as follows :—
Hall's bridge, Goderich Tp. ; Warren
Creek, one anile south of Hensall ; Jos-
ephine street, north of Wingham ; and
a bridge on boundary between Grey
and Elmo. townships. The Commiss-
ioner had issued orders to the amount
of $13,428.90 since the last meeting of
the Comity Council. The report was
referred to the Road and Bridge Com-
The County Engineer reported that
he estimated that over $08,000 would
he required to replace or repair
bridges within a very short time.
The motion granting $50, for
a lock-up in Blyth, omitted from June
minutes was ordered to be inserted in
December minutes.
On motion of Robt•. McLean and
Rollt. Elliott, Malcolm Nicholson was
appointed a trustee of Goderich Col-
legiate Institute in place of P. Jordan,
The Council adjourned at 11.40 to
meet at L30 p.m., when the members
were to visit the Hospital and the new
High School building.
The county Jailer's report showed
that there were nine prisoners in the
t lie counts' jail. A number of accounts
were read and referred to the Finance
On unction of M. Y. McLean and Mr.
Cantelon, the sum of $25 was granted
to the Huron Poultry Association.
The Council assembled at 2 p.m. to
visit Wingham Hospital and the High
School. They expressed themselves
highly pleased. with these efficient and
well-equipped institutions.
Mr. P. Metcalf e of
Blyth reported
o d
concerning •I3uron County Fruit Ex-
hibit. The Council received his report
with pleasure, and expressed gratifica-
tion at the splendid exhibit. The
thanks of the Council was extended to
Mr. Metcalf for the interest he had
taken in the exhibit..
A. concrete arch had been built on
the boundary line of Hullett and God-
erich townships, at a cost of $484.00,
by the municipalities. It was moved,
that in accordance with the County
By -Law in this regard, the cost be
borne by the County; sent to Road
and Bridge Committee. •
lst—We recommend that the report
of our engineer be received and printed
in the minutes. 2nd—Regarding Bay-
field bridge, we recommend, on
account of the wings settling on south
abutment, that a row of good, sound,
wooden piles be driven around the out-
side of the abutment, as deep as possi-
ble, and as the contract for the super-
structure has been let to Hill & Co. to
be erected this winter, that our engin-
eer let the contract for piling as soon
as possible, so that the super -structure
can be erected before spring; also that
a row of piles be driven around the
central abutment, and that the ap-
proaches be filled as soon as possible
in the spring 3rd—Regarding the
claim of Mr. Hemphill of Wroxeter,
that our engineer and Mr. Fraser have
had an offer of settlement from ,Mr.
Hemphill, we advise se that they effect a
settlement, providing Mr. Hemphill
sign an agreement and have it regis-
tered against the property, that the
County will not be responsible for
damages hereafter. 4th—No action
to be taken re bridge between Lamb -
ton, Huron and Middlesex, 5th—Re-
garding bridges to be built next sea-
son, viz, Hall's bridge, Goderich Tp. ;
Warren Creek bridge ; the one north
of Wingham ; one at Holmesville ; one
on boundary between Huron and
Perth. We recommend that our en-
gineer call for tenders for these
bridges to be opened at January meet-
ing, 1008. Also, that cheque of Mr.
Spyoal held by county be returned to
him. (This last clause was left subject
to advice of county solicitor.) 13th—
Regarding notion re Rapson's bridge,
no action be taken. 7th—That the
bridge between Huron and Perth, we
advise that our engineer await the de-
cision of Perth county.•
After routine, Council resumed
business. The report of the Road and
Bridge Cofnmittee was taken ttp, and
occupied most of the forenoon. After
considerable discussion, the report was
adopted, after amendment of clause 5.
The special committee reported:—
(1) That no action be taken with re -
After Once Tasting
noo one wants an old-fash-
ioned cod liver oil prepara-
tion or emulsion, because
Vinol is a much better body-
builder and strength creator
for old people, weak children,
and for coughs, colds, bron-
chitis, etc. If it does no good
we Wilt return your money.
J. Walton McKibbon, Druggist.
fer'enco to the communication from
County. Council of Oxford, regarding
Senitar tuu . (2) Regarding petition
from County of Balton, re Good
Roads grant, we recommend that the
1Varden and Olerk sign and forward
the siune.
The Executive committee reported
as follows ;-- (1) Re claim of Mr.
Rosenberry of RrucefIeld, for loss of a
horse ---That the matter be left in
the hands of Couns, Lamont and
Geiger, and if they succeed in making
satisfactory settlement, they aro in-
structed to draw on the Co,Treas, for
the amount. (2) That in future in all
contracts for county roads and
bridges a clause be inserted providing
that the contractor be responsible for
all accidents that may oecur frorn
careless or improper protection, or by
obsttueting traffic on any comity
roads. This to be a notice to all par-
ties delivering material to take neces-
sary precautions, so that no danger
may follow to the public. (3) We re-
commend the grant to the }ILUon
Poultry Association of $25.
The House of Refuge Committee re-
ported at considerable length, The
substance of the Inspector's report to
Nov. 30, is as follows :—
Inmates admitted since opening 3.14
Inmates on lst Dec. 1900........ 02
Admitted for first time 17
Re -admitted after absence 1
Deaths during the. year 10
Absconded during the year 0
Discharged during the year, , 13
Inmates on lst. Dec. 1007 80
Number of orales 51
Number of females 29
Admitted during the year from sev-
eral municipalities, as follows :—From
Goderich township, 2; Goderich town,
4 ; one each from Morris, Colborne,
liowick, Hay, West Wawanosh, Tuck-
ersmith, Stanley, Clinton, Seafoith,
Exeter, Blyth, Hensel'.
Total expenditure on House
and farm $6,588.94
Value of provisions and fuel
on hand Dec, 1st, 1007.. , 2,094.00
Permanent improvements457.48
Produce sold, 1907 481,33
Provisions, produce, new
clothing and fuel on hand 1,801.70
Received from paying in-
mates 014.00
(lost of support of inmates.. 4,801.03
Average per inmate per day. .15;
During the year $766 has been re-
ceived for fnture maintenance of pay-
ing patients in addition to the amount
noted above.
.0 of the House of Re-
fuge reports :—The new addition ful-
fils all the requisites for the comfort
of the inmates. Although there may
he a greater number of deaths this
year, quite a number came in a dyiug
condition, and only lived a few clays.
The number of deaths was 10. Three
were 80 years of Age. The youngest
was 17 years. The average age 731
Moved by Coons. Shearer and Hain -
stock, that this County Council
memorialize the Legislature to amend
the Assessment Act, so that in town-
ships, three competent men, outside
of the municipality be appointed
to value all its parcels of property.
That in rural parts of the lnunicipali-
ties, the valuation be put on the land,
and in urbanarts and urban tarr ni-
p ,
cipalities, on both land and buildings.
That in urban parts, a declaration be
made to the Clerk of the cost of all
buildings erected between times of
valuation, and by him property enter-
ed on the roll. That the Clerk he
notified of all changes caused by the
buying or selling of property, and the
required- entries made on the roll,
That the said valuation be on the
basis on which the County rate is
struck, and that the valuation remain
for a period of five years, and if this
proves satisfactory, it be extended to
ten years. (Sent to Special commit-
tee, and approved.)
A motion was presented, requiring,
that owing to the number of inmates
in the House of Refuge, hereafter, no
person being invalids or insane, be ad-
mitted as paying inmates, as the
House was not built for this purpose.
No action was taken on this motion.
Messrs. Lamont and Cantelon mov-
ed that the County Engineer hand in
a report to the Clerk forthwith of all
the bridges that have been taken off
the county, and put on the townships,
and that the Clerk notify the Clerks
of the municipalities of these bridges
and their location—carried.
Council adjourned to meet at 0.30
a.m., on Friday.
After routine, the question of the, re-
turn of markedcheques to Messrs.
Sproal and Barber, was taken
occupied most of the forenoon. These
cheques were deposited as securities
on contracts taken for work not com-
pleted. While the Council wished to
adhere to its rules in this resect, it
was felt that it would not be right or
wise, in these cases to retain the de-
posits, hence the motion passed for
their return to the contractors named.
The Finance Committee reported
(1) In favor of payment of a number
of accounts, amounting to $1,872.8.1,
(2) That $50 be given to each School
Inspector for postage. (3) Referring
two accounts for jail supplies to Conn-
cil. (4) Recommending that
others be
left over till January meeting. The.
report was adopted', after slight
amendment in one case.
A motion was presented, that the
Warden, Treasurer, and "parliamen-
tary representatives be a deputation
to wait on the Ontario Government,
to arrange if possible that Huron may
participate in Good Roads appropria-
tion for permanent bridges or in some
other way to report at January ses-
A motion was introduced, asking
that all bridges of 20 feet span, that
have been regarded as County bridges,
but have been shortened by the Coun-
ty, be regarded still as County
bridges. Motion lost.
Council resumed at 1,45 ; the Coun-
cillors began to draw their pay, and
seemed in haste to catch. their
The report of the Education com-
mittee repotted in favor appointment
of M. Nicholson as Trustee of Gado -
rich Collegiate Institute. Also that
Crediton Public School be givers a
grant for Continuation Class Wolk,
when the Inspector certifies to the
work done. The report passed.
It was decided to ask the Clerk to
prepare a By -late to be considered at
the January session, authorizing the
issue of debentures for $20,000 for 20
Years, at 4
per cent.,
to be use in p
innent bridge structures—carried.
A deputation was appointed to ex-
amine Hohnesville bridge, to ace if it
is possible to secure a better site near
by, where a shorter strueture could he.
advantageously built.
It was moved by Messrs, Millie
(W. Wawanosh) and Taylor (Morris)---•
chat We inernbere Of Huron County
Council extend our sincere thanks to
the .citizens of Wingham, for their
kindness And right royal welcome
shown to ns during our stay here,—
The C Ontieil there adjourned,
'ileus 'items
•---The Put•hnlu Review says ; "Be-
fore this reaches our reader's we ex-
pect the C.P.R. engine in Durham.
The track is laid at time of writing to
atowpointn" less than .a mile fr
--Mr. John Anderson, who in con-
nection with the Cargill baseball team
has flgured on the Walkerton dia-
mond on manywoccasions, was killed
at the Shallow Lake, Cement works
last Sunday, He was fixing a shaft
when in some manner he beeanre en-
tangled in the belt, and before he
could be itreleased was,. terribly and
fatally mangled.
—The plant of the Holyrood cream-
ery Was sold under mortgage by auc-
tion on Saturday. The mortgage on
the property amounted to $600, and
the ,directors of the company was a
joint stock concern, bought it at that
figure. It was not, however, bought
in for the stockholders, but by the di-
rectors for themselves, The plant had,
cost $2,000 and the stockholders lost
all they had pert in it,
—Last week, a delegation of ladies
waited upon the Dominion Govern-
ment asking far the prohibition of the
manufacture, sale and importation
of cigarettes. Sir Wilfrid Laurier
would not commit himself to favoring
the abolition of tobacco for use by
men, but as to extending the power of
the provinces to pass a law the same
as was done with the Scott Act in re-
gard to counties, that was a new pro.
position which would be looked into.
—On Monday night of last week a
very sad event took place in the 'hard-
ware store of J. B. McArthur, Hensall.
While standing talking with some
other boys, Wilfred Houghton, a lad
of 18, suddenly fell over and expired
almost instantly of heart trouble. Al-
though sudden the event was not en-
tirely unexpected as about three
weeks ago he had a similar attack but
recovered. This makes the third
member of the family which has pass-
ed away in a similar manner.
Toronto, Dec. 4.—Teachers holding
third class certificates will not be cut
oft without a chance. The depart-
ment of education has issued a cir-
cular saying a summer school of nor-
mal school standard will be opened
next summer for teachers with third-
class certificates whose success and
ability is attested by their inspector.
At this summer school they may
qualify for second-class certificates.
Furthermore, where a scarcity of
teacher's exists third-class certificates
may be renewed for a period not long-
er than 1009.
Strathroy, Dec. 4.—Mary Feather-
stone, the oldest resident in Adelaide
Township, who lived ten miles nor'th
of here, died to -day. Although her
age was not definitely known, old set-
tlers living around there claim she
was an old woman when they were
boys, and estimated her age at about
110 years. She was born in Ireland,
and emigrated to Canada when a
child. Miss Nancy McNeill, who was
buried here last Saturday, was 97
Years old,and declared Mrs. I
stone was as old es her mother, Mrs.
Featherstone was an inveterate smok-
er. She leaves a large family.
Have You Bronchial Catarrh ?
It is easily recognized by the dry
cough and hoarseness. Not difficult
to cure with Catarrhozone as Mr. X.
Babin, of River Oapalin, Que., proved.
"No one could suffer from Bronchitis
more than I did. I had a hard hack-
ing cough that caused, me great pain.
My throat was hoarse, and I had
great distress in my chest. Catarrho-
zone reached the sore spots and gave
immediate relief. Since using 11 1
have not had a single attack."
Every physician who is asked about
Catarrhozone says it is a sure cure—
so will you if you try it.. Sold every-
where, 25c and $1.
Mr. Thos. Lawrence has been in
business in Lucknow for 40 years. He
is still one of our most enterprising
Mr. Rose Anderson, who recently
purchased the grocery business of
H. McQuillin & Co., has moved from
Wingham and occupies the residence
of Mrs. John Allen,
Archibald McLean, Pincher Creek,
Alta., gives the following figures on
this year's cropr—Off 221acres_
, the
yield of Alberta Red was 1,510 ush.;
off'55S acres the yield of white wheat
was 3,395 bushels ; this makes a total
of 4,041 bushels off a little more than
771 acres, which gives an average of a
little better than 02 bushels to the
A very large measure of interest
was Sunday manifested by residents
of Lucknow and surrounding country
in the anniversary and re -opening ser-
vices held in Lucknow Methodist
Church. The church is certainly a
inonument to the energy and enter-
prise of the Methodist body in this
vicinity. It is certainly a beautiful
edifice of chaste design with modern
up-to-date i►nprovernents, while at the
sante time it is commodious, conven-
ient, comfortable and substantial. The
contributions during the day =aunt -
ed to over $700.
Bo You Get Bilious ?
This trouble arises from torpidity of
the liver. Nothing acts so nicely as
De. Hamilton's Pills, They stir up
the liver, rid the system of bile, tone
the stomach, give appetite and sound
digestion if you feel drowsy and bad
tempered. Dr. Hamilton's Pills will
help you at once—taken at night yon
are well by morning. Don't be afraid
of De. Hamilton's Pills, they are mild
---don't gripe or nauseate. They just
"cure"—that's all.
Guard Your Eyesight.
it isricel
p esu and should not be rieglecled, if
your eyes trouble you, coma (0 London and
sco what
Modern Optical Science
con do towards correcting your detects. We
Novo the most complete optienl loborataty in
Caandn, and our Apecinlisii, are able to cope
with the moat complicated eases of the errors
of refraction. All glassen are merle ea the
premises to suit each partiatilar ease.
L't'ES14 I1 ' S?Ef tAti$TS
231 Daitdas St., Londeo, Oat.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen-
nsylvania, College and Licentiate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
—Delco In ittacdonald Block—
B.S.A., L,D.S, P•D.S,
Ilouor Graduate of University of Toronto
and 1.Ieentiato of Royal t;oltego of
Dental Surgeons of Ontarlo,
Orr'res IN I3E,avSI Mock -- Wrisai u
Miss Elizabeth E. Grant
Teacher of Piano, Theory, Interpreta-
tion, flannelly, Pupils prepared
for Conservatory exams,
Studio In Macdonald Block — 2nd Floor.
Terms on application,
General Hospital
(Under Government Inspection.)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished.
Open to all regularly licensed physicians.
Rates for patients (which include board and
nursing)—$3.50 to $15.00 per week, according
to looatlon of room. For further informa-
Box 223, Wingham, Ont.
In our school succeeds, because we pro-
vide sensible courses, employ successful
teachers and give individual instruction,
Enter any time. Write for catalogue.
Yonge & 11•IcGill St.., Toronto i
WGb�i I�GCiN/
B giving b
y g g a otter course of training
than that given by any other similar in-
stitution in Ontario, we have become
ono of the leading business training
schools in Canada. Our graduates aro
in demand ns oiliee assistants and buss.
ness college teachers. Our coarses being
the best, our graduates succeed. If in-
terested in your own welfare, write for
catalogue. Three departments—Com-
mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphic.
Winter term opens January Mb.
"Business Knowledge" and "Everlasting
Push" aro two essentials to success.
And prepare for first•class business posi-
tions such as aro open to our students.
Hundreds of our Students are going into
good positions every year. Let us train
you for ono. We will do it right. WIN -
TOR TERM OPENS JAN't. GT11. Write for
catalogue and see wherein we excel or-
dinary business colleges.
W, J. ELLIOTT, Principal
(Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.)
Protection and Safe
The Endowment Policies
—OF --
The Dominion Life
A sound, well managed
Canadian Life Assurance Company.
Average rate of Interest
earned in 1
e 906—
6.73 PER CENT.
Local Agout — Wingham,
Capital (paid up) - $3,633,000
Reserve (ansaDano lz fid- • $4,720,000
Total Assets, over $51,000,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all pointe in Can-
ada, the United States and Europe.
Interest allowed en deposits of $1.00 and
upwards, and added to principal quarterly.
D. T, HEPBURN, manager
It,, Vanstono, Solicitor
•••••••••••••••••• •••••••464
1 You Make
A Mistake
you b
n y
a P
iano With.
out seeing ourstock Umpiringrices andtaking into account
e quality of the instrument.
All the best makes always in
stook 13eintzman, Newcombe,
Dominion, and others,
Also Organs, and the very
best Solving Machines,
David Bell
itandasOpp, skating Mak
Dainty Goods For
Xmas. Presents.
This Big Store is full of the very
prettiest and most desirable goods for
Xmas. Presents, You'll be delighted
with the Bargains we're offering.
J no. Kerr
Christmas Dry Goods.
Dainty Handkerchiefs for all,
Pure Silk, Pure Linen, Mashes
and Cambric, plain and embroi-
bored, white or colored, 3o up to
Gloves for Men & Women.
Kid Gloves, lined Kid Gloves
and Mitts, fancy Ringwood
Gloves, Gloves and Mitts for
Boys and Girls.
Fancy Side Combs and
Back Combs.
We have a large stock of the
very newest styles in Fancy
Comb7, Hair Pius, Hat PIMP,
Toilet Pius, eto,, and our prices
aro right,
Richards Pure Soap.
You get the worth of your
money when you buy 6 bars of
Richards' Pure Soap
for 2
We don't charge you anything
for -the privilege of competing
for the Gold Watch.
Christmas Fancy China.
We have a larger stock than
we've over bad of Fagoy China,
handsome decorations, a splendid
variety, and brick of the saving
in price. Every piece of Fancy
China, every Dinner, Tea and
Toilet Set at greatly reduced
Tables and Shelves loaded with
the newest decorations in China-
ware and we're offering the
greater part of it at 20 to 25
per cent, off.
Limoges China at 25 per cent. off
Glassware at 20 to 25 " "
Riolr Cut Glass 3313
Leather Goods.
Purses, Pocket Books, Hand
Bags and Squaw Bags in great
Clearing Sale Continued.
We continue Our Cleariug Sale
of Dress Goods, Clothing, Car-
p-ts, Hats and Caps, Fur Jackets,
(Japes, Ruffs,
Stoles, Scarfs,
Muffs, &o., Boots and Shoes
Crockery, Fancy China, Glass-
New select Valencia Raisins, 3 lb. for 250
New select cleaned Currants 10o
New seeded Raisins, 1 lb. package 150
New seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. for 250
New shelled Nuts, Almonds and Walnuts
New Peel—Lemon, Orange, Citron—very best Euglish Peels
One pound box Mixed Peel, regular 300 for 200
Table Rairius, regular 20e for 15e
New Dates in 1 lb. packages. 3 for 25c
New layer Figs, choice, per lb 100 to 150
New Icing Powder, per package 10e
New Marmalade and Jam New Gelatine, Jelly Powder, etc.
Choice Chocolate Cocoa and CoffeeeP
New Oranges,su
es' Lbm
and Candies Maple Sugar and Maple Syrup.
WANTED.—Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Beans, Potatoes, Dry
Hard Wood, Oats.
Wingham, Ont., March 2nd, 1907
The Western Foundry Co., Limited.
GENTLEMEN: -Yours in reference to enquiry as to the
Crown Huron Stove is to hand, and having had experience
in three different makes during the last 13 years, I am
pleased to give an expression as to the efficiency and satis-
factory working qualities of your range, being, as I believe,
that the stove is the best in the market today, having
given us every satisfaction, is a perfect cooker and baker,
and a great fuel saver. I have been able to run your
stove the last four months with less than two tons of coal.
I feel confident that when your stove has had a fair test
with the public, same will be one of the leading ranges
in the market. Yours Truly,
Jno. Buggy Son
R. R. Mooney
Sole Agents for "Ittron Stoves and Ranges in
Wingham, we wish to notify the public that other
dealers claiming to sell Huron Goods, do so with-
out authority front us, and we are not in any
way responsible kr what they sell or say. Our
goods sold by Messrs, I3ugg & Son and Mooney
are fully guaranteed by us to bo of the best
manufacture, end to give satisfaction or money
refunded, It will pay you to call and see a full
line of Home production before purchasing.
Heaters from $7.20 to $30.50
Steel Ranges from $27.50 to $37,00
Cast Ranges from $24.60 to $34.50
Wood Cooking Stoves frons $16.00 up
The Wesforn foundry Co.