HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-11-21, Page 5.Moll THE WINGHAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1907. 01111111111110 WM 11811M151110 11111 Watch This Space Next Week YOUNG'S 1ig flar4wnre . WINGHAM ONTARIO 61111111111.11 ONO 11111110 011111111111111110 11 i Brussels. Monthly Horse Fair will be held on Thursday, Dec. 5th. Local and out- side buyers will be in attendance, Hugh Porter and family, old resi- dents of the 10th con. of Grey, have taken up residence in Brussels, mov- ing in on Tuesday from their farm which has been rented to Mr, Mont- gomery, of Morris. Brussels Creamery has closed down until next spring, after a successful season. Proprietor Harris deserves credit for the improvements he has made in the erection of his new fee - tory and its belongings. Peter Stewart is away in Dakota where he went some time ago to look after his interests in connection with the past harvest, Although a resi- dent of Brussels Mr. Stewart still owns his valuable farms in the West, IIis Honor Judge Holt held Court at Brussels on Thursday of last week, The only action tried was brought by Robt. Ritchie against David Milne for $74.05 for wages and damages for wrongful dismissal. Judgment was given for the plaintiff for $25. ' Jno. Rainsford, of Clinton, who owns Brussels Salt Works, was in town on Tuesday. He is threatened with a snit by John Grainger, whose farm adjoins the works, for damages owing to the action of the escaping brine on a portion of the farm. As the interested parties are fair and reasonable men there should be a way of corning to terms that would be satisfactory to both gentlemen. The salt well has been in operation here for over 27 years, being star ted by the lite F. C. Rogers, who was a mer- chant in town. Thursday evening of Last week a Committee that had been appointed some w,eeks ago, consisting of Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A., Alex. Stewart, Queen street east, Peter Watson and A. M. McKay, of Melville church, and Rev. E. G. Powell, B. Gerry, T. Far- row and W. H. Kerr representing the Methodist church, met, and discussed the advisability of holding union ser- vices with a view of promoting the spiritual life of both congregations. After talking over ways and means it was unanimously carried that such services be held to commence on the evening of Monday, January 0th, and to be held on alternate evenings in the churches named commencing at 7.45 o'clock and to continue for a few weeks. The drafting of a program and the various other details were left in -the hands of the pastors to work out. Resign Prom The Worry Club. Life is a rush, but we can't get there together. In consequence, we worry -Can't help it because nerves are weak, vitality is burnt up and there's no staying` power left. Ctlt out the worry part, and Build Up. Let Fer- rezone help you. It's a most strengthening nutritive tonic. Fills the blood and iron, supplies build- ing material for worn out organs, generates the sort of vitality that makes you want to do things. No medicine more helpful for men, women and children who need strength and staying power. Try Ferrozone, 60c per box at all dealers. , r ' Teeswater. It is reported that in the event of local option carrying in Culross, the residents of Formosa will move to have their burg erected into a police village. Mr. W. ,111. Southey left last week for Quebec where on Friday he will sail for old England by the Empress of Britain. He expects to return to this country in the spring. Mr. Walter Ross, 10th line, arrived home from the West on Saturday. He has been away over a year, and has been itnproving upon a homestead northwest of Moosejaw. The petition received by the Culross Council, asking that a local option by- law be submitted to the electors of the township in January, contained 243 signatures. This is thirteen over the required number. Before leaving town last week, Miss Lydia Copeland was presented, on be- half of the Methodist church choir, of which she was a member, with a com- plimentary address and a group photo of the members, The Sunday School also presented Miss Copeland with tokens of regard, in the form of an address and a mantle clock. The plant of the Iolyrooct Cregtl}ery was laid under mortgage, by aoction on Sattirdily Inst. The mortgage tlpou theproperty t p pry n txto,lntecl to $800, and the directors of the cotppapy, which was a joiut stock coneern, hooght it 1t that figure. It wits not llo veyer, batten in for the stock holders, hot bythe di- rectors or themselves. The ppant had cost $2,QOQ and the stpckiloidere lose ryll they pelt in it, A Question Often Asked. Why so many people feel worse after taking pills than before? Trouble is that drastic pills are used. No remedial action is obtained, the bowels are irritated and dreadful con- stipation follows. In using Dr. Hamiltons Pills you are scarcely con- scious of having taken medicine. Al- though very mild, Dr. Hamilton's Pills do regulate the bowels. stimulate normal action of the glands, and create, neither nausea, griping or violent action. Positively 5 luau eed for biliousness, indi'gt+stidn, Stomach, liver' and kidney 'ills! F.& a safe flti'mi= ly pill'ih1y on Dr, Hamilton's, g56 'Per box'rtt iill'dea er5. ' Atwood. • 11ir. !}', (. Bnilantyne has disposed of his stank t4n4 bilstrless to 1'1r. Powell, of .jelrmorte.° h r. Powell took posses- sion on I1lov. 13t11, .� special meeting of tho sharehold- ers of the Western Ontario Portland Cement Company will be held in the Music Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 20. A by-law will be submitted to in- crease the number of directors to nine. The Rev. T. S. Boyle, B. D., of Wingham, gave an interesting and profitable address on "The I..lNe and .Clines o Are ills cl ' '!earl tier;" at the r 1ei�irt l"tui' g 1 s 11 l 1 , l eii r ty4i e's t . , t e. n r , ftp 1`tey. 11. P. Westgate has re- ceived word that his brother, the Rev. T. B. Reginald Westgate, 0.0.M.S., missionary in German East Africa, arrived safely in England With his wife and family on October 12. After upending a few weeks In England and Ireland, 141r. Westgate will Come on to Canada, er ectI g to spend Christmas at his old home at Watford. Ho has been in mission work for over nine years. �iY?ltlililiYii�l WWWIi�'yYWWWWYlil�'> 111 AAAAA WWWW W r�IC we Come To D. M. Gordon's For Xmas. Groceries ♦4N•N•••N1•••N•• We're giving very special Bargains in all lines of pure, fresh Xmas. Groceries, Just call in and see the Bargains we're offering -will save you money, and that is very ilnportant just now. We are not in the habit of "blowing" very much, still we know that we give our customers as good value at all times as the fellows who do so much "blowing." Dress Goods, Mantles, Furs, and all lines of Dry Goods, still hold their important place in this Store. For Good Butter, Eggs, Dried .Apples, and Poultry, we are always at the top notch. D. M. CORDON The Original Company "Should 'Auld 'Acquaintance Be Forgot" II1111IIIIlIIIIIlIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIlli1IIIIII011llll1- c. itt NhvgnWA.Vi'iftaaTSP TAcitvt,"''.. 11lIF HT IT 111IIiIIIIIIIIII1I II-[ [1111111111111111 11 ERNEST SHIPMAN AND WM. COLVIN Present Ian Maclaren's Beautiful Scottish Idyl The Bonnie Brier Bush Original Kirke La Shelle Production - 20 -NOTABLE CAST OF -20 Male Quartette, Bag Pipes, Etc. Opera House - Wingham Monday, November 25th. Seats on Sale at McKibbon's. 75c, 50c, 25e. The speedier a stenographer can typewrite a letter the more valuable she becomes to the busy business man, Practice does a great deal, but correct fingering and the " Touch System," which we teach thoroughly, are of paramottnt importance. When the " Touch System " is mastered the operator never looks at the keyboard, but keeps her eyes on her notes. She saves the time lost by the "sight" operator in glancing from notes to keyboard and back to notes again -a considerable item in a day's work and a severe strain on the eyes as well. Our large, free catalogue tells more about our stenographer's course and gives much valuable information about the diplomas of the Business Educators' Association. The supply of our graduates is not equal to the demand. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Members of Business Educatofs' Asaociatign. . J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal, London. Lucknow. Mr. 'W, Mitchell, lately jeweller here, has taken a position as traveler for the fancy good house of Win, RrFce, Toronto, That our town is a live town is easy of demonstration. More business is done here at this time of the year than has been done for several years. Mr. Jas. Walthew, of St. Thomas, and his gang of painters, have been busy the past week decorating the interior of Lucknow Methodist church. The large number of barrelled apples at Lucknow depot of the G. T. R. pres- ents the appearance of abundant and profitable crop of this favorite Ontario fruit. Mr. Wm. Allin has purchased the building at present occupied by. The Sentinel. Mr. McGregor will 'mote his printing esta'hlishment to the'cot-. ner lately vacated by R. Moody. Rev. Geo. W. Rivers, B. A. B. D of Belgrave, preached at Hope, Zion, and Blake's Churches on Sunday in the absence of the pastor of the Ash- field Circuit, who conducted reopening services at Bi•ick Church on the Bel - grave Circuit. At the W. C. T. U. Convention, held at Cornwall last week, Mrs. Jas. Bryan, of town, was elected to the very honorable position of Provincial Vice -President of this organization which is doing a noble work for God, home and society. Large quantities of apples are being imported by the Lucknow evaporator which is at present n busy hive of in- dustry with its large number of em- ployees. 11... Joynt has large orders #rorunevaniporatecll fruit, and the local !mil - ply was insufiie.ient tp keep, the faclprl ng. • HearITIiroai,and Skin DR. giNM,Tql$ 'O R FAMOUS aPECIFICS CURE COJ TPEETELY THE WORST DISEASES OF THESE PARTS ,--DREADFUL HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN THIRTY MINUTES. Heart disease will affect people differently, but in all cases it must be viewed with gt:aa alarm. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is the one remedy that can be safely. tie�pended upon in times of trouble. It will give relief in thirty minutes. Mr. Thomas Petry, of Aylmer, Que., was troubled with scyet:e heart complaint for five years, the pain''at times, being so severe film 114'eopfe; not attend to business, Every other remedy failed until he Wel L. Agzlety y c; r'e fur the Heart, which gave immediate relief, and his syo,ds ac+s tileggl ' "1 have now taken four bottles of the remedy aucl`ani entirely free front every sy.;tlptent of heart disease," 00a iq the held need not he trifled with, for it is catarrh in an incipient condition,. agcl aatarrli a .et tuffs trialed with, Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, as scores of �t and prominent , t�-parliament, tit citizens £f3i' Xlil 11 P ?lll? fin the Dominion �non lav Pc borne teatigjon}, drives away a cold in the head like magic, and where this has assumed the chaps of aggravated catarrh, producing deafness and throat trouble, it effects a permanent cure, It is not always safe to take pills for liver trouble. They {lot unfeequently create other troubles that are serious. Dr. Agnew's Live{' Piils+, whilst thoroughly certain of removing all liver tremble, give no difltcult i either at the time or afterwards. They are pleasant to take and coat only to cents. • The faculty that Dr, Agnew has displayed in gettin`lg at ilei scat of, tC{tulale it manifest in his Ointinent, as in the other three retilyd,,ea; `�al nohtninr{ the elements that give Fiend.? and permanbnt teliet in' ali'ttlirsi' 4iseasc t}atl to peettiiatly effective in curing il'es. as cents.' i7 SOLD BY A, L HAMILTON' Isard's Departmental Store Prices. Read every line and see what a Saving you can make ou New Goods- Just what you are needing at the present time. 10c 5 Pieces fine Bleached Cotton, 12Ic value for ..... 100 8a New Pattern Wrapperette, fast colors -Our Price Sc 50c Boys' heavy Navy Blue Sweat- ers, 05c value for 50c 350 Boys' Fleece Underwear -Our Clearing Price 35c 25c 5 Doz. white, knit, Corset Cov- ers, sizes 32, 34, 30, regular 35c quality -Only 25c 25c Ladies' Tourist Caps to clear, regular price 50c, for 25e 7c 5 Pieces heavy Flannelette, fast color -Our Out Price 7c 50c Men's heavy Fleece Underwear, special at 50c $2.00 Boys' 2 -piece Suits, good value at $2.50 -Our Special Price..$2.00 $1.65 Men's heavy Brown Corduroy Pants, $2.00 value -Our Spe- cial Price $L05 25c 5 Pieces wide Plaid Dress Goods, worth 35e -Our Cut Price.. , .25e 20c 10 Pieces Spun Glass Skirting or Lining, 25c value for 20e 50c A special line of Plaid Taffeta Silks -Our Cut Price 50c 15c One piece Moire Skirting, regu- lar 20e value 15c $3.75 Ladies' Top Skirts, black Vicu- na cloth, $5.00 value -Our Cut Price $3.75 BOOTS AND 'SHOES. -A shipment just received -FACTORIES' •CLEAN-UP LINES. We bought them CHEAP to sell cheap. MEN'S, WOMEN'S and BOYS' Shoes NOW on our counters for QUICK SELLING. Come in and save 15 to 25 per cent. 25c 5 Pieces Fancy Tweed Dress Goods, were 40c, they go at..25c 15c A lot of wide Ribbons 20c value, all colors, while they last....16c $6.50 Men's heavy Tweed Suits just in, see them -Only $6.50 $7.95 Men's heavy Tweed Overcoats, well made, $10 value -Our Out Price $7.95 50c 3 Pieces plain colored Venetian Dress Goods, all wool -Cut Price 50c $2.00 Ladies' Jackets, not this sea- son's style, good warm lined 'Coats, must go at.... .....$2.00 $1.25 Ladies' Wrappers, made of heavy Wrapperette, lined in waist, $1.50 quality for $1.25 $1.00 2 Hoz. heavy Black Sateen Fn- derskirts, $1.25 value -Our Special Price $1.00 5c 5 Pieces Cotton Shirting, while they last only 5c $3.99 Ladies' Ready-to-wear Coats, to clear out $3.99 $1.00 French Flannel Waist lengths worth $1.50, for $1.00 8c Mill Ends Factory Cotton, 10c and 12ic values to clear out at only Se Men's heavy, strong, Tweed Pants, worth $1.50, to clear out quick $1.19 100 0 Pieces heavy, reversible Flan- nelette, 124c quality, quick selling price 10c 25c 3 Pieces new pattern Carpet, to clear at 25c All other lines reduced. 20 Per Cent. Lace Curtains must go. 20 per cent. off our close cut prices. 50c Ladies' Ready-to-wear Waists, regular $1.00 and $1.25 -Only 50c 50 5 Piece Plaid Dress Goods, fast color:,, while they last 50 2c 200 packages mixed Needles, to clear 2e 590 6 Pieces fancy dark Tweed Dress Goods, just in, 75c,value for, 590 25c 25 Doz. Ladies' fine -finish Vests _ and Drawers, good valve at 35c -Sale 250 10c 20 Pieces extra wide Flannel- ette, worth more money -Our Price 1.00 1 25c 10 Doz. heavy Wool Hose, rib- bed, good value at 35c -Spe- cial Price , 250 Grocery Bar sin 22 lbs: '&moll t d Sugar and 5 • lbs. of No. 1 Japan or Ceylon Tea, for. $2.25 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE. E. Isar i 8' Co., West Wawanosh. Rev. A. E. J'ones commenced a series of evangelistic services at West- field appointment last week. Evangelistic services were com- menced on Sunday evening in the Nile church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. J, C. Reid. The latest railway news Is in the shape of a rumor that surveyors are at work this side of Lucknow, run- ning a line to Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. McDermott, of Loch. alsh, have moved to the farm which they recently purchased from Mrs, H. Girvin at the Nile, and are getting settled in their newhome. For $1,35 you can have the Wing- hatn Advance and the Weekly Mail- Empire for a whole year; or if you pre- fer it, the Advance and the Weekly Globe for the sante Brier, New sub- scribers get the rest, of this year free in both teases, `here passed away on Sunday of last week a resident of West 'Wawa - nosh in the person of Mrs. Griffin, at t° 46e of forty.two years. The de- ceased lutd been a resident of 'Nawa- nosh for only a few months, formerly residing in Ashfield, Last wok, a few of Dungannon's hest men left to spend the winter in Allen's lumber camp in Peterboro. Those who go now are Wm. II, Stuart, Roy Stuart, Harry Ward, Fred. Culbert. AndyOulhe t, Wes.Henderson, J. Rogers and Thos, Steele. Later qty Harry Walters and perhaps act le 1aio;ro With toatns will alae go clown. Sortie ton aro already at work cutting logs, Witlt a good season, they will probably turn out 60,0,0a fort of lumber, Thos. Smiley also leaves Friday to oversee a enn►p of men for his son Will. near Port Arthur. Prominent Manufacturer Speaks, I >,tinleck Iltil Ont., no one is bet- ter known than Geo. S Watson. When he says "CatarrhozonVe is a real cure," depend on it being so. "My wife" he writes lavas snbjeet to bail attack of throat irritation and bron- cllitls, Many remedies were tried blit few proved at all useful. Catar- rho;tene was different. It seethed to get right at the sore spots and broughtt relief quickly, We have fornGrt►tit zone an absolute caro for bronchitis and eafarrh. Nothing cures More quickly ea get it to.day, two sizes 25e and $1 tit all dealers. §0000000000000000000000000 Oula00000000000000000000000 Fall Announcement I. We're now ready for the fall and winter trade, and below will be found a few of the many bargains we have in stock. Call in ! LINOLEUM AND OILOLOTH.-Several pieces 12 feet wide to select from. A big assortment of Floor Oilcloths, also a big line of Carpets, BLANKETS. -Of all kinds, Flannelette, grey and white, at low prices ; All -wool, white or grey, Kingsville make, the best on the market, at last year's prices, YARN. -Pero Wool Yarn in single, two or three ply, read° in Wroxoter especially for onr trade. UNDERWEAR. -A largo stook of Ladies' and Children's Under- wear, all sizes at bargain prices, positively new goods. FLANNELETTE. -160 pieties to select from, all colors and de- signs, from 5 cts. to 20 tits. per yard. This stook was bought before the advance in price and we will give our customers the benefit at old prices. See our stock of Wrapporetto and Kimona Cloth before buying elsewhere, . MEN'S WE.RABLES.-Men's and Boys' All -wool Underwear. Men's and Boys' new Overcoats just; arrived. Men's and Boys' Over- alls. Men's and Boys' Caps. Fur Coats for Men; we have Canadian Coon, Wombat, Bulgarian Lamb, Calf and Dog. Now Clothing for Men and Boys, also heavy Tweed Snitiugs, We handle the Me. brated Stanfield's Unshrtnkable Underwear. LADIES' COATS. -50 Ladies' Cloth Coats and .jackets, also a full lino oYr Ast Hoban Coats. oat . Give tis a call e before se• e o bu in y g else- where. r °. vo dem e it a pleasure to show our goods, whether you buy or not. - T. rant Produce taken in ezolrange for goods. A. Mille 4 4 4 M......... a 4 4 1)1 4 4 4 Y Y SOOOttoe 8g • . i . Boys, School $uits At a price that will move them out in a hurry. They are made of good qualities of Tweeds, Worsteds, Cheviots and Halifax Tweeds, and al- though .. they are not just in the latest cuts, will make extra serviceable School Suits. They, are all three-piece Suits, some have long and some short pants, and the sizes range from 31 to 35. - . 11 3 Suits only, regular $3.75 -for ..... $2.25 18 `Suits, regular $4.75, $5.00, $5.50, $5.75 -for.... 2.75 2 Suits only, regular $7.50 -for 4.75 4 Suits only, regular $12.00 -for 7.00 Besides carrying a splendid range of Boys' Clothing in all sizes, from zo up to 35, we pay particular attention to all other lines of Boys' requirements, such as -Shirts,. Collars, Ties, . Caps, Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, Underwear, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, &c. This is the Boys' Store as well as the Men's. McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers 01111111111110 WM 11811M151110 11111 Watch This Space Next Week YOUNG'S 1ig flar4wnre . WINGHAM ONTARIO 61111111111.11 ONO 11111110 011111111111111110 11 i Brussels. Monthly Horse Fair will be held on Thursday, Dec. 5th. Local and out- side buyers will be in attendance, Hugh Porter and family, old resi- dents of the 10th con. of Grey, have taken up residence in Brussels, mov- ing in on Tuesday from their farm which has been rented to Mr, Mont- gomery, of Morris. Brussels Creamery has closed down until next spring, after a successful season. Proprietor Harris deserves credit for the improvements he has made in the erection of his new fee - tory and its belongings. Peter Stewart is away in Dakota where he went some time ago to look after his interests in connection with the past harvest, Although a resi- dent of Brussels Mr. Stewart still owns his valuable farms in the West, IIis Honor Judge Holt held Court at Brussels on Thursday of last week, The only action tried was brought by Robt. Ritchie against David Milne for $74.05 for wages and damages for wrongful dismissal. Judgment was given for the plaintiff for $25. ' Jno. Rainsford, of Clinton, who owns Brussels Salt Works, was in town on Tuesday. He is threatened with a snit by John Grainger, whose farm adjoins the works, for damages owing to the action of the escaping brine on a portion of the farm. As the interested parties are fair and reasonable men there should be a way of corning to terms that would be satisfactory to both gentlemen. The salt well has been in operation here for over 27 years, being star ted by the lite F. C. Rogers, who was a mer- chant in town. Thursday evening of Last week a Committee that had been appointed some w,eeks ago, consisting of Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A., Alex. Stewart, Queen street east, Peter Watson and A. M. McKay, of Melville church, and Rev. E. G. Powell, B. Gerry, T. Far- row and W. H. Kerr representing the Methodist church, met, and discussed the advisability of holding union ser- vices with a view of promoting the spiritual life of both congregations. After talking over ways and means it was unanimously carried that such services be held to commence on the evening of Monday, January 0th, and to be held on alternate evenings in the churches named commencing at 7.45 o'clock and to continue for a few weeks. The drafting of a program and the various other details were left in -the hands of the pastors to work out. Resign Prom The Worry Club. Life is a rush, but we can't get there together. In consequence, we worry -Can't help it because nerves are weak, vitality is burnt up and there's no staying` power left. Ctlt out the worry part, and Build Up. Let Fer- rezone help you. It's a most strengthening nutritive tonic. Fills the blood and iron, supplies build- ing material for worn out organs, generates the sort of vitality that makes you want to do things. No medicine more helpful for men, women and children who need strength and staying power. Try Ferrozone, 60c per box at all dealers. , r ' Teeswater. It is reported that in the event of local option carrying in Culross, the residents of Formosa will move to have their burg erected into a police village. Mr. W. ,111. Southey left last week for Quebec where on Friday he will sail for old England by the Empress of Britain. He expects to return to this country in the spring. Mr. Walter Ross, 10th line, arrived home from the West on Saturday. He has been away over a year, and has been itnproving upon a homestead northwest of Moosejaw. The petition received by the Culross Council, asking that a local option by- law be submitted to the electors of the township in January, contained 243 signatures. This is thirteen over the required number. Before leaving town last week, Miss Lydia Copeland was presented, on be- half of the Methodist church choir, of which she was a member, with a com- plimentary address and a group photo of the members, The Sunday School also presented Miss Copeland with tokens of regard, in the form of an address and a mantle clock. The plant of the Iolyrooct Cregtl}ery was laid under mortgage, by aoction on Sattirdily Inst. The mortgage tlpou theproperty t p pry n txto,lntecl to $800, and the directors of the cotppapy, which was a joiut stock coneern, hooght it 1t that figure. It wits not llo veyer, batten in for the stock holders, hot bythe di- rectors or themselves. The ppant had cost $2,QOQ and the stpckiloidere lose ryll they pelt in it, A Question Often Asked. Why so many people feel worse after taking pills than before? Trouble is that drastic pills are used. No remedial action is obtained, the bowels are irritated and dreadful con- stipation follows. In using Dr. Hamiltons Pills you are scarcely con- scious of having taken medicine. Al- though very mild, Dr. Hamilton's Pills do regulate the bowels. stimulate normal action of the glands, and create, neither nausea, griping or violent action. Positively 5 luau eed for biliousness, indi'gt+stidn, Stomach, liver' and kidney 'ills! F.& a safe flti'mi= ly pill'ih1y on Dr, Hamilton's, g56 'Per box'rtt iill'dea er5. ' Atwood. • 11ir. !}', (. Bnilantyne has disposed of his stank t4n4 bilstrless to 1'1r. Powell, of .jelrmorte.° h r. Powell took posses- sion on I1lov. 13t11, .� special meeting of tho sharehold- ers of the Western Ontario Portland Cement Company will be held in the Music Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 20. A by-law will be submitted to in- crease the number of directors to nine. The Rev. T. S. Boyle, B. D., of Wingham, gave an interesting and profitable address on "The I..lNe and .Clines o Are ills cl ' '!earl tier;" at the r 1ei�irt l"tui' g 1 s 11 l 1 , l eii r ty4i e's t . , t e. n r , ftp 1`tey. 11. P. Westgate has re- ceived word that his brother, the Rev. T. B. Reginald Westgate, 0.0.M.S., missionary in German East Africa, arrived safely in England With his wife and family on October 12. After upending a few weeks In England and Ireland, 141r. Westgate will Come on to Canada, er ectI g to spend Christmas at his old home at Watford. Ho has been in mission work for over nine years. �iY?ltlililiYii�l WWWIi�'yYWWWWYlil�'> 111 AAAAA WWWW W r�IC we Come To D. M. Gordon's For Xmas. Groceries ♦4N•N•••N1•••N•• We're giving very special Bargains in all lines of pure, fresh Xmas. Groceries, Just call in and see the Bargains we're offering -will save you money, and that is very ilnportant just now. We are not in the habit of "blowing" very much, still we know that we give our customers as good value at all times as the fellows who do so much "blowing." Dress Goods, Mantles, Furs, and all lines of Dry Goods, still hold their important place in this Store. For Good Butter, Eggs, Dried .Apples, and Poultry, we are always at the top notch. D. M. CORDON The Original Company "Should 'Auld 'Acquaintance Be Forgot" II1111IIIIlIIIIIlIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIlli1IIIIII011llll1- c. itt NhvgnWA.Vi'iftaaTSP TAcitvt,"''.. 11lIF HT IT 111IIiIIIIIIIIII1I II-[ [1111111111111111 11 ERNEST SHIPMAN AND WM. COLVIN Present Ian Maclaren's Beautiful Scottish Idyl The Bonnie Brier Bush Original Kirke La Shelle Production - 20 -NOTABLE CAST OF -20 Male Quartette, Bag Pipes, Etc. Opera House - Wingham Monday, November 25th. Seats on Sale at McKibbon's. 75c, 50c, 25e. The speedier a stenographer can typewrite a letter the more valuable she becomes to the busy business man, Practice does a great deal, but correct fingering and the " Touch System," which we teach thoroughly, are of paramottnt importance. When the " Touch System " is mastered the operator never looks at the keyboard, but keeps her eyes on her notes. She saves the time lost by the "sight" operator in glancing from notes to keyboard and back to notes again -a considerable item in a day's work and a severe strain on the eyes as well. Our large, free catalogue tells more about our stenographer's course and gives much valuable information about the diplomas of the Business Educators' Association. The supply of our graduates is not equal to the demand. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Members of Business Educatofs' Asaociatign. . J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal, London. Lucknow. Mr. 'W, Mitchell, lately jeweller here, has taken a position as traveler for the fancy good house of Win, RrFce, Toronto, That our town is a live town is easy of demonstration. More business is done here at this time of the year than has been done for several years. Mr. Jas. Walthew, of St. Thomas, and his gang of painters, have been busy the past week decorating the interior of Lucknow Methodist church. The large number of barrelled apples at Lucknow depot of the G. T. R. pres- ents the appearance of abundant and profitable crop of this favorite Ontario fruit. Mr. Wm. Allin has purchased the building at present occupied by. The Sentinel. Mr. McGregor will 'mote his printing esta'hlishment to the'cot-. ner lately vacated by R. Moody. Rev. Geo. W. Rivers, B. A. B. D of Belgrave, preached at Hope, Zion, and Blake's Churches on Sunday in the absence of the pastor of the Ash- field Circuit, who conducted reopening services at Bi•ick Church on the Bel - grave Circuit. At the W. C. T. U. Convention, held at Cornwall last week, Mrs. Jas. Bryan, of town, was elected to the very honorable position of Provincial Vice -President of this organization which is doing a noble work for God, home and society. Large quantities of apples are being imported by the Lucknow evaporator which is at present n busy hive of in- dustry with its large number of em- ployees. 11... Joynt has large orders #rorunevaniporatecll fruit, and the local !mil - ply was insufiie.ient tp keep, the faclprl ng. • HearITIiroai,and Skin DR. giNM,Tql$ 'O R FAMOUS aPECIFICS CURE COJ TPEETELY THE WORST DISEASES OF THESE PARTS ,--DREADFUL HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN THIRTY MINUTES. Heart disease will affect people differently, but in all cases it must be viewed with gt:aa alarm. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is the one remedy that can be safely. tie�pended upon in times of trouble. It will give relief in thirty minutes. Mr. Thomas Petry, of Aylmer, Que., was troubled with scyet:e heart complaint for five years, the pain''at times, being so severe film 114'eopfe; not attend to business, Every other remedy failed until he Wel L. Agzlety y c; r'e fur the Heart, which gave immediate relief, and his syo,ds ac+s tileggl ' "1 have now taken four bottles of the remedy aucl`ani entirely free front every sy.;tlptent of heart disease," 00a iq the held need not he trifled with, for it is catarrh in an incipient condition,. agcl aatarrli a .et tuffs trialed with, Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, as scores of �t and prominent , t�-parliament, tit citizens £f3i' Xlil 11 P ?lll? fin the Dominion �non lav Pc borne teatigjon}, drives away a cold in the head like magic, and where this has assumed the chaps of aggravated catarrh, producing deafness and throat trouble, it effects a permanent cure, It is not always safe to take pills for liver trouble. They {lot unfeequently create other troubles that are serious. Dr. Agnew's Live{' Piils+, whilst thoroughly certain of removing all liver tremble, give no difltcult i either at the time or afterwards. They are pleasant to take and coat only to cents. • The faculty that Dr, Agnew has displayed in gettin`lg at ilei scat of, tC{tulale it manifest in his Ointinent, as in the other three retilyd,,ea; `�al nohtninr{ the elements that give Fiend.? and permanbnt teliet in' ali'ttlirsi' 4iseasc t}atl to peettiiatly effective in curing il'es. as cents.' i7 SOLD BY A, L HAMILTON' Isard's Departmental Store Prices. Read every line and see what a Saving you can make ou New Goods- Just what you are needing at the present time. 10c 5 Pieces fine Bleached Cotton, 12Ic value for ..... 100 8a New Pattern Wrapperette, fast colors -Our Price Sc 50c Boys' heavy Navy Blue Sweat- ers, 05c value for 50c 350 Boys' Fleece Underwear -Our Clearing Price 35c 25c 5 Doz. white, knit, Corset Cov- ers, sizes 32, 34, 30, regular 35c quality -Only 25c 25c Ladies' Tourist Caps to clear, regular price 50c, for 25e 7c 5 Pieces heavy Flannelette, fast color -Our Out Price 7c 50c Men's heavy Fleece Underwear, special at 50c $2.00 Boys' 2 -piece Suits, good value at $2.50 -Our Special Price..$2.00 $1.65 Men's heavy Brown Corduroy Pants, $2.00 value -Our Spe- cial Price $L05 25c 5 Pieces wide Plaid Dress Goods, worth 35e -Our Cut Price.. , .25e 20c 10 Pieces Spun Glass Skirting or Lining, 25c value for 20e 50c A special line of Plaid Taffeta Silks -Our Cut Price 50c 15c One piece Moire Skirting, regu- lar 20e value 15c $3.75 Ladies' Top Skirts, black Vicu- na cloth, $5.00 value -Our Cut Price $3.75 BOOTS AND 'SHOES. -A shipment just received -FACTORIES' •CLEAN-UP LINES. We bought them CHEAP to sell cheap. MEN'S, WOMEN'S and BOYS' Shoes NOW on our counters for QUICK SELLING. Come in and save 15 to 25 per cent. 25c 5 Pieces Fancy Tweed Dress Goods, were 40c, they go at..25c 15c A lot of wide Ribbons 20c value, all colors, while they last....16c $6.50 Men's heavy Tweed Suits just in, see them -Only $6.50 $7.95 Men's heavy Tweed Overcoats, well made, $10 value -Our Out Price $7.95 50c 3 Pieces plain colored Venetian Dress Goods, all wool -Cut Price 50c $2.00 Ladies' Jackets, not this sea- son's style, good warm lined 'Coats, must go at.... .....$2.00 $1.25 Ladies' Wrappers, made of heavy Wrapperette, lined in waist, $1.50 quality for $1.25 $1.00 2 Hoz. heavy Black Sateen Fn- derskirts, $1.25 value -Our Special Price $1.00 5c 5 Pieces Cotton Shirting, while they last only 5c $3.99 Ladies' Ready-to-wear Coats, to clear out $3.99 $1.00 French Flannel Waist lengths worth $1.50, for $1.00 8c Mill Ends Factory Cotton, 10c and 12ic values to clear out at only Se Men's heavy, strong, Tweed Pants, worth $1.50, to clear out quick $1.19 100 0 Pieces heavy, reversible Flan- nelette, 124c quality, quick selling price 10c 25c 3 Pieces new pattern Carpet, to clear at 25c All other lines reduced. 20 Per Cent. Lace Curtains must go. 20 per cent. off our close cut prices. 50c Ladies' Ready-to-wear Waists, regular $1.00 and $1.25 -Only 50c 50 5 Piece Plaid Dress Goods, fast color:,, while they last 50 2c 200 packages mixed Needles, to clear 2e 590 6 Pieces fancy dark Tweed Dress Goods, just in, 75c,value for, 590 25c 25 Doz. Ladies' fine -finish Vests _ and Drawers, good valve at 35c -Sale 250 10c 20 Pieces extra wide Flannel- ette, worth more money -Our Price 1.00 1 25c 10 Doz. heavy Wool Hose, rib- bed, good value at 35c -Spe- cial Price , 250 Grocery Bar sin 22 lbs: '&moll t d Sugar and 5 • lbs. of No. 1 Japan or Ceylon Tea, for. $2.25 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE. E. Isar i 8' Co., West Wawanosh. Rev. A. E. J'ones commenced a series of evangelistic services at West- field appointment last week. Evangelistic services were com- menced on Sunday evening in the Nile church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. J, C. Reid. The latest railway news Is in the shape of a rumor that surveyors are at work this side of Lucknow, run- ning a line to Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. McDermott, of Loch. alsh, have moved to the farm which they recently purchased from Mrs, H. Girvin at the Nile, and are getting settled in their newhome. For $1,35 you can have the Wing- hatn Advance and the Weekly Mail- Empire for a whole year; or if you pre- fer it, the Advance and the Weekly Globe for the sante Brier, New sub- scribers get the rest, of this year free in both teases, `here passed away on Sunday of last week a resident of West 'Wawa - nosh in the person of Mrs. Griffin, at t° 46e of forty.two years. The de- ceased lutd been a resident of 'Nawa- nosh for only a few months, formerly residing in Ashfield, Last wok, a few of Dungannon's hest men left to spend the winter in Allen's lumber camp in Peterboro. Those who go now are Wm. II, Stuart, Roy Stuart, Harry Ward, Fred. Culbert. AndyOulhe t, Wes.Henderson, J. Rogers and Thos, Steele. Later qty Harry Walters and perhaps act le 1aio;ro With toatns will alae go clown. Sortie ton aro already at work cutting logs, Witlt a good season, they will probably turn out 60,0,0a fort of lumber, Thos. Smiley also leaves Friday to oversee a enn►p of men for his son Will. near Port Arthur. Prominent Manufacturer Speaks, I >,tinleck Iltil Ont., no one is bet- ter known than Geo. S Watson. When he says "CatarrhozonVe is a real cure," depend on it being so. "My wife" he writes lavas snbjeet to bail attack of throat irritation and bron- cllitls, Many remedies were tried blit few proved at all useful. Catar- rho;tene was different. It seethed to get right at the sore spots and broughtt relief quickly, We have fornGrt►tit zone an absolute caro for bronchitis and eafarrh. Nothing cures More quickly ea get it to.day, two sizes 25e and $1 tit all dealers. §0000000000000000000000000 Oula00000000000000000000000 Fall Announcement I. We're now ready for the fall and winter trade, and below will be found a few of the many bargains we have in stock. Call in ! LINOLEUM AND OILOLOTH.-Several pieces 12 feet wide to select from. A big assortment of Floor Oilcloths, also a big line of Carpets, BLANKETS. -Of all kinds, Flannelette, grey and white, at low prices ; All -wool, white or grey, Kingsville make, the best on the market, at last year's prices, YARN. -Pero Wool Yarn in single, two or three ply, read° in Wroxoter especially for onr trade. UNDERWEAR. -A largo stook of Ladies' and Children's Under- wear, all sizes at bargain prices, positively new goods. FLANNELETTE. -160 pieties to select from, all colors and de- signs, from 5 cts. to 20 tits. per yard. This stook was bought before the advance in price and we will give our customers the benefit at old prices. See our stock of Wrapporetto and Kimona Cloth before buying elsewhere, . MEN'S WE.RABLES.-Men's and Boys' All -wool Underwear. Men's and Boys' new Overcoats just; arrived. Men's and Boys' Over- alls. Men's and Boys' Caps. Fur Coats for Men; we have Canadian Coon, Wombat, Bulgarian Lamb, Calf and Dog. Now Clothing for Men and Boys, also heavy Tweed Snitiugs, We handle the Me. brated Stanfield's Unshrtnkable Underwear. LADIES' COATS. -50 Ladies' Cloth Coats and .jackets, also a full lino oYr Ast Hoban Coats. oat . Give tis a call e before se• e o bu in y g else- where. r °. vo dem e it a pleasure to show our goods, whether you buy or not. - T. rant Produce taken in ezolrange for goods. A. Mille 4 4 4 M......... a 4 4 1)1 4 4 4 Y Y SOOOttoe 8g