HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-11-14, Page 88 DOLMA, THE TEA GIRL. M1 Opera House, Wingham - November 22 & 23 Under auspices of Bowling Club. Plan of Hall at McKibbons Drug Store 25c, 35c, 50c Alma College "A Leading College for Girls and Young Ladies" High School Classes. Junior Department for Public School Studies. Music, Fine Art, Commercial, Domestic Science, Elocution, Phy- sical Culture. For yearbook write ,;PRINCIPAL WARNER, St. Thomas, Ont. r,' R piens after Holidays, Jan. 6, 1908. Mortgage Sale .--OF— VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of the powers con- tained in a certain Mortgage, which will bo produced at the time of sale, thero will be offered for sale by Public Auction on SAT- URDAY, THE 16mrt DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. D. 1907, at the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon, at the Brunswick Hotel, in the Town of Wingham, by William A. Currie, Auntioneer, the following property, namely:— The North half of the Easterly three quar- ters of Lot number Thirty.nino in the Sixth Concession of the Township of East Wawa - nosh, in the County of Huron, containing by vfivo acres of land, more or less. On this property thorn is a barn 40 by 00, with stone foundation and stable accommoda- tion underneath ; a stone hog pen 31 by 55, with good drive houeo over head; and a ono and a half storey.frame dwelling house 18 by 24. There is a good young orchard of two acres. The land is good and all cleared. TERMS OF SALE, -10% of tho purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance in thirty days. For further particulars and conditions of sale, apply to the Auctioneer or the under- signed. Dated at Wingbam this 25th day of October, A. D. 1907. War. A.Auctiioneer DUDLEY Solicitor GR NUR California' Mexico Florida Ari. The- Favorite Winter Resorts. Round trip tickets are issued by the Grand Trunk Railway System, giving choice of all the best routes, going one way and returning an- other. FoL.HAROLD Towinformation, Agent t or'write on J. D. McDonald District Passenger Agent, Toronto. R'tgg,,, FOO r.,s.t.• ft'PPER rA IN tvE1RY IIOU; ZWIE'S MIND economy is paramount. Tho Rollman Feed Chopper is her greatest lime and money saver, for it quickly utilizes odds and ends, making them into de- licious croquettes, hash. sandwiches, veal loaf, sausages, salad, fritters, etc. No other chopper so easy to Oran and operate. 1�0 other r so cheap -75e, $1,00.$1.50 according to 60.014outters with each chopper.) POD, SALE AT YOUNG'S 31X0 ItAfDC'ARIJ WINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. The Public School Board held their November meeting on Tuesday even- ing. Trustees present—A. E. Lloyd, W. Moore, T. Hall, A. Ross, H. Kerr, B. Jenkins. Principal Musgrove presented his report of the attendance for October, showing as follows :— Room I-57 Pupils....Aver age 50 I1-42 .... 88 40 43 44 47 57 III --49 .... IV -46 •••• V-47 • .. VI -48 • . • • VII -69 Total 351 325 On motion of Trustees Hall and Moore, the report was adopted. ACCOUNTS, J. A. McLean, coal $ 198.24 Geo. Mason, reaps & supplies20.00 R. E. Saunders, supplies 6.80 R. Mooney, work 2.35 W. A. Currie, work 1.00 Jenkins & Pugh, addition to chimneys, brick, etc 45.18 On motion of Trustees Ross and Kerr, the accounts passed. Payment of the salaries for October Was authorized, and the Board ad- journed. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1907,. Belgrave, Adana Maguire returned from Mani- toba last week, East Wawanosh. Council met in Bel - grave on Monday. Chas. Lawrence of Buffalo is visit- ing at his brother-in-law's, R. J. Clegg. Miss Mina Bengough has returned after an extended visit to friends at a distance, Mr. and Mrs. Rigglesworth of Halton county, were visiting the Messrs. Walsh last week. Chas. Johnston and Duncan McCal- lum are after the fleet -footed deer in the wilds of Muskoka. Fanners are away behind with their fall ploughing, on account of so touch apple picking, and the scarcity of help. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull, Miss Carr, Mrs. Hogg of Grey, and Mrs. Cox of Stratford, were guests of Mrs, Bates last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly of Belleville and Mrs. Winters of Napanee, are visiting their brother, Mr. R. McMurray, 4th line of Morris. On Sunday, Nov. 10, the ground was white with snow for the first time this fall. Last year, the snow fell a month earlier. Robt. Maguire has been making ex- tensive improvements. He has erect- ed a new windmill for pumping water, which is conveyed by galvanized iron pipes to a large tank, and from thence the house, barns and stables are sup- plied. Small iron boxes are placed in front of each stall, so that cattle, horses or hogs can be watered without leaving the stable. When completed, it will be most convenient. Mr. Ma- guire likes to have things handy, and is a good stockman. - Wroxeter. R. B. Harris left last week for North Bay. Miss Gertrude Harris is visiting friends in Toronto. Rev: Mr. Burnett of Molesworth visited friends in this village on Mon- day. A first-class concert will be given under the auspices of the Library Board on Friday evening, Nov. 22nd. The cider and apple butter factory is doing a rushing business these days. J. R. Gibson is the popular proprietor. A morning electric light service has been put on from 5.30 to 7 a.m. This is a great convenience for customers these dark mornings. . (Too late for last week.) • For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Currency" Chewing To- baccoes. DIVISION COURT. Division Court was held in Wing - ham on Friday last, Judge Holt pre- siding. The cases wero tedious, the first taking the whole forenoon, and the entire docket was not disposed of until late in the evening. The follow- ing is a summary of the cases : Atkinsou Bros. vs. R. Knox—Action on balance of account, disputed by the defendant, Judgment was reserved. D. Bell vs. Margaret McLean—An action for rent. Judgment for plain- tiff with costs, and order made for tenant to leave at once. Estate Geo. King vs. S. Lockridge— Action on promissory note. De- fendant claimed he never signed the note. Case was adjourned. D. Davidson vs. H. Brown—Action for wages, Judgment for plaintiff for $18.65 with costs. Wingham Business College vs. Van- alstyne—Action to recover tuition fees. Adjourned till Dec. 12th. Bell Organ Co. vs. Isaac and Robt. Deyell—Action on note. Defendants pleaded under age. Nonsuit for plain- tiff. A. Taylor vs. S. Gracoy—Action for disputed balance of account. Judg- ment for plaintiff for $8 without costs, by agreement. Awde vs. Aitchison—Action on ac- count disputed, $2.15. Judgment for plaintiff with costs. Rintoul vs. Purvis—Action for rent of engine and damages to same, $100. Judgment forplaintiff for $52 and costs, and for defendant, $10.35 (con- tra account) and costs. Irving vs. Ashton—Action on ac- count for hoard, etc., $95.75. Ad- journed till Dec. 12, one witness being in Buffalo. This comprised the list, except the judgment summons cases. GRAND TRUNK EXHIBIT, JAMESTOWN EXHIBITION. Telegraphic advice received that Jury of Awards, Jamestown Exposi- tion, Norfolk, have announced that Grand Trunk exhibit has been award- ed two gold medals and one silver medal covering Installing of Exhibit, Photographie Scenes and Fish and Game display. Bluevale. The new bridge is now in use, much to the comfort of those who have had to drive through the river, For $1.35 yoa can have the Wing - ham Advance and the Weekly Mail - Empire for a whole year; or if you pee- fer it, the Advance and the Weekly Globe for the same price. New sub- scribers get the rest of this year free in both cases. Revival services are in progress at Ebenezer Church on the Bluevale circ cult. Rev, W. W, Rivers of Belgrave is assisting the pastor, Rev, G. Baker, this week, Tho services will be con- tinued next week also, when Rev, W. A. Finlay is expected to assist for a part of the week. At the meeting of the Quarterly Of- ficial Board of the Bluevale Cirenit on Nov. 4th, a letter of condolence was sent to Mrs. W, F. Smith and family expressing heartfelt sympathy at the loss that both they and the church have been called upon to suffer, in thedeath of Mr. Smith. Tho following motion was moved and carried by the Board :— "That we the members of this Quarterly Official Board do most sincerely express our deep sorrow at the death of onr beloved brother, W. F. Smith, who for many years was an official member of this Church, filling the office of class - leader, trustee of the Church, and, for a while superintendent of the Sunday School. He was faithful in his christian calling, a lover of the House of God, and regular, in his at- tendance upon the divine services. His end was peace. We cordially extend our sincere sympathy to his sorrowing wife and family." Miss Lulu Hemphill is spending a few weeks with friends in Hensall. Rev. L. Perrin and daughter May, visited friends in and around Kin- cardine for a few days last week. Two new cement crossings have been completed on main street and are a credit to the contractor, Mr. John Patterson. Mr. Frank Sanderson of Wallace - burg, who has been visiting his parents here, left for home on Monday morn- ing. His mother, Mrs. John Sander- son, accompanied him. During the high wind early last Sun- day morning, most of the 78 foot stack on the electric light plant came down. This will be quite an expensive accident, owing to its large size. For $1.35 you can have the Wing - ham Advance and the Weekly Mail - Empire for a whole year; or if you pre- fer it, the Advance and the Weekly Globe for the same price. New sub- scribers get the rest of this year free in both cases. - The Cause Of Sore Peet. Examine xancine tfern carefully efull unci. you'll probably find corns. Whether lard, soft or bleeding, apply Putnam's Corn Extractor: Its painless, its sure, and above all quick to act. Insist on only "Putnam's, Brussels. On a dwarf pear tree in Postmaster Farrow's garden were counted no less than 37 pears. One of them weighed 11 ounces and numerous others were not far behind. Not bad for a back- ward fruit season. While picking apples in W. H. Kerr's orchard last Monday forenoon, Alfred J. Lowry got a bad fall. The limb the ladder was resting upon broke off and Mr. Lowry came to the ground. He had several ribs frac- tured, his shoulder injured and receiv- ed a bad blow on the side of the head. It was feared concussion of the brain would have to be added to the list of injuries, but the patient is making favorable progress now and we hope he will soon be all right. The fall was about 20 feet. The 10 year franchise held by the Electric Light Co. from the town hav- ing expired, Mr. Moore, now owner of the plant, and Barrister MacDonald, appeared before the Council relative to a new contract for the nine arc lights on the street. Comparisons were made as to prices in neighboring towns. After a lengthy discussion of the var- ious phases of the question the matter was laid over until next meeting so as to make further enquiry. The annual celebration of November 5th, was observed by Brussels L.O.L., No. 774. A varied, well rendered and pleasing program was presented which included short addresses by 13. Gerry, Rev. E. G. Powell, Rev. A. C. Wishart, B.A., and Dr. Chisholrn, iil.P., for East Huron; readings, by Misses Minnie McNaughton and Josie Buchanan and Mrs. S. Jackson ; solos by Miss Carrie Hingston and Messrs. Wortman and Fulton ; duet by Ada and StellaMoore; instrumental trios by Miss and Jas. Bowman and W. Griffith ; Ladies Quartette. Rev. H. M. Langford occupied the chair. A tasty lunch was served. The hall was decorated with flags and bunting. • Grey. Miss Maggie McArter of Brussels spent Sunday with Mrs. Robt. McAl- lister. Miss Susie Pearson has gone on a holiday trip to friends in Goderich township. Mr. Harold Hogg and sister, Miss Jennie, spent Sunday with friends at Milverton. Special services have commenced at Roe's church and will be carried on for two weeks only. Quite a number from this locality listened to the Orangemen's sermon at Ethel last Sunday. It was preached by the Rev. J. Henderson. Dr. Jas. Jackson and bride spent a few days of last week with the for- mer's parents. They left Toronto on Wednesday morning for North Battle - ford, where the Dr. has a good prac- tice. The best wishes of their many friends go with them for a smooth sail on the sea of life. Salem. Mr. .1. B. Gemtnill finished threshing for this year, last Friday. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. It. McMichael is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. G. Barton aro at pres- ent visiting friends in Ilariiston. Mr. Win. Mitchell and Mr. H. Hen- ning finished packing the winter apples last week. Mr. and Mrs, Win, Gallaher spent Sunday last at the homes of their par- ents here. Itev. Mr. Rowson of Wingham will preach missionary sermons on the Wroxeter circuit next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, J. Cathers spent Sun- day afternoon at the home of their slaughter, Mrs, Thomas McMichael. W, J. Perrin has been re-engaged as teacher in U. S. S. No. 13, Ilowick and Turnherry, at a•salary of $150, for the year 1908. Mr. and Mrs. John Henry intend leaving this week for their hone in Cornwall. The best wishes of their many friends go with them. Mr. Wm. Palmer, after finishing his season's threshing, returned this week to his home in Muskoka. His wife left about two weeks ago for the same place. The young people of Salem have commenced practicing the children of the Sabbath School for their Xmas en- tertainment. They will practice every Saturday afternoon. For $1.35 you can have the Wing - ham Advance and the Weekly Mail - Empire for a whole year; or if you pre- fer it, the Advance and the Weekly Globe for the sumo price. New sub- scribers get the rest of this year free in both cases. k• n ITCFI, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Barber's Itch, and every form of con- tagious Itch on human or animals cared in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sani- tary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Morris. The Township Council will meet on Nov. 18. Mr. Peter Cantelon held an auction sale on .Monday of this week ; good prices were realized. Tax collector, R. Proctor, is out on his rounds again ; taxes are some what higher in Morris this year. We are sorry to hear that the medi- cal advisor of Mr. Jas. Menzies of Molesworth found it necessary to have an amputation performed on one of his legs, in order to prevent further disease. Mr. Menzies had the misfortune to fall and break the limb in the early part of the summer; it did not heal up but turned to a run- ning sore. The operation was per- formed at bis home last Wednesday, and the patient is doing as well as can be expected, although he suffers in- tense pain. Holyrood. Rev. Mr. Hugh Watson preached here last Sunday. Mr. McKinley of the West Indies spent Sunday last in the village. Anniversary services will be held at Salem Methodist church next Sunday. The farmers are still continuing fall ploughing and taking up their roots, etc. Mr. IIcKirtnon and Geo. White de- livered a number of horses at Oivon Sound last week. Mr, James Kenny, who has been to Toronto with a car load of cattle, has returned home again. 'ENGLISHIA'ENGLISHSPAVIN LIN Iafl.laT removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs splints, ringbone, bone, sweeney, g stifles, sprains, sore or swollen throat, cougars, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder. ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by A. L. Hattilton. Whitechurch. Mr. J. J. Johnston is very i11 at pres- ent ; we hope for his speedy recovery. Mrs. R. Welwood and son, Stanley, of Caledon, are visiting friends in and around Whitechurch. Miss Ethel Thompson, who has been ill for some time with some acute form of rheumatism, is still very ill. Mrs. Jas. Morrison and daughter, Mabel, have gone to spend a few days with Mrs. T. Taylor of East Wawa - nosh. The annual meeting of the Bible Society was held in the Methodist church on Monday evening and was well attended. the Mr. R. Thompson has had mis- fortune to lose another valuable cow at the ill-fated R.R. crossing, a mile west of the village, The Methodist people had a bee on Tuesday removing the gravel from around the parsonage, which was taken out from under the building during the recent improvements. Tho trustees of Anderson's school, 3rd line, have engaged the services of Miss Carrie McCracken, of Brussels, for next year. For $1.35 you can have the Wing - ham Advance and the Weekly Mail - Empire for a whole year; or if you pre- fer it, the Advance and the Weekly Globe for the same price. New sub- scribers get the rest of this year free in both cases. Rev. G. W. Hanna, 13:A., who re- cently moved to Toronto from Mount Forest to take up his work as the newly appointed secretary of the Eastern province for the Lord's Day Alliance, was a former resident of this township. Last week the mem- bers and adherents of the church, in Mount Forest, tendered a banquet to him and Mrs. Hanna. They present- ed Mr. Hanna with an engraved gold watch, and Mrs. Hanna was made the recipient of a silver fish set. This Tonic Builds Up. Many medicines stimulate, break down, leave you worse than ever. Ferrozone is different—it's a blood - former, a nerve -strengthener, a body- builder. Pale anaemic girls are given color and vigor. The tired and sleep- less are strengthened and restored. "Better than all tonics .1 found Ferro - zone" writes Mrs. E. F. Castleton of Woodstock. "I was completely run down, cheeks were blanched, lips white and had every sign of anaemia. Ferrozone added to my weight, gave me strength, ambition and good health." Nothing better, try Ferro - zone yourself, 500 a box at all dealers. The apple packing is just about wound up for the season ; nearly all the gangs are called in, and the ship- ping is all that now remains to be done. The buyers are constantly hampered in this respect, owing to a scarcity of cars. For $1.35 you can have the Wing - ham Advance• and the Weekly Mail - Empire for a whole year ; or if you pre- fer it, the Advance and the Weekly Globe for the same price. New sub- scribers get the rest of this year free in both cases. Blyth. Mason Bros. have moved the driving sheds to their lot on King St., op- posite the hotel. Mr. John Gardiner of Clinton, has the contract of plastering Mr. 5. G. Mosier's new house and is hard at it. The Oddfellows of town have en- gaged the Francis Firth Operetta Co. to give one of their concerts in town, on Monday, Nov. 25th. Me. Ed. Wilford; who has been in the Toronto Hospital for the past two months with typhoid fever was able to return home on Saturday. Rev. Mr. Davidson of Varna preach- ed in St. Andrew's Church on Sun- day ; the pastor, Rev. Mr. Small, preached anniversary sermons at Varna. The A. Y. P. A, met at the rectory on Thursday evening and elected the following officers :—Honorary Presi- dent—Rev. W. H. Hartley ; President —Stanley Buchanan ; lst Vice -Pros. —Miss Thompson ; Secretary — Miss Ella Metcalfe; Treasurer—Mrs. W. I1, Hartley. A'I t."'s€ • Cl 7 Great Distress ie Her Throat. Not an uncommon experience was that of Mrs. H. S. Wilmot of Shuler, N.S. Doctors failed, still n quick cure was found in "Catarrhozone." Notice this statement : "I have been a most dreadful sufferer from bronchial trou- ble and catarrh, On damp days I would hawk and suffer great distress in my throat. I used all kinds of medielnos but didn't get permanent relief till I used Catarrhozone. It has strengthened my throat, cured my cough and made lee entirely welt.' Refuse substitutes for the one reliable bronchial and throat euro. All deal• ore sell "Oatarrhozone" in 25e and 81.00 sizes. tai r`: is The "Little Eaton"]: 004••0•••0••••o•s•••o••coo•••o••*•••••••••••s•+•t••••****00,•4040••••••••••• Grand Wholesale illiner le ALL THIS WEEK At The "Little Ea$O1179 0••••ONN••O®••••0••0••••0••0.0•*•0••0•00•0000O4NOONMo®O®**004)00.+ .w. Swell Oty Styles ; 300 Ha taxa Prices Low by 50 Per Cent Finest Display Ever Seen In Town. 1;7 T AtM.N _sx •.. i... Ontario Liquor License Act. License District Of West Huron NOTICE is hereby given that appli- cation has been made for permission to transfer the Tavern License for the premises in the Town of Wingham, known as the Queen's Hotel, to John E. Swarts of Wingham, and that said application will be considered at the meeting of the Board of License Com- missioners on Friday, November 29th, at one o'clock, at Auburn. All persous ill govern themselves accordingly. ALFRED ASQUITH, License Inspector. Wingham, Nov. 7th, 1907. 8 S C� Out of the Ordinary. C� V r (ittr4: �:11;11 '1 8 8 8 0 If you want something out of the ordinary in a Ladies' Coat we claim your interest. Our showing this season easily discounts everything in the past with better styles, better wear- ing qualities and better values than anyone else within your reach. The reason is, that we have control of the well•known "CONTINENTAL" Mantles, which are in a class by them- selves and have no equal in Canada. Ask for a copy of our new Style Book, or what is better, come in and talk with the gar- ments themselves. Hanna & Co. WINGHAM I 5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Original Company "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot" IIIII1IIiHi111111IOIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIII1i1I111IIIlI111IIIIII11 0 i1 L lit v> VlaStt IHAT SPOT Ad alpi" i1 IIF' 1 1111111 _�Illill111llIHII( ERNEST SHIPMAN AND WM. COLVIN Present Ian Maclaren's Beautiful Scottish Idyl. The Bonnie Brier Bush. Original Kirke La Shelle Production 20—NOTABLE CAST OF -20 Mak Quartette, Bag Pipes, Etc. Opera House - Wingham Monday, November 25th. Seats on Sale at McKibbon's. • 75c, 50c, 28c. Come To I Christie's —FOR— GOOD OR GOOD BREAD THE BEST FLOUR COOKED MEATS Everything in Groceries and Provisions. UNEXCELLED COFFEE "QUALiTV" TEAS In fact everything you want for the Table. Nothing of low grade quality kept in stock. J. Henry Christie GROCER AND CROCKERY MERCHANT WII 'GIITA.1\•S Good Advice, Now is the time to buy Wing - ham property, as prices are some- what easier than a year ago, and the purchaser will not have to pay 1907 taxes. WE OFFER THIS WEEK 1 Story Franio Patrick Street 1 Story Frame Minnie Street 1 Story Frame Francis Street 1 Story Frame North Street 1 Story Frame ....Scott Street 1?h Story Frame Scott Street 1;4 Story Frame Alice Street 2 Story Frame. Minnie Street 1 Story Brick. John Street 1 Story Brick Josephine St. 2 Story Brick Victoria Street 1i2 Story Frame, new....Edward St. A number of nice properties in .Town Plot. Building lots in all parts of town. Farms for Sale—A long list. We have a buyer for a Grocery, -Hard• ware, or general store business, in Wiugham or vicinity, costing from $$000 to $5000. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE W WINGHA t fliightwasses. While many young ladies and gen- tlemen aro frittering away their eve- nings, others are attending our classes and fast preparing to better their con- ditions. Evening sessions from 7 to 930 every Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Call and have a look into our courses, Special class in Penmanship. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. L................ , 2 • f'noyai Grocer Great Slaughter. one We have taken into stock one crate of Dinner Sets, shipped by Bishop & Stonier, Staffordshire, to Wingham by mistake. We were asked to accept them, as they only sell to us in town. We did so, less freight and dnty, a saving of from three to five dollars on each set. Wanted—Butter and Eggs. Highest Cash Price. Griffin's ALFRED ASQUITH, License Inspector. Wingham, Nov. 7th, 1907. 8 S C� Out of the Ordinary. C� V r (ittr4: �:11;11 '1 8 8 8 0 If you want something out of the ordinary in a Ladies' Coat we claim your interest. Our showing this season easily discounts everything in the past with better styles, better wear- ing qualities and better values than anyone else within your reach. The reason is, that we have control of the well•known "CONTINENTAL" Mantles, which are in a class by them- selves and have no equal in Canada. Ask for a copy of our new Style Book, or what is better, come in and talk with the gar- ments themselves. Hanna & Co. WINGHAM I 5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Original Company "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot" IIIII1IIiHi111111IOIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIII1i1I111IIIlI111IIIIII11 0 i1 L lit v> VlaStt IHAT SPOT Ad alpi" i1 IIF' 1 1111111 _�Illill111llIHII( ERNEST SHIPMAN AND WM. COLVIN Present Ian Maclaren's Beautiful Scottish Idyl. The Bonnie Brier Bush. Original Kirke La Shelle Production 20—NOTABLE CAST OF -20 Mak Quartette, Bag Pipes, Etc. Opera House - Wingham Monday, November 25th. Seats on Sale at McKibbon's. • 75c, 50c, 28c. Come To I Christie's —FOR— GOOD OR GOOD BREAD THE BEST FLOUR COOKED MEATS Everything in Groceries and Provisions. UNEXCELLED COFFEE "QUALiTV" TEAS In fact everything you want for the Table. Nothing of low grade quality kept in stock. J. Henry Christie GROCER AND CROCKERY MERCHANT WII 'GIITA.1\•S Good Advice, Now is the time to buy Wing - ham property, as prices are some- what easier than a year ago, and the purchaser will not have to pay 1907 taxes. WE OFFER THIS WEEK 1 Story Franio Patrick Street 1 Story Frame Minnie Street 1 Story Frame Francis Street 1 Story Frame North Street 1 Story Frame ....Scott Street 1?h Story Frame Scott Street 1;4 Story Frame Alice Street 2 Story Frame. Minnie Street 1 Story Brick. John Street 1 Story Brick Josephine St. 2 Story Brick Victoria Street 1i2 Story Frame, new....Edward St. A number of nice properties in .Town Plot. Building lots in all parts of town. Farms for Sale—A long list. We have a buyer for a Grocery, -Hard• ware, or general store business, in Wiugham or vicinity, costing from $$000 to $5000. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE W WINGHA t