The Wingham Advance, 1907-11-14, Page 5THE WINGB AM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1907. 5 We have been speaking through the pages of this paper to the Ladies who want the Latest and Best Coats and wraps of every kind, and in consequence of that our sales have been large and our customers all pleased and satisfied, and now they are speaking for us in the most telling manner. We would like you, now that the wea- ther is putting on wintery airs, to think of Fur Coats, Ruffs, Stoles, etc. You will be amply re- paid by looking through our fine display of best quality of Furs before deciding where to pur- chase. We have exceeded any former effort (even of . this house) this season in the Splendid Dis- play of Seasonable and Fashionable Dress Goods that are now offered to our customers at very reasonable, prices. Highest price paid for Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples. D. M. GORDON Every Housewife '-Should Have "tiiversal" Food Chopper. It will chop all kinds of meat, raw or cooked, and all kinds of fruit and vegetables, into clean-cut, uniform pieces, fine or coarse, as wanted, without mashing, and with great rapidity. It does away with the chopping knife and bowl entirely, doing its work in one-tenth the time, and producing an absolutely uni- form produet. For cutting sausage meat it cannot be surpassed. Sold by J. D. Burns Our Eye Examining is not merely placing different lenses be- fore the eyes; but a diagnosis bringing out (by the use of scientific instruments, with which we' view the interior of the eye) all errors of refraction or causes of eye strain, enabling us, by the use of the glasses ground in our own laboratories, to attain absolute accuracy. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 237 Dundas St., London, Ont. WINQHAM General Hospital. (Tinder Government Itineration.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully tirrnieheil. Open to all regularly licensed physielane. Itatea for mtlenta (which include board and ntireing) -is.m to $15.00 per week. ae *riling to daoation M room,r For further informa- tion —Addreee M158 ICATI1RINIC STEVICNSON, Superintemlent, Box 222, Wingbsm, Out, 30,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, tr 4. 8 8 nemseleynnesnewlesnemnitnebelnenneletAnnelewbrIel Who Said So ? Why, Everybody Says That YOUNG'S Is The Proper Place To Buy Your Stoves, Ranges And Heaters, If You Want To Make Money. 000000001000010000004000.•..•.•1NN010N1010101N00••••••••0••00••001 ••1111111.1••4/111 Doherty s Decarbon Steel Stoves and Ranges Can't be Beaten. McClary s Celebrated Pandora Range Right Up-to-date. Call and See It. Penn Esther Stoves and Ranges Are Unexcelled. ••1N1NN1N1.11.11.1••1.001•NN1N•NNNN•NN01.1.110N1i000N000NNONONNN000 We also carry several other lines which we haven't space or time to mention. Huron Stoves and Ranges almost given away—if you will take them. •••401•NN•1NNN00••••00N0••01••1/11111NNN1NNON100N0000000000N000 Give us a call, and be convinced that what we say about our Stoves is correct. A Pleasure to show Goods. Young's Big Hardware Wingham, Ont, e e, e. eft. Lucknow. On Tuesday morning, Oct. 29th, the citizens of Lucknow and vicinity heard with deep regret of the sudden and unexpected death of Jane Doug- las, relict of the late Roderick Mac- donald, aged 65 years. Interment took place Nov.5,to Kinloss v ceme- tery. One day recently at Peter Mc- Intosh's, con. 3, Kinloss, Sarni, Nic- holson and his gang, W. McIntosh, W. Fraser and D. Dempsey, packed, 29 barrels of apples in 4 hours and ten minutes. The apples had to be taken out of heaps and every barrel had to be lined. A pretty wedding was solemnized on Wednesday evening, Oct. 30, at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Duncan McIn- tyre, of the 4th con., Kinloss, when their slaughter Mary Ann, was united in marriage to Mr. W. L. McKenzie. Under an arch of evergreens, the cere- mony was performed by Rev. F. A. McLennan in the presence of about 150 invited guests. The death occurred on Thursday evening last of Henry Cook, a respect- ed resident of this town. Deceased, who was in his 42nd year, and though suffering from liver and heart trouble for some time, regained health suf- ficient to bo able to take his daily walks until a few days prior to his death. Mr. Cook was a native of Birmingham, England, and came 'to Lucknow about 12 years ago. Mrs. Cook survives her husband. A family of three daughters and one son also survive. The funeral took place to Kinloss cemetery on Sunday after- noon and was conducted under the auspices of Court Sherwood, No. 50, C. 0. F., of which deceased was a member. A large number of the members of the C. 0. F. joined in the funeral procession, which was headed by the members of the Phoenix Fire Company No. 2, of whieh deceased was a member. —If a, teaspoonful of lemon juice is added to the water that pastry is made with it will be found to make it rise in flakes and be much whiter and lighter. Like A Thief In The Night. That's how pain Comes. We sit near an open window, get stiff neck or sore back. Perhaps cool off too quick- ly after exertion, rheumatism develops, Spend what yon may, but intones,' can't buy anything better than Poison's Nerviline. Its penetrating power enables it to reach deep tissues, that's why It 'uses aches that all else can't touch, For outward application we guarantee five times more strength than in any other liniment. Inward- . a l I it'e harmless and as mire a the hereafter to ease at rinse. Don't ac- cept a substitute for Polson s Nervi - line which is the one groat household panaoea of to -day, Clinton. Mr. S. H. Smith has about 80 head of fine cattle at his farm on the Bay- field road, that he is stall -feeding, and for which ho has the good fortune to have plenty of feed. At Monday night's meeting of the town council it was decided to publish the waterworks by-law in order to bring objections to it to a head. Otherwise it might dwaddle along for a year. Mr. John.West, who has been a member of the fire brigade for sixteen years, the last six as stoker or as- sistant engineer, has resigned. Dur- ing that long period he only missed attending one fire. While working on the fresh water well for Mr. John Ransford on Mon- day, the drillers, Messrs. McLister and Wade accomplished the feat of making 90 feet in 14 hours, or approximately seven feet per hour for fourteen con- secutive hours. On Friday last a boy who is old enough to know better, opened a switch at the station, and had it not been discovered just at the opportune moment a serious accident might have been the result. It is said this is not the first time he has done the same thing. On Thursday last, the carelessness of one of a freight train crew, sent four freight cars off the switch at the station. The London train had to back down and unload its passengers, baggage and mails some distance from the station, and the Goderich train could not go through until the track was cleared. On Saturday evening a Mr. Hays Oh, For A Clear Complexion 1 A clear complexion is the outward evidence of inward cleanliness. In bad health the face becomes a sign- board, telling of disease within. If yellow, bile is not properly secreted if pallid, the kidneys are faulty ; if skin is murky and dark circles beneath the eyes, look for constipation. What- ever the cause, no remedy compares with Dr. Hamilton's Pills which are mild, safe, purifying and vitalizing in their action. They give a marvelous rosy tint in the cheeks, brighten the eyes, aid establish health that defies age and disease. Sold everywhere in 25c boxes. —Clean mica in heating stoves by washing with hot vinegar and salt. was brought to the Hospital here, from Zurich, suffering With acute kid- ney trouble. He was unconscious at the time, and never recovered con- sciousness, though everything possible was done for him, and he died a couple of days later. He was a widower, aged about 65 years. Last week Mr. R. Welsh laid infor- mation against Mr. J. A. Iiamilton, coal dealer, for violation of a town by- law, which provides as follow :—"That no person having scales and weights for their own use, shall weigh or suf- fer to be weighed with such scales or weights, any article whatsoever, for any other person or persons whatso- ever." The case carne up befgre P.M. Andrews, who reserved decision until this week. Mr. Hamilton was defend- ed by Mr. Blair, of Goderich. Mr. Andrews has dismissed the action, on the ground that, a municipality has no power to create amonoply, as this by-law does. NOBOD Y NEED HAVE INFLAMMATORY RNEUMA TISM! THAT'S FACT THAT MEDICAL SCIENCE CAN PROVE TO YOU EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR — CARELESSNESS COURTS IT— PRECAUTION PREVENTS --IT'S NOT A CONTAGION THAT STEALS IN UNAWARESI South American. Rheumatic Cure is the fortress behind which you may he perfectly secure; and why take chances if, through exposure to heat and wet, you feel those unwelcome chills, then the fever, then the sweating, then the pains in the joints. Do not put off securing the greatest of rheumatic and neuralgia cures. Experience shows that the duration of inflammatory rheumatism, under ordinary treatment, will cover a period of six to eight weeks; and what a wracking it gives to the sufferer, and it seems almost incredible that the great South American Rheumatic Cure has, in thousands of instances, controlled and conquered tnost stubborn and next to baffling cases in from one to three days. Lumbago is one of rheumatism's full brothers. It comes and prostrates at times with the suddenness of a thunderclap, and yet, as in the most acute inflammatory cases, the great South American Rheumatic Cure comes as a ministering angel, holds out its healing hand, and bids the bent and bedridden take on the suppleness of youth. Lots of • n lI sti' an for the asking, to rpt Y� Healthy kidneys are kept so by South American Kidney Cure, and unhealthy kidneys are cured by the same great remedy SOLD BY A. L, HAMILTON Teeswater. The South Bruce Farmers' Institute recently received its share of the pro- fits from the Model Farm Excursion. It is considerably less than last year. For the three ridings concerned, the net proceeds amounted to $155. A copyof the plans for a library building, approved of by the village council and library board and agreed to by Mr. Carnegie, has been hung in the Postoffice so that all may have an opportunity to examine them. Culross local optiouists have secured the necessary number of signatures to a petition requesting the council to submit a by-law to the township elec- tors in January, and have filed the same with the clerk. The petition- will etitionwill be dealt with at the regular monthly meeting to be held on the eleventh. Mr. Allan McLean, who for many years took an active part in the busi- ness life of Teeswater, died in the General Hospital, Toronto, early last Friday morning. He was taken dan- gerously ill about three weeks ago with an internal trouble, but recover- ed for a short time. The trouble re- turned and he was removed to the General Hospital where he under- went a surgical operation of a very trying nature on the 29th ult. He survived the immediate effects, but passed away on Friday morning. He was 71 years of age, was married three times and leaves a widow. Though for years more or less of an invalid physically, Mr. McLean was a man quite above the average in intellectual acuteness and ability. He was pos- sessed of considerable literary ability and took pleasure in exercising this faculty. SAVE THIS ANYWAY. Hero is a simple home-made mix- ture as given by an eminent authority on Kidney diseases, who makes the statement in a New York daily news- paper, that it will relieve almost any case of Kidney trouble if taken before the stage of Bright's disease. Ile states that such symptoms as latno back, pain in the side, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night; pain- ful and discolored urination, are readi- ly overcome. Ilere is the recipe, try it: I�luid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime; A well-known druggist here in town Is authority that these ingredients are all harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well in a bottle. This mixture has a peculiar healing and soothing effect upon the entire Kidney and Urinary structure, and often overcomes the worst forms of Rheumatism in just a little cvhile. This mixture is said to remove all blood disorders and eine the Rhemna- ti m by forcing the kidneys to filter And strain from the blood and system em all 'mid acid and foul, decomposed waste matter, which cause these afflic- tions. Try it If you are'nt well, Save the prescription. Largest Stock The Leading Store Lowest Prices ISARD'S For Bargains In Ready-to-wear SUITS,. OVERCOATS, REEFERS, SMOCKS, PANTS, RAIN COATS, OVERALLS, FUR COATS, ETC. ,y§, ,sg We've just passed into stock THREE SHIPMENTS of New Fall and Winter CLOTHING, comprising all that is NEW in READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS for Men and Boys, Moderately Priced for Quick Selling. Special Priced overcoats. Men's Heavy Black Cloth Overcoats, well made, stylish, farmer's satin lining, sizes 36 to 44—Special Price $7,00 Men's Tweed Overcoats in dark colors. Our Special Price to clear, only $0,00 Boys' Plain Black Overcoats, with Astrachan collar, strong linings, a very stylish Coat—Our Price $10.00 Boys' Reefers in plain Navy Blue Cloth, nicely made, lined with tweed—Prices $2,00, $2,50, $3.00, $3.50 OVERALLS.—A large stock of the best Overalls in grey, black or blue—See our leader at 750 PANTS. —5 doz. Men's extra heavy, strong, winter Pants, untearable Tweed—Our cut price $1..50 MEN'S SUITS. -10 Suits, fine dark tweed, made to fit and give good wear—Ten dollar value for $8.00 BOYS' SUITS.—A number of Boys' 3 piece Suits in dark tweeds, well lined—Our special price $5.00 BOYS' OVERCOATS.—A special line of Boys' dark flake tweed, a very stylish Coat—A bargain $5.00 MEN'S PANTS.—One doz. Men's gray striped Pants, strong cloth, well made—Our cut price $2.00 BOYS' SUITS.—Two piece Suits, pretty patterns, well made —Our special price _$2.50 Men's Fur Coats. We can save yon money on anything in the line of FUR GOODS. We buy Furs in large quantities from the best manufacturers for SPOT CASH, thereby getting the best price possible. It will be to your adtpantage to visit our CLOTHING DEPARTMENT on the 2nd ,,floor and see our stock of Fur -lined Coats and Fur Coats.`, Our Prices will interest you. H. E. ISARD & CO. IMPORTERS WING HAM ee- Anybody who has the "determina- tion" can become a good penman if her she will h r i mtelli antiY follow intelligently our instructions and practice an hour or so a day for a few months. Penmanship is of far greater im- portance than most young people realize. We know from intimate acquaint- ance with business .nen that there isn't anything that creates a more favorable impres '-;;I ' ;u er than the`iie ess and legibility of an applicant's handwriting. g iwritin Write for our large, illustrated free catalogue. It explains our Business and Shorthand Courses in detail. Shows the value of an education in a school which is a member of the Business Educators' Association. The demand for graduates is greater than we can supply, FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Members of Business Educators' Association. J. W. WESTERVELT, t'riccipal, Loudon. 0Ooo 00000000000000000OOOOOO000 Fall Announcement . . . 8 o 0. 8 We're now ready for the tail and winter trade, and below will be fdund a few of the many bargains we have in stock. Call in 1 e 0LINOLEUM: AND OILOLOTIL—Several pieces 12 feet wide to select from. A big assortment of Floor Oilcloths, also a big/ Hue of Carpets. BLANKETS.—Of all kinds, Flannelette, grey and white, at low prices ; All -wool, white or grey, Kingsville make, the best on the market, at last year's prices. YARN. ---Pure Wool Yarn in single, two or three ply, made in Wroxeter especially for our trade. UNDERWEAR —A largo stock of Lathes' and Children's Under- wear, all sizes at bargain prices, positively new goods. FLANNELETTE. ---150 pieces to select from, all colors and de- signs, from 5 ets. to 20 ots. per yard. This stook was bought before the advance in price and we will give our customers the benefit at old prices. Seo our stock of Wrapperetto and Kimono, Cloth before buying elsewhere. • MEN'S YGE��ILAHLES.�-•-DiAu's and Boys' All -wool Underwear. Men's and Boys' neW Overcoats just arrived. Mon's and Boys' Over- alls. Men's and Boys' Caps. Fur Coats for Men; we have Canadian Coon, Wombat, Bulgarian Lamb, Calf and Dog. New Clothing for Men and Boys, also heavy Tweed Snitings. We handle the cele- brated Stanfield's Unshrinkablo Underwear. LADIES' COATS. -50 Ladies' Cloth Coats and Jaokets, also a full line of Astrachan Coats. Give us a call before buying else- where. We deem it a pleasure to show our goods, whether you buy or not, ram Produce taken in exchange for goods. T. A. ilis y 0 D 8 . . , , • .. : r te‘� �.: < r; t s . t \, „,,,,, ,,, • • Comfortable V(arm z re Prussian A Splendid e Dressy Double 1/ P Cold Stylish Is Our Breasted . .. l st e r Coat For Weather. and Serviceable. . OUR CLOTHING Gives us a dressy appearance, and will out -wear any of the other makes. The chances are, we have a perfect fit for you in stock, both in Suits and Over- coats, but if not, we can have them made specially to your measure by the best Tailors in Canada. , McGee. & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers We have been speaking through the pages of this paper to the Ladies who want the Latest and Best Coats and wraps of every kind, and in consequence of that our sales have been large and our customers all pleased and satisfied, and now they are speaking for us in the most telling manner. We would like you, now that the wea- ther is putting on wintery airs, to think of Fur Coats, Ruffs, Stoles, etc. You will be amply re- paid by looking through our fine display of best quality of Furs before deciding where to pur- chase. We have exceeded any former effort (even of . this house) this season in the Splendid Dis- play of Seasonable and Fashionable Dress Goods that are now offered to our customers at very reasonable, prices. Highest price paid for Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples. D. M. GORDON Every Housewife '-Should Have "tiiversal" Food Chopper. It will chop all kinds of meat, raw or cooked, and all kinds of fruit and vegetables, into clean-cut, uniform pieces, fine or coarse, as wanted, without mashing, and with great rapidity. It does away with the chopping knife and bowl entirely, doing its work in one-tenth the time, and producing an absolutely uni- form produet. For cutting sausage meat it cannot be surpassed. Sold by J. D. Burns Our Eye Examining is not merely placing different lenses be- fore the eyes; but a diagnosis bringing out (by the use of scientific instruments, with which we' view the interior of the eye) all errors of refraction or causes of eye strain, enabling us, by the use of the glasses ground in our own laboratories, to attain absolute accuracy. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 237 Dundas St., London, Ont. WINQHAM General Hospital. (Tinder Government Itineration.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully tirrnieheil. Open to all regularly licensed physielane. Itatea for mtlenta (which include board and ntireing) -is.m to $15.00 per week. ae *riling to daoation M room,r For further informa- tion —Addreee M158 ICATI1RINIC STEVICNSON, Superintemlent, Box 222, Wingbsm, Out, 30,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, tr 4. 8 8 nemseleynnesnewlesnemnitnebelnenneletAnnelewbrIel Who Said So ? Why, Everybody Says That YOUNG'S Is The Proper Place To Buy Your Stoves, Ranges And Heaters, If You Want To Make Money. 000000001000010000004000.•..•.•1NN010N1010101N00••••••••0••00••001 ••1111111.1••4/111 Doherty s Decarbon Steel Stoves and Ranges Can't be Beaten. McClary s Celebrated Pandora Range Right Up-to-date. Call and See It. Penn Esther Stoves and Ranges Are Unexcelled. ••1N1NN1N1.11.11.1••1.001•NN1N•NNNN•NN01.1.110N1i000N000NNONONNN000 We also carry several other lines which we haven't space or time to mention. Huron Stoves and Ranges almost given away—if you will take them. •••401•NN•1NNN00••••00N0••01••1/11111NNN1NNON100N0000000000N000 Give us a call, and be convinced that what we say about our Stoves is correct. A Pleasure to show Goods. Young's Big Hardware Wingham, Ont, e e, e. eft. Lucknow. On Tuesday morning, Oct. 29th, the citizens of Lucknow and vicinity heard with deep regret of the sudden and unexpected death of Jane Doug- las, relict of the late Roderick Mac- donald, aged 65 years. Interment took place Nov.5,to Kinloss v ceme- tery. One day recently at Peter Mc- Intosh's, con. 3, Kinloss, Sarni, Nic- holson and his gang, W. McIntosh, W. Fraser and D. Dempsey, packed, 29 barrels of apples in 4 hours and ten minutes. The apples had to be taken out of heaps and every barrel had to be lined. A pretty wedding was solemnized on Wednesday evening, Oct. 30, at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Duncan McIn- tyre, of the 4th con., Kinloss, when their slaughter Mary Ann, was united in marriage to Mr. W. L. McKenzie. Under an arch of evergreens, the cere- mony was performed by Rev. F. A. McLennan in the presence of about 150 invited guests. The death occurred on Thursday evening last of Henry Cook, a respect- ed resident of this town. Deceased, who was in his 42nd year, and though suffering from liver and heart trouble for some time, regained health suf- ficient to bo able to take his daily walks until a few days prior to his death. Mr. Cook was a native of Birmingham, England, and came 'to Lucknow about 12 years ago. Mrs. Cook survives her husband. A family of three daughters and one son also survive. The funeral took place to Kinloss cemetery on Sunday after- noon and was conducted under the auspices of Court Sherwood, No. 50, C. 0. F., of which deceased was a member. A large number of the members of the C. 0. F. joined in the funeral procession, which was headed by the members of the Phoenix Fire Company No. 2, of whieh deceased was a member. —If a, teaspoonful of lemon juice is added to the water that pastry is made with it will be found to make it rise in flakes and be much whiter and lighter. Like A Thief In The Night. That's how pain Comes. We sit near an open window, get stiff neck or sore back. Perhaps cool off too quick- ly after exertion, rheumatism develops, Spend what yon may, but intones,' can't buy anything better than Poison's Nerviline. Its penetrating power enables it to reach deep tissues, that's why It 'uses aches that all else can't touch, For outward application we guarantee five times more strength than in any other liniment. Inward- . a l I it'e harmless and as mire a the hereafter to ease at rinse. Don't ac- cept a substitute for Polson s Nervi - line which is the one groat household panaoea of to -day, Clinton. Mr. S. H. Smith has about 80 head of fine cattle at his farm on the Bay- field road, that he is stall -feeding, and for which ho has the good fortune to have plenty of feed. At Monday night's meeting of the town council it was decided to publish the waterworks by-law in order to bring objections to it to a head. Otherwise it might dwaddle along for a year. Mr. John.West, who has been a member of the fire brigade for sixteen years, the last six as stoker or as- sistant engineer, has resigned. Dur- ing that long period he only missed attending one fire. While working on the fresh water well for Mr. John Ransford on Mon- day, the drillers, Messrs. McLister and Wade accomplished the feat of making 90 feet in 14 hours, or approximately seven feet per hour for fourteen con- secutive hours. On Friday last a boy who is old enough to know better, opened a switch at the station, and had it not been discovered just at the opportune moment a serious accident might have been the result. It is said this is not the first time he has done the same thing. On Thursday last, the carelessness of one of a freight train crew, sent four freight cars off the switch at the station. The London train had to back down and unload its passengers, baggage and mails some distance from the station, and the Goderich train could not go through until the track was cleared. On Saturday evening a Mr. Hays Oh, For A Clear Complexion 1 A clear complexion is the outward evidence of inward cleanliness. In bad health the face becomes a sign- board, telling of disease within. If yellow, bile is not properly secreted if pallid, the kidneys are faulty ; if skin is murky and dark circles beneath the eyes, look for constipation. What- ever the cause, no remedy compares with Dr. Hamilton's Pills which are mild, safe, purifying and vitalizing in their action. They give a marvelous rosy tint in the cheeks, brighten the eyes, aid establish health that defies age and disease. Sold everywhere in 25c boxes. —Clean mica in heating stoves by washing with hot vinegar and salt. was brought to the Hospital here, from Zurich, suffering With acute kid- ney trouble. He was unconscious at the time, and never recovered con- sciousness, though everything possible was done for him, and he died a couple of days later. He was a widower, aged about 65 years. Last week Mr. R. Welsh laid infor- mation against Mr. J. A. Iiamilton, coal dealer, for violation of a town by- law, which provides as follow :—"That no person having scales and weights for their own use, shall weigh or suf- fer to be weighed with such scales or weights, any article whatsoever, for any other person or persons whatso- ever." The case carne up befgre P.M. Andrews, who reserved decision until this week. Mr. Hamilton was defend- ed by Mr. Blair, of Goderich. Mr. Andrews has dismissed the action, on the ground that, a municipality has no power to create amonoply, as this by-law does. NOBOD Y NEED HAVE INFLAMMATORY RNEUMA TISM! THAT'S FACT THAT MEDICAL SCIENCE CAN PROVE TO YOU EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR — CARELESSNESS COURTS IT— PRECAUTION PREVENTS --IT'S NOT A CONTAGION THAT STEALS IN UNAWARESI South American. Rheumatic Cure is the fortress behind which you may he perfectly secure; and why take chances if, through exposure to heat and wet, you feel those unwelcome chills, then the fever, then the sweating, then the pains in the joints. Do not put off securing the greatest of rheumatic and neuralgia cures. Experience shows that the duration of inflammatory rheumatism, under ordinary treatment, will cover a period of six to eight weeks; and what a wracking it gives to the sufferer, and it seems almost incredible that the great South American Rheumatic Cure has, in thousands of instances, controlled and conquered tnost stubborn and next to baffling cases in from one to three days. Lumbago is one of rheumatism's full brothers. It comes and prostrates at times with the suddenness of a thunderclap, and yet, as in the most acute inflammatory cases, the great South American Rheumatic Cure comes as a ministering angel, holds out its healing hand, and bids the bent and bedridden take on the suppleness of youth. Lots of • n lI sti' an for the asking, to rpt Y� Healthy kidneys are kept so by South American Kidney Cure, and unhealthy kidneys are cured by the same great remedy SOLD BY A. L, HAMILTON Teeswater. The South Bruce Farmers' Institute recently received its share of the pro- fits from the Model Farm Excursion. It is considerably less than last year. For the three ridings concerned, the net proceeds amounted to $155. A copyof the plans for a library building, approved of by the village council and library board and agreed to by Mr. Carnegie, has been hung in the Postoffice so that all may have an opportunity to examine them. Culross local optiouists have secured the necessary number of signatures to a petition requesting the council to submit a by-law to the township elec- tors in January, and have filed the same with the clerk. The petition- will etitionwill be dealt with at the regular monthly meeting to be held on the eleventh. Mr. Allan McLean, who for many years took an active part in the busi- ness life of Teeswater, died in the General Hospital, Toronto, early last Friday morning. He was taken dan- gerously ill about three weeks ago with an internal trouble, but recover- ed for a short time. The trouble re- turned and he was removed to the General Hospital where he under- went a surgical operation of a very trying nature on the 29th ult. He survived the immediate effects, but passed away on Friday morning. He was 71 years of age, was married three times and leaves a widow. Though for years more or less of an invalid physically, Mr. McLean was a man quite above the average in intellectual acuteness and ability. He was pos- sessed of considerable literary ability and took pleasure in exercising this faculty. SAVE THIS ANYWAY. Hero is a simple home-made mix- ture as given by an eminent authority on Kidney diseases, who makes the statement in a New York daily news- paper, that it will relieve almost any case of Kidney trouble if taken before the stage of Bright's disease. Ile states that such symptoms as latno back, pain in the side, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night; pain- ful and discolored urination, are readi- ly overcome. Ilere is the recipe, try it: I�luid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime; A well-known druggist here in town Is authority that these ingredients are all harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well in a bottle. This mixture has a peculiar healing and soothing effect upon the entire Kidney and Urinary structure, and often overcomes the worst forms of Rheumatism in just a little cvhile. This mixture is said to remove all blood disorders and eine the Rhemna- ti m by forcing the kidneys to filter And strain from the blood and system em all 'mid acid and foul, decomposed waste matter, which cause these afflic- tions. Try it If you are'nt well, Save the prescription. Largest Stock The Leading Store Lowest Prices ISARD'S For Bargains In Ready-to-wear SUITS,. OVERCOATS, REEFERS, SMOCKS, PANTS, RAIN COATS, OVERALLS, FUR COATS, ETC. ,y§, ,sg We've just passed into stock THREE SHIPMENTS of New Fall and Winter CLOTHING, comprising all that is NEW in READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS for Men and Boys, Moderately Priced for Quick Selling. Special Priced overcoats. Men's Heavy Black Cloth Overcoats, well made, stylish, farmer's satin lining, sizes 36 to 44—Special Price $7,00 Men's Tweed Overcoats in dark colors. Our Special Price to clear, only $0,00 Boys' Plain Black Overcoats, with Astrachan collar, strong linings, a very stylish Coat—Our Price $10.00 Boys' Reefers in plain Navy Blue Cloth, nicely made, lined with tweed—Prices $2,00, $2,50, $3.00, $3.50 OVERALLS.—A large stock of the best Overalls in grey, black or blue—See our leader at 750 PANTS. —5 doz. Men's extra heavy, strong, winter Pants, untearable Tweed—Our cut price $1..50 MEN'S SUITS. -10 Suits, fine dark tweed, made to fit and give good wear—Ten dollar value for $8.00 BOYS' SUITS.—A number of Boys' 3 piece Suits in dark tweeds, well lined—Our special price $5.00 BOYS' OVERCOATS.—A special line of Boys' dark flake tweed, a very stylish Coat—A bargain $5.00 MEN'S PANTS.—One doz. Men's gray striped Pants, strong cloth, well made—Our cut price $2.00 BOYS' SUITS.—Two piece Suits, pretty patterns, well made —Our special price _$2.50 Men's Fur Coats. We can save yon money on anything in the line of FUR GOODS. We buy Furs in large quantities from the best manufacturers for SPOT CASH, thereby getting the best price possible. It will be to your adtpantage to visit our CLOTHING DEPARTMENT on the 2nd ,,floor and see our stock of Fur -lined Coats and Fur Coats.`, Our Prices will interest you. H. E. ISARD & CO. IMPORTERS WING HAM ee- Anybody who has the "determina- tion" can become a good penman if her she will h r i mtelli antiY follow intelligently our instructions and practice an hour or so a day for a few months. Penmanship is of far greater im- portance than most young people realize. We know from intimate acquaint- ance with business .nen that there isn't anything that creates a more favorable impres '-;;I ' ;u er than the`iie ess and legibility of an applicant's handwriting. g iwritin Write for our large, illustrated free catalogue. It explains our Business and Shorthand Courses in detail. Shows the value of an education in a school which is a member of the Business Educators' Association. The demand for graduates is greater than we can supply, FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Members of Business Educators' Association. J. W. WESTERVELT, t'riccipal, Loudon. 0Ooo 00000000000000000OOOOOO000 Fall Announcement . . . 8 o 0. 8 We're now ready for the tail and winter trade, and below will be fdund a few of the many bargains we have in stock. Call in 1 e 0LINOLEUM: AND OILOLOTIL—Several pieces 12 feet wide to select from. A big assortment of Floor Oilcloths, also a big/ Hue of Carpets. BLANKETS.—Of all kinds, Flannelette, grey and white, at low prices ; All -wool, white or grey, Kingsville make, the best on the market, at last year's prices. YARN. ---Pure Wool Yarn in single, two or three ply, made in Wroxeter especially for our trade. UNDERWEAR —A largo stock of Lathes' and Children's Under- wear, all sizes at bargain prices, positively new goods. FLANNELETTE. ---150 pieces to select from, all colors and de- signs, from 5 ets. to 20 ots. per yard. This stook was bought before the advance in price and we will give our customers the benefit at old prices. Seo our stock of Wrapperetto and Kimono, Cloth before buying elsewhere. • MEN'S YGE��ILAHLES.�-•-DiAu's and Boys' All -wool Underwear. Men's and Boys' neW Overcoats just arrived. Mon's and Boys' Over- alls. Men's and Boys' Caps. Fur Coats for Men; we have Canadian Coon, Wombat, Bulgarian Lamb, Calf and Dog. New Clothing for Men and Boys, also heavy Tweed Snitings. We handle the cele- brated Stanfield's Unshrinkablo Underwear. LADIES' COATS. -50 Ladies' Cloth Coats and Jaokets, also a full line of Astrachan Coats. Give us a call before buying else- where. We deem it a pleasure to show our goods, whether you buy or not, ram Produce taken in exchange for goods. T. A. ilis y 0 D 8