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The Wingham Advance, 1907-10-24, Page 8
8 41111111•111.11O 1111111110 0141111141M1011 TEE WINGUAM ADVANCE, TI URSD.A.Y, OCTOBER 24, 1907. Royal Grocery Cranberries. Cranberry Sauce makes a fowl or roast palatable, con* sequently a free use of Cran- berries permits a considerable saving in the meat bill with- out loss of food value. Try solve for Thanksgiving din- ner, 2 quarts for 25c. Sweet Potatoes. We have a choice lot of large, solid sweet Potatoes. 50 per lb. Cash paid for Eggs and Choice Roll Butter. Griffin's TO GRANT EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE. Srl:l'i:tl, AUENT Oi•' SEhiL-many 'ro Snow Tim Ni v FALL STYLES, George J. Atkinson], special agent for Semi -ready Tailoring, will be itr town in a few days for the purpose of discusing the granting of an exclusive agency for these high-class gar- ments. Mr. Atkinson has all the new fall styles in fabrics with him, and it is the purpose of the Segni-ready Com- pany to further extend their business in this district. The Semi -ready Special Order De- partment has helped to place this modern tailoring in its premier posi- tion. With the cloth samples and the fashion plate the agent can take orders for suits to be made from special measure. Tho saving is ap- preciable. Whitechurch. The Foresters have put a consent floor in the basement of their hall. Air, J. Kennedy did the work. • Services were suspended in the Pres- byterian church last Sunday, on ac- count of the anniversary services at Langside. Rev. W, A, Finlay preached at Dun- gannon last Sunday, and Mr. Saun; ders of Wingham occupied Mr. Fin - lay's pulpit. Messrs. Dave Riotoul and Thomas Garton left on Tuesday morning for Palmerston, where they expect to secure a job firing on the trains ; we wish them every success. Someone around Whitechurch is evidently thinking of going into the ministry, and as a start, relieved Mr. Finlay of a. couple of white shirts a few nights ago. And someone else is linking of starting up a feed store, nd is relieving the farmers of their mins grain, as fast as said farmers ill allow them. They thought J. illespie's would be a good place to go ne night lately, but Mr. G. thought ifferent and rudely interrupted thein. FOR .. - st Purity, Strength • and Flavor My Teas are unsurpassed, They the blending endin of many g a y years• ience and are a CoiINAION ONLY THE Risrn;ST Gn 'DES TEAS. GIVE THEM A pRIAL. . are expe r - OF OF ly al awl p o1 f p, «� V C1 lc h F t it k f 1 i ! f • My C''eo 1 Is the very 'est that money can buy. Thos who get. it once come back f • • it. ISN'T THAT PROOF OF $ GOODNESS. J. HenryChristie GROCER AND CROCKERY MERCHANT WfNG•HAM anowinimommorsommossammonsemula young ladles away attending to better sosslons Wednesday a look in Penmanship.'-' COLLEGE Principal, 0..11101116..J t ai. J. Ad I I 7 s Wing- t some- r ago, and S have to t : Street Street 1 Street Street Street Street Street Street t Street St. i Street , St. St. barn and : in Town town. 1 AND Now is the time to buy ham property, as prices are what easier than a year the purchaser will not pay 1907 taxes. WE OFFER THIS WEED 1 Story Frame Patrick 1 Story Frame Minnie 1 Story Frame Francis 1 Story Frame North 1 Story Frame Scott 1? Story Frame Scott 1i2 Story Frame Alice 2 Story Frame. Minnie 1 Story Brick. John 1 Story Brick Josephine 2 Story Brick Victoria 2 Story Frame, 8 lots.... Catharine 1i2 Story Frame, new. ...Edward 2 Story Frame, with good modern conveniences. A number of nice properties Plot, 13ailding lots in all parts' of Fa' ren s'-fOr Sale .-A long list, Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE INSURANCE •- WINGHAM WINOHAM General Hospital. ' (Under Government Inspection.) IP furnished. physicians. board and according informa- lsON, Ont. Pleasantly situated. Beautifully Open to all regularly liCeilsed Rates for patients {which include nursing) -•-.60 to $i&OO.per week, to Iooatfan of room. For further tion—Addroas MISS ItAT11It1NE STEV Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Miss Elizabeth E. Gant Teacher of Piano, Theory, interpreta- , tion, Harmony. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exams. Studio in Macdonald Mock — 2nd door, Terre en application. Canada's oldest Nurseries. IxtrsuRtG PLANTE1 s of Nareery Stook and Seed Potatoes should either write direot to us, or see oar nearest agent, before placing their order. We guarantee satisfaction; prieee right; 50 experience; extra h a took of areheavy 7a the beat apples. AGENTS WANTED. — Whole or part time; salary or liberal eotnmis- eton; outfit free; send for term,. TIM TOoMAS W. BOWMAN & $0N Limited 21202 tLLS, Olt`T. r 1 7 . THREE iN ONE. Wroxeter. Mies E. Henry visited in Bluevale aver Sunday. Mrs, St. Louis and family of Winni- peg are visiting at the home of Mr. J. Stott, near the village. Miss Beattie returned to her Home in Seaforth on Tuesday, after spend- ing a week M the Methodist par- sonage. Mrs. Ritchie, of Howick township, moved her honseh d effects into town last week. She as purchased the home of Mrs. 0. S ith. The Wroxeter Woollen Mills are being wired throughout for electric light, Mr. Howe, the proprietor, in- tends working overtime all winter. The second meeting in the interests of Local Option w held in the Town Hall, last 1'Vedne ay evening, Oct. 16th. The meetin was addressed by Rev. Ben. II. Spence of Toronto. It was decided to circulate petitions. Officers and committees were also ap- pointed, Rev. G, H. Oste'hout, formerly' of Wroxeter, note pastor of Kintore cir- cuit, writes as follows to the Advance : "We had a big day. on Sunday, the 13th, the occasion being the 1st anni- versary of the opening of the new church at Kintore Rev. Dr. Carman preached eloquentand inspiring ser- mons, morning and evening, to con- gregations that filled the beautiful auditorium. The people"responded very liberally with subscriptions to the building fund, .lacing $1100 in cash on the plates. The fowl supper on Monday night was a big success, about $75 being realized. Tho beauti- ful church, which is one of the most convenient and bet I have seen for a village, cost $0000, and was opened just a year ago. Only $1500 of the cost remains to be paid, and that amount is nearly covered by subscrip- tions payable in a year from now. We also have a new church. at the Brown appointment, which cost near- ly $5000. It wasopened two years ago, and this year at the anniversary they raised sufficient to entirely cover the debt." (Too late for last week.) We are glad to report that Mrs. N. Allan, who was s seriously ill, is im- proving at the present writing. Mrs. Henry of Whitechurch has re- turned home, after spending a week with her daughter, Miss E. Henry. A subscription list is being circulat- ed in the village in the interests of Mr. W. G. Reed, to assist in starting up again. The best weekly newspaper, a fami- magazine without an equal and an ricultural paper second to none is hat one gets in the Family Herald Montreal. Three id Weekly Star of 1\ x iblications in one and each the best its kind and all for one dollar a ear is the explanation of tate wonder - :l success of Canada's greatest news - aper. No home in Canada should be ithout the Family Herald and Veekly Star of Montreal when it �sts only one dollar a year. Morris. The other day Wm. Robb, 6th line, st a valuable heavy draft colt. Special evangelistic services will be eld in Sunshine church. The pastor ev. G. W. Rivers, will be assisted by lie pastors of neighboring churches. Wednesday of last week Jno. Speir, Vilson and Samuel Nicholson filled ie kiln at Bodmin Lime Works, hold - g about 700 bushels and had the nm burned ready for delivery on aturday afternoon. While gang plowing on Wednesday orenoon of last week Jas. Evans, 7th ine, the plow struck a big stone caus- ng the plow handle to strike him in he right side breaking 2 ribs. Mr. Evans had three ribs broken on his eft side at different times so that he I had his own experience in this kind of accident. One clay last week Daniel McLean, th con., had a close call from serious ,jury, as it was he received a very evere tumble the effects of which he till feels. He was driving into his ateway when the horse shied at ome apple barrels in the lane, causing he buggy wheel to strike . the gate lost. Mr. McLean was pitched out triking the ground with his head and houlder. He is able to be about, but he soreness is still quite manifest. 1 - of h nt u r in as sd g i n s o. iL p t d S a s 0 n r e a 0 es e r t From all appearances' our village is on the eve of a Local Option cam- paign. Not a few of our citizens are airing their views pro and con these days. • For Quality and Quantity ask your sealer for the new big plugs`of "Bobs" 'Stag" and "Currency" Chewing To- accoes. Blyth. Rev. Mr.Small reached at Auburn n Sunday evening. Mrs. William Watson, Vancouver, C., is visiting friends in this ieinity. Mr. Sandy Mc0reight of Dresden ttended the funeral of his mother on Vednesday. On Monday, Mr. G. M. Chambers eceived the sad intelligence of the eath of his brother at Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMurchie re- urned from Winnipeg on Saturday, vhere Mr. McMurcbie attended the nnual meeting of the Ticket Agents' association. Anniversary services were held in the Methodist Church on Sunday. Rev. Hugh W. Locke, of Kincardine, preached two edifying sermons ; the choir rendered special music. Pro- ceeds of the anniversary, $167; the pastor Rev. Mar Anderson went 'to Kincardine on Saturday and took Mr. Lecke's work there. r_ ' X - 9 ()realest Female Strengthener On Earth. Jamestown. Mr, A. Pollock had a valuable young horse die last week of acute indigestion. It was a big loss, Mr. Geo. Caldbick, Chief of Police, Cobalt, New Ontario, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 5, Caldbick, 2nd of Morris, at present. Miss Alma McKelvey returned to Toronto last Tuesday to resume the art of dress -making, after having spent the summer at her home here. 11Ir. and Mrs. L. Rattan, who have been residents of this vicinity for so many years, moved to their new home in Bluevale last week. While we re- gret losing such worthy citizens from Our midst, yet they carry with then] our sincerest wishes for many happy years in Bluevale. Len. Rattan, a nephew, has the farm, leased and is now keeping "Bachelors Hall" but rumor says he will not "batch it" very long. Last Sunday as Mr. and Mrs, Fred. McCracken, 'of Brussels, wore driving north, one side of the baggy tongue broka off just south of here a short distance and the horses took fright and commenced running away. Mrs. McCracken at once jumped out of the sig and Mr, McCracken was in some way thrown out, hurting his shoulder and ane side of his face considerably. The horses kept on runniug and drew the buggy by one tug for six miles, when finally they were captured. Apparently no damage was done to either buggy or horses, Why Burn Your Toes. Stop using Acid Corn Salves, use Putnam's Painless Extractor ; it costs a little more, but it's far the best. Use only "Putuam's"-25c at all deal- ers. Thousands of women are wan, pal- lid, rundown and dispirited. What they need is that nourishing tonic Ferrozone. Soon they regain those laughing eyes, bright spirits and rosy cheeks. Ferrozone does this and more as Mrs, L. F. Adrianson of Whitney Tier, C. B., testifies. "My daughter was very much rundown and considerable troubles at times. Often I was at a loss to know what to do. I was advised to give her Ferrozone and I did so. Ferrozone cleared up all the trouble, made my daughter healthy and well. Ferrozone gives good ap- petite, regulates, strengthens, I con- sider it a medicine every woman should use regularly if she wants to .fool her best." Price 50c per box at all dealers. Dress -Cutting By Mail. Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ashton, Gorrie, spent Sunday last at the home of Mr. Albert Gallaher. Mrs. Geo. Bentham presented her husband with a bouncing young son on Thursday last. . Miss Irene Kitchen from Essex is at present visiting friends in Gerrie, Grey and Morris. We are sorry to learn of the illness of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wray of Turnberry, but hope it will not be of long duration. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ross entertained a number of their friends fro,. Morris on Monday night last ; all report hav- ing a inost enjoyable time. Misses Minnie and Clara Bosman and Master Robbie, also Jeanie Max- well, of Wingham, spent Saturday with Miss Jean B. Ross of Glen - farrow. Mr. Jas. Merkley had the misfor- tune to lose a fine horse last Saturday morning by the train. The horse strayed on to the track and was so in- jured, that it had to be killed. Mrs. Muir, sr., received the sad news last week, of the death of her butshort who was sick son, Robt., � oa time, and whose death came as a sur- prise. Mrs. Muir and fancily have the sympathy of all in this their hour of sad trial. I will teach Sanders' Improved Course in Dreseeutting by malt or personal instruction at Winghatn in four days, commencing Monday, Nov, 4th, 1007, All wishing to Iearn this useful and instructive course, do not, fail to see are at the Farmers' Hotel, Wingham, on Oct.30th, from 3 to (1 o'clock only, when I will explain all about model and how I teach, also en- roll pupils for chase. Member of 0, 0, C. F„ Wingham, MISS KEITH, I, Teacher 44 Dreeemaker, On Monday of last week the death summons came to Alex. MacDonald, •tth of Grey, an old and highly re- spected resident. Deceased had a lingering illness lasting about two years, which was an affection of the heart and lungs. Besides a widow b leaves three sons and four daughters, all of whom have the heart -felt sym pathy of the community in the loss o such It kind husband and father. The funeral took place to Brussels ceme tery last Thursday. A very impres sive and appropriate service was con ducted at the house by Rev. A. C Wishart, of whose church decease was a faithful member. System Needs Frequent Cleansing. Not only outside but inside as well. your body must be frequently cleans ed. Otherwise it becomes loaded wit, wastes that clog up the wheels o: health. ' uch better to act in time Much Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills ; the strengthen and regulate the bowels assist digestion, enrich the blood an thereby fortify the nerves and lay thl foundation of lasting good health. Dr. Hamilton's Pills bring vim an vitality so much sought for to -clay they infuse a feeling of freshness an spirit •in those who have been ailing for years. Really no medicine si potent. Price 25e at all dealers. [ [ P_"_ . Your Wisest Course. If you are caught in the wet, get sore throat, neuralgia or muscular pain, don't wait for worse troubles. Begin prompt treatment with Poison's Nerviline. It drives away all trace of cold, eases rheumatism, neuralgia and pain, save you from a lay-up,in bed. No 25e purchase can bring more comfort than a bottle of Poison's Ner- viline ; it's the cleanest, strongest lini- ment made. Sold everywhere in large 25c bottles. is 3 : Howick. Mr. John Strong, llth con., has pur- chased 200 acres of land near Lucknow from Mr. Spears of Ford- wich. Mr. Strong gave his 100 acre farm on the 10th con. as part pay. He has now 350 acres of fine land. Petitions aro beim{ circulated throughout the township this week, soliciting signatures of ratepayers re- questing the Council to submit a Local Option by-law to the ratepayers of Howick at the approaching muni- cipal election. The steel work ofthe new bride on v g the 4th line, near Spence's corner, is now eompleto and workmen are put- ting down the cement floor. Messrs. Co. e A. Hii1 & . of Mitchell, are doing g the work. The structure is a sub- staritfal one and the cement floor will be an improvement on the plank. ...31i..3 ,.. ..1 West Wawanosh. Grey. Roe's League was well representee at the District Convention in Brussel last week. , Andrew McLennan, telegraph oper tor, Chesley, is home for a couple weeks' holidays. Mr. and Mrs. M. Fraser attende the wedding of their nephew, Finks Lynn of Howick on Wednesday. Miss Irene Kitchen of Staples, Esse Co., is visiting at the home of he uncle, Edward Bryans, this week. Connell met on Oct. 12th as per adjournment. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and con- firmed. Treasnrer's statement showed bal- ance on hand of $518.00 --filed. The Clerk was instructed to collect dividend for 1000 front Dungannon Driving Park Association and pay the same to Treasurer. An order was drawn on the Treasur- er in favor of Ashfield township for $10 for Court room. The Connell ,.greed to lower culvert on eon. 0, opposite lot 21 (Wilson drain). Cheques were issued to the amount of about $400 for payment of con- traete, ete. The Council adjourned to ,'feet fort Nov. 15th at 10 o'clock.W. S. MoOroitle, Clark, Special services are about to com mence in Roe's church. This is a goo. time as the roads are good and night perfect. Mr. John McAllister and famil moved to their new home in Toront last week. They have always bee Al residents and our loss is Toronto gain. The total amount of taxes to be co lected in Grey township this year 523,099.51, Last year the total we $26,405.76; a considerable reductio for 1007. Miss Emylene McQuarrie, who h: spent the summer with her sister i England, returned home last wee] Miss McQuarrie likes the English li. very well and thoroughly enjoyed tl trip. She purposes returning to D troit, where she will resume her po tion. Mr. Josh. Bateman of Toronto spa; a few days renewing his old associat and friends in this locality last wee It is seven years since he bad tl privilege of as long a holiday, as 1 holds the position of foreman at t1 Union station. His many friends hi a hearty handshake for him. • Hoiyrood. Mass was held in the R. C. chur here last Sunday. Mr. John Purvis is kept very bo attending sales again. t The annual meeting of the Farme beef ring was held at Mr. Hague's 11 Friday evening. Misses Annie and Agnes McQuer of Detroit are spending a few wee with relatives round here. No service was held in the Meth dist church here on account of a niversary services at Bethany It Sunday. Next Sunday evening the servic in the Methodist Church will be ducted by Mr. John Joynt, Lucknow, r TELLS HOW TO MIX IT. A Well-known authority on Rbe tnatism gives the readers of a lar, New York daily paper the followie valuable, yet simple and harmless pt scription, which any one can easi prepare at home : Fluid Extract Dandelion, one -hl ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounc Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, thr ounces. Mix by shaking well hi a bottle, a take a teaspoonful after each mt and at bedtime, He states that the ingredients e, be obtained from any good preset Mon pharmacy at small cost, and, 1 ing of vegetable extraction, are har. less to take, This pleasant mixture, if taken reE laxly for a few days, is said to ova come almost any case of Itheumatis The pain and swelling, if any, dint' ashes with each dose, until perroane results are obtained, and without juring the stomach. While there many so-called Rheumatisni reined( patent medicines, etc„ some of whi do give relief, fete really give per nett results, and the above will, re doubt, be greatly appreciated by ma sufferers here at this time, Inquiry at the drug stores of ti neighborhood elicits the inforntati that these drugs are barinlese and c be bought separately, or the druggi here will mix the prescription for c reeuiet's if *ked to. [i1iht IHeinen nings,othors and dltlons. 930 Friday. Lourdes, L. e . f a co:- I Classes. While many aro frittering aro fast preparing Evening every Monday, Lull aid have Special class WINGUUAM BUSINESS GEO. Srorvort, young ladles away attending to better sosslons Wednesday a look in Penmanship.'-' COLLEGE Principal, 0..11101116..J and Son' their eve- our classes their eon- front 7 to and into our MEM Teacher For S. S. No. or third class certificate. nsence after New cations, stating testimonials, will November 5th. JAS. Wanted. ; second Duties com- 1908, Appli- and enclosing up to Wingham P. 0. ;. 5, Turnberry Year, salary be received S. 11ieDOUGALL, Something best Prof. yielder writes the 6 Agent—W. Herbert Raspberry. new in a Raspberry. "The Red Raspberry tested here," writes Maooun, Ottawa. "The heaviest among all Rod Raspberries," Prof, Hutt, Guelph. We have only large supply in Canada to offer. plants 52.00, express paid. Local Carruthers, Wingham. BROWN BROS., P. 0., Brown's Nurseries, Ont. iRAIff.lil1.NKST Hunters' Excursions at Single Fare Now in Effect To all poi its in the "Highlands of On- tario," including Lakes Muskoka Penetan g Lake of Bays Midland Magnetowau River Lakefiold 1'emagaml District 3 Also to' certain points in Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and to Sault i Ste. Marie, via N. N. Co. All tickets good returning on or boforo Dec. 7, or until close of navigation If earli- er, to points reached by steamer lines. Between Falls, until f d Y SINGLE FARE FOR THANKSGIVING DAY all stations in Canada, also to Detroit and Port Huron, A1ioh., Niagara Snsp, Bridge and Buffalo, N.Y. Going October 30th and 31st, returning Monday, Nov. 4th, 1907. For tickets and full information, L. HAROLD, Town Agent, J. D. McDonald District Passenger Agent, call on or write Toronto.1 r Y n s Help for 1. The wonderful is examining used Ls Co., of London, ,r troubles of hundreds cases of long been successfully is are marvelous. n Our science is c,tion of the wonderful e the world's optical 1e Paris, London ►- THE TAIT-BROWN EYESIGHT it 237 Dundas !s 41 4 e e 4 a eye at Weak Eyes new methods of eye- by the Tait -Brown Optical are relieving the of people. In some standing that have never corrected, the results the practical demonstra- discoveries made centres of Berlin, and New York. OPTICAL CO. SPECIALISTS St., London, Ont. le ee 9000000000000000000000000©0 ie s Al C! :h 0 Y „8 i st in ;is es ti - ly Llf e; se ad Al an ip- ce- ms pi. er- m. in. int In- ire es, ch la, no ny his on Mr + Out Ordinary. If out of the Coat wV& Oar showing discounts with better ing qualities than anyone * roach. Tho * have control * "CONTINENTAL" * which are * selves and * Canada. * Ask for * Style Book, * eome•ln and * ments themselves. * * * }1ana r , �\.'''t o �� you ordinary claim everything styles, reason in have a or WINOHAMVM .- 'Iy,L,; f 1 of want this and else of the a class copy what talk �" - h 'ik I. (e` `': 's8 the something in a Ladies' your interest. season easily in the past better wear- butter values within your is, that we well-known Mantles, by them - no equal in of our new is better, with the gar- Ooi . • F f t: G7 C) * * ; *. * * * * * * * .*********.*************** The "Little Eaton" and Mr. and Mrs. Purchaser and Family ••00•••••••••0•••000•• We wish to get acquainted with you and family at your earliest convenience, assuring you of MUTUAL BENEFIT, ATTENTIVE SERVICE, and STERLING .VALUES. Kindly call when in town to inspect and admire the beautiful things we offer to you. Anticipat- ing your kindness. Yours Sincerely, George C. Hanna `fie SytekaVem can show you great variety, save you dollars, give you grand values in up-to-date and new goods in our respective Departments. and ♦••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0•••••••••••e•••••••••••o•os4os00 MEN'S and YOUTHS'—Single-breasted and double-breasted Suits in Tweeds, Worsteds and Serges. iMEN'S—Swell Black Cheviot, Beaver, and Melton Overcoats. Clothin BOYS'—Reefers, Overcoats, single and double-breasted Suits, odd Pants, Coats and Vests. CHILDREN'S—Norfolk and Buster Brown Suits and Overcoats. MEN'S—Odd Pants, Worsteds, Tweeds, Serges, Cottonades. MEN'S—Work Clothing, Shirts, &c. Ladies' Jackets FURS ► GENTS' Furnishings and Underwear LADIES—We have the GOODS in this Department. Our Styles, Cloths and Prices, will convince you. BLACK—Venetians, ans, Cheviots, ieItons, Broadcloth, plain or trimmed. TWEEDS—Golf Cloths, Overchecks, smooth or rough finish. Dark colors prevail, but some light are being sold. LADIES' and MEN'S—Furs carried in stock, of all kinds. Fur Coats for Men in Coon, Siberian Calf, Black Dog, Galloway Calf, Wallaby, Dark Wombat, and the sw Il at selection of Fur -lined Coats in the County .of Huron. LADIES'—Ruffs, Muffs and Stoles in the following variety—Mink, Persian Lamb (gray and black), English Hare, Thibet Lamb, Columbia Sable, Alaska Sable, Isabella Sable, German Otter, Gray Squirrel, English Marmot. Every article examined per- sonally and guaranteed perfect. Fur -lined and Fur Coats— all the kinds—just like the city stores. Hats, Collars, Ties, Mufflers, Braces, Gloves and Mitts. Largest stock in town. Mochas, in beautiful grays and browns. We - have the best 500 Mitts in Huron county — wool -lined, calf face and mule back ; they're crackers. UNDERWEAR—Men's Elastic, Ribbed, Wool, Unshrinkable, Fleece - lined and Union—the best values and makers. Boys' Wool and Fleece -lined Underwear, in all sizes. House Furnishings CARPETS—Brussels, Tapestry, Wools, Unions. RUGS --Axminster, Velvets, Tapestry, Wool, Jute, in beautiful de- signs and quality. SQUARES --Made to fit any room, in a beautiful range of Carpets. Also standard sizes kept in stock. t ,/ CURTAINS—Lace, Tapestry and Chenille. PIECE GOODS—Muslins and Madras. REMNANTS—Carpet, Oilcloth and Linoleum, cheap. WINDOW SHADES—On hand. Special prices on Window Shades for new houses, also Store Blinds. i••••••••••••••••••••i••••••••••0••••••••r0+•N000••M••••O••'i•(w•••••+•r FARMERS! We want your Produce and Trade. • DOLLAR for DOLLAR is our motto. PRICES IN TRADE Butter, 25c ; Eggs, 25c ; Dried Appies, 8}o ; Potatoes, Sbc ; Oats, 65c ; Hay, $20.