HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-10-24, Page 5THE WTNGIIAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1907. 5 The Blue Front Store CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS, EXCLUSIVE 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 What We Have and What You May Require. Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear, the best that is—$r.00, $r.25, $r.5o and $1.75 a garment, in all sizes up to 48. Other makes of Underwear in Fleece -lined, Union and All -wool, from 5o cents up. Men's Cardigan Jackets, the best value in town, at $1.25 and $i,5o. Sweaters in Men's, Youths' and Boys'. splendid assortment of colors, from 5oc up. Men's Leather, Duck, Cottonade, Moleskin and Rubber Coats, in a large range. Overalls and Smocks in Men's, Youths and Boys', in the celebrated Rooster Brand make.. Top Shirts, Heavy Wool and Union, in Men's, Youths' and Boys' sizes -50c up to $r.5o. Gloves, Mocha and Kid, unlined, Silk lined, Wool lined and Fur lined. Buckskin and Horse- hide Gloves, Leather -faced and Wool Mitts. Boots and Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes, Trunks and Valises. McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers ' tie 01001111010 OM 0 '119 MD 0011=110 41 IS T 0 VESI JAT COST ........... FOR 15 DAYS 1 For Cash Only Commencing Oct. 1st. ___, i We want the Room and the IMoney—you want the Stoves. So we are offering for 15 days, the greatest sale of - STOVES and RANGES BASE BURNERS COAL and WOOD HEATERS I That has ever been offered in 6Vingham. Call and see them while stock is large. Now is your chance to save money. That has ever been in Wingham. Call and see thein while stock is large. Now is your chance to save money. T Big Hardware !YOUNG'S' WrN(�HAM ONTARIO i 41 w w w iaN We have been speaking through the pages of this paper to the Ladies who want the Latest and Best Coats and wraps of 'every kind, -and in consequence of that our sales have been large and our customers all pleased and satisfied, and now they are speaking for us in the most telling manner. We would like you, now that the wea- ther is' putting on wintery airs, to think of Fur Coats, Ruffs, Stoles, etc. You will be ' amply re- paid. by looking through our fine display of best quality of Furs before deciding where to pur- chase. We have exceeded any former effort (even of this house) this season in the Splendid Dis- play of Seasonable and Fashionable Dress Goods that are now offered to our customers at very reasonable prices, Highest price paid for Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples. D. M. CORDON LNww‘mmmmmvpA Cut Prices In Furniture S. GRACEY offers some very special cut prices in Furniture. We don't often have such Sales, but we want room. Here are a few prices : We offer a $62.00 Parlor Suite, Wilton Rug, spring seats, backs and edges, for $40.00 .A. $38.00 five -piece Suite, for 30,00 An $18.00 four -piece Suite, for 13.50 $18.50 Sideboards, for 15.50 Special Prices, all through, on Bedroom Suites, Ex- tension Tables, Parlor Pieces, Rocking Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, &c. NEW SCALE WILLIAMS PIANO. If you have any notion of buying a Piano, don't buy until you see the New Scale Williams, one of the best Pianos made in Canada. Call and see them at our show rooms. We offer very special prices on them, too. S. @MCEY FURNITURE DEALER and UNDERTAKER • 'Hews �(tems —It costs 10c per day to feed the prisoners at the Peterboro jail and some of thein grow fat on the fare. Last year it cost Clic per day. The lowest reported is 61e a day. --The other day wheat advanced in Brantford as it did in other places, but in the vicinity of the telephone city a thief broke .into the barn of a farmer and stole 150 bushels of wheat. —At Guelph on Saturday Chief Randal made a tour of the market and made quite a haul of light weight but- ter. Some 300 samples in all were taken and of that nurnber 61 were found to be light weight. The light butter was confiscated and handed over to the general hospital. —The United States Consular and Trade Reports state that I,500,000 bushels of New Brunswick potatoes found a market in Ontario last year. It was expected that four to five mil- lion bushels would be shipped this year, but the wet weather and blight have reduced the New Brunswick crop, and it is hardly likely shipments will exceed those of 1000. —Another rich discovery has been made on the Montreal River during the past summer by two Blum boys in the person of Teasdale and J. M. Vipond. This by the engineer's re- port is possibly the richest discovery outside of Cobalt, the pay the show- ing on the surface. The discoveries aro in copper and silver with some gold value also. In connection with the discovery of these claims the boys contended with all kinds of hardships and exposures, especially on their way home which took place in the break up last spring. The provisions ran out and they fasted for three days, travelling through snow and water. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Barber's Itch, and every form of con- tagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sani- tary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Just Where The Danger Lies. In many catarrh snuffs, cocaine is the largely used ingredient; in con- sequence the drug habit may he form- ed. To be really cured of catarrh, to do so quickly, safely and pleasantly, doctors say Catarrhozone is superior to any other remedy. It heals sore places, stops discharge, prevents hawking, spitting and bad breath— does this first by destroying the cause of the disease. Catarrhozone is no ex- periment, it is a tried and proven cure that is guaranteed for bronchial, throat, nose and lung catarrh. Two sizes, 25e and $1.00 at all dealers. • —A By-law will be submitted in Kincardine on Nov. 18, to guarantee the bonds of the Ontario and West Shore electric railway: It was stated at the meeting recently that Goderich had already guaranteed the bonds of the Maitland River Power Co. to the amount of $150,000 and the Co. hacl contracted to supply that town with power for 21 years at a, cost of $7,000 a year. Ashfleld` had passed a by-law for a guarantee of $150,000, and it was expected that Huron Tp. would sub- mit a by-law for $75,000. INSURANCE COMPANIES LOOK ASKANCE AT A MAN IF HE CANNOT ANSWER THE QUESTION, "HAVE YOU EVER HAD RHEUMATISM? " WITH A GOOD HONEST " NO 1" So you see how it bars happiness and comfort if you neglect the means to prevent and cure the great South American Rheumatic Cure is the effective means, and while lack of provision for your "loved ones" from such a cause may be counted secondary to a life of suffering to oneself, it is one of the many sides in the study of health that we should take in dead earnest, Every disease has its symptoms—every ailment that flesh is heir to has its note of warning, and it's for us to heed or suffer the consequences; and who does not know the signs by experience or observation ?•---lever, chills, sweating, shooting pains, numbness, aching muscles, stiffened and swelled joints, The great South American Rheumatic Cure gives ease from the first dose and it gently and effectually eradicates the trouble from the system. It gets at the root of the evil and it gets there quickly —most stubborn cases cured in one to three days. Influential physicians prescribe it as the best and surest cure they know of. ALL 151UioolsrB AND MEDICINE D3ALLl1lS SELF. IT. SOVTM AMERICAN NERVINE makes blood that Is poor isnd pale rich and red—and that means good health. SOLD BY A, L. HAMILTON Very often the reason why one accountant gets through more work in less time than another, thereby earning an enviable reputation for quickness and cleverness, is simply because he takes advantage of every short method possible. Simply amazing how few know the many arithmetical short cuts—how few can do simple arithmetic ques- tions rapidly and accurately. "Rapid Calculation" is not only practice, there is a"method" as well. 'Che method we teach, but the practice remains with you. Our large, illustrated catalogue is free. Waste for it. It explains in detail the various subjects we teach and shows the advantage of a Business Educators' Association Diploma. Demand for our graduates exceeds the supply. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Members of Business Educators' J. W. WESTERVELT. Association. Principal, London. OMB last Notification 00000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000 TO -DAV, FRIDAY AND BIG SATURDAY Mfio�g=, AND THEN THE GREATEST SALE WINGHAM EVER HAD ENDS. 0000000130000000000000000000000000000000000000 We Wish to Inform the Public That these last three days of this big sale on A. E. England's two stocks, the Bee Hive at Wing - ham, also his general store at Riverstown, will really be the Biggest Days of the entire ten days' sacrifice. Prices will be smashed to smitherines in what is left of these two stores. Everything goes without reserve at the most unheard of low down prices ever quoted in the province of On- tario. If you have any regard for the value of money, if the saving of a dollar on every two dollars spent, means anything to you, then drop everything and be here for this final three days' terrific selling which will be the most stupendous sacrifice on Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies' Cloaks, Dress Skirts, Shoes and Groceries, that was ever given in the history of these two counties. THE PRICES WILL AMAZE YOU. It will pay you to come many miles to attend these last three days' sale. You will not be disappointed, Make . arrangements to be here on one or all of these last three days, the sale positively ends Saturday, Oct. 26th, at midnight. These last three days will be an avalanche of majestic bargains such as will take the people of Wingham, Rivers - town and surrounding country by storm, as it will arouse such a response that commercial circles will be astounded, and it will be a Bargain Earth- quake of Low Prices that will long be remem- bered in Wingham, Huron county and vicinity. Remember—Saturday, October 26th, at 12 o'clock (midnight) is the last day. Then the greatest sale in the history of Ontario ends. ♦•••M••NOM•O••••r• A. E. ENGLAND'S TWO STORES Nov in the hands of the National Salvage Co., of Toronto. N, 13.—We have yet for sale, two Horses, two Waggons, three sets of ]Harness, Saddle, Bri- die, Fire -proof Safe, some stove fixtures. All there MUST BE IMPOSED OF TIHS WEEK. Agents for New Idea Patterns The leading Store AU Patterns Only 10o. Buy Vour Fall & Winter Coats at Isard s AND SAVE MONEY A Busy Dept. MANTLE and SKIRT Department is a BUSY Section these days. No wonder, when you think of the wealth of choice in LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S ready- to-wear garments. The ,fact, too, that the Coats are all MODERATELY PRICED for quick selling has helped very much to boom this department. We have 150 Coats to sell, and you can depend upon getting COATED at just the PRICE you prefer to pay. Prices range from $5 to $16.50 in Ladies' Coats, and in Children's, $2 to $7. Dress Goods. SPECIAL VALUES in all weaves in Dress Goods -- see them and judge for yourselves. We carry the larg- est stock and OUR PRICES are the LOWEST. SATURDAY BARGAIN. -5 pieces dark Tweed Suiting, on sale at, per yard. 40o Regular Prices. Compare our REGULAR PRICES with SALE PRICES elsewhere, and see what a saving you can make buying FALL and WINTER GOODS here. PRICES are LOW throughout the store. No room to quote prices here-- we'd rather you would come and see our stock—we'll be pleased to show you through all Departments. •F WANTED.—Large quantities of Butt�r, Eggs, Dried Apples, Poultry, Honey. Highest prices p 3d for Bright Dried Apples. Turkeys, Geese, Chickens and Ducks --dry pinked. Remember, Quality counts. H. E. ISARD C IMPORTERS WINGHAM 1 Is Farming_Your Business If so, THE WEEKLY SUN, the -Fargiteu Paper, will each week be of Special Interest to y.iu. Subscribe NOW for The WEEKLY SUN to 1st Jan., 1909, IN COMBINATION WITH The Wingham Advance, Only $I.80. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Fall Annooncement We're now ready for the fa" ,. and winter trade, and below will be found a few of the many bargains we have in stock. Call in ! LINOLEUM ANn OILCLOTH. --Several pieces 12 feet wide to select from. A big assortment of Floor Oilcloths, also a big lino of Carpets. BLANKETS.—Of all kinds, Flannelette, grey and white, at low prices ; Ali -wool, white or grey, Kingsville make, the boat on the market, at last year's prices. YARN. ---Pard Wool Yarn in single, two or three ply, made in Wroxeter • especially for our trade, UNDERWEAR.—A largestook of Ladies' and Children's Under- wear, all sizes at bargain prices, positively new goods. FLANNELETTE. -150 pieced to select from, all colors and de. signs, from 5 ets. to 20 ate. per yard. This stook was bought before the advance in price and wo Will give our customers tho benefit at old prices. See oar stock of Wrapperette and Kimona Cloth before buying elsewhere. MEN'S WEARABLES.-Men's and Boys' All -wool Underwear. Men's and Boys' new Overcoats just arrived. Men's and Boys' Over- alls. Men's and Boys' Caps. Far Coats for Men; wo have Canadian Coon, Wombat, Bulgarian I .amb, Calf and Dog. New Clothing for Men and Boys, also heavy Tweed Saitings. We handle the oele- brated Stantiold's Unshrinkable Underwear. LADIES' COATS. --50 Ladies' Cloth Coats and Jackets, also a full line of Astrachan Coate. Give us a call before buying else. where. We deem it a pleasure to show our goods, whether you buy or not, Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods. T. A. Mille .e