HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-10-17, Page 81.................1
Royal Grocery
Finnan Haddies.
We are receiving
weekly shipments of
choice Finnan Middies,
direct from the curing
houses in Nava Scotia.
Labrador Harping.1
Just arrived, the
first. lar*hie new catch.
Fine, ge, fat Fl.
--FOrt .
Purity, Strength
and Flavor
My Teas are unsurpassed. They !are
the blending of many years,' exper-
ience and = are a COMBINA'cION or
My CMFoe
Is the very
buy. Tho
back f
est that money can
e who get it once come
J. Henry Christie
Frame Cottage, Patrick St.
Frame Cottage, Minnie St.
Frame Cottage, Francis St.
Frame Cottage, Cor. Josephin is &
Worth Step.
Brick Cottage, John St.
2 -story Dwelling, 3 lots, Catherine
2 -story Brick Dwelling, Victoria
1 -story Brick Dwelling, .tosepbiille
:[i -story Frame Dwelling, Alice St;
We will also be able to offer
for sale, as soon as completed,
those centrally situated brick
dwellings being built by W. H.
Green. Terms to suit purchaser.
A number of fine properties in
Town. Plot.
Building Lots in, all parts of
the town.
Farms for sale. A long list.
Ritchie & Cosens
rias c spita�.
(tUndee; ooverntnent Inspection.)
��tt Plea,nataly situated. Beautifully furnished.
iRaattees for as ient(include board) and
.60 to (which16,00 per week, according
to location of room. Oar farther informa-
tion ---Address
Box 223, Wingham, Ont,
Canada's Oldest Nurseries.
We have the largest stock of Cur-
rants, Blackberries, Grapes and Rasp-
berries in Canada, else complete as-
eortment of Fruit and Ornamental
Trees and Shrubs, Write us before
placing your order. Agents wanted
at ones. The THOS. W. BOWMAN
do SON CO„ Ltd., Ridgeville, Ont.
Herbert Raspberry.
Soinething ne?Min a Raspberry. "The
beet Red Raspberry tested here," writes
Pref. Mationn, Ottawa. "The heaviest
yielder among all Red Raspberries,"
Prof. Hutt, Guelph, We have
.O�0expreel paid. ly in CanadaLooal
IV. Oairratheure, Winghanit.
P. 0,, Etei rwa's Nurseries, Oat,
Mrs, Masters continues very poorly.
Miss McPherson of Detroit is visit-
ing Mrs. t'. R. Brinker,
Airs.. John Ding and ,Florence have
returned from a trip to the West,
The Misses Ina and Aggie Thomas
are spending their vacation with their
Rev. W. G. Howson of Wingham
will preach at the Johnston appoint-
ment next Sunday morning.
Rev, W. J. Nest, M. A., has return-
ed from his holidays, During his ab-
sence his pulpit was supplied by Mr.
John Hutton and Rev. Mr. Perrin.
The Ladies' Aid of the Binevale
Presbyterian Church purpose giving
an Irish Tea and Concert on Friday,
Oct. 18th, in the Foresters' Hall, A
good program of Irish songs, speeches
and recitations will be rendered, and
tea servedturing the evening.
The anniversary services 'in connec
tion with the Methodist Church, Blue -
vale, were very successful. Rev. H.
W. Locke, Chairman of the district,
preached two powerful sermons. The,
choir gave most appropriate selections
in good style, and the services on the
whole were very helpful and enjoya-
ble. Rev. Mr. Baker took Rev, Mr..
Locke's work in Kincardine.
Mr. Robert Musgrove niet with a
serious accident last week. He was
engaged putting in a cement wall un-
der the hotel, and while he was in a
stooping position, the bank of earth,
about seven feet high; came down
upon him, crushing him under it, and
burying him face downwards under
two feet of earth. Thos. Nesbitt, who
was working with him, was also held
fast by the earth. Help soon arrived
and.Mr. Musgrove was dug out, He
was considerably shaken up and bruis-
ed, but is recovering. He was almost
smothered before he was rescued, and
does not want to repeat the experi-
all hard, soft or calloused lumps and
blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney,
stifles, sprains, sore or swollen throat,
coughs, etc. Save $40 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonder-
ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold
by A. L. Hamilton.
Mr. David Clow is partially laid up
with a sore hand, the result of a
Miss Maggie Wellwood of Caledon
is spending a few days with her cou-
sin, Mrs. J. T. Holines,
Everitt Everitt of the village, has a
pumpkin which weighs 41a lbs. He
would like to know, who can beat it.
We are very sorry to learn, that on
Monday evening, Mrs, Archie CIow
had a third relapse, and very little
hopes are now entertained for her re-
covery-. Inflammation is the trouble,
Last Friday morning the home of J.
T. Holmes was gladdened by the ad-
vent of a fine healthy boy into the
family, and people say that Tack is
wearing the smile that won't come off.
The Methodist people here had gaso-
line lights installed in their church
last Friday, Mr. Murdie of Lucknow
did the job. They were given their
maiden trial on Sunday evening, and
were very satisfactory.
The Anniversary ' services of the
Methodist Church, which were held
last Sunday, were very well attended
in spite of the threatening state of the
weather. -The morning and evening
services were conducted by Rev. Dr.
Hazen of Goderich, and the afternoon
service by Rev. Howson of Wingham.
The parsonage is undergoing exten-
sive repairs. The basement has been
all slug out, and a cement wall built,
with two cross walls dividing the
basement into four rooms, into one of
which Mr. Murdie is going to install a
Pease furnace this week, at a cost of
$125. Mr. Fryfogle of Wingham did
the excavating and cement work.
This, together hor
with the recent
ing will make the Paesonage quite
up-to-date. The pastor, Mr. Finlay,
is deserving of great credit in bring-
ing these improvements to successful
GIANT.' TRIPLETS "Currency" "Bobs"
and "Stag" Chewing Tobaccoes, in big
plugs. Quality always the same.
Now in the )lands of the National
Salvage Co. of Toronto,
A. E. England's two stores (the Bee
Hive at Wingham, and his general
store at Rivortown, Ont.) were placed
in the hands of the National Salvage
Co. of Toronto last Saturday. The
doors of both stores were closed sev-
eral clays in order to invoice, mark
down, and arrange the stock for quick
disposal. The representative in charge
informs us that he must sell about one
half of these two stocks in ten days'
time in order to raise ten thousand
dollars. The doors of these stores
were opened to the public this week,
Wednesday morning at nine o'clock,
and the large force of extra Salespeo-
ple have been worked from morning
until late at night supplying the eager
buyers with the many bargains offer-
ed, This is no ordinary sale, but one
of the kind that seldom occurs hi any
community. According to the big
posters, the entire stock, store fix-
tures, horses, waggons, harness, etc,,
are all pltateed on sale without reserve,
in fact everything that can be turned
into cash must go at what it will
bring, No doubt this sale will attract
hundreds of people to these two stores
to -morrow and Saturday. The repre-
sentative of the National ,Salvage Co.
of Toronto says the only question la—
can you, dare you, in justice to your-
self and ,family, overlook a chance like
thle to eave many dollars on your win-
ter neede, to use good common sense
t6lth which nature hies endowed you
to skcot ^and see with your own b
and be ootivin .
Horace Solar left on Tuesday for
Mrs, David of Clinton is visiting at
Air. McCrae's,
Mrs. Cower and her sister visited in
Turnberry last week.
Miss D, Ross of Blyth is visiting at
Mr. and Mrs, Watson's.
J. T. Brydges' child is very sick and
hardly expected to recover.
Mr. and Mrs. Peacock of Morris
SundayecI M Mr, John Owens',
Mrs. Naylor, sr,, is at her !laugh,
ter's, Mrs. Bell of this village,
Mr. and Mrs. Pentland of Ashfield
are visiting at. Mr. Vannormen's,
Adana Halliday is at Bayfield with
his daughter for a couple of weeks.
Wm. Johnston, East Wawanosh, is
recovering nicely from his recent ill-
Arch. McNeill, 12th con., East Wa-
wanosh, announces a big auction sale
on the 23rd,
Mrs. Bryant and Miss Morris of Hid -
let spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. J.
A, Brandon this week.
Rev. and Mts. Iiastie have returned
from a two weeks' vacation among
friends in and around Toronto.'
Master Wilkinson of Ripley spent a
few days with his uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Whaley, last week.
Mrs. Brydges, sr,, 3rd line, Morris,
is very ill, and under the doctor's care,
but we trust she may recover again.
What might have been a serious
fire one morning last weelta was nar-
rowly avoided. Mr. Jno. Coultes, 3rd
line, Morris, after making a fire on in
the kitchen went out to the barn.
In a short time, Mrs. Coultes smelt
smoke ; she went out into the kitchen,
and found it on fire, together with a
lot of clothing, hanging around the
stove. Among the latter was a good
fur coat, all on fire and destroyed.
The fire had gained such headway,
and the heat was so intense, that it
broke most of the glass in the win-
dows, before it could be put out. Loss
is.about $100 ; this is a warning for
others making on the morning fire.
GOLDEN WEDDING.—One of those
pleasing though unusual events, a
Golden Wedding anniversary, took
place at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Simon Vannorman, Belgrave, on
Monday, Oct, 14th, that couple having
been married on Oct. 14th, 1857. The
sons and daughters felt that they
could not let the event pass by with-
out notice, so they gathered at the
home and spent a pleasant afternoon
and evening in congratulating their
parents and wishing them many more
years of life together. An excellent
wedding supper was served which was
partaken of by sons, daughters and
grandchildren. Rev. and Mrs. G. W.
Rivers, being the only extra guests.
After supper, Mr. Van Vannorman of
Wingham, their eldest son, -read a
congratulatory address and on be-
half of their sons and daughters pre-
sented both Mr. and Mrs. Vannorman
with gold pieces as a memento of the
event. Many friends will join in
wishing this aged couple many more
wedding anniversaries.
niversary Services in connection with
Belgrave Methodist Church on Sun-
day and Monday last were successful
in every way. Despite the inclement
weather, large and attentive congre-
gations attended both of the services
on Sunday, the evening congregation
being too great for the capacity of the
church. Rev. S. A. Anderson, Blyth,
preached inspiring and appropriate
sermons, while the choir of the church
rendered music suitable to the
occasion. On Monday evening, an ex-
cellent supper was served by, the
ladies in the Foresters' Hall, to about
300 people, after which a splendid pro-
gram was given in the church. Rev.
G. W. Rivers, B.A., B.D., pastor of
the church, occupied the Chair. Ad-
dresses were delivered by Revs. Hart-
ley and Anderson' of Blyth, and Rev.
J. T... Hastie of Belgrave. These ad-
dresses were bright, interesting and
helpful, and much appreciated by the
audience. Mrs. J. Pattison of Brick
Church rendered two excellent recita-
tions with good effect, and the famous
Westfield Choir delighted the audi-
ence with their numerous selections.
The proceeds of the anniversary
amounted to over $80, which will be
applied to the Shed Building Fund.
A subscription of about $230 had al-
ready been given, which, with a dona-
tion from the Ladies' Society of the
Church, will about pay for the com-
modious and comfortable shed, The
congerogation are very grateful to all
who assisted in making this an-
niversary so great a success.
For Quality and Quantity ask your
dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs"
"Stag" and "Currency" Chewing To-
Mrs, P..MeEwen of Turnberry spent
a few days of last Week under the
parental roof,
Rev, Mr. West of Bleevale is ex-
pected to preach in Victoria Hall next
Sunday evening,
Miss Lizzie hall, Ethel, accompanied
by her father, is at present visiting
Mrs. Goo. Eekmler,
Mrs. tektnier, sr., who has been
staying for the post Couple of months
with Geo, Eckmier, returned to Ethel
last Sunday.
)'pOH, Mange, Prairie Scratches,
Barber's Itoh, and every form of eon.
taggkons Itolt on human or animals
oared it 80 minutes by Wotford'e San
Lary eon. It never fails. ,Bold by
A, Iisatanititon,
Bell pore.
Onr local sports are again busy since
the hunting season commenced.
Mr. 0. Johann is cutting corn for
the farmers of this vicinity, and is
doing a seedling Wellies.
The sacrament of the Lord's Sapper
will be observed in the Presbyterian
church on Sunday, 20th inst.
Local. Option contests will be general
around bere at the end of the year,
and both sides are preps;ting Ser"'the
In spite of the heavy rain, quite a.
number from hers attended the Her -
vest Home services at Salem on Sun-
day and Monday, 0th and 7th. inst.
The annual convention of the West
Bruce Teachers' Institute will be held
in Kincardine High School on Thurs-
day and Friday, October 24 and 25.
Most of the schools in Culross will be
closed both days.
After considerable delay, the De-
partment of Education has notified
Mr, 0, F. Collins that he is entitled to
a certificate of having passed the
whole of Part III Senior Leaving, Re-
gulation 50a, and• to having also com-
pleted Part IL The delay was caused
by the fact that Mr, Collins bad pre-
viously passed in the subjects of Part
I, and needed only one subject to com-
plete Part II,
Bets Better Every Year.
Year after year the Family Herald
and Weekly Star of Montreal goes on
getting .better and better and conse-
ently growing in circulation, It is
simply marvellous the value one can
get in that great weekly. It is a won-
derful combination of a world's news-
paper, fancily magazine and agricul-
tural paper—all three in one and each
the best of its kind. The Family Her-
ald and Weekly Star at one dollar per
year is certainly big value. In the
last issue the publishers are making
an urgent appeal to all subscribers
to renew early this fall as the enor-
mous rush in December and January
completely ties them up.
Mrs. S. Popplestono visited friends
in Exeter on Saturday,
DIED,—In Blyth, Monday, Oct. 14th,
Mrs. Alex, Mc0reight, aged 75 years.
Mr. and Mrs. James McMurchie left
on Friday afternoon, on a visit to Ed-
monton, by C. P. R.
Elam Livingstone expects to have
the Electric Light plant in running
order by next Saturday.
Mr. F. Buchanan and Rev. H. E.
Allen of Wingham attended the Con-
vention held here last week.
On Sunday afternoon, Rev. Mr.
Small preached an excellent sermon to
the C. 0. F., in the Presbyterian
Rev. Hugh W. Locke of Kincardine,
.Chairman of the Wingham district,
will preach anniversary sermons here
next Sunday. The Choir will render
special music.
The granolithie walk on Drummond
street is completed, and another is
being constructed on the south side of
Westmorland street from Queen to
Mill street.
Most of the fanners are busy pick-
ing their winter apples.
Andrew Longley has been spending
the past two weeks : with friends at
Mrs. Noires and her brother, Gavin
Muir, left last week for Washingham
Centre, where they will attend the
sick bed of their, brother Robert, who
is seriously i11.
A number from this part attended
the Palmer -Bush wedding on Wed-
nesday evening hist. The young cou-
ple will reside on the farm lately pur-
chased . by the groom. They com-
mence married life amidst the best
wishes of their -many friends,
No Liniment Can Cure 11.
That pain between the eyes isn't
neuralgia. Many think so, but it is
catarrh, plain ordinary catarrh that
needs attention right now. Your pro-
per lead is to use "Catarrhozone,"
Doctors recognize it as a cure that
surpasses ail others, Sure, because it
does reach the trouble; safe, because
no drugs to take, you breathe its heal-
ing vapor direct to the course of the
trouble, and cure is guaranteed, Two
sizes, 25c and $1.00. Sold everywhere.
Miss Elizabeth E. Grant
Teacher of Piano, Theory, Interpreta-
tion, Harmony. Pupils prepared
for Conservatory exams.
Studio in Macdonald Blook-2nd Flew.
Terms on application.
Teacher Wanted.
For S. S. No. 5, Turnberry ; second
or third class certificate. Duties cotn-
Ytienee after New Year, 1008. Appli-
cations, stating salary and enclosing
testimonials, will be received up to
November 5th,
Wingham P. 0.
Farm For Salle. •
Lot 33, Concession 1,"Culross town -
Ship, containing 12G acres, of which
90 acres are cleared, The farm is well
located, and has fair buildings, Easy
terms of payment may be secured.
Apply to
Dt1DLii: i° HOLttES,
-A two storey frame house, on the
corner of Alfred and Centre Sta., in
town of Wingham;; in good condition.
Terms of payment easy, Apply to
Night Classes.
While many young ladies and gen- 1111
)lemon aro frittering away their eve-
nings, others are attending our classes
and fast prep'aring to better their con-
ditions, Evening sessions from 7 to
91+30ridaevery Monday, Wednesday and
Call and have a look into our
I courses.
Special class 1n Penmanship,.
OEo. SroTTON, Principal.
Tenders for Supplies, 1908.
THE UNDERSIGNED will receive
tenders up to noon on Monday, 4th
November, 1007, for supplies of 13utch-
ors' Meat, Creamery or Dairy Butter,
Flour, Oatmeal, Potatoes, Cordwood,
etc.; etc., for the following institutions
during the year 1908, viz.:—
At the Asylums for the Insane in To-
ronto, London, Kingston, Hamilton,
Mimieo, Brockville, Cobourg, Oriilia,
and Penetanguishene; the Central Pri-
son and Mercer Reformatory, Toronto,
and the Hospital for Epileptics at
Exceptions—Tenders are not rtquired
for the supply of Meat to the Asylums
in Toronto, London, Kingston, Hamil-
ton, and Brockville, nor for the Central
Prison or Mercer Reformatory, To-
A marked cheque for five per cent, of
the estimated amount of the contract,
payable to the order of the Provincial
Secretary, mast be furnished by each
tenderer as a guarantee of his boua
fides. Two sufficient sureties will be
required for the due fulfilment of each
contract, and should any tender be
withdrawn before the contract is
awarded, or should the tenderer fail to
furnish security, the amount of the
deposit will be forfeited.
Specifications and forms of tender
may be had on application to the De-
partment of the Provincial Secretary,
Toronto, or to the Bursars of the re-
spective institutions,
The lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted.
Newspapers inserting this advertise-
ment without written authority from
the Department will not be paid
for it.
W. J. HA 1'NA,
Provincial Secretary.
Parliament Buildings, Toronto,
October 8th, 1907.
Hunters' Excursions
Now in effect to points in Temagami,
points Mattawa to Port Arthur ; to Port
Arthur and all points on Georgian Bay
via N. N. Co. and to certain points in Que-
bec, Now Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Nfld.
OCT. 24th TO NOV. Sth
Tickets will be sold at Single Faro for
round trip to following territory:—
Muskoka Lakes Penetang
Lake of Mays Midland
Magnetewan River Lakefleld
Madawaska to Depot harbor; Argyle to
Coboeonk, Lindsay to Ealiburton, Shar-
bot Lake via Kingston Jet. and Kingston
and Pembroke Ry. All points Severn to
North Bay, inclusive. Sault Ste Marie
via Northern Nay. Co.
All tickets good returning on or before
Deo. 7, or until close of navigation if earli-
er, to points reached by steamer lines.
For tickets and full information, call on
L. HAROLD, Town Agent, or write
J. D. McDonald
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
n ,
, er
Out of the
If you want something
out of the ordinary in a Ladies'
Coat we claim your interest.
Our showing this season easily
discounts everything in the past
With better styles, better wear-
ing qualities and better valves
than anyone else within your
reach, The reason is, that we
have control of the well-known
which are in a elites by them-
selves and have no equal in
Ask for a copy of our new
Style Book, or what is better,
come in and talk with thegar-
ments themselves.
Hanna & Co.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * d *4. * * * * * *
The "Little Eaton"
New Home
And cordially invites its old • and new customers to call
and inspect our ,New Store, also the most
complete Stock of
Gents' Furnishings
Ladies' and Men's Furs
Ladies' Jackets
and House Furnishings
Ever Shown In Our Town.
P010••••••,NN/11••NNON000000000000NO000.000ir00 O1004O0004000144•00400
WILL PAY :-1—Butter, 22c ; Eggs, 23c ; Dried Apples,
8c ; Potatoes, 80e.
Notice To The Public.
The National Salvage Co. of Toronto, nolo in possession of
A. E. England's two stores—the Bee Hive at Wingham, also his.
general store at Riverstown—are forced to sell about one half, or
$ro,000 worth of these two stocks in ten days' time, commenc-
ommenceing - Wednesday, Oct. 16th, at 9 a. m., and continuing up to and
including Saturdy, Oct. 26th. For that purpose we will inaug-
urate the most scientific sacrifice sales on up-to-date Dry Goods,
Clothing, Shoes and Groceries, Wingham, Riverstown and sur-
rounding country has ever beheld. A bargain event that will
surpass anything ever attempted in this part of the Province of
Ontario. This will be a most stupendous undertaking to close
out one half of these two stocks in so short a time. There
are thousands of good things in both stores but everything
must go without reserve, the Horses, Waggons, Store Fixtures,
as well as the merchandise. The price the National Salvage
Co. has placed on this stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes,
Groceries, Horses, Waggons, Harness, Fire Proof Safe, Stoves,
Store Fixtures, etc., etc., will sell them all out rapidly. Never
before in the history of Wingham have such goods as these
been distributed into the homes of the people at such demora-
lized prices. These stocks when forced on the market are gene-
rally bought by some of the larger department stores of our
metropolitan cities at about half price. They receive the benefit,
in this case however, A. E. England's great loss is to be your
gain. It is your own fault if you do not get your share, every
article is placed at the mercy of the public. We advise you
all to be on hand early. Wednesday morning, Oct. 16th, at 9
o'clock, both these stores will open up the doors to the buying
public. This is a chance to save many dollars, you may well
believe this ten days' sale is .bona fide and a most stupendous
sacrifice, and one of the kind that seldom occurs in any com-
munity. The love prices all marked in plain figures for quick
selling will amaze the public,
The Bee Hive Stores