HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-10-17, Page 5Hats Off To The Style Leaders. We are prepared to show you the newest styles in Overcoats for Fall and Winter wear. Every garment fre• s from ,the big Tailor Shops. They're full of Quality and Style—the kind of_ style that lasts as long as the garment lasts. We guarantee a perfect fit and full satisfaction. McGee Cx*Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers ssssl>®s• rel, 111111111111Ell EMU a MD 111111111111111D 111 STOVES IAT COS 4 FOR 15 DAYS For Cash Only Commencing Oct. 1st. We want the Room and the Money—you want the Stoves. So we are offering for 15 clays, the greatest sale of STOVES and RANGES BASE BURNERS COAL and WOOD HEATERS That has eve'r been ' g offered In �1Vtngham. Call and see them while stock is large. Now is your chance to save money. IYOUNG'S IBig Hardware wiNGILabit ONTARIO !ILO OrIMO 41111001100 THE WINGIIAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1907, Brussels. Brussels tax rate will be two cents on the dollar this year, Veterinary Anderson has gone to. Desboro, Bruce County, where he has opened up practice. A successful Epworth League and Christian Endeavor Convention was held here for Wingharn district on Wednesday, Communion service will he held in Melville church on Sabbath, October 20th, when the new individual cups will be used. Feed is so high priced that the mar- ket for horses and cattle is somewhat flat, but in the practice of economy in feeding may improve the outlook. It is said Hon. A. G. McKay and other prominent Reformers will ad- dress a public meeting here in the near future on the questions of the day. A large quantity of fall and winter apples are being barrelled and shipped from this locality. It would be hard to find a better apple county than Huron. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Roe celebrated their golden wedding on Sunday, Oth inst., and have been receiving hearty congratulations from many relatives and friends. A contract has been let to a Lon- doner to .lecorate the interior of St. John's Church here, and the work will proceed next week. The congregation is full of vim and can beat the most of them raising money. It is rumored that John Galbraith, the well -la -town horse dealer, was mar- ried Miss Ida, daughter of James Bowman, of this locality, in Toronto the other day. They will take up re- sidence in Dr. McNaughton's home, Mill street. The local fire brigade has been or- ganized, and none too soon. Noble Gerry was reappointed chief, and he. selects a new staff of officers, who are to be paid for fire duty, and also for regular practices. More people should know how to handle the engine, hose and hydrants than the dozen forming the company. i -ts.-7 Pay More And Get The Best. A cheap flesh burning corn remedy, is never satisfactory. The best is Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor, costs but a quarter, and is guaranteed to cure thoroughly. Use only Putnam's. I, Lucknow. On Monday of last week Mrs. (Dr.) G. A. Newton passed away, aged 49 years. Lucknow Fire Brigade intends to celebrate St. Andrew's night, Nov. 30th, by holding a ball on Friday evening, Nov. 29th. •Mr. H. Bogues had 2f, first and 17 second prize tickets attached to his poultry exhibits at the Lucknow, Rip- ley and Dungannon Fairs. Treleaven Bros. have their mill run- ning day and night to supply the de- mand for their flour ; both local and export shipment's are increasing. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Malcomson have moved to Walkerton. Their depar- ture from Lucknow is regretted by many citizens who wish theta well in their home at the county town of Bruce. 111r. Fred. Grundy has returned from Manitoba and taken over the station- ery and jewelry business of Wm. Mitchell. Mr. Grundy intends to set- tle here permanently with his family and devote his attention to making a comfortable living amid the scenes of former success. When Your Back Hurts. Of course it's hard to work. Stoop- ing over hurts, lifting is tedious, and you wonder what to do. Ever try Nerviline? Nothing like it for weak or lame back. It penetrates to the core of the pain, eases from the first application, brings cure that defies a relapse. No liniment is so clean, so soothing so certain to kill muscular, rheumatic or sciatic pains. Your dealer sells Poison's Nerviline in large 25c bottles, Why not try it ? • • M M w • • • • • • • • • • 1: • • • • 1: • • • • l• • • • trs r BEAIITIFIIL DRESS GOODS IN TWEED EFFECTS. Were 60 cts. per yard, but are now offered, while they last, at 49 cts. They are worthy of special attention, for "money saved is money made," Also, a nice assortment of Clan Tartans -- very pretty and 'very good. A,nd all shades, textures and quality of other lines of Dress Goode, that for beauty of finish and excellence of quality, should claim special attention. No trouble to show 'our goods. JUST A WORD about our new and fashionable Ladies' Coats for fall and winter wear. Every garment properly cut and tailor-made and finished exactly to our order. Come in and see them before you decide where to buy—it will pay you. • D 6Aaaana VI�li 1121111.1sf)f1111l1ljfhI1HI1I1ll1 A great out in FLANNELETTES here now. A good time to buy them, • M. GORDON 1 1 Clinton. There is trouble threatened over the Waterworks bylaw, recently carried here, and those opposed to its passage may invoke the aid of the law to test its legality. The News -Record puts the case thus :—Charles Hillier, the deputy -returning officer in St. John's ward at the voting on the waterworks bylaw on Monday of last week, certi- fled to the vote being 62 for the bylaw and 31 against. The next day he went to the town clerk and made a confes- sion of wrong doing in connection with the vote. His story was as fol- lows : "In shoving a ballot, which had got stuck in the slot, into the box, I used my Iead pencil which slipped through. I opened the box to get it out. I put my hand in and pulled out a handful of ballots, but without get- ting the pencil, so I took out another handful and the pencil. Just then somebody came in and in nay hurry to cover up the ballots I upset .the ink bottle and the ink ran over some of the ballots. These 1 threw into the fire and marked as many new ones, all for the bylaw. 1 cbanged eight ballots." When making his state- ment Mr. Hillier was nervous, eitcited and very near to a collapse. The bluff put up by the opponents of the bylaw had evidently brought to him a reall• zation of the seriousness of the of- fence. He was not an inexperienced deputy, the he had acted in that capaei• ty for the Liberals for many years and in then same ward, Cut Prices In Furniture S. GRACEY offers some very special cut prices in Furniture. We don't often have such Sales, but we want room. dere are a few prices : We offer a $52.00 Parlor Suite, Wilton Rug, spring seats, backs and edges, for $40.00 A. $38.00 five -piece Suite, for 30.00 An $15.00 four -piece Suite, for 13.50 $18.50 Sideboards, for 15.50 Special Prices all through, on Bedroom Suites, Ex- tension Tables, Parlor Pieces, Rocking Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, &c. NEW SCALE WILLIAMS PIANO. If you have any notion of buying a Piano, don't buy until you see the New Scale Williams, one of the best Pianos made in Canada. Call and see them at our show rooms. We offer very special prices on them, too. S. GRACEY FURNITURE DEALER and UNDERTAKER A knowledge of Business Paper is of inestimable value to every young man. An accountant must be familiar with the uses of notes, drafts and checks to hold a responsible position. The young man in business for himself should possess the knowledge necessary to draw up 'correctly all manner of business forms, such as .notes, drafts, vouchers, leases, part- nership agreements, etc. He, who intends to remain upon the farm, must know the meaning of "negotiability," "indorsing," "dis- counting," "protesting," etc., or he will find himself "out of pocket" now and again. 0 We thoroughly teach all these and many more valuable things in con- nection with " Bills of Exchange." Write for our large, illustrated, free catalogue. It explains our Business and Shorthand Courses in detail, and shows the value of the Business Educators' Association Diploma to our graduates. Our graduates are in constant demand. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Members of Business Educators' Association. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal, London. —Hay is $19 and $20 a ton at Col- lingwood. —Six inches of snow fell at Cobalt one day last week. —St. Catharines has decided to vote on a local option by-law next January. —G. G. Morton, a Kingston machin- ist, laughed so heartily at a joke that' he cracked one of his ribs. —Mr. E. Bowman, of Elmwood, has invented what he calls the Ideal Cylin- der Snow Plow. A company has been organized with Hon. A. G. MacKay, leader of the Ontario Opposition, as president, to place it on the market. Hunter Bros., of Kincardine, are manufacturing o ,model which will cost $12,000 and Is to be ready Janu- ary 1st. It will be tested on the In- tercolonial Railway. —The townships of Tilbury and Romney are great oil producers. In the October statement, showing what bounties were paid on oil in Septem- ber, they are credited with 32,993 bar- rels. —Geo. Merritt, of Owen Sound, left home in 1891, 10 years ago, and from that time his relatives had heard nothing of him. Efforts to trace his whereabouts were fruitless, and they had given up hope of seeing huh again. Since his parents last saw him he has had a checkered and eventful history. He has wandered far afield, in the Canadian and American West, British Columbia, Yukon, New On- tario and the Cobalt. His ventures have prospered, until he can be count- ed among the wealthy. STOMACH TROUBLES ARE THE WORLD'S BIG WORRY GET N TOTHE TRAILOF NINETY-NINE OF EVERY O HUNDRED 0{F OUR EARTHLY ILLS AND YOU CAN TRACE THEM BACK TO THE STOMACH.—YOU CAN BANISH STOMACH TROUBLES FOREVER WITH Dr. VonSfan'sPine-appleTablets • Doesn't it stand to reason that nature her- self has in herself a cure for our ills --and doesn't it stand to reason that nature rebels at many of the nauseous so called remedies, that pass as cures for stomach ailments? .. Dr. Von Stan's Pine -apple Tablets are na- ture's cure in very deed, because they're purely vegetable and are extracted from one of the most luscious fruits that groves ---and what a boon they have proved themselves to be, is' best expressed in the hundreds of un- solicited testimonials that could be printed AS YOU MAKS it To the preacher life's a sermon, To the joker it's a jest; To the miser life is money, To the loafer life is rest. To the lawyer life's a trial, To the poet life's a song ; To the doctor life's a patient That needs treatment right along. To the soldier life's a battle, To the teacher life's a school ; I'fe's a "good thing" to the grafter, It's failure to the fool, To the man upon the engine Life's a long and heavy grade; It's a gamble to the gambler, To the merchant life is trade. Life's a picture to the artist, To the rascal life's a fraud ; Life perhaps is but a burden To the man beneath the hod, Life is lovely to the lover, To the player life's a play ; Life may be a load of trouble To the man upon the dray, Life is but a long vacation To the man who loves his work ; Life's an everlasting effort To shun duty to the shirk. To the heaven -blest romancer Life's a story ever new ; Life is what we try to make it— Brother, what is life to you ? —S, E, Kiser. here—and which will be produced if you're a bit credulous. - How is "our stomach affected?—Do you have sour stomach --distress after eating -- weight on the stomach—wind on the stomach —Loss of appetite--dizziness--nausea—sick headache and other uncomfortable derange- ments? --the first tablet will give you relief and persistance will cure... and there's no ease of stomach trouble so stubborn as to bs le Dr..'Von Stan's Pine -apple Tablets. gg cents s box at ail Druggist and medicine dealers. y USE OR. AGNEW'S OINTMENT for SKIN ERUPTIONS 3So USE OR. AGNEW'S LIVER PILLS. for CONSTIPATION 10o SOLD BY A. L. i3AMIILI'ON West Wawanosh. Communion services were held last Sunday in Calvin Presbyterian church. James Young of Auburn has started to build the foundation of the sheds at the Presbyterian church, for which he has the contract. Rey. S. M. Whaley, a former pastor, will give an address on Tuesday next, at the)annual Thankoffering meeting of the Harris Band. Ed. Durnin returned home last week, having spent a few months in the 'West, He will remain home until New Year's, when he will resume his studies at college. Dungannon Fair has come and gone. Good weather attended the fair on the second day, and as a result a large crowd gathered from the surrounding towns and townships. All the classes were well filled, and on the whole the fair was a grand success. Anniversary services will be held in the Presbyterian church, St, Helens, on Sunday, Oct. 20th, when Rev. W. G. Wilson, M. A., of Guelph, will conduct services at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. On Monday evening, 21st inst., a congregational Tea Meeting will be held in the church. On Wednesday, October 2nd, the death of Wellington Dunbar occurred at the home of his brother, Frank Dunbar, of Nile. The deceased was a commercial traveller, having his home at Guelph, but being attacked with an acute form of stomach trouble he came here about a month ago to seek a change of air as a means to the res- toration of his hQatth. Ile was ap- parently improving, when he was seized with a paralytic stroke, from which he never recovered. Do not miss your opportunity of hearing Rev. A. C. Crews, B. A., of Toronto, General Secretary of Sab- bath Schools and Epworth Leagues, and one of Canada's greatest preach- ers. He will preach in Donnybrook Methodist church at 2 and 7 p. m., Sunday, Oct. 20th. On Monday night he will lecture on "The Sunny Side of Life." Mrs. (Rev.) Finlay of White- church, Mr. J. A. Sutherland of Au- burn, and the choir will sing. Free- will offerings ; come early and secure a seat. Why Do You Faint? Sometimes from shock or fright, but usually because the system is weak- ened and depressed -it lacks power to react front sudden strain. This con- dition demands rebuilding, demands nourishment, which is best supplied by Ferrozone. In every form of de- bility Ferrozone is a specific. It for- tifies the digestive and assimulative power of the body, promotes the elimi- nation of waste materials, builds up tissue, gives energy and resistance. To have rich, red blood, enduring nerves, a strong constitution and last- ing good health, use Ferrozone. Sold everywhere in 50c boxes or six for $2.50. —For the first eight months of this year the total immigration to Canada was 216,805, an increase of 50,506 as compared with the first eight months of 1906. —Daniel W. Field of Brockton re- cently paid $8,000 for one cow, with the name of Poniac Rag Apply. He got back half the price within a month from the day of purchase, she having dropped a calf which had al- ready been sold to a New York breed- er for $4,000, She holds the second highest record for milk and butter produced of any cow in the world with the bluest of holstein -Friesen blood in her veins. She has a record of production that has jumped d from 279 to 809 quarts of milk per week, At five cents a quart for her milk, she is netting her owner an income of $2.20 per day. If turned into butter, the yield would be about a quarter less than four pounds per day. Blood, Pure, Rich, Tied. Rosy glow in the face, sparkling eyes, vivacious spirits are all the out- come of good blood. No surer way exists of purifying and enriching the blood than to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, By their gentle action on the bowels, kidneys and liver they fllter'every im• purity from the system, leaving it wholesome and able to do the work necessary for the maintenance of health. Tol be well, look welt and feel always at your beat, use 1)r. Hamilton's rills of Mandrake and Butternut, a truly wonderful medicine for young and old, Price 95e at all dealers. A ante for The Leadi New. PatteruA Buy Vour Fall and Winter Coats at Isard's AND SAVE MONEY A Busy Dept. MANTLE and SKIRT Department is a BUSY Section these days. No wonder, when you think of the wealth of choice in LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S ready- to-wear garments. The fact, too, that the Coats are all MODERATELY PRICED for quiek selling has helped very much to boom this department. We have 150 Coats to sell, and you can depend upon getting COATED at just the PRICE you prefer to pay. Prices range from $5 to $16.50 in Ladies' Coats, and in Children's, $2 to $7. Dress Goods. SPECIAL VALUES in all weaves in Dress Goods— see them and judge for yourselves. We carry the larg- est stook and OUR PRICES are the LOWEST. SATURDAY BARGAIN. -5 pieces dark Tweed Suiting, on sale at, per yard 40o Regular Prices. Compare our REGULAR PRICES with SALE PRICES elsewhere, and see what a saving you can make buying FALL and WINTER GOODS here. PRICES are LOW throughout the store. No room to quote prices here— we'd rather you would come and see our stock --we'll be pleased to show you through all Departments. Farm Produce. WANTED.—Large quantities of Butt. ,. Apples, Poultry, Honey. Highest prices. p Dried Apples. Turkeys, Geese, Chickens and picked. Remember, Quality counts. Eggs, Dried d for Bright ?)uckte--dry H. E. ISARD C IMPORTERS WINOHAM of Is Farmine Your Business ? If so, THE WEEKLY SUN, the Ear—' sin Paper, will each week be of Special Interest to you. Dar Subscribe NOW for The WEEKLY SUN to ist Jan., 1909, IN COMBINATION WITH The Wingham Advance, Only $1.80. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PJ r 4, 4, * * * * * * 4, 4, 4, 4, a 4, 4, it 4, 4, 4, a 4, 4, 4, 4, A Soatteratio of Goods Some Special Values WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR, PER YARD - 5c lOc 25c Flannelettes, worth 7c wholesale Dress Muslins, fast colors, regular 8c White Cross -barred Muslin, regular Sc Tea Towels Children's Cotton Hose Embroideries, worth 7, 8, and 9e Flannelettes, one yard wide, regular 121e Shirtings in Blue, Brown and Gray, regular 121e Ginghams and Prints, regular 12t and 1 , Heavy Wrapperettes, pretty pa`cterns,. aVorth 121e Heavy White Toweling Dress Muslins, regular 121c Ladies' Cotton Hose, regular 12t and 1So Men's Cotton Socks Embroideries, worth 15c Ladies' Summer Vests Men's Shirts and Drawers Ladies' Vests and Drawers Lace Curtains, regular 40c Dress Goods, regular 50e Hose Cashmere H o Tapestry Carpet, regular 85c Table Linen, 55 inches wide, worth 85o One pair Linen or Bath Towels Gray Flannel, worth 35e Ladles' Belts, Wash and Silk Ladies' Fancy Silk Collar's The above are only a few of the genuine bargains we have for sale. All Dress Goods will be sold at 50 eta. on the dollar. Something really special in Black Silks, Handsome New Black Sateen Underskirts, vary &hesp. A few odd Wrappers to be cleared out at Ooat, and • A TABLE OF REMNANTS VERY' CHEA?. P'OU'LTRY or ALL K11v1DS WANTED. T. A. Mills e'o'n r n n n •