The Wingham Advance, 1907-10-17, Page 44 FALL AN» WINTER Suitins and Overcoatims ,.We have the best range of these for this season ever shown in town. The fancy broad stripes are taking the lead in Suitings, although a few overchecks are still in vogue ; the style of make is varied, so that you can have the style you most prefer and know that it is all right. Come early and make your selection. FURNISHINGS. We have a full line of all the latest Fur- nishings. New and nifty goods arriving daily. Ha axwell &Hill. Tailors ang Men's Furnishings Moves A Full line of Coal and Wood Ranges, Buck's ply Thought Range, Radiant Home Heater, ood Heaters, Coal Heaters. A lot of Second-hand. Stoves. Call and see our stock and get our prices. H. Bishop - Central Hardware iia•.,.., A place of safety and secur- ity for the accumulations of all who work and save. Deposits of any amount accepted and interest paid 4 times a year at highest current rate. WINGHAM BRANCH P. SMITII - A.GEN T THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE IiE�D OFFICE, T01tONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALIZ. LAIRD, General Manager A. R. 1REl.AIO* Superintendent of Branches ESTABLISHED1867 Paid-up Capital, $1 0,000,000 Rest, -5,000,000 Total Assets, -- 113,000,000 trailoithroughott Canada, and in the United States and England GENERAL BANXIN6 BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED] , 84 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at Current rates. 'rhe depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. WINGHAM BRANCH .. A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. 444444444144444444444444 Coal Coal We are bole agents for the celebrated Scranton Ooal, which has no equal. Also the best graded of , Camel and Do, metililxi 1 and Wood of always on hand. kin dtw a e Vie, to. 615 " No. -64 " No. 44 We carry .a401 stock of Lumber (dossed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Barrels, eta. Highest Pries Paid fair 11 kinds of Loge. 111 MoLEAN TSE WINGHAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1907. ( ke xngbamUMW Theo, Hall - Proprietor, SnnsOmPTICN /RICE. -$L00 per annum in advance, $1.50 if not so paid, AnvEnTIBINo RATE6,-Legal and other cas- ual advertisements loo per nonpariel line for first insertion, 80 per line for each subsequent insertion, Advertisements in the local columns aro charged 100 per lino for first insertion, and so per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Strayed, ll'arms for Salo or to Rent, and similar, 31.00 for first three weeks, and 25 cents for each subsequent in- sertion, CONTRACT RATLS.-The following are our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods,- SPAcs 1 Yr, 6 Mo. 3 Mo. 1 Mo. Ono Column $70.00 $40.00 $2.2,50 $8.00 Half Column 40,00 25.00 15,00 6.00 Quarter Column.,20.00 12.50 7.50 3.00 Ono Inch.,,,,...,5,00 3,00 2.00 1,25 Advertisements without specific direotions will be inserted till forbid and charged ac. cordingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. �toriatj( w.r+ww.rnwwyW -The Montreal Witness, Liberal, has been revising Sir Wilfrid Laurier's statement, made when the scheme was proposed, to the effect that the section of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway to be built by the government would be built at a cost to the people of Canada not exceeding $13,000,000; and the Witness has come to the pain- ful conclusion that the actual cost of construction of this section will not be less than $125,000,000. -New York's mortality statistics show an average of 240 murders per annum. Only sixty-five persons are arrested for these crimes, or a fraction more than one arrest for four mur- ders. Thirty-three persons are brought to trial, which is about one-half the number arrested, or one for every eight murders. Of the thirty-three a little more than half -twenty --are convicted, This makes one conviction for every twelve murders, * * -Col. Lamb, who has charge of the Salvation Army Immigration work, states that the Army will do its best to secure ten ships for Army immi- grants alone, and expects that next year 25,000 people will be brought over. The policy to be pursued will be to bring the men `over as early as possible, and bring the wives and chil- dren after a place has been prepared for them. Ten agents will go to Eng- land during the next few weeks, and five will leave immediately to com- mence the work of organization. *** -Regarding the Conservative vic- tory in Brockville, the Globe says "The expected has happened," but does not say who expected the victory. If both sides expected it, then there was no disappointment. We rather thought from the Globe editorial that there was a very great disappointment in some quarters. The victorious can- didate gives the following explana- tion :-"I won out because I fought my own battle, unassisted, in an abso- lutely clean election on the record of the Whitney administration. The people want honest government." *** - Women all over the world are be- ginning to look upon 1007 as a red let- ter year for their sex. Their first notable step ahead this year was the granting of Parliamentary suffrage to the women of Norway. Then Swedish women were made eligible for muni- cipal office ; next came the granting to the women of Denmark of the right to vote for and serve as members of boards of public 'charities, and now the British Parliament bas just passed the bill making women eligible as town and county councillors and al- dermen. It is expected that, ere long, the British Government will have to yield to the persistent demands of the Suffragettes, and grant there the full franchise. * * * - According to statistics, the sea trade of the world incurs an average total loss every year of 2,172 vessels and 12,000 lives, and the estimated value of lost vessels and cargoes is nearly $100,000,000. One of the five year charts gives the localities Where 056 vessels were wrecked on the At - hurtle coast of North America, with the position of 332 identified vessels abandoned at sea, besides 625 derelicts that could not be identified, making a total of 057 derelicts in five years, or an average of sixteen to each month. The average time that the derelict remains afloat is about thirty days, frotn which it is evident that at least sixteen derelicts are constantly afloat in the North Atlantic, *** -Rev. Canon Welsh of Toronto took occasion recently, in the sermon Which he preached to the troops of the Toronto garrison and the Ancient and Honorable Company of Massachusetts in Massey Hall, to sound a note of warning against the evils of intern peranee. He said the increase of in• temperance was an alarming feature of Canadian life as shown by the fact that arrests for drunkenness in Toron• to alone have doubled hi six years. Ile characterized a man addicted to intemperance as one unfit for respect. able company. The conduct of society Welton was touched upon, and on thele fell the blame to a great extent. "'.The women of society can atop in- temperance at social functions if they choose," mkt the Canon. Truly this is an age of rapid pro- gress, Tho monster steamship Lusi- tania, capable of carrying the whole population of Winghain at one voy- age, hap no sooner trade her first voy- age than another step in advance is proposed. Plans are now being pre- pared for the building of a ship fifteen feet longer than the Lusitania, and with the enormous carrying capacity represented by a displacement of 50,- 000 tons, In addition to all the ordin- ary up-to-date eotxveniences and corn. forts, there will be on this new queen of the ocean a complete equipment in Turkish baths, a tennis'conrt, a thea- tre, and the passengers will be sup- plied with a daily summary of the world's, news received by wireless tele- graphy as the mammoth floating palace passes from one continent to another, * * --Wireless telegraphy is one of the wonders of this wonderful age of pre. grecs, Had our citizens twenty years ago been told that messages could bo sent and received from land to vessels hundreds of miles out on the ocean, they would have refused to believe it. Mr, Marconi announces that within a few days he will be prepared to flash messages across the Atlantic at one- half of the present cable rates, and then the inventor of wireless telegra- phy will turn his attention to trans- mitting aerial messages from Cape Breton to the station he proposes erecting in Vancouver, from which the next step will be sending messages di- rect front Ireland to the Pacific Slope. That this is possible Mr. Marconi is confident, and he is just as confident that eventually he will be able to en- circle the globe, * * -Mr. Dick, of Vancouver, is suing for two cents, and it happened thusly: When Mr. Dick paid the amount of his taxes at the wicket, the cents column ended in the figure 3, and out of curiosity to see what would happen, having paid an even amount, he asked for two cents change, to which he was entitled. The clerk at the wicket told him that five cents was the lowest legal tender in Canada and there was no change coming. Mr. Dick began to count, and found that by collecting "avers" of 3 cents each from 500 tax- payers, the clerk would get $15 more than his cash book would have a right to show at the end of the day. To show a discrepancy an the city's book between the proper amount of taxes collected and the money actually re- ceived would upset the auditing de- partment dreadfully. The question then arises what happens to the "overs" ? * -Socialism has increased in Eng- land to such an extent, that measures are being taken to prevent its farther spread. On a recent Sunday there were no less than 1,500 Socialist meet- ings held throughout England. That the laboring classes have grievances is true. That there is (and probably al- ways will be) a great disparity be- tween the conditions of the poor and the rich is also true. At the same time Socialism is not the great panacea for the ills that labor has to contend with. With legitimate agitation for the removal of grievances and better- ment of conditions, few will find fault. But Socialism is destructive, and dos- truction as a rule is not an aid to pro- gress. With this rapid increase of Socialism, it is not to be wondered at that there should be a counter move- ment. Preparation for organized re- sistance has been undertaken by the British Constitution association, which is non-partisan in its aims. A na- tional appeal has been issued by its president, Lord Balfour of Burleigh. * * * -At the approaching session of the Ontario Legislature, there Will no doubt be a Redistribution Act, provid- ing for a rearrangement of the con- stituencies. The Whitney Govern- ment is strong, and a "gerrymander" is not needed to bolster it up or un- fairly keep it in power. So far the ad- ministration has done well and acted fairly, and as a result has impressed the electors favorably. We hope that the redistribution will also be fair ; we expect it will be. The old way of car- ving out constituencies of every line- ginable shape and variety to suit party exigencies should be relegated to the past. We believe Premier Whitney is an honest man, and we ex- pect to see an honest and fair distribu- tion. Of course no change can be made without stepping on somebody's corns; but an absolutely fair and hon- est redistribution would very soon re- commend itself to the whole people. The last redistribution, during the Premiership of Hon. O. Mowat, was very unfair ; in Warty respects glar- ingly so. We expect a very different Act this time. * ---The Toronto Star is a bright pa- per. Although it is Liberal, it under- takes to give the Laurier Government some good advice, which it 'would do Well to heed, The Star says :-.I5 is expected that the revenue of Canada this year will reach the high figure of one hundred million dollars, This is more than the Government needs, or ought to need, It is true that the in- crease hi revenue is not due to increase in taxation, but is the result of the ap- plication of a lower rate of taxation to a greater volume of imports. But that is no reason why the Govern. meat should continue to Collect more money than is required`, When a Government collects a hundred million dollars, it la altogether likely to spend a hundred million dollars; if it is in any doubt as to how to get lrld of the money, it will reosive plenty of advice directed to that end. In good titres such Ideas an economy and low taxa. Hots are not fashionable, and are men held to be the marks of a timid, un- progressive, and unenterprising dispo• sition. When hard times come every- body will be talking economy, but it will be found that it is much easier to scale expenditures up than to scale them down again, Na bolter use can be made of an overflowing treasury than to reduce debt and taxation, and to enforce economy by keeping the revenue down, AN ATTRACTIVE .PRIZE UST. Over ten thousand dollars are offer- ed in cash prizes at the Ontario Pro- vincial Winter. Fair, to be held at Guelph, December Oth to 13th, 1007. The following are the different de. partments of the Fair and the amount of prize money allotted to each :- Beef Cattle. $1400 00 Dairy Cattle 1800 00 Sheep 1850 00 Swine 1450 00 Live Poultry 2350 00 Dressed Poultry and Specials, 000 00 Seeds , . _ 550 00 Judging Competition '' 220 00 Total $10020 00 There are classes and prizes for all the leading purebreeds and, also for grades, crosses and dressed carcasses. In addition to the cash prizes there are special prizes consisting of valua- ble silver cups, medals, trophies and goods for competition in the live stock, seed and poultry departtnents. These will have a value of more than $2,000. The specials for the poultry depart- ment will be published in a separate list, which will be ready for distribu- tion about November 10th. Poultry exhibitors who wish to have their ex- hibits in competition for these specials should send their contribution to A. P. Westervelt, Secretary, Toronto, be- fore October 15th. The Secretary will furnish prize lists and entry forms free of charge to any intending ex- hibitors. SIMPLE HOME RECIPE. Get from any prescription pharma- cist the following : Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces, Shake well in a bottle and take a teaspoonful dose after each meal and at bedtime. The above is considered by an emi- nent authority, who writes in a New York daily paper, as the finest pre- scription ever written to relieve Back- ache, Kidney Trouble, Weak Bladder and all forms of Urinary difficulties. This mixture acts promptly on the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, en- abling them to filter and strain the uric acid and other waste matter from the blood which causes Rheumatism, Some persons who suffer with the afflictions may not feel inclined to place much confidence in this simple mixture, yet those who have tried it say the results are simply surprising, the relief being effected without the slightest injury to the stomach or other organs. Mix sorne and give it a trial. It cer- tainly conies highly recommended. It is the prescription of an eminent au- thority, whose entire reputation, it is said, was established by it, A druggist here at home, when asked, stated that he could either sup- ply the ingredients or mix the pre- scription for our readers, also recom- mend it as harmless. r:r _ r There are now iu the service of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company seventy-four thousand employes, with a monthly pay roll of $3,700,000. Stop a Moment and consider. Do your glasses fit you accurately and give you perfect eye rest? If not, COME TO LONDON and have your eyes thoroughly examined by our specialists. We have every modern scientific instrument for testing the errors of the eye. Our success in eye testing is the result of years of study and practice, and you will benefit by our free consultation. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS, 237 Dundas Street - London. Ont. Open Deity 8.80 to 6.00. Evenings, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 7.00 to 10,00. Every Housewife Should Have A "Universal" Food Chopper. It will chop all kinds of meat, raw or cooked, and all kinds of fruit and vegetables, into clean-cut, uniform pieces, fine or coarse, as wanted, without gnashing, and with great rapidity. It does away with the chopping knife and bowl entirely, doing its work in one-tenth the time, and producing an absolutely uni- form product, ror cutting sausage meat it cannot be surpassed. Sold by J. D. Burns A1tTIt J. IRWIN A.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, --Office in Macdonald Bfoclk-, W. J, PRICE B,S,A,, L,p,S, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto And Denlaltllurgeonsloof 0 College of OFFICE IN ,3cAviui Broom - WINCIIAhi PRAOTIOAL EDUCATION is essential to success in the business world of to -day. The school that provides the best training along these lines is the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE (Yongo & McGilll Sts„ Toronto) Superior courses in all subjects. Students assisted to positions. Enter any time. Write for catalog. T. M. Watson, Prin, LARGEST AND BEST CENTRAL c. STRATFORD. ONT. By being the best this school has be- come the largest business training school in Western Ontario. Our enroltnent again exceeds that of a year ago. Why 7 Because our courses aro thorough and practical, with specialists in charge of our ContubrwiAa, SI 0wr11AND and Tet- EURAPIIx departments. All our gradu- ates obtain good positions. You may enter now. Write for free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN j PRINCIPALS Get The Best. It Pays. ATTEND rue POPULAR AND PROGRESSIVE ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. and be TIionoronav educated for busi- nesslife. All graduates of this school are absolutely sure of gutting positions. The demand is considerably greater than the supply. Now le an excellent time to en- ter. Write for catalogue. W. J. BLLIOTT, Principal (Cor. Yongo and Alexander Sts.) Protection and Safe Investment are combined in The Endowment Policies ----OF- The Dominion Life. A sound, well managed Canadian Life Assurance Company. Average rate of Interest earned in 190G- 6.73 PER CENT. WALTER T. HALL Local Agent - Wingham, Ont. car DOINION BANK HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital (paid up) • $3,633,000 Reserve (aea art ll vd- • $4,720,000 Total Assets, over $51,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. - Drafts sold on all points in Can- ada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of WO and upwards, and added to principal quarterly. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager R. Vasstone, Solicitor •44444444444444444444444•• You Make A Mistake If you buy a Piano with- out seeing our stook, comparing prices and taking into account the quality of the instrument. All the best makes always in stock - Heintzman, Newcombe, Dominion, and others. Also Organs, and the very best Sewing Machines. David Bell Stand -Opp. Skating Rink 444♦N4♦N4N4N444444444 Leel SALESMAN WA1tTRIS FOR WINGHAM find adjoining country to represent "Canada's Greatest Nurseries." A permanent situation for the right man, for whom the territory will be reserved, Pay Weekly. Free Equip- ment. Write for partioalars, STONE & WELLINGTON 11`011411lti, lltilti ltitllfi (Over 800 Acrbe) TORO1tTO - O tTAItiO People's Popular Store' WING -HAM Popular because we're satisfied with sinal profits. Popular because we use all our customers right- ' no favorites. Popular because every article we sell is just what we say it is. We do not deceive our custom- ers by misrepresentation. Popular because our guarantee goes with every article we sell. ,,.More 1VIoiley- Saving Opportunities, Roasted Rio Coffee, per lb....150 Green Rio Coffee, per Ib 160 1 -Ib, Glass Jar Blended Coffee 25c 60c Red Bell Tea, per lb 85o 25c Dates -.8 lbs. for 25o 1 -Ib. Package Dates Go 30 Large Bar of French Castile Soap 25c Uptou's Pure Clarified Honey in 1 -Ib. Glass Jars 16c 25o Pkg. Gold Dust for 15c 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar ...$1.00 A 50c piece of Graniteware, and a I Ib. tin of Art Bak- ing Powder worth 25c -all for the sum of 50c 35c " "' " "lb. " 4 Tartan Brand Table Syrup -the quality guaranteed. Put up in 2 -ib., 5 -Ib., 10 lb. and 20 -Ib. tin pails. Oatmeal Prize Package. A Prize in every package, Price per package 10c l0c Royal Gloss Starch for, 8o 4 Pkgs. Challenge Blue 10o 100 Pkg. of Fromola (Rolled Wheat) for 8o A Lot More Ribbons. Pure Silk Ribbons, regular price 20o to 25c a yard. Speeial priee to clear, 15c a yard. OARPETS.-Big Clearing Sale of Carpets going on every day here. Pricey away down. Ready-to-wear Clothing. Overcoats, Raincoats, Suits and Pants - at Clearing Sale Prices, Carpets and Clothing must go out at any price. See that you get your share of Bargains. We're still selling Colored PIates at reduced prices. $1.10 Dinner Plates, per doz.$ .79 $1.00 Breakfast Plates, doz.. .72 90o Tea Plates, per doz...... .68 25c Salad Bowls, now .12 75c Glass Fruit Set, now.60 350 Glass',7ugs, plain .25 250 Night Lamps .15 $3,00 Fancy Parlor Lamp2.00 $2.60 " " " 1.88 $1,75 " at " 1.30 WANTED.-Bntter, Eggs, Beans, Potatoes, Dried Apples, and Good. Fat Chickens, Dry Picked. Do not scald your Poultry. You'll get better prices for dry picked. Jno. Kerr NE Everything Cooked -ON T1 -IE Huron Range Is done to a turn. You are sure of satisfaction if you patronize home industry. Call and see me when you're in need of a Furnace, Rase Burner, Steel Range, y Cast Range, Wood Stove, and in fact anything you may require in the Stove or Heating line. J. BUGG & SON