HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-10-10, Page 34� -�- . -� -4 ,:�- ­V/ I/ a . �, ­ ­ I . �: � , .. � ­ .-1 � 111. - ­.. . ­ � -1 I-— ­ ­.. .� � , ­ I—. 1- . . . . I, ­ I.: ­ -1 � . - ,. .. ­ I -1- I ,, � I I � . . I i - - - , , � . - I .. I - - .�� ., -- � - --I--- ­­ -­.-�, t ­ . ot:�A-tlih;': !'A . - ­ _:­ . . ­----�,��­' � :�- L-� --� � . ��;�. � ­�­­ ­-�,��--L� - �* :�, ­:: " . ­ -� _-.-- ­­ ----- -- ��- -'. ­­­: .., ­ -..-- ­ - � I - . - ­ ­— - � � ­­ ­­­ - - - . I- ­ � , . . . I � �-W" . Atlantic traffic. or else 0 t t valleing 'With a frout 10 miles 0 A "14 ? 1 UX and WAS cOU6111111119 every 00111bil JVAIJ' thing la Its Wsy. Every log, role, branch I Steamers be built fOr the I " we now 0 1 � I A" witio ttoo- FIGHT FLAM" s1t 1 Able 5 THE FOR` MID` ;, Tliti proposed change, if turbine steam- I * era are built for thc Atlantic service, will or limb was removed front the lkno, and . . 1. - I In"a MQ'In :1 reduce the vo ggde,to Canada by several the litter was sho-reled out, leaving only "* I' - � Do' ,,,,. ,and Sayin.,cip 0i hours"while , tratiou of the 'Voyage, IN FORESTS. the soil a ooed, Then the back fires ,ft 41 '14r. IL 604 4wyel , It I x 1"k. rt *, X across the Pacific Should, be lowered by ,were startax, with complete success. The toompartson With Qaebec Bridge—Intervi WA pa, ly , - ,�. 0 V 00.-g . 1 two days. fire was stopped Ana tbo.pine timber w4s . .rty, In September of last year the ,,ils NIT4,1010-DOLLAR BRXGADZ XAIN- saved. out *SaJ04 04" ­* I :i7 wore 41 Superintendent Turnbull. III am � ,., I . " Olvered in Yokobaula. by tile Can- TAINED BY UNCLE SAM, The Forest Service at this time lies 6 0 , . England. 1 -, adhill pilelfic. route in twonty-three days. — 039 rangers And 404 guards, who are . . , a yw. s,t bo, annual "et of bloyr %birty- �. - learning to be raa)gero. They patrol 100 (Vi dII-0gh Nowo.) bridge in tbre , twthastlel - , . I : With the improvements foreshadowed In Us� Fire, Not WAtor—B.attle C4rried on national forests, scattered from. Okla. , Is the Fortt 4A-Idge safe? The ques- Its upkeep being About 95,00. Alm 310,1116" #0*++0+##0#+*0*+04+410I ,c-:-��0404-K-,�^%444-c-*.-oK,!Ooq the re�port, and Nvith the Acceleration of or Many as Case Requires' hamA to Alaska. , . 1%.very plate, rail A I , L nd rivet 1.4 exitmill. ' " )4i'14 ... the .3 froul. It I L, . Canadian Pacific trains on the main- V 040 MAa I V r . tion Is one iv loll, has been, frequently ad At least once A year, -And the kcan der o."4'* 1*%�.'d no .!, � - III— ,,, - Harvesting Record. Iona. The Dutch Government alone took land, which will be possible now that the asked allies last week's lamentable die, eyea of scrutiny are directed very a$- dolagi, of otb*r,, To convert JAtg broad what four hours from Ireland mentIr 350 of her best line ig being improved and doubled, the The greatest fire-fIghting brigade in colaily Into the little crevices at all lu general InUir - , 11 11 - mares, and the position In this country malls In tile near future sbould be delir- THE STOMACH ON STRIKE, aster in Quebec, Which resulted in the ache onsromod me previously was standing com was the re the world is that maintained by the functions where the workman might not 40 W40 to alt $ad � markable feat accomplished In. Lincoln- is so unpromising that several million ered in twenty days, and it should be . lose of so many lives, and the total do- e.%crciao the amme care AS they Would in poun out of it in the purcluise of fe,%,;Iblo to travel completely round tile National Uovernniont. It extends the I � I "I Mil think I 00, I shire racentlY. The exporiment was a 'o arm struotion, of what WAS hoped would be places where the surface is greater, and to 104, I'll I amm 91C04 1 W - . 11 * ., . L therefore Much He bt, I co Id lmw - , I I .... . 1, ' . I I 0- bor, I ' _ The Tonic Treatment for ludiges- an engineering triumph. The great steel more easily covered. of it foua 41 , -'&- � .I , made on the farra of Messrs. Dennis Br as which, owing to lack of official world, from Liverpool, -in thirt"Ight , tough protection of its velitursoute den . - _ d 1! , F .. ­ I C 171 ,ol, ,,, 't thern, of Kirtou. An nore of earn w breeders cannot days, I Around all the store of timber wealth � structure 'which was designed to eclipse "Altogether there 14 a regular staff how little I im I , a as financial support, our most s=eeoofa 01 I . I marked out, bound, thre6itertl, and grouiA , produce." in the national forests from Mexico to tiou is the . the Forth Bridge and to take its place as of sixty men eingaged on the Inidge, bat or w —n- 1 4 -11 I 1.9'. I I . 1� ­­ ' India In Figures, one of the wonders of the world now at present that number is sue-neAted' , IINVIttle I was up oiad Ar $01*0 -: I by t1te ractivei power Of An ngriculturl . Alaska. The qualatest I ireniam of them — I than the sells got bu*i,w =Nd ' Usetor working with a patrol engine. First Municipal Railway, A wealth of interesting information Ali is the grizzle co"'boy ranger, whose Loss of appetite, coated tonguep bad lies at the bottom of the mighty river considerably on mount of- Q6 relaying 1 %as, 04 1"Ot Ill Z= F= AxL more of ground Was also ploughed, , lite which it was proposed to span. of the metals, an undertaWng which will 1 tily allad t�lvff - I. ' eoulpment is a mustang Polly and A P tat3te in the mouth, IlekVvY dull headache ure, lavoluntitily dlotmoed toQui t� b4$ L .rhoi Lord Mayor of Bradford on Tues- concerning India is contained in a statia- It is not unia.aturAl, therefore, owing take three yore. to accomplish, at a cost : I laid we down in 4�w wue,44o am %Awc cultivated, tilled, harrowed, And Sawa day opened the first municipal railway 011811, who may combat sillgi,�-Omndod I f eeling—theme are . I tical abstract just issued -by the India 11 11 and a dull Sluggish of my chambe Is , jw. iiM CIS with a new crop within seven and a half in Great Britain for regular passenger for a week in Santo lone go 11 t e the symptoma, OL atolliltell trouble, They to the fate of its rival, that public at- of something like 435,000. No fewer me wholly ar"Ito f W or hours. traffic the Nidd Valley hirflit Rallwav, Of fice, I i ,7 -?q in -o creeping flaiiie& that seek to devour the indicA,jo at tile atora"11 is on strike, tention ,should he directed to the ot011. ths.n. 1,200. logs of American oak, each '� allothei Uuk of patixk 11 do wm ` '' SOAlied In Flaming Patrol. Terrible details concerning the de of a motor-ownibus driver were given an Inquest at 111'estminater on Will Swift, ent Gen Omnibus Vlompally. !Me conductor of tile omnibus Swift went underneath the vehicle stop the flow of petrol from the ta the top of which had brokeir, and a knoments afterward therz was a rep and he saw Swift, who had become so ed with patrol, running up the roadv his clothes on fire. Ile want. after Sim throw him, on the ground, and put cap over his. face to preivant his a being burned. Two soldiers -who v passing took off thoir coats and the flames out. ,Swift was taken t hospital, where lie died a few days In A verdict of accidental death was turned. . . I , , , , Died After His Sermon, The Rev. Alfred Love, who has b vicar of St. Paul's, Greenwich, for past thirty years, fell dead immedla 41ber the service on Sunday evening . Mr. Love had been in failiag health some time past, And although feeling disposed attended both servieva on day. In the evening during tb,.� ser he spent most of the tlii,,A in the ves but insisted upor, preaching tile ser which he did with great finpressiven . When leaving the church Mr. Love to the ground in an unconscious at He was carried to the vicarage, wher was found that life -was extinct. The text of Mr. Love's last ser was taken. from the Fortymsecond Ps 2,ad verse. "My soul thirsteth for for the living God. When shall I a and appear before God?" , I � Caught by a Shark. I *A stoker named Hammond, bola to the Royal Mall Company's line * Flat&, met with a fearful 'death the vessel was at Colon. He disobeyed orders that no me of the crew was to go ashore and se ing himself in a raliway truck, was veyed into town. On his return the p -,afused to allow him to go on boar Hammond determined to try to s off, to big ship. After the had SwIlin a little IVRY he iseen to be in difficulties and thou boat put out to his assistance, lie seen to disappear. Next day bits I less trunk, Irani which both arms legs were missing was recovered. harbor is Wasted with sharks. I "Ghgats in GosgIeV' Speaking at*tlie annuati meeting a lust4tute of British Carriage Man, turars at Chester recently, Sir Wi Angus Said he did not thw1c that the tor car was fulfilling one of the purposes of the plea-6ure carriage. L did not live solely for the purpose rushing through the air at fift,y an hoar. That novelty would wear . There was no more beautiful obje the world than a well-dressed wow a beautiful carriage. There Was a de for the sight of such objects. L would not go about for ever "disg as ghosts in goggles." . Menagerie Mystery. The motor -car would remain the convenient carriage for getting into quickly or for long distailects, bu frileasure, taking tile air, and lite lends the carriage would agaill a ri itself. The management of the Blac Tower hhve been making inquirie garding the mysterioua deaths of 9f the finest forest -bred Animals in imenagerie at that popular place o tertainment. Among, thostricken beasts were I a magnificent, Abyssinian lion wit handsome mane, the favorite of visitor, -his companion lioness, and or and his mate, altogether repress over Z1,000. Strychnine poisoning was susp but expert evidence Shows the call death in each case to be pneumonia lowing on a rare form of diatempe Reply -Paid Stamps. Within it month the reply -paid c system adopted by the, Po,,;,Lal Union gress %t Rome last year, at the ins of the British delegates, to facilita ternational correspondence, will b augurated. Correspondents in any country N the Postal Union will be able to pur these coupons at post -of f leps at a c 2 1-2d, each for enclosing in their I abroad, where they will be exchan for a postage Stamp of the same va ! Fewer Horses. '01he seriom dearth (if foals in country, wWoh Earl Carrington bw phasised by pointing out thar there been 10,000 fCrwer this year than I really a national danger." This statement. was made recent Xr. A. B. Carlton, Secretary of the I ere improvement Society, an org tior. which is working in conj unction the Brood 'Mare Society and the C4mmiqsioners on Horse -breeding cream the present annual grant of ODD which is paid by tile, G .overnm the last-named body to inipf'ove th ditions of horse -breeding throughou country. "In time of war the position o Government would be exceedingl5 � I . I I � - � I . .-.-----I'- ­­-- , I I, e forest primeval where the wealtil, of tile that it is no longer gulnishing to tile Ity or the Forth Bridge, which has been �3 feet long, will be required before the . to"lla there And-" ;, .11 The line extends from Pateley Bridge Towns .. .. ......... 4, .* 0, 2,148 And Still 0A I t, aV4 1 d14 to Ticifthouse, a distance of six miles, Villages .. .. .. I. I. .# ages is being stored for tile generations b i nouri4liment t4l,at viewed by thousands of people from tile work is finished. These logs act as a little Sleep; 4ftp 4, 4 . 723,605 load the full (inota 40 c It . , t pbla 11 4,'Q ,)i. and there are four siations, en route, that are to come. far corners of the earth. "Is It safe?" sort of bad to the rails, of AvIlich some. awaketil -A I ath Occupied liouses . . - . . I, . :: I, i5,841,315 the body demands, house every orlyall tdFfw4 the pa�iq I Tile rallway is a single line, with pass. The battle has been on for two months suffers. There are two methods Of tre"�i- Asked our Bdinburgh reprqsentativa of thing like 6oO will be required, white I )bothlog to otop at Population .. .. I. .. ....994,301,050 Mr. Turnbull, the superintendent of the each of which "In 20 pounds to the ,%lonally. In my 11141tie futile aomlor�t , IBM in places, and is worked oil the e-lectric past, for this is the season wben the inent, the old one by which the stomach WII9111hol rellet somehq I would sit up taslet system. Fis perhaps tile most astonishing fact to dry twig crackles under toot and the pre-digested Bridge. . Yard,11 I Of Q28 , on tha: eral ur trains are run daily b thered from the Bluawbook is that is humored, by the use Of . "Safe?".� lie ejaculated, in A, tone of "You will r4quare a tort or A Iat I o'elock I W�t � in each direction, and the railway Staff a 9" absence of rain invites disaster, Here foods and artificisl fortnelitS, and the two Of sat up uuUI-2 and road and thm I I � Said Appointed by the corporation number a British-borit population of under 100,- and there in the stretches of solitude a new 4az�-Wie Dr. Williams' Pink pills nlarlss, and as he gazed at the great agala. the "Cooth 4111 woblilt lust tho, " I t , palul annually%?,, and lying thus, suffering, -tbo hours . to eloven person.%. The rollhig-stock was 000 maintains a peaceful control over ourling smoke has turned in tile alarin wethod--by whiell. the Stomach is toned girders and mammoth tubeq a "About oeyeAty tons, and it is be- slowly by. In the ,PTeV*iUv$ Still . I � nk, purchased from the Metropolitian Rall. more than a million square miles Of to the vlgIIA,nt fireman and Ills battle up to do the work nature intended of faint Smile crept over his face. cause of the caxe which is exercised in the night I heard hour attwaer Aourr I ,� tel way Company when Steam power British territory And rules over 230,000,- has been waged. it, A, recent sure by the tonic XremtlPent "That Bridge," said be, in a voice that the iting of the bridge that we are clocka -of our llsfghborboa,4 aWke, wh , W WAS o0o of tile naetivo population, Tile Native The national forests, aggregating in is that Of Airs. Jas. W. ilitakell, Fort would have convinced even the most nor. able the ooean of Silence, there oo=o talnt = , , , L superseded by electricity on the "Under. I discover the slightest flaw. It walling at an infant Ill. . me , � art, States ,and agencies cover An area of area more than 150,900,ODO acres---cilougli years I = All the rest of the world was A#1W, ground." . Maitland, N, S. She SAYS', "For Vona, "is incom arably the strongest, is not possible for even a slack rivet to B, ..Ideo. . 11 but me. -my a ak. another 4075,000 square miles slid con- for five States the size of ,Pennsylvania, I therefore tile fast, In the World, and escape our eye, At all junetions where awake .4114 suftap� Portion was to lie therIft ith I . enjoyed petifect I I -sons. -a bud taste with 9. continuation of that. care which �40rftl . tAin just over 55,000)OOO pet The or ten Ilk West Virginia, or forty-five headaches seized ins. I 119A 04 expansions take place, export workmen "At 4 O'clock I got up %ad pai-fly r I ift, Chicago Meat For Army, Ift gvtages spoken num like Connecticut -are not unifoAll Ill . I my raouth; my tongue was loated; I is at present bestowed upon it, It will are employed four times a year to make Went out An the sitting room and "" , , his Scrupulous calls has to be ex n t4 . big chair And read some more, the totth a , OrCiBCd In Of the total population no fewer than tDP0gr1lpb7, or in climate, or in voge 11 -ew tired and Oppressed; my appetite live as long as the Yyramids of Egypt, a searching examination; in face, no , I I. 'tion. a selling just the same; *ad 6444tis yes the preparation and packing of tinned 207,147,MO are Hindus, Mabommedans Some Portions are steep, rugged, 9 only The running load -and I �Itihiln�l ,.4 left me and snob. food as I did eat am taking the toil, however unnecessary It may bep last I fell asleep Again at 6,30, tb igeop un*�4 . - I ere meats for the 11ritish. arlity. So bindin u or I r ) stions n or A" a] most inaccessible. Other parts are coin- caused distress I bad severe pams in average Aggregate weight of a train at is considered superfluous in the proser- 7. So on tht first night I 4got two Ani: a X 13 hours' sloep, but frout tbot owild- no 14 put are tile conditions Imposed by the Go - 3 241, an a ng other religions are atively flat. The forests in one local- JAY alleat. I 100i till strength slid Was Of- 200 tons, although there are many of vation. of the Structure. 0 0 a ernment that a large contract, I Ilk , in, udd list, P see, Jewish, and r,,r may consist of mature trees, -with them very considerably less caught in the big chair, I woke to and (40 " Just placed . not ten seized with Vomiting. At different -bas as OThere tire dbt wind gaug,Os," cOUtin- I tooth atill aublag and with the ache quite �, , ter, -with the Libby, McNeill & Libby Cord- I is m much undergrowth. In others the times I was treated by scale of our best much effect upon this structure as n nod Mr. Turnbull, "distributed all over I undiallaisho.d. . re- pany, ChfeagI5, was not, it is stated, Those of the Christian religion are undergrowth is dense. High mountains t,hair mouse would have upon. an owk table the bridge from the highest to the low- "It so happened that Tb44 an, appotaftkoat . doctors, but although I followed wtth my deatis fo,r 0.30 that ,day. Ra apppoW- - eagerly sought by either British, Attstfa- split up into fourteen denominations, predominate In one region, valle?s And treatment carefully I did not get kuY by crawIffig across it. eat level, ivhich enable us to obtain a 11101at MU40 same UM48 batore for work is, Ilan. or Cana4ini; firms, these including Anglican (453,462),Arill. ridges in others and tablelands in still better. One day ,while reading a paper "As far as I can see, there io no oow- fair estimate of be done Ill the ordinary course, ,and so, I I Tile representative of a large colonial onian, Baptist, Congregationalist, Greek, others, Excessive drouths in one section I came across A, cuo similar to mine, parlson between the Quebec and the wAtted ter that time in, the meantime, sat- 1 e packing firm stated on Saturday that Lutheran, Methodish.. Presbyterian, may be rare, and in others dry weather The Velocity of the Wind, fering through the &y. an Chicago would never Quaker, IWman Catholic, Roinio-Syrian Is the rale. wbioh had been oured by Dr. William" Forth Bridge, for, -whereas It was pro- "What the,wdeatlBt iUd tor ane, be W4 I � ;... the pink pills. I immediately purshased a posed to embody in the structure which "But," queried our representative, ought to.give me relief In ,twenty minutes, - tell a packers. ThL� tint baa to bn, (Jacobite and .others,) And Salvatloni*t, In 'developing its plans for fighting on ply and it wits not long bOf 1*0 they lies collapsed only something like 38,000 I'does that Information Serve any prac- and as a Matter of fact It did; and from th ficers, Post office work io enormous, as will res the Forest Service onsidered all P 0 . . pay- 'I ]it VieiV of 13ritish army of fi a began to help me. I grew stronger day tons of steel, between 53,000 and 54,000 U41 .purpose?" 4 o'clock till 6 that 4ttomoon. I Iliad ;4 respite a p guar- be gathered from the following figures kinds and conditions of country. Tile for, . from painthat while not complete WAis om� . I 0. "t for the iKight of each tin had to be . by day till now I am as healthy as I tons were required In the completion of "Wall, it gives us an Idea, of the Strain foxtiar, but at 6 o'clock Abs old ar,bo "t in- Ruteed to half an ounce, the kitchen for 1005-6; eat raner Is the Government's fire ever war. I have a good appetite, am the Forth Bridge, You will see, there- that Is brought to bear upon the bridge. in again Just the aanl4 aa4'ss lywd tw ever, � 5un- wbere the meats were packed had to be Letters ... ... ... ... ..... 645,120,042 scout, picket and skirmisher. The dry strong and active and can attend to my fore, that there is About two ygare ago, it- will be remem- and I felt that I was in for emobber nls;t cornerless, special machinery had to be Postcards ... ... ... ...... 324,200,490 Summer months are his busy time in na- of It. and the eveat .proved I vu I -, vies houseliold duties without fatigue. I have A Wide Margin of Difference ber4 the X.4nt, one of Oe -biggest crui- "TbIt ,,,,gnd night I got a b , % # our'L try, made in order to pump out of the tins Newspapers ... ... ... ... 40,200,838 tional fore0s, ,of the west, where pine - tile Parcels ... ... .. .... .... 4,955;379 needles strew the ground and the trash no hesitation in reocknineading Dr. Wil- Although it was proposed that the Iirld- aers in the British navy Was blo" aft- 11 'o'clock. Bad 1 slept 0. . . . Con, & certain percentage of air, IVIxile, liams' Pink Pills to all sufferers from eat spari of tho Quebec bridge Should be ashore, at North Queensterry% On that -night to, i a. in,; b . read for s.while, ;"."%1t`.'Uk I eas. quality had to be examined by at least Boog Packets 43,710,064 and litter become like tinder before the indigestion." particular ocossion the wind- was blow- .� fell half a dozen experts, Telegrams I , ::* :::.*::.::: 10,401,117 miatumn rains set in. Rheumatism, kidney trouble, Maur- 1,800 fbet compared with the 1,710 feet Ing at about eighty-five mile an hour, the big Chair 4sdi� once moto ,to ot . Plaguo and wild animals are the two There Are in this service it total of I,- algia, St. Vitus' dance, headache and Span of the Forth. The height from tile � a -In th� ,I)Ig chair from 6. ate. - 200 men, guards and rangers, at the surface of the ,%veto and it had absolutely no offactan n ,the 7, malting ,t*4 � hours' aleep, rar the - I deadliest foes of the native Indian. In - r to the top of tile .into ... (C nd -then I doos4ed for the dAy. 'at a It ' Treasure Ouesf. the last ten years as many as 4,000 height of the season. There are veteran backache, palpitation, general weak bridge is just about the Same, in fact, bridge, which, taking ratio plats, ,now, spent with only four . j000 � ness, said, a host of other troubles, find An attempt is to be made by a London persons have died of plague, while 251 - rangers in the ,service, who are pRid $1,- the crown or dome of the Quebec bridge the fact that It &aa iL surface -of some- WE hours' slimp ,shosether and a . mo their root in bad blood just as in the thing like 300 -acres, will give you some perled of -thirty-sey.w ,botlro",of oont 1 n ,nis 4?O a year, while the guards who, as be- was all that added to its immensity core. Buff -aping. I was worn and wxota *. . alm, syndicate to recover treasure valued at 000 have been killed by wild aiii ginners, throw a squaw bitch on a pack case of stomach trouble. T'hat Is why the pared with the Forth bridge, idea of its stability.. I had a. conver", the ,tooth still_ ached. , Go nearly 41,000,000 from the sixty-twb and snakea in British India alone. with difficulty, are paid but $720. The Dr. Williams' Pink Pills treatment is "Doubtless there will be it searching tion IvIth An eminent enginer tecently, "But at 8 o'clock, just utteir I bad d � I d, ships sunk eighty years ago during the always a success -they are a powerful and he imparted -the information to me asnit for the dentA4, with whom - . protection costs a round million a year) ingstigation into the cause of the dis. that no salon an aworgency appolutment for tbdi q . . OmG battle of Navarino. Xx,000 Reward, , blood builder and nerve tonic. Sold by as r, but tific Instrument h4d as yet 9 *'Clock, Ills PaIn allL . I , A concession front the Greek Govern- but the estimated timber saved from des- my own opinion is that the Ing t .pain all L , 11 ment PAS been obtained by this syndicate, After some three months' unsuccessful truction is placed at six times that fig- all druggists, or direct ftow. The Dr. I search for the man who Ulu Wil margin of strength was not sufficient been invented which coulddeteet -the os- w a ' cut t poleop on thia e8mm on . I to L �. which is registered as the Navarino, and rdered Mr. are. Then. further, the guard and the llama' Medicine Oo,, Brockville, Ont., and as soon as the train had gone on to cillation of the .Forth Bridge, I bove tile danitAst'O office. WbAt t'he ' General Salvage Company, Limited. ' Bernard Bauer, A, diamond merchant, in ranger have various fields of usefulness at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. the bridge it had caused the anchorage heard people say that lightning we this tlme�:he said ouglit to ebop.the 00a vn- in ; � Irl I uld . t1rely; Und that' day, from a. 'a. - 4 �, 9 L 9 Voll eighty yeart the sixty-two ships his office at Melbourne, Australia, in other than fighting the fires. They are or Struts to Bear, with the result that aff,,ot tolls bridge to such art ettent dartio V. in. % to , ��d Ul avad bnompilete Atind a6tim ute .. h! a - I .0 I a " r June last and Btole a wallet of dia- the rulers of the small realm in which GOOD OLD TIMES. it toppled right over." day that its collapse would be inevitable. relief, .it t leaj,sd rellef w st tl 1, ' ` rhen of the Turko-Egyptlan fleet sunk by the ment have re- "I was r an Mum, W.tb�,ut forces of England, France the,y are placed, and it is only through . "What are the weak points of the The same engineer to -whom, I have 11 we , I , I 1. monds, the Victorian Govern I ,ill allied naval the." hours ofVree4om. from I ,11 , '' ., and Russia, have lain undisturbed at the now notified the police headquarters of their consent that timber may be sat, the with �tho gi;'yd'� delight a uVal I Quaint Custonis That Recall Decidedly .Forth Bridge?" queried our represents.- ferred was of the opinion that A—'. � L_ mber Europe and America that they axe pre- live stock grazed or other benefit de- �rldgo is th"'"Wttftlfffddg"odnd,fteWf*",,4,iet' thed " lingr 48 , p,�,=' t a4 t , 9 I I bottom of the bay, but now a determined five. coutinn- grumble a littl; . W, b. a didu t ret- Odd Manners. tyl rived from the reserve. The tolls for IiIt has no weak points," replied Mr. b"k as It had befox ... C was transivilt, con- attempt is to be made to refloat them. Pared to pay a relvard of A:IjUOO for his in the world, inasmuch as it is a , olle It is proposed to raise the Yessels bodily apprehension. . these privileges are collected and go far In the first place, the woods were full Turnbull, promptly. "Its strength is nits chain of steel, and if vat any time and slight; and that"' I I slept grAnd 0 ) Un tile afternoon of June 7 Air. Bauer, toward paying the whole expense. li Mill g, did strike it, it would simply straight througl4 my TI ,,nig1kils. 4eep d, F30 and to recover the valuable copper and of mail, runs "The Chronicles of a Queer such that it will long outlive the present . who was a member of the firm of Ballet Nearly everything depends on the ran. I Xau: itself and, do absolutely no dn,M. throe niglita. . will, oak of which they are built, and the 114d Shalimar, diamond merchants -of Lou- ger. He must be,quick, constant, tireless, Girl" in the Ladies' Home Journal. They generation, !it fact, if it is well lookei .is 4 In the morning I woke to *1 ud the treasure guns, and other articles known a were numerous as the sands of the sea, after, which I have no reason to doubt, age a little 4orer agail.a. *4 ., � all.1119 I no Nvva don and Melbourne, was in his office The most efficient work is not the sub- And life WAS interesting, to put It mildly. that it will'be, its life is positively un- Mr. Turnbull -hold out the invit4tion to. as It had been In a -llmyy Slag but in, Modern chambers, Collins street, M el- Cluing of great fires, but in preventing A, bigher Altitude, And entering a narrow, onough to make me unoomfortable gh, a It is regarded as beyond question that In my time there was no such thing as limited. It has no allotted spari. The disturb me with the t,hought th1vt Was the Turkish -Egyptian ships carried a bourne. He ,had told a friend that lie them. Fifty men might have their hands the paring off of one couple to "keep oftener I examine it the great we dungeon -like aperture In the wall we the um. ache might at'alty, m4aute return, lead- very large quantity of treasure, consist- was expecting a customer to call at five full to curb one forest conflagration. One all, to the �e I commenced our ascent. When Is itdn',t; -the teoth Just, oumbled . "I o'clock. Shortly after that hour a busi. cool-headed man company" for years at a stret my wonderment at its extraorlinary 9 DO %4 . ,� slid ing of loot taken by raiding alone may stop the fire exclusion of other friends. A rl. -was wit Of the arch was reached the wind through the day ugtir I oaniq to . my ,`-.t. towns of the Moretti And speel ness acquaintance, on entering the office, if ke reaches the little blaze in time. 91 strength, and the more I marvel at the next Visit th .. The a, estimated . . free to accept the attention of any and ingenuity of the mind that conceived the was blowing in hurricane force, and. one the deatistIz, wliloh Vail fit �` � � . at ;e736,OOO, for tile payment of the found 31r. Boner lying on the floor in a A ranger scouts and guards an area of could from personal experience form a !Uhos P6 in';' and this dins' itie - stoDped the . . . . . . till young men, and have a different plans for its construction. In very truth . good and all, after.a siege th J- ,-- pool of blood with ,his- skull smashed ,In. 75,000 to 150,000 acres -enough for A aligM -estimate of the exposure to Which covered. from begirtillog to end, a . ' . be 0 , crows and the numerous troops upon the He was alive, but died before cold small county in an Eastern ,$fate. At es6rt to every dance, picnic or party of it is a national Achievement of engineer- the men employed On the bridge are sub- seventy hours. . . I ,. "­ 1 ;; . , .... war vessels. make a Statement. A wallet of diamonds times he leads a lonely life. He rider, the season. Even An engaged girl was Ing skill. Just look at this," continued . ted, especially If a gale, accompanied "Lven the Soreness had now dig . � .- .. It is believed that the greater part of PCs- long days alone Among the uninhabited not expected to go only with her fiancee, Air. Turnbull, and he pointed to an ex. and that night at Items I found mrav! I . � o- ­., f the the treasure was carried upon the flag- which he was known to have in his Iry" drenching showers of rain, should be ing. All my misery baA Aeparwd; � "I Ission had disappeared. mountains, sleeps where night finds him, but made things lively by entertaining ,patislon gauge of the southern extremity ufac- ships, apd its two large vessels, believed se n ther Young men, of the Queen0erry cantilever, "W,toh blowing up the Flrbh. alght I slept again, graladly, T�MaweKtf I Ilia- to be the ships of The murderer had got clean away with 0OOkS his meals,' cares for the two or the next moralug I awake tittlit. f th6 Turkish, and Egyp- and keeping the community upon the qui the effect -which is 'produced by the cross- The Need of a Steady, Head pain, and rested, a now inmm cated, the him for the saddle and the p vivo as .to which would be her final initof a train. Here's one coming." and an Iron nerve on the part "I had. come task to :1 "" , his booty, leaving no clue behind. The tbree horses Which he usually takes with tha... w ' MOIL I. ill, w Ino- till.n Admirals, liave been lo ill, w aeks and of all an- B, ' :h, wer, occupants of the surrounding offices Joys, and the world and . , mail] prospects for the recovery of , I., ".."'. a the wealth choice. was An. express, and as it thundered Mod In the pr servation of the bridge, oack -to me. The tm-es waved -the r b Adis are regarded as hopeful. had heard no sounds of a struggle. Its, all the time lie is alert. No distanii den- a Let of cently, however, certain important in- her must catch him napping. He must There was ilme for Idling In those across the bridge we eagerly scrittinized which is &till without Its compeer in the at me once more sod the sparcows-, On all the Turkish, and on many of a always ready. ra for fooling dull care. and for me; the bells on Ow carts ot ., miles the Egyptian 'vessels, were brofize can. f ralation has reached tle Victorian po. b days-hou � the gauge, which, even when the train World. The following details of the size . 'a Frequently a high peak commands a baffling stern necessity. A pretty girl Jog,led musically; tile 14LI off. lice-5he miscreant is believed to be in was a quarter of A: mile distant, gave in- of the different parts of the -bridge "' al� 9, R , 0. . , Attu- E -la-- - bot k non, worth from 4100 to 9300 apiece. View of all his territory, and when den. was 11kely to spy from her window an dications.of tile wave motion causea b ),( .� � 1. at in According to Admiral Cordington's des- Europe -probably in London -and the Ft should,be Interesting: Cass( - - g, I w 0 the , � alt in Australasian police .have therefore just ger from fire 14 great the ranger, instead interesting group of pedestrians or a its travelling over the cantilever. Total length, upwards ol 116 miles. Ma a ,�1105*ful tin ow th'a I , I - atches, there were 1,700 guns in all upon lie canyons and dashing horseman At almost Any hour moved about three -sixteenths of all. inch, .otted al ... 9 the at, , p, of riding up and down t . as t Yr to ,=,a - mand the sunken vessels. ,. supplied Scotland Yard and the chief cot.. gnIthes, often stands sentinel oil it of the day. If she went downtown (Ac and as soon as the train had transferred Depth over piers, 342 feet. �uzz W Ile automobiles, I lied adies .�. tinental detectiore offices with a descrip- peak AS girls Depth at ends, 41 feet. aound at Cho hammor Comilla Ire a house uised tion of the suspected man and A. list of Scanning the horizon by day for smoke. did not often, gentle reader, 40 its burden from one catitilever to an. Diameter of largest tubes, 12 foot, In the ,:Ielghborhood aliewre thoy o&rVant- , . Cunarder as 4'Home!l Bring. . . . o 1, the missing jewels. The description 'IS LIS Experience makes him an expert in dis. itaivudays). It was strange, indeed, if other the bridge resumed Its normal Struts, largest diameter, 8 feet. 'I-Ever.otidy seemed to be dolng cometlift . . Mrs. Elizabeth Rohrbach, nominally a foiloww. tinguishing betweell a smoke and a there was not rivalry as to which of equipoise. Central girder, span 350 feet. ,n,d everybody seemed to be feeling good; I � mountain mist Or a cloud, and he rarely the youlig gallants should walk home of Lite �. resident of Evanston, Illinois, whose Age, forty-three yeare; height, 5 feet "The wave motion is really part Toital amount of steel in bridge, over the sun was ablMns, the Air was bright alid . � M40U tutche, ir- makes a mistake when he takes a good, IvIth her. On Sunday the rear Seats of the great strength of the bridge," re- 53,O00 tons. whole world waz full of ,peeca and 'Joy; most death on board the Cunard lined.Etrurla 10 in.; medium build, fatr a - . long look at a questionable column of tile sanctuary were comfortably filled marked Mr. Turnbull. "If It were rigia Length. of south appromh . viaduct, %,world in whIch iu,bt to live waA A deligAt. . to is announced, has been for years it per. dined to red, no beard, wearing a 'What a blessed, blessed poilef, and I kope, . wit M&nent passenger aboard the vessel. brown, almost rusty, collar on a sac vapor, A novice might ride a horse to With young gentlemen of no special re- the structure would not be nearly so about 1,890 feet. I way nover, nevor agaja. buvo tootho,cha � , t for In ibis she followed the example of overcoat, and black bowler hat.- death to reach a patch of fog against a ligious professions, and it was by no safe, and there would be an infinitely Wind pressure allowed, for, So libs. per 'd wouldiii't V0111stairilY Stiffiet It or %uy - ting distant moun )r1ce. If some maa Should. come along wKb ssert her mother, Mrs. James Carson, who It is admitted that the recovery of taln. The ranger knows be- means the least interesting feature Of greiLter strain upon the rolling stock." square foot. - 1 million dollaxis, to be m1p) lf.1 would,,, - lived on board steamers of the Cunard the stolen gems can hardly be hoped for.. fore lie starts, And when lie starts he the service passing out -of the church The Slightest Movement Is Perdeptible Greatest. depth of Water in channels to take It with a tootbiaChs '.AttACb=1BAt, I would kpool line for twenty years 'until she died. diamonds, and *'he liat"loo "ll, be five or it door And doww the line, smiling and be- on the gaugo." be spanned, 218 feet. m1w: You can take it away aW � ouTn it it "�� - a In t mil stowing -glances on them as they stood cantilever pier (mas- y " ' . �. . a re- When her mother died Mrs. Rohrbach therefore difficult to trace. The murder gi�hi, h,r',y.,,':he.s.tb,y, He bad scarcely _given utterance to the' Total height of Ou Wish. my friend', it bas, no Charms for. *1 engaged the same quarters on the Etril- ad man's gold watch, which bore th a hurried, with raised hats, gravely -saluting one .1 nine . 0 but careful, examination cional came hen a waft, of warm wind ble oury) above high water, 209 feet. me; I take for my music the gremat joys , :1 � d left the vessel only when it was monogram "B. B -o" ,was also taken, but I, bles him to pretty devotee after another as all words w AV ircular pier, of painiess poverty., 1, . I � ria, an across the bridge, and a sound which ra- Dea& weight on a single a . �,, 1. 1. .A the 1 decide vIlether he can handle the fire out With the Sabbath halo aroull.ed her . . ,4 f oil- necessary for her to go ashore and. attend is feared that the case has long since single-handed or -whether he should call face. sembled the click of a clock emanated 10,000 tons. I RUSSIA PACIFIED. I ,�"f " ' - ,� I � to matters relating to her property. been melted down- It is believed that the help. If he needs Assistance he may call There was a custom, now obsolete, no from somewhere in the vicinity. Average time taken in building verd . .-I ruce, man wanted, whose name is known, has on settlers or miners, If any are near, or doubt for lack of numbers as well as "IT -hat's that?" I inquired. oleo to full height, about, seven months' Terror and Death Combine. to Make it .. � .. I a 'Free' Pardon. recently been seen in London. he Mr. Turnbull laughed. . "But another Thickets steel -Oates In permanent I � . . I - ,� I . the may go himself, or send some one, to spirit, of giving a pretty girl a " rand r f" hei explained, "of the extraor- structure, 11A inches. . Quiet, . .. !, every Mr. Henry Underwood, a Birmingham nearest telephone And acquaint the rush" on Sunday afternoons, As flook P.00 , I I if steel plates Of late it has been piocTaimed official. . I . a tig- man who waff convictedof fraud and. sell- PAIRM TEETHING. supervisor and the ilearest citizens with back now I can see a phalanx of bota dinary scientific skill with which the Upwards, of forty miles < .� liting tenced to twelve months' imprisonment the situation. Ile then does the best lie and trousers, audacious faces And but. bridge has been constructed. That click are used in the construction of the -tube.q ly that order reigns in Russia. It is un-: " " . ' in 1003, and again to a similar term in There Is n in baby's life call With the fire until help arrives. Thp tonhole bouquets moving Along the vil- is Indicative of a sudden change of at- alone. doniable that even threats of industrial ."111 ected, 1904 on Friday received a notifietAlon o period teeth- Government is extending the telephone morphere, nild in this connection I might Foundations were commenced January. !tyikes are heard no longerl that mut- �. � so of from the Horne Secretary that the King that mothers dread more than lage street 1. , - - - just remaric that provision is mado f6r 1889� . inies have ceased in tile Army and n4vy; . Ing time. The little gums are tender through mazy Of the national forests - - - the expansion of the bridge three times GTeatest cielyth to which same were that agrarian outrages litive become relo, �. 4� , fol- had granted him a free pardon anade. and inflamed; .the child suffers and is And private or company lines are fro- NEW YORK ODDITIES. - greater than will ever be required In our carried, 88 feet below higb water. Lively few, and that when they occur . r. aided to allow him compensation. Sleepless and cross, and the mother is quently avAilable and assist greatly in Underwood was a canvasser and the �ortitlg and subduing forest fires. The municipal expenses of New York climate. No jar or strain oaa p6asibly The largest numeby of men 'employed olicy are punished with ruthless, sdteri usually ,Worn out caring for the child- " ni a , � I I They fight fire Ivith fire, when less City are $14,700 each hour. affect it. Look at tIfS rails. You will in its construction at any o ed inassacre of Jews at a - , I charges against him related to dTmpery. The use of Baby0s Own Tablets 41- drastic measures fail. A small blaz . T observe that provision Is also made for between 4,000 and 5,000. . aeff on Sept. 9 has been denied by the ­ OUPOR tt Was alleged that he gave ahain, con- lays the inflamli�atlon, softens the ten, a just -here are a greater number of personA , '.t , 4 Pon tokens pttrpo.r serve as a Wild der swollen gums, and brings the teeth starting or burn -b of ;ovarnment, and -it is possible that thik ., � -it I ing feebly may be beat- in New York City six years old than of their movement backwards and forwards The bridge was opened. on the 4t , e� :1, Con- tin according as the, bridge contracts or a-,- March, 1890, by King Edward, then )riginml reports:%vere cinkgerated, Tlntf� ,, .,� � tance of official receipt 1IN11101 small ptircham through painlessly. Mrs. X. S&11�e, St. On Or stamped out, ot extinguished' by any other age. I L '.44 . � to I deposits handed, to him. He asserted Ross do Lima, Que,, says; "When my shoveling sand on itp or by raking a No city In the World has so many near. pan4s by the influence of the cold and Prince of Woles. the comparative tranquillity, however 10 ' path in front of it. W' .1 11- .WJ '4�. �� 0 in. most -positively that when the frauds babK was cutting his teeth lie was Iciv- by pleasure places As Now York City, the. heat. They might be designated Mr. Turnbull, ,who Is directly respon- -,lue not to acquiewtite in the exiaiWir , - When a great forest fire Is ragitig, the and no city presents so many discomforts split rails, and the wave motion of the sIble lor the care of the gigantic strue- regime but to terror is evideiit from tu, '. - �- - I . , � 11 were alleged to have been cominitted at erialt cross and did not Wce nolarish. fighters go some distance bridge is also reflected by their move- ture, Is a native of Wiliburgh. He had itatiaties publis4ed on Sept. 12 in * , , r A in advance of in getting to them. 2aws" -� , �,! ithin Tipton, Staffs, he wag at Greet, nearly non r giving him Baby's Own it and outlanes through the woods "ross Conditions in the New York City sub. want, which, although infinitesimal, is charge of the Tay Bridge for saveto"n 81ovo, a thoroughly trustworthy . "# i chase ten miles away. Five workmenle wives Tablets be cut six teeth vithout the its front. All logs, brush, IORVOS and lit- Ways shows that proper ventilation is still apparent. And then as to vlbra- years after it was opened, And allout paper of St. Pets, urg ., � :..'- �, 1 oat of swore to Ills Mentity,but. several others least trouble. I have never used any ined- ' Y as the ter, clear down to the mineral soil, Are, about as far away a's it was a year Ago. tion. Well, here's another train coming, ;b -Tee years ago Area promoted to the It a ears t at TO , otters could not d<s So. In spite, however, of Wile, for children I prize so ll�gbl removed from the lane. Tile fighters go An employer of many men suggests And you can jud for yourself. I think charge of tbo mightj "Fortb." lutiona agitatio 11 11 gable the weak -points of the case against him, Tablets." Sold -by all medicine dealers far enough ahead of the fire to give th . you will admitgaint you have felt as A - t I I . lite. Which the Recorder pointed- out in Sure- On, that cortain seats, properly labelled, be t, of at or by mail at 25 cents a box from the time to complete the lane before tile fire set Aside in the Now York City parks for c rt of a carb . cides, and Che an ming up, he ,was found. guilty and met ,Dr. Williams? Medicine Co., Brockville, The Game of Conversatton, " ,6 f*,# tl reaches it, for it would avail nothing to the use of parsons who are willing and of coals passing your house," Lances to prison. Ont, ther fire to owee around the end anxious to work. It would be of advan- On came the Iron horse and its hemvv To play this game successfully t'"ro the .'.I- is I - U ., parrall T tago to them and of assistance thi those load, It . this If the partly complete opening. It was one of the "fliars" whie of the company privastely ogree upon up- (lea 8 0 eMI World Shrinkage. LUSITAXIAIS TELEPHONES. . The conflagration which this summer who might wish to employ them. ' traverse the journey from Ed,ltibur h to oil a word that has several rtiennings. 4,r)4 while a a'! h:%ve . A further step toward the realization � threatened Cirleauliva forest, Arozona, hper of forty Aberdeen in throe hou4I. telt,d The 6wo then enter Into conversation. 2,1 icti 6. , 'wo --tttr ted �st, is of the fdat "All -Red" route of railways The System is as Complete as That of was Started. by lightin outside 'the na� years' experience suggests the pressing- Snorting, even Rfar off, was all too indi- wbith Is obliged to be about the A , d "I'll, . And steamers to the lir East Is fore- Any Hotel. tional forest, fit a regIflon of denso and need of a, syatont to expedite makin cative of the weight of its burden as they have obosen, '"Ibile the remainder homicidal work chargeable t,6,, 4 . 9 _ " -0 - ly by shadowed in the annual roport of the T . tangled thickets, which burned like tin- purchases, and getting goods and change well as the speDd at IvIlich it was trav- of the tonipany listom ernnient ikq ,,-t , riwitionists. Thu ., "... lunt. Canadian Pacific Railway company. he great size of the Lusitaitia Mass- do, The flames soon attained a wide . party Im- I 1� . In the department stores, instead of the elling. A quartbr of a mile distant, and - Wheit azy menibor of tile ,11.1 their pa,rt, have xssts4VAi6- I ..� ani At present the company -has ethod, which makes patrons low still there was not a - t V%-=", zit. two go- sitates the adoption of some means by front and advanced toward the valuable a tremor. On, on It agineg that he )log guessed the: word I ed eiglity-t V60 Gelloral% or Go , ' r ­ wrth knot steamers of the most modern con. pine timber In 0hiricallua forest. Super- =rand ie convereation, but, if be sixty -on; ptafects stud 8,04-9 saborditia-fie � Royal structioit, the rimpross of Britain and which the navigators 0A the bridge visor McGlone took charge of the 00 tAng- pationce because employees rumbled, end still no effect of its com- way Mil in IJ must immediately officials, 1rJjstrIbut&d t;llb , could communicate their orders to the cannot be trusted. In could bo felt. It pabsetl VAth 11 finth he is Tdistak-on geogrOklealy, I 9 to In- tire Empress of Ireland. completed in era, miners and settlers who had r". ,,New York is a starless cit swish, and the ,current of air caused by drop out. deaths have been most Auraeronit N '� &5,, 1906, riinning on the Atlantic- betiveen etow's nest, the larecAstla and the after- pondod to the call for help. A lane 40 recent resident as he set on his newly- It4 excursion invited one. into tile vor. 'fo give an illustration: Supposing the European --Ausafa; text in 1'01&nd and ' ,nt most bridge without delay, and it was feet wide and 12 mil intion , to Liverpool and Canada, ,and three older On long wits cut acquired suburban porch And looked oil tex, but the movement Sensation, Of It% two pl%yera 160 AtArt thd 0onver southwest Poland: ill" ill the 0"lls ty, hi� ';4 _ I , , Q ­ , � , _ _ , � , _ _, _,. . � �lab . � __ .,. �, 1 duma tb6 0 , 'i ble 'o, 0 10 M , . 1014, I "I53 d a con- 16 -knot steamerm running between Van- considered equally desirable that PR8- through the jungle of chaparral Across our neighbor Mart. "The only one to be passing was practically nil. accida upon the word "box." TbOy mlgbt then in the, D4tjo p,tojillo,", ati I ) t the oouver and the Fair rikst. The directors nengera should be Able to speak with the pathway of the fire, which was ad- Scott there are the so-called star% on the "The average individual," continued talk Abont the People they had Seel' -it in Siberia. Not even lljalu.,rd, I I . recommend that, the two 20-kiiot boats rser, stewards and the like without i , I 1 i I . � . . I I . - stage, while the real stars are Shut out Mr, Turnbull, "is not Aware of the fact the thOdtte. Then they could eav brAy of its reco�eTed aubaliQrMv. Aw has f the be trayisfe'irr�d to the Pacifle, And. be re- r.1101urring the fatigito -and delay of it 11 , I , � ,� by, buildings and the street lights that that tile interior of the Struts or maln- Moll it looked in the gardati. Au� I'M seatlitid. , , . Bar. placed by larger and faster boats for the journey which, in a ship of Such -vast � calle Join. Such hns bbeen. the ,,, , I I I I I - dimensions, inight be very oorisiderable. blind the eyes to anything beyond them." moth tubes of the bridge are fitted with largo It seimetlnlOs 91'"'. If 90111, - . -­­-----­.-----­­­ ­­­,.­-­,. I I There will be about ten thousand more lailders, which etia,ble the men to exit=- ed In oil this they could quickly chaug( of the nowinAl ra , , Tho system adopt4A to secure this holding it I fin I ­. I I I Is -An the public schools of New York Into them thoroughly and facilitate And tell abollb 4 IRr9O casn' latest revolutto . 11 I 0000000 '00 communicability- is that of the telephone, great numb of things. ote 7 tile Wottl published death � . tuitpyi thig, month than. there were one Year the b6toction. of Any Flaw. should .1 . e�,mxl Vic 01,81011 I DWI so thoroukhty has It been tarried ago, at the opening of the sk,hoolq. �- indication of e robion %ilifell of t I I it - I And it will ba . . . A New Orlea,as woman was thio. 011D That no 110TOI ties a completer 8yaw 11 tent of tolepholild communication. The ' k Ic - I . : 0 1 toutse, In th6 greatest enerny wo hr.we ,tq,losing IT, sea ftrtnoi, an - to., gather ch a wor< and Start ednvor- I 816 I ' *"'('" tho'e��;Ar`s � . Because she di'd not extract suffideut -1 . analogy between the statlon&q hott a And that, possessed of' the power of rA. id � How the Aall Wound UP. I (Houston, Tax., chronicle.) 14 to to fight against. I Ana very PICASO tiny, however, that, as far as the Interior an lion an - -----#,&4-- i , Wil 1're Announced . noutishment from her food. , I I locomotion is carried still further, or I Just its the guest can seourb trunk con- k I 45yw, do beauty ita, Chivalry tb OlAaka- . ­ I t6vn mingled In the 1*111`60111-" : *f the brldg8, so to apeak, Is concerned, flia, work can be ovettAken in a very Learning Orammay All Ovet. . reform w She took Sevet'-si 9malWon. I na hold couvorm with those 4 hoctions a � at a diAfAneo, so can the passenger on : - 1 "MIURICA, yo, 8871" I I'Mingled till ,bout Iloven ololook, -Den I : feit wetkm In the winter time , for there is praotically no enrrostoft whatever. YOU (plillildelphta tt000rd.) solicut-1 always rdt Mixed on the u" 0,' douhtt ferocity Is . I Result-. I I the Lusitania Iollon that vessel is along- 1 .... - 6 tide the stAge Or w1tarf at Its moorift . . : ddy 3nixed.11 �+� I � . was & gpirited mitinctitioll b6- I ! There see, therefore, that every book and cttm. ny of the gigantic Aructure is Submitted . 4%bo.111! af4 "will. " Oynielt"Oh, wait till ,Von get wmvlod and "It *ill diRcover that P. %all mys "I obAll" be 8"11, a Ill Nov,yh ' , Nfite She gain6d a pound a day In wal-1 glephollf; � I ThiN is effected by linking the t e I I tweell book 6olleetors at tkitheby't on to ths closest scrutiny In the courAe. Of "d a wentiln odya 'It Will." — aubitantha DAU4(0T8i 86a. AND I sli-atem of the Ahl with tile tentral ex- 0a 3c n Aange, thus ollablVilig the from 4a. . ,I the,gath ult., to geelly,4 the first edition 04 P... � rt " s I of Dullyall'A pilgrim'd Progress. five pAinting oporj%tions, which go on Ile."- pejutilly. NVe have 28 wen ponstmitly . ---­*-*� Tho )low Carnegie rumle, Llbrnvy M vileasill" to e,onv%,ow I ALL $1.00 .9L - 46604 0 0 'MY 6 I passtriger U the privitey of Ills own cabin to Valk with it 4 so siq ago in the town, i 4 ,,y : d only i 1 huniartd And twenty pounds was "llng- 17 pa4A for it by Mr. Quariteb, . . . engagcd, and their united efforts litO Aep4od to accomplish tho paintitig of 04 I . m I y !paid P, WallAe0butg Will be for A I * 0 or 400 NOvembOr I- . rdheevoo,ov York ftb it- I . 1. 'r, I-, .. I , . . i I " . � � I . 1� ,-A . . � .. . - A . ' . � I I C .- - 1. - &­.. ­ , - . .. :," �.��..&�..,&,, , --.696— - ­- . - Imfisdowills"-d. - L— - - . . . — Jig— ­�--, -i.Ww11'-A­-6A-' 11. I 1" -ZZ.��-16­- - i lia-Led0h- , "M-MV11111011 - -,&­� � - 0100010MIN!P - - imm"