The Wingham Advance, 1907-10-10, Page 2413=1.M. 1/ 11Pue What We do for a keew • olleetaiteateesaitealtebeeseeseeeeliteek lag boaeala coUnfaotory. While collections Luc awl ohm aud mimes beaks Light and all et eel heel. lie eau 1 vett the ' erudite are limited. thaws is u fueling of tt ei moat mu% e tats of t lie semi , 11.1111:11den.ce regarding the future. These 0011- TI1E IVIARKETS dames are the reault vtausorvative meas. urea lutslituted by the batik.* Lied big jobbles houses. tied it ni geeurally felt that ouch ' meat:auras have :served their purpose. A big beabuMb trade toes Levu dune, but the re - tallest, have boon eautieuei le their waterloos. A geed +wrung trade itt expected to opeu tap thoughla. liti has filet knowledge. lie ie eft Date, tsitnea at the moment. llts sin ...y 1,, t-omplete. lle lotilsed at tsitul tit 1 al sue n ILII hes t %tenni% e pore 'utility, saa the man taus it dupe, a, ‘tcluti, a t ,e1 ol tile peat. 1 Ite Wall itto‘tal 111 .1 -',;-,:t-trature. tmiki...1 ,.1,ti,i,... 0 bah) tail 14011, llie tune Toronto Farmers' Markets. Juin how la heavy and ablyneents will be large I : early iii the *Josue. The inoveateet, of gouda I ‘Vheil fortune had no smile for you, d An- imii had not 1 110 stamp of highest. au. 1 he icceipte uf gram to -day Welt. Until tlip close of eavigation. Spiaaal of- ' joy seemed out of reach, And you and happiness, alas! were ; le. theta). "I did 11. ignorantly to oult,dicl. „nail, 1,,,,i, pu,.,., „R. ‘,.iy 111-m. Kt 1 ky gfiritotlufui.w.bitObiolliatri;tilladuntl.oanhtiAl ttithLUdt,,:ortuettit aWur.etzmt:trirl ._ oai.gtonents that ate not deep se.1 t eil 1, higher, 300 bushel, sellitig al 7 I tu 7.::e, , very far apart, . etc easii) allele& tied made thc crnoise Oats 111 to, 200 bushels setting at .-the a Le crops. An excellent °who! le grocaury Did you ever stand at twilight ou %eine i se at , st 1 a ng and soil:. " I wan net die bushel. trade la IlloVILLg. Pricea gueerally hold firm ' di, die:it I ii the litao eit I y t is l . I eon Fat n lei s' pi ot11.11:0 Ill good supply, with quiet, wave -watched beach, Witinhase--There its now a feeling of coefi- nut' ou cauned geode particularly au. Alld let the tiea'S tsoft monotone speak , bled ma welt ttesh and bloi.d." Ile daily piothiete % ery thin. Butler sold dunce for the future that was hardly in ex - comfort to your heart? • .1 lio 1 0.0. 11...b 1 he 11081 1, Lave b 11 .14.11 uni . it 21.1 to 311c per lb., and eggs at 24 to isteuce a week ago. The much reported crop WIlell life had lost its bevel- and chill wile thee possible. Thu aosit likely estimate : thotking is t00% tog :0,4 peolot.e, w a). 1 28e a docen. Poultry plentiful atel damage 16 begiuulug to be hotter gauges' theu disappointment fell ' A hen alllbitioll 15 crook0L 0.11,1 liel ve, ',v. barn illat Lho damage enemata to about thirty On the cherished plan or project that And %%hell eelitlal thoughts MUM. Le ud ealilti.ity.: in fair supply, with sales of le nor cent. of the tots.1 crop. But, owing to jested. you had gladly inatle, loads at. *21 a toit. Straw ateatly, a high pricks tho retures le the fartnere will. ' ' • ' Dia you ever bend your footsteps to Paul 1,1ia .1 , .ig ,,,n,,pt,„,, of weal. load ot billialed aelltiig .tt tab), aati one as a wboR. rue about twenty per cum lents Seine greet turf tranquil dell. aees, lie imagined it. tatitnint.cd lu a cel ur loose at co. stew and mousy 16 taght. Matt that of luta year. Cellettionis are atilt laut pattern, %%hen in reality it Colibibt prenbod hogn are illichrriged al $8,-111 Vancouver and Victoria. -General trade cue - Where the treeireaesez leaves fur heal ing and. ege birds le4ag ••d in a ecitain thstweition. 1.11cattiens ta unafraid? .101. Ilearlivss to the llitolie, tall III Ilise t‘z;ltith.a.,715111It4.1m'.11tItii,til,/.1llid.itt 4;8.'5 for liteiv... , . % age ut Money ill Ole other parts of Catania (numb brisk all alums the comsat. The saurt- When deatl' lad east itssehadow and a I - • e 100 ,P 0 00 iii. however. losseulug tho activity lo west 10'0;4 Yoko was still , mee te the king; nut J. posseSs1011 ut au Ishe demand tor • I) ., et, . 1 00 0 uu of the provincial Induetries. t 444 been an tender ninety to the . Llieitly, b t smiehine of your days setsinal eed outer living, but in a deep -1,' • 1 Se 1 u. teutlineee tor eervive; net j,),,,,,.., ag::,::,,,,,,, b.iiiii:Illiet:i .• . you ever take your eoerow to the end beget 2 elanon o 3 the heart. 1 God made a cut eful sun ey and vanit !tear ai.d touched and tiiiiiiiied the aim: liar tee', lelliel • - • • • - • • - 0 7 1 Peas., bus104 ... ... ... 0 se ea se, ; epe tied i 15101is uf possibillt le, sylieei eete mole than tealized le a long ' UN.' tem .. . . . . .. ... 20 110 St a ass , per ton . .. ... . . 15 00 old magiiitieent lite. Dreams te Chris 1 1 aei O. word for every trouble andbalin eat., come elle. % oyageb uf Christians eeede Aleike, No. I, bushel .. sat) for every einart; go through. Pia plimiezi CUllailiale 111 pei I Do., Is;u. I.:, bushel .. 7 50 But to find her gifts of solace; which tormancie. The relation of Said te, at' ; are well within our reaoh, eitultedrim Was superficitil. lle isoule le'kesed Mtge .. ... ... 8 25 We must come as trustful seekers and make the relatiun of I'aul to Ilimeelt Fele', Per dueen • • • - • . • 0 ea draw ever near her heart. -Chambers' Jiturnal. real, not in ecclesiastical relittietiship, but Buit)it,et,-,,..1(Itatiiirlywry............... ttii-Lf.,.-4 tit spiritual kinship. liee,e, liteS4ed, lb. . . . . . 0 09 For Sceptics. --- •--- I felt His fingers counting celle of tell ickeits, lb. ... ... ... 01U . Ducks, dressed, Ile ... ... 0 10 When the microseopic search of seep- thought, and sounded the seas to disprove the ex. ebtough as elutes so Itiog and strangels .1pples, per bbl. ... ... 1 23 I heard the te.ho of His buey feet, . (1).:111,k,11::%;s,i.„lign'r..1b....... ... 0 17 tieism, which has hunted the heavens istence of a Creator, has turned its at• wrought, . 1 25 tention to human society, and has found 1 llowpkiecteeu. the se:ruching ere it was sow l'etatues, bee ... Cabbage, dozen ... ...• 1: tiii 71.01 a place on this planet ten miles square where a decent nian can live in deceney eliel, hindquarter; .. .. 8 rai comfort and seceriey, suPPurting am! A voice that collie to sacred inner ear, Do., forequarteis ... . 4 50 educating his children untspoileil and un A careful outiook of a region nide, Do., choice, earease ... 1 50 polluted; a place where age is reverene rhe vibrant soul responds to signal: ed, infancy respected, manhood nattiest ed, and wornankeed honored, and litenai. life held in duaa'regard; when seeptic- n f* such a place ten miles square 1.1. where the Ctospel a (lois! i e and cleared the way, and 1 and made theme.) will then be it. -ati to remove their vicps nen are .11. eh they de enjey they fere t hes les hope hat Savieui hat Impi. el (tit,:lleirrilit 1,,,,,ti• _ talfreires'elles e moorland or the hill, And let the whispering breezes charm your bitter tears away? I er Nature, sweet in silence and pass ink sweet in apeech 11 M. u 92 0 58 e m very humb speak to us geon, who w to the service a poor Wesle country chapel. Sometimes G De., walnut', carease ... 6 00 clear, NI tette', per cwt. .. . • • 8 00 A dulcet raptine of a rising tide. , teem., per ea t. ... 7 50 ea rub, per cwt. . . 1 0 tio Ile estimates the range of e teeth witeld. British Cattle Markets. Ile finds \ilea tin -t lie gave ut tail lasturers the most mitable inerectee in Lentlen. - ',melon cable" are firmer, at ..rdcrs is reported hy New England shoe Net all the riches of a falling %wild, relate:1e ; loc to 12 1- le per lb., dtessed weight ; i'.. i .1i,ips, while there iti no idleness at cot - Can dint the lusteu of tits pi -iv -tikes frigeralor MA is quoted at. 9 3- le to Hie ion mills, and the reduction of steel out - crown. eel. lb. put is not significant. In mune lines British Apple Markets. there i:, a sentiment of con-ervatism that Culled, ehosen, faithful, all tlw lime, tdiiiiinates Much of the csutontary gls'ell 'Alessi's. NV...dal! & Co. cabled Eben Thispuidre,the SOVereign mark eleet teal ,1„„ws: 5,000 eary,,is a,,Iiiiii4; nut alany tat ive Minims -el. and this is regarded with Canadians offering; market unchanged. ,:atisetetitin by those W110 11.111/11.Viate 1 111. 1 wear and all my powers combine impel Linty te metier:item until the tin• et. I,aavs & Suns, Limited, London '10 ;stand complete and to the ent.1 en invial pressure is reduced. Crop news eabled: kingn, 14 to 17s; Italdwins, Ns; dure. 11. '1'. Miller. ereat staples exet.pt corn end cotton be- d the noel,: WAS encouraging, all the Gee Mugs, 13 to 14s 6d. 00 lumber luta fallen off uti tilts account. , Quebec -Too much rale futerterlag with tnit' ino66, country roads itt emeti auctions are nut good, and travelers axe retarded in their 7 , poem Si inialloauUl. pooa thl) , welinotalettale new. The drygoods buslueso 2 1 00 is moving briskly ou winter linos and ordert 1,1 50 sr. still good Retail trade is fairly active and collections are generally fair. Country trade has a slightly quiet toue hut tbe out - (t1 Itaik Is eousidered sathetuctory. Sim uuneon -The totw of trade there Is getter- s 7e ail) good. Large ahhanenet of goods aro go- , Ina forward and prospects for wholesale trade b 4h , are considered bright. u3t1 Ottawa --A fair businees is moving in most Oei tines ot trade there, although recent per- t, it chase. have not been unusually heavy. 0 121 Dun's Review. 011 ! Interest centres in full retail trade and 0.,)) re_sults are ull that could be dttaired. 5 47, ' "Ilse. tto sectional difference on this es point. all leading cities 'reporting a lib uee ; oral distribution of seasonable seeming 0 :4, • apparel. Supplementary orders are milli 1 4)0), Mg to wholieale :UM jobbing hutieee, and 5...t aatiafactory results with autumn goo:f., 8 00 oteourage manufacturers to extend pre - 7 00 parations for the IleXt sensun. Merean- e 30 tile collectiona have also improved, Octo- , her payments being fairly well met thus - far, although rates fur commercial paper 1 I on tit. alinornially high. Aniung the mante Beamseille, Ont. Cheese Markets. mg beyond danger front frost, and an- other week will escure the former crop. ail!! its farm value of ktpproximately t11,2eleini0,0181, while there is little feat if killing frost in the cotton States this nentle ,1 ita gloom 1 Lowell. e Master's Call. ought to be open to every ine Indians learnel to put the gromei to hear sounds ing enelnieA, and all slunild 11 in listening to the voive of f (allele, and th drd not or earth - 'eke, It by a od would Mr. Spur - ate himself a demon et in a plain nien throwsh sharp Providence a milder evoke seems to be unable to wake a sleeping conscience. Some will not hear till the Lord comes very near to them and spools dreadfully in their ears, as with the Yoke df thunder to wake the dead. The death of a child or other dear one some- thnee ars to be the yo' -01 (kat to eteaeseeeeess els into Ills e T17e I often to call persons by name, ag ealied Samuel. and many others who have received personal intimations, of the Divine inter - let in them, and of call to the Master's service. The patience of God in continuing these calls even till a late period in life, instead of steeling tlm heart with indifference, mhould make the heart tender with gratitude. and r41 far from begetting presumption. it (eight to lead the soul to prompt acceptance of Goa's offer of mercy and salvation. A man who was not a Chrietian rena that then was small hope of a man's conversion after he was forty; that wait on his foe tieth birthday, and he gave his heart to God. The call of God has crime to every nne, -se and the call is 'lethal with Diseee )) authority, and no one is at liberty to neglect or decline the eall in sefety. one ean say how long test will Stand veiling and knocking et. his '100r, or how long our earm will retain their power ti hear God's call, if our ears are taught not 10 bear and heed the call of the Nfaster Even the alarm clock that ie nol obeyed n a few morningm will 1..4., poWer 1. arouse the unrespending • Natter. It is a common experivnee that emmis that ar, not heeded all around 11; soon lese their power to dieturb 119 or eoite attention so that multitude leant to werk sleep amid roaring ales Is. sereeehing whistles, and ringing bells with no more note of these disconleet seunds than i they were passing their days and nights in the midst of rural stillness. In like manner a great number have sio long t a deaf ear to the cell Of the Mas 1 of that sweet voice n. he unwilling ear, en( mid the grt•ntes hat are attle.p Hon end to e. faith. eer rland Prot Degrees in Glory. Del mean to tell them that. the of dispensing those glories was His, lait another's? Surely not; for .11t. Son of Alan will dispense them 1113 lie .1 Mtg.* at the last day. Did Ile mean o els. that 11,, had /to authority of His esti te give away the glories of heaven? 'eels not; for there is given to llim ,telterity: ".111 judgment is committed t, Him, because he is the Son of Man." eut the plain meaning was this, that hes. were not His to give by absolute e ;triter:try right. There were certain erreal principles in the bosom of the .4, ity, which nolst guide Him in their listribution. Jelin, the beloved, asked his favor of the Lord, but Christ's per- emal !eve of John could nut place him me step above another. Pereonal favor lad nothing to do wile it, justice every- hing Stepe of glory are not won by rtNi:ritiS111, Or by arbitrary selection. "It. .1 not Mine to give except to those for shine it is prepared of My Father." Alio are tiles' for whom the Father has ;tit ared the special glories of the life a. come? They who have borne the •Itarpest cross are prepared to Wear the erightest crown. They who best and nest steadily can drain the cup wheel es! shall put into their hands to drink, ,re the spirits destined to sit on His right hand and on Hie left. Our Mas- er's tete:stein was significant. They ask- -.1 fer honor. Ile demanded if they sere %selling to pay the price of honor; .:1.1 ye drink of My Cup? ----F. W. Robert- : London There were 1,075 cases of col, Isa eases sold at 12 5 -tie to Scott. 211 colored sold ail 12 3 -tie to leatte, 1 05 at 1 2 3-8e to liallautine. 125 att 12 5-8 to .1.1.11,1.11, a 1111 135 at 12 5-S to Johnston. ‘4aiisville, Que. The weekly' meet- ing t he Eastern Toe nships Dairymen', 1.;ai hangt. Wan held here to•day. Sake - cite) .1. -Gunn, 1.auglois & Co., 60 boxes at 12 1-2e; .1. Burnett, 55 boxes at 12 1-2c 27 boxes at 12 5-8c; Olive, Doreen & Statute :13 boxes at 12 1 1-lik; Lovell & Cluistmaa, 148 boxes at 12 5-8c; all sold. Winnipeg Wheat Market. Folloeiug are the closing quotation o.1 Winnipeg grain futures to -day: Wheat- •Oetober $1.00 5-8 bid, Decem- ber $1.07 1-4 bid, elay $1.12 1-4 bid. ()at s-Oetober 53c bid, Deeember 5 1 5-S May 53e bid. Toronto Live Stock. Reeeipts of live stock since Ttetsday, at Hu, City Cattle Market, an repel -tee ey elle railways, 'were 1 43 (milt -ads, coin. imset1 of 2,342 cattle. 1,33S !toga, 3.376 sheep and lambs, linit 'theta 200 (-niece. Besides the above, there were seven car- loads of Itegs that went divert to the packing houses. The ipialita' of cnttle was the worst of the season. Frank Shielde, the oldest et the ohleine. vette+ dealers, said that be teem- in all his time hall seen so many poor quality cattle on the Toronto mar- ket. Exporters --None on sale, excepting a few which seld at lower prices than it any tent, this pee., at $3.25 to $4 per ee t. Prayer. Butt -here Tbe highest price (tweet for A Int ight y God, our leaven' v Fat her, "ease ed bas ss as $4.65, whieh is a big . to 'rime, our guide and driqe and there wen, few bought at that changing b«mee we look up proteethr. see price. Rent loadS Sold from 1114 to $4•50 • thank Thee 1 or l'hy loving care, ee. • eoninion and medium cattle solyi between ' lie constant provision made fur our Inel • f.3 and $3.85; inferior, $2.50 to $2.75; le- wants, for light upon our pathway, veneers, $1 to $2; (Neve, $2.50 to $3.75 for the revelation of 'rby will. Sin is In eer cwt. world and in 0111' hearte. and it8 fruits Feeders and Stockers -flood feeders. . are shame and sorrow, desolation and 1.000 to 1.100 lbs. eneb, nt $3.25 to $5.05; death. 1Ve bless Theo for the Saviour. emel feeder., 900 to $1.000 Ile. each, at for Him whose Spirit brings the dead to '112.83 to $3.25; good stoeleas, 800 to 900 life, whose lilted cleanses from sin. its, eatili, at $2.50 to $2.85; good, cheek Let us know His power to save, and , re. IMO to e04) (Witch, at $2.31s to $2.85: till (nigh tlui danger; end t emit( teems eel' net n st ockei s, 500 to 700 lbs. each, at white) tweet. us may we pass in safety el.73 to S2. ' defended by Ilis grace. (live 114 sulimia Cana 'Veldt. in milkers and don to Thy will, keep us hen' dente "prim:vie es. dun. !wits", beileg "" 11'1 ' and fear, 'Make us a blessing to our lel e el0 1., r !wed 41 lie.. \VaInteeety 111,011 , Help us to uphold tbe 'rho pettily ef the bulk of these of faint, to cheer the sad, to entitle the teted is as of teatime to eteem011, end ' (4)V1:11hledi4;rvititligi; att:?11"lifroirntg r stsi-li7.11:gthef .1; tt 11:1;i4;t: '11a1 (g11:::::ivi411.1:111)11t1111(1t..° ‘‘Vi'lle;1 loVed ones in libine own gotal time. ,11,54111N, ranged from $'25 to $55. IMO one • Aillen. .13 8110, but to -day prices were from 830 ---------*-4-0----- JARNDYCE AND JARNDYCE. to 842, and there were several cows left . onsold. Canadian Counterpart of Charles Dick- all Per ea 1•• n1111 1"11' 0040 nilich calf "Ill \eel) a'alvese Prices ranged from $3 te f - --- - ens' Famous Story. •f 200 eill0ea. 90 called, was reported at ON} real, Oct, 7. .Tw(, censent itelg- Sheep il11,1 1.11 MIK .The 111 11 WAS 0110 of e7 per cwt. nu iii . just slimed in the l'ollrt Of Re - I t it .1 iriVe plit Ito end to the celebrated „nee sheees, there Nt 05 a large eereeni the kite 01 of the eeaseit, and% like all . . t Is ill 4 a se, t,1 1 1;11 Anil ilin. In 1857 1 11). age of poor quality, uhich sold at t -he ,; late etre :Margaret Ewing (loft made her 1„,‘,...,4 pikes of the !icemen. Export ,i ill, leaving learnt $1 50,000 in preporty • „wee seed at $4.25 to $4.40; rains et. $3 .. te le•r six grandchildren., In 11462 site : ..•, $3.30 ter 4.15 1.: 40111)4 Rohl from $4 to • diel. leaving le r sen -in Ise• a.; executor • :5.70 per ewt but the letter price WA.. ., to Make the ,lici,,ion. Efforts have been , ter settee:ea lots. Those gold et. $4 per made eee sine. by the heirs to obtain . .•,ri. were erills, one drover taking a eoli- th...0 legacies. ,o,, ill isii..1 ion wag 0111 ililled in 1 8101. Intl . ternhe were bucks. 141.1.:.,,Ideck-k 4o f11.,t 1111,01110 slItort eik,ertoclnite. c;:ratirtyt hti.(: Jedgment fer the portition of the ' ../ I low- quest ;met affecting several of the !reg.- Like everything else. ''' ne final. 14 it. %1 el e .1 1 11 iiii.id fled at t he deat h ' Hy of many of the hogs wee not good .1 4.44 lee e verferib ers Do. Robirvion til `senility Stilted Times 1 the little teeter meg fore. et new; Idling, ermine. kissing, grief disam-eing. gbing, 9001 hing, singing, appy days Are winging -- bet the mothers (10. timing for the little people 'hat they may grow brave tint' true: • 'If brain and busy fingers the precious RemItirne lingers, g glIarding, hoping, fearing, .t for the arvest nearing, a do. i blue), ii.g; ing (A."-.8 1 Q,ko. (AV /fit, 444 • 'T. 410. , f the esetetter in P493. Since then the ' <111, re,1.4 bare gone to tale and Over per , 11- • los gone through meyeral courts. 1,1,411,4. ,1,1 lia Hey 70e, the farmers are :orel in/temente have been reversed a nsgleetine their best friend. the hog, end number of limes. The law fere for this many of them do not see liella or bar hall t 'mines- cif litigation are said to be i,,y. 'Air. narris quotes selects at very large. e6.12te, end reale et $5.50 per cwt. is•* MURDER CASE AT LONDON. Bradstreet's Trade Review. Trial of Italian for Death at Dance, Up ' week Cool. damp weather haa started the In rho trade altuatIon bore during the past - - - -- Next Weelc. movement of fan clothing. Ten bustnees te .% Temente t/at , despatch: There will ' men's ferniahings lina b.sm partieularly brink. be a murder charge beard at tlic Fait The hat tract° Iota been heavy and there has y all lines of Inbar- Asairea h„e next week. that paler (hyliiiii:dt..:14:11'!is"iirliFrille°0Z1:;et:ereil:1: led against Thonina Noah, the young conservatism In placing ordera Thenpollry 1 ),"'',1.11 .11,1,,thal\.)„,4,i111,,,,,"2119,‘„,11111TP:1.1, l'i '`..,:.!:", r".":,gd01,11,,TV;;;:ilvnif,g1Z,Z,7,41,,,a‘;„ rin:Ii:in. 'ar•t" -a ;1',",a"a'':‘•-,:n." 411.4,'"'m•iia",py•-"I'i',‘.`. itlirri,dt00;namilthrey. volume of trade In all parts of to Dome ex tent .74horli,e(it:)tri:iert; it 1 Itin I commission of tile erline is thrTle nIornsvrintniginPudp teneoPsXPIZtnivaarirty all branch- -, lv, en the eight .4 :Vey 211,1. The .1,iimirleil in Mystery as far ea any I hatnoteoturnietire,,, ads they believe the busaneee of '' %Onto. is ceneerned, although one wit. tiring the (Inning nertaon will •:--. 21 1 the imp:4st swore that in the ' el Bele he eaw North's hond raiser, as 1 to stiike Fox, Mel falW 1 Ile tielim f ill. 1, Len they arrived nt the seene. e.111,•11 sine 1 ...dee a Imgey, Noah Wil. Will 1 , 0.n and e knife Win, found stieking in . ; exel 'wad. Mr. .1natiee leeeteel will be ,111,1 ,81., ,!14‘ presiding judge. he rather better than most people at present eIneet The hardware trade in taking on bettor tone. Preen now until the ulnae of navigation ohipmenta In thla lino will be heavy There la 0411 some entetneee About the demand far Mindoro' supettes. Toronto- Roll retail trtuln hie been quite rblak hero during the past week Cord won tbor bras frivonad thla Whataaalara aro sertertenetne gruel restieller movement and winter linos aro gotna Out- cetletactortty. The aenoral outtoolt for tho Weld fifth() cote - PR OFITS OF THE POSTOFFICE. Tidy Sum Made From Careless Bri ish Correspondents. Last Year Contained Orders and Checks Amounting to L714,360. London, Oct. 7. The Postmaster•Gen- eral made a net. profit en purely postal business during the.year ended Nlarel. 31 of :L5,071,255, but the net. deficit ill 1110 year's working of the telegraphs, .e652.065, brought down the depart- ment's surplus to X.4,419200. lu most branches the annual report shows increased bueiness. Letters are amounting towards 3,000,000,000; par et.'16 have passed 100,000,01M; the tweet' packets which cannot be delis -oriel ovv- ing to careleesneeri or absent-minded:tees of the senders are also growing in vol elle statistics which represent public carelessness by despatching letters, post clods. helfpenny packeet, and newspapers unaddressed, or insufficiently- 11(11re-ewe or loosely fastened, theeletters often montaining valuable c•lieckm. show no tendency to diminish. In 1900 the 11 Wil- ber was 21,323,495; lest year, 29,766,394, the latter being an increase over 1 905-'06 of 9.84 per cent. The letters included in this total were 1 1,120.695. Of these, 980,960 went to the Dead. Letter Of- fice. The "undelivered letters" con- tained: e:1 6,694 les Id ea811 and beak notes. X67 1,044 1 5s 1 1(1 in bills, cheeka, money orders, postal orders and stamps. In adtlition, packets posted without any address and articles blend -loom. in the post contained: 1:8,403 in cash and bane notes. C25,129 in cheeks. etc. These aim - hilted lonsee amount to .1:714,360. NEW COMPANIES. Two of Them Are Mining iWth Capital of $3,600,000. ti mining companies and ten other omniercial companies' fusee received in- •orporatioll from the Ontario ( /civet ze limit. 1 he Highland Mary tIold Co. is a three million dollar coneern, and the ilengarry Cobalt Co. luta a share cApital of $600,000. The following compapies have ta .-eived Provineial charters: elle Highland Mary Gold Nlinee, L1111- itell, Toronto, ellpititi ii(1,0011,001.1. 111. Glengarry Cobalt Nlinee Len Ilaileybury, capital $000,000. The telt. 'lemmas Packing Co., St. , homes, capital $100,000. lhe 8anitary Can Co., Niagara Falls, sapital $100A0. The Queen City Folliidry Co,. !Atm ited, Toronto, capitel $40.0110. The. United Zionists ef Toronto, tope till $40,000. Shurley & Darrett, Limited, Tutuila', capital $75,000. 1 he Northern Islande Pulp \\*mid Co., Limited, Port 11/tIttir, capital $100,000. l'he Tnylor Anderson Co., Limited, manufacturers of fine Wearing apparel. imeknow, capital $40,000, 'rhe 1'. Hymmen to., Limited, Iterlie, capital $410,000. E. I'. Charlton & Co., a Dominion cor poration, has been granted a Provineial license. 118111e of the IVellington Preset% ing Co., Limited, hits been chimps! to the Hillier Preserving Co., Limit ea, nee the name ef the 1\ riga! Hotel Co. te thl• :inedele 1 CO, 1 he 4.11111,411 et ock -tone ti. has learn Ill/1000 to 81 00,01111. - St. Catharines is Growing. Si. Catharines, ott. eity as- --essora have returned the roll for 1907, and the population ire shown to be 1 2,- 922, nti increase over last year of 547. The total nieyeastment $6,342,834, as against $6.1 1 7,938 lost yeer. The inerease in reel property is $223,400, and on in- vitee' $4.0e4. while there is a decrease in the business aesessment of $2,683. of the Roman illerea9eil flout GIRL IN ESPA1R SUICIDES. Maria Sexto Ends Her Life While Clasping Her Prayer Book. Chicago, Oct. 7. Spume! by the man she loved and with 11.1 parent tit relatiie 10 11,11010 she COUld tutu tor aid, Nlarla 8041011, '23 years old, 1150 Nertli Relay street, eliet herself dead. &levee; in one hand a preset beet. with the pages open at the filially 01 the billatn, and ill the Other le1 01 mr one of the eliantbers empty, her leele was tumid early yesterday mutating in an alley att the rear el lit Augusta stivet. A. flash of lightning Reedit -4 it tu Jes Zeiettitik, 14 North Curtis, etieet, 8, ne w The tragedy futtusied a few houre at tee her !oat uppeal te Joseph tele -epic, 07 Augusta rltreet, keep lilt, laminae to merry her. Eailing One bite iient Witte, her lirat unpuise being to 1.;a111 writing ss hat her %surd. had tailed in. she wrote 15"U 101101 6, pouring out Ili mu wordis the struggke and remote° ta biuken heart. '1 he lettere eerie lead in the atternuon at the coronelle 111 the preeence of Gilleepie, been arrested. The police thought might ease been preeent when. the pallig 45 111111 killed herself. lle aesuilied in• dillerent attitude and teamed au Vino Lion act Deputy Cul:utter Andiesss lead tee epistles. The first une the girl evidently had laid aside after writing it, and euccsel stl it with utte of deeper emotion. i Iiist letter read: My Darling Jue: Ilea can yeu be so mean to lue noW while 1 um 111 troldile. .111 of my rriends have turned itga.itst ale with scorn, (11141 11040 y011 have lin me. You, the one nian 1.i‘e :dame all else in the world. 1 detet teem what will ever become of me. lem always promised to stand by me always thought yeet loved ine as evert). as any une could. Darling, pletiee 1 Maori to nic and be iny loving little Joe. My heart is biol.- en and nis life ie a wreck. The second letter, which to111 the -,ad story, follows: Dear Little Boy: 1 know you feel Ltd, but you have a comfortable bottle awl re- latives and friends to help )011 pa,s the ,Lreary home of y•eur lite; a gots" 1msi- i 1011 and yott are canape enough for any man to be eatisfied with, You have no ,vorry fur the outcome of the future. \Vhat have 1? The cold shoulder leen ...very (me, no home, and the little plea. [ now call home 1'11 have to part with, for 1 can't stay here any longer-et:belie' to be leiught for inyeelf anil baby. 1 11011 Lo a hospital to work for my beard, and Gexl himself only knees what treat- ruen.t I. will get there. And yet you can desert the girl ),111 love or once loved. Joe, darling, pet know I was as trite to yoti tts any gill could be. I told yon the truth you ever took me to your home. Why did you not leave me then? It is not one that you are banning, but tee. may Ged forgive you, shall be me prieser night diry. please, for 11oil's rolke, return to 1110 again, for it is killing me. I can't stand it it you don't 1 eturn, nWeetheart, and you ;eerie it the longest. and last day you live. Darling, spetheart, pleatie come tat Ole. 105 4' you. I lo‘c Nitli all my heart alid Ilona, retina to Me, ou dene, knee, and pm never eel know the ;mg ttinli and pain ou are causing me. ‘1,) atiffmittg is untold misery. Pleane teem. to we, Jets Please collie to me. „1„,.11i1.1t,u:itiiin 3 (Mr ing and devoted ii,," \Villa love, hugs and a mil NI1.1111. Sexton. '1 he letter it as marked "over," and on the teller side of the sheet of paper silo' etitten: .1b, truly those ale the ea:attest. worde tongue or pen, It might. have been. It :night have been. Ever3 laid) in lo5 tol by sonie one. Every body knees that to be true. Sollie hall. a filther atilt Mother dear. brother and sister, too. All Oda I it -member eince 1 ‘5 ad a babe se small, 1 hat e seined to he the only (Itte that no- body loves at all. -M. 8. (Nllespie told at the illiplest of the Milo! affinities lo hoilse late NVeilliesday et ening, and proved that he did net lease the !muse after she 1,..ft. The jury exenerated him of the suepicion of bailee murdered the woman, but questioned closely among thentselvos whether there Wan any law by which lie might be lichl as aecessory. '1'his being impeesible, he is as r,•leastel. eet me, tem. 1 ea, engtestel to marry \fies swami," said 1 ii110spie, "lillt 1 fount' soille tiling. W111011 ell 11140i1 Me to .11:111ge Illy mind." Deputy Cormier And 1 014'4 retatiantrat .41 M it h him concerning hie "moral mill aiition." hut 1.14 didn't .M.111 to interest t1illespie a great deal. Nlise Sexton teirtnerly emplioyed as :1 clerk in the Chisago 11ox faeloiy, 241 Jef. frson street. where 41i!lespie also is employed. Mrs. Clara Hay. of 3.630 Ellie Park. a nurae, IN as attacked week ago by a. Mittel Repo, thank elder:11 yeeterdits mornine while suffering mental depres sem, broiteht. en. it is believed. hy the ettack. She isle proonley recover. -Let 1110 alone; 1 Want 0 die," .110 begged Straus, tif 3.640 Cot tage Grove arenne, WII0 had been 14 11 111. Moiled t..0 e her sufferinge. \\Then the !these -Ian calltsl later in the ally Mrs. 11ity denied that elle hod any intention 01 killing herself, and said she 11101 been accustomed to taking ehloral to induce sleep, Jefferson \liner. a negro 35 years Mil, le at. the 'natty fifth etreet police sta- tion, charged IN it h the rise:Wt. DOG SAVED MASTER'S LIFE. Grand Work of Noble Old St. Ber- nard at New York. New York, the. 7. .1 leg St. Ber- nard dog that fer several }ears has been the companion of seventy-one year- old Edward Curie a cule•arnied man. el No. 461 I:Hee-eighth street, Ilreekls11. yesterday saved its master from blood- ing tu death. CUra iS a Wate111111111 at II 110onipleted buildings at. Sevent)'-sticonil nliwt. and Sixteenth avenue. Just before iia 4011 eie men attacked him. The old matt knight fiercely with his one hand and (ailed to his dog. In a few seconds the dog haul bitten one 1111111 Ito severely that he fell to the ground. The animal ittetektel the other, but not [wane eld I.:assent had lasol struck from heiiintl and his skull split The two 111011, davit.' the .1,,g's iiir cols attacks, robbed the Ohl Mall 01 $10 and ran. Following thein wee the tleg. 'Elie men separated and the dog lost the trail. 'rite dog then meted up to lhatietite De Cantillon, barking anti fawning upon him. 1•Inally the great St. Bernard led the detective in tient of the houetie at Seventy-second atreet and heeled. The deteetive saw the old man Cues lying uneonacious 41I1 the sidewalk, and the injured man %tam taken to the Norwe- gian Hospital. aesistance clime ten minutes later Curs. would have died. Friemds are caring for the "grand old (big." as they call him, but yeeterday he wrench ed at his chain and whined for 11114 Man - ter. WOMAN DETECTIVE° TURNS A HAND ORGAN AND INVES- TIGATES CRIME. Maria Sinischalchi, a Young Italian, Connected With Office of District Attorney at New York for Four Years. _ New York, (ice 7. That a young Hahne woman, whose ostensible teethed tit calming her liv-eljhood in walking st reels with a hand iirgan :Intl del t I). teeling a tambourine, is, in her aell leent ef leisure, IA deem -eye for the les like- Attorney's office, W114 deVelop 11 ye -denial* in the 1 1 of Raffaele (las elute hero! e Ililge 'A lot ilia ti In 1 :Prier:11 i 2. It i4 0;14..0114**R stsetiel trial, and Ite tessiost ef 111N ing killed , \Intel Sinisalialt•Iii is the tionlieurite. Ise I. She t est i feel t Gastemee fit st hint and Wag all illIpollant Wittie‘q Th Wan nearly pee; ago, and she wee agA in called yea( erday hy .sossist ant Dis Diet At ['envy 1,1y. elle did net lisle the el.40 fer the rept,. tht• slightest elle fire tleeliired she did net velment, .2 1 i•ver having 144'11 paid ally money by tit Diatriet Attorney fer wo1 exeept ill, usual fees for wil114•54, ihnnefl IV. Osborne, who is defending ca...0011e, knew every cent that had liven paid to the woman must he accountisl fur ill the Colltrolter'S Office. lle Sollt a force of Men there, 4.e:indeed more than ten thousand vouchers for pay re- ceived, and foutol her Hanle oll ,-,es t•ral. Theme he prt•sentea to the woman yes- terday on cruse extunination, and then she admitted ithe 11:1,1 worked for the District .1ttoruity and had paid in the last four yearn $574, She had 144`11 employed by lb.. Ely, she admitted, to gather together the wit - :teases in the (last -one taLse, and !die had bl'en elepleYed. rsther !minter eases, once luiving received $'250 for going to Europe in connection with th.t ,.a.se of another 11111 11 of murder. LIVING TOO FAST. Merchants Overstocked and Banks Withdraw Credit. Toronto, Dot. 7. 'Hie failuree in Can- ada during the first new months of the present year a 1110l111 1, 10 3370, against 867 for the same period in 1906, but the lia bilities total $S.1100,1 28, for the first. 11.11.111102 Se:steal, (sgesitet. $4'42'3,30 lti 1 91IkilL Toronto the feeling among coin mcreial housea distruat fill .11 010 fii lure, but none ale prepared te make predict ions. Large wholesale Mime". are exereeeing unusual diseretien giving credits and are scrutinizing ac vomits as they have nut chino ler years. 1 11,1 incen Ire tor t 111S ea 11 1 1.111,11111.401 14 LISSigned tO two causes --first, the deeisitin of the, banks Lo restrain cred Ito, and second, to the belief that this seamen's crops in the ilkom initm will not warrant any draft on the future NV. II. Cross, of Clarkson & Cross. when spoken to on the question, said: "Over -supply end over -development has caused the financial etinditiens to lose an equilibrium. I think Gee is, however, by the action of the bank.; being giadually restored. '31 Telde. ea the only country in the same fix. "The municipaiit Ws also have been large spenders in improvements, 1111 0118 11118 (1904 111) a large reboil of the banks' funds, as the municipalities • have been nimble to eatiefactoril). Heat • 41.1.111(.,eir t,l)s 1.1)eo,1471eDs.mlititeick ef,f,c,Irlernemntaitila • ago Waa geed. Ile maid: " rh.. pettily, are living too fes4 end 1111182 before thinga ar0 right amen.'" DR. C THE POLE. I 0-0KB---e-ssEE•-ics He Will Attempt to Reach It by New Route. TO SPY THE LAND. French German and Belgian Journal- ists Kay Visit Canada. 'nu -onto, it.t. 7. Special:3 A sug- gestion that the Provint•ial Government should invite a party el French, tee 111411 a 11(1 Belgian fournalinta to isit tart° to vieW the resources of Cohalt and entertain them %stale here wee nt 1 , by a deputation, which waited on Hon ' etre-sr:1. Whit 'ley and U00118.114! thi. morning. The two Nlinistere iet.eised the euggeations favorably, baying that the s Ise ef the Euglieli jeut tediets had prodlleti1e U11 111 lleli good. They telt. bee ever, that the visit elicited be niatle in • the epi•ing, if at all, as the party toted then inspect the timber and agricultural sources of t he pros ewe. l'hey erten imel to emisider the preeteal. .erratige• metes for Ow pessuge of the eitiritalist- aerobe the ocean would be made by the e travellere. '1110 delegation included Nicest, L. .1 Labrosse, M. P. P., D. .1. 'McDougal, M. P. l'.; O. Aubian, el. 1'. P.; .1. NIA !taffy, M. P. P; A. C. Meet/meet. el P.; L. E. E. Leonard, N1. Pe 1 1. B. 1eilliers, Ottawa, und Rev. Father Forget, Eni brien. • sias injuied Sate:sites HOW FRUIT -GROWERS FLOURISH. -- Ontario Has Unique System of Co- opsration in Experiments. New York, Del. 7. .1t the Interna- tional lenifetetwe 1111 Plitilt 1 18 1111104,1 11.1 livid 111 11 14 city yesterday under the auspices of the New Volk Horticultural Society, Profeseer H. 1.. Hutt, el the Ontario Agrisultural Col- lege, gave an address on the "Co -Opera live Nletliods .kdopted 111 Ontario to As- vertain Hardiness in Fruits and Vege tables." Ile outlined the work accion- !dialled by Ow Ontario fruit expel -intim tal stations, and de-wribed the vein te co-uperative work whereby 8,0011 grow- ers throughout the Prey ince are t.arrying on tests of fruits and vegetables under the direction of the horticultural de- partment of the eollege. In no other country in the world has the co-oper• atiee idea of helping the people to help themselves been so practically wrought out as in ()aerie. The pre fesst 'S add reIS Wan all 0ye• opener air t le ise who had not before heard of the Magnitude of this wot•k ear rim' on by our Canadian eutiains, ease. OTTO JAEGER'S SUICIDE. . Shot Himself in Boston -Had) Postcard Marked Toronto. llosten, elites., Oct. 5.- -A man thought from papers on his peramt tu be Otto -huger, el Ituffale, committed suicide by sheeting in a yard on the ferry slip at the such ferry late to (hie-. Ile entered th • ya rd, and pi:wing a revolver over his ear fired one shot., which killed him instantly. Insuranse papers were found in his imekets Phich gave the name of Mrs. Otto Jaeger, Buffalo. N. Y., the inetratice being made to Mrs. Emma C. Jeleser, his elle, id 961 \Vest Ferry st et Buffalo. The papers described tli insured as 39 years of age and as Its ing at the \Vest Ferry street address. A posteanl, al,o found ou the man. wits tposeutarked "'nee:into," and was addressed to Miss Lillian Jaeger, at the same house. A despatch from Buffalo states that .1to gel had been a foreman in a brewery there until recently. Ile was considered t be in ordinary circumstances tun! had isife and two children. ••-0-4•••••-- FOX STOLE GOLF BALL, _ _ Reynard Picked It Up and Carried It to the Woods. New York, Oet. 7. Th.. Tribune has reet•is ed the following (Iteqnte•11 (tom 1Vineted, Conn.: A party of golfers, in- cluding W. II. Phelps, cashier of the [halbert N:1.0011111 Bank, and 'remelts. .11Ien, ef New York City, who is visiting here, \0011t to Norfolk yeeterday to play on the links of the Norfolk Downs Club. Richard Hooker. ef Norfolk. drove the ball, and a fox darted from the wooila skirting the litike and started after it. Hooker waved hie hat tO Ite3nard. whereupon the fox snapped up the ball and disappeared ir. the woods. BRIDGE BROKEN BY WAVE. Cunard Steamer Umbria Had Hard Time Q11..01141oW11, 'he cull:1rd steamer Umbria, n !deli sailed from Nen' Yoi k Sept. -28. a rt ved lien' 1,1 .1.1y. The sVit.1.7-i.,11.:1 1:1kup).1.1171e1 1 Tuesday :I 111•1 11.411 a huge ,e,11 ad badly damaged h. 1* unoccupied lot' waid bridge. Nolsolv Pas injured. ,.e 1 Ilt• 41 i•.1 v( l• ((el; 41'5:1).44111)1111,1 1•11:144(1( ‘1‘0111144.:141:111 511.111L':17f111"Vg New york. (let. 7. The following toes. .31g.. Me. received here to -day by Iler• le•rt 1.. Bridennan from Dr. Frederick A. • et,eke, the scientist and explorer: -My Dear Bridgman: ',awe August ti, 1 1197. "I have hit "mon n new route to the north pole, and will eta), to try it. By a ay of Ittichrinon Bay and Ellemmere British Authorities Restrict Importation Lana and northward through Nelson of HOTges. Strait over the Polar Sea neenla tO be ; a very good route. There will he game • Ottawa, Oct. 6. A deepateh has been to the te2nd degree, and here are nativee received by Ilk Exeilleney from the end dege for the tesk. So here is for . imperial Board of Agrieulture stating the pole. Mr. Bradley will tell you the that with n view to eecuring the credit% I en..." t 1011 froni tireat Britain of the dieense Dr. Cooke end party left North Syll ! ef glanders in horses it hee been decidee my, N. S.. in on the schooner yacht Hint no 'lora.. Min or intile shell he Jelin B. Bradley. which landed the party 1 landed in Drerit Britain 1111 1094 nee0M. at Smith's Sound. Mr. Bradley returned palette by the rertific•ate of e veterinary lo North Sydney on the yacht on Oct°. 1 mitrgeon that the rinimal shows no eymp- lea I. tom of glanders or farey.. SHIP'S BOW LAUNCHED. - - Will Replace Part Lost by Liner on the Rocks. Itulinst, Ireland, Oet. 6. •.\ neat re - mai kettle la littch laTIll'red here yesterday morning', when the new bow built for the new Nt bite attellner SileYie, 1 0 replace one left at Stagroek, toter I. 110 1.i/71 111. on Mareli 1 7 hist. elel into the eater. The Suevie, during a fog. ran en the reeks, itit,1 lifter long and in- effeetual tittempts to refloat her, the attivere cut tiana the forepart, refloated re.t of the ship and towed it to Southampton, eller', it im now in dock end ready to receive the new bow. • ce REWARD FOR PLUCK. Conductor Who Saved Boy is Decorated at Brockville. 111o,kville, ()pt., Oct. 01. On July 41 h '0181114.10r Jug. Neeeillough, of the B. 11. & N. \V. Re at the risk of his (mu life stived a boy from being caushed to death by the wheels of a moving t reit, 'Yesterday afternoon lie wile Imb- ed,: presented e ith a hromse medal, to -oiled by the Royal Canadian Humane Aw.o. in t Judge McDonald presided, •ind Masse Fieford pineal the medal on the breost of the reelpient, ERADICATE GLANDERS. - - The Wingham Wane THEO. HALL, Proprfietew Dr. Agnew Physician, Surgonno Annne.nOIZOCIV Office Upotatra in the Macdonald knock - Night calla ammered at ulnas. J P. KENNEDY, M.D., M.C.P.S.O. (Member of the Brandt atted1Cal Antioeiationd GOLD MEI tALLsrr LN mtapa.:INE. Speotal attention paid to Dineac-eo We. Men. atm(' eldlarea Ottice huure- 1 to 6 le ine 7 tO 9 le iln. DR. ROBE. C. REDMON'D cm. 11. C. 8. (ENT). (L. R. 0. P. tLaand.) PHVSPDIAN AND SURGEON (Office with Dr. Chieholm.) R. VANSTONE BARRIBTE1R AND SOLLCYrolt Money to loan at lowest nano. Office-- DIDAVER BUICK, WINKIFEA.M. DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, E FC Ottfee-Meyer Block, Wingham E. L. Dickinson. Dudley Holmes. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR MONEY TO LOAN Mae -Morton Block, WIngharn. Wellindton Mutual Fire Ins. C (Estabilabed 1840.1 Head OM* -01.'ELd'il. ONT. Make taken Oa all tdabsee of Insurable pr pert,. on the cash or ',mantilla note eye IAMBS (HALM E, CHAS DAVIDSON, President. Secretar JOHN RITCHIE, Vi'Inghani, One Agent. r ..".......---...--, or's Help" and "How you are Dwindled. 'station or improvement and we will tell y tree our opinion as to whether It is prphabi Benda' a rough sketch or model of your 1 patentable. Rejected applicationa have ate been successfully prosecuted by us. \A conduct fully equipped offices in Montre PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our Interesting books " Inven ,s....--.........--------.. 6 and Washington ; this qualifies us to promr ly dispatch work and quickly secure Paten as brood as tbe invention. Higheat referenc, furnished. Patents procured through Marion & Si rion recellte specie! notice without charge r over too newspapero distributed through° the Dominion. Specialty i-eatent bueluess u1 Manufa hirers arid Engineers. MARION & MARION Patent Expeets and Solicitors. Officesi f New York Life D'Id'fr, flontre 1 Atlantic Bide,Wnahlngton D., ws.........s.,................s.-.......s..--......- A WAR SCA U. S. FLEET IN PACIFIC M CAUSE TROUBLE. European Statesmen Regard Ma With Greater Anxiety Than International Crisis of Recent Ye London, the. 7. 4.inope has be to take kocii and. sp., tai mar in the :wilding uf the AnimMitit fiect the l'aclfic. bee5 ill the prot....e.1 demonstration but a pro% ni against .1apan and it will anait its 1 1.1)ele i h li‘ely' impatience. ti1)11 appl.it 1., to theta 1.1 1 II 1okt. mill beyond a quarrel het a een the 1 n :•tdtes and Japan, and it ea allot M. 1..-11:1) that 1..iiropean piddle seutin inclines to teeter side. \ cry different, indeed, is the taken bi 1%e . I 111 and I Downing Plutopean tat -11 11 the ie., 44011 1,1"11,1 111.4" 1.) 11130 •1113 1"1" tiolial el 1.i. I 10.011 p•ats. Dim) agile in lids, 11.0 I 1 4. li;e2 1 11.11 1 lel 4,1 1 1:01 ••••...il i..1.• I, a .1:- i ty 1.o,- 1111/1 e. .1 ad the .1:1 iii.1...„1 .10111. ilich 11.1 11 ..; 11 Itifil..11 '111111/11Ln il;1111 tt 1 he Far leist, Europe ss ill expel et till. gen, ral tipinien t.f the ti 'Mak ha le• 1 sa. Meet ef the Itii...11-lartutt•-e (V'sr the grcate.t iiii.take in Mi. Ito eareer. .\netlit r vela 1111..lign 1,1(1, 1,1,101 fi,„.,1„", within 3„. ef the leis -ear peephe 11d 11,1 d a lel 11 hit he d neer e ha been Imslpoll..1 I., the fli.1,1 itlitt.,\I;;111"Iti.41":2Pt'iti.::(1i1"1:lif"ffeltellil; 11111.1;1;11;'ettilt the ‘"n'tieon I"'11" fi ras to h. :ieve the entieM icpoit there is a flcit ilt•finite 1 -tending. that the fleet in the I lantic. he ready to prot,,,1 int, many things. It %%wild la Naisei lielm's nedi te ,,f king 12.1.0 eaee nett. of flie piast years for sAft.gu teems the 1.0.1, - /pm It mieht eitstl.‘ in air. the United etates and Gt erne ag England and leplin. TRIP TO I;RMA? Canadian Newspapermen Nay ( the Pond, Ot time, oet Preliminers. menet are teeter eay imike hip the,.nrel..1CA1181:11,11,11)11,111 1111,.‘•111 .1;1.1.1;1..27 1111110,70 .1101 the "real 1 ana.1.1" 1., lead: llia prominent 11.•a.liape hat 1. re.111111.11.1 to the 111 1 il at ion. t 1 11,• part, and ...nsoleralde 1,111hi is 0\ pressed tov.:11-.1.. the objeld The fast piaci wlep. \%ert. tak the rieW% edit 01 Id lio• /Ha ((a ( 54 hut 14 gathering the iloolons I 'anode la nen ape r men T11114 0.1 nit of I he inter.•stee the 1 ukon to Vanteitivet anti :tea the Atlantic. coast.