HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-10-03, Page 6ress40101ssvisse" ' liz12x2grIttzgaat2g.gmuktmvazg§tx .,' it'l.'1(,„.t.iiitt;k.,..',It,„1;'',i't n?-:"PthrtAot 1 aud . he :,, . .r.,:, filled. 'SI, it II crowtte as numerous, ae gaily .1S • . ...e0 dreacti, til Jayne and azi nony a$ thine aa luneination in honor oi the tioyernor, at am! And ae the sional, ea it wore, overy IA Mal everyhouse, every street, the. whole -..0. elates, am/ apeeday tho etreete were ee. ell olenly, its. by a givorseigaal, every wire. a eity, was ea an abet/lute blaze of spleto el house emptied itstelf of ita eimiteel in- tim moon bail not yet rioota but Paul - WW glared, with light. It was the 11 - lite esreete Ina 0.0.11 Ivey darki ior , . . - el of the cloy. Wa' Our eorrowful pilgrims made their way warczaiziszcificxxxxzfingaNsirtmeoitmgrbyr,0 -;kz,::? cis well as they email through the merry, ignaaonNeteseeate eatiateelo eel jostling m ea teed°. At leogte they reached the jell, Tae your feet praying to you to spare the , , , oftemon was auxiously awaitino, thou, life of ber only son, ana epurn aer oet*ita to menness? Oh! no, you will think et :11;11.,011,,euainis,lorwerol to meet than, ;looking, your own mother, and pity the widow 8 te **1\ Lt.‘lio.znee" grey Were and Inaken aeart!" Silo egee but e '. pausea, but stili held. up her etrainee ,),.„;‘,„ee' ogiaantiaIltveentecg:irien7uairethd! gaze to hie face in game eupplication. Seeeuei7,v7-'3`i•i your limier?" Daniel Hunter. kept osternly down the It 1 ote eoin, idenee, poor boy3 wait - rising pity of his heart.; but leis tnannaera inguitupa tent ie for las reprievet" was einmassionate end, reverentiol. " eayeu eupport Itini in the terrible he etoopea and gave her his hand. to no- de, 1 amine le filen a let 3110 sist her to her feet, axed said: iniaTilititelyliato l'.:keie%eell. 1. eani. charged maaaru, I he of you." The rue "I thought every one knew that." "Lad.y!" *aid Nelly, auddenly rising, and conelug forward, and sinkiug again at Augusta's feet, "1 mole here to plead. for my huslatuula pa,raonaefor the par- don of William O'Leary, now iu prison =der sentence of --" The sight of Augusta's fare and form sudaenly 1 roze tho prayer upon the young wife's lip. Augusta reeleol and sbivered as if un- der the effect of come tanning blow; and now her elbow rested on the table, her head bent upon her hand, her riug- lets concealed her face, and her whole form bowed over the table an(1 she mars mural, in a oliolciug voice: "Oh, Godt is it eo? Can it be 'pas- siblee Was only this wanting? You, Ellen Falconer! You vearried to thts man ,and he to die so soon!" avalen and gre. at was the eliseeess of the lady that Ellen herself turned as oneforter, filtering: "But he is not to die, laely-he is in- a.ocentl We know that; but eve want the Toprieva to-negat that the suepense may be over, and we may go home tp- morrovr and leave tais dreadful place be- hInd forever." "011, Ellen! Relent" waa all the lady could say, bowed down in pity and in grief, "We know that he is going to be re- prieyed, becautte -the emverhor him posi- tively peomised it, ladea" "Oh, Ellen! God pity you, Ellen!" was all the amswer. But instontly Norah O'Leary, who, till now, had etood near the doer, at- tracting but little notice, and suppmed to be only an attomiant of the yotnag woman-Norith Oelautiy came' forward; and, speaking in short, quick gasps, she salon: - eltioneght a eeet effort has been male by lame of. the feria Men la the aate. lulive bean telci tlittt it has. failed, .1 14'0 no 11.411- IC11 .144 in you. You have greet "pewee WW1 Daddel Hunter, lady, 1 enieto eireeteat yu - to pra.y to you - tb use it and leave 'my boy's' life!" woul,a to heaven 1 had the power you p. azazibe mel I eveuld uee it for yon sidee." A -epee -La's comitenance elepreesed greet sympathy with the suf- ferer; but as the entirely recovered her eelfsposeaseion, her manner eeemea cold to tte exeith(1 woman, who excjaineedo "And you refuse to iniereede for me? You, a mother -and to have such a stony heart for a mother's armaiehl How know you, woman, what may be the fate of the babe in yonder crib ?-how he may sin mid fall, and sue for merely?'" "It Is a. girl, thank Gild!" said Anus- ta, thrown into a mementary tremor by this second act of bringing her idolized child into the wretched. oonneetion. "A girl, is it? Then pray God, lady, to have mercy on you and on her! And show you, meanwhile, merely to my thild! For God promisee tnerey only to the merciful, and will yisit the sins of the father • upon the children!" "The Lord of truth and. mercy, who tears zee now, knows that if I bad the influence you impute to me, I woula use it gladly ta save your eonl leue, alas; I hove not the maven Only one thipg 18 this., affair inflaences Mr. Hunter -a senee of justiee!" "A Baum of justicel then he believes Wiefiam gtelltyl" "Alpo, I fear sot" "Apel you belMve tt." da oot know the eircarreste,nces." said the motley, ep.eakang ra- pidly, "these were iho circumstets,nces- strong epough again*, him, poor fellow! The murdered man, Barkeederse a shop- keeper At St Inez, in our county. Ile beralted Nelly more than once, When op- portunity offered. At last she complain- ed to William. William IS very rash and hoteheadied; he challeaged Berke. Burke refuse(1 to meet him. William then swore taut be would thraah the vlIIalxi,ond if he resisted, shoot hive He left the heouee for the puepose. And the mane night Buzke was fend sleet through the ead, tenet William, on his re- turn aotae, was arrested. Yon know the reesti" "A. fearful ehain of evidence, indeed.! What could your son soy in defense?" "The truth -that he went in search of Burke for the purpose of taflibeifig sum- mary thastisemeat upon hire, but that he never fond aim." "A weak defenee, alas!" said Angus - «A n'aele defense, katy, veal yet those wleo atter aim best belief% an innocent, and his father confessor knave that he Is so." It waft a relief ebat, Just at this mo- ment, Daniel lenontar entered; tiee room. Be came in by the private dooer com- neuneeteting with hat own apartments.. Noah O'Lefery saw him when he Pattered, :ma recommieea him inetinctively; she watehea aim when h otoppea up to tae side of that erne, need droW the eurtiellee; the continued, to wateh aim as be gitoed„ upoo the little sleeper with a softening eemeteuance. I1. WQ,er, inaeed, Aroma to see that whilom, gen, ilevere politsleieni ane stateematta-that firm, iitantable ruler, gazing with so soft a entire upon the sleeping chila! And the wretched Noxell we:Leliod to dtave a hopeful aug- eery from that tender mooal Drawing the curtoins gently together, Daniel Banter left the crib, and came forward towards hie wife. Then seeing, for the liret reinter, her two vieitorrs, whom lie evi- dently eneaterea to be women of hum - bee life-ptobably seamestresees in ills - tress, or something of the leind - he merely nailed a kindly acknowledge -tient of their preeenee, and then, retanaitot, by his -wife, entered Seto convent -Ilion with her. he were your son?" It we only for a moment' thee he "Ile should diet" good stpeakieg with Augutstet, and then "Ana you will not -oh, my Goal yo0 the e.arneet, elaqiwut, eye54 of Augeeta, evil int save my son?" turnea from the fo.ee of her husbana, "I cannot!' and fixe(1 themselves upon. the women With a terrified (shriek, the wretehed etanding near. He undareteoa and fel- woman tbrew trt, her alum, awl kli lowed, her glance, and instantly* lits atone to tbe toot, quick perceptive faeultiee reeeivea the • • truth. ond, thinking within himself: An hour after that tare() foot psteeen- "This is another trial, and the most teei- ger, weary in feartle Dad crusted in OM One yet. he inquired:, in a Med heart, took their mournful way toward tone, "Well, my good women, whet is the ptiftore They were Norah O'Leaty, it?" whoese evial, bewildered air awl totterieg "Olt, eir," exclaimed Noralt O'Leary, steps required. eoustant watchfulnee and sinking at his feet. ana raising her hands support from her eompartionta Nelly and etrainal gaze in his fee. "Ole Air! O'Leary, who etill eontirmea to weep I bream. you to hear amt grant my foul wail, norc like a grieved child time. prayer. I am a poor. old, lietataroken a aeepaiting vvif' e and rather Gooarich, mothem ie to boo for the life of 'my whth osorrowful task it, was to convey Orila thin Sir, t lieve been teal that to the prisoner the deration of the...Mee you louve teitectea rwry petition for hie entor, and, in -the few hour s Mit him pittion. I hear that you lave turnea away from Ow ph,toliaipt of tho very treatest of men in the $teel' Yet Vett Will not turn itivay from mine? tau 'Will not set 8 grey-haireel viennatt at by tho (eta -ether to hiform him of his "You pardon zny eon?" she asked, with approachine death!" a wild, appealing gaze, as she grasped hiluindbut remained on her knees. _, 0 ".4. very etorowful duty, sir, and I aro e e, "Madam," said Daniel Hunter, i11 a truly glieved that you should have the grave, sorrowful voice, "I feel at this can of performing it Do these women aweTelnelPni,"11Yn yitousutboLltuleled. eteolinie", 1 ii)eoq Ili tt iendg t it), to „_.......„), moment a pain only seeona to your own where Nonni O'Leary stooa propped "Oh, do not utter what you were about to say! You, d against the wall, with her arum alai head anyou oitlee, can Imaging down, in the very desolation of save my child' You have so much pow- er. Oh, my God, that &me, human being misery -and Nally sat upou the ground, sobbing like a heart -broken child. should have power over my one child's N life, to toke it away at his pleasure! Olt, "o, 1 think nee," answered the priost, in a low whisper. "I think it best that sir, have naereyI Oh, grant me my child's life, for you can do it! You can do it I should break the matter to the poor lad alone. Then, when that is done, and by only writing your name. Good. bee.- von, when 1 think of the horrible power 1 have liad an opportunity of talking to him, and, it may be, calming and prepar- that resides in this handl this hand. of ing him a little, I will send for thew." your:A You have but to take a pen M it Ana Make your autograph, and my The warden procured the keys amd the son is free to live and be happy. Do it, priest went to Noroh, and, taking her sir. DO it-oht where is there a paper arra, saidt "Nre. O'Leary, I wish you to go into and ink? Lady, won't you send for it?" Ana so wildly, incoherently she *ailed, Mr. Thomas' room, and wait there till as they who sue for life. I send for you. I am gang to your son's Augusta looked on in the deepest dis. cell." tress,and turned her eyes occasionally Norah lifted her inflamed and strain- towat the distant form of Nally, who lag Mee.eyes in an appealing peel to his was weeping silently. Datilel Hunter saw the distress of his But he replied to that silent pleading a wife, and, stepping to her side for an in- by saying: O'Leary, it would greatly Ma- sten, said, in a low voiee: pede all the good I might do your Bon, "Retire'my dearest lote; your pre - swum heoe can do uo sort of good, and and very much (1151.0082 him, besides, were you to accompany me now to his this intent -vitae grows to painful for you." penitence. Take your daughter into the lin Aagaista mournfully shook her wardefies room, and wait there till I heed, Doering, in a whisper: "I will not send for you," leave then, if you please, Mr. Hunter?" With one of those dreadful groans Daniel Hunter dicl not insist, but came ethical, one heard, naight never be for- bade 'to where Noah O'Leary still knelt, gotten, Norah turned to obey, and once more attempted to raise her, CHAPTER VL saying: "Rise, Mrs. O'Leary! For your own When the priest reached the warden's salsa, rase." room, an hour later, he found Norah "Never! while my boy lies condenmed standing midway the floor, with an eager, to die," said Norah, wildly. alraost frenziea look from her eyes. "This is most distressing to us all, be- Neely sat at a table with her arms sides being perfectly unavailing—" theme over it at f all length, and her "Oh, sir, do not say that!" exclaimed head bowed Upon them. Norah, interrupting hire suddenit;ce.% do s "You have told him, Father?" asked not, sirt oh, sir, I implore you Y "a° Nolah, in a hollow voice. love you bear your beautiful wife, to oyes m_._ , y daughter, and he bears it bear with me farther. You armee/ not with the resignation Of a Christian. Imi- suffer her to be pained, even by the tate his pious fortitude, my dear daugh- sight of another's woe; oh, sir, by that ter, rather than distuth it by giving tender care of her, I entreat you toi laey way to your feelings. Be is ready to see me! Sir, this broken, gray-haired eve- yea," sold the good priest, And, going to man at your feet, was not many yeaxea•oee elly, he touched her on the shoulder, ago a wife beloved and therielied; but 50,yilig: "Come, my child! ceme'illy pew he who cared for her lives in his grave; giell let me go with you to William's and now the heaviest storms of eforrow (till," beat upon her bare head, and there ia Nally lifted up her head and. wiped nano to pity and to save!" , the tears from her wrested. cheeks, and Ditaiel Hunter was deeply 'eleven; joined her mother, and they followed wieti all lais salf-controLhis eountenanee Father Goodrich out. When they enter - still betrayed the greatest mental pain. ed the cell, they found O'Leary on his At length the spoke again: knees by the side of the cot. He remain - "My child is doomed to die a murderer's ed in that posture a few minutes, as if horrid death-ney child, who i,s evell to finish his prayer, and then aroee. But now as filament and -Goa pity aelml-ea Nelly overset the composure of the whole simple aka as harmless as the babe in party by ekeing hereelf upon Wil - yonder cradle -I Oh, Daniel Hunter, b t S' linnet bosom and giving way to a pas- tho love you lavish, on your child, pity A innate bur,t oa grief. Norah etood wretched mother's heart. My 1 0):43 JO totknin's against the wall for support, as great, my hopes were once as ccnifi- and her bloodless cheeks and strained, dent for him who lies in yonder cell, as yours are for the child that sleeps in y'et awaken, eye, and ghastly counten- ance, epleke of a despair so deep and ut- peaee in yeader OM! Oh, Daniel Hunter, ter, that tem passionate sorrow of Nelly by all the fond, high hopes embarke& M that babe's life and future fortunes-- seemed but a childish grief beside it. O'Leary gave all his attention to the hear and grant my prayer, andspare ray task of soothing and .eomforting hat child." And in the abjectness of hey young wife. But every word he spoke, grief and supplication, she cowered. and Lena every caress he gave her, seemed grovelled at hos feet, and then lifted her !duped hands and strained eyes in the anr sobs. At last: only tp opeu a fresh tountain of tears very agony of supplication. "Speak to her, mother," he said; "dei Diteald Hunter ground his teeth toges ant Adatirita tatned deadly pale, and speak to her, and. try to (pleat her." reeled, asia eaughb the dreesitig table for North eanie to her aide and took her away, and when she had set her down support. A cohflice of meta emotione web oVetpoweringher strength, It was 14 the chair at tho other end a the cell, she said, in a deep, hearse voices not only an agonazing sympathy with tam "Nally, hest! 11 youelove him truly, eafferrag metther, but it was a vague, un• you Would not distress him sol', Keep rea,soaing dear other. Every tithe, when back your tone, evoman! There will in the course of this interview, the datk, be leaure enough to shed them after - death -looking worma heed in -any way ward, when they can hart nobody. 41144:led to her sleeping bb, Augusta With a few convulsive suffooating had trernleeed through all her franne. sobs, poor Nolly swallowed her tears, Daniel Matter, egging her geeet die- and assumed an unreel composure. turbaace, without diyiniag the whole of erather, " insuired Norah of the priest, its cause, stepped up to her and said: .., "is this understood to be our lase villa "Augusta, you should .have retires]. -our farewell?" when I recommeaceed you to do so. Taie "I do not kpaw, my poor ohild, it will scene is too much for you. Geo at, once." depend upon William himself, 1 suppozie. "You are right," said Augusta, in a nut 1 should advise that it should be. faltering voice. "I will go." ' I would have the renueinieg hours of the Daniel Hunter's faee wee pale and bey undisturbed by thoughts of earth, stern. He Jolt the neceesity of bringing mum even ea family affection is. I will this scene to an inetantaneous end, eie spejne to him." And the father went ettid: te elle mit Where O'Leary sat exhausted, "Mrs. O'Leary, I have not the power after bis efforts to console Inelly. "Wile to save yotir son, without a enerifice of Jana" ho seed, "would you like that this princtple, lend. that I will not make." should be your patting interview with "You would make it for one �f your your family, or would you prefer to Ode own! You would make it for one of them again in the morning?" your own!" she cried, in a paesion of "Ole no, Father, oh no! It is too pain. grief. ful fot ihum-they suffer too dreadzully. "No. Understand me, poor woman! No, rather, let the bitternese of death I have said men a forraor oceasion, and. e be paned thatight, and let the renutining repeat -if it were my brother in your hoOrs be given to Mean." son's place, and if my aged mother were "Yeti aro right, my (3011, perfectly here at my feet, praying for her chitties right, and may theme last roma/Mug life as you. pray, I should stet as I do hour* be blessed to your eattes highest now. 1 sliguld refuse her prayer as I good)" :mid the prient, and then he went refuse yours!" to Norah and add; "Mts. O'Leary, it is "tote would not! Tiger-heere, se you tie I expected. Your son withas that this are, you vetted& nal" should be the final interview -but why "1 Would, so help me heaven!" not :speak to hiin yourself, my dear "If 114 were your 'brother,' ayel but if c t" cannot! I cannot! Thou this is the porting?" a yea', "lenity," the said, stooping to spook to her daughter in a low voice, "if you really do love your husband, prove it now, by your :self -canteen Go to aint aud reeeivo his Met direetione, for in something lees than tta hour we ratite leave hitn, and we elmi not see him egitin iie life." Gasping atta bobbing, anegulping her teem Nell,' went to the tot, arta eat aown by William, and dropdpeher heed upon ens thoulder, greying: "Olt, Willie, tell me if there is any. think in the world you would have me to do, and I will do itl Olt, Williei it will be the only comfort 1 shall have left in the world when you aro gonel" And here a fresh buret of Was threatened to overtake her, but she etruggiel and on earth, to least 11101 tn stocking, that gamma and el.:spree-ad them. "Tell me, mercy froni God whielt he Iteel failed in Willie, tell me whet I can do for you, oletztittlng from men, They pursued their and if mortal woman eat do It, I will, be way In utter eilence, except for the lo1 iv it what it relay," availing of Neter and an ocesesional ter • (To be wallet/e(1.) HOW TO SKIM TUE TUTU. There's a Eight Way to Do. It, laid Rote It IE. 111. the firm 0501, cooyet Yotales Goaspasis• ism, the brush *timid ma Ise 'WO hall 044 lete. Miriam eliatiel uot ea too tome tee eetiar. 'iatta outsets of the Pruett selectee tie ea -TPA or uoevese watt Mager mei ehortee emote*, co that the preieettalt ratan meo penetrate betweea ale twill. 4 is 114801' to nave the brush islislatir oesesvo, to fit Me art% et nee teeth, but iu that caSe oue must. hasise a. eeeend owe far lirusshiag the battlers of rho teeth. teezdi liever be scrubbed DY raselag the iseuesh from aide to side acreas them, 45 mout ,porsond do, Ur it is slmt that purshee the gums back mad tears thcatt. This motien, eapeclaily when the brush is a stiff ono 4t12 0, Witty .p•OrtiOr Is USSa. LIMY also Miura the enamel of the teeth. The teeth should be cleaned by e0111118 tbO brush 10 a areetioa trew the gums towareci tee attune easie, se Omt the bristles will uot only ticrano the surface, but sweep be- tween them. 'Ishii naostea will alio coax the edge of the gum over .the noels of the teethe, insteud of pusaing it away, aud 1241 tee mevetmente In this emectiou eau be neither eo rapid nor so towable as when they aro from side to side, the game are lets liable to be lacerated by the brietlee. The backe of the teeth are to be brushed In tam same way, while the gritullng stre- faces must be saleatted by a to-and-fro as well As a lateral rubbiag. Lukewarm water is best for the teeth, and some good (1eullfrice fdaeuld be used one a day. a,,4( 'I' OE PE 1.) 1, AR PEOPLE '11.4441 (I Steel SideoWalls for Modern Homes FIT suroctes weed, piaster °reaper in beaus.'" Mar.: tirPanitsclItilnYALEilfthsaW--4Yetc'llser'rtre'le7test— gaiest. fire—thees535samoof the vase es why YOS.:it hOissa,-why any modem bieldineisnywhere4es'ailtats Pn3LAK giVz •tyl'Attig Con indefieitely. Le.+141 sea thS whole tea hi print and scrams. sa honk ig 11,4, 211 09Ioevo Itostreol Onown Toronto 1404= W1oolt...4 The PEDLAR, People CONUNDRUMS. What should a clergyman preach about? About a quarter of an hour. Bow do you define a ring? As a hole with a rim around it. Why is the letter D like a hoop of pia? Because we on's be wed without it. Why is the root of the tongue like a dejected. man? Because it's down in the mouth. Why is the wide of a essalle like the city of Athene? Meeause it is in the mid- dle of Greeoe. Why are there three objections to tak- ing a glass of brandy? Because there are three scruples to a dram. Which has the hardest life of it, cof- fee or tea? Tea, undoubtedly; for while coffeecao settle down tea is compelled th draw. Why is a dog bitiug his own tail like a good manager? Because he makes both o.&: eneet. Why are bald-headed men in danger of dying? Because death loves a s'hang mark. National Mrs. The national airs of great countries are short, while those of smaller ones are long, "God Save the King," is four- teen bare, the Russian national hymn is sixteen bars, "Hail Columbia!" has twenty-eight hors. Siam's national hymn has seventy-eight bars, that of Uruguay seventy and Chili's national hymn has forty-six. San Marino has the longest national hymn except China's, which Is so long that people take half a day off to lieten to it. Canadian Hair Restorer, Will restore gray hair to its natural color. Stops failing hair, causes to grow 08 balkt heads, cures dalidruff, itching and all scalp diseases. Contains no oily or greasy Ingredient. Net a dye. Price IS cents—To introduce es -111. neat/ Arid order for 30 cents, coin or postil notes Address THE MERWIN CO., Windsor, Ont. As to the Spinal Cord, A young teacher whose efforta to in- ouleate elementary anatozny had been einusually diseouraging, at. Met soaked in daspair: "Well, I wonder if any boy here can tell zne what the apinal cord really is?" She was met by a row of. bleak and ir- responsive fakes, till finally one small voice pipod up in great excitement: "no epinal cord ft what runs thengh you. Your head sits on one end and you sit on the other." A Damaged Lock: The lock on the door of a Methodist chapel in a Surrey, Eng., village had re• ceritlee to be removed, as it was choked up with edam, dropped in by some 6110 who mistook it for a eollection box. • SP Minard's Liniraent Cure e Burns, etc. Woman a Lighthouse Keeper. Deed peseale, says London Woman, aro unaware that there is a woman in charge of the aaasowe Lighthouee, whin!' e bawls on the Cheshire aide of the entrants to the Mersey -a most important light- house, commanding as it dose the en- trance to the port of Liverpool. Mts. Williams olio is the lighthouse keeper, le eeelate:a in heir duties by her daughter. For Strains *of Bade e -of Shouldet *of ntifie -of Hough *of WhirlateentS -of Knee -of Betitook -Of Collin joint -of Pastern Swelling awl all 1,21114. nese in Borne Use Fellows' teemlup's Essence Two or three teatptiotte foie la a little Rum Or /handy, curet Spreine, triticee And Lettimiees In 24 hours -takes out All the sorenesiii-eand fade horees "on Hide' feet *pith" atte, a bott1e. le your drug= gist does not hare it, stud to National Om thented tieltels Netted. 17 LEARN BRESS.MAKINO BY MAIL in lour epare ante at acme, or Take elo Personal Coarse at Selma To enable all io learn aro teach on cash or instalment plan. We ales teach:A pertiOnai ct3 la 801)001 once a month, etslitee commencing last 'rtieselay of each month. These losisone tettebes how to vitt, ilt and pot together any gacmcont from the plainest 611i11 waist Suit, te tile $11tIfit claleelo ate dress. Tile wkole faintly can leant from one course. We have taught over oeven thousand dress -malting, and guarantee to g'ive five hunched stellate to any one that cannot learn between the ages of z4 aoci 4.0. You cannot Mara dreseanakinte as thorough ae this eourse teaches if you work in shope foryears, Beware of Meta - tions as ivo emeloy no one mashie the school. This is the only experienced Deese Cutting Sono( in (Saimaa and excelled by node 14 any otbee country. Mite at once for partioolare, es We have cut our rate one. third for a shot -t them Address ;- SANDERS' DRE811-CUITINe SCHOOL, 81. Erie St., el tretford, Oete ("etude. Row Charles on Got His Name. Charles Son, proprietor of the leyeemo Theatre Cafe, was titarlea Ua teeptut when ho Mauled in this Notary from Italy several yeare ego. When ho moo ts.) New York to melee his home at Am- erica he wen to work ot his trede 85 totoneeutter. Employea with LIM W01.0 many other Rentals, fleetly of them with names diffieult 1:01011110 EMI Q'COA, 11101'C dilIloult tx1 remember. For that reaeon the emeleeere male a metetioe of heving the Imiielte sell nattered, they were 104 off eadt week by Mutt- ber ineteaa of la- reme. Mter that $on, or Do Oaptio, at uther 08008 811.1 ho was af,atu trxr,stv 8 uunibovsIt was to him to 'let' shorn ot ittaiviano!lity mut sk* b,y umber the satuo s. 00111 tet. tie &Mod that he 11.01181 change his ttnt110. Otte day he C,:5 walking oloug Brozta- way aod notiesei n great Imam of firms hevieg stsele uames we levier in $0e, eeroy a Son vela others to whigh Son five:ea. He dividea that Son watt be on 01 1110 prominent Mueiliee in No* York, tend as the name was simple and easy to remember he dedded to tulopb it Front that 'day he has been known as Merles ton, -Cleveland Plain Dealer. 445 GOOD BECAUSE IT DOES GOOD. The common oihnents, while few, are liable to arise at any time. The boat' kept horses, and. env receiving the least care, aro alike ha.ble to the °rain - nay troubles as spavins, ringbone, ourb, lamenees, cuts and bruises. It is -well fee horse owners thub these diseieses all yield to the same treatment, and oan all be cured completely with the eame remedy. This dependable reme6y, -which is very inexpensive -is Kendall's Spavin Cure, Even the moss, stubborn cases, wbieh veterinaries lingo failed to relieve, yield to Kendall% Spavia Cure. In the thirty yang in which this re- liable remedy aas been merle by farmers, freedmen, livezymen raid 1'; privete and racing stables, it hae sawn complete sat- iefaetion. Certainly, those who own horses aro not consulting their own beet interests if they do not keep a bottle of Kendall's Spin Cure in the born. lar. B. J. Kendall Co., makers of this fagnous preparation, publish a book en- titled! "A. Treatiee on .the Horse ,and His Diseases," which is invaluable to those who want to keep -their horses well ead saVe veterinaries' bills. A. copy may be obtained at most dealers or will be sent free by addressing the above company at Enosburg Falla 'Vermont, U. El .A. Presence of Mind. Mrs. Smithson lia,d a terrible temper, and her inieband was muoh in awe of her. One day, in his own den, he was dis- coursing to a few friends concerning some of her peculiarities, "I have thought foe some time," he said, "that my wife was utterly devoid of taste, but the other day she put on a new dress in which ehe out. -eroded Her- od it was so awful, and as she went out, I leant out of the window to have, anoth- er look at her anti—" At this moment his wife entered sud,- dertly. And the funniest part of the if whole thing," went on Smithson, with, out turning a hair, "was that they found the cow eleven cloys after on the third plietforea of the Eiffel tower." Mrs. Smitheon never understood what thoye was in this silly* statement to make them all 'steak ao much. 0110OODATE IS DEO. People Will Find Thi e Out When Buying 04043' at Christ Mae. Coeote, which 1ms been a:iv:toeing in priee Reneetp4.emys the Now York World, woe marked up two to three cents a pound in the lest week by var- Mae mmtufzecturers, ond as to be turelter advanced, it la prodieted. Prieee of ooeett, envoi:de, and ohocalate eonfeotione IWO new enitt to be inglier than for 20 yere, The reason given by the inenufeeturere Is that the belen vote them more then eee•!ilrr tiveregofore tend double what it did a y Time for the retail prices hove not. been geuerally it up, but dealerny that users of neon, and choeolote will soon heve to ,pay ommiderably more. It is estimeted About O0,000,000 more than lase year. The publics will feel this, it in said, In •the minting holithey season, when the dereumel for bon bone is great- est. ecoeme las ben brought about by rtouto autaorities Hey that the dear halation of Now York And Europeaa tioalere °tamable( •tho merkea A 'ergo importer otti(l it is clue chiefly to the atomise in coneumption, amounting to ono buttarea per oent, in five yeiere. a - DON'T NEGLECT TOUR SKIN. A healthy isain 1$ Absolutely essaatial to 11E4,14'111, IIAPPINTM ana BEAU- TY, niliheetoeural twat nervoussfailing wey to keep a hoeltity akin le to treat iniurlee Ana eruptions promptly with nem -Bela Zatnniult contains onlythe rieh 11p d jaleee of honliug, health- giviug Lobe, oud, i taterefore Natureee Lawn akin Bemoily. Zikeeteatila entelleD arra A, eee Goviliper, Cafalinte, of Piles. Mies lea M. Dertlett, Montreal, of Ec. el4te*'e, Berrien, Hingeton, of Blood Nieto% ;Mae. Alfred. Brown, Toronto, of Itheu- matiame Nes. (loggia, Wapolla (Bask.), of Ab staiettee. Obtain:Me from sal drugesieto an teres at 80e, a box, Sena to Zain-Bul Co., Toronto, for free sample box. Jus Out out this offer, write norne of pape acrose it, and mail, with le. stamp to Pee" P°Stage• * The Power of tlet Black Vote, The egeent Republican State owes- tteh fti 404447 11/431\1844. to endorse Vet for the easetefldiecy 111 1e08, althea& moae of the Repulnizian meteh that State favor him, and a majority of the -White Repableciame oe the Stets are bailey to prefor aim to &V other person, fo the oemaidacy, exeept Roosevelt. It le Bald, however, that negroee threaten - to out the State eleket in the chain 1907 if the &invention endorsed Tent fo 1908, and that thie WU the reason wh it fefueed to declare any pretence:me for anybody, although it recommended the seleceion of eoatebody in accord with Roosevelt's polities. The reseen assign. ed for negro hostility to Taft is his con neetion with the order to disband th black troops for the Brownville inoident In ordinary caavasses the negroes hol the balance M. many States which arc usually Republican -New York, Ne Jersey, West Virginia, Ohio Indtana Illinois, and others. Kentucky, NVIlte has been a dose State recently, has 75, 000 negro voters, and leeentueky le on of the southern States in which th negro who wants to vote is allowed t, vote. 'While the Kentucky Republic* convention eves refusing to endorse Taft his rival, teem -ter Foraker, was delive ing the annual commencement andres at Wilberforce Univereity, In Ohio, th leaning negro college in the middle Wes and he wife condemning the Stand take] by Roosevelt and Taft In the Brownsvill matter. It is said that the negroes ar organizinz in Oaio to fight Taft in th peimaties in that State so as to defeat If they can, his endorsement for Pros dent there. Possibly Brownsyille wi figure In the election of 1908. -Pro teelie's Weekly. St. Isidore, PQ., Aug. 10, 1904. alinard's Linitnent Coe Limited. Gentlemen, -I have frequently need MLNARD'S I.INTMEN'T and also. pre- eeribe it for my patients always with the most gratifying reeults, and I eoneider it the best all-around Liniment extant. Yours truly, DR. JOS. AUG, SIROIS. Where Newspaper Men Are Searce. A newepaper bas lately suspended publication bemuse it could not secure eupply of printers. There was no question of wages or of Unioniem. The difficulty was that there was not a sin- gle mon fn the community evocable of handling type, and none could be Maned to go there. The community in ques- tion is the penitentiary of Columbus, Ohl o. s ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft and callous lunms and blemishes from horses, blo spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweene stifles, sprains sore lead swollen throe coughs, eta Save $50 by use of o bottle. Warranted the most wonderf Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by dru gists. irr A Prayer for Very Man. ,G1ve me the anatienee that it needful is; Give me ootateratment that from leAtiall riVe men the vietory that Thy power he wow Give use the rest that is for work w done. 4 •• • lelinard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Easily Turned. A small boy was asked to take (timer at the home of a distingoilthed professor In Princeton. The lad's mother, in fear lest he should commit tome breach of etiquette, gave him repeated directions ns tO what he should and ehoula not do. Upon hie return from the great cocoas eion, says the Youth's Companion, the mother's firet question was, "Narold, did you get along at the table all right?" • , yes, manna, *well enough." "Yeti aro sure you didn't do anything tlett, was not perfectly polite and gentle - n1813171" "Why, no -nothing to speak of." "Then something did happen. What was 11. 1" "lied I fixed it all right, mamma," "Tell ine at nee," "Why, 1 got olong protty well until tho meat eame, but while I wee t to vitt mitie it slipped off onto the fioor. But 1 made it all right." "What dm you do?" "Oh, T. lust said, sort of ettailesela, 'elates always Om way With tough tztetite " A "ten rattily nail" mean that iine thounana mils weigh ton pounde. The veora "penned' in this tense le a comp - Con 01 pound. Give me thcs trust that never greater 03 tee too posaession of a Maul merit Give no the wisdom that Thy pester ereate Mite me the riches that Thy WWI:sill Mak Give me to love that is each man's amine; Dive zpo he help that overcomes all 51118111 WOO tele the deOth that te the one thet 01 nake Me like Thee, who art both Gcid ai man, Knowing that when I lose, I needs must wil COO men repentance tor eacda separate SI Qtye the the manhood that at leist Likeness and image of the God in Thee Give mo the the fill to rise as Thou has don Gtve to me Nonage tttl the nue is run; Give me the light that makes -Thy glorlo crown Greateet of symbols, of Thy great romar give Inc the hope that is my guiding st Give me the peace that hatred oannot 1111 Give Mtn tho faith that las me look Thee: Give no the Itfo on earth that is tobes —Elisabeth Pit/Ilan 4 • • ISSUE IN O. 40, 1907. Mitiard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. 4 • • They Are Still Searching. The Touring Clifb of' France ie search- ing for the 'most affable, expert and. wettable" hotelkeeper in France. Whole they fital hint he is to have a gold medal and £100. The mole is perhaps the greediest of all animals. If deprived of food for single day it dies. aseetort„,_ 5, 110(101. the sehureh. A machine requires rest; much more does a man. Ever bending to toil, tho man in the mill, the woman in the shop, to Westing vital atreagth. The Sabbath is nee-tikl. seassary tor raan'e higher nature, and witlieu It there le a steady And UneseasIng lowering ,of the Moral standard, ---- 0 On a Lister. enrenslated for gatinetalantio 'Pales from "SituplIckrelanues..") Beero—Does not the 11..et1e11 of the ship make You sick, Mists Donde? "ble. lint the convert/Mien 1 li•Or on board 4Oeli." The Horseman's Friend -Sale lad 'Sure. xf you have a laine horse, get ketadistPli Almada Cure, If yeu have 11 horse that you can't work on saedount of n aptaito Saab.% ot tralse, get lemmas spoilt Cure, It yam have a itorge, that elms um vetdrinstri ceu't cure of spievitt-or &sty soft tunekes or aweitluesaget P"htTl". IL* Twit;e s throe hest cessos ancient td.prOted it"tku letavittesue itoste nee- elee "1 lame been tieing Kendall's Spaeth Cure for the basted year*, and stlwa a Arid It id& psi sure." Ilt:0411T P. lateNKIAL, irt. leettle--6 for $6. 'Write for R esee et out rest book ',Treatise fan The llerse,” It's a stalise of infeneellett for rerniersettet Mamma -1,10o went tekeep their liteck irt prime sien&tisen. Melted free. 26 Oa. S. KENDALL CO., itmessomeAtia• s Vti4455t, 114143 WANIVE1).41614ALE, le.","0""t""e'vWsre.n.e."NNorow•nowNeke.".#4 W Arrrim-iainice qv Ine PLAIN MID TT light savilag at Item& W4010 or spare ppm; good Pee; Welt Hot any elletimeet oneness Veld; einee Memo tor full- 'Nadal. WM. National edenutaeteraia 04., Meow!, guano. • rev•aseeiseemeaeseezesemeeseioweeeetioseite WANTED I twAo.gooii,egeoskt f°-wraftiaeille irsid0f. References required-. Write foiltii. JOHN lii. EASTWOOD, P, O. Dox 97, &When, Ona (4444404444.4•,4444444 NOW TO LIVE LONG. Rules for attaining an active old ago by adopting it rational...deem° of liv- ing are aim by General Booth. °The possibility of !prolonging one's life by living rotate:tally ie for greater thau most people suppoee," he tenet "Aneream with normal beealth by moking en effort can live if not a full tenths,* ab West tank longer than they other- wise would. I agree with the Ilkley ikertet phygielan who staid that a raan was as ol(1. as him organs. I totoliy dis- agree) with. another OcaTespoZatent in tleo 'Doily Mail' that life beyond fifty is not worth tette. "Take myself. Had I iliene at fifty half my lifees weak would have beep left un- dne. People call me oka-but X deny it. aeomeeinaga esar I am oteventy-nine yeaaa yeeng. At any rate, I dealt feel old; mat I etpect to live a great many year* yet. "Mtor my mot= tour 1 sum going to toll" Canada and the tJniteed fetatee, and theta / ton going to hurry brok to attend ct oonveation in Berlin, What Ir the sec- ret of my •eitality. I will tell you later on. First, let me say I dielike the con- ventional notion of assiociatiug old age With helplessness When a man gets to be ,sixey or seventy he thinks ha must quit weak and eft in a chimney -earner or go out in the garden th Play with the ohildren. He thinks he is old just boonse hieAfamily regard him ea sixth, "I deplore that ides. I believe every ola parson who is not abysioally dito abeed tilleend be prolitebly employed. Far my aort, if I lite to W 150 I thall keep on workbag to ray dylog day. I o , , , • , i , t ) . s s ) a 3 e 1,,,, -the the -the you be for eferiteloryees ill ol 11 Ji P,.. Baking best ever "Order sure your National 11101 I I Ih, II' ae • .. eiee es_ esso, e , -.7 , 1 t-4., • ;,-... ../. . /- •.,,,, , i i it "THIS IS 'T- St. George's Powder baking powder that Bread -the whitest lighteet Cake and saw." a can NOW -so to have ST. GEORGE3S next baking." co*" of our new Drug & Chemical Canada Limited, adoatreal. 1 • ilk s Pastry you Cook Co, I I , makes Biscuite -Book. if -- vvill of 201, e A jAccussed 1 premises, baled Dr. fore the fence. The after the d ant called d toasted for a man walked t, line, ;stood '0 ters of a ib "hippopotam-us" e• and told tor of a minute. ed the ease. m memo, Prairie Ji eleatagione in 30 Minutiae II It atter fails. 1 n Comptilsery 13 Conagyalsomy 8. nekeezottee white it aseped a- even, it is workmen et The law, an the payment ad tor. A. man refuses to thinks fair II; )3. Minard's bo A, 1; Lia The movement In popular 11. In it; there tartaa linos; e.; negepopeal 1' to to &to their -40 loisies to of 'lentil parties rests on rimainder Medical Test of Sobriety, of being drank on a. Wigton licensed Blacklock to give evidence Curaberland Justices doetor said that immediately police visited the house at his eurgery and asked: sobriety. In his presence perfectly along upon one leg for three minute, repeated quickly and the time by a watch The magistrate -London Globe. his own viettealler be- in his de- aefead- to be the a straight -08,1-- the woad distinctly, to a guar. dismiss. form 0 curet Lotion Zealand it worked wee Kam', how. Tie to work tine, failinti Is ealleC 'because hs than hs is saint* dessees ar ar gee eounaeaez or lam which. be intbreat man wh nian for th ..iind --....,-- ler11.4 Soratehes and every Doh eh human or 0,11t111419 by Welford's Sanitirk Sold by Arsugglits. Arbitration. ellatetwineeo enealteation in New a Bovore teal. It to rase. wave. avatattee in emne roduettons. whom may is eta r011.140 therefore, prescribes a of which Inlorlsonment being truprasened work at a lower figure is practally a slave. Liniment Cures Dandruff. A • s Sunday Labor. (Acton Free. Press.) for Sabbath rest support. Men ot MI 1(10 110 denonalnational Were arb no parte ts mine fee all etoeseyere men the day of rest therm In this the highest aro Involved. The the Sabbath is a better of eho oveeekeeyesaginemen Mitiard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. 4 • • They Are Still Searching. The Touring Clifb of' France ie search- ing for the 'most affable, expert and. wettable" hotelkeeper in France. Whole they fital hint he is to have a gold medal and £100. The mole is perhaps the greediest of all animals. If deprived of food for single day it dies. aseetort„,_ 5, 110(101. the sehureh. A machine requires rest; much more does a man. Ever bending to toil, tho man in the mill, the woman in the shop, to Westing vital atreagth. The Sabbath is nee-tikl. seassary tor raan'e higher nature, and witlieu It there le a steady And UneseasIng lowering ,of the Moral standard, ---- 0 On a Lister. enrenslated for gatinetalantio 'Pales from "SituplIckrelanues..") Beero—Does not the 11..et1e11 of the ship make You sick, Mists Donde? "ble. lint the convert/Mien 1 li•Or on board 4Oeli." The Horseman's Friend -Sale lad 'Sure. xf you have a laine horse, get ketadistPli Almada Cure, If yeu have 11 horse that you can't work on saedount of n aptaito Saab.% ot tralse, get lemmas spoilt Cure, It yam have a itorge, that elms um vetdrinstri ceu't cure of spievitt-or &sty soft tunekes or aweitluesaget P"htTl". IL* Twit;e s throe hest cessos ancient td.prOted it"tku letavittesue itoste nee- elee "1 lame been tieing Kendall's Spaeth Cure for the basted year*, and stlwa a Arid It id& psi sure." Ilt:0411T P. lateNKIAL, irt. leettle--6 for $6. 'Write for R esee et out rest book ',Treatise fan The llerse,” It's a stalise of infeneellett for rerniersettet Mamma -1,10o went tekeep their liteck irt prime sien&tisen. Melted free. 26 Oa. S. KENDALL CO., itmessomeAtia• s Vti4455t,