HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-10-03, Page 44 THE WING IAM ADVANCE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31 X907 FALL AND WINTER Suitings and Overcoatins We have the best range of these for this season ever shown in town. The fancy broad stripes are taking the lead in Suitings, although a few overchecks are still in vogue ; the style of make is varied, so that you can have the style you most prefer and know that it is all right. Come early and make your selection. FURNISHINGS. We .:vt: .l tui line of all the latest Fur- nishings. New and nifty goods arriving daily. Maxwell & Hill. Tailors and Men's Furnishings v Theo. Hall • Proprietor, Wingham Fall Fair. The directors of Tnrnberry Agricul- tural Society may congratulate them- selves on a successful Fair. The showery weather of the previous few days changed, and Thursday was bright and encouraging for the bring- ing in of exhibits, Asa result, the inside exhibit was better than last year, Unfortunately on Friday after- noon the weather became threaten- ing, interfering to some extent with the attendance. One fact is becoming more evident year by year, that is -that a new Ag- ricultural Hall is a necessity. Considering the season, the grain exhibit was better than expected, and the quality good. Roots and vegeta- bles were excellent, when the dry weather of the summer is taken into account. Fruit was plentiful, and of fair quality, and Ladies' work was abundant. Of plants and flowers, there was a fine display, and dairy and provisions (a very important de- partment) gave evidence of care and skill. The outside exhibit was on the whole very satisfactory, the horses being especially numerous. If there was any lack in the outside exhibit, it was in cattle. There was a good attendance, and the music of the Citizens' Band, the speeding contests, piping and dancing, and ladies' hitching race were attrac- tive features of Friday afternoon. Below is a comparative statement showing the increase of entries over those of 1906 :•- 1906 Horses 152 Cattle 74 62 32 104 4 70 Roots and vegetables 130 Fruit 271 Dairy and provisions 152 Fine Arts 72 Plants and flowers 12 Ladies' work 289 School children's dept 10 Sheep Pigs Poultry Leather, etc Grain and seeds Stoves! Ranges! Cook Stoves for Coat or Wood... . Heaters for Coal or Wood ...Ranges for Coal or Wood... Sheet Iron Heaters .... Parlor Cook Stoves....Sole Agents for the celebrated Happy Thought Ranges....Old Stoves taken in exchange...Whether you wish to buy, sell or trade, give us call. B. Bishop - Central Hardware A Bank which has conducted a conserva- tive business since 1872, and has steadily increased its assets until they now amount to over thirty-two million dollars, is surely 't.• a safe institution to be entrusted with your savings. a, BANK OF HAMILTON Wingham C. P. Smith, Agent. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. X WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A, U. 'IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches ESTABLISHED 1867 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, -5,000,000 Total Assets, �- 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and Bngland A GENERAL BANNING BUSINESS TRANSACTED FARMERS' BANKING 86 verb facility afforded Farmers for their bawling business. Sales Notes cashed or taken for collection BANKING BY MAIL. -Deposits may be made ca. 'withdrawn B mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention WNINGHAM BRANCH A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. Goal Coa We are sole agents for the oelebraied Scranton Coal, which had no equal. Also the best graders of Stnitlling, Cannel and to me t10 Cosi and Wood of alt kinds, alWays on hand. Reeidenee Phone, No. St II Na. 44 We tarry a fall stock fit Lumber (dreeeed or flake!. bed), Bhittgleet, Laths Cedar Posies Barrelr, etc. 4 1907 182 33 44 36 132 4 73 193 251 212 74 69 348 19 1460 1670 SPECIAL PRIZES. Four best colts sired by Drumburle Chief or Mascot -A. Mustard, C. W. Taylor, W. H. Cruikshank, C. B. Wil- kinson. Largest and best exhibit in horses, silver medal valued at $100, by Ryrie Bros, -McLeod Bros. Largest and best exhibit in cattle, bronze medal valued at $100 -Henry Perdue. Society prize of $8 for four best spring colts -Four sired by Mascot, owned by J. W. King. Bank of Commerce silver medal to person taking largest number of prizes in dairy and provisions -Jas. Hen- derson. Bank of Commerce bronze medal for largest number of prizes in plants and flowers -Mrs. Burwash. Prize by T. A. Mills for best bushel of oats -Jas. Henderson. Prize by T. A. Mills for five best "goad luck" turnips -Jas. Henderson. Prize by Jas. Henderson for largest stalks of corn -C. W. Taylor. Prize by Jas. Henderson for six heaviest cobs of corn -A. Schmidt. Prize by H. B. Elliott for best two loaves home-made bread -Mrs, T. Fin - nen. Prize by H. B. Elliott for best five pounds of butter -Frank Anderson. Men's Piping -D. E. McDonald, W. H. Young. Sword Dance - Mabel McDonald, Ina Riddell. Highland Fling -Ina Riddell, Mabel McDonald, Victor Riddell. Sailor's Hornpipe -Ina Riddell, Ma- beI McDonald, Victor Riddell. Speeding Contests -Thos. Coulter, Jno. Mulvey, E. B. Jenkins. Best Lady Driver -Miss Ella Taylor, Mrs, F. Mowbray, Miss Mulvey. Ladies' Hitching Race -Miss Mul- vey, Miss Ella Taylor. Potato Race -R, J. Sanderson, Wal- ter Gould. THE JUDGES. Light horses W. Montgomery, Perth ' heavy horses -- W. Bishop, New Hamburg; beef, cattle and swine -W. A. Douglass, Tuscarora; dairy cattle -P, J. McEwen, Kertch ; poul- try -T. Bowers, Wingham ; grain and seeds -W. Clegg ; roots and vegeta- bles -D. McKinley ; fruit -J. A.Mor- ton; dairy and provisions --Miss Green,. Loyal; fine arts -Miss Elliott, Galt, Miss Green, Loyal.; plants and flowers (except Gladioli) --J. A. Morton ; La- dies' work -Miss Elliott, Galt; school children's competition --J. A. Taylor, J. C. Smith ; dancing -Fin. Anderson, Duncan Robertson; speeding contests -F. S. Scott, Brussels, PRIZE LIST. HQ7PSEs. H• .t- y fjra.ght.-Broad mare and • frri, S,r. IL Craikshar.k let and 2nd, Erery CruAshanit 2rd. Spring font, G. u f's ,kgF xr k, W. H. Cruikshank, C. 13. fi''r .uir.:3fn, f)re.yeah-old, John Cole, 4*. Tr.,:.M'f'rs) Er<r.s. Twro-year- -.. ,Ivr . (....,".k.. C J Wilkinson, Tiros. lt, v, ' 3r e_ ctc 5.,,4?......i ea;r. an I•rarness, ,c,-,aafre;, ,r', ;, ,,?I. Pa.: rater. 1 ,f .. '.:,'ti - iirrxxl flare soul fosl, 1(�T: /1 ' '. .t," fe. Alex;, f%a'; v Bort, T. L'y'r."331'...,.4G :ifs:. 'i' 'j. , f' ., Alex, M ttr,rd,, ..tr4 3 *rhejl, j',1n Colo. inter ro.r r, h- 1: - Te.yre,r, Welter IIGafar`srr (s.. r' F;r,>:,f•'»•,,s,rini. Tvrca /.•.ar C rl,. %,'a.'..".•,. ltti.',Pakr4#-,t,, iMI•Cii,*Md Rea.a , r. 'Wright, VA"- .til hrsrttt>.i, 'K,rrrxl Pr ,g., Jes. Voet'e*P',Jain Cf. j ys KE!.SiF.. ' fr•r slr.sr f';rpr - >,rr• afar* mwt foe,' ,14s..1+,r, .r MaLat'A Vert, Zrwl ma ted. 51;,widg- " O., ( - l 1*ytat*, i r ,r1 1 r, F W?s'. (me,. , ' yewr m. - yewrr r,k'1. i ,r, P ]l'�1ns., f 4 Jth►.tl yr n' iso ■ e ,i,'. ,_AM1-.• 'i s. k9.49Rd fi.„7�♦ Taylae. Atr f, M� *. 3> rx . T , L 'W, liquor, 0. T. Bighett Ptka PA kinds of Vis. J. A. MoLEAN Roadsters -Brood mare, foal at side, (leo. T. Robertson let end. 2nd. Thos, 13lark Brci. Spring foal, 0, B. Wilkin• sou, I. N oore, Thos. Black. One -Year - Old, Jays. Forrester. Two-year-old, Jas, Menzies, Arch. Patterson. Single dri- ver, 1st prize donated by Dominion Bank, Jos, Miller,', hos. Coulter, Levi Lott. Teats in harness, 0, A. Rintoul, Carriage. --Brood mare, foal at side, Arch, Campbell, H. Mathers, Alex. McKenzie. Spring foal, 11. Mathers, Alex. McKenzie, P. Gibbous. Two- year-old filly or gelding, Wni. Maxwell 1st and 2nd. Single driver, V, Van- norman, Arthur Fitch. Team in bar- nese, 3, E. Swarts, M. McVittie, J. A. Brandon. C' •LT'pl.k:. Durham.' -Two-year-old heifer, Thos Davidson & Son, Heifer over 7 and under 12, Ring Bros. Aged bull, Jno. Mulvey, Alex.. Davidson.' Grades. -Breeding cow, Theo. Fin - nen, T. M. Henderson. Two-year-old heifer, S. Burchill lst and 2nd. One- } ear -old heifer, S. Burchill 1st and 2nd, Heifer calf, 'l', Davidson & Son, Steer calf, Ring Bros., T. Davidson & Son. One -year-old steer, S. Burchill. Two- year.old steer, S. Burchill. Fat cow, ox, steer or heifer, any breed, S. Burchill. Jersey. -Breeding cow, milking, Mrs. Tamlyn. Hereford. --Breeding cow, Hy. Per- due lst and and, Two-year-old heifer, Ily. Perdue. One -year-old heifer, Hy. Perdue, SIMEP. Leieesters and their grades. -Aged ram, R. 3. Sanderson. Shearling ram, G. A. Greer, R. J. Sanderson. Ram lamb, G. A. Greer, R, J, Sanderson. Aged ewe, Iamb in 1907, G. A. Greer, R. J. Sanderson, Shearling ewe, R. J. Sanderson, G. A. Greer. Ewe lamb, R. J. Sanderson 1st and 2nd. Downs and their grades. -Aged ram, Jas. Alton, L. H. Bosmau. Shearling ram, Jas. Alton. Ram Iamb, H. Per- due lst and 2nd. Aged ewe, raised lamb in 1907, H. Perdue 1st and 2nd. Shearling ewe, L. H. Bosman. Ewe lamb, Wm. Maxwell, H. Perdue. Fat sheep, -Ewe or wether not ex- hibited in any of above sections. -G. A. Greer, R. J. Sanderson. Pen of sheep, two ewes and one ram, any breed, R. J. Sanderson. PIGS. Berkshires. -Boar of 1907, not less than 4 months old, Jas. Alton. Boar prior to 1907, with pedigree, Wm. Thuell, Jas. Alton. Sow of 1907, not less than 4 months old, Wm. Thuell, Jas. Alton. Breeding sow, William Thuell, Jas. Alton. Yorkshires. Boar of 1907, not less than 4 months old, Jas. Alton. Boar prior to 1907, with pedigree, Jas, Alton 1st and 204. Sow of 1907, not less than 4 months old, W, Maxwell, Jas. Alton. Breeding Sow, Jas. Alton, L. H. Bosman. Tamwortbs.-Boar of 1907, not less than 4 months old. R. Scott & Son. Breeding sow, W. Maxwell. POULTRY. Andalusians, John Haggitt. Ban- tams, Jas. Henderson, D. B. Anderson. Ducks, John Haggitt, 3'rs. Henderson. Geese, any variety, W. Carter, John Haggitt. Hondans, F. W. Angus, W. Carter. Ham burgs, W. Carter lst and 2nd. Leghorns, brown, Jas. Hen- derson, John Haggitt. Leghorns, white, John Haggitt, Jas. Henderson. Minorcas, John Fairservice, Jno. Hag- gitt. Orpingtons, F. W. Angus, T. M. Henderson. Plymouth Rocks, barred, D. B. Anderson, John Fairser- vice. Plymouth Rocks, any other, John Haggitt, Jets. Henderson. Tur- keys, any variety, John Haggitt, T. M. Henderson. Wyandottes, black or white, John Fairservice, John Hag- gitt. W'Vyandottes, any other, John Fairservice, D. B. Anderson. Chickens.-Andalusians, Jas. Hen- derson lst and 2nd. Bantams, F. W. Angus, Wm. Carter. Ducks, "Wm. Carter, John Haggitt. Dorkings, Jas. Henderson, W. Carter. Games, any variety, John Haggitt. Houdans, F. W. Angus, W. Carter. Hamburgs, V.T. Carter lst and 2nd. Langshans, Jas. Henderson, John Fairservice Leghorns, brown, John Fairservice, Jas. Henderson. Leghorns, white, D. B. Anderson, Jas. Henderson. Minor- cas, John Haggitt, Arch. Patterson. Orpingtons, F. NV. Angus, Jas. Hen- derson. Plymouth Rocks, barred. D. B. Anderson 1st and 2nd. Wyan- dottes, black or white, D. B. Ander- son 1st and 2nd. Wyandottes, any other, W. Carter. Any other stan- dard variety, W. Carter, John Fair - service. Four Cockerels, bred for ex- port, D. B. Anderson 1st and 2nd. LEATHER. Set double harness, G. C. Manners 1st and 2nd. Set single harness, G. C. Manners lst and 2nd. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Timothy, Jae. Alton, V. Rettinger; collection grain in straw, T. M. Honder- son; red fall wheat, V. Rettinger, C. W. Taylor; white fail wheat, P. Gibbons, Jas Henderson; spring wheat, V. Ret. tinger, C. W. Taylor; small white pea, 0. W. Taylor, T. M. Henderson; other peas, Geo. Bryce, Jae Alton: white oats, Jas. Henderson, V. RettinRer; black oats, And. Schmidt, Jae, Henderson; 6 rowed barley. Wm. Taylor, 0, W. Taylor. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. White beans, S. Barnhill, V. Retting- er; other beans, V. Rettinger, Geo. Bryce; dent field corn, Jas. Henderson, T. M. Henderson; flint field corn. Jas. Henderson, And Schmidt; blood beets, Jas. Henderson, And. Schmidt; other• beets, D. B. Anderson, Jas. Henderson; field carrots, E. W Orvie, Jas. Hender- son; table carrots, Jas, Henderson. D. B. Anderson; long .mangold• wurtzet, And. Schmidt, Jas. Henderson; intermediate mangold-wurtzel,' S. Barnhill, And. Schmidt; parsnips, And. Sohmidt, Jas. Henderson; radishes, Jas. Henderson, And. Schmidt; sugar mangold, And, Mitchell, Jab. Henderson; sugar beets, Jas. Henderson, W. 3. Henderson; Swede turnips, And. Schmidt, Jas. Henderson; turnips. And. Schmidt, Sas. Henderson; rose type potatoes, T. M. Henderson, Jas. Henderson; hebron type, Jag, Henderson, T. M. Henderson; long white type, P. Gibbons, T. M. Hen. derson; round white type, Jae. Render. eon, T. M. Henderson; collection of potatoes. T. M. Henderson. Jae. Hender- son; yellow onlone, Jas. Henderson, T M. HenderE n; red onions, Jae Render. son; white onions, And. Sohmidt; Ditch onions, And. Schmidt; other onion*, V. Rettinger, And. Schmidt; Tomatoes, Jae. Ilendeon, T. M. Render• son; white oelety, Jas. Henderson; other ottery, Jas, Henderson, T. M. Render - eon; jersey:Wakefield cabbage,JM. Hen- derson; Winningstead cabbage, And. fiolitnidt, Jas. Henderson; winter cab- baire. And. Schmidt, T, M. Henderson; trickling oabbage, T, M. Henderson. Jas. Henderson; citrons, JAs. Alton, W. 8. Linklater; cauliflower, Jas. Henderson, 2?. If, Hendentost; encumbers, V. Bet- tie/0z et.tie z Jana. Henderson; table corn, Jas. Henderson, pi. Bnrcbfli; musk theitons, Y. lfetanger, And, Schmidt; pumpkin, 1, H. Jenkins, Zoos, Henderson: sun. flowers, Jos. Ha derson, T. Jf. Bender. naw; wine* Jas. HAndet',ean„TAIL Hen• ikti s; water inelona, J'ae. Ifendereon, A,#d. >3dbvut4t; onllooden Ogaden pro- (Oaniintted on Page 6.) ARTJ11 J. IR1VIN D.D.B., I,.D,B, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, -Mee le Macdonald 13loek- W. <I. PRICE B,S.A•, L,D.S., D.D.S. Row Graduate of DnivorsitY of Torouto and licentiate of )loyal Loilego of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. OFFICE tN BEAYSR BLOCK WINOnAM PRACTICAL EDUCATION is essential to success in the business world of to -day. The school t1 at provides the best training along these lines is the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE (Yonge & M Gill Sts., Toronto) Superior courses in all subjects, Students assisted to positions. Enter any time. Write for catalog. T. 11f. Watson, Prin. We Teach Telegraphy. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. We have three departments :-Com- to menial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. and practical, and we assist worth We employ the best teachers that mon. oy can hire. Our courses are thorough y students to_positions. Those who wish to get a MONEY -MAKING EDUCATION should get the best. Write for our new catalogue and get particulars. This is best time of year to enter our classes. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN PRINCIPALS Hundreds ofMt/W^el Popular and Successful 1 ELLIOTT Deady TO IONTO, ONT. Have secured positions this year. De- mand is far greater than the supply. Educate for business positions and you will get them, but the education must be FIasr.OLAss, Students admitted at any time. Write for catalogue, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Ste,) Protection and Safe investment are combined in The Endowment Policies --OF-- The Dominion Life, A sound, well managed Canadian Life Assurance Company. Average rate of Interest earned in 1906- 6.73 PER CENT. WALTER T. HALL Local Agent - Wingham, Ont. DOMINION BANKI HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital (paid up) - $3,633,000 Reserve (ata p ox. ed- - $4,720,000 Total Assets, over $51,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Can- ada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly. D. T. EEPBURII, Ianager R, Vanstone, Solicitor You Make A Mistake If you buy a Piano with- out seeing our stock, comparing prices and taking into account the quality of the instrument. All the best makes always in stockr-- Heintzman, Newcombe, Dominion, and others. Also Organs, and the very heat Sewing Machines. 1 Stand -Opp. skating Rink David Bell LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED FOP, WINGHAld and adjoining country to represent "Canada's Greatest Nurseries." A permanent equation for the tight man, for whom the territory will be reserved. Pay Weekly. Free Equip. meat. Write for particulars. STONE 6 WELLINGTON I'ONTIIItt NURSERIES (Over 000 scree) TORONTO O1 AUIO Just Aboot Two Minutes Of Your Tlnne, Please. It will pay you to take time to read this advt. Read it carefully, It may save dollars for you. Our Big Clearing Sate was a great success. Now we are going to continue selling certain lines of goods at Clearing Sale Prices. Read the list carefully. CARPETS. -Every piece of Carpet and Stair Carpet in this store is still on sale at 25 per cent. less than regular prices. READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING. -Every suit of Clothes, every odd Vest, every pair of Pants, every Overcoat, every Raincoat at 25 to 50 per cent. leas than regular prices. MEN'S BOOTS. -A bunch of Men's Boots, regular price $1.25 to $2.25 a pair. Your choice for $1.00. BOYS' BOOTS. -A bunch of Boys' Boots, regular price $1.00 to $1.25. Your choice for 75c a pair. RED BELL TEA. -Regular 35o Mixed Red Bell Tea for 25o a lb. Regular 50c Black or Mixed Tea for 35c a lb.; quality guaranteed. Malt Breakfast Food, regular 20e for 15c Canada Flakes, regular 15c for 10c Tilison's Oats, large package regular 25e for 20c Fromola (rolled wheat) regular 1Oc for 8c Olives, regular 75c bottle for 58c Olives, regular 65c bottle for 49c Ammonia Powder, regular 5c ,for 4c Gold Dust " " 25c 'for 15c Silver Dust " " 10c for 8c Pudding " " 10c, now 3 for 20c Perfume, regular 25c for 18c Best and Eclipse Soaps,. 7 for 25c New Fall Dress Goods all in now. See them. New Furs. Handsome Goods. Low Prices. Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Jackets just arrived from the manufacturers in England. Prices right. New Goods in every department. Come in and see them. Large quantities of Choice Roll Better and Fresh Eggs wanted. Highest prices paid, Jno. Kerrismomm Ole PO' Crown Huron Stoves For Coal or Wood. Perfect in operation. Economical in fuel. A True Kitchen Friend. Made in 10 different styles and sizes. We can sellyou what you need. A call will convince you that Crown Huron Stoves and Ranges are the best. Patronize Home Industry. Satisfaction Guaranteed J. BUGG & SON