The Wingham Advance, 1907-09-26, Page 5Visitors to the Fair Who Have . 1 a Few Minutes to Spare Can spend thein to advantage looking through our stock of New Fall Goods. New Overcoats New Rain Coats New Fur Coats and Caps New Men's and Boys' Suits New fiats and Caps New Shirts, Collars and Ties New Gloves and Hosiery New Boots, Shoes and Rubbers •New Overalls and Smocks New Fall and Winter Un- derwear (Stanfield make) In fact all departments of the store are filled with the newest and most up-to-date Clothing and Men's Fur- nishings that honey can buy. Special For Fair Days. Men's Black Cloth Coats, made of splendid quality of Beaver, silk velvet collar, latest styles and perfect fitting, regular $12.00—Fair Days $10.00 McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers You want to learn bookkeeping so that when you finish your course you will feel sure of yourself, don't you? That's the way we will teach you bookkeeping. We will thoroughly instruct you in the theory of bookkeeping and then make you apply your theoret- ical knowledge in a practical way. You will know the correct way to enter up every conceivable kind of a transaction by either single or double entry. You will know every phase of modern banking methods. You will " make good in actual business life. And, do you know, we cannot supply the demand for our graduates? Large, illustrated catalogue free. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Members of Business Educators' Aisocialion. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal, London. r11111111111111111111111, II ID MID Don't Read 1 It !IF I You don't want to be convinced of the Big Bargains that Young's are offering in. Graniteware, Tinware and Hardware, I Give us a call, and be convinced that this is the place to buy goods at money -saving prices. A pleasure to show goods. 'YOUNG'S' JUST ARRIVED. Another very large assortment of Graniteware at the same Cut- in -two Prices. Big Hardware Big Hardware WINGH.AM - ONTARIO i Lk. 0111•11111111 OMNI • • 1111•111111111111111, THE WINGHAM ADVANCE --- l l?TEM1;i'R 26, Iv* Huron County News, --Dungannon Fall Fair, October 3 and 4, —O. Hoare of Clinton expects to ship 4000 baskets of plums. —Auburn expects the mail to be brought in by the O. P, R. soon. —The corner stone of a new Presby- terian church was laid at Winthrop last week. --On September 30th, Clinton rate- payers will vote on a by-law to fur- nish $63,000 for waterworks. —The Thresher Co.'s buildings in Clinton, destroyed by the disastrous fire some time ago, will be rebuilt. —John R. Thompson, librarian of Seaforth Public Library, died last week, aged 30 ; lie was much afflicted with rheumatism. —Exeter wants a new Evaporator, And it is likely a by-law will be sub- mitted authorizing assistance of $500, for a $30()0 building. —Rev, Mr. Richardson, of Wyom- ing, has declined the call extended to hint by the Presbyterian congrega- tions of Manchester and Smith's Hill. —The eighty -acre farm on the 10th concession of Goderich township, be- longing to the Dyke estate, was sold at auction to Reeve Middleton at $3,- 260. The Reeve got a good bargain. —Owing to the increase in business, the Doty Engine Works Co„ Gode- rich, are increasing their capital stock from $40,000 to $100,000. The Com- pany contemplate making extensive additions to their plant in the near future. —R. J. Drysdale of Hensall has a fine collection of postage stamps num- bering 12,8.48, including Canadian and Foreign, taken from letters and papers addressed to the postmaster during his term of 32 years in that position at Drysdale. —Mr. Francis Brown, of the 10th con. of Hullett, has recently removed into Londesboro, leaving his farm to his son, Moses. Mr. Brown settled on the farm over sixty years ago, and cleared it, making it one of the best farms in the township. —The Ontario Department of Agri- culture has awarded the prizes as fol- lows in the field crop competition held in connection with the Lucknow Ag- ricultural Society :-1st, John McDiar- mid, Lucknow ; 2nd, Albert Alton, Belfast ; equal thirds, A. Thompson, Clover Valley, and John McLeod, Lucknow. The competition was in white oats, and there were twenty- five entries. —On Saturday of last week, James Stewart, an old resident of Hensel.', died, supposedly from erysipelas, said to have been caused by a blow. An inquest was held, under direction of the Crown Attorney, which brought out these facts. Stewart and an old hotelkeeper named Hodgens had been drinking together and afterwards quarreled. The latter, it is said, struck Stewart, and cutting his eye, erysipe- las set in and his death followed, As the doctors were unable to prove whether or not the germs of erysipe- las had been in Stewart's system be- fore the blow was dealt, Flodgens was given the benefit of the doubt, ancl the case dismissed on Friday. GIANT TRIPLETS"Currency" "Bobs" and "Stag" Chewing Tobaccoes, in big plugs. Quality always the same. Howick. Don't forget Howick Fall Fair on Saturday, Oct. 5th. A machine on the '2nd line put through 250 bushels per hour;, good work, we should say. Fordwich station had a close call one day last week, when it took fire from an electric flash during a storm. The agent fortunately was at hand and soon extinguished the fire. While working around -Chas. King's threshing machine on Wednesday of last week, Jesse . Harrison had the misfortune to have his arm broken by a belt flying off and striking him. MARnnsD.—At the residence of the bride's parents, Howiek, on Sept. 18th, by Rev. A. B. Dobson, Mr. Walter Hainstock to Miss Lizzie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lynn. On Sundy, 15th inst., Mayne Metho- dist Church was reopened after under- going renovation. The services were very successful. Thankofferings of $140 will assist in covering the cost of repairs, which amounted to $200. A. pretty wedding took place at noon on Wednerday, Sept. llth, at the residence of Mr. B. Tuck, one mile south of Clifford, when his daughter, Miss Mabel, was married to Mr. Jos. H. Wade, a popular merchant of Fordwich. The law suit, brought on by John Darroch of Lakelet, against Fred. Ma- hood for abusive language, came off on Friday evening in the Albion hotel, A. C. Hutchison, J. P., presiding. After the court was opened, the charge was changed to assault. The defendant pleaded guilty, and the magistrate imposed a fine, the defen- dant also paying the costs of the Court, ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood epavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore or swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder- ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by A. L, Hamilton. Herbert Raspberry. Something new in a Raspberry. "The best Red Raspberry tested here," writes Prof. Macoun, Ottawa, "The heaviest yielder among all Red Raspberries," writes Prof. Hutt, Guelph. We have the only largo supply in Canada to offer. plants $2.00, express paid. Local Agent --W. Carruthers. Wingham. BROWN BROS., P. 0„ Brown's Nurseries, Ont. W INGHAM General Hospital. (Under Government inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Mon to all regularly licensed physicians. Mo.tee for ppatienta (which include board and noarp ing)— 3.50 to ;15.00 per week, aceord(ng to location of room. tor further informs - ISS KA'rliltlNE STEVENSON, I.ady Superintendent, gox 222. Win$han2, Ont, EASY TO MIX THIS. What will appear very interesting to many people here is the article ta- ken from a New York daily paper, giving a simple prescription, as formu- lated by a noted authority, who claims that he has found a positive remedy to cure almost an case of backache or kidney or bladder derangement, in the following simple prescription, if taken before the stage of Bright's. disease :— Fluid', Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce ; Compound Kargon, ono ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and again at bedtime. A well-known druggist here at home, when asked regarding this pre- scription, stated that the ingredients are all harmless, and can be obtained at a small cost from any good pre- scription pharmacy, or the mixture would be put up if asked to do so. He further stated that while this prescrip- tion is often prescribed in rheumatic afflictions with splendid results, he could see no reason why it would not he a splendid remedy for kidney and urinary troubles and backache, as it has a peculiar action upon the kidney structure, cleansing these most impor- tant organs and helping them to sift and filter from the blood the foul acids and waste matter which cause sick- ness and suffering. Those of our rea- ders who suffer can make no mistake in giving it a trial. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Barber's Itch, and every form of con- tagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sani- tary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Every Housewife Should Have A "Universal" Food Chopper. It will chop all kinds of meat, raw or cooked, and all kinds of fruit and vegetables, into clean-cut, uniform pieces, fine or coarse, as wanted, without mashing, and with great rapidity. It does away with the chopping knife and bowl entirely, doing its work in one-tenth the time, and producing an absolutely uni- form product. For cutting sausage meat it cannot be surpassed. Sold by J. D. Burns wwwmulimmiwamhowwwwhwww D. M. GORDON We are opening up now the very newest designs, shades and textures in stylish and season- able DRESS GOODS. The latest and best for fall and winter will be shown here with pleasure. Our fall and winter COATS and MANTLES for Ladies, Misses and Children, are now ready for your inspection, and as we have always taken a foremost position in this department, you can de- pend on getting correct garments at right prices. When you are in the store, be sure to ask for those beautiful SILK SKIRTS—so reasonable in price. EGGS, 200. BUTTER, 220. D. M. GORDON LMMMMMM Crown Huron Stoves For Coal or Wood. Perfect. in operation. Economical in fuel. A True Kitchen Friend. Made in 10 different styles and sizes. We can sell you what you need. A call will convince you that Crown Huron Stoves and Ranges are the best. Patronize Home Industry. Satisfaction Guaranteed R. MOONEY B 1 $ Agents for New Idoa Patterns The Loadiog StoroTim The Store With the Goods and the Values, Ladies' New Fall Coats and Skirts Just Arrived You are cordially invited to visit our MANTLE and SKIRT DEPARTMENT on second floor. Here you will find all that's NEW and UP-TO-THE-MINUTE in Ladies', Misses' and Children's COATS, FURS and SKIRTS. SAT- ISFACTORY GARMENTS are those whose STYLE and CUT will attract attention, whose QUALITY of MATERIAL and WORK will satisfy INSPECTION and whose VALUE will invite quick BUYING, SUCH AS OURS. Space here does not allow us to give a more full detail of our extensive range. Please ask for illustrated catalogue. No. 869.—Ladies' unlined, black, Kersey Coat, three-quarter length, trimmed with strapping and cording, a very stylish garment. Price $12.00 No. 872,—Ladies' black Beaver Coats, full three-quarter length, trimmed with cording and buttons, Special value at. $7.50 No. 826.—Ladies' collarless Tweed Mantles, 45 inches long, fancy pockets and sleeves, braid trimming, two box- • pleats on back. A Bargain $10.00 No, 824.—Double-breasted Tweed Mantle, seven -eighths length, Gibson shoulder effect, braid trimming, only312.00 No. 807.—Ladies' black Kersey Cloth Coat, three-quarter length, trimmed with velvet and buttons, a very sty- lish garment, Only $10.00 No. 829.—Ladies' double-breasted Coat, handsomely trimmed with self strapping and stitching, full three-quarter length. Our price $10.00 No. 4034,—Ladies' gray check Tweed Coats, three-quarter length, nicely made. Only $6.00 SPECIAL LINE.—See our special line of Ladies' black Beaver Coats, at $5,00 CHILDREN'S COATS,—Large range of Children's Coats, all sizes in pretty traced effects. Imported direct from England, every garment well made. Prices begin at$2,00 TOP SKIRTS.—Just opened up a LARGE stock of NEw FALL SKIRTS in plain cloths and dark tweed effects, fit guaranteed. See our Special Black Skirt, at $4.00 1l. H. E. ISARD CO. IMPORTERS WINGHAM Barely Lived Through It. A terrible experience had Edw. J. O'Connor of Sault Ste. Marie. "From boyhood" he writes, "I have been a constant sufferer from asthma and catarrh. My nose and throat was always stopped up and I had drop- pings in the throat. When attacks came on I thought I couldn't live through the night. I would sit up, gasp for breath and endure great dis- tress. Catarrhozone made me entire- ly well." No stronger proof is re- quired, Asthma is curable, so is ca- tarrh. Use "Catarrhozone" and your recovery is guaranteed. Two sizes, 25c and $1.00 at all dealers. —The trouble of Margaret Wilson Scott, and her husband, Robert Wm. Scott, the Seaforth couple who achiev- ed some notoriety when the father attempted to forcibly carry off his young daughter from her mother in Detroit a fey nights ago, have reach- ed another stage. Thursday morning Mrs. Scott flied a bill for divorce against her husband in the Wayne Cironit Court, Detroit. The couple were married at Seaforth, .1 une 1 ith, 100.5, and lived together until January of this year. An injunction was granted by Judge Hosier restraining Scott froiu interfering in any way with his wife and from again seizing the child. FALL FAIR DATES. Wingham Sept. 26-27 Goderich Sept. 25-26-27 Lucknow Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Atwood Oct. 1-2 Tiverton Oct. 2-3 Teeswater Oct. 3--4 Brussels Oct. 3-1 Fiowick, at Gorrie Oct. 5 Few Will Escape The torturing aches of corns. Be prepared—the only painless cure is Putnam's Corn Extractor, Fifty years in use and absolutely guaranteed. If you have the blues read the xxvii Psalm. If your pocket is empty rear.' the xxxvH Psalm. If you are losing confidence in men reaacl the `III chapter of lst Corinthians. if people seem unkind read the xv chapter of John. If yon are discour- aged about your work, read the CxxVr Psalm. If you find the world grow- ing small and yourself great, read the xiv Psalm. If you cannot have your way in everything keep your mouth shut and read the III chapter of James. If you are all out of sorts read the xii chapter of Hebrews. RHEU ATISM FLIES IN ONE TO THREE DAYS WHAT A it HEAVEN BEGUN BELOW " IT WOULD BE TO MANY A WEARY SUFFERER FROM RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA AND ALL THE KINDRED AILMENTS, IF FAITH WOULD TAKE HOLD OF AND USE SO RADICAL A CURE AS THE GREAT South American Rheumatic Cure 'Why, its very nature makes it the most natural and easy cure that human intuition and diligence have discovered. Its wonderful power is in its simplicity; its effectiveness is in its going right to the seat of the trouble, dispelling the causes that " bode evil," give pain, stiffen joints, distort limbs, twist muscles, and when it reaches vital spots, ofttimes cause death. South American Rheumatic Cure is as harmless as milk. One of its marvels is the rapidity with which it effects a cure and the testimony of the thousands who have " thrown away their crutches and climbed from the valley of suffering to the mountain top of health would fill a book. Don't be incredulous. Encouragement comes with the first dose no matter of how long standing. ALL DRUGGISTS AND MCHICINE HEALERS IIAVE I'i'. 4 SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE for all stomach and nerve freebies. SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE le * wander worker. South American Kidney Curs gives relief in cis horn in all kidney troubles, SOLD DY A. L. HAMILTON