The Wingham Advance, 1907-09-05, Page 51 TIE WINGHAM ADVANCE -"- THURSDAY, SE rEMDER 190 smrenorsorroarrairerassuaremerruerrougarrocur NEW FALL GOODS New Fall Toppers New Fall Raincoats New Fall and Win- ter Overcoats. The Coats we have to show you are not extreme, but are the latest models of what are correct. To see and examine them will rl;';l convince you that the BLUE FRONT STORE is the proper place to pur- chase your next coat. McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers • A knowledge of Business Paper is of inestimable value to every young man. An accountant must be familiar with the uses of notes, drafts and checks to hold a responsible position. The young man in business for himself should possess the knowledge necessary to draw up correctly all manner of business forms, such as notes, drafts, vouchers, leases, part- nership agreements, etc. He, who intends to remain upon the faun, must know the meaning of "negotiability," "indorsing," "dis- counting," "protesting," etc„ or he will find himself "out of pocket" now and again. We thoroughly teach all these and many more valuable things in con- nection with " Bills of Exchange." Write for our large, illustrated, free catalogue. It explains our Business and Shorthand Courses in detail, and shows the value of the Business Educators' Associatio n Diploma to our graduates. Our graduates are in constant demand. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Members of Business Educators' J. W. WESTERVELT, Association. Principal, London. 6/111110311110 011'� It!-IFon't R•ad You don't of the want to be convinced Big Bargains that are offering in Young's Granite ware, Tinware and Hardware, JUST ARRIVED. Another very large assortment of Graniteware at the same Cut- in -two Prices. Give the us a call, and be convinced that this is place to buy goods at money -saving prices. A pleasure to `show goods. OUNG'SI Big Hardware WINGTYAM - ONTARIO 01111111111rr,■.1r.11 IMO aiw111111111r Last Wawargosh. The Connell met on August 22n1 ; members all present, 111inutes of last sheeting react and passed. Communication from the Inspector of Prisons and Public Charities receiv- ed, slowing a Het of patients whom it is alleged were residents of the town- ship prim, to their admission to the asylum, and whom it is further alleged are chargeable to the township --tiled, Chris, Johnson presented a petition for the construction of a Municipal drain at lots l.t Si 41 and Si Si 42, con, 5, and Ni 42, con. 4. The petition was granted and the Clerk instructed to notify the Engineer to examine the locality described and make his report thereon. Applications for the office of collec- tor of taxes were received from John I4. McClinton and Cyrus W. Scott. Resolved, that John II. McClinton be re -appointed collector at his former salary, $65. Coinrnnnication from Wtn, Lane, Co. Clerk, received, stating •that the atnount required from the township this year for county purposes was ,$2,014,40. Resolved, that a further sum of $2,521 for township purposes, officers' salaries, etc,, and $3,500 for special school rate, in all $8,035.40, be levied and raised oft the township this year by taxation. A rate of 5 3/10 mills on the dollar was struck to raise this amount, and by-law No, 0, 1007, con- firming the sane, was duly react and passed. The Treasurer reported cash on hand at date, 8110.08. Gillespie—Taylor — That the Trea- surer be authorized to offer for sale in the Globe and Mail & Empire, the Guelph and Goderich Railway Deben- tures—carried. By-law No, 10, 1007, confirming the appointment of Collector, and by-law No. ll, authorizing the Collector to charge and collect 3% on all taxes re- maining unpaid after Dec. 15th next, both read and passed. Tho following accounts passed for payment:—T. Hall, on account, $20; T. Black, inspecting, $5,25; J. T. Car- rie, attendance re drainage, $4; J. Dingwall, gravelling, $18.60; R. Tun- ney,- spikes and repairing culvert, $1.50; W. Sutherland, underbrushing, $3.80 ; Glonsher & Crawford, gravel- ling, $41 ; T. Bradnoelc, inspecting and repairing culvert, $0; W. A. Currie, cutting hill, $35. For gravel, shovel- ling and damages—S. Morton, $5.20; W. G, Salter, $4.20; W. Fitzpatrick, $13,08 ; C. Campbell, $2.38 ; W. J. Ro- gers, $5,0.4, R. H. Scott, $8.05; R. Snell, $10.71; W. McLarty, $7.63 ; W. Beecroft, $6.30 ; G. Naylor, $5.31 ; E. Johnson, $l.; Josh. Walsh, $8.19; D. Dunbar, $2.80; J. J. Ferguson, 21 ate. ; R. McGowan, $8.28; G. Shiell, $1.50; W. Kechne, $4.85; W. Dobie, $11.05. Council then adjourned to meet Sep- tember 25th. Alex. Porterfield, Clerk. • You Prevent tray Fever, or Cure It in a prompt, pleasant and effective rosily, by inhaling the win -killing, throat and lung healing Oatarrhozone. Delightful to use, simple in its opera- tion free from stomach nauseating and destroying substances. It is marvel of scientific efficacy. Catar- rhozone kills the germs that excite the disease, heals the inflamed sur- faces and prevents absolutely n recur- rence of the malady. Catarrhozone cannot fail to cure Hay Fever because it destroys its cause, Druggists, 25c, $1.00 or mailed to your address if price forwarded to Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. • Clinton. Mr. John Houston Has gone to Port Rowan where be takes the Principal- ship of the Collegiate Institute. Mr. W. Glenn Campbell resumed his classes in Pianoforte, Pipe Organ and Theory Study on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. Miss E, Louise Hohnes, second daughter of Mr. R. Holrnes, has gone to Wingham, where she takes a posi- tion in Wingham Business College as first assistant in the Commercial De- partment., and is to be congratulated on securing so responsible a posi- tion. Mr. J. Ransford has let a contract for the boring of a new salt well, to take the place of the one abandoned, owing to the loss of tools. It will be drilled somewhat nearer the Huron road than the old one, but still with the intention of utilizing the buildings erected. The Collegiate Institute opens on Tuesday, 3rd inst., the staff is as fol- lows :—A. P. Gundry, Principal ; As- sistants, J. W. Treleaven; Miss Del - mage, Emmerson E. Ball, and Miss Moir. The Public School opened the same day, the staff having also under- gone change, and being as follows :— Principal, Mr. Hartley ; Assistants, Misses J. Wilson, Edna Manning Hat- tie Courtice, Maude Wiltse, A. Taylor, L. McPherson, Mrs. C. Slaughter, of Forest, for Model tern. The Town Council is to be congratu- lated on making a satisfactory ar- rangement with the Clinton Thresher Co,, whereby the Town will retain a valuable industry at practically no cost to the Corporation except the cost of taking a vote of the people. The Thresher Co. will accept $10,000 instead of $20,000 and when ready to sell debentures for this amount the town will guarantee them, provided all the conditions of the by-law have been complied with. The town will therefore be liable for $20,000, instead of $30,000. ALMA COLLEGE Rex. R. 1, Mre,leen Rosidentlat tadlea. Warner, O. r),, Principal, Wylle Grey, Lady Prinoipst. School for Girls and Young 27th year openil Sept, 101h. Student ]Este. al Alam poesiblo life life in student Is mucal h simple rules govern. During the year, leoturot temporary on current given. and Imusical, literary and social entertainments held at the college. The school is opened every morning by appropriate religious exorcises; attendance el the solootionuof a lio ohurch being lout tootle parents. Dollegfato and Preparatory Studtee, Music, Fine Art, Elocution, Business, Domestic Sci• encs, Moral and .'Esthetic advantages, Write for Catalogue to Principal Warner, fit. Thors, Ont. Guard Your Eyesight. It is priceless and should not be neglected. If your eyes trouble you, come to London and see what Modern Optical Science can do towards correcting your defects. We have the most complete optical laboratory in Canada, and our specialists are able to cope with the most complicated cases of the errors of refraction. All glasses are made on the premises to suit each particular case, THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 237 Dundas St., London, Ont. Brussels. Brussels salt works is making large shipments at present. The new cement residence of Geo. Barkley is being pushed toward com- pletion. It will be a comfortable and desirable house. On Wednesday, Dwight, the eldest son of Richard. 'Patterson, Mill St., Brussels, fell down the stairs and broke his left arm. The town hall has been in the hands of Decorator W. C. Smith, who has dressed up the interior nicer than it ever was before, Messrs. Kenny & Harvey, the well- known humorous vocalists of Toronto, have been engaged for the fall fair concert. They are a pair of dandies. Among the Modelites at Clinton this term from this locality, there will be Mary Fear, Tillie 'Zimmer, Jennie Armstrong, Norma Sparling and !Harold Hogg. Messrs. Philip & Moore, proprietors of Brussels Electric Light plant,are installing a large number of metres this week among the light users not already possessing one. Councillor Baeker disposed of a choice yearling roadster to Mr. Kast- ner, of Sebringville, for the sum of $160. AIf, has become quite a breeder and handler of good stock. In a recent bowling competition open to members of Brussels club, Rev. E. G. Powell became the posses- sor of a pair of bowling shoes, the gift of Robt. Downing, who is an enthusi- astic officer of the Club. We are sorry to state that Peter Watson, . Queen street, suffered a stroke of paralysis last Sabbath even- ing abort 6 o'clock. His left side is affected and his speech considerably interfered with. His many friends wish him rapid recovery. Tuesday afternoon at the horse of Jno. Lowe, Grey, II. R. Brewer took a photo group representing five genera- tions, those participating being Robt. McNaughton, an old resident of Grey, aged 02 years, great•great-grandfath- er; Jno. Broadfoot, of Morris, great- grandfather ; Jas. Broadfoot, of An- tagonish, N.S., grandfather; Mrs. Ar- mour, of Antagonish, daughter of Mr, Broadfoot of the same town, and little Miss Ida Armour. #.. Steel Knife In The Flesh, That's the sensation experienced by Robert Price of Hecton, Ont. He knew it was sciatica and he says :— "No liniment can excel Polson's Ner- viline. Severe pains made my back latne. It was like a steel knife run- ning through the flesh. I rubbed in lots of Nerviline and was completely cured." A regular snap for Nerviline to ease Sciatica and Rheumatism. It sinks into the core of the pain, cures it in short order, Large 25e bottles at all dealers. A physician says that ten cents worth of peanuts contain more nour- ishment than the best porterhouse steak. A steak has the advantage, however, in that if you cannot eat it, you can use it for a hinge on the barn door. HE DISEASE RELIEVED IN 30 MINUTES AND TAT IS NO IDLE STATEMENT TO CATCH THE UNWARY, BUT A THOUSANDS OP TIMES OVER PROVEN AND VOUCHED 1!OR FACT—AND THE MYSTERIOUS POWER OVER Ti11S DREADED DISEASE LIES Zrl TSR FORMULA OF Dro Agnew's Cure for the Heart A cure that has stepped to the bedside of a sufferer in the clutch of death. A cure that has unloosed the grip and stopped the pain in 30 minutes and gently led the heart -wracked soul out from the darkness and despair to the brightness and happiness that comes to one whose heart beats true, whose blood tingles with life and vigor. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is not heralded as a miracle worker, but it has many miraculous cures to its credit. Weak heart --weals blood -"-weak nerves travel hand-in-hand, and you find the symptoms in such sensations as palpitation, fluttering, shortness of breath, weak and irregular pulse, smothering spells, chilly sensations, fainting spells, swelling of feet and ankles, weariness, tired feeling; all these presage heart disorder and you cannot afford to neglect them. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the heart is a tried. remedy- -the sure remedy--* the quick acting remedy —a real life saver, ALL DRUGGISTS AND MEDICINE DEALL'12S SELL IT, 1 Bk. AGNEW'S OINTMENT relieves Itching and Protruding Piles with one application. DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Cola In the Head. SOLD 33' A. L. I AMtZTON Ritchie & Oesens Real Estate and Insurance WINOUA,M, ONT. We this week advertise a partial list of farm and suburban properties re- cently listed with us for sale. As we make it a point to ascertain by per- sonal inspection of each, property be- fore listing it, that it is worth the price asked, the Intending purchaser has the advantage of our judgment, as well as his own in buying. We have had fifteen years' experi- enca in the Insurance, Real Estate, Loaning and Valuating business, and think our opinion is worth something, Besides the list shown below we have a much longer one at our office, which we invite intending purchasers to call and see, We will drive them free of charge to see any place on our list. $1900 A 36 acre farm adjoining Bluevale. Frame barn and house, good Iand and six acres of hardwood bush. A bargain. $3400 A 56 acre farm 1t miles from Wingham, Brick veneered house, large new bank barn, good water. Terms, $1000 cash, balance at 5 per cent. $2700 A 50 acre farm 5 miles from Wingham and 1i miles from Bluevale. Good house and barn, 2 acres bush, 230 rod new wire fences. Terms, $1400 cash ; balance at 41%. $3200 100 acres, 2} miles from Wingham, 65 acres cleared, bank barn 34x40, comfortable house, good roads. Terms, one half cash, balance at 5 per cent. $4000 50 acres, 1 mile from Wing - ham. Good brick house, ten rooms, bank 'barn, good garden and orchard. Terms, part cash ; ,balance on mortgage, or will take a house and lot in town in part payment. $3500 51 acres, square lot, 1 mile from Wroxeter, brick house, bank barn, windmill, water in stable, A. complete home at a moderate price. Terms, $1500 cash ; balance on mort- gage. $4500 102 acres, 1 mile from Blue - vale and oo miles from Wing - ham. Large rebuilt barn and shed with stabling under all. Frame -house, good land, and in a good locality. Terms, $2000 cash ; balance at 5%. $6200 150 acres, township of Turn - berry, baro 30x50, shed 30x52, with good stabling under all, frame house, never failing creek and two good wells, 110 acres under plow and clear of stumps, 42 acres in crop this year and 68 acres in grass. An excel- lent property two miles from Wing - ham. Terms to suit purchaser. Good reasons for selling. $6500 150 acres, close to Wingham. One of the finest farms m the County of Huron. Excellent build- ings, good land and fences, never fail- ing spring close to barn. $2000 may be left on mortgage at 4t per cent. $6500 200 acres, East Wawanosh. Two square lots, 2i to C. F.R. station at Auburn, and 6i to Blyth, one mile to church and postoffice, 1t to school. A splendid grain and stock farm, good crops this year. A money- maker to the right man. Owner has other property and no help to work land. Terms, $3000 cash ; balance on mortgage. $8540 200 acres, 2?: miles from Wingham, Bank barn 70x80, large brick house as good as new. A fine farnt in a beautiful situation. Close to school and on a main gravel road. Crops above the average this year, Terms, $2500 cash, balance on mortgage. $8000 200 acres, 50 acres, 50 acres good hardwood bush, fine house and barn, stone stabling, good driving house and pig pen, silo, light- ning rods on barn. One of the finest farms in East Wawanosh, Better see it before buying elsewhere. IN TOWN PLOT. $1200 11 acres, brick veneer house, frame barn and root house. Terms, $400 cash, balance at 5%. $fl00 6 acres, frame house, in a good situation. Just the place for a retired farmer. $1300 as new. order. 4 acres on splendid corner, 14, story frame house as good Good land and everything in $1300 9 acres in Lower Town. All the advantage of upper town with one fifth of the tax rate. Good 14 story frame house, large frame burn,ood well and cistern. A most desirable property. We have also on our Iists for sale in Wingham and other towns and 'villages :-- LAUNDRIES, BLACKSMITH SHOPS, TANNERIES, HARDWARE STOCKS, GENERAL STOCKS, ETC. We exchange farms for town pro- perty and town property for fauns. We can direct intending purchasers to some good investments in the West. 'We represent the best Insurance C!otnpanies in Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass or Casuality business. Money to Loan on Improved Parms. A splendid list of town lots and de- sirable homes for sale, It will pay you to see us. Ritchie Cosens Real Estate and insurance • • Winghain, Agouti; for New Idea Patterns The leading Store AU 1eaM Only 100. New Fall Dress Goods M1 that's New in Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings now in stock at Isar(' & Co's, We have just passed into stock three large shipments of New Fall Dress Goods—compris- ing all the new weaves in English, French and German manufacture, FANCY FALL TWEED EFFECTS—Very pretty dark color- ings in a large range of patterns, wear guaranteed, make up nicely in Tailored Suits.—Our special price 50c SHEPHERD'S CHECKS—In Black and White, Blue and White, nice Dress Fabric.. -Prices 25 to 50c TARTANS AND SHADOW PLAIDS, very popular for Shirt Waist Suitings, width 40 inches, only 50c AVOW COLORED DRESS GOODS. --Cashmeres, Berges, Lnetres,. Panamas, Henriettas, Satin Cloths, Venetians, Voiles. Black Dress Goods. We're showing many pretty weaves in Mourn- ing Dress Materials, as—Crepe-de-chine, Voiles, San Toy, Armures, Poplins, Serges, Llamas, Albatross, Venetians, Panamas, are the correct styles. FRENCH EOLIENNE.—Fine weave, Silk and Wool, high silk finish, nice weight and width, our price $1.00 BLACK ARMURE.— All Wool Dress Fabric, in fancy pebble effect, silk finish, medium weight, per yard 75c MIRROR POPLIN.—Something new in Black Dress Material, corded weave, silk finish, very pretty costume cloth, spe- cial price $L00 BLACK PANAMA CLOTH.—All Wool, soft finish, medium weight, close twisted yarn, makes very pretty Eton Suits, Prices 50c, 75c and $1.00 BLACK LUSTRE.—Brilliant finish, hard, firm weave, made of pure Mohair Yarn, will make a pretty Blouse or Shirt Waist Suit.—Price $1.00 Ladies' Fall Coats. Buy your Fall and Winter Coat early and get first choice. We've opened up three cases, and have them ready for your inspection in our Mantle and Skirt De- partment on Second Floor. Prices very moderate. H. E. ISARD CO. IMPORTERS WINGHAM You Make A Mistake If you buy a Piano with- out seeing our stock, comparing prices and taking iuto account the quality of the instrument. All the best makes always in stook — Heintz man, man, Newcombe, Dominion, and others. Also Organs and the very best Sewing Machines. 1 David Bell 2 Stand—Opp, Skating Rink H► ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —Office in Macdonald Block— Office closed Wednesday afternoons during June, July and August, W. J. PRICE B.S,A , L,D.S., D,D.S. Honor Graduate of University of Toronto and Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. OFFICE IN BEAVER BLOCIC — WXNGBAdr Office olosed Wednesday afternoons during June, July, August. 00000000000000000000000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A Scatteration of Goods Some Special Values 1 0 i M 4 4 * * * * * R x 4 4 4 f t A 4 t; t k 5 } V ! WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR, PER YARD -- 5c roe 25c Flannelettes, worth 7c wholesale Dress Muslins, fast colors, regular 8c 1Vhite Cross -barred Muslin, regular 8c Tea Towels Children's Cotton Hose Embroideries, worth 7, 8, and 9c Flannelettes, one yard wide, regular 121e Shirtings in Blue, Brown and Gray, regular 12ic Ginghams and Prints, regular 12t and 15c 1-IeaVy Wrapperettes, pretty patterns, worth 120 Heavy White Toweling Dress Muslins, regular 121c Ladies' Cotton Hose, regular 12i and l5c Men's Cotton Socks Embroideries, worth 15e Ladies' Sutnmer Vests Men's Shirts and Drawers Ladies' Vests and Drawers Lace Curtains, regular 40e Dress Goods, regular 500 Cashmere Hose Tapestry Carpet, regular 35c Table Linen, 55 inches wide, worth 35e One pair Linen or Bath Towels Gray Flannel, worth 35e. Ladies' Belts, Wash and Silk Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars The above are only a, few of the genuine bargains we have for sale. All Dress Goods will be sold at 50 cts. on the dollar. Something really special in Black Silks. Handsome New Black Sateen Underskirts, very cheap. A few odd Wrappers to be cleared out at Cost, and A TABLE OF REMNANTS VERY CHEAP. T. POULTRY" OF ALL KINDS WANTED. A. Mills V. V V V V V .V Y V V V V V! V V k!! M* Cf 0 F, C7 8