HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-08-22, Page 7GEN. DRUM CONFIDENT /RADIUM UNSTABLE.
HE CAN REPULSE THE IVIOORS.7A,G4Yrtiti'vt'l'z?v111r
.- letiMAIW:WhYaWadiWiliftWANW11Wth
50,000 Troops Required to Restore Order-oSpan- W./Inane Ramsay's Work -Believes It
FatIMUS Woman Scientist DieeUsses Sir
Possible That Atoms of RadtUM
Underge Spentaneoue Transforma-
ish Troops Soldiering.
Pule, Aug. 111,---Advicee front Tangier
s:ty that Gen, Drude feels tonfident that
Ii e can reptamo any ntatek of the natives
with the force now uuder his commeed,
410 has so arranged his outposts that
teurpriseis impossible, and the watshipe
:have their guile trained on the outskirts
vf the city, ready tet any motuent to
open fire o attackers. The eearelt for
hidden loot is still going on and a great
quantity has been recovered. The French
raoldiers who *Idea to temptation and
-Wyatt themselves to valuable artieles
bave been compelled to give up their
plunder. The Britisb in the cite, suffered
nmet from the looting of the natiOes,
and will make a dentate). fur uompensa-
tion for their lossem.
There is much suffering now on ac.
count of the searcity of food among the
poorer classes. The prices demanded for
the necessities are prohibitive as fax as
the poor are concerned.
Gen, Duchene'who commanded the
Erepch army atMadagasear, in an inter.
view to -day, estimated that it wonld re-
quire the services of 50,000 troops to
restore order in Morocco. France, how-
ever, does not intend to send any more
troops than are absolutely necesasry.
She is not seeking conquest, but will in-
eisb on the olperemece of at[ her rights
and that tlie Sultan put his house in
order. leraneanvill stay in Morocce until
her tome have been _complied with.
Annoyed at Spanish Troops.
Pirtle, Aug, 10. -The rigaro's Casa
Bianca correspondent says:
"To 1.1e> surprise of WI, the Spanish
contingent returned to the city OW
simply mekieg a reconnalsance of the
gromul allotted them, They announced
that they would repeat tho reconnaie-
sauce the next day, and then would de-
cide what they would do. There is much
inaignatiou at the attitude of the Span.
IL troops, who do nothing but stroll
about the eity, while the French sol -
ale worn out from ceaseless guard
Malperthuy, the French Consul
here, lute reeeived a number of emisear-
lee of the tribeemen who hinted that
eeveral of their tribes aro ready to sub-
mit to the French if they are met in the
right spirit."
Will Sultan Protest?
Paris, Aug. 10. -The Government has
not received any confirmation of the
report that the Sultan of Morocco in-
tend" to protest to 'the powers against
France's action at CARR Blanca. The
Foreign Office diecredits the rumor.
• -
Wife Watched Him Too Closely at Atlantic City
to Suit Him.
-Atlantic City, Aug. 10. -Rather than
have his wife blue-pencil his drink or-
ders and otherwise interfere with his
vacation at the seashore, Charles J.
Phister, a Philadelphia visitor, was, at
his own request, locked up in the police
"I want to be locked up," Plaster
:said, as he presented himself,
"All right," answerea the (leek KT.
geant, in his beet "we-striye.toneettse"
voice; "what for?"
"Tv get away front my wife," the
Philadelphian mid. "Pm not having a
good time at all clown here. My wife
m interfering with ray personal liberty,
and I might as well be in jail. She bus
given orders at the hotel that I tun not
to be served with drinks. She sticks so
elose to me that T. can't even sneak into
a board walk thirst place. She won't let
me out of her siglit. I can't play in the
sand, or take a constitutional on the
board walk. I am even forbidden to ride
in a rolling (+air or take a chance iu the
prizes in the Japanese states.
"I came down here to have fun. My
wife> has made it slower for me than I
over found it iu Philadelphia."
alre. Pltister arrived. at tho police sta-
tion a few short jumps behind her hus-
band, and heard his complaint. •
"I'm only keeping a watch on him to
prevent his accumulating a seashore
jag," Mrs. Plaster said; "they're favor -
HAS With MIA."
I can leek you up on a charge of in-
toxieation, if you wish," the desk ser-
gennt told Plaster.
"Now, Barge, just took at nty wife,
and tell me if I look like an intoxicated
man," Phister said, a pained look spread-
ing Over his face; "but make it any old
thing, so long as you lock her out,"
Plaster was led back to a, cell. He
spent the early limas singing, "What's
tht Use of Riding a Water Wagon When
They Build Them so High?" He will be
arraigned in court in the morning on a
charge of intoxicatioh.
Lights Will Be So Powerful That When
Flashed Into Face of Cataract They
' Will Be Visible in Buffalo and To-
Niagara Falls, N. Y., Aug. 10.-1ajor
W. H. Ryan and W. B. Stickuey, illum-
inating experts at the General Electric
Company, left last night for Lynn,
Mass., to perfect arrangements for the
installation of the gigantic sciatillator
below the Horseshoe Falls for the
illumination of the° mewed. Nothing
so stupendous, spectacular and al, the
same time so majestie in dignity has
ever been attempted in the United
States, and when the lights are turned
on the falls for the first time ou the
night of September and, an important
era in the system of decorative Ratt-
ing will have ben established.
The English army and Uncle Sam's
warriors have thirty-inth searchlights
for use in signalling, and records show
that the powiwful rays from theee
lights are . visible for a distance of
more than 100 miles, There are several
of these powerful lights included in
tIto scintillator. But besides the
thirty -inch projectors are five sixty -
inch projectors, the biggest ever
manufactured. Turned heavenward.,
the lights will be plainly visible in
Buffalo -mita Toronto, and. when flashed
into tho. face of the cataract, the rocke
-behind the mighty fall of water will be
revealed to the eye. However, the
operation of the scintillator will be
of a nature to preclude the prevalence
of anything boldly spectaeuler or con-
e. „epicene. There will be a harmonious
elleadending of color, rendering the efful-
gence of light luminescent and awful in
grandeur. Turned onto the rebellious
burst of spray, the liglas will protium
an effeet which for splendor promises to
defy deseription.
More of every imaginable Imo and
tint will bo employed to vary and. en -
lance the brilliancy. From delicate or -
suttee and violet to that shunter colors,
there will be no omission.
The machines will be brought to
Niagara Falls this week on three
freight ears, and installation will cont-
emner> at mime. The postponement of
the display from August 150 to Sep.
tender 2nd, was derided upon in order
to ant in booming Old Mint°. Week, The:
allornination will mod:bete for at least a
month, and probably longer.
Collision Cost Three Live?: Near Great
Barrington, Mass,
Great Barrington, Mass., Aug,
large eutomobile containing a party Of
five persons from Bristol, Conn,. etia
lided with the New York -Pittsfield ex.
press at Ashley Valle ermaing, six milee
-"4 eolith of this villege, to-drty, with the
"Vesult that three of the motoring party
are dead and the other two are eniforing
from injuries 101.16 may prove fatal.
The dead and beamed:
Clime J. Root, automobile manufactur-
Me. of Bristol, instantly
aim Root, his mother, who died. from
her injuries while being removed to Pitts.
field by train,
alise Roberts, sister of Mrs. Root, in-
stantly killed.
Miss Mary Root, daughter of Chas. J.
Root, removed ay train to the hospital
itt Pittefield, where her condition was re -
05 critical.
Miss Katherine Root, aged fourteen,
nice:. of Ake. Root, brought to Great
Barrington in an unconscious condition
With severe bruiser; and ettts about her
face and body, and internid iujuries of
an uncertain nature.
Man Found III Dies In Woodstock
Woodstock, Ont., Aug. 10.-(Specittp-
An unknown man died in the hospital
here last night, and an inquest will be
hold to, if possible, establish his identity.
and the muse of death. The man on
Friday night went to the house of Wal-
ter Smith, on the 14th line of East Zorra,
suet retid he was ill. He said he tell on
the road, but got up again and got that
fad Ile was given a bed ill the barn.
Tho next morning he was woree, and
De, Campbell, of Tavistock, was called.
Ito had the man sent to the hospital
here. He leas ticonscious when Ite ar-
riv td here, and died without regaining
constiousriese. There ,was absolutely
nothing in his pockets. Tho man was
itbout 70 years old, and very thin. He
was walking when ho called at Mr.
Smith's phare, but was too ill to give
any information about himself.
King Leopold Particular as to Personnel
of Commission.
Brussels, Aug. 18. -The representatives of
tLe Congo Independent States, who will draft
the "treaty of transfer" in Injunction with
the plenipotentiaries of tho Belgian Gov-
ernment aro General; Wallis, Governor -Gen-
era, who has been connected with the Congo
Independent States eince its foundation,
Chevalier de Ouveller, Id. Droomans, Secre-
tary-General of the Congo Government, and
Charles Graux, Minister of State. The Bel -
glen pldnipotentlaries have not yet been op -
King Leopold strongly opposes the selec-
tion of any members of Parliament, insisting
that the reprcentatives shall lie members of
the Belgian Administration, which special
knowledge of colonial Maim. /t is consider-
ed praetically certain that two of the mem-
bers will be V. van Milverghen, of the Court
of Sensation, and M. von ,Cutacm, a high
()Metal of the Pinance Minittry. The first
mating 18 not expected to occur before Oc-
Fight Among Foreigners at Winghant-
Ono Mari Stabbed.
St. Thomas, Aug. roreigners 10
the O'Brien steel gang at Windham, 011
tit at C. R., got into a row on Fri.
day night and revolvers and knives were
bt ought into use. One Anetrian was
seriously Webbed in the sboulder. Ina
will IT0OVP1'4 and two others who did:the
otabbing are in jail at Waterford, hav-
ing been caught on -Saturday biding in
the- bushes near Waterford,
William Allimere was endeavoring. to
St. Thonme, Ota.„Aum gavig
Fly Wheol Amputated Leg.
move a steam engini off the centre in .vas 0
oeorge Armstronnes briele enrds, lili here nee; 4
WAS entlgat in the fly wheel, teking it . !wed s
off et the knee. Doctors later were eom- almut
wiled to amputate above the knee. out fr
Voris, Aug. 18. ----Mme. Curie has juet
made ono of her rare utterances on ra-
dium, She resisted all endeavors to oa..
taiher opinion on Sir 'Milian Ram -
say's reported transmutation of eopper
into helium, but she hart written an in-
teresing reply to Francis Lame the
scientist, who queetioned Lord
Meade assertion before the British
Association that radium wee a com-
pound 'may eomprising previonrilY
known elements. alum, Curie writes:
"Convening the formation of helium
through radium emanations, am Melia.
ed to share the opinions of Profeseors
Ramsay, Rutherford and Soddy. 1 think
it probable tbat radium is an unstable
element, composed of atoms which under-
go epontaneous traneformation, and that
helium is 000 of the products of thie
transformation. Neverthelees it is pos-
sible that helium is produced from gases
whice surround radium, nail never are
completely removed even in vacuum.
"In either case there ie 11.0 atomic
transformation, but .iu the sveond easo
the radium does not diminish, but acts
only by its energy as the determiniug
cause in the transformation. In eny
event, I do not think there would he
any utility in combating Lord Kelvin's
opinion. There is no reason why scien-
tific idetts should not be discueeed from
various points of view.
"My final co/Mu:don ts that the out-
come of the variety of investigations
Which are encouraged, by discussion
every year adds to our knowledge."
In ti poetecript Mine. Curie adds:
ie it distinct chemical ele-
ment in the sense attaelted to the word
lw chemists, It is unlikely that Lord
Kelvin conaiders radient a compound
analogous to other molecular combine. -
tions, The discuseion probably related
more to W01.113 Mall MAAS, it being like-
ly, that all atoms are complex -formed
ma of the simpler elements of nature,
whieh are still ahnoet unknown."
M. Lour, in publishing ItIme Curie's
letter, contraste her calm, phil-
osophy with Lord Kelvin's positiveness'.
Britain Holds the Balance -No Interna-
tional Crisis Can Arise in Which She
Cannot Turn Seale as She Pleases,
Paris, Aug. 18. -It is the general
opinion that King Edward, the world's
peacemaker, has crowned his mighty
mirk at Wilhelinshohe and Ischl. That
is the interpretation which his friends
put upon his conferencee last week
with the German and Austrian Redeems.
Phu general public throughout Europe
em to share this rosy,..optintisim, and
erywhere one heats that. sueh academic
SC1184014 as The Hague Conference are
perfluous and unimportant as compar-
with the wonderful practical Merlo-
n of the British sovereigu.
It is unnecreseary to detract in the
Ist from the groat work Ed-
trd has accomplished in behalf of
ace during the last four years if it
pointed .ont that the caustet of in-
mational friction have not yet been
tirely banished by -the tact and skill
this ablest of modern monarchs, lie
s preserved the peace of the world
.ough a most; trying erisis, a crieie
yet finished, whieh involves a aid,-
ntial re-groupine of the great,
wers and the re-tidjustment of many
Meting interests.
lie Rag's achievement from the
a of view of the preservation of
world's peace, is great, but it is still
ater from the point of view of Bri-
t patriotiem. Ile has successfully pil-
l. the British Empire from a posi-
t of splendid but dangerous isolm
1 to one of allied or friendly contemn -
hip with all mankind.
serious international dispute ran
arise in which .England will not
able to turn the race with almost
.whelming weight to one side 01.
other. She can compeledispulants to
promise or arbitrat, or, in the event
.eftzsal, she can r.e.) influence 'the at -
de of tho other 'towels as almost to
rol the issue,
o do all this King Mtwara has sac -
cd. some interests in Afrive„ in the
r and Far East, which have been
rded heretofore as important, but
Ins gained for his Empire a. pose
which, for tho present at MI
ts, is impregnable.
me will bring oub more clearly the
dal importance of the two meet -
of three great rulers, which all
pc agrees will have an exceptional
ine upon the future history of the
4 t*
Of 2
Fleetwing oundered ou Lake Ontario
During Last Week's Storm,
Belleville, Aug. 18. -It is feared here
that the -schooner Fleetwing, owned
principally by Capt. Clark Taylor'of
this city, hart gone down on Lake On -
Lath) with all band%
On the (ith inst., the veesel left the
port of Sommerville, Iti. Y., laden with
..nal for South flny. Since that date
nothing has been heard of her, and
all enquiries have thus fttr failed to
elicit any information as to her where-
abouts. In addition to Capt. Clark
Taylor, Wm. Babcock and 'hem Gila
son, of this city, are among the maw.
rhe general impression le that the
vessel eenk during the gttle whielt pre-
vailed on Lake Ontario during two
deys of last week.
The family of Capt. Clarke Taylor
have sent meseagee to varinne pietas on
dle lake front. but heve not been able to
eseertain any -whereabouts of the vessel.
eke is now more titan a week overdue.
Another Drowning.
Awl, Mtg. -8. -William Lovell,
f the erew of the Muskoka. Lakes
ation Company:4 Steamer Nipis-
while ramming oear Imre tit -day,
peel; and iiniumed in about forty
rf water. The body woe teeny-
hortly afterward. Lovell was
twenty years of -age, and lately
om England. e
The available output of the TB
bus field is placed at forty indlion
per day.
Earl they will lay the eorner-stone of
the new Militnry institute library, at
Toronto, on altursday, Aug. 29.
A leading Parielan journal dates
that conditions in Moroceo indieate that
the *mak are there to Way.
.A. large proportion of elte British dole -
gates to the Unitarion Weeniei meeting
at Boston will travel via Canada.
At Bruseele the Societe Generale d'Ean
terprisee au Canada has been floated.,
with a capital of 3,a00,000 'ranee.
Ottawe, wifl vontetrnet athree-milliou
gallon reeervoir in the Bayeweter Ait10';
imar the Experimental Vann, at it toet
of $150,000.
The death ()neared on thatuelay of
Ilirs. (Image Watt, wife .of the head
of the well-known grootmy firm of Cleo.
rge \Vett & Sons, Brantford.
The Iletesian branch of the Salvation
Army, organized under the initia tivo of
Prinee Boyle Volonsky, has opened in St.
petershurg a home for fallen weinen,
cripples mid youthful delingnetas.
Alex. Bremner, for thirty years super-
intendent of the printing department of
The London Free Pres*, and. brother of
afaleolm Bremnoe, editor of The Free
Press, died on Saturday after a lingerieg
and painful illness.
AR'YT1'111:;74)/n'iTilonins'yu.ssi4r. FIRMS TO MN THE UNION SCALE
Angered over a family difference, Val-
entine Hess, a barber, fired two shots at
his wife and then killed himself at his
home in Sem Cliff, Long Island, on Sat-
urday. Physicians say that Mrs. Hess
will die,
Phillips :Mitchell, a Grand Trunk
brakesman, who was literally torn to
pieces by. having a freight ear run over
him at Waubaushene, WAS buried in
Ihtliburton on Saturday. Ire was u resi-
dent of Midland for some time.
11. Wilson, who was •arrested
in Torontd, chargea with obtaining, by
false pretnwes, 4;30 from art mimmigraniti
named Ablard, of Belleville, was tried o
Saturday by Magistrate Masson and
given six months in the Central Prison.
5(111 suffering from the effects of his
recent serious illness, but in good sporits
after his (wenn voyage, Hon. Edward
Blake, the former member of the Brit-
ish Ilouse of Commone for Longford, ar-
rived in the city on Saturday morning
from Montreal.
Aceorilinp; to a published announce-
ment, Captain iron. John Reginald Lopes
Yartle-Buller, heir of Lord Churston, is
married to Miss Deuise Orme, an actress,
prominent as a singer in light •opera.
The marriage is said to have taken place
on April 24th last.
Robert R. Gill, cashier of -the Staple-
ton Nation:II Bank of Stapleton, Staten
Island, has been arrested by the United
States authorities and is charged with
being sbort in his accounts with the
bank. The shortage is said to amount
to about; 12,000.
(iti' A esessor Thomas, 01. Belleville,
bas finished his assessment for the yeae,
mid Skayi the city will show an increase
in population of 500 over last year, and
the essesement has gone up greatly in
value. The population of Belleville, Ju.'
says, was never so large as now, nor was
PrePerty ever so valuable.
•Robert Marshall, the 18 -months' -old
son of Charles Shaw, of Ring street,
Kington, while playing with a small
stick fell, the stick penetrating the roof
of his mouth. The slide made a very
nasty wound, the eatin the roof of his
mouth being nearly half all inch deep
alul very jagged.
The engagement is announced of Miss
Isabel. Biggar, eldest daughter of te
R, W. Biggar, K, C. to Mr. Christophei
Marks Robinson, eldest son el the late
Chrietopher Robinson, K. C., of Beverley
House, Toronto. The wedding will .proba-
bly be eelebrated at the Embassy Church
in Paris early in September.
Adviees received by the United States
War Department from Manila show that
the court-martial whielt tried Private
William Taylor, Company 17, 240 In-
fantry, ite I loam on Dee. 'lath Mat, for
slinking Lieut. Robert B. Calvert, the
eommandine Whiter of bis company, sen-
tenced Minim death by hanging.
A little girl, 13 emars old, named Maz-
zon, was ins:Maly killed by a Canadian
Northern switeh mane in Westfort,
near Fort William. Scie was playing tnt
the tracks when the engine rounded the
curve and struck her. The curve la this
point is very- sharp mid has et) protec-
tion or any kind of signal. A coronerh
jmy is making an investigatioi,.
a he Lordon bathers' etrike, which be-
gin' just throe weeks ago, WAS settled. by
compromise., and the men resmned work
00 Saturday. Some minor points have
yet to let settled. Mr, Stunuel Stevety,
President of the Board of Trade, was
largely inetrumental in /laving tile trou-
ble settled. The new scale calls for a;
guarantee of .1(11 a week, with 50 per
cent. over $17 taken in nt a chair. When
the mon went on strike they Were l'0C011'-
illg $10 a week and half of all they took
in over $18 per week.
Many Attacks on Women and Children
Reported to ,Police.
Paris, Aug. 10, --Paris is now experi-
encing a. erime wave similar to that
whieli ham wept over New York. For
the past few weeks there'll:tee been
many tablet:a on women nnd children,
but fortunately the criminals were
caught mid driven off or taken into
eustody liefore they could carry out their
erimina 1 -int telt ions, Two ea see were
report ell t 0.day f insults to Iva:nen, the
uffetelers making gooa 1 heir eseape. Not
eloue in the poorer quarters, but in the
most fashionable seetions of the city
have the attaekA beeit made. alai So
111101alow1 Iltt'Ve they beeollle that there
ie talkof reviving the minable as a
penalty for the mew. 'Men have been
eought frying to entien little girls into
lonely made. Many of the men have
been let d ly bra (011. To the suburbs it
little gjr1 was Partitel off and kept a
prisoner len. three days. She was not
twined, but so badly frightened that
elm can give 00 nceount of her tulven-
tore. The man has been arrested. Near
the .1011M:1th:us several eitses have been
'(1011 ed. Several times offieers haw
ariven the mei/duals way by firing re-
volvers, after hearieg the mire of women.
Old River Pilot Dead.
whereton, An 18,--Tha death ocourred on
oaturday 01 Vincent Murray, tee even -known
lever erect. Demigod wan et 800 of Cant.
Vineent Murree, 4 1 the teenner Thomeon. He
met been confined to the hospItat tor Chant
three wcelto. Do:oared was f0118itiArN1 to ho
ono of the best pliekt in the business and
made many trip down the river the foro
Part of the wagon,
Dressed as Officer Ue Presented Cheque
at Dank and i'doney Was Paid -Left
Guard to Watch Silver While Re Messenger Boys Back to Work.,Both Sides in
Decamped With Remainder of MOney.
New York, Aug. 18. --The Sun corre- ,
spondent at St, retersburg sends the
following cable despatch: The fame of Chicago, Aug. I0,-4. Committee of the
tile et:Miler of Koepenniek seems to have
r- -- - ---- - striking telegraphers to -day visited the
penetrated. am far away as Harbin, Man- brokerage firms whiclt have not yet ran -
Omaha A few days ago a man in an, ed the :wale demanded by the union and
offieerat uniform presentea himself, arm- gave them until 1 o'clock to -day to ;te-
ed with power of attorney, at the trees -
mantled 00,055 roubles, the estbnated ex-
penditure of the first brigade for the housed in the eit.l' have not P.'t signf'd
ury of the Tmns-Armur division and de- „team a the 1,,,,w, bwkerug„
cede to the union demands or have a
The papers were in perfect order and Itijewn :;(01in
10,;4e.u"1 thi7 declare that, they
the supposed officer received 11 cheek on
the Russo -Chinese Bauk for the amount, tliTe.Thle.itystopfruthieInfor sesnagetei.wleittcadi It!,°Itul!
whieh WAS duly paid. Part of the money pithier> returned to work to -day. The
was minte(i out in silver 00112, which aeys struck en the day following the
seemed to annoy the officer, but as the walk -out -of the operators.
bank bad a Mimi right to make part of
Re payments in silver he consented Intititietereglevnt•Creentilostillitteteelelitttlut(iltDi‘t.:11°V)nelii:tet
grumblingly to take the heavy stuff,
but telephoned for a eonvoy of three Both sides report the donditione satisfate-
tory to them. No progress is being made
privates, who escorted him to the rail-
way station. ia the directam of peace.
nua,i'lltetroe tsltit(trssaupuptotsslel (sifacreruoiredebraegds tionef are 15,000 tIlliole operators in the come
According to the official figures, there
try and 10,000 are out on strike,
silver and bit, carrying off the rest of
tee money himself. The guard kept Situation in Toronto,
watch for twenty-four hours without any Toronto, Aug. 10. -The G, N. W. re
miler earning, and would. probably still Ported themselves able to take 01110 nes-
Toronto Confident,
be there had not the garrison command-
er made inquiries front the staff of the
first brigade, where nothing was known
about the officer, his naseion or the
Handled Many Big Strikes -Capture of
the Bidwell Brothers, Who Robbed
Bank of England, One of His Great-
est Feats.
Nev,' York, Aug. 18.-Roleert A. Pink-
erton, who directed the business of the
Piukerton Detective Agency with his
brother, Willinui A., and who died sud-
denly etboard the North -German LI
etediner Bremen last Monday, had cha
of the New York offiee, and William
(.1.;iiitadieteeirt,sme managed the Chicago he
Ono of the biggest jobs that II
Pinkerton ever handled was smaeh
of the Homestead strike for Carnegie,
1892. The Pinkertons, armed with te.
cbeeters, fought battles with tho str
ers, and men were killed on both sid
The part played by the Pinkertons e
made the subject of enquiry by a co
mittee of the United States Senate
1802, and :Robert A. Pinkerton defend
hie men, asserting that up to that ti
-they had been opposed to 125000 stri
ers, in all parts of the country, in se
enter striker>, had been assaulted, Witte
and shot at, and yet had killed. only t
pm sons in the whole time,
'Ile great strike on the New Yo
Central, which le said to have cost t
Vanderbilts about $2,000,000, was ha
dlea mainly by Robert A. Pinkert°
The Pinkerious had a horde of men
along the line, but concentrated most
their force at Albany. For a time the
were conflicts between Pinkerton
wields and strikers, and collisions a
ost. every day. On August 17, 1800, fit
persona were shot, one of them it w
'There have beeu few strikes in t
cold regions, south and west, where 11
iwomptu soldiers, directed. by Bob Pin
.rion, were not present. The famo
strike in the Hocking Valley, at tl
Frick Standard Mince, in Penusylvani
the Bayonne 'longshoremen's strike, all
dovens of little strikes, were handled b
Um "Pinks," commanded by the bi
cool, Bob Pinkerton.
Among the famous criminal eases Um
added to Bob Pinkerton's fame were el
American Exchange Bank robbery an
the international forgery case, in whie
the Bidwell brothers, Austin and Georg
figured. The Bidwells, in the early 170'
swindled the Ola Lady of Threadneedl
Greet ota of $2,500,000; and were nal
bed by Bob Pittkerton, Edmund Sturgi
Crawford, who stole $11,000 from tit
Ante -dean Exelienge Bank, in 1800, wa
captured hy Bob Pinkertmt after
5.000-mi1e charm, which ended iu Hon
For thirty years or so, Bob Pinkert()
relived, the big easterit race tracks am
made them too hot for the discreet piek
poterets and (rooks. Wall street, lot
('t) 15 was a (mi1 tn. of his activitee Ib
was called upon to assign men to shadou
euspected employees of big financial eon
cerne, to protect the persons of nervoue
millionaires, who had received threaten
ing letters. and to recover stolen money
or ercurities. Tt is said that Robert
Pinkerton raffled many a thief in Wall
street without the story of the exploit
cove leaking out of his office.
ad -
0 -
k -
lie was between 50 and 00 years old.
a big, robust, heavy shouldered man.
with a pleasant face and a very firm
jaw, In his office he was as hard to
Approach 81.1 any bank prosaleta, but at
the race traek, with his friends Bob
Piekerton wee known aa a good iellow.
They toll stories of him which describe
his kindliness of heart and open-handed
nerosity. The wife of many a, crook
whom Bob Pinkerton sent to prieon was
helped ota with eash and adviee when
:the nnd her children had no /dime to
Ile WAS married, ena is survive(1 ley his
widow and three children. Robert A.
Fiekerton was sai,l to be a very wealthy
man, Hewlett timer; 0 millionaire.
Die bode' wi11 be brought back to this
teem t tee
Welland Girl Victim of Terrible Accident
in a Laundry.
Welland, Ont., Aug,. 18, -Phoebe ont.
hard. a fourteen-ye:11,01d girl, not long
f TOM MO olti country, met with a
frightful accident in the Uneda Laun-
dry yesterday morning. 'Ter bawl WAS
0111111:11t ill a mangle and ran through
to the wrist before the machine wee
reveteed. The under roller is kept in-
teneely hot. and the miude palm of the
hand was 'horribly burned. Besides this,
all the hones were crushed, it ring on nue
hewer being driven right through the
The girl WAS tAk011 to the (lettered
Ifospitel, Namara nna rhe doetore
bele. that it mny neeessary eo ampu-
le& the hand: at any rate, it will be
permanently disabled,
ily of all business yesterday, as local of
flees throughout Ontario close from
p. in. Saturday till 8 it. in. Monday, so it
was only the business with ikiontreal,
Quebec and other larger cities that had
Inen with the strike the in -
Wresting feet it reealled that union
telegraphers have a means of testing by
an ,effielent signal, changed every three
months, whether another operator is a
union man or not, A non-union man
might, it is said, detect the first flash,
but he conld never find out the .answer.
so there is no fear of the- secret leaking
"Here in Toronto there is absolutely
no alarm fete by the G. N. W. men. They
have no fear whatever of the mutt, and'
are giving greater attention just at pre-
sent to arrangetnents for a moonlight
trip on the lake next Thursday night
titan to their own position telegrephical-
ly. The opinion prevails that the
General Manager here has instructions
front the Weetern Union officiate as to
the conenet of the trouble in Canada,
and that he ie resigned to the situatioe
and merely awaitiug developments."
Independent Company Gets Its Line Into
Beamsville-The Bell is Giving a
Splendid Service.
ikug, 10. -The erection of
the poke into Beamsville last week by
the .Niagara 'Dietrict Independent. Tele-
phone Co., for the extension of their line
weetward and southward 1 rom Jordan,
and later on from here to Grimsby,
marks another epoch in the conetruction
of the network of wiree and labyrinth
of poles in the peninsula, in its faireet
portions. It is becoming 11 sort of WA-
WA betWe011 tite tr11118p0VtAti011 com-
panies and the telephone and telegraph
corporations to aec which can Femme
moet out of the best parte of the high-
way, with uusightly peles and wires. The
companies seem strong enough to take
these favore when they please. The only
roaaway unentumbered by tracks be-
tween Hamilton ana Niagara Falls is
possibly the twelve miles on the Q. & G.
Atone road from Beamsville to St. Catit-
arinee, although the poles on both sides
make up for the deficiency, and are a
host in Own -melees. The Bell company's
lines run over field* and private rights
of way. Nearly seventy per cent. of the
people living between Stoney Creek and
81., Catherince on the main trunk line
of the Bell, have one of these instru-
ments in their homes. Upon the emu -
platen of the Indeperolene line forty
per cent. of the people will have two.
With the advent of the Independent
instrument the young meat can arrange
a drive with his nicest little lady from
the kitchen of his home, while the elders
are talking up the price of tomatoes
mom the sating -room.
The Bell Cempanv'e :Trebel in the cen-
tral distract of the fruit garden is splen-
did, the eontinuous servive andd ready -to -
please operators giving patrons every
possible nevommodat am.
,Inst itow Louth township is being
served only by the Independent.
Son of Italy Said to Have Slashed Eng-
lihsman With Razor.
Toronto, Atm.. 1 0. -An Italian, whose
anglicized name is Michael Fisher, was
arrested by mounted officer Hobson out-
eido High Park about 5.30 last night and
charged with dieordmay conduct. In the
meantime the police are looking for an
Englishman, whom Fisher is said to have
slashed with a razor, to appear against
him on a charge of wounding. According
to the story told by the police, the Eng -
Hellman, who had two children with him,
was playing with them on one of the
swinge when Fisher tout two other Ital-
ians went up and attempted to drive
them away.
An t erea t ion en eued be t IrePtt 1110
Englishman and the Italians, in white>
Fisher is SAM to 110NO drawn a razor
and Washed his opponent several times.
The crowd interferea and the English-
man was driven away by a man in a
buggy for medical attendance.
The Canadian Lines Must Meet Their
Montreal, Aug. 18. --It is probable that
the Ca nadien steamship companies will
lower their steerage rates between Eu-
ropean points and Canada before the
stunner is over. This will be to meet
the cut on the Muni:tug-American,
North Gorman Lloyd and Hollana-Amer- J
leen lines, whieh have reduced the rates
from 31(3910 0:3 on express steamers and
from $33 to. e25 on other boats. This
strikes -MY -closely at the Canadian
The C. P. R. and Attila lines have ves-
sels trading at Antwerp and Havre, re-
ep«.tively, and the lowering of rates will
regiottsly affeet them. However, the
three big pa;4:,enger lines here are on
the alert. A meeting of representatives
of the C. P. R. Atlantic line, the Allan
liao and the Dentinal!' line wam held yes-
terdae afternoon, at which the matter
nets thrashed out in all its details.
No decision was, however, arrived at,
end the meeting WAS adjoerned until
ahaulay afternoon.
Exists Only on Paper -Socialist on
Stuttgart, Aug. 19. -Herr Bebil, dur-
ing the course of hist references at the
opening of the International Socialistic
Congress hereeyesterday to the Haywood
murder trial at Boise Idaho, which he
stated "ended with the brilliant acquit-
tal of our comrade," said: "This trial
had shown all the world that in the Unit-
ed States liberty, law and justice exist
only on paper. It is to be hoped that
these incidents will stir up the American
workingmen so that, like their English
comrades, they will soon have a good
number of repreeentatives te Washine-
th:31"series of-ite=se4-1=4.meetings
held yesterday evening were attended
by 40,000 to 50,000 persons, Mr. Hill -
quit, a lawyer of New York, addressed
one section, speaking in German. He
described the extremes of wealth and
poverty in the United States,
Mrs Stanford White Is Not Engaged
to be Married.
Now York, Aug. 10. -For Some time
past rumors have been circulated in so-
ciety to the effect that Mrs, Bessie
Smith White, widow of Stanford White,
is engaged to be inameed to Mr. Charks
la McKim, the senior member of the
firm of McKim, Mead & White. Mrs.
White's relatives, while greatly nnuoyed
at the rumor for obvioue reasons, lave
been loath to discuss the subject, but
a member of alm White'e family author-
izes the N. Y. Herald to publish the fol.
'11hereport that Mrs. White is engag-
ed to marry Mr. MeKitn is absolutely
witbout foundation. The Herald has per-
mission to deny the existence of any
sleet engagement. Mrs. White, who has
been touring with her son fax an automo-
bile through France and Germany, will
leave for New Yo_rile.i.n ia feW days."
Be Paid Out Five Hundred Dollars Too
Winnipeg, Aug. 18. -The teller of the
Bank of Montreal here paid out five
hundred dollere too much one day Itrst
week, and as 0 result Stun Patrakos,
Greek, ie under arrest, charged with
haviug obtained the money, Patrakos
presented a cheque for six hundred and
fifty dollars, signed by M. .T.
local druggist. On discovery that the
eash was five hundred short, Teller NV.
Itapsey claims that he positively
remembered that he gave Pattrakos
ten one hundred dollar bilk and thirty
fives, thinking that he was giving him
fifties instead of hundreds,
pleaded net guilty, :Ind was remanded
for eight days.
money, and the bank ?Need hint under
arrest, Yesterday in court Patrakos
Pa trakteL,denied that bled the extra
Big Collar and Cuff Concern Has Gone
Into Bankruptcy.
Troy, N. Y., Aug. 18. -The big collar,
euff and shirt corporation of Curtis,
Leggett & Co., went into bankruptcy
to -day because of the stringency of the
money market and inability to meat
notee. The liabilities are estimated at
$1.100,000, the assets are placed at
. United States District Court
udge Ray-, at Syracuse, to -day appoht.
('ti See ntour amen tvoord and Charlee
G. Cleminmhaw, of this city, and Julian
eciontit,mitrf. Bainbridge, receivere of the
- • - •
Homestead Entries,
Ottawa, Aug. 19. -For tho six months
ef the present year ending June there
were 11.151 homestead entries reported
to the Interior Department, as compared
with 24.09 for the first six months of
last year, a decrease of 9,944. The Go.
(1 is largely aecounted for by the
unfavorable weather of Mahal and April
last, and the poor transportation facili-
ties in the west during the winter and
early spring. In February the aeereash
wee 1,003, in March 2420, and in April
3.593. Of a total of 1,205 entreat made
in June by persons comiug from the
Vnited States, there were 453 front
'Noah Dakota, 213 from Minnesota, 52
from North Dakota. 50 from Wyondeg,
471111111 Iowa, 43 from Miehigan, 42 from
Wasbiegton, MI from Montana, 35 from
Illinois and 31 from Oklahoma.
Body Found 10 Niagara River,
Niagara Falls, Aug. 1R. -The body of
an unknown num Wag recovered .from
the Niagara. River yesterday. It is that
of It man probably not more than twen.
tythree years of age, of medium build,
t lean 8119 1(01 and with dark, reddish
tbhaeir.sholutiodtehrsa(wIttie iltile11lr
ywottrisot nttdf
Toronto Officer Had His jaw Broken on
Saturday Night,
Toronto, Aug. 10. ---On Saturday night
young offieer. P. C. Wilkinson, roettived
801110 nasty injuries in the pursuit of his
deity. About 11.10, while at the corner
of Ryerson avenue nnd Woolseley street,
he was called on to go up a lane, where
etnee num were slid to lot fighting. In
attempting to arrest Olio 'Of i11(411 110 WAS
essanited by where cif the gang. Ms
feet were knocked from under Itim,and
while on the rernima he was kitettel by
two men, tete of the blows pried:Ng hie
jaw. Dirt jailllieS Were attenatel to be -
Dr. Ball. Wilkinsonht assaikents have
bot as yet been arrested.