HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-08-22, Page 51 Ise i'l'SreaSe.rSaSer'S.a..ree. -4k MISIMMIMOMMOMIMISSIMeneeenesellentlimilIMA The Blue Front Store SHOES. Don't forget that our stock of Men's and Boys' Shoes is complete. We carry nothing but reliable makes and can back up every pair we sell. A splendid variety of fine, medium and heavy makes in stock now. Prices right. Trunks, Suit Cases, &e. Another shipment of Trunks, Suit Cases, Telescopes, &c., just to hand, A splendid as- sortment to choose from. If you are going to take a trip, don't fail to see our stock before purchasing. It will be worth your while. McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers Anybody who has the "determina- tion" can become a good penman if he or she will intelligently follow our instructions and practice an hour or so a day for a few months. Penmanship is of far greater im- portance than most young people realize. We know from intimate acquaint- ance with business men that there isn't anything that creates a more favorable impression on an employer than the neatness and legibility of an applicant's handwriting. Write for our large, illustrated free catalogue. It explains our Business and Shorthand Courses in detail. Shows the value of an education in a school which is a member of the Business Educators' Association. . The demand for graduates is greater than we can supply, FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Members of Business Educators' J. W. WESTERVELT, Association. Principal, London. COLLEGE REOPENS SEPT. 31tD. r111111111111111111111111 411111118 •r6soiA� I Yon don't want to be convinced of the Big Bargains that Young's are offering in Graniteware, Tinware and .Hardware, -Don't Read I It !=IF 1 JUST ARRIVED. Another very large assortment of Graniteware at the same Cut- in -two Prices. IGive us a call, and be convinced that this is the place to buy goods at money -saving prices. A pleasure to show goods. IYOUNG'S ,I Big Hardware WINGHAM - ONTARIO i .111111110.104111.11 v.x THE WINGHAIVI ADVANCE •--• THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1907 `neves 'keine Mr. P., F. Lawrence, the general apanyat Gocof leich,ttells aElittle taleress ' of how a dream found, an express parcel this week, The article to question wits 001101 tied from Windsor and was missing at Goderieh. "I sent half a dozen telegrams to different places about that parcel," Mr, Lawrence re. Tates, and it must have been on My mind when I went to bed, for I dream- ed I saw it lying on a table in the ticket office up at the depot. In the morning I went up, and snre enough it was there, The funny part of it is that the stats' didn't see it, and cannot account for its presence there. --What might have been a sad drowning accident, with a well known young London woman as the victim, occurred in the Bayfield river several days ago, and was very narrowly averted by the prompt action of a trio of Londoners, Mr. D. D. Hannah, his daughter and Miss P, O'Connor were out rowing, and had passed a number of young people in bathing. When about 50 yards away they heard fran- tic cries for help. Miss Hannah being an expert with the oars, soon brought the boat to the scene of the disaster, when Me. Hannah was just able to grasp the young lady by the hair, as she was sinking for the third time, and being ably assisted by Miss O'Con- nor, they pulled her into the boat and rowed ashore. Miss O'Connor, being a nurse graduate of St. Joseph's Hos- pital, her experience was very helpful, and after working some time over the semi-unconscions young lady, she was resuscitated, and with the help of her I friends was taken to her home. Teeswater. The dwelling house of Wm. Dobson, at the corner of the 12th con, and gravel road, was totally destroyed by fire between 11 and 12 o'clock on Tues- day night. The fire had made consid- erable headway before the sleeping occupants of the house knew of it and they were able to save nothing, not even their clothing. Miss Smith, of Toronto, who was visiting Miss Doh - son, saved her hat and coat but lost everything else even to a purse and railway ticket. As the kitchen was burned first, the fire is supposed to have originated from the kitchen stove or chimney. There was an exciting time about a burning straw stack at the farm of Jas. Reid, jr., Oth line, on Monday afternoon. Art. Reiffer's threshing outfit was being set at the barn to proceed with the threshing of the fall wheat when by some unknown means a stack of straw at the back of the barn canght fire. The stack stood about ten feet away from the barn and the fire, though discovered soon after starting, made a big blaze while the loose straw on the outside was be- ing burned off. Fortunately the wind was favorable, and by throwing water on the roof and sides of the building the fire was kept from spreading. A phone message from A. Little's mill to town brought a timely supply of help when those who had fought the fire from the start were about exhausted. After about an hour's struggle the flames were gotten under control and the fire put out without much damage being done. ALMA 27th Year LADIES' COLLEGE ST. THOMAS, OMT. UttIE In Rnrldsnco 150 University affiliation, Music, Fine Art, Elocution, Physical Culture, Commercial, Domestic Science. For year book write PRINCIPAL WARNER, D.D. Our Lens Factory is complete with the finest made machin- ery for the manufacture of perfect lenses, and is in charge of export workmen. We invite you to call at any tim@,and see a lens ground from the rough. Our methods combine those of oculist and optician. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 237 Dundas Street, London, Ont, Got "Genuine" Business Education now. than wish you had after- wards. FALL TERM FROM San OF SEPTEMBER, Attend the ELLIOTT d#�J TORONTO, ONT. (Cor..Yonge and Alexander Ste.) and you, will undoubtedly get "genuine" business training, not the 'Imitation" kind. Out of 250 calls for bookkeepers, stenographers, etc., we filled only 10 of the positions. Had no one else ready when calls were received. Yes, it pays to attend this school -it doubly pays. Catalog free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal RTRUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. --ORico in Macdonald Blook- Ofllce closed Wednesday afternoons during June, July and August. W. J. PRICE B,S.A•, LDS., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of University of Toronto and Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. OFFICE n4 BEAVER Block - wINCHAM Office closed Wednesday afternoons during June, July, August. Jumping With Nerve Pain. That's how you feel with neuralgia. But why He awake at night, grumble or complain -get busy with a bottle of Nerviline. It does act like magic, seeks out the pain and destroys it, Harmless and certain, instant in effect, nothing is so popular as Nerviline for aches and pains of all kinds. Try it for lumbago, test it in rheumatism, prove it in neuralgia, pleurisy or colds. You'll soon acknowledge that Poison's Nerviline beats thein all, Sold every- where in large 2 ie bottles, Brussels. Messrs. I;migh & McDonald have put a new office counter in the down- stairs sitting -room at the Central Hotel and will utilize the room for business purposes, hotel register, etc. The proposed summer races under the direction of Brussels Turf Club have been called off for this year as it was not possible to arrange with a Northern circuit. Next season ar- rangements will be made earlier. New wheat has been marketed al- ready. Wm. Brewer, 7th con., Grey, made the first delivery on Monday of Last week at Pryne & Son's flour mill, having threshed the Friday previous. It sealed 60 lbs. to the bushel and was a fine sample, On Tuesday, Aug, lath, J. M. O'Con- nor, a former resident of Brussels, died at the residence of his son, Leslie Thorold, at the aged of 78 years. The remains were brought to Brussels and the funeral service was held in St. John's Church which was draped for the occasion. One evening recently, while playing football at Victoria Park, Harry Mer- cer, in kicking the ball stepped on it and fell breaking his left arm at the wrist. Wm. Pawson, teamster at P. Ament's, met with a similar misfor- tune by a fall from the wagon and both men are now taking undesired holidays. The following is the result of the re- cent examinations in which pupils of Brussels Public School certainty did well and with their teachers, Principal Cameron and Miss H. D. Ford, are to be congratulated. Results are as fol- lows :-Junior Leaving -Norma Spar - ling (honors), Mary Fear (honors), Alex. Lamont (honors), Leslie Lamont (honors), Harold Hogg, Laura Stra- chan, Harvey Young, Tillie Zimmer. Junior Matriculation - Mary Fear, Jno. McCracken, J. T. Strachan, L. Lamont. Great Specialists In Stomach Catarrh. Though often they fail to give even temporary relief, 111r. W, Seymour of Huntsville, Ont., cured himself with Ferrozone. "My trouble" he says "was chronic catarrh of the stomach. There was constant bad taste in my mouth, I was costive and usually nau- seated before and after meals, I also had a gnawing sensation in the stom- ach. Ferrozone gave nae great relief, and I also used Catarrhozone which is good for catarrh. Although it took a number of boxes of Ferrozone, I got back my health and to -day am quite well," For stomach catarrh, indiges- tion and kindred disorders nothing ex- cels Ferrozone. In a thousand cases it has proved a wonderful success. Try it yourself, 50c per box at all dealers. la �f inn , i t{f•t li 4. 0 Allb Agents for New Idea Patterns The Leading Store Patttterne only loo. Sale=I3nd Clearing of Remnants. Saturday, August 24th. b WINMestsmnsfessismelesessomoons We'll have a CLEARING SALE of REMNANTS --ODDS and ENDS left over from the BIG SALE. Conte out early Saturday morning and get first choice. Remnants Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Mus- lins, Shirtings, Cottonades, Toweling, Table Linens, Flannels, Flannelettes, Oilcloths, Cretonnes, Wrapperettes, Carpets, Laces, Embroideries, Rib- bons, etc., etc, Odd Lines And Broken Sizes in BOOTS and SHOES, ready-to-wear SUITS, Men's Pants, Top Shirts, Hosiery, Rain- coats, etc. VINIONSINIOSSIMMOSMISMIIIMI H. E. Isard Co. Skidoo For Yours TO THE "LITTLE EATON" WINGHAM WHERE ONE OF THE SMARTEST Skidoo Sales Is now on and doing Big Business. WHY we put on this Sale is simply to clean up our broken stock at ANY PRICE before moving into our NEW STORE. Everything is SKIDOO, which means "Hustle Out At Any Cost." SICIDOO in and get choice goods, lots of there at HALF PRICE. Bare in mind and don't forget, that all our goods are NEW -not shop-worn and rusty. emineecarimmenummum Skidoo Prices In All Our Lines. CLOTHING --Child's, Boys', Youths' and Men's whole Suits or odd pieces. Raincoats and Overcoats -up-to-date and beau- tiful fitting. GENTS FURNISHINGS --Our stock is bran new shame to Skidoo it. Some great Bargains here. HOUSE FURNISHINGS --Now is your chance to Rug or new Carpet at Skidoo prices. We'11 save FURS -For Fall and Winter are arriving and will with the rest of the stock, and its a get a nice you V's. go Skidoo Bring your friends and look at what we have how easy we ask to Skidoo has been a surprise perhaps it will be to you. PARENTS !-Send your Children. advertised or your Money Back. to Skidoo ; to many -- Everything exactly as eseereissimemmiramemesenimmesselielimiMaimummiamenmeemmeenrestestlem GENTS' FURNISHINGS. 50e TIES -Skidoo 35e 35e BRACES --Skidoo 20c 500 UNDERWEAR --Skidoo 35d 50e WORK SKIRT'S --Skidoo 35c 15c LINEN COLLARS -Skidoo -3 for 25c $1.25 UMBRELLAS -Skidoo 70e $1.00 SHIRTS --Skidoo OOo All other lines in this Department will SKIDOO at equally low prices CARPETS AND RUGS. $1.25 BRUSSELS [',A11Pii3T---Skidoo... 95e $1.00 850 TAPESTRY CARPET-Skidoo....'62c $1.15 3 -FLY WOOL CARPET.... .... 87jc SIM 3 -PLY WOOL CARPET. 750 000 INGRAIN CARPET -Skidoo 45c SKIDOO Prices in Squares, Hugs, Linoleums and Oilcloths. Come in. CLOTHING 1 CLOTHING 1 $12.00 SUITS -Skidoo $8.40 $10.00 " „ 0.09 8.50 " .. 5 40 5.00 BOYS' SUITS -Skidoo '3 75 4.50 " .. IS `3.00 " .. ., i 50 50 1.00 & 1.25 ODD VESTS -Skidoo.. . .75 1,25 MEN.`3 ODD VESTS -Skidoo.79 1.50 " ,. .. . , .09 2.25 " ,. .. " 1.50 50c & 05c BOYS' KNICKERS -Skidoo .35 SKIDOO for the Clothing. LACE CURTAINS. $11.00 Ct.'RTAINS--skidoo $1.W 5.511 " +� •, 3 50 25 275 199 5,00 4.54) 3.50 3.00 if ,. .. Si ,. U ., ItEMEMBEIt, what you want and SI:I1)00 for "The Little Eaton." SIIilJOO for your Fall Suit to "The Little Laton," GEO C ItiANNA FCtTCLOTHIER AND0HOUSE