HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-07-18, Page 611101ter:,, TRIAL FOR LIFE isimmesmencinesceer . "aei putted the night in patient, silent walked away to the distant window. seateliam We morning the may seemly The duke, instinctively surmising the he said to live. But do not be alarmed; cause of her agitation, went after her,, the news that I shall presently carry to and Otting his arm around her waist( hee will bring back her life. Yes, Cas- drew her to hie side, saying tenderly; sham tale is my firm conviction, that "How is this, my darling Rose? What If you lied died this morning, she would dietriseee )OU not not bliNe survived until night." , "Oh, Beresleig,h, it is as I said; I al- by the hand ot t opt:un 'Melee% aui , "Oh, good. Mimed. will you not go to , wase &aid that my possession of the taa„ga st,„ a„a„,.. a„„„, the laia.0„taaap he immediately, anci break this news to Swinburne estetee would be transient, that exietea between the ;ma'am& and, her ,and prepareeher to see me?" said ' and when Colonel Hastings threatened ai„.a.ta„, „„a that ha. *mara a„al was at. t roilime the rightfulm heir, 1 orm e m i omceouria lo the ;eal mime et mon- .„ til .altflees to 'a pent Of abe tiono Astimitionea Thegme, to enrrentier, amleatecomptury Min bark to the town. But-Thugeen sprang into his mdelle, end fled with the sin of a parricide blacken- I Ing his soul'. With the after part of this enmities ; career, the 'reader is already aequaluted. ' Sir Vincent had the hotly of the intra - tiered peer conveyed to litaeliton, where, upon his permit, was Motel the note of Captain Thugeen munitioning hien to the • fatal tryst. Helen Ravenecroft woe in- formed of the death of ',oat learleagton, Commove, turning anxious e, to . eon. than half believe,' that he could do so; "Patience, my young friend; I must , anti even sometimes thought that the consult her physician first. Will it not alleged heir might be the son of my Is be dangeroue to communicate thee Wel- they's first marriage with ;that beanta Brew() in ter present exhausted state, ful girl that he took to the Continent. doctor?" And even so you see it has proved." "No; I certainly think not; it i$ just "Well, sweet Rose, are you not eery the sort of shock she requires to bring glad that this C4011 proves to ee our her back from the borders of the grave." young friend Ferdinand, the huebana of our dear Laura, a ho is by Moe wane OIWO more irk possession of her rank ale titM?" "Oh, yes I as far as I am tionetanal, am, or should be Yay, very happy; bat oh, Beresleigh, to thine that you, when - Ode, yet item lam ine the mime, etrid the fiight of 7t.‘r lea eon, though, ,i%ie". 11',Att f,t1 \\ aa, she oars nine- of reit at ii-e•kn !amnia; iut. til .he lemma" that 71:1 VI,•,/h.rt p.,sAess oil the eato of inimmen that had sitid^ tuotni.,1 1 Ol..1 vrt.tott to the mamma, • With the eannine of the teiveme. eho amenee tar eniemeema amt atom this not.‘, tra,1 Uatt.N1 enta I0I111il kIt nay of piatm t. a into tae peeessiou of rhea sem, ehteli she :ha IA tinenurg it to Lila more the maetege \\Immo: whoa she wee aiming in the peva, lamin Mariam title fact. Sir Valmont Mater ilea Martial it ONpealOnt to cmi- lirht on the meantime woman up on two leant,: firstly, that I. himeelf woo the "But the dangerous effects of sudden JeYr "Circumetences alter cases. The sud- den joy that would kill a person in the full possession of health and strength, would only electrify to new life one dy- ing of grief. It is the principle of the you supposed a on had wawa a i 4 a. antidote. So come with me, if you dowered. baronesa, had oeddea only it please, Mr. Watson, to Mrs. Caseinom"s pennileee maiiient" bedside, Come, Cassinove," said. the "Rut the vela sweetest maiden that god doctor, leading the way upstairs. over wee 111.1aO a wile Z and the loveliest i oaneee of Thuessenn crime; secondly, game, however, why should not they be When they had reached the chamber a Um that oar men was blest with! that the crime aais not ordinary murder, bound by the outcome of it? Those who doom the doctor paused, and said: aweet hose! diiiRom! emild you ba- but dainnina paniehle! l'eum hearbfg take risk must certainly expect to pay "We must use caution in Replying this hove that any eirmunetanee motel maim this awful tliseloeure, Helen became a for it if they lose, as they receive the , aka Ina love von lees? No, darling raving maniac, and was conveyed to a rewards when they wine —Boston Herald. ' WILSON'S COS packet has ssotunily killoil Isuelsel tilee. iSOLD XV DRUMM, C,ROCER8 me OENERAL 8T011f3 10oi per pocket, or 3 packsite for 25c. will lost w nolo (mason. AweerramwssesseelialanOON88111111111111101111.1041111108Mb - Abuses of Wall Street. William Varela Gail, deeeribeil as au implotor and Moaner, tola a church fiat ot petiole Detroit that there was "iiienettutet to to mid for bararliut can- iu tamp:ahem with the canna baliem of Wall etreet." "'There," said he, "men's souls are swallowed at a sin- gle gulp." wc hold no brief for Wall street, but it never' lel..1118 to occur to many of those ongagvil in denouncing it that there is no conmulsion upon people who trade there. They are at perfect liberty to stay away. If they join the electric shook, however, You a o at better remaln outside a few moments, 1 ot In!' heat t 011a oyee, yen are and. ever until I go and prepare her." I must be to your husband a treaeure be. We will draw a veil over the awaking ' Yana- pm ice, said the duke, with deep of Laura from her stupor, and agonised emotion. jay of meeting with her husband. As Rose turned on him a, smile radiant soon as she had sufficiently- recovered . with gratitude and joy. her self-possession, Cassinove, with his "Beside. &atom, you :um very tar f dilated with pride,and his eves from having been the penniless bride you beaming with joy, informed her that she described. You surely forget that you was again the Baroness of Etheridge, and are, in tire right of your mother. *Mal een, as she should be called, the property that the title came through bum. That the possessor of Laurel Han, in of her father; secondly, the proven fact was the secret Colonel Hastings had Norfolk, and of Forma Park, in of Thugsena first marriage showed his communicated to him. He was no long- Kent, two estates that, taken together, attempted second marriage to be an int- er Ferdinand Ciassinove, but Ferdinand are quite equal in value to Swinburne." postureeand vindivated the honor of the Etheridge, the son of the late baron and "Oh, so I am. I had quite forgotten young Duchess of Beresleigh. Mary Coke, the beautiful daughter of that my mother's estates must descend 1 The trial before the House of Lords his gamekeeper, whom he had married t e I ad taken it for granted that, might have been arm -cited, but the friends lunatie asylum, where she soon atter died. These facts were gathered, partly from the confeesion of Thugsen, and partly from the statements of the par- ties present in the library. Fermat practical goods resulted from these illseloeuree; Bret, Colonel Hastings refunded to Ruth Rueeel, or Mrs. Thing' before running away with her. After his second marriage (with Rose's moth- er) he had hesitated to own his son; but bis deathbed •he had told the whole as the inheritance came to me .as. , of the young duchess deemed at least in - whole, it must go from me undivided. t vestigation of that affair by that thigh tribunal •essential to the triumph of Oh, I s.m very glad I have my .mother's right. Consequently, upon the appoint- onfor you, dear Beresleigh; for story to Colonel Hastings, placed the now I can rejoice freely with dear Laura ed ay, the trial came off, and resulted, . neossssirv documents in his hands to es- and Ferdinand." li as everyone foresaw, in the triumphant "Then come and reMice with them i vindication of the fair fame of the at once, dearest. And le us have . some Duchess of Bereeleigh; for the decision champagne and drink the health of tae ! of the peers was accompanied, by the new Baron and Baroness Etheridge," seal strongest censure of the parties who had the duke, drawing her arm within his, I charged her grace upon such trivial and leading her back to the table, where , grounds, and the highest eulogium upon they rejoined Laura and Ferdinand, i the character of the young duchess as One week from that day a large party it had been revealed to them through Sabath he truth, and requested him to see that his dealing boy wah put in pos- session of his rights. Hastings had be- trayed his trust, for the sake of aggram &sing his eon; but all his plans had been thwarted by Providence, and the terri- ble death of Albert had at last brought him to repentance. "Will you value the rank and title was assembled in the sumptuous library the investigation. the less because you must receive it at Dereeleigh House. It consisted of the Thus the result of that trial was a from me?" inquired Cassinove of Laura, Duchess Dowager and the young Duke most triumphant vindication of the in a voice that was every moment be- , and Duchess of Beresleigh, the Baron and honor of the Decaess of Ilereeleigli. comiag more agitated. "You gaee me Baroness Etheridge, the widowed Lady Lord nod Lady Etheriage had only re - your hand in marriage when I was a , Lester an nor son, Sir Rutliven, Colonel mained to see the end of this investig.. poor prisoner in Newgate, with no for- Hastings, and lastly, poor Ruth Rum tion, and to congratulate their sister tune to endow my bride except sorrow, eel, and brother upon its happy conclusion, danger and ignominy. And now, Laura They were brought together by a corn- before they set out upon a late bridai now, I come to you with vindicated hon- mon interest in the confession of Rob- tour over the Continent. or and with the power of replacing on ert Thugsen, through whose atrocious They were absent three months, and your brow the lost coronet of Swin- crimes nearly every one present had ,at the end of that time they returned burne! And, ohl my Laura! this is a deeply suffered. i to England, and sent their servants pewee for which I voald have bartered The confession of a notorious crimin- down in advanoe to prepare for their re- -Heaven forgive me—'I had nearly said my soul! For never did earthly saint love heavenly angel with a purer and more fervent love than that which my heart has lavished upon you from the al is not a pleasant subject for review ception at Swinburne Castle. in detail. Yet it is due to the reader to , The people of Swinburne, let it now lumber coneamed an the boomsticks, las empire. For 1.1 time he has discarded throw some little light upon the early f be confessed, had never been reconciled rafting platforms and crib timbers. . A most of the cares of the universe and career of this mutt. 1 to the change of local dynasty that had stone crusher will be employed to. niake is loading the simple life, travelling with Robert Thugsen was the untie- • , given them the laundress' daughter as marketable the stones with which the . the most meagae retinue. Ho has only Food I Products Libby's Veal Loaf With Bed ond Pork Do you like Veal Loaf? You will surely be delighted with Libby's kind, made from choice fresh meats, in Libby's spotless kitchens. It is pure, wholesome and delicious in flavor. Ready for Serving At Once.—Simply garnished with sluce it is an appetizing entree for luncheon or dinner, Ask your grocer for Libby's nnd Insist upon getting Libby's. Libby9 [McNeill St Libby eisleago --est of Famous Lumber Boom. )14A1131 IN' A WPM OM% Sclielne LaInteil uungadan yuitgo in Town Jail. ) little village on the llungarien frontier, not fax from Premburge penee- unt women amenity reeeived 400 kronen t front her Inieband In America. atm pronaitly demaitea it In the local lirandi of the Poet Office Savings Brink, ana then the next duty went to withdraw the hole amount. The bank official WWI HOMOWIIIII fillrptigOti, and asked for an mailanation, when Ore mid that Death had appeared in her during the ulght anti threatened to lake her away with hint unlvai mho hail the 400 tiro \vim ready for hint •the next Meta. • The gendarmerie were communicated with, and when "Death" made his prom- isea empearanee 110 WKS 'MOW to be very nitwit alive in the person of the local judge. The W011iall'S ITIOney, adds our Vienna correspondent who senda -the story, is otill in the bank, and the Judge is in jail,- -From the Pall Mall Clazette, Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure —safest regulator for baby. Prevents colic awl vomiting-agives healthful rest —cares diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines containing opium or other injurious drugs. Cures 2- „ -at drug.stores. National Drug & Chem. DiarrhoeelCo., Limited 42 P,LAGUE SWEPT INDIA. In Ten Years There Have Been 4,411,2/2 Deaths—Mortality Increasing . During the first three and a half months of 1907 the deaths from the plague in India totalled 404,000, the heaviest monthly mortality yet reported during the epidemic. According to the Indian World this would appear to show that the present year will exhibit a re- cord number of deaths. The plague records for the ten years October, Mil, to December, 1906, show that there was a large annual increase from 1901 to 1904, the deaths numbering 274,040 in 1901, 577,000 in 1902, 557,000 in 1003 and 1,022,000 in 1964, the worst year in ten years. ! There was a small decrease in 1905, the deaths falling to 051,000, and a large decrease in 1906, when there were only 332,000. The total deaths for the whole ten years numbered 4,411,212. The im- provement which was shown in the two years 1905 and 1906 has not, unfortu- nately, been maintained. From the first appearance of the dis- ease up to the year 1901 the mortality was greatest in the Bombay Presidency, but from 1992 (Inward, with one excep- tion, the worst area has been the Pun- jab; and in 1905 the deaths in the latter Province alone numbered 364,625. Tate world famous Susquehanna boom Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. at icalliamsport is soon to become a thing of the past. It is stated that Chulalongkorn Having a Te, the lumber companies now putting logs Her majesty Phra Paramindr Mahe, Into the West Branch will close out their Ohulalongkorn, king of Siam, seems to be stock in two more annual drives, after somewhat human even if heas weighted sawmill themselves and manufaciou•e the bull's hide, is long enough to encompass which the boom company will erect a . domn with a title which, like Did' Fine muslins, dainty lin- gerie, iron easier, look better, last longer if the laundress uses the only cold -water (no boiling) starch that really saves work and really won't stick. Try it, Get Give the Horse Warning. No movement should ever be requited of the saddle -horse until ho has been proviouely warned, and, in however crude a Mellen', collected for the effort. It is not Mir to him to neglect this, nor is it to haul him backward by main strength, or to ask advance by suddenly kicking hint in the ribs with the heels, or jerking his mouth with the bits, cus- tomary as are these performances; nor should he be turned only by hauling upon one vein until his body must fol- low his head. and neck, or he must fall down.—From "Directing the Saddle - Horse,” by F. M. Ware, in the Outing Magazine for July. firet monaent my eyes fell upon your knowledged son of a nobleman in one o their liege lady. They had never be- cribs are filled, and the booM will be ' about forty wives with aim. It mu t , lieved in the claims of Rose, and had entirely abandoned.—From the Philadel- have been a, delicate task to pick the face. From that moment, your welfare the central counties of England and had ! and happiness has been my one aspire- a legal right only to his mother's lam- tion—my one prayer! And if fortune ily name. His father had purchased him I always looked upon her as a usurper. phia Record. When, therefore, the servants of their .—mem--- forty out of 4.000 better halves. If the had, offered me a choice of her best gifts a commission in the army, where tire own king wire is above all emperors, mon- I would, above all others, have chosen hereditary vices of the young man rap- , own Lady Etheridge arrived at the Ethe- li Ir'' ,C,`..i.11-1 dr -clue and potentates were only a mere this privilege of restoring you to your idly developed themselves in a career of ridge Arms with the intelligence that Mango, Prairie Scratches and every form or man, we shudder to 'think of the recep- profligacy which ended. in his dismissal ; their lord and lady were coming down contagioes Itch on human or animals curet! to tion he would get when be returns to the castle nothing could exceed the joy rank and title—this privilege that I would have purchased with my life! Oh, my dear Laura! say that you do not value the old barony leas, now that you receive it from me, than when you be- lieved it yours in your own eight" "No, no; I value it a thousand times more as your gift! I love to owe every- thing to you. But is this all true, be. yond doubt?" Inquired -Laura. "Beyond the possibility of doubt. I have the names and addiesees of the minister who married my parents, the physician who attended my mother, the chaplain who taptized me, the narse si Ira took care of me, the guardian who suc- ceeded. her, and, finally, I have the per- sonal evidence, of Colonel Hastieme" "Oh, how does Colonel Hastings justify his long siderce as to your positten and rights?" "He does not even attempt to justify it. If ever I saw a man Woken down by disappointment, sorrow and remorse; it is He,stinge. He was not naturally a very bad an, but a very humility and ambitioue on3, and he was tempted by the prospect of a great fortune ,and the revergion of the old barony to his own family." They were interrupted by a rap at the door. Cassinove, or Lord Etheridge, as we must now call him, opened it. Mrs. Moberly stood them to inquire whether "her ladyship," as she had never ceased to call Latira, would have break- fast served in her chamber, and whether Mr. Cassinove would join the family at the breakfast table. He replied that he would breakfast with his lady, it they pleased; and soon after an elegant little breakfast was served in their room. At noon that day lard wed Lady Eth- eridge sought an Interview with the Duke and Duchess of Bereeleigh. They met in the library, and when the doors were closed and they had seated them- selves around the central writing -table, Lord Etheridge laid before the Duke of Beereleigh a package of documents that he requested. him to examine. The duke, in some surprise, took up the packet, and looked over the papers earefulim one by one. Room antirely ig- norant of what was to come, awaited in preplexity the issue of the investigation. Ferdinand and Laura anxiously watch- ed the countenance of the dtake, which, sits he picked up and read one document after another, exhibited much astonish- ment, hut tot a shade of grief or di. pleasure. When he had finished and laid down the last one, he arose, with a cheerful smile, and, extending his hand across the table to CeAdtil101id, shook hands with him cordially, saying: "Let Inc be the first to congratulate you upon your accession to your title, Lord Etheridge." Then, turning to Iris astonished wife, he continued: "And let me congratulate you also, my dearest Rose, for you have gained a brother. Ferdinand, mulemee your sister, while I isolate may dear siettimin-hviv." And villa around the table to Laura, he took her hand, and kiesed her cloak, staying: ▪ wish yoo a Jong enjoyment of your recovered poemeeiente, my dear sister' lame, who lied teeeheil the embrace of ter brother, new turned Anil threw hem -self itt tie mmrror of Laura, exeleinung: • my di LiTt'''t. I am SO happy I he p' pier than I '1.1%e ever been in my lite bofore. foe I aiway4 felt like the tamper of tome eaddmly rement- i,rrir iltAt t!a wa,t, estates gained by rer,linaild end 1.)era noie lost to the Dake of Lta Pos.l turned pale, dropped the irrnl of her frkend, and from the service. Disgraced and impoverished, but still of the villagers and tenantry. handsome and fascinating, he eloped with ; The same group that haa assembled the daughter and heiress of a wealthy two years before at Etheridge Arms to The dee 1 - I see the arrival of the coach that was to manufacturer inLeeds. p y , wronged father sent his errino daughter ' brine the bridegroom, who was about to , a thousand pounds, but refused ever af- marry their lady, gathered once more in In 1902, the last year for which figures terwarcl to see her or her profligate the taproom, to get all the news they , are available, no fewer than 25,186 judi- husband, and dying two years afterward, . could frdm the servants, who had stop - curl floggings were inflicted upon adult left the whole of his property to his ' ped there for refreshment on their way male and female offenders for petty thett patron, Colonel Hastings. Captain Thug- : to the castle, whither they were bound and the like. According to Sir Henry sen haying spent his wife's small dow- : ea prepare for the reception of the baron pub - or, and being disappointed of the for- i and baroness, who were coming next Cotton, M. P., IC C. S. I., who has tune, and weary of Inc Welnall whom he week. ; lished a pamphlet on thie subject -Elam ! degrading floggings are administered abandoned his wife and children, leav-) old laborer was e village smith, and thea publicly over the bare 'body. had married'. only for her money, soon Theretime Mg them in obscure lodgines in L old laborer from Swinburne Chase, and i The triangles are an unpleasant fea- cm" I the old: cashiered groom, and. all the Sure outside every criminal court in In' In 30 minUtes by Welford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by druggists. Siam and faces the 3.060 odd, disappoint- - s - ed ones. Kansas City Journal. Judicial Flogging in India. Let me draw the attention of the pub- lic to a shocking state of affairs which -• e • 1 1 f mmdii. don, eta betaking himself tit; the fash- ionable watering -places, where his hand- I others. I dia. Sir Henry says: "I have known of e And none were so poor that they could floggings so eevere that the victims have ! some person, fascinating manner and, not invest a sixpence in drinking the . died. on the triangles to which they were PARADISE FISHES. ready cunning, enabled him to get on i health of their belovedela.cly, whom they I idea? in certain sets. as quite regarded in the light of a restored And this horrible torture is inflicted At these places he always passed; ' for the slightest offences.—Humanitar- i Nine at the Aquariuni From the Other .1•1•••••••....1.11.••••••••••••••••••••.... Cure Your Horse with xendail,s Spavin Cure— he oue reliable cure for all Bone Diseases, Swellings and Lameness. Vasa Glitstidn, Odt,, May 3 'ed. "I haven sea Kendall's Spavin Cure with great success, and thin!c it an excellent remedy for Spavins, Sweeney. Sprains, etc. Ws4. LoossaY. Accept do substitute. jt a bottle -6 for 33. Write for free copy of our greet book—'"rtAntlEe on the lIerse." Or,�, altentate L. mettens Fells, hapset U.S.A. 1•••••,, ISSUE NO. 29, 1907, _ lo You WANT DOMINDIIDD .s.-• a gNA PIANO FOR $145? Send for free illustrated eatalogue. H. A. DINCeliAld, Qfllhis, Md. COST OF LONDON FOG. Metropolitan Soot Makes the Engels» man Lose Much. The annual emit of the pall of fog which overhangs London line been cat'. mated to be $24,000,000, and. this is said - to be entirely duo to the presence of soot in the air. The annual loss from Foote, chimneys alone 21(14 been figured up at $10,000,000. The problem of dis- pensing with this great nuisance has been struggled. with for a great many years and in all probability the famous London fog will be conquered in the near future. The latest scheme in this direction is a coal substitute which it being introduced with sonic enemas in the English metropolis. It is not, strict- ly speaking a substitute, for it is a preparation of coal itself which is arid - ed in such a manner that the impurities are entirely removed so that combustion in the furnace or stove is accomplished without giving off rot or smoke. • ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, Sweeney, stifle; sprains, sore and swollen throat, wombs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists. Aeronauts in the Sea. It. to not a little remarkable that although scores of balloons have been driven out to sea, cases in which this misadventure has ended fatally are few. , More than a century ago, when Maier Money made an ascent from Norwich, he was compelled to descend 4n the sea, where he remained for seven hours until his plight was seen and he riVals rescued by the crew of a revenue cutter. 4i3ozno years later, in 18/.8, James Sadler, narrowly escaPod drowning in an attempt to cross the Irish Channel; Ids balloon dropped into the water some miles off Liverpool and he was on the point of succumbing when rescue came In the form of a fishing ;boat. In a similar attempt a Mr. Crosbie was saved when almost in extremis many nines from the English coast. Lunardi. in 1786, nearly lost his lifo In the oea off Edinburgh, and in the same year two aeronauts, in an at- tempt to cross the eraisush Channel, bad also a narrow escapc—From the Westtainder ; Gazette. The Biggest Hedgehog, William Fanning shot yesterday after- noon the largest hedgehog ever heard of in this vicinity. Mr. Fanning was seated on the veranda of his farm house shortly before dark when he sow an animal that he took to be a. small bear come out of the woods and amble to- ward the house. Securing his shotgun Mr. Fatmeng waited. for the aninial to approach. When it was near enough he fired and broke the animal's foreleg, but it did not stop. Two more charges were necessary to despatch the animal. It was weighed and tipped the beam at 44% pounds. Many have been visiting the farm of Mr. Fanning, where the dead hedgehog has been on exhibition to -day. —Brattleboro correspondence Springfield Union. 4 Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. Minara's Liniment Co., Limited. Gents,—I mired a valuable dog of mange with MINAR,D'S LIN-IA/CENT af- ter several veterinaries had treated him without doing bini any permanent good. Yours, ete., WILFRID G.A.GNE, Prop, of Grand Central Hotel, Drum- mondville, Aug. 3, '04. a single man, and upon occasion changed , 1 And there were none so niggardly as ian in Reynold's Newspaper. his name. It was in Brighton that his first real passion led him into his first t not to spend their money and. labor in i ______me—. greet crime. I adorning and illuminating the village for ' I Painard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Here lee first met the family of Sir he reception of the happy Pair who were a - Vincent Lester, and with them Mrs.coming to reside anion?' them. Ravenscroft, a young and beautiful evie So that the next week when the Baro Inexplicable. dow, the sister of the baronet. She woe and Beroness Etheridge of Swint -mime en- Hotel Proprietor—Has not the man in , which Inc brought with him on his last known to be engaged to Lord Harting- I tered their feudal village, it was with number fifteen received his bill yet? I voyage from China and Japan to this ton, an old and brokenclown bachelor, r the state of a king and queen entering Head Waiter—Certainly! Fifteen min- ' port. They had been four months in the whose enormous unemcumbered fortune I their capital city, amid the parade of utes ago.I jar in which they were thus brought, I had temputed her family into persuad- the county militia, under a triumplaal "Strange! I hear him singing in his • over many seas, from half way around ' roam 1"—Aleggendorfer Bleat:ter. the world, but with proper care they d'ti Side of the World. Capt. Percy Watson, of the steamship Muneaster Castle, has presented to the Aquarium nine little paradise fishes, each about an inch and a half in length, • _ When the President May Make an Arrest. Our diplomacy has always been mark- ed by a refreshing republican simplicity of speech. The fifth case is, of course, the recall of Senator Dupuy de Lome, just prior to the war with Spain, for baying .unwisely criticised the adminis- tration in a letter to a friend. The recall of De Irujo, though, wale marked by an unusual circumstance. At the request of the Spanish Government, actuated by a desire to avoid scandal, the State Department had arranged that Irujo should depart quietly, as though his recall had not been demanded; but being a surly specimen of his race, he lingered on and on, becoming more and. more a thorn hi the side of the adminis- tration. T.o hints he ws.s dumb, and when 'ordered away defiantly replied that he would suit his own pleasure in going; a course of action which resulted in the enactment of a statute empower- ing the President to arrest and convey out of the United States any envoy who remained after his recall and reasonable notice to leave.—From "The Diplomat at Washington," by Aubrey Lanston in the a** July Bohemian. lime. From the moment Captain Thug- , , arch formed of evergreens, a . ng her to accept his proposals of mar - en met Mrs. RavenAcroft, he resolved 37maiddesnts7wwnhowistofdloweaeothe leysidethtehelvaga; to win her loVe. The circumstance of singing 0. joyous epithalamium. (The End.) The Poreseeing Muskrat. In the month of March, before the riv- were landedg Q Tile Aquarium has recently received. from R. E. Van Neuron, of Honesdale, 1Pa., a. pair of adult pare -disc fishes, the nude of which, considerably the larger of I the two, is about three and a half inches I long. The female of this pair has de- posited eggs since it was received here, and the male is now, after the manner . of its kind, guarding the nest. The male paradise fish is not or the larger but the more strikingly merked. ; It has a golden palmy with narrow ; pale blue bands. At the point of each gill cover is a bright green spot with an orange line around the outer edge. Its ; , fine are long and delicate and. feathery , ! and marked with the same colors as tine' body, while some of their spines project beyond the fins in slender filatuents of green or blue. A beautiful little "fish is the paradise fish. At the Dentist's. ; "Do you give gas here?" asked a wild - looting man, who rushed. into a den - tutu. 'We do," replied the tlentist. "Does it put a rellow to sleep?" "It does." "Sound asleep, So you can't wake him up?" "Yes." "You eould break Ids jaw or black his eye and lie wouldn't feel it?" "lie would know nothing about it," "How does he sleep?" "'Ile physical insensibility prOdueed by inhaling the gas lasts a minute, or probably a little Mee," "I expect that's long enough. Got it ail ready for a fellow to take." "Yes. Dike a emit in this chair and ithow me your tooth." "Tooth, nothing!" said the excited callese aeginning rapidly' to remove his coat and vest. "I want you to poll a VirOut plaster off my back."—Tiallits. The African possessions of the French Goterietnelit amourtt to 3,806,000 *square miles, and those of Great Britain 2,114, 000, Winding Itgypt. his own marriage seemed of no more importance of his own fact that she was the betrothed of another. Indeed, to a man of Captain Thugsen' i disposi- tion those impediments only 17tdded zest to the pursuit of the lady. In a word, he I era have opened, on the snow around won the passionate love of this modern the heads of the creeks and about the Helen. The lovers met in Levet, and air -holes in the thick ice may be seen took long walks on the loneliest part the curious trail of the muskrat. It can of the beach, readily be recognized by the firmly' Thugsen urged her to fly with him planted footmarks, heavily and slowly so the Continent, but Helen was scarce- impressed, tied the sharp after -drag of ly prepared for such a desperate mean- the long, scaly, blade -like tail. All tire. She said that if Lord Earlington through the cold winter months these W`0411 only out of the way, she would C011- hissivily furred. auhruils have lived Warm snit to become the wife of Thugeen. She aud comfortable in their wollmenatruet- never dreamed of the deep depravity ed houses, reeling their third and last that could put a fatal construdon upon litter. One house exacted. about Sep - her words, and dare to ehey their sup- temper smanad planned with almost im- posed meaning. At this time Lord Earl- notn foresight. Here with their long, ington, whose suspicions had. been aeons- sharp teeth and strong, inch -long claws ed, wrote a civil note to Thugsen, re- they had cut annul cleared wide paths questing the latter to afford him a pri- through all the niareheseepaths so deep vete interview at his earliest conveni- that three feet of ice did, not close them, once, Thugsen smiled tath demoniac so wide that we have often paddled pleasure at the reempt of this along them, marvelling at the great note, and wrote a reply request- Noting masses of torn -up. aquatic vege- ing Lord Harlington to meet lain at aun- tation. These paths were It hundred set in a certain secluded coombe iii the yards long and four feet wide, end, were downs, cut through a mass of tangled cover Lord Burlington kept the tryst, and high enough in moat places to thormigh- Thugsen, awaiting him in that solitary ly conceal a, duck hunter and his catme. spot, sprang upon him and. buried a dag- In the winter months the mutikrats can ger to the hilt in his breast, and it was cattily dive from their houses into these only then, from the lips of the dying under -ice eltennels, and the whole marsh man, TImgeen learned that Lord latelina. is before theta to choose their mail ton was ids father, who, in a late repent- from. 'The long yellow roots of the flag item, lard eettglit that interview with the and the juicy tubers of the wild onion purpose of acknowledging hie eon, yield- (the muekrat apple is the more poetic Ma up Helen to the latter, anti endowing Ojibwa) hang exposed before them, or the young couple with a portion of ho are readily torn out..—From "Hunthig large fortune, the Muskrat with a Camera" by Bonny- Tranefixed with horror, linemen could matte Dale in the Outing kigtiezirte for only stand anil gate upon the foes of July. hie aeing parent until Inc Was ANQUSIld by the presence of Sir Vincent Lester, no decaeet sounding ea reword was Wise, IvIVIng followedthe hounds all day, recently Made in the North Nettie, just eleanec,1 upon this rencontre. where the bottom is 8,269 fathems, or a The baronet, who saw at a glateci little hies than six Inilee. The Oral hi what had happened, and, who, indeed, had trilled Nevo Deep. Talks on.. Banking by Mail SAFETY of the Mails The beet proof of the safety of sending money through the mods is the fact dot the aussinous exchsogee, between beaks of &gaunt cities, amounting to millions of dollars every y, are handled entirely through the utails. Banking by Mail is not a new- fangled, untried idea. 4% Compounded Quarterly It has been in sumessful operation for six years. The out-of-town people who transact their business through Banking by Mail are numbered by thousands. They have proved it simp/c, s* and profitable. OR all Saving! Deposits we allow four per cent, interest, compounded quarterly. Our booklet ma sent free on re. quoit_ igives full information on Banking M by al at 4 per cent, interest. Write for it to.day. The TINION TRUST 1,..P Company JIL Limited MAPLE atithING, TORONTO Capital sad tteserves $2.000.000 Regulating the Casting. German scientists lia've discovered in the 000ling of east iron that the mitilga- nose flows from the gray iron, and the ease -hardening can he definitely settled at a point in the refrigeration of the iron, The crystallization varies to such an extent that polished surfaces of the perpendicular side of the casting vary from the vertical side. By pouring the casting from one side the softest part of the casting can be regulated, as can the hardest. Red, Itchind Sinn Continuous Itching wish Eczema, Salt Rheum, Tetter and constantly scratching until the skin is raw and bleeding? Nothing gives relief? You're wrong. Just try If some men wees paid acoording to their worth their pay days would be few and far between. ' TRADE MARK REGISTERED. 0, such relief, as this wonderful Ointment is applied! Itching stop—zed, angry places heal— end in a short time you will not have a sign of skin disease. 50c. box -6 for $230—Trial size 25c. At druggists or The Chemist; Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton—Toronto. is North Carolina Fire Eater. Andy McGee, who carries the mall , from Magnetic to Bakersville, is a mon- ; strosity. He can eat live opals of fire with impunity, and with a spoon. If you doubt this just bring him a live coal and sa. a. nickel and he will masticate the coal , and pocket the nickel. This is not all, for he told us for one dollar he would , pour a spoonful of molten lead in his mouth and let it cool and then take it out and give us a solid piece. What can the devil do with such a maa?—From the I3akersville Observer. vow You can't afford to roof a Galvanized thing without Oshawa Gal - Oshawa St vanized Steel Shingles. Good for a hundred years. eel Shingles Send for the free booklet. ti.rsios3 The PEDLAR People geu Oshawa Montreal Ottawa Toronto London Winnipeg Hair Cut Without Orders. A native paper states that the Magis- trate at An-Hyun has arrested a great number of people belonging to the II hin Hoi society, and leaving charged -them with cutting their hair without • any order from the Government, had them severely flogged. The sympathiz- ers of the society and its members have held crowded meetings and violeast speeches have been made denouncing the unwarranted action of the offWal.— From the Corean Daily News. 1 • • a Minard's Liniment' Cures Diphtheria. 4.. She "Raised." A young man who had not been mar- ried long, remarked at the dinner table the other days "My dear, I wish you mild make bread such as mather ustea to make." Tae .brido smiled and answered in a voice that did not tremble: "Well, dear, I wish you could make the dough tlitit father used to rhfike."— Watchword (Dayton, 0.) ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Duchess, And Priscilla Fh. 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