The Wingham Advance, 1907-06-27, Page 5I
20 Per Cent. Off
Spring Clothing
This Week Only.
When Saturday, June 29th, is a day of the
past, our June 2o% Discount Sale will be over and
your opportunity lost if you haven't taken advant-
age of this Discount Sale. This has certainly been
a successful sale; we have seen many new faces,
and they all went away wearing a pleasant smile.
And why not ? Our Clothing at regular prices are
snaps—what must they be when we hand you back
2o% of the amount of your purchase.
Smart Suits for men, made up in the latest styles and
made to fit, in Fancy Worsteds, Tweeds, Navy and Black
Serge, Black Vicunas and Cheviots.
Men's $18.00 Suits, selling during
" 15.00 " 11 14
12 00 "
8.00 "
June at $14.40
" 12.00
•• 9.60
" 800
Youths' Single and Double-breasted Suits, made of
Fancy Worsted Clogs, Tweeds, Navy and Black Serge, &c.
Prices ranging from $15.00 down to $4.00.
Youths' $13.50 Suits, selling during June
" 11.00 " " It 11
" • 0.00 it 1t " 11
'r 7.50 '• 1t 6 11
" 5 50 11 11 11 11
at $10 80
0 00
Boys' Suits in Single and Double-breasted styles, or.
Nol'folk cut, Buster Browns, etc., good material, well put
together, prices ranging from $2.50 to $6.00.
Boys' $4.75 Suits, selling during June at $3.80
11 8.75 " " t1 " 3.00
" 3.25 " " .1 t t 2.60
It will cost you nothing to come in and have a
look through our stock. If there is nothing to suit, you
don't need to buy.
Eggs are as good to us as the cash.
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
Capital (paid up) - $3,500,000
Reserve (ale p oaf d. • $4,500,000
Total Assets, over $45,000,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Can-
ada, the United States and Europe.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and
uyi(rards, and added to principal quarterly.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager
It, Vanstone, Solicitor
Protection and Safe
are combined in
The Endowment Policies
The Dominion Life.
A sound, well managed'
Canadian Life Assurance Company.
Average rate of Interest •
earned in 1906-
6.73 PER CENT.
vLocal Agent — Wingham, Ont.
Annual Meeting of East
Huron Conservatives.
The annual meeting of East Huron
Liberal Conservative Association was
held in Brussels on Friday, June 21st.
Notwithstanding that the date had
been previously announced as June
4th, in error, and some had come on
that date and had been disappointed,
there was a large attendance, showing
that the Conservatives of East Huron
are alive to the best interests of the
The President of. the Riding, Mr.
Dudley Holmes, occupied the chair,
and announced the chief object of the
meeting to be the election of officers
for the ensuing year. This was then
proceeded with and resulted as fol-
lows : President -•• Dudley Holmes ;
Vice -Presidents ---J. Wilford, Myth ;
John Scarlett, Leadbury ; Robt. Mus-
grove, Bluevale; Treasurer --W. M.
Smith, Walton ; Secretary -T. Hall,
The following were elected Presi-
dents and Vice -Presidents of munici-
palities and subdivisions :
• How -Kw -M. Dane, Pres. ; W. H.
Gregg, Vice -Pres., Gorrie. No. 1 -Wm.
Weir, Wroxeter; No. 2-Jno. Mont-
gomery, Lakelet ; No. 3 --Jas. Arm-
strong, Gorrie ; No. 4 -Thos, Goggins,
Ford wich ; N. 5-T, O. Johnston,•
Corrie ; No. 0 -Win. Chapman, New-
IVINc11IAn1-Thos. Bell, Dr. Irwin.
Clegg, Belgrave ; No. 1 -Geo, Sturdy,
Auburn ; No. 2 - W. P. Halahan,
Blyth ; No. 3--J. J. Kerr, Wingham;
No. 4 -Jos, Chamney, Fordyce.
BRUSSELS—.T. Gilpin, A. Backer..
\VROXETlsli—Thos. Hemphill, Thos.
Mounts -R, Proctor, Belgrave ; Neil
Taylor, Blyth ; No. 1 -Robert Vint,
Blyth ; 2 -Geo. Kelly, Walton ; 3 -
Wm. Wray, Belgrave ; 4 -Mark Car-
diff, Brussels ; 5 -Eli Oasemore, Wing -
ham ; 0 -Ed. ,Johnston, Bluevale.
TvitNnEltreY-A, Wheeler, Bluevale;
Wm. Mines ; No. 1-W. H. Cruik-
shank, Wingham ; 2 -Robert Mus-
grove, Bluevale ; 3 -Jas. Wray, Glen -
farrow ; 4-Robt, Weir, Wingham.
BLYTII—J. Wilford, F. Metcalfe,
Thos. Code, Thos. Carter.
MCKILLOP-Geo, McKee, Winthrop;
F. McQuaid, St. Columban ; No. 1-F.
McQuaid, St. Coluruban 2-W. Tee -
worth, Winthrop ; 3-J. J. Irvine,
Leadhury ; 4 -Win. Morrison, Win-
GREY—Robert Pearson, Ethel; J,
Hunter, Cranbrook; No. 1-T. Ben-
nett, Wroxeter ; 2 -Jas. Cardiff, Brus-
sels ; 3 -John Bolger, Walton ; 4-W.
Bray, Moner•ieff ; 5 --Jas. Livingston,
Ethel ; 6 -John Pearson, Ethel ; 7 -
Conrad Michael, Cranbr000k,
It was moved by Geo. Spotton,
seconded by Rich. Proctor, and re-
solved -That we, the Liberal Con -
DR. OVENS, M. D., London, Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at McKibhon's
drug store, on Tuesday, August 6th,
Cataract, squint, failing eyesight,
nasal catarrh, deafness, head noises
treated and glasses properly fitted.
A Suggestion Of Rare Value
A diseased condition of the surfaces
of the air passages causes bad breath,
but more commonly emanates from
indigestion or an impure condition of
the blood. Thousands of cases prove
that Dr. Hamilton's Pills through
their specific action on the secretory
and eliminative organs, not only cure
bad breath, but so thoroughly purify
the system that anything suggestive
of blood or digestive troubles is im-
possible. Through Dr. Hamilton's
Pills the skin grows rosy and clear,
activity of the body and mind in-
creases, and bounding health is' estab-
lished, sold everywhere in 25c boxes.
IIMINNININI 41111.11111.11/0 41111111111111111 11111=911110 1111111111110
t Seasonable Goods
Reasonable Prices I
Lawn` Mowers, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Lawn Shears,
Screen Doors, Coal Oil Stoves, Gasoline Cook Stoves,
Poultry Netting, Garden Tools, Hammocks, &c.
We also carry a very large stock of Ready -mixed
Paints in Robertson's, Beaver, and the can't -be -beat
I Sherwin -William's brand.
JUST ARRIVED :—A carload of Hanover Cement
and a consignment of electric -welded made-up Fencing
ready to stretch.
Give us a call if you require anything in the line of hardware or Tinware, U
and be convinced that this is the place to get good value for your money.
dware40 4111111110111110 41111111111110110 41110111111111111110 Ole
JUNE 27, 1907
servative Association of East Huron,
assembled in annual meeting, desire
to express our unbounded confidence
in the honest, fearless, business -like
administration of Hon, J. P, Whit-
ney. We are pleased to note, that
the numbered, ballot is no more, graft
is at an end, in Provincial affairs,
School books are being cheapened, the
License law strictly enforced in a non-
partisan manner, public domains are
sold to the highest bidder, the great
natural resources of our province are
conserved to the advantage of the
masses, the people who "toil not nor
spin" no longer dictate to our Pro-
vincial rules in Queen's Park, In
short, we rejoice that we have Gov -
eminent by the people, of the people,
and for the people,
Moved by P. W. Scott, seconded by
W. Beacom and resolved -That this
annual meeting of East Huron Con-
servative Association is pleased to
place on its record its continued con-
fidence in, and unswerving loyalty to
our honored leader, Mi'. R. L, Borden.
We note with pride his valiant fight
against graft, extravagance and im-
morality, so rampant at Ottawa. We
view with alarm the vapid increase in
the public expenditure without any
adequate return. However, we re-
joice to note that the public consci-
ence is being awakened as instanced
by resolutions of the highest courts
of all religious denominations. We
further wish to express our continued
admiration of our esteemed repre-
sentative, Dr. Chisholm, M.P., and to
assure him of our continued support
and confidence.
The recommendation of the Execu-
tive was accepted, and it was decided
to hold a Nominating Convention on
July 5th in Brussels, to nominate can-
didates for the Commons and the
Provincial Organizer Carstairs then
addressed the Convention referring to i
the necessity for thorough organiza-
Jas. Bowman, of Morris, gave a
brief address, referring to similar
The President then introduced Hon.
Col. Matheson, Provincial Treasurer
of Ontario, who in a clear, and in-
teresting address referred to existing
conditions as they were before the
present Government came to power.
He then reviewed the legislation
since, pointing out where vast sums of,
money had been saved for the people.
He admitted that the expenditure had
increased, but showed that the in -1
creases were required. He pointed
out the improved legislation along
educational lines, as well as in the
work of mining, license administra-
tion. IIe upheld the three-fifths
clause giving as his opinion that it in-!
duced permanence when Local Option
was passed. The cheapening of
School books was also dealt with, and
the matter of loan. In connection
with the latter, he showed the incon-
Isard's Big Cut Price Sale.
The Summer trade is now in full swing, and in order to double our business and reduce
our large stock during the month of June, we're CUTTING PRICES to the quick on just the
lines of goods you are most in need of at this time of year. This is a money -saving oppor-
tunity for you. Read every line of the following CUT PRICES.
broidered Waist Lengths, regu-
lar value $2.50 to $3.00-
Cut Sale Price $2.00
SKIRTS, ---White Cambric Under-
skirts, nicely made, regu-
lar $1.25 -Sale Price $1.00
TOWELING. ---Linen Crash Towel-
ing, regular 10c -Cut Sale gC
CARPET. -One piece Union Car-
pet, yard wide, regular 36e
value -Cut Price 25c
LU,STRES.•---Fan k„
Spot Luis -
tree for Wait.ts, regular
price 50c --On Sale at 40c
CURTAINS. --A special line of
Lace Curtains, 3, yds. long,
good value at $1 -Sale Price 75C
MUSLINS. •--- Flowered and Spot
Muslins, regular 15o value -
Sale Price
RAINCOATS, --Ladies' Raincoats
to clear -$10 coats for $8, $9
coats for $7, $8 coats for $4,00
$6, $5 coats for
BOYS' PANTS, --Boys' heavy
Knicker Pants ---'To Clear... PIC
BOYS' SHIRTS, -A line of Boys'
Print Shirts, worth 50c -
Our Clearing Price 39C
MEN'S CLOTHING. --Out prices
in Men's Clothing. See our
Men's Suits at -----$0, $7, and $8.
Pants at $1.00, $1.25, $1,50,
$1.75, $2.00,
QUILTS. ---Large size White Bed
Spreads, new goods, regu-
lar value $1.50 --On Sale,..
WANTED Two Thousand Dozen Eggs
Each week daring the month of June, and in order to accomplish this we will give the following
Prizes to customers bringing in the greatest number of Eggs up to June 29: -
FIRST PRIZE, -Lady's ready-to-wear Skirt; choice of new styles in Black, Brown, Gray-value....$6.00
SECOND PRIZE, -Lady's Embroidered Silk Waist -worth 3.50
THIRD PRIZE. -Lady's Embroidered Lawn Waist, latest style -worth 2.00
FOURTH PRIZE. -Pair of Kid Gloves, your choice of color -value 1.25
Remember the date -Competition opens Saturday, June 8th, and closes Saturday, June 29th
COMPETITION OPEN TO ALL. Bring in your Eggs and see what a loadof Genuine
Bargains you can get here in exchange for them during our CUT PRICE SALE.
DRESS GOODS, -6 pieces, wide
Gray Tweed, plain and fancy
patterns, good value at 50e -
Cut Sale Price
PLAIDS.-' 3 pieces, wide Plaid
Dress Goods, worth 35c -
Cut Sale Price only 25C
LONG GLOVES. -Very scarce and
hard to get, we have them at
reasonable prices -50c, 75c, $1,00,
HOSE. -5 doz, Ladies' Black Cash-
mere Hose, fast black, seam-
less, good value at 35c -Sale 25c
TOWELS. - Large Linen Huck
Towels,for regular value 35c 25C
GINGHAMS.-Five pieces Check
Ginghams, good apron pat-
terns, 7e value -Clearing at 5C
DELAINES.-A few pieces, fancy
figured, Wool Delaines,
worth 40c -Clearing Price 25c
HOSE. -10 doz. Ladies' Black Cot-
ton Hose, fast colors, sizes 82, 9,
9;, regular value 15c -Cut
Sale Price 10C
TABLE LINENS. -1. piece heavy
Table Linen, good buying at 25
35c -Cut Sale Price C
WAISTS. - Very pretty White
Lawn Waist, trimmed with em-
broidery insertion, regular DIM
$1.25 value - Sale Price..
VESTS. -10 doz. Ladies' Sum-
mer Vests to clear at 5C
DRAWERS. -0 doz. Ladies' White
Cambric Drawers, nicely
made -Sell-out quick price35C
BELTS. - Ladies' Kid. Belts in
black, brown, white, navy, 25C
tan -Our Cut Price
DRESS GOODS.- 4 pieces Gray
and Brown Flake Tweed Suit-
ings, regular value 35c and
40c -Cut Price 25C
CORSET COVERS. -A special line
of Cambric Corset Covers, em-
broidery trimmed -Our Cut
Price as
FRESH GROCERIES. -New Dates, 5c lb.; Cleaned Currants, 10c ; Large Raisins, 10e ; Celery Relish, 10c ;
Laundry Starch, 7c ; Canned Peas, 5c ; 12 Bars Soap, 25c ; 35c Green Tea, 25c ; 2 pkgs. Gold Dust, Sc.
sistency of the criticisms of his man- Overtaken By Nausea.
agement of the loan. He gave a clear
taement tYou don't know whether it's of
s of the finances of the Pio g ng
wince, and received a heartyvote of to stay down or come up. You feel
like thirty cents and look even worse.
thanks for his lucid address. If one thing is quicker than another,
Dr. T. Chisholm, M. P., then ad- it's Nerviline. Ten drops in sweeten -
dressed the Convention. He was re- ed water gives relief instantly. Al-
most like magic is the change you ex-
ceived with cheers, and referred in his perience. The cause of the nausea is
address to Dominion affairs chiefly. removed, every symptom of vomiting
The reception given his speech by the stud indigestion is eared within ten
audience, showed that the member for minutes, When Poison's Nerviline is
so trusty and economical, a bottle at
East Huron is still the favorite with home wouldn't be 'amiss. Large ones
the Conservatives of the riding. His for a quarter at all dealers.
address of half -an -hour was listened �---*-----, . -
to attentively. The Ripley Express says :-"Hinton
The successful ecuvention then Mitchell is the owner of a thorough -
closed by singing the National An-
them, and cheers for Col. Matheson,
I)r. Chisholm and Mr. Bowman.
bred Durham Cow that furnishes suf-
ficient milk and cream for two fami-
lies and produces ten pounds of butter
each week."
For the month of June our large
stock of Jewellery is offered at a
Anyone wanting fine Jewellery, a
good Watch or Clock, or Wedding
Gift, we have the goods. NOW
The Great Watch Doctor and Jeweler
•e••••••••••••••••••••6•••• I00000 $•••••••••O••••••••
Whiteohuroli Hardware Store
♦ e,
For Up-to-date Goods in all
0 Lines of the Hardware Business
® s Hess
J. T. Holmes' Hardware Store
Portland Cement.... Drayton Tiles... Carey Metallic and
Galvanized Roofing.... Frost Fencing... Peerless Fencing
.... Paints, dry and ready mixed (Wortman & Ward's
goods) .... Churns .... Washers .... Nay Forks, slings, car.
riers and tracks .... A full line of General Hardware.
In making our first announcement to the public, we are
not going to pretend that we are selling anything for less
than cost. But we will always sell at as close a margin of
profit as is consistent with sound business principles. It will
always be our aim to keep nothing but the best the market
affords, and thereby merit a continuance of your patronage.
•••••••••••••••••••••••e• 40mee44,••'0•44+s+•'0••*••••4
An Order For
100 New Scale Williams Pianos
The largest retail order for Pianos ever a)laced in Can-
ada is given to the R. S. Williams Sc Sons Co., Limited,
Toronto's largest Music Dealer:,, by Lave 'Oros., Contract-
ors, to be placed in one hundred new completely furnished
homes. A copy of the big order ; ---
0111ce and Planing Mill Phone Main 3&0
Builders and healer's in Builders' Simplify.
1000 Gerrard St., Ea• t of Pape Ave. TORONTO, Jt'NE 0, 10r7.
Messrs. The h. S. & hon', ('o., limited
113 loads St Toronto, Out.
(1 uilemen:—Agreeable pith our eeuver.:alion of this, tnoruint: we take
tleavnde in Leven confirming oar order for 104 New Seale Williams Piano:,
No 4t { ,,, style) wvhieh you will uader.tantl are to be delivered to u9 a + prompt-
Iy aq potiyible nYou oide r, inehulii 1, stool.
prompt -
Wo might ::tate that t.hls order iv placed after thoroughly hive tit,,atint. the.
different makes of pianos, and is decided upon owing to the excellent finality of
tone. finish and workmanship whish wo found in your piano, and 'aIdeh wwe
consider unequalled by any othcr, Very Trnlr'inura,
Certainly a convincing testimonial of the quality and
sterling worth of these wonderful instruments.