HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-06-20, Page 2ing and withetrewiug the adattter's gete• tie wit urgent word le, "Do yoea best:" They boats only to kneet in lowly rever- ow. and pray for the beloaed UAsr*. tole. for F1311 awl etreiegth for the task meigned, and they will be ineldred and ,helped to do it well. The power of .1 Christ will rest upon them, and the, I love of Mist will be in their beriats, Ceggetgation Delighted by Neva Easter Ana all work done under this bleserad Addreele itapivation will be acceptable te God• We have but truly to lay the Mime sae Easter Sunday morning was eelebratral rifice on the altar; then God tvill Kad R z Ebeltester Parish, Chetah, Newcastle - the fire. bY the uu"seal fenn of. a.serd We mesa to get this matter of eause- mon preeehed in verse. eration riown out of elondland into the In a series of Spenserian stanzas the region of actual, common, daily living. rector, the Pow. Dr. 1 George, Gibson, tVe sing about it in our religious meet discussed the text, "In the garden of a lairs, oft -times in glowing mooti os ue te sepulchre," and created something it were Sante exalted state, with whieli of a, sensation in Ids congregation. • earth's life of toil, struggles, and care The following are the -first stanzas or had nothing whetever to do. But the tee sennon: weeweration suggested by the living 11" "eet this Phra" eavh bur."' saerifiee ia oue tbat -walks the earth, ground that ealle A "vomitory" that is "sneedind.peeeete that meets one's admit duties, strug- gles. temptations, and sorrows, and ".bm' ""t beyond the 13"i'lY their walls, les. falters not in obedience., fidelity earthly rice ten aear one's rest while, past etibmission, but follows Christ with Th ask in eSentee of their haw aria joy vaierever Be leads. No ew bprFather's e they consecration pleases God.—j, R. Moe, . . D. Waitime. the summons of the Judgment MillerD Day, When they and We shall once again em- The Landing Place of Prayer. braes.,I thougot I was in the King's treasure And re -unite life's closest bond e for It -use, a large aud ample place. Men ayet in authority were present and servants Ate who such meeting seek most warmly • acting their part. Large vases stood in —we or they? rows," tier above Wen At one end I caw a wharf with shipping, and all was White speeds the city on its reckless busy. flags of different nations were course, Being at the masthead, with all the The Cemetery rests in peace profound. bratie of a busy port. While yields the city now to fraud, now Ali seemed busy but one, and he rep - force, proaelied and seemed willing to tom - The Sleepiamplace is always holy eurnicate. I inquired about the eon - ground Welts of the treasure house and the im- dthereir appears the tiny grass -grown mound, The coarsest nature feels a sense of awe. Vie birds appear to sing with softer sound, As if the symbols of repose they saw. This reverence for the grave is Natarcos solemn law! Not far from Calvary's ill-omened slope, Were gardens, and in them a rock - hewn cave, Where wealthy Joseph bad indulged the hope That he himself might one day find a grave, The Saered Form drone contact rude to save, rf-.k laid it reverently there to rest, Now let the mega world round about Him ravel The secret convert had achieved his best, And Christ, as sang the seer, lay 'mid the wealthiest. The sermon was very closely and at- tentively followed by the delighted con- gregation. port:wens. "1 am not permitted to know all. Indeed, but very little, but these massive vases have a history • whielis very precious. Go and, look m- • ai one of them." The fragrance was that of a garden which the Lord. had blessed. "You must not rechon by the leak. but by the tweetienes of the eon. tents. Col& well refined, the moat pre - ramie potent factors in the maiverse." Tee rarest, most costly jewels may not ampere with their value; their worth is beyond computation. Each golden towl or vase has a distinct history, and a name is attached to each, though. you 1 do not see it. The refining of these (entente is a marvellous performance. Yeti see that fleet at the wharf. Dur- ing long voyages the refining process h le been going on, sifting, washing, &- tiding, sorting. Oh, the worthless stuff thrown overboard has been immense, so mush so that the ma Abed has been - considerably liaised. This great landing plossa means treasures from afar more precious than gold. These jewels are Iee concentrated, solidified tears—they shrine, they sparkle, they illustrate the — agcnies of the past and the present, for Prayerthe process still goes on." There was silertee! The goodly smell Our Heavenly Father, who in ancient i overpowered us. We felt the atmos• days didst lead Thy people like a flock phere &Belong and oppressive, a burden and didst deliver them from the wrath and yet so glad. "Tell me in a, word," of theta enemies, we also would commie said I, "the animas of these vases." -They are the prayers of the saints,; ourselves to Thy guidance and prober the history of even one would fill ,vou tion. When the road is dark and we with amazement. The heart of man know not bow we should go, send forth may be compared to a factory where Thy light and Thy truth and let them raw material is crushed, melted, mould - lead us. When barriers lie across our ei, refined, adapted and made fit for path 'watch we are not able to overcome, ease. The product is jewels for the make Thou a way for us, as Thou didst crown of the King, gold for the currency pert the sea for Israel. When our faith of the realm, argeunents for the high e - • rows weak and courage fails, speak to courts beauties of holiness for the an- us words of cheer, sustain us by Thy gals to admire. There is scarcely a promises and by the touch of Thy gra- prayer that does not tmss through the vients $pirit, that we may go forward ac- crucible; it goes in big; it tomes out coaling to Thy will and may follow small. Take selfishness out a million 'therever Thou dost lead. Finally, when prayers and you have what a child may we stand face to face with death, let carry in a basket—selfish prayers sink The preeenee still he with us, that theby the hundred tons at a time into the fear of the bet great enemy may be seas No wonder that the sea is filling taken away, and that we may pass up. Selfishness is a defilement, and pearefally and triturephantly into the nothing that works defilement enters land of premise. Hear our prayer for these holy vessels. The garments of the Jesus' sake. Amen. • daughters of the King are all glorious _ ivithin the palace gates; no wrinkle or etem or any such thing is found. They are pure within, and beautiful without. The shades of evening were gathering eon a profound salute. I took lanae of M s' gaida and in the language of a beau- t7fn1 woman, I said: "The half has not ban told nee." IL T. Miller. la aureville, Out, "Put Yourself la His Plaia."—This incite, goad kr all classes, is ermeeialle epplizable to children. To many net as if they had forgotten their child - heel They sec in to have little tqUI• petite, or patieriai with children aua eolith. But Lath are y?t.svatial tn Itvlp- ths- young. One vannot have the matfidettee of the young who dues met sympathize with them; nod witewat thew eanfiaelize Mae hep can I.erem dered, In eider to ayamatbize with theta, it. is necessary to eater into then state of mind—so realize the value at their trials, their sorrows, their expiate times, their disappointments, and what ever else may befall him. He alto does this may hope to be of real service to the young. Nene else can. • Teem Right Views.—Children must learn, and they are susceptible oi being tough, It is of the utmost au- voila:we that they be taught cormet xitANSi (led, of themeraves, of the a.t- tnt.a ut sin, mt tliaty., of the Christian and the way te live it. Toe reausa an. /art to ateettb tin -h' sir:tame ri.o.o. ‘nlier..4. atm are illy prepared to in- struct others. is:%eause of their o,va t.etive lanoaredge. It would in- Lle.is lug to ewry elauch if the e:ses core e.dl,eted lata 4,.l.isses for spevizie tastractian in the fuedament.-als of the Cuislion reliehou aud of teleistian 'aural traihiag roordd lie. of incalculable value for the finure of every sneli eon- gregaion. it would make it e.rsy to secure :he elailtinm of the thateli for (bust and when y,lung:, and proveut those long,e'olays wad unowtaia- Cles incident to many A silipol a Gael fo a wry intzle way ual,ss eki up by the 2;E:A ang ioy no ZseA way reach a:vow. tho: fret..? is a rie...1 un:el., every Iredea7.- (eret nr,felat2:::: to Lit h-itra be carifal !not via:a in - Lu stuni, in the ttaw ntseme weeeeer seesaw if wo have the cou- .0:Zence. (el the yoz. the urDete ens4 tan tv., lead th.c.a in paths of rig:oleo:is- 4:.(,or- toy what no aro tbo path in ohich v -a? wa:k. We roust see to it that uor p:.tit is perferely safe rro.nie things wii!ih tre! may w'sli trioly base to g.it e 6er the sake a 1L<„5„, tis ff..r ee, and t„: -.)o vii:1 be, grcatly in- • ty what t!), -y se in- iry to Ihnit•-ne,--, `iilreea LI' CO L;S 1:1? •C -U jhtthes Gai`.1 elundns. ..flar we (la fer Cit za 411-,^13 lor its ultinnte It 44; a ers.ngncd e -f e,ar caure.7.:;-s tb.t yziarg are lea tf.:neh ne:Idectt=.3 ,= sae to the handa • egiami and the itmier tnireiver. evade (he elierete autberitite .give thew little er no Clatter. Yet they need the tin- -tweet tare, the twat careful miming. dt they may to tutted while wonng ft..Zil the tat -Janina effeete, c,f it:differ- tree tied searreetinetion, aria o give thentselvert taniarT to 4,14) i -t. Ortr Affliction. When the Peal:Diet said: "It is good for roe that I have been afflicted," he was not talking cant. lie bad reach ed the point in his earthly career at which he could look back upon the pre- ceding years road see them—mach as Gfd v=e5 them—as a. whole. Ile could appreciate the danger of the temptations which he had met, and the necessity of sharp warnings at this point, and of net nal scourging's of the soul at this int, in order to prevent his straying, or to revue him, already strayed from the way of safety. Sueli a retrospect of /ife is granted to each of us at times, azil it is full of instruction. It teaches IN a twerendetts truth, the need and raw of unhappiness. Chasteniug aid •ne, the experience, deepens sympathy, .ataiges the range of friendship, invig- • retes eaaracter, throws the sold back triton God in firmer trust and dots a w.uk for the soul so noble that if its (MA character state be regarded, the dirine love behind it And pervading it becomes evident. Blessed are they who no longed teed to be thus assured, be- cause their own hearts have learned the truth and rest upon it—The Congrega- tica:dist. • 4 4 a - TRIPLE ARIANCE. asaltiCS'S AGREEMENT WITH BRITAIN AND SPAIN. tow Irreneb.Spar:Ish and Illitisla- arrish treaties. the sIguature of %thin creates a new triple alliatee, Miilisrtzr Poret-gn Affairs, aerasteateente 37°.;0 hr$ gr:ar- 17,Laz:D. that ean be e:-.2eelve.l. -r pore.- • 'ne ne.I as the athhs er" •.° the 2-n,:,a ef 7..7 iLa-,:e e.a for eecera. = nths. n.1 eke new eeeterel !ewe tweseaei. :mac to the eider Ste. trah esettennwee est Ile Ls ts lrlents are ;.-ars.`2F the to st-,je the starns e'n7.1 iti▪ teral hleeit' int:wee tiat ewe eieerritztatee. , waierwe sea eies seeetralv <-1 the ewes- einterreens of tee rettentwe enti,rin!- Iiespeelslie imFamet • the o,as-e of our tx-neeseteret hiAillar en betb tee Atistreide and Italians -me eon amete. STRIKE OYER. 5*.t. IT4,,,inar. tate . ,attne 17. 1hr. ewe s011tr. *Iwo itchritik fro italae ni Ste P-etwae s tweeiveit raid tar litre %elk tabialt the htesfster a. int4 I.' «tan A 4'. !a r. ea feet:, r• 01.1, .sr., e.-rthr; 'wet' at e ate, line en 'did:shit, 'del:fel I. 4.e API vi.,r 141. -Te t f w 1110 &II- i/Ift tat eratte fire nawaearte all r- • 1r- Pad to all their Until shrink- tamed le static, Market Reports The Week, British Cattle Markets. Londoeteehiverpool and London cables are steady at he to 13e per lb., dressed sleight; refrigerator beef is quoted at tie to 0-1 4e per Re Winnipeg Wheat Markets. Following are the closing quotations on Winnipeg, grain futures to -day: Wheat—am* 85 7-8 bid, July 80 faSe ()etcher 88 5-8e bid. Oats—June 40e bid, duly 3-te liii, October 355Se bid. Fleur Price's. Eloter—Mauitoba, patent, d1.50,. tracks Toronto; Ontario, 90 per cent. patents, Sel hid for export; Manitoba patent, spe- cial brands, $41; second patent, $4.40; strong bakers', $4.30. Toronto Farmers' Market. The grain receipts to -day were small. One load of tall wheat eold at 91e; one of goose wheat at 88e, and one of oats r 52e. Dairy produce in good supply, with prieee easy. Butter ranged from 20e to 1ze2iioerr Re, and eggs at 19e to 21c per i Hay is unchanged, with sales of it5 loads at $17 to $19 a tort for teniothy, and at $13 to $15 for mixed. Straw is steady, one load selling at $13 a ben. Dreseed hogs are steady, with light quoted. at $9.50 and heavy at $9. Wheat, white, bush ..$ 0 90 $ 0 91 red, bush .... 0 00 0 91 Do., spring, bush .. 0 ST 0 88 Do., ,goose, bush ,. 0 87 0 88 Oats, bush 0 51 0 52 111-triey, bush „ 0 50 0 52 Peas, bush .. ...... 0 77 0 78 Hay, timothy, ton 17 00 19 00 Do., mixed, ton .....13 -00 15 00 Straw, per ton. — la 00 13 00 Dressed hogs ..... 9 00 9 50 Eggs ....... 0 19 0-21 Butter, dairy .. — 0 20 0 23 Do., creamery .. 0 23 0 27 Chickens, year., lb 0 14 0 10 Turkeys, per lb — ... 0 10 0 18 Apples, per la 2 00 3 50 Potatoes, per bag 1 20 3' 25 Cabbage, per dozen ,. 0 35 3 50 Onions, per bag , . 1 75 2 00 Beef, hinduarters „ 9 50 11 00 Do., forequarters 0 00 7 50 I Do., choice, earease 9 00 9 50 Do., medium, carcase 7 50 8 00 Mutton, per swt H 00 13 00 Veal, per ewt OU 10 50 15 Lamb, per cwt . 00 17 00 The Cheese Markets. Alexandria—To-night 959 cheese, all white, sold at 1 1-3-16c. Belleville—To-day were offered 4,000 white cheese; all sold at 115 -Sc. Brockville—To-day 4,042 boxes were registered, of which 2,102 were white, balance colored; about 500 sold on board at 113-4. Cornwall—To-day 1,400 boxes were boarded; 1,000 white sold at 11 3-4e, and 40o- colored at 117 -Sc. Cowansville—To-day 24 creameries of- fered 1,093 boxes butter, 21 factories of- fered 1,007 boxes cheese. Sales, cheese— McCullough, 297 boxes at 115 -Sc; Alex- ander, 227 at 11 11-10e; Gunn, 108 at lie; Lovell, 30 at 11 11-16e; Burnett, 103 at 115-8; Dickey, 130 at 115 -Se, 52 at 11 11-1de: all sold. London, Ont.—Eleven factories offered 1,Se4 eases cheese, 115 white, balance colored; 430 sold as follows; 200 eases at 11 518ei Isaac; 170 eases at 11 0-lete, Ballantyne. Picton—To-day a record boarding was math', 19 factories placing 2,345 cheese; of these 1,015 were colored, 110 white, 1.220 ordinary; colored sold at 11 3-4e; 1:305 boxes were sold. it. Hyacinthe—Sales, 1.627 boxes eheeee at 110-10c; 478 paelatges butter at t?,05-tie. Vankleek Hill—There were 1,010 boxes elnatee boarded and sold on Vankleek MI Cheese Board here to -day; bidding started at 11 1-2e, and then was raised to 11 3-4e; at this price part of cheese Was said, and after a long wait pricee was finally raised to 11 13-10e, and. at this fie -are balance cheese was sold on, the hoard; all colored went at 11 7-8a Watertown, N.Y.---Cheese sales, 10,000 t Winchester—To-night 881 white and SG colored -were registered; 113-4e was the ruling price, and more than half sold on boned at said. figure. Four buyers were present. TORONTO LIVE STOCK li.t.R.RMT, teport, ceolce•.. at 6 75 ;55o Do., medium ... 6 25 5 50 Do., cows.........4m 4 75 Do.. bulls4t9 4 75 Dutc.beW picked lots5 CO SS Do., cholice .t 40 5 64 Do., medium ... 5 OD 5 25 taws, common60 50 Do., bulls 400 450 Stockers41) Do., light ... 2 25 a 75 much -cows, cholea .. ita CO 0 no.. Cilailffi4313 25 -CO ZO 00 Valves 0.3 -6 CO 1"..tpurt tweZ, thorn ... _ 4 '75 S Do., limbo= 5 BO em Do., bucks ... ti SO 4 ZS Sprau,g lambs, oath S.27,1 Hug% Selects ... •.. -0 SO 001) •-• Bradstreet's Trade Review. :Montreal trade reports to Braastreetts say: The general movement of trade tete continues satisfactory. The move - "eat of inward coming freight at the port is still -very heavy and the weak of sending it on continues night and day. Wovernment statisties as well as the in- aeationv, of traffic bere show that Can- ada's import trade in this year increas- leg enormously while her export trade is rather lighter than that of last year. desentry trafie is moderately active. Mast lines of produee are coming for - v. aril freely. Ciseese is somewhat of an ea.:a:titian, with deliveries light and the epert darneed goal. Collections are feirhi this part of the eountry. Toronto trade reports :say; Summer temle shenal E. -.W he Le fail Aa a :atter ef fact, ite volume is not what re tn3irt eepeet at this time of the year, This is a year of unr,recadented a-livity in all parts of Canada in tar - trait r of hurling operations. Tlitottch- • Ontario the eentrec of population ,eve seen great manufseterinte. activity. Wier:tag reports eery: As the stason ▪ :Ivarwee trade eteadilytnkee on a more ".scrful dine. Reperfe from roost parte the ceuetry state that the damage to- tIc ereee *1.16 was said to have been • by the lateness of the arming wee anealeratay cartreetimated. 'The -re- . eaten in the plattea area will not be • e Ware, as wart emir:med. 'Vancouver rind Vittoria reporte say: ell:Amelia and retail trade along tire 41' net is simianmare activity. t„turbee---Favortible weather is benefit - tit trade rotelitione. 'The lati4t SITP frnmsstly rt,Dritn1 active itl this !wallet iii• re report a riennind fee llgatee a raw trtde wane% to Ilettistreetts • .N addle:ate 1114 isA elsowieW wider v ertiie treat. tine. The eartire tr 41,` i!) ow!, ill Oil affected by r1 Tetatiter !listing lite* hare be iuretty well cleared out of retail hands, int eunituer Bum are still a little- fii011% .ocal industries are busily e»gaged gal eebeetionS ate generally fair to good. London reports say while wholeeeile nil. retail trade continues to stiffer somewhat front the lateness of the sum- mer's arrival', all other lines of activity report datisfaetory condition, Ottawa reports to Bradstreet's say there has been little change in the trade situation -there during the past week, Loeal industries continue busy. TRIAL MARRIAGE A FAILURE; 1Tho Wingbam 10iancs IT LASTED JUST FIVE litARS.1 gill proptilta, Husband With Tears in tits 571es Horsewhips a I R, iGNEw PINTSICIAK ACCOUCHEUR, 001,e4;-17pathiria In tiar afssoskiliald $10c0.. Might sourwriao4 a* dig* Preacher Who 12,uined HOMO. .GtRMAN NORMAL It • mai marriage in this State luts proved :Columbus, Ind., June 17.—The first a failure. George Layman will ask lou - OE FOR BERLIN—SCHOOL BOOK a divorce front his young wife, liessie INQUIRY. Holmes Layman, formerly of Nualesville. The cireumstances are peculiar, malt as she bad left him, and he, ac- cording to their contract, wilt file suit for divoece if she remains away thirty days. The separation occurred on their fifth wedding anniversary, after Layman had found his wife anti sister-in-law driving with two young men of that city, whom Layman compelled to leave the rigs 'and walk to his home in front of a, revolver. At his home he compeller' them to Bit Toronto, June 17.----(lipeciap—A Ger- man Normal School for Berlin was the . request of a deputation from that town, who waited on the Minister of Education this morning. There are large (lemma settlements in and around there, and it is argued that they should be served by such a. school. The Advisory Council of the Depart- ment of Educed° nhas been called to meet at the Normal School building on Saturday afternoon next, but no au- uouncement is made regarding it. It is understood the Minister of Education desires to go into the matter of school books and secure advice of the booad on this important matter, ACCIDENTS AT WINNIPEG. David Phillips Drowned While Bathing at the Bea, Winnipeg, June 16,—A series of fatal- ities marked the week end in Winni- peg. At the Beach on Saturday a bather named David Phillips let go his bold on the boat and -erten like a stone. A Winnipeg street ear going south on BECOMES CHINESE. Saturday on Main street, -while opposite) quietly on the porch chairs while he gave them a. long and severe lecture. tsar man, talking of his trouble, said: 'We got our marriage license five years ago last Monday in Minneapolis, when we entered into a contract by welch we agreed to a divorce and the restoration of Mrs. Layman's maiden name in case we ever remained separated for thirty days. "This centred Was made a matter of record, the same as our marriage appli- cations, and I paid $2 to have that con- tract recorded, but it was money well invested, for I can now get a divorce easily,that is, of course, if we remain separated thirty days." horsewhipped Preacher. Fulton, Ky., June 15.--4ev. Freak Morton Hawley, pastor of the Mast Presbyterian Church, was horsewhipper' with be fainted by W. IV, ale:Wow:3, a capitalist, a -nil party of Mende, serattv after midnight this morning. preacher was then driven from the city under !tweets. of death, Bea Mr. Hawley came acre two yearn ago front Charlotte, N. 0, Tee weeks ago life:Wows publicly denoune. ed the preacher ate the wrecker of hit ht . MlrfseNigei a doofwl st iluutinsebdaitai dwalyd e suit for divorce, alleging cruelty, As Hawley alighted front a, train here at midnight Jut was met by Meadows and his friends. Securing the preach, era wrists with handcuffs they led him to a vacant lot, where he was strippea anti flogged with three buggy whips. In spite of his agony, Hawley never tit- tered a whimper, but again and again declared his innocdrice, With tears streaming down his cheeks, Meadows applied the lash. 'Hawley was next placed in ii carriage and driven to Pierce, Tenn., three race from here. There be was put. abreast an outgoing passenger train and made to swear be would never return to Ful- ton. the Commercial Club, killed and hor- ribly mutilated a man named P. Sebeider of Pacific avenue. The unfor- tunate man attempted to board a mov- ing ear and fell between it and the first trailer, his right leg being torn from the trunk before the ear could stop. The leg was carried about half a mile and found by a constable on the street. Death was instantaneous. A second accident by which an -un- known man had his heel cut off, occur- red at River Park this evening. Charles R. Morrison died in the ear, an Saturday while under arrest for drunkenness, At the inquest this being the second case in a week, the jury re- commended better ventilation of the cells, and that they be whitwashed, RECALLED HIM. JAPANESE AMBASSADOR TO STATES GOING HOME. Washington, June 17.—A private cable- grhm -was received here to -day stating that the Marquis Ito and the elder statesmen of Japan held a conference with Foreign Minister Hayashi in Tokio last Wednesday, when at the urgent re- quest of Marquis Ito it was deeiderl to recall Viscount Aoki, the Japafiese Am- bassador to this country. The statement was made in authoritative quarters that the Marquis Ito and Ambassador Aoki have not been on friendly terms for many years. G. T. R. RAILS. A HUNDRED POUND ONES INSTEAD OF ao POUNDS, Toronto, Ont.. June 17.—(Speeiaia-1t is learned from prominent officiate of the Grand Trunk Company that the company will lay left -pound steel on ite line between ttontreal and Termini, in place of the 301 -pound now in use. The laying of steel of similar weight has practically be -en finished between To- ronto and Hamilton, and the official state that in all probability the line from Hamilton to Niagara will be alto laid with 100 -pound rails. Heavy traffic DC, tPSSitat*S this big expenditure. MET WITH DEFEAT. ••••••••••••••• FRENCH GOVERNMENT WORSTED BY THE DEPUTIES. SISTER OF MRS. HOWARD GOULD RENOUNCES U. S. CITIZENSHIP. Chicago, June I7.—A despatch to the Record -herald from San Francisco says: Mrs. Wong Sun Yue, sister of lira Row - aid. Gould, is no longer an American citizen, She voluntarily relinquished her Hearts as a natiee born Californian ;yes- terday to become as much As possible an all-round Chinese, like her husband. The records of the local Chinese Bu- reau are lacking hi cases similar to that of Mrs, Wong Sun Yue. She will be subject to the laws of China when she chooses to visit that country, aud when she comes home she will be subjected to the regulations of the immigration and reetrietion laws, Mrs. Yew, who renounced her citizen - :drip to become a Chinese merchant, said: "In becoming a Chinese merchant many paths are open to me which were closed before. I have become a member of the tailoring firm called the 'Quong Yuen Yiele. It's the dragon for me instead of the stars and stripes!' ASLEEP FOR TWELVE MONTHS. Several Doctors Study Extraordinary Case. Paris, June 17.—Marie Dalbin, a. 16 - year -old girl, has been iri a state of email, since June 1 of last year, its the little village of Recoules, in the .Aveyeon department. ahie lies in her bed apparently asleep, With a smile on her fare. Her breathing is hardly perceptible, but, her pulse makes 55 beats a minute, Early last spring she was affected with gastric traubte, and ceased to take fetal A few days later she fell asleep. Whe has not opened her eyes since. 'Several doctors are studying the ease. SHOOTING SCANDAL IN BERLIN. Bankma Son and a Society Leader Found Dead in Hotel Room, Berlin. June 17.—Dr. Franz Joseph:, sun of a well known financier, engaged rooms to -day while posing as a stranger in Berlin. Soon afterward a veiled wo- man arrived and an hour or so later share were heard. The door was forced, arid, Wag a few paces from each other, were found the bodies of Joseph and the woman. Both were dead, having been shot through the head. Near by were twa revolvers. The woman has been identified as Gotthelf, a. ptominent society lead- er, uita has a wealthy husband. Joseph was unmarried. MAIL ROBBERS IN PARIS. Paris. June 17.—The Covernment Thirty of Powerful Association Arrested was defeated to -day in the Chamber of Delia- by the Police. ties on the sugar clause of the wine bill,. Pit June 17.—Robberies from the designed to prevent fraud. Finance Min- 13n143-kla Inas and Parcel Pasts have inter Chili:nix insisted on a supplernen- m been very frequent iu Paris for mouths tary tax of sixty -live francs per buinh-ed .1)a -'t The thefts have been chiefly car- okfilex.serzirisuelliairnerribuitn ithbee enahaLabfaeerturr$ rieAd os3ulaitl the 'f(hare tiSkt,t• :::rvaer:, 1 la s been jected the proposal by 304 to il.3.1 votes investigating the robberies for several whereupon the session was suspended. li weeks, with the result that last evening is expected that the Gorr -mutt will corn - thirty arrests were made, promise on the lower lute suggested loy The prisoners are said to be members the northern deputies. ef a powerful aseoelation of intern:1- Gonad thieves, which devoted itself to DROWNED IN CISTERN' _ . . rgenarterheb:rolslaurilorlieltd. agents in the SAD END OF ECTABLE OLD 1 GENTLEMLAT CAYUGA. —.,.. Ha Registed Arrest With Ate After a liold-tip. ' • • * • ;Rtsp ' POLICEMAN SHOT HIGHWAYMAN. Cayuga, Ont., June 17.—t5peciaI)— ' Dalhousie, N. D., dune 17.—resterday Mr. Doyle, 'while driving *with his wife Mr. Thornell Hodder, an aged gentle' and <lila, was attacked at Pedmoral by man who has been living retired for .hrea men, who gave hint a severe beat- . otire years at the home of his son -in- , - ace officer seeies,, ,of Damonsiet - ng. law, Mr. A. JCayu . Grant, ga, wp as found uent to arr(st them, and one of the . drowned at 5 0.M. this morning in a els- unit, Petr Fountain, took -an axe and . Uwe. Deceased had been suffering from Officer Seeley drew a revolver. In the ' inclantlielia for over a year. Coroner aineli it was discharged, the bullet pass- .leerucel unnecessary.Arrell was notified, but an inquest was agAlitiihroolupgth lfi'atratelltyaii lee'sweboend4e.a., the •rnan 'mke away, but was remptured, and 3:EQ a few hours later. The others got ilea:, and have net been recaptured.' ESCAPED FROM DEVIL'S ISLAND. Man Shot by Woman in Lonaort Admit His identity. Lman, June lti.—At a. late hoe tact nigat a w,..man shot a rasa on 0.1.ford strea, he hu)at lateel iii the man's foot. It was removed at the heepital, wbere he stated that lie was Edward tiumire the Chiang,: Limiter, who ewepea from lanias Island, and kr rilmee extradithei le Frame, 3A -ad Cala .Therstyme tatisp,..1 to grant a isteuisititra icesteriay. MARRIED A CONVICT. iss Agnes Haley Was ratty lemma at Tram N. S., Jai/. liAltIBOURG COMING. To*. jute 17.--lfark ITambourg, the 'pianist, has signed a contrail with lambent Ulrich for a abort tour of .tracrlea during the months of October, November and December. lie will be co:ompanied by Ids bride. Ilambourg rikr-• ntly eiartied the daughter of Sir Et mirth afnir MacKenzie, X. C„ and has Leanne on linglislininn by adoption. Will Uphold Prettier Bolt .1t. John's, Nild., :hum eolo. ni,11 k"alinet yesterday wiled to uphold roi.icr Pont in protreting against terfrie ofNewicamdiand's interests by ITillifar• June .10,---API3P5 Impertley ial .out-.4.•at in the fisheries 12-:Sf c.) 1 &title ?r cf Ark ill Ita!e.Y. •n-,nintions. The filuatiam is111,Arded hura, ttle, married at a Inte Lim La. „1„„,, as tatict-7 ffric4K. 1::14 itl J UM/ jeii Miry teessiern,t aseeej tail naw, -„1 e 1:i,, imilaine of the Virioprisose.int• .a 1 s d r Z i1t, . t .1f.i Indwtriat :7;4 hoot, Toronto, %/la tiary. opened, WR PEACE. VIE OPENING DAY OF THE CON- FERENCE AT THE HAGUE. The Hague, June 17,—A drizzling, overcast day ueheeed iii the second peace conference. As on the occasion of the first conference, the Governtuent of hile Netherlands, in order to lay stress on the peaceful character and objects of the conference, specially requested the delegates °ati military aud naval at, teams not to appear in uniform, or wear any insignia of their rank. M. Nelidoff opened the second Inter- national peace conference to -day by af- firming that universal peace and disarm- ament were unattainable. The deliber- ate utterances of the Russian states- man, although pessimistic to the extent referred to ,were liopeful, and later he said be believed that a better method for the judicial adjustment of disputes was -possible even though all conflicts between nations were no more avoidable than conflicts between individuals., During the course of his address M. Nelidoff greatly pleased the United States delegates by the high tributes which he paid to President Roosevelt and, Andrew C'arnegie, not mentioning any other countries or rulers. 44- *4-+Wele Twenty -Day fast Bellevue, Ill., June 17.—Dr. j. Eats, last night eleSed his six- teenth day of fasting. The doctor says he will fast for four days longer on theory that an occa- sional fast is essential to good health. The only nourishment he has taken is a liberal daily allow- ance of water. Dr. Eats says he will finish the twenty days with- out neglecting his practice. MAY BE A MURDER CONSEQUENT ON ADVICE GIVEN BY A FOOL MAGISTRATE. New York, June 17.—Because of the advice given yesterday by Magistrate Cannorton to a man to "go home, take the star boarder out in the lot and thrash him," Long Island city in hold- ing its ear to the ground. The man was hauled to court by his wife charged with abandonment and ill-treatment, He told a story about a star boarder and when Magistrate Counorton tittnested a tlitashing, he said: eatat, lie's bigger titan I am." "Take a (Aube then, and come baek and let me know how you mete out." The man left the court With tire in 105 eye, WAS ALMOST SMOTHERED, 'Texas Man Found Unconscious in Hotel at Guelph. Guelph, Out,, despatch; In his room at the Royal Hotel; at 7.43 this morn, leg, W. A, Melmod, who registered front Texas, was found by a domestic lying in Iris bed unconecions, with the window closed end the gas on full. He was almost asphyxiated, A doetor was called and the victim recovered sufficient- ly to be moved to the 'General Ilospitel et noon to -day. Meteori had been ill the night before, and, in his hurry to get to bed. was care- less about the gas. That is the explana- lion he gave when be recovered manta ently to speak 'of it. GOT LIFE4 TUG ED. KELLY, OF BOSTON, NIL D A MAN. Rochester, N. Y., June 17.. Rig Ed, Nene% of Boston, who en haterday was ernivieted of second degree murata for the hi tune of Ifelwaal Pullman, of titotioN 144:; It. day sent eneed to Auburut prison Jot' the rest of his life by :Insilco lintit- oriand in Supreme Court. TO tURB LOADS' POWERS. The British GoVernment Publishea Test of Resolution. London, 'Tune 17,- "rho thwernment laS issued the text of its resolution dealing with the Melee of lauele, whittle annonneed, Prime Ministev ttriaplall-Bannettnau tjht move in the Mouse of tit:lumens oti June at It eve: allat in settler to give efieet to the will of the peoptt, as e\ pressed by their 4„),-00,1 riwesentittiVeil, it ti a:watery (het titit potter of the sillier thailie to aaar rejeet Lille paseal fiti:; Chtall.1 be Pit la, Lew ea to teem', that within the lend mete latthement the final revise% of the llonsc oftVrarnota shall pttsail," sf I P. KENNEDY. ta.u., m.e.P.no J. woo* af the Bri_tiab aisroelacsail COLO MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. sinordal attaatiotilagla to placoues at wool. annex loco t4 0"i 11001/40. DR. ROBT, C, REDMOND U'&'RAr. nc...) n.. 0.0. P. go,44 Physician and Surgeon. IDOloa with Dr. mishear°, VANSTONE DARRISTER AND soucnve Atone/. to loan at lowest/mite& Oelk* SICA.VER. BLOM, 7-05. WINVIIA111. DICKINSON & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, els. office 2 Moyer Block Winglioico. B. L. Diettinsen Dada *abate J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND soup -rot MONEY TO LOAN. Wilco :—Mortoo Block. Mato* f's W ELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. nstablistied Hood Wilco 01/2X -PE, 0111. Risks taken On all classes ot hauramblis se* party on the ossh or premium sot. aystere. ressan Oor.nrs, otos. Dkness011. President. itoccrellosro. JOHN RITCHIE, &GENT, wflealnitaalt oars IvV wiaasseemaises - ees e Write for our interesting books" InvkAt.: or's Help" aud "flow you are spitifilied.” send us a rough sketch or model diyitu' ention orlinprovement and wewilttel free our opinio,n SS to whether it ISIIO patenlable. Rejected sppUcat1onarcitiftmI been successfullyprosecuted by us. e conduct. folly equipped &frees In Maul I and Washington; this qualifies us to ly dispatch work and quickly scute as bro Id as the invention. Jitghestreferences furniqhed. Patent4 precut -ed through Merlon & Ma- rion rective special uotIce with/nit charge' in over moo newspapers distributed throdgbobt the Dr minion. Specialty :—Patent business of Manufac- turers and 2Ingineers. MARION & MARION' Patent Exports and Solicitors. • , Atlantic eidg Washington D.0 New York Life S'Id'g. floatree3 A CHORISTER PRINCE. Prince Edward of Wales in the Naval College Choir. London, dune 17.—Prince Edward of Wales has made his first appeal:thee as a. singing boy in the Royal Naval Col- lege choir. He went, with the other firetaerm cadets, through the ordeal -of having his voice tried, and emerged; triumph- ant. He has, indeed, a steeling voice which is far above the average, and he is not a little proud that he hair been coneiderea worthy to be a char - Wen. When the Prince of Wales took his son to the college he esked that be le might be tried for the choir, but stipu- hated expressly that me favor should be showed to him, and that hie test shout' be the same as that of any other (miler. The Prince, however, Was not ant liar* that his son would be euceeee• fel, "UNWRITTEN LAW" FOR HER. Woman, Sentenced for Murder, Peadened bo Southern Governor, Jaekeon, Mies., Stem 17.--Holaing that Lb.' unwritten law was made to apply to. both hien and woutt-U, CoVerner Vara - Man has tamouneed that, he will aver - throw the &tisane of the Supreme Court end pardon Mrs. Angie Birasoug, who was sentenced to five years in the pent- tettiary for killing Dr. Thomas IL But- ler, her family plawielan anti tounsel- lor, beeause Dr. Butkr had boasted of his relations with Mrs. Lirdeages. The dovernor has granted a respite of thirty days, when a formal petition tar e_ clemency mill be presented and granted. In the meantime .lidra. Birdsong remains at her home, in ileplah County, with practleally no eurvitillauree Chimp, aune 17.--A dynamite expio- .mon, whiele oeourred nesterday, partially wrecked Csalmo Bruscateaa flat tending, tit Milton avenue, ana preach terror throughout that mation of "Little Italy." Forty-five It.,rsolts Woro nskep in (Ito apartment at that time, but ail esrapea injury, Tlw outrage is /Sid to the "Illaele Vane in farther:me of 4 plot to tAturt money front DrUsOte. The explietioa Ina& a fearful imiere ana people tame relining, front ali tione, while the friglateLvA rezillaUts nV the teal:Hoer jumpita out of trintiowt in their franti., s,manable for Q.aftely. .1. largo 'hire for yowdor ‘,41,1 fouto in the rear of the lealairaz, met a. maa was tenet reninine frees three itarealliereb. after see awn, lie wee dinenee oii.b iiira itt weemal pedal:et a, lin rIliac aerieel. Mat ise tin-` lo,t Cl a rereividi Ity I/rus- set.), rinea ealteawn levee tereeded hatao volt tehdit. late, pt tar en lima v,11„Au 4 Otauc.:a., 515,4 edit ow, that Va., maq I !`-'1141:;‘,' Vnutwatete. hast hi,raeseointea t•cmroSsiionet of the VOL ott, l'a sident ef Iii,. WSIt ad:Moe sl "a. wee Mee is bora meseat the diffienity with - kit mewed.