The Wingham Advance, 1907-06-06, Page 7PLEASURE YACHT LOST;
Engine Gave Out, Leaving Little Boat at the Mercy
of Raging Waters.
New 'York, June 3.--Vour men lost
their lives and the fifth suffered an
experience such as few men have lived
through in the wreek of the sloop
Belle, of Brooklyn, off Norwa Come,
in the gale of yesterday, Edwards Auth,
of Saratoga avenue, Brooklyn, joint
owner of the vessel, with his 'brother
Jacob, saw their four companions, in
eluding his brother and his brothel -Un -
lame slip one by one front the bottom
of the overturned sloop, and with a
word of farewell sink below the turbm
lent waves never to appear again.
Himself lashed to the stern of the
wrecked yacht with a short rope, Auth
became unconecious from exposure and
Sank back to meet the fate of the
others, Like a lifeless body the crepe
held him floating on teet surface with
his face just out of tne water, and
hours later, almost as a corpse, he was
picked up by the tug Wyoming and
talon to New Haven. It was not un-
til Auth gave a slight sign that a
flickering spark of life remained in
him when he was taken into the
warmth of the tug's engine room, and
the administration of powerful stimu-
lants he was kept alive until the
boat won its race -with death to the
harbor and he was sent to a hospital.
In barely audible gasps Milt told
of the wreck of the Belle and of thee
fate of his eompanione and then again
lapsed into 'income:Mastless and Was
hovering on the boundary line between
himself and his companions in the wreck
at midnight.
&ward. Anth, his brother Jacob, his
brother-in-law, August Jaeger, George
(Ilassen and Otto Pfleger were the crew
of the sloop.
The sloop was 25 feet long and had a
five hem -power motor auxiliary 'en-
gine, She left Brooklyn Thursday for
a cruise. The men promised to be
home last night. There was a heavy
sea off Norwalk, but the engine held the
boat to her -course.
Suddenly the engine failed, and the
Belle was completely at the mercy 'of
the wind and wave. Edward Auth
realized the danger, and with the boat
rolling heavily, worked desperately
with all the skill at his command to
repair the crippled engine, and while
he was bending to his task a high wave
caught the Belle and threw her a com-
plete backward somersault, and the five
men were thrown into the cold water of
the Sound.
Assisting one another they all manag-
ed. to reach the overturned boat, but
were washed off, all but Auth, who
managed to catch hold of a line, which
saved him, Saeger leaves a widow and
two small children.
Barrels of Glucose That Burned Like OB-
I heatrical Scenery Destroyed.
New York, June 3. -The fire on the
steamer Oceanic, which was discovered
in the steerage shortly after 1 o'clock
this morning, was not brought under
control for two hours. The crew was
called to quarters and did what it could
to extinguish the flames, but when
they spread to the cargo, outside aid
had to be called. In the after hold
were 1,870 barrels of glucose, which
burned like oil, and that part of the
cargo was aflame. It was below the
water, and there was nothing- spectacu-
lar about the blaze. The crew closed
the after compartment, and then the;
firtmen drowned out the flames.
All the bedding and other perishable
fittings of the steerage were destroyed,
in addition to a quantity of freight..
Among the cargo was some theatrical
scenery belonging to Forbes Robertson,
who recently left for England after a
successful season in America, and this
is said to have been burned or damaged.
The origin of the fire is unknown,
but the suspicion was prevalent to -day
that it was the result of incendiarism.
The loss will reach several thousand
dollars. It was stated that the sailing
of flu: steamer Wednesday will not be
Great Rush for New Quarter Sections at
Yorkton and Prince Albert -Many
Yorkton, Sask., June 2. -In a pour-
ing rain, hundreds of seeker e after
Doukhobor lands waited out all night
previous to the opening of the Domin-
ion Lands Office here. yesterday. Sev-
eral of them having remained standing
all the time. lire's fully armed police-
men kept the crowd in order. When the
doors were thrown open the crowd was
admitted in detachments of twenty, and
the were closed until they were served,
when a second number was admitted to
be served in turn. There were only
twenty-eight vacant quarter sections in
the township, and there were many dis-
appointed ones in the crowd, many of
them having travelled hundreds of miles
in the hope of securing a homestead.
One woman, Mrs. John Ferguson, stood
by the door nearly all night, and when
noticed was allowed to go home by the
officials and given third place on her
return. The men who stood out were
pretty well fagged and in an exhausted
condition. One of the successful ones
was offered two thousand dollars for
his holding, but refused, saying he
thought it was worth twice as much. A
-number of boys threw firecrackers into
the crowd, and were later arrested by
the mounted police. The same scenes
will take place -Monday and Tuesday
mornings, and continue until the lands
are all taken.
The rush for the open quarters in
the Doukhobor lands in Township 99,
range 7, closed at Prince Albert yester-
day morning. The crowd was out all
night in the rain. In the morning the
man in the centre of the four on the
top step had sold out during the night
to Adams for e50. Adams got second
About 8.20 this morning Contractor
Frank Spare catne along with a bag of
aprles and scattered them among the
hungry men. A mounted police consta-
ble stood guard all night, and when
about 8 o'clock six or seven Italiane
came along and made a determined
break on the crowd at the door, the
constable interfered. A barricade was
4, built inside, and only five were allow-
ed in.
- --
Nuns Feared the Sacred Relic Would Be
Profaned by Anti-Catholic Crusade
in France -Many Valuable Works Of
Art Have Been Sent to Italy.
Paris, June 2. -From, Belgium has
come the announcement that the body
of St. Vincent de Paul has been se-
cretly taken from this city to the con-
vent of the nuns belonging to the order
founded by him at Atom, near Liege. It
mete that the members of the order
fearki that the present anti-Catholic
crusade in France would result in the
profanation of the sacred relic, so sev-
eral months ago the remains of the
saint and the magnificent silver casket
in which they were closed were -se-
cretly shipped to Belgium.
An investigation has been opened by
the French Government in order to see
to what extent valuable relies and works
-el art have been exported front France
since the separation law was proposed.
It is already known in official French
circles that many of the treasures of
art continued in the French churches
have been shipped to Italy, in some
cases fac-similes of the articles being
substituted in order to avoid any em-
barrassment caused by the inventories
ordered by the Government.
Becker, being questioned, admitted that
he knew Gialtam, and declared that the
latter was the murderer.
"Ile killed the Staffeldt girl," said
Becker. "Graham stabbed. her to death
after I had knocked her down with a
When Graluen was subsequently told
that Becker had confessed the murder,
he admitted having witnessed the crime,
and said:
"I don't want to go to the electric
chair. I did not kill that •girl. I saw
Becker knock her down. Then I hid be.
Ii hid it tree, while he 'slabbed her with
a knife. We went to a pump and wash-
ed our hands. But I never killed that
little gist; be did it. After we went to
that pump we separated, and I did not
see the fellow again until a few minutes
ago -here in jail."
The police are convinced. that Becker
and Graham are. the two men seen by
Mrs. Wily Simonson washing blood from
their hands on the afternoon the little
girl was slain.
Graham was arraigned on the charge
of assaulting the Luck child, and was
held for the Grand .Tury. The prisoner
said lw had been attracted by the beauty
of the little child, and intended only to
kiss her.
Each Charges the Other With the Actual
Crime, But Both Will Be Tried fon
It -Horrible Brutality of the Deed.
Ne. W York, .Thee 3. -Two prisoners
in the jail at Lo ig Island City yester-
day denounced, each the other, as tho
murderer of fifteen -year-old Amelia
Staffeldt, who was assaulted and stale
bed to death while gathering dandelions
near her father's farm in Elmhurst lest
week. The men were Henry Becker, who
twice confessed to the crime, and sebse-
quently repudiated hie confessions, and
Leon Graham, who was nrteeted pee't.
day within a mile of the seem, of the
murder, for attempted assault upon f ive-
year-old Mamie Luck, of Corona. The
police are not satisfied that Becker is
mentally responsible, het believe he was
concerned with the murder, with which
they have also sought to -connect Gra-
ham. In the hope that the two men
might recognize vault other, they were
brought together in the corridor of the
jail. Neither, however, made any sign hi p.n. fuel euemy, the gout. las
that he knew the other. 1 he prieoners mit suffi-red end he attributes hi;
were then placed in separate cella, and emslition 'entirely to Ilia diet.
Boise, Idaho, June 3. -Carl Duncan,
who was arrested on Tuesday as a suspi-
cious character, at the instance of a
socialistic writer in attendance at the
New York, June 3. -Mrs. Katharine
Haywood trial, yesterday was sentenced
pleaded Killeran, wife of James Knievel', a fore -
to sixty days in jail on a charge of car-
rying concealed weapons. He man of laborers in the McAdoo tunnel,
not guilty, declined an attorney and con-
ducted his own defence. The evidence
showed that he carried a revolver and
a dagger in his satchel.
Duncan's defence was that he came
to Boise expecting to work on a ranch
as a cattleman, and it was customary
to carry weapons. Many threatening let-
ters have been received by the Mayor
since Duncan's arrest. Not much atten-
tion is paid. to them, however, and
none -of the socialists in Boise appeared
in court to espouse Duncan's cause. All
of them say that he has no connection
with the socialistic MORO, although it is
kn-own that he has at different times
been connected with a number of organ-
Chief's Son Particularly Anxious to
Make a Meal of Him -Human Flesh
Offered for Sale in Open Market in
the Camerons.
Three Lives Lost
Newark, J. June 3. -Three
lives were lost and thousands of
dollars' damage was done in a fire
which started early this morning
in Newark TUrnverein, Hall in Wil-
liam street.
The known dead are; Joseph
Hoenecke, janitor of the Turn-
verein Hall, burned to death in his
apartments; Mrs, Joseph Hoe-
necice, wife of the janitor, over-
come by smoke and burned to
death; a child of the janitor, over-
come by smoke and burned to
The flames, fanned by a strong
northeast wind, spread with great
rapidity, and for 4 time a con-
flagration of serious proportions
was threatened. Eight families
occupied the floors above Turn
Hall, and the policemen were kept
busy resenting women and chil-
. .
London, June Harry Storey, of
London, Ont., who drives the wagon of
the London Advertiser, bears the unique
distinction of being the father of Man May Have Been Thrust
triplets, which were presented to hint by
Mrs. Storey on Tuesday night. Of the a Murderer,
interesting little trio, two are girls And .
one a boy, and all of them are doing , department is confronted by
; Cincinnati, Ohio, June 3. -The police
nicely. the horrify -
Mr. Storey is the father of four other icy an
Inoowf rittatnerrnioblivY'elyhtli'greadtbotdity0
children as well, the oldest of which is
six years of age. They are all of a county morgue, where it was taken this
robust build. I morning from the boiler -room of the
The new babies are all three of them ; 1,
.yan soap factory, at Colerain avenue
of a good size and not of smaller build ;
than the average baby. Their advent and Straight street,
was happily hailed by 'both mother and
father, and when one of the little
brothers heard of it, he simply went into
eestacies of delight,
In the neighborhood where Mr. Storey
lives he is the centre of admiring eyes.
Congratulations have been showered upon
bbn, but his modesty in disclaiming the
honor or distinction is acute, He would
rather have the matte z hushed up for
,,....++++++++++++++++++++41-++ some time itt least, as he does not want
his new charges regarded in the light of
a curiosity.
0- 0
Discovered With Half a Dozen Wounds
in Her Body -Husband Denies All
Knowledge of the Crime -Neighbors
Say They Heard Them Quarrelling
Last Night.
Amoy, China, June 3. -Although the
rebels were recently defeated, with the
lass of six hundred men, the government
troops did not succeed in dispersing
them, and they are rapidly recruiting
their forces end threatening to stem&
Chang Chow, 24 miles from 4ese, and
one of the largest cities in Ohina, having
a population of about one million per:
einem, aecording to local authorities.
The 'United States gunboat Helena is
here, and Amoy is in no (Limy r of at-
Joseph Storry, of Grandview,
Wounded in Throat.
Grandview, Man., June 3.- Joseph
Storry, farmer, residing near Meharry
Siding, returned home unexpectedly after
breakfast, found a burglar in possession
of various household goods, pecked up
ready for removal. The thief said: "I
suppose I'm in for it," to which Storry
replied, "I guess you're in for it."
"Then you're in for it, too," rejoined the
burglar, seizing his rifle and shooting
Storry through the throat. He then
fired three other shots, none of which
took effect. Starry is yet alive, and Police
Constable Diamond is in pursuit of the
criminal. The victim is a brother of
Chris. Storry, forethan of the C. N. R.,
and nephew of Councillor Joe Stony.
Berlin, June 3. -The Cologne Ga-
zette publishes an extraordinary account
of cannibal practices in. the southern
Cameroons, on the authority of a Ger-
man trader.
According to this correspondent. who
visited Neana, chief of the Maka tribe,
at the end of December, 1905, the elaka
people not only eat their prisoners of
war, ite do all the tribes inhabiting the
southern region of the protectorate, but
consume as food the flesh of their own
people who are condemned to death
for crimes, lie was present when a
man was killed because his wife died
in child-bitele and had to witness a
feast held next day, when the remains
of the unfortunate man were eaten. Ile
himself escaped it similar fate with
difficulty, for Neana's son considered
him particularly appetizing,
The Government caravan was after-
wards compelled to fight its way
through the Maak territory, and this
tribe killed all the black dealers and
beavers they came across in a short
space of lions, eating upwards of a hun-
dred of them.
in the further course of his Devote
the cot reepontleut discovered that can-
nibelism is carried. to such an extent
ley the Make tribe that Immune flesh.
e -aa offered for sale in the public mar-
was found dead in her home in the
'Ilene to -day with half 4 dozen knife
wounds in her body. Her husband, from
whom she had been living apart, but
wile had called on her last night, has
beia arrested. Peter Henry, a neigh-
bor, who was with the husband when
In was found, is held as a witness.
Killoran denies all knowledge of the
crime. He declares that he and his wife
retired about 1 o'clock this morning,
and that when he awoke a few Lours
la ter Mrs. Killoran was not in bed: Ile
got up and found her dead and covered
with blood on the kiteheen floor. Then
he went for :Henry to tell him of the
tragedy, and be declares he was on his
way to the police station to report Mrs.
Killoran's death when lie was arrested.
Several occupants of the house where
the leilloran's lived told the melee they
heard the couple querrelling last night.
• *-4
Mother of Town Treasurer of St. Mary's
Meets Tragic Death.
Stratford, Ont., despatch Word was
received here this afternoon that Mrs.
Long, of St. Mary's, mother of Mr. E.
Long, Town Treasurer, had met with a
tragic death by drowning in a well.
This morning she mysteriously clis.ap-
peered from her home, and upon a
search being instituted •by (Thief Young
she was found dead in the cistern at
the rear of the house. The old lady's
shawl and spectacles were found near
It is supposed that she was dipping
or reaching for water and fell in. The
water in the cistern was about five feet
Mrs. Long was about 75 or 80 years
old, and was well known and highly
respected by the citizens of St. Mary's.
Congratulates Man Who Called Campbell
a Silly Blasphemer.
London, Jiine 3, According to the
Catholic leraid the Archbishop of
tilmgoiv, ult.) is in Rome, brought
the titivation of the Pope the de -
The Federal Conference on Education
Makes Suggestions.
London, June 2. -The official report
of the private meetings of the Federal
Conference on Education shows, with
reference to the interchenge of teach-
ers and inspectors, that the conference
resolved that it was desirable that fin-
ancial and administrative arrangements
should be made for such a purpose. The
conference expressed the opinion that
quadrennial conferences were. desirable,
representatives to be selected by the
Government; also that the first of tb see
eonferemees should be convente by
the Imperial Clovernment.
'It was also meminumely ngreed that it
permanent central bureau of education
Was O. matter of greet importance. The
conference plaeed on reeord its bight ap-
preciation of the work of the League
of Empire in stimulating educational ne-
tivity. It is understood the Imperial Gov-
ernment will arrange for an official edu-
cation conference in 1911.
• m •
It Contained Enough Poison to Kill a
Hundred Men.
Winnipek, June 2. -Phosphorus in a
firecracker caused the death of a little
lad named Ernest Latimer this after-
noon. The child was playing around
home and picked up the cracker and put
it in his mouth. A few minutes after-
wards lie was seized with convulsions,
and the doctors were at a los sto under-
stand the ease. The post-mortem re-
vealed the fact that he had -been poi-
soned by phosphorus.
The firecracker Was suggested as the
source, and the doctors analyzed the one
the child he dsucked, making tre start-
ling discovery that it contained. enough
poison to kill a hundred people.
4$ •
Close Season Established by Order -in -
Council for Victoria County.
Toronto, June 3. -In accordance with
the suggestion of tt deputation from
Victoria County, which waited on the
Government some time ago, a close sea-
son will be established for frogs. An
order -in -council has been passed wittier
the tennis of the Game and Fisheries
Act, enacting that "no friers shall be
Wien or destroyed du
reig 'Le months
of May and June in each year in the
County of Victoria."
A Twelve -Year -Old Boy Drowned at
Nineardine Despateh.-- A sad accident
oteurred here about tmon toelay, when
Thomas Leithead, a boy twelve years of
age, son of Mr. Thos. Leithead, South
side, lost his life by drowning. Ill corn-
pany with somm, other boys he had, volt-
tured to round. the south pier on a raft,
when owing to gust of wind the raft
Was Protecting Mother
New York, June 2.-1n protecting his
mother, Antimony ruseilo, a 19 -year-old
lad, shot and killed hie father, john
needle, a laborer. The boy was ar-
rested and told the pane that his father
came home yesterday in an irresponsible
condition to -day and threatened the mo-
ther with a revolver.
He declared he grappled with the
elder man, wrestled the pistol away, -and
that his father then started for him
with a knife. Then he pointed the
loaded gun at his father's head and
Against His
Col. Wortley Placed Body With His Own
Arms in the Coffin,
London, June 2. --Ever since the
tragic death in Paris of Gen. Sir Hector
MacDonald rumors from time to time
have been beard that he was still alive.
People declared that they had seen him,
while others pointed out that no inquest
had been held, and that nobody who
had known -him had ever seen his body.
These rumors received an impetus after
the recent erection of a memorial to hint
in Scotland, causing great distress to his
Col. Stuart Wortley, an old
friend of Gen. MacDonald's, who was
military attache Paris in 1903, has
written to say, "I place the body with
my own arms in the coffin. I was pre-
sent while the coffin was being closed
previous to its removal to the English
4 • 4,
Young Man in Montreal House Rescued
by Fellow -Boarders.
Montreal, June 2. -An exciting res-
cue from a burning house took place
this morning, when 3, Byrne, a cham-
pion runner from Kilkenny, Ireland,
and a member of the Y. M. C. A. liar -
viers, rescued L. Jones from a ter-
rible death by fire. Jones is DOW in
the General Hospital terribly burned.
Jones, who is a foreman on the
docks of the Allan Line, comes from
Cape Vove, Gaspe. Byrne, who was
in an adjoining room, heard a noise and
broke into Jones' bedroom. He found
him with his head against the door,
uneonsclions, surrounded, by biplailkr
bed clothes, and the whole room in a
blaze. Ills though he had aceident
ally overturned a lamp.
• -
They Were Overcome by Gas in a Well
at Cupar, Sask.
Omar, Sask., June 2. -Ott Friday
morning Ernest Brockbank and- Edward
Hanson, two men engaged in boring a
well on the farm of A. Beeman, a mile
and a hell south of here, lost their
lives, being smothered by gas. Brock-
bank was suffocated in a heroic attempt
to rescue his associates. The relatives
of the deceased have been notified, and
tin' remains aro lying embalmed at the
undertaker'a rooms, awaiting instrue-
New York, June 3. -After James Brad-
ley bad identified James Pigeida as the
man who shot him inflicting a wound
from which Bradley may die the two
men embraced and kissed each other in
t Brooklyn Hospital to -day. The shoot-
ing occurleft at a picnic in Brooklyn last
night following a quarrel over a girl.
The police were astonished to see the
two greet. oath other as old time friends
and declare that they regretted the quar-
rel, while riguida made anxious inquir-
Les as to whether his friend would le -
Bradley is a teamster and Piguida a
Cleveland, 0., June 3. -About 2,000
nmehinists employee in shops where the
employeee had refused to grallt tile tin'
ion demand for a nine hoer day went Oil
et mike here this morning. AN:wiling me
1 le I throwthe the boy In- ,, ,,,,, , ,
nenciation of the levw 'I beelogy and, tamddenly .ure-..s , e • .- ume owelame of the. Maelminiets' mumble
hel, pastor of the City Temple L011(1011, able to assiet him, and the raft drifted ten per emit. ill Wages, has been gr.Lit-
liv Canon Mackintosh, in wl'iieh the weekly away. !the body has not yet ea by twenty-six euneernos in Cleveland.
The men have heretofore worked ten
C:11001 referred te Calllpbell as "a silly il Well recovered.
- - • ***, -
1 ltephemer." hours.
The Pope direeted that his eougratela- Woman Died of Exposure.
tion3 Amnia be conveyed to Canon Selkirk, Man., Juno. 2.----A search party Pour Negroes Drowned.
Maekinlaili. Wind the body of Mrs. W. 'Chambers, Spartansherg, 14. (t, Jue,3 2. .....,.
Am -ailing it) rm news egelleY's 111'1' who wandered away front her home at Four negmes were theiwned in the Ty-
pe tell from Rome the Pope adopted *veg.. Oak Ilannuovk, yeeterdity. She had. boon t.:or River, 15 miles south of berm yN-
body letday. when a bridge gave way with
etarianism la January, hoping. to defeat poi,Ning for neatly a week. Tee
was found :ilea n mile anil it half
from the home., and death appears due
to 'exposure.
its apostle, the llev. De, R. J. Ciume to the. lakY• ("111411a1"" w°r° un*Ite nine hour day with an inerease of
4 • t•
That the man was struek down and
Ids body east into the fiery 'furnace,
while the breath of life still remained,
was the theory first taken up by the
police, but the investigations of the
day did not yield the least clue as to
the identity of his assailant or insie
cidents of the suspected crime. To -night
some of the detectives are inclined to
the belief that the unknown eommitted
suicide by crawling head first into the
blazing furnace, improbable as it may
The body was discovered by John
McDermot, the engineer at the soap
factory. He told the police that he
left the furnace -room about 0.23 a. in.
and. went into the engine -room ad-
joining to blow the first whistle for the
factory hauls, and returned to the
furnace after -he had blown the second
at 0.30. Iie Was horrified to find a
pair of human feet protruding front
The Two Associated in a Letter to a
London Paper.
London, June 2. -The latest contri-
bution to the perennial discussion of
the value of oatmeal as an article of
human diet takes the form of a ques-
tion directed to the editor of the seiem
tific notes in a London paper.
"How do you explain," the question-
er asks, "why for generations the rick-
ets were more prevalent in Scotland
than in any other part ief the Empire,
notwithstanding that quantities of oat-
meal were coneumed by the Scotch peo-
The editor has not yet explained.
I • s
a mule team drawing a wagon otesu-
pied by 14 negtoes, Their bodies have mouth organ in his eell. Tie has served
not been recovered, a' term already for larceny.
Into the Fire bY
Lime open furnace door, and relee4 an
outcry that brought 8Irerman ()ora&
this, Joseph Wolf, and Frank Wagner,
fellow -workmen, to his aid-,
As quickly as possible the body Was
armee from the fire by the aid of
tongs and -hooka, but it had been
burned beyond all hope of identification.
Coroner Cameron found- that the dead
man's skull was fractured, but it is
thought this was done when the body
was pulled from the fire and permitted
to fall on the concrete floor.
McDermott, the engineer, was closely
questioned several times, during the day,
but was not detain -ed.
An unknown man was seen walking
toward the soap factory a short time
before the discovery of the body. The
stranger carried his coat over his arm.
The coat was the only garment re-
covered, as it was lying on the floor
and badly torn, as if the owner bad
been in a violent struggle. The fac-
tory employees who had access to the
furnace -room are -above suspicion an:lithe
police are puzzled by the mystery. No
strangers were seen about.
The theory of suicide is not gener-
ally accepted, because of the improb-
bility of the victim creeping through
t small furnace door Ito a fierce coal
fire raging at 3,000 degeees Fahren-
Her Lover Committed Suicide -She Wanted to
Have a Good Time First.
• Chicago, June 3. -Despondent because
his sweetheart refused to marry him
immediately, because, as she stated, she
wished to "have a good time" before as-
suming the bonds of matrimony, Law-
rence Hanson yesterday killed himself
in his room at 765 West North avenue.
Hanson would have been 21 years old
July 3, and. within one week of that
date he had made arrangements to be
married to Miss Ella Anderson, 777
North Maplewood avenue.
He was an orphan and had lived alone
in Chicago for some years. lie had fre-
quently expressed the wish to have a.
hone: of his own, and when he met Miss
Anderson he believed that the desire of
hie heart could soon be realized. All
went well at first and young Hanson
saw nothing in the way of his future
happiness. He was working as a black-
smith's helper and had. saved $100 as a
nucleus toward the establishment of a
nest for his intended bride.
On Wednesday night the blow came,
Miss Anderson then declaring to Hanson
that she would not consent to marry
until she was 21 years old, which would
be about one year from now. Driven to
despair by this refusal. Hanson went to
his room and shot himself with a re-
The night before his act of self -do-
t • n Hanson displayed to his land -
New Orleans, June 3. -The sentence of
the Savannah court in the Gaynor and
Greene case, involving over a million of
dollars fraud in Government work in the
Savannah harbor, was affirmed in an
opinion handed down by the United
States Circuit Court of Appeals to -day.
The sentence is four years' imprison-
ment (melt and a fine aggregating $575,-
milady, Mrs. G. A. Hertele, a roll of bills,
end proudly boasted that he and Miss
Anderson would soon have a home of
their own.
"1 ant *(ming to be married next week,"
les told Mrs. Hertel°, "and then my
life's wish to have a home of my own
will be realized. See, here is the money •
1 have saved up to buy furniture. I am
going to give the money to Ella and she
will buy the things that we need, to start
ltousekeeping on."
Hanson then started for the home of
his sweetheart, only a short distance
away. Late in the evening he returned,
dejected and melancholy, and stated to
Mrs. Hertele that his sweetheart had
"turned him down" in obedienea to the
wish of her parents that she should not
Ite married so young. Mrs. Hprtiele
thought nothing of the matter, believing
it to be only a lovers' quarrel, o.nd
young Hanson went to his room, where
his dead body was found. in the morning.
Miss Anderson at her home last night
admitted that she had been engaged to
be married. to Hanson, and deplored his
suicide, but without any excess of sighs
or tears. "Why, this being married,"
said Miss Anderson. "is like being tied
up like a dog. I want a good time and
I dou't see why I should get married
now. Anyway, my parents do not want
me to be married so young."
-• . •
4 *
Lindsay, Ont., June 3. --The Kennedy
and Davis sawmill, one of Lindsay's lead-
ing industries, Was bullied this morning
at one o'elock. Over fifty inen are out
of work as a result of the fire. '1711e
cense of the fire is unknown.
St. Catharines fire broke out
in the residence of Mr, J, Itykert X.
. Ontario, at one o'clock tide morning.
which did n,bnet eep thousand dollar's
damage to the building elei furnitare.
Loss covered by 111POr4ullee.
rtelinm, mont,„ June. 3.- Chace Both-
well, expert for the Westinghouse Coe
went inside of a transformer at the
power plant of the Helena. Power Trans-
mission teenpitey at take Harem yes -
(outlay and Wila Imiuttl neeonseions. Ile
died a few minetos later . lie had `Mlle
ill 0011taet with a live Wine. Ills 1011110
was at Niagara Falls N. Y.
Stormy May Die.
Tlamphin, Man., Anne Storrey,
who was shot by J. Winn, who was rob-
bing the farmer's premises, is in a very
tritical condition, and will not likely re-
eover. Winn is nonehalent and plays a
Danish Tragedy
Copenhagen, Denmark, June 3.-
Cerdia Krum Nathansen, the cele-
brated Danish actress, was shot
and mortally wounded by her hus-
band yesterday at the Hotel Aal-
berg, Jutland. The husband, after
shooting his wife, immediately
committed suicide. Jealousy was
the cause of the tragedy.
An Organizing Secretary -Reports Pre-
sented at Annual Meeting of Wo-
men's Congregational Mission Board.
Ottawa despatch: The Women's Mis-
sion Board of the Congregational
Church to -day elected the following
officers: lion, President, Mrs. .11cCal.
lum, Kingston; President, Mrs. Moodie,
Montreal; Vice -President at large, Mrs.
Wilkes, Bramtford; Vice -President (ex-
offci), the presidents of branches;
Secretary, Mre H. W. Barker, Toronto;
Treasurer, Mies Thompson, Toronto.
The reports of the superintendents
were presented. Mrs. McCallum re-
ported that she 11 -ad mitten to Bar-
rie, Cobaurg, Georgetown, Victoria and
Bowmanville, asking them to organize
auxiliaries, but so far no result had
been reported. It was thought a tin-
veling organizing secretary should be
appointed to further this part of the
Mrs. Edwards -C -ole denounced the
present habit of having rummage sales.
pink teas, donkey -parties, etc., for rais-
ing money for church work. Miss Sit
cox, of Toronto, superintendent of lit -
mature. gave it report of her branch.
in which she said that 'leech had yet
to be learned by the auxiliaries in order-
ing end receiving missionary leaflets
end books.
The rliisionary reading report was
read by Mho; Sibsox for .Mrs. Iinsworth.
The Northern Chitral, Toronto, is the
banner braneh. Pm -ogress Was rellOrted
in interest in all the auxiliaries in mis-
eionary intelligence.
The delegates were treated to a ear
drive this afternoon by their Ottawa
hosteeses, after whielt tea Was Serred
in the leeture room of the First Congre-
ma Donal elm&
Roosevelt Neither a Democrat Nor a Re-
publican -The Two Cent Rate Gov-
ernment Ownership Not an Immedi-
ate Issue.
Richmond, Va., June 3. -Wan. J. Bryan
last night declared that the matter of
stetion should no longer be a bar to a
man's nomination for the presidency by
the Democratic party. He explained
why he could not regard President
Roosevelt as it Democrat and said that
under certain conditions he proba.bly
would be a candidate for the nomina-
tion; that is, if the party demanded it
and if he considered rt for the good of
the party,
"No man's ambition should be comm'
sidered on any other condition," he ad-
ded. Mr. Bryan declared that President
Roosevelt WelS neither wholly a Dente-
crat nor wholly a Republican. "He is not
consistently Democintic nor consistently
Republican," he declared. Once the .net -
ter of a "two cent rate," Mr. Bryan
was outspoken declaring that he was
the. first to advance the idea that inter -
State rates ehould notle more than the
total of the VariOUS state rates.
As to Government ownership- lie said
ei his opinion it would find an ultimate
solution in the railways being owned by
the Government, but he added that it
was not an immediate issue.
Rochester, N. V., June 3. -Two men
were killed in a freight wreck on the
Western New York & Pennsylvania, Rail-
road early I 0 -day At fieVerallee, ;WWII
rata from Roehester. The dead Orel
Lewis Allan, Olean engineer, and Wit-
liam Brown. Rochester, brakeman.
A freight train which left Rochester at
7 o'clock this morning jumped the track
at a poiet two mile -S- north of Seotsville.
Three ears wt re derailed and others pit-
cil ep blocking the traeks.
The most mieleeding aunt: :About effect to -they pmeheally every cotton
44- -
many a statesman is the prefix lion. mill in northern New England.
• •••
New York, June 1. -Two of the three
Armenians who are wanted in comiece
lion with the murder of Father Kasper
have left the United States, according
to Captain MeCafferty, of the detective
bureau. lie learned yesterday that
John Moridian lind Paul Sarkisian had
been seen in a Canadian town, where
they have been since last Saturday, two
days after the murder is supposed to
have been done. The body was found 111
it Ilellse in West 37th street, on lase
Sunday. The two men raentioned hired
the room iu \Odell the priest's body was
found in ti trunk. Two men have been
detailed from the detective bureau to
go to the Canadian city, ,and Captain
McCafferty expects to hear to -day that
the Armenians have been arrested.
Gibraltar, June 3. --The U. S. cruiaera
Denver and Cit vetoed, which are on their
way to the fat east to join the seeoad
division of the American Pacific fleet
in those waters, arrived, here to -day and
reported having eighted teat icebergs,
May 211, in latitude 41 and longtitude
52. The icebergs covered about six miles
of water.
Boston, June 3. -An abate() In
wages averaging five per cent, went into