The Wingham Advance, 1907-06-06, Page 5The Blue Front Store
Facts Are Facts.
Weather Conditions We Can't Control, But
Prices We Can
Men's $8.00 Suits this week for $6.50
We don't say these are $12,00 or $15.00 Suits,
but represent them as just what they actually
are. Dark Tweed Checks, made up with good
style and first-class linings. Extra value at $6.50,
Straw Hats.
We hope to have some warm weather now,
and everyone will be so pleased with the change,
that they will invest in a new Straw Hat. They
are here in every shape and size, both for Men
and Boys. I f you want a Cammar Straw Hat at
1254 cents, we have it. If you want a genuine
Panama, we have it. Our popular shape is the
Sailor. All prices, from $I,ao to $2.75.
Sommer Underwear.
French Balbriggan and Natural Wool Under-
wear—the two popular makes for Summer wear.
A full range of sizes in stock now.
Soft Shirts in a variety of patterns -75 cts. to
$1.50 Wash Ties in Four-in-hands, Strings,
Ascots and Batwings Tennis Shirts in Cotton
and Flannel ; Bowling Shirts, Athleric Sweaters,
White Duck Trousers, Boys' Shirt Waists, &c.
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
Capital (paid up) - $3,500,000
Reserve (and ;nal- - $4,500,000
Total Assets, over $45,000,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Can-
ada, the United States and Europe.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and
upwards, and added to principal quarterly,
D. T.. HEPBURN, Manager
R. Vanstone, Solicitor
Protection and Safe
are combined in
The Endowment Policies
—OF ---
The Dominion Life.
A sound, well managed
Canadian Life Assurance Company.
Average rate of Interest
earned in 1906-
6.73 PER CENT.
Local Agent — Wingham, Ont.
tiomeseekers' Excursions To
Manitoba, Saskatchewan,
$32.00....Round Trip to Winnipeg
$42.50.... " " Edmonton
Rates to other points in proportion,
Tickets good for GO days.
Second-class fares the same front all
stations in Ontario,
Leave Toronto June I8, July 2, 10, 30,
August 13, 37, September 10, 24,
Summer change of tittle In street June 10,
For tickets and full Information, call on
L. HAROLD, Town Agent.
J. D. McDonald
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
DATES Juno 4 1leave
; Ju Toronto , 80; August
13, 27; 8gpt. 10 and 24. Tickets
good to return within sixty days from going
RATESAre the same from all points in Ontario,
_ ranging from $32.00 round-trip to
mouton. TietWinnipeg all 542.50
nts in the North-westo t.
A limited number of
Tourist Sleeping Cars
will be run on each
excursion, fully equipped with bedding, etc.
smart porter in charge. Berths must be secured
and paid for through local agent at least six days
before excursion leaves.
COLONIST SLEEPERS extra charge for
bsupplying their own bedding, willhbe passengersse
as possible in place of ordinary coaches.
Rates and full information contained in free
Homeseekers' pamphlet. Ask t C.P.R.
agent for a copy, or write to
C. 5. FOSTER. District Pass, Aat., C.P.R., Toronto
I have been appointed by the Do-
minion Government to place Immi-
grants from the United Kingdom in
positions as farm laborers or domestic
servants in this vicinity. Any person
requiring such help should notify me
by letter, stating fully the kind of help
required, when wanted and wages
offered. The number may not be suffi-
cient to supply all requests, but every
effort will be made to provide each
applicant with help required.
Canadian Gov't Employment Agt.
We don't
ask . you to
buy:, We
do .'ask you
to SEE the Tudhope
We will show you just the style
of carriage you want for the road
—for every day use—and for the
family. Tudhopes make them all.
And remember, too, that Tud-
hope Carriages are guaranteed by
the best known makers in. Canada.
J. J. FRYFOGLF, - Wingham
1 Seasonable Goods
Reasonable Prices I
Lawn Mowers, Ladiesand Gentlemen's Lawn Shears,
Screen Doors, Coal Oil Stoves, Gasoline Cook Stoves,
I Poultry Netting, Garden Tools, Hammocks, &c.
We also carry a very large stock of Ready -mixed
Paints in Robertson's, Beaver, and the can't. -be -beat
a Sherwin -William's brand.
JUST .ARRIVED :—A, carload of Hanover Cement
and a consignment of electric -welded made-up Fencing ,
ready to stretch.
Give tis a call if you require anything in the line of Hardware or Tinware,
Iand be convinced that this is the place to get good value for your money.
a Young's Big Hardware I
IMO 0111•1111110 41.1111.1110 0111011.111110 010111111111110 4111811011111111 41)
Sodmin Lime Works.
The undersigned will deliver
lime to purchasers in Winkling
during the season 1907. Place
your orders early. For portion-
lars, apply to
A, Nicholson & Sons,
I elgrave, Out.
Invaluable For Nursing.
With nursing comes an unceasing
strain on the mother's vitality, The
blood is weakened. Nerves are irrit-
able through loss of sleep, Anxiety
and care break down even the strong-
est, Experience teaches that nothing
is more helpful than Ferrozone,
What an appetite it brings i No blood-
former or nerve tonic more potent, nq'
medicine known that so steadily
brings back the health. vigor and
spirit that mothers require. It's be-
cause Ferrozone nourishes, because it
supplies the materials for rebuilding
that it does such permanent good, 50c
per box at all dealers.
.; •
Teeswater sent a representation of
about 120 to Wingham on Victoria
S. E. Green has disposed of his bar-
bering business to Harry McBurney,
Langside, who took possession last
Friday. Mr. Green has gone to Owen
Sound where he engaged as tonsorial
artist on the passenger vessel; Al-
There were only two appeals before
the Court of Revision Monday even-
ing against the work of assessor Don -
achy. One appeal was by J. K. Mc-
Lean and the other by John Skilling,
and both were against the business as-
Owing to the absence of Rev. Mr.
Wilson at the London Conference, the
Methodist and Presbyterian congrega-
tions worshipped together Sunday.
Services were conducted by Rev. D.
Tait in Knox Church in the morning,
and in the Methodist in the evening.
On Thursday, May 23rd, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Forsyth celebrated the
fiftieth anniversary of their wedding
day at their home on Clinton St.
They have ten children, five sons and
five daughters, all living; only six
were able to be present on this oc-
Tenacious Form Of Systematic Catarrh.
Not an easy thing to cure, and a
remedy that makes good deserves the
credit. Catarrhozone cured Charles
Webb, Woodstock, N.B., who writes:
"For a number of years I was trouble
with catarrh. It was a very tenacious
form of the disease and nothing help-
ed. I used. Catarrhozone and got re-
lief. To build up my system I used
Ferrozone. This combination can't be
beaten. They cured me." Your case
may be chronic but Catarrhozone will
drive out catarrh and keep it out.
Two sizes, 25c and $1 at all dealers,
sold under guarantee of satisfaction.
Don't be fooled by Oriental Fancy
Names. Campbell's Varnish Stain is
the original and only satisfactory
colored varnish on the market. No
mystery about it. Just the best varn-
ish and suitable colors. Nothing
equals it for Floors, Furniture and
Woodwork. Mr. Burns sells it.
The dog poisoner is busy in Brussels
and several dogs went to dogdom last
This week Rev. Mr. Wishart went
to Montreal to attend the sessions of
the Presbyterian Assembly.
On Friday, June 7th, at 1.30 p.m.,
the annual meeting of East Huron
Farmers' Institute will be held in the
Council Chamber, Brussels, for the re-
ceiving of Auditors' report, election of
officers, etc.
Blyth Baseball team has been secur-
ed for Dominion Day's program in
Brussels. The musical committee has
engaged the Firth Co., whose appear-
ance here last week gave so much sat-
isfaction, for the concert to be given
on the evening of Dominion Day.
Last Saturday Henry Ball, Wing -
ham, and his son, John J., of Toronto,
were calling on old friends, in this
locality. They were former residents
of this neighborhood, Mr. Ball was
80 years of age on that day. He is a
remarkable man for that time of life.
We hope he may be spared for many
years yet.
J. D. Warwick and his brother, M.
A., who disposed of their sheep in
Southern Idaho, will likely buy some
Iand in the Canadian West. The
former came to his home in Brussels
and will remain until about the mid-
dle.of July. Warwick Bros. had some
2,300 head of sheep for which they re-
ceived a good price. The purchaser
was James Laidlaw, who carne from
Scotland 15 years ago, and after work-
ing around for a time gradually work-
ed into sheep ranching. Although he
is only 37 years of age he has 22,000
sheep and estimated to be worth $150,-
Isard's Big Cut Price Sale,
The Summer trade is now in full swing, and in order to double our business and reduce
our large •stock during the month of June, we're CUTTING PRICES to the quick on just the
lines of goods you are most in need of at this time of year, This is a money -saving oppor-
tunity for you, Read every line of the following CDT PRICES,
broidered Waist Lengths, regu-
lar value $2.50 to $3.00—
Cut Sale Price $2.00
SKIRTS.—White Cambric Under-
skirts, nicely made, regu-
lar $1.25—Sale Price $1,00
TOWELING.—Linen Crash Towel-
ing, regular 10c—Cut Sale
Price $C
CARPET.—One piece Union Car-
pet, yard wide, regular 35c
value—Cut Price 25C
LUSTRES.-Fancy Silk Spot Lus-
tres for Waists, regular
price 50c—'On Sale at 40C
CURTAINS.—A special line of
Lace Curtains, 3I yds, long,
good value at $1—Sale Price 75C
MUSLINS. -- Flowered and Spot
Muslins, regular 15c value-- I2fc
Sale Price
RAINCOATS. — Ladies' Raincoats
to clear—$10 coats for $8, $0
coats for $7, $8 coats for
$6, $5 coats for $4,00
BOYS' PANTS. -Boys' heavy
Knicker Pants ---To Clear... oVv
BOYS' SIIIRTS,—A. line of Boys'
Print Shirts, worth 50c --
Our Clearing Price 39c
MEN'S CLOTHING. -Cut prices
in Men's Clothing. See our
Men's Suits at—$6, $7, and $8.
Pants at - $1,00, $1,25, $1,60,
$1,75, $2.00.
QUILTS.—Large size White Bed
Spreads, new goods, regu-25
lar value $1.50—On Sale.. , $l,
WANTED --Two Thousand Dozen Eggs
Each week during the month of June, and in order to accomplish this we will give the following
Prizes to customers bringing in the greatest number of Eggs :--
FIRST PRIZE.—Lady's ready-to-wear Skirt; choice of new styles in Black, Brown, Gray—value....$5.00
SECOND PRIZE.—Lady's Embroidered Silk Waist—worth 3.60
THIRD PRIZE,—Lady's Embroidered Lawn Waist, latest style—worth 2.00
FOURTH PRIZE. --Pair of Kid Gloves, your choice of color—value 1.25
Remember the date—Competition opens Saturday, June 8th, and closes Saturday, June 29th,
COMPETITION OPEN TO ALL. Bring in your Eggs and see what a load of Genuine
Bargains you can get here in exchange for them during our CUT PRICE SALE,
DRESS GOODS. --6 pieces, wide
Gray Tweed, plain and fancy
patterns, good value at 50c— 39c
Cut Sale Price
PLAIDS.— 3 pieces, wide Plaid
Dress Goods, worth 35c—
Cut Sale Price only 25C
LONG GLOVES,—Very scarce and
hard to get, we have them at
reasonable prices -50c, 75c, $1,00,
HOSE. -5 doz. Ladies' Black Cash-
mere Hose, fast black, seam-
less, good value at 35c—Sale LOC
TOWELS. — Large Linen Huck
Towels, regular value 35c 25C
pair for
GINGHAMS.--Five pieces Check
Ginghams, good apron pat-
terns, 7c value—Clearing at Sc
DELAINES.—A few pieces, fancy
figured, Wool Delaines,
worth 40c—Cleariug Price SOC
HOSE. -10 doz. Ladies' Black Cot-
ton Hose, fast colors, sizes 8t, 9,
fly, regular value 15c—Out
Sale Price IuC
SABLE LINENS. -1 piece heavy
Table Linen, good buying at
355c—Celt Sale Price 25C
WAISTS. — Very pretty White
Lawn Waist, trimmed with em-
broidery insertion, regular
$1.25 value—Sale Price.. $1.00
VESTS. -10 doz. Ladies' Sum-
mer Vests to clear at 5C
DRAWERS. -6 doz. Ladies' White
Cambric Drawers, nicely
made—Sell-out quick price.. 00C
BELTS. — Ladies' Kid Belts in
black, brown, white, navy, 25C
tan—Our Cut Price
DRESS GOODS.— 4 pieces Gray
and Brown Flake Tweed Suit-
ings, regular value 35c and
40c—Cut Price 25C
CORSET COVERS.—A special line
of Cambric Corset Covers, em-
broidery trimmed—Our Cut 25C
FRESH GROCERIES.—New Dates, 5c lb.; Cleaned Currants, 10c; Large Raisins, 10c; Celery Relish, 10c;
Laundry Starch, 7c ; Canned Peas, 5c ; 12 Bars Soap, 25c ; 35c Green Tea, 25c ; 2 pkgs. Gold Dust, 5c.
To Improve III Temper.
Relieve the physical suffering of
corns. Quickly done by the reliable
Putnam's Corn Extractor. Beware of
acid—flesh-eating substitutes and in-
sist on "Putnam's ;" it's the one sure
and painless cure.
—Steps have been taken by the gov-
ernment of Manitoba, to carry into
effect its policy with reference to the
establishment of municipal telephone
systems. It is stated to be the inten-
tion of the government to proceed
immediately with the construction of
a provincial telephone system, Mr.
J. II. Howden, the representative of
the constituency of Neepawa, was ap-
pointed Minister of Telephones and
Telegraphs, a new portfolio created to
take charge of the administration of •
all matters arising out of the various •
acts respecting telephones which have
been passed by the provincial legisla-
—Kinloss is to have a sensational
bigamy case. A dispatch of the 23rd
from Kincardine tells of the arrest of
a wealthy farmer named Wm. E.
Switzer, of near Holyrood, on a
charge of bigamy. Constable Hod-
gins made the arrest and the accused
was sent up for trial by J. Barker, J.
P. Switzer went to Strathclair, Man.,
in 1893, but before going had paid at-
tentions to Miss Ida Jane Baldrow, of
Ashfield, and on March 12th, 1804, they
were married in Manitoba, There the
Switzers prospered and raised three
children, but the husband is said to
have grown tired of his wife and tak-
ing the children came east. Switzer
returned to Holyrood and bought the
old homestead, his wife going to live
with a brother in Manitoba. He soon
began paying his attentions to Mary
E. Harris, Ripley, and in January last
the pair were married in Pembina,
N.D., whither they had gone. The
officiating clergymen was Rev. A.
Kerr, of the M. F. Church. The
couple returned to Ilolyrood as man
and wife and have since lived togeth-
er. The first wife has come east and
will give evidence at the trial.
South American Nervine
begins at the beginning to prevent and eradicate disease ---it acts on
the nerves that control the vital organs of the body, gives strength to
the whole nervous system, fills the blood with that richness and purity
that is so essential to health—because, remember this, that when these
nerves become weakened and exhausted it means indigestion, torpid
liver, stagnant kidneys, the heart flutters and becomes irregular and
weak, the lungs fail to have the nourishment and weaken, and the
climax, naturally enough, is debility—and the next stage may be
consumption. All such dire consequences may be saved by the
wonderful potency of South American Nervine.
South American Nervine is greatest blood purifier of modern medicine,
South American Nervine is woman's best friend in very deed.
You persist and it never fails.
SOUTH AMERICAN RIIFUMAT!C Milt cures in from one to three days.
SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE tot diabetes. Eridht's disease and all bladder troubles.
For Sale )3y A. L. T•IAAxL ro t.
H♦ ••N••♦_
Wh!toohurch Hardware Store
For Up-to-date Goods in all
Lines of the Hardware Business
Portland Cement .... Drayton Tiles .. , Carey Metallic and
Galvanized Roofing .... Frost Fencing ... Peerless Fencing
.... Paints, dry and ready mixed (Wortrnan & Ward's
goods) .... Churns .... Washers .... flay Forks, slings, car-
riers and tracks .... A full line of General Hardware.
In making our first announcement to the public, we are
not going to pretend that we are selling anything for less
than cost. But we will always sell at as close a margin of
profit as is consistent with sound business principles. It will
always be our aim to keep nothing but the best the market
affords, and thereby merit a continuance of your patronage.
J. T. Holmes' Hardware Store
4444♦4•44444•4444/444404•♦• 44♦4•40•444+444♦••1♦♦•N♦*44
The New Scale Williams Piano Go., Oshawa F
Have requested me to place their Pianos
in my store, and have appointed me the
Sole Agent for Wingham and vicinity.
Is extended to one and all (whether prepared to buy or
not) to call and see them. Don't be afraid to bring your
friends along. It costs you nothing to come in and test
their tone and see the designs, You may use the Pianos
freely to play on—the more they are played on the better.
So don't be afraid to come in ---we'll consider it a favor to
have you come. They are some of the finest toned Pianos
in Canada to -day. Don't buy until you've seen them,
If you want the best, we feel satisfied we can show yon
something worth coming to see. Our invitation is to all
lovers of music to come and see for yourselves.
#* * . 4