HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-05-30, Page 5THE WINGUAM ADVANCE -- TRUMAN', ', MAY 30, 1907 The Blue Front Store Quality, Style and Economy. $2.50 Hats for $1.50. A limited number of our Black Hard Hats must go in order to give space to our hot - weather headwear. They are all this season's shapes. All sizes from GI2 up. Quality guaran- teed. This is genuine and is your opportunity. Reg. $2.50 Hard Hats, this week only for $1.50. Not Weather Suits. The two-piece Outing Suit which has been so popular in the past, is again to the front this sea- son. We are showing a splendid assortment in Grey Homespuns and Worsteds. Single or double breasted styles. No linings except where needed to insure good tailoring. We invite you to make comparisons. Special values at $7.50, $8.50, $ to.00 and $14.00. Boots and Shoes. We are in the Shoe business and are showing a splendid assortment for Men and Boys. Every line is represented in our stock, from fine Patent Leather makes to the heavy Plough Boots. Our prices are RIGHT. Trunks, Suit Cases, Telescopes, Sic., always on hand. McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. L-OIHce in Macdonald Block— Office closed Wednesday afternoons during June, July and August. W. J. PRICE B.S.A., LDS., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of University of Toronto and Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. OFFICE IN BEAVER BLOCH — WIIGH= Office closed Wednesday afternoons during June, July, August, • H. Brown, Rag and Metal Co., buy - ng all kinds of hides, wool and pick - rubber, copper, and feathers of all kinds. Highest price in cash ; if brought to house, five cents a hundred extra; 50c a 100, cash, for old iron. Protection and Safe Investment The Endowment Policies —OF— The Dominion Life. A sound, well managed Canadian Life Assurance Company. Average rate of Interest earned in 1906- 6.73 PER CENT. 4 — - WALTER T. HALL Local Agent — . Wingham, Ont. Good Advice To Insure Your Property To insure Your Life To To To To To For For For For For Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy any For For For For For Health Insurance Accident Insurance Marine Insurance Weather Insurance Boiler Insurance or Sell a Farm or Sell a House or Sell aBuilding Lot or Sell a Ensiness or Sell Real Estate of Kind. Money to Loan Money to Borrow A Steamboat Ticket Houses to Rent Collection of Rents —APPLY TO— Ritchie di Cosens Griffin-Vanstone Block HOMESEEKERS' DATES SECOND*CLASS ROUND-TRIP EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA Excursions leave Toronto Tuesdays, June 4,18; July 2,16,30; August 13, 27; Sept. 10 and 24. Tickets good to return within sixty days from going date. RATESAre the same from all points in Ontario. ranging from $32.00 round-trip to Winnipeg to $42.50 round-trip to Ed- monton. Tickets to all points in the North-west. TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited number of Tourist Sleeping Cars will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, etc. smart porter in charge. Berths must be secured and paid for through local agent at least six days before excursion leaves. COLONIST SLEEPERS extrahclarge'sno for berths, passengers supplying their own bedding, will be used as far as possible in place of ordinary coaches. Rates and full Information contained in free Homeseskers' pamphlet. Ask nearest C.P.R. agent for a copy, or write to C. B. FOSTER, District Pass. Agt., C.P.R., Toronto Martin Senour PAINTS Sold subject to Chemical An- alysis. This means that you can take any can of "Martin-Senour 100 per cent Pure Mixed Paint" off our shelves, and have it an- alyzed by any reliable chemist in Canada. If you do not find it absolutely Pure and exactly as we claim, we will pay the charges and make you a present of $100 for your trouble. West Wawanosh. Joseph Joneshas sold the McVittie farm at the Nile. Several West Wawanosh weddings are on deck for June. Thos. Sandy, of Lochalsh, has mov- ed his cement tile outfit to Mr. Milli- gan's farm, and will make up about $1000 worth of tile. Wm. Stackhouse, of near Westfield, has sold the south hundred acres of his farm to A. W, Hardisty for $4,000. This is a considerable advance upon the price at which this farm was sold three or four years ago. While a traveller was having his trunks loaded at Auburn hotel on Tuesday of last week, the horses took fright and ran, scattering the trunks in every direction, until they came to a wire fence and stopped, one of the horses being cut very badly, Thomas John Elliott, of the Nile, died the 18th inst., after an illness ex- tending over a year and a half, At about the same time on Saturday his little grandson, Roy Elliott, aged 3 months and 21 days, son of Thos. El- liott, jr., Dungannon, also passed into the Great Beyond, and both were buried on Monday in Dungannon cemetery, the funeral of the baby tak- ing place immediately after that of the grandfather. Poisoned By A Razor, Don't trim your corns with a razor, use a purely vegetable remedy like Putnam's Corn Extractor. No pain, certain cure, and all for a quarter. Every dealer sells "Putnam's." J. D. Burns 444-444444-44-444-4444-44340-40 fIND OMMINNEND GIESSINNISO eXIMENIRED GIONIERM GEED eilliZaliM Nal 1 Seasonable Goods — AT � Reasonable Prices' Brussels. The Volunteers go to Camp at Lon- don on June 4th. Recruits are being enrolled. The rumor is that crude oil is being found by Brussels Oil Company at their well near Monkton. Last week Walter Wilbee had the misfortune to give one of his feet quite a gash with an axe while work- ing in the bush, compelling him to take undesired holidays. At a well attended public meeting, held in the Council Chamber, last Fri - clay evening, with Reeve Leckie in the chair, it was unanimously decided to hold a celebration in Brussels on Do- minion Day. The sad intelligence was received of the decease of Mrs. Jas. Holmes, of Moosomin, who departed this life on Thursday of last week. Funeral took place on Sunday. She is survived by her husband and five children. It is about 25 years since the family remov- ed from Morris township. At a meeting of Brussels Public Lib- rary Board the offer from the Council of a portion of the whole site voted on by the ratepayers for the Carnegie Library was declined as the Board did not consider it large enough nor yet wise to erect a valuable building close alongside of the present Town Hall. A. subscription list is in circulation and if the necessary amount is obtain- ed the promoters will ask the Library Board to accept the vacant lot corner of Turnberry and Mill streets as a site for the much talked of Library. Lawn Mowers, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Lawn Shears, Screen Doors, Coal Oil Stoves, Gasoline Cook Stoves, IPoultry Netting, Garden Tools, Hammocks, &c. We also carry a very large stock of Ready -mixed Paints in Robertson's, Beaver, and the can't -be -beat I Sherwin -William's brand. JUST ARRIVED :—A carload of Hanover Cement and a consignment of electric -welded made-up Fencing 1 ready to stretch. Give us a call if you require anything in the line of Hardware or Tinware, and be convinced that this is the place to get good value for your money. I Youth's Vitality Sapped Away. Your child looks poorly, is tired and fretful. You would like this boy or girl to be robust, more energetic and vivacious. The "something" that is wrong is simply this. Stomach and bowels need attention. Constipation and indigestion must be relieved, new life and vigor are required in the blood, slight assistance is needed for the kidneys and liver. Put new life into young folks as well as the old ones. Every child should use this medicine regularly because its benefits are not to be had in any other way. 25c at all dealerss, •la THOUGHTS of THE SEASIDE. Residents of town and city are now thinking of their summer outing, and those who live in busy inland centres generally turn their attention to the seashore. To those who are undecid- ed, Cushing's Island, Casco Bay, near Portland, Me., is recommended. Two and one-half miles from the city of Portland, it is a combination of sea- shore and country, on one side the broad ocean, and the other a magni- ficient view of Portland Harbour. The Ottawa House, well known for several years, is situated here, and with the cottages in connection, ac- commodates 250 guests. It has been thoroughly renovated and refurnish- ed. The sanitary arrangements are perfect, house lighted with electricity, water supply secured from the arte- sian well that is equal to any of the famous springs throughout the State of Maine. Hotel under management of Messrs. Boyce and Hatfield, two ex- perienced hotel managers. All information, booklets, etc., may be secured on application to J. D, Mc- Donald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. Morris. Miss Cora Brandon spent the holi- days in Woodstock. Mrs. Miller of 3rd line spent the 24th with her son in London. Mr. and Miss Lake of Grey spent the 24th at R. J. Maguire's, 3rd line. Township Council and Court of Re- vision was held Monday ; minutes next week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawrence of Ayr visited at Miller Proctor's, 3rd line, during the holidays. Geo, Crooks has put a new metallic roof on his barn. His farm adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Mrs. W. Robb of 0th line, and Mrs. J. H. Brandon, 2nd line, spent the holidays with their parents in Totten- ham. Brock and Hazel Brandon spent the holidays with Buffalo friends and also with their uncle, Rev. W. J. Brandon of Port Colborne, on Lake Erie. Last week Thos. Clark, 5th line, sold 5 dandy Tamworth pigs to the buyers. Although only five months old their aggregate weight was 1400 lbs. He received $0.60 per cwt. One day recently Jas. Evans was in his barnyard working among the cat- tle when a playful steer jumped on his back striking Mr. Evans' chest with its forefoot. It was a hard blow. A Lawn Social was held at the resi- dence of Thos. Bielby, on the 8th line, on the evening of Victoria Day under the auspices of the Woman's Mission- ary society. A good program was poesented. It is not all gain even on the farm. Robt. Currie, 4th line, lost a roadster foal last week. This is the -8th succes- sive year that the same thing has hap- pened with him, but he sticks to it with commendable earnestness. Teeswater. The Farmers' Institute annual meet- ing will be held on June 5th, at the farm of Mr. Herbert Stuckey, con. 10th, Culross. The leading event of the week in Teeswater social life was the marriage of Miss Fannie 0. Moore, town, and Mr. John Henry Newman, of Lange - vin, Alberta. On and after Saturday, June 1st, the Teeswater Branch of The Sovereign Bank of Canada will be open every Saturday evening from 7.30 to 9 o'clock during the summer months. Mr. Binning, architect, of Listowel, was in town on Friday exhibiting plans of a library building for the ap- proval of the Library Board and Council, Two sets of plans were sub- mitted and a selection was made. Mr. John Aitken, 4th line, Culross, is going on a trip to Scotland and will sail from Quebec on the Empress of Britain on May 31st. He will be ac- companied by Mr. Robt. Maxwell, of the Bluevale Road, who Caine from about the same locality in the Old Country as Mr. Aitken. Wednesday afternoon of last week was the occasion of a pleasant affair in the lecture room of Knox church, when the elder members of session banqueted the six new members who had been formally installed the Sun- day previous. Besides the full board of session there were present Rev. and Mrs. Tait and the wives and daugh- ters of the church elders. Young's Big Hardware! OMNI 611.001111111111011111114111011111.11.1011111111111110 OMMISIN1141116 • Ready On The Shelf. That's where you'll find "Nerviline" in every well regulated household. So pleasant to take that even little children will cry for it. So certain to cure coughs, sudden colds and tight chest that thousands of bottles are used every day. Poison's Nerviline does prevent illness, it does ease pain inflammation, and by being handy will save worry and keep down the doctor bills. Large bottles sold for a quarter at all dealers. .:�: Lucknow. The district meeting of the I. 0. 0. F. Lodges in this vicinity will be held at the lodge rooms of Lucknow Lodge, No. 112, on Saturday, June 15th. The G. N. W. Telegraph linemen have this week been engaged in mov- ing the local branch to the new pre- mises occupied by Messrs. Bennett & McGregor, who will also conduct the Canadian Express business here. Anniversary services were held in the Presbyterian Church, Lucknow, on May 26th, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Prof. Kilpatrick, D. D., Knox College, Toronto, conducted both services. Prof. Kilpatrick also delivered a lec- ture on Monday evening. A sad accident occurred Friday, May 17th, in the death of Jas., son of Mr. Peter Torrance, of lot 50, con. 1, Kinloss. Time young man was engag- ed in rolling in the field, and, although no one saw the accident, it appears the horses, a span of colts, possibly frightened by a passing train, became unmanageable and ran away. When found by his father, he was still alive but unconscious and died shortly after being taken to his home. Deceased, who was in his 29th year, was a mem- ber of one of the most highly respect- ed families in the community. It is said that a marriage was cele- brated at Walkerton recently at which the bridegroom was very hard of hearing. Everything went well till the officiating clergyman asked I hint for the ring. .Phe bridgroom saw ' something was wanted, but could not ' make out just what it was. Finally he dived down in his pockets and handed out a $5 bill, with the remark —"Well here's your money, so go on with the show." He got married all right. INSU?t ANCE COMPANIES LO �''' K ASKANCE AT A MAN IF HE CANNOT ANSWER THE QUESTION, "HAVE YOU EVER HAD RHEUMATISM ? " WITH A GOOD HONEST "NO!" So you see how it bars happiness and comfort if you neglect the means to prevent and cure— the great South American Rheumatic Cure is the effective means, and while lack of provision for your " loved ones" from such a cause may be counted secondary to a life of suffering to oneself, it is one of the many sides in the study of health that we should take in dead earnest. Every disease has its symptoms—every ailment that flesh is heir to has its note of warning, and it's for us to heed or suffer the consequences; and who does not know the signs by experience or observation ? — fever, chills, sweating, shooting pains, numbness, aching muscles, stiffened and swelled joints. The great South American Rheumatic Cure gives ease from the first dose and it gently and effectually eradicates the trouble from the system. It gets at the root of the evil and it gets there quickly ---- most stubborn cases cured in one to three days. Influential physicians prescribe it as the best and surest cure they know of. ALL DRUGGISTS AND MEDICINE DEALERS SELL IT. 8 SOVTH AMERICAN NERVINE snakes blood that is poor and paler rich and red -.-and that &mane good hoaith. Vor Sale A. L. HA.MIL Ort, Agents for New Idea Patterns TheLeading Store R. E. Isard & Co. /few Idea Patterns only boo Quality and Prices Always Right at Isard's We're ready with the Largest and Best stock of Whitewear, Shirtwaists, &c., we've ever shown. Shrewd buyers will do well to see our stock before buying elsewhere. SPECIAL VALUE IN WHITE LAWN WAISTS. The " Gale Make," every size sure to fit, both Long and Short Sleeves. Prices— $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50. WHITE UNDERSKIRTS. Made full wide width, nicely trimmed with Lace and Em- broidery. All prices. See our Special Line at $1.25. CHILDREN'S WHITE LAWN DRESSES. A full range of sizes in pretty Dresses for Children. Prices very moderate—cheaper than you can have them made. See our Dollar Dress. LADIES' WHITE LINEN SKIRTS. Nicely made. See them. LADIES' DRAWERS. A good stock to choose from. Six dozen Extra Special. Good value at 50c ; while they last, 39c. atv H. E. ISARD CO. PHONE 68 WINGHAM s+•e'e4•ONN W. •i • • • • • r I 0 • s I • • • • • ZO P O COME TO THE Whitodhuroh Hardware Store I For Up-to-date Goods in all Lines of the Hardware Business Portland Cement .... Drayton Tiles ... Carey Metallic and o Galvanized Roofing .... Frost Fencing ... Peerless Fencing .... Paints, dry and ready mixed (Wortman & Ward's goods) .... Churns .... Washers .... Hay Forks, slings, car- I riers and tracks .... A full line of General Hardware. • In making our first announcement to the public, we are not going to pretend that we are selling anything for less than cost. But we will always sell at as close a margin of profit as is consistent with sound business principles. It will always be our aim to keep nothing but the best the market affords, and thereby merit a continuance of your patronage. GIVE US A CALL'. J. T. Holmes' Hardware Store A 9000,O4•N0•0000•••$444e••0.+•••••••+00•004,••••••••0 P A S +' IN . WINGHAM i SOMETHING NEW The New Scale Williams Piano Co., Oshawa Have requested me to place their Pianos in my store, and have appointed me the Sole Agent for Wingham and vicinity. A SPECIAL INVITATION Is extended to ono and all (whether prepared to buy or not) to call and see them. Don't be afraid to bring your friends along. It costs you nothing to come in and test their tone and see the designs. You may use the Pianos freely to play on --the more they are played on the better. So don't be afraid to come in—we'll consider it a favor to have you come. They are some of the finest toned Pianos in Canada to -day. Don't buy until you've seen them. If you want the best, we feel satisfied we can show you something worth coming to see. Our invitation is to air lovers of music to come and see for yourselves. t FURNITURE DEALER - WINGHAM S. GRACEY