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The Wingham Advance, 1907-05-23, Page 6
11'''7@@@©C) @@@@ @@@tigDOO 4 Ill t ...• t! • 1: , 1 I 1'..IL. : 1 6..e, a.t. I '4•11.,0,1 .1.!1 •. ,1 . . . 1 hie( :(g IIt he ... /t.. Ii•• •:a 111'4 :J ., i3: II.• .1- ... , .. 11.. 4..4 '1.81»!, , 1• i 1 11• 4'!`.10.1%•... . :11.1.ra . 4. , . 1 :' •rft14 r. . I ' .g,' :.ilary 1,:n, 1t:d v1`41 1• %111 I4tt t':. '1 aa,•i l• 1 'v •(.. 1.4 I'I•• t11 co.- al.: '4'- 1 1 ii• 1. 4: I 11. 1 4 1.: ,tt. n: r 111 11.4 a,.V,•r.ig-1•. i 411/1 y u t•-• , . f 8, • . t> 11411 I 1 48 i t::, t liat right f a114 f 'a' • f! .. 81(1,• All a•' .. n .• tt•u z't• . . 11_.,,:. Nr•t. r44' . • , „ •:'1114 L'u ,.if :1- '1 •1 1 .1.11. •'rsa. tu,•1 's'.::1 a d„•';' .,7th 14.1 l N1' •1•l 1 � •'re' •11 Ih, '.V. ,4 • C;': 4'• ,. ,.her 11 II*. 1,•. , ,L•11 Ne L..- Ver,' • hest: ., t , A r •I th;l• % . t 4 • • ' ::14:14... .1: i 2: '1,14 . •.t:•. t.1•,. 't -• _ t.44 :r. 1 F A h. in I '•. . . .4-., •..!1 •I 4 .• ,1•.l - 11110. ':l'.• , 1, l d: "1 .. a. , - 5(•.%,c .. . .•3• .. feed•.;, • q f , :en.!: Ing %nal I4: paggrd a •- ,, »r• Very !:n 11 ..,a a can.' • -,r. •:.e 4 ng, r ilii"% • ' •4, . 1 1 - . . •1 n paa•.ti .. .. ▪ • I r iti4, '. :a-. • ••4'.•1• t 4 • . •f, self l" tnrr.tc . 41. • . . r !. .1 ter it ,8.11• the . r.a.. • f 1. , .. .. r -et ti.r fsr• •I.yr - -a' 1•a 'irre 1:' d'>4.• ;,r ! '4 , .. 444 °444• 't.. the I -- 1 a' 1 r 108%•4.. I,'4 . ..• ,.J 0.1..11.1• .4 . !hat t 44••. 1p( V 6.14.1 a.,', .p. U,Ike f 1;.... ,• t! .. own „44„.d, - !' .,lr,rar_ A .i then L. ,r, - where R•-'•" ,.1i el' a:da 'TIN 4• r:.an•••,• 1 1. 6.. . !'1•. ah• 4144 '. Art p.0. the et. a . c A • .. }t .. 4I, .. . .111 t.: • 1 111(.41.0• • a'.1 f ig'r, . 0',.01,11 1".:I... ' 1111'' 1, ., ._• I,', 44 .-4 Iter • f ' r I .r t' .. 1 II- _ • loftN A', I,•n.,, ,i i ,1411 Mort I't1.lh••rl' 1 • , 111114.!.1 111 ! 1,, I l: 11,1•'»t.f Iii -% 1m T..i•n,i t., her ... oei'te.1 •4':'1.1 e , !4 8! ,. f I:. ; , • 1. Plea til tha.-1 I 4.11 ' Ttmll• 4 N I,. •.. INTO Cr 11111..4 •+ (lerei at 41 -Lo n I 11 tllinll•' ' to some lent' ' morn n abs have n 1• wilidornpsq 11 1oavtrtt hie. hap(,}' f ✓ ` • 144 • d P 1., _ , , _ _ t , •I .. .1. rt r I ;4 1 .lttlt,y 1 . ' UP; • al ! - .. , 1 44,.•,1. A. 11•4 1 4 •'11 Rt. 1 ! 1111,11•.' .. '1! .. ; • 011 a` . • I r ❑1144„_• w•' 441 . ,. • 4 l , r I,n BIC this 1151111.1 nut f ju+t:,'•• • L. ,• itn• .1 1 ., .!••. 1• a 4•11,•01.11t..1:1 .c e. • . ,t I 1 4 • I ,• I •'t 11 1.: 044 ,'1: '11 • hl a.at•i1 elp, 'AA.) of av,Y I. t ,. ' ,119 14.' '4,111.1 I l,t !tt❑ L• !. 4 .4 II rill a.1_lulyd, 1'J, ,Vt 11111 ,444t .l I 1 •Ira•A.11 ! I :I, I C 1.1',1 1 I'll .111,1 DRESS MC(R K S JH OL le.. eta., I .4 tints ..11.t V 111--I. a'. H. .1 • '. •• i(! Its ELI SCHOOL P. 0. t_40.‘ 9 1 4. • 11. r . t;l•• ,:tn'•1. 1, 111•':• I+ `, t,,,, l,.,ttt (.1 f,•4.t 1'''1'"lU 44hite • 1.1 .. , 0.:(l 11 .1 Rin, i, 44 ! 11,0 11, et ITT, 11. :-t le - 11.\' 1.'1•,1 I.1 11 I Ill .1. 11 •'11 n !t 1. ,,1•f • ,1: 4•:4111 !L. V I -III•.. 1:11'1 1.1 t c'1•,, L,,1. n, P rIel1 •' .•! I. °- • 111 I. I''4- : in: ! - 1 :4441 1 I 1:11 '1: L.. II 1 • 41.4 '1 .1,0 1).1 - • :1'•1 , III. •11 : t•.' 11,(4, •4('!:411 4'':111' E'lat .'11 .r in Men at the lvMvu11 Light.%elghta. 'I`tbe a%t•I,1 w ,,' 5(:.1 .1 111.111 1,, I t•l 1N,ai1t14, Intl 114' 1. : e 4.1 .1l I' 1 .•'1 11::4 4 14 •,•4 III II. , .,"n1 1, .411 v.41 I nth /1 Ila• 11.1 1..111 .1 In I 1 •, .c .•tI , ..ill, + i' \ 1111, • 18'1'1' 11 1 I 11,It' 11.1 111- 1•.. .11 1 . • . ..1'..1! 4,, .• 11... 11.411 ' - ••.l ..I !., , .. , . :1I • II .t 1i, I . II I I'' I. '.,i .!•. .1 \ 1 ' 1 I {1nIt al:. l., . -1 1,-,.. } NI .1 . I hl, I• i ., i',04•••,1 I, u , 1111 ' 11„6 your vliezz'i,t L•it �►ei`:.:';ti Is:111�t;52i�II'J� :eysu5"e ., .- I' I•II4 $1 :I. N,•«•: ••1 111, ., t ,t.I t o , 11,..1-11 AY•, . ......'.'=•:'e'Fi1i.:.. �, :iv s 444 4_ . �.h'L:,r" _ _iti v i:i s 11411'1' .'+i:': VALUABLE. tS. I' 4:‘,.• 4 1. Sa\1411 111111', Lt'l•atlnt' it Inake:3 irurlinit ea"i4r. tin 0.''1) linen, Lrl'nu+u it '11'5(' give) a ht'tterl•iu;,11 with ., N.) F --If the iron rubllint. :114 1.9 Lilt ht•r, 1,rr;ilI a It 11,'.,1.1 no cuukw;;, . it t'01(1 Watt'r. Anil it I4 CAN"1' stick. (illy it •i 9 a e 1)5( 11.11111;. M,'dional P:''p. ill' .4 :a 'Mane Plants 1." ''.:'d On as Pests 11 I- i:•'1 ,, I':.II•. r '•i • •,144111.111 1„II 1 ,, I1. ,.t 11. t•.1•r.444 -1,1!.-.I i:I 11,it. 111;1 ll••' 11.1'• I.i•.ic1. ut (4144., 1,111101,1' t 4 2u3 ISSUE NO. 2!, 1901. The Quiet Worker. I n eve' y e •Illtnunlly Ailbe18 a1 -u gnu.! 111111 0,14411 1.1.41/11t, .1 who are Lir/Voted 441:.1 ..4111.110wlied ILey 68)111 6..l .,ffi,es, they ,11.1,8 Iul nu t4.uuunl,+r'%,. N1' tell u4f1,11111» 0,, t.. be i i.•, 4,.4 (heir n.ut.'.y 441144 nut :f;: •-U4! \\ L1•u 11.,n.,rn art, tel be bo - ••44181 II I I'110 t11i111,0 of theta They ,14• ,:art 6.•.•1••14 at hrull,,, ,u' 5(.1118111 •i.t 4(4. 1.,1 (.1,4 I1, h..14.111.i.• 14N•44llulaa, 11\'- 1tl4 Lim! 14 .•I. ,•'n.,' 5(111.1 ,Civet, kith , I' , I'.. ,..1, I % .tooI lsut Gull 1•p- Lt ..1111 I 4 .1,, t •.1 the e11.11.9a4 I a i .4, 11 A• t: • 1 v 1, a 1•••851111411y that „111.1, t 11. .1.1, .•t 1 •.n ,1111,111 111101114 it... 1onon1• . • . (''ii 14.11 • ; 1,111 1.0. of tI,'144' 11;•I 4-14, tut iIlt.,' '11 11.11111 at I!. 1.,1.,.4, '•1 t!I- t' 011111 1'11..11, t?wl'e 111.,., • I 1 111,11, 11.48^. u.0. •4 iron,( upnte .4 III II 1.' 1SI I - 14,1 I111.1, 1..1 111.4 pi 11 t' • I !., ., Ii ,• 4 ,I 1!: 4, ' I 4141 I I I-.• i•.1- ,, :.1 , I I;.• , •.I Iv LLn i'',. 1.I •:1:4,, 1..1 pii,• 1,•' a Not 1)Il.g Ul:,utn. j ,;4 I•,, •1 I t_• l.n'•I -taiet It cit • ! I• , . -II. A',1i1'4 0111.1111. 441,1•'11 I, • .1 I'! I., lla a.. 1 1 1111,.1, 1, all ,'1,1.111', :1111... •II, l'.• I.: .,1111 4•f the 11• I ., , a - ••-! „11,.';4 .. 1, i' •1 1•1. 1, ,t II t •• 1 I'. •• I , 1 , - I - , 1 1.11 .4 t 11, • I'. . • I, • 11.4 ..1, „e I1u11.1011 14('..4/1 1 ., VI .1 •1. 111•II 41..111.1 .I. 011. 1 1 . 1.1 1 11.11•'., A:1i,.•It.liwn Ilc I 1, ...111.11 I- I'l ,1.44 :I. I -tl.•::_tll�ly 1 'Ii111! II, It 111.018 1111111 44•.'1 • I.1. .L, nl al,llin., .1111111 1•i n,! 11 -I,I III'•• 1''U1 l•Ir,4. Ii ❑nt 11:lire 1,1 1 Ill 1•..11.111.1 1:11.1-v It ,:1144.Vr, :ll 111.1'-4. 11 1., . ,, '1.1 •.t 11. ,I4.d•: ilr „hen 11•+441"1 \•„ 1' ti I 11: .I,. I .•. I .. 1 . , . , .. !, ., •II, I,eulry ,,1. ! :II. ('1' 1 IL ,:Ili 1 r..'"'•I ,Lr.In�l.. 1114,•.1 \ll'+ \I\I1.\C 111111 Il &Ailel Ill'• .it - :111 , t 1;:,• I1•.4' ut.,•. !, .l, .i 1411 I'.1•.I•',411;,1 1 .11,1 11..5(.11 1\itli.wt 4t 11.1 ,1 . • 1.11,4,, ('I:Iteflllly, •I I..•:••'1•• .f \1RS 1`. 1). 111{IN('E, ,.1 III .:1.41.1.. I, , , „ II 1:it..1 li r, I ;WI. • , 1,., - , ., I al.l. 1•1,1cz11 1!iu • (11 to . -, .. , Ills. t - - •:lat.4.'n I '11.•11• .• . •• . ..1 '1114 r..tilItry , -4.,'.•1.11 i 111;•1::-14-.,.• •1::-1 'r :I'::.:1tion int-.: 11.140 III..' rr',1'4 t•:Iat In abr.Iit 1111' Amir in an I!, : 1•:; -.• ! v:;..• .I 1.•.'..1 in 11.''11 I. ay. 1,f di., o i• . •I 11 t . 1 nt:.l in ,t 4, 451.,, , I l 1." I -cal ,141;1 tilt I: 11,1110U51 14101 iul.,.nuc I7 1%1'11 L 1'.., 4 • _.1.,11, ,•1 1 .Itt' 1•y 4111,1 htualilt4' ret„ J. , ..1'11 ,.I',,. !11.1-.1.11. I 1 1 11•., Ilnl 11 ',...14 j r., Ill 1114 10,-,,4,.111, n,•Air.liug to tit.• I • 11,.1 I.1 of the 1'a..t, III p•,l,t•• i•,,n,t't,ntiun. ,f; ,r.l.-, i 141 :' 1 1'',1 tt.l.•.1 if lie 11x.1 a 18).11 j"•ut:1•y 1+ 4p.t4 -s trip r •,•Il tl.l• 1\L\uci I,: I'rrll.11\•II. he , 4444.' 11 11• 411.14,• 1• 1 1 ,1: ,I ' \', 1111 t!., 11191,-.1..'0'. •.t the joy Riot f0. •i I• it•:.•;1,111 •11„01 tL, tta•i'• 1111.1 Ler ' •. • 'Al .I• 1 ,.., 1,1.1„• 1.1:•1 1..,1 11,!•4•00:•• 1 ,.I •.11•, I the ;t•atl t 6iutt.1"11 , .11.1 . .!- • f .I..1•,... 'e t 1111" A Plain Spoken Potentate. 1 R 1, k ' • Il the. 1 I It •i y.r or .1 11(1 I", • 1:11!•. Ay .,4 � • • • t1•• C � 0 r ll:t'-.., .. Cul y \ n•: r c,4' n I..' • . It h• , ' 4', .1111 14, .. 11 Of, 1 di t, • 1 I'-1• :irk !r.• r. II• •I. ' , Gori . .1 the .•f .t«L !-or arntrr for r.:,. 111 - •tine: 111:.. 1 ..t ",i 1'! & 1.1111:). Chicdlln 11 .l ,, • When Evnl, . 1d\' W.!1 ,. ;t5( �)1.I. f 1, l; .I,1 i•1::•111 1'! i.n other. •c.,• .. 1,., 44!1, _, ,•,'t, -__.'®^A`- - r c . I,,s''l lu i1 •h •! U'' . ., •t• ! It. . , 1.11. 1 1u,1' .1 l; tl 14x1 • I' a 1.1. _,, 1-.1 ie' •1 I u thin.! . t t •• "1n't I . ! _,t I dl.l rut ha\e n l 1,•,. 1.... ! % lal. t,. i•1• I T lied - • 1I a• ..,l 1Sel>adaW s Spavin Ciin'e `a;1a !tete 1, ),,at a• , ate •,bt 1,44 I(1• .'r. ....i• IIAMIorA 1I .•.N 111.•41 t • It Il I i• y t , Elf 4441 14 . I 1..•adell •1, 141,11, (4111 .19 .In R1:1.c.ly an.t I I. .1.'1 • f 1;•"1111441 11.•11 I 0-^•1 It let ,4.1'.8.14, .111.1 f -,w1 1 11 a . "utplttt Cele.'• 144 V! 5(.411 11,11411 v.,111kcndea's -the 41110,1001 n all II i411 lLn-all's nwcll:ulty at. 1 1,'11110,..- s. EI at (...IC,- e Ln f5. our II'"II L. l ! 11,1110• u0 tilt II. tete fit0 !10:11 drn:al,. UI 30 0.. 0. 1 Kendall Cl., Enalbue0 fans, Yorreent, C 3411. Cetn:ny, St niggle With the On, lit. 1I.• .41 t, 1 of ia,%vvt 0.12I1.Ii_ n 1141»111, 4 L, 11;.•11 I: I..• 11:111I :I % ••r „null. rt'ia 1, I,. „'1 t• -I11:1.'..' i 44.]:lInII.'l,' 1', ..11:1 atty- ,.III', I,•, 11,111''4 h•••, -lt .• . I ,4111 per 1 - 1,:1:' .. • 1. 11,11.'..II I...,,• U.• Ilio )3113- 1••t•..i (1.'- .: 1 .I ,I, luny Ut •II. 1: .I ..d u:1.ul•.t.nu /.ed •1.1'..[Ilail of 10,1'.' lillri. the ,.I at .,t „nil•! p 1'1.,1111-,n 111,'11 it, wild -11,tt'•,1 t•, '1'un,pr•, at 'tonic. It hats -Il u'• 111,•'I r.ulun. •1 In. Europe. Aturrl• 444 4• luuu,i11;t up ,1, the l!r,atrvt of wurlii pt,Nt'I (.lit (.1,I'' :IN I:I1r11acy shall be •0111 LII,i11••1 t1,. -r' 84111 be 11 mighty 4trug- het 1,11..•u -\s1i1 lIl.1 the 4\.8t.r11 118- u! N.','. 4.)11.11118 1'11•44%11111., BETTER THAN SPANKING. Bpat.6tag dorm not care ehlb)ren of bed- wetting. 'I here Is a enustltutlnnsl canoe foe tla t..abte, tetra M 6unlruere, Ilex W. 8. WItsisur, tint.. will rrud tree to any mother 11.4' sue. ene'_fat Lome treatment, with full 11,141:1101100, 114I- I Ile nwt.IY but write her • 1 ddy If ,u .r .1,1:11 en truub:n yon lu Ulla w.,8) 1.,,/,'t i 1'11:0' 1110 1,1(1111 the chances nit` II rat. 1 1.,'• II Ti.:, ti,•'.tul•'.t a:•') etlr•41 adults and age.) 1.851018 U'oubt..l ,,!tt, U1 111,7 :l..u,'Ie I> 444,1 .. I ,;hl. I 14 Cu';t of I onlion P,tur Relief. 'It' 41(141•1.1.1i1 II. 1111 114.1.1r1•l li':f (u i.un- 1 .111 1.• 11,1141 1..111. 111..11011, ('telling a year. Ii4,1,11( t11, y,ai 1.1,14,1 \lurch 25, 111•)4, ,1414- 1•.l•.!'•!•'•• Ly the boat •1i Id e i• h I.(, 1•', ill (•1,141 ;,•I,a.at.- iill 1/•:..'! ':1 ,-\.'111-,i'Ve of t•xilrn- - 44'. 1' 111.1 1 Kul (.;11141 i;', ,tit ere .•Ili ,,f 1•'x1.-: I,11l.:n('.Id to inure 4 I .I. n. '11 1t:lt: 1 8),I. 1, ' !4:111 C 1.:,,,o m.o. et •.t 1,..., I.' .ill i' L3. • ',nunun 44.144 11,1141.1 it •lit Ii., ratl•i d by Physici'1ns I ! ,t 1 to •1 ' .1 I .'.'( ",T 1•: :�, 111;;,.1, I'S 1 :nil:+1•n; t:+0. pen. it, 1.•.:1.1 le , 1,,•::•1 .If tl • p„pu: t - ata - 1 • ,.1 1,'•,114 4n 195111. ..1..4.1.1t1 1114 14. 1110 1.(41•+t T PA,' !It I.'ad of a Bay. i• (1111!.11 rt•inrl'4, l.n'le than til r.'.• 111111.4 1, .4.11', 11..-_ I -._...-- 1!..Al 1.01 1,1 1.1 ,1.1• llgll It 11:-1 • I . ..:t::e' '4 !,,y LI.. e l'.., II .I an", \\.II,• 1.,1„1, .n I1.:('y' 7.0.1 I4 4111:.•1:.i•_,,,I'll to A ti - I.1•.+ .1..44 1 1,. 111' 11 l 114 11,4141 .1.:41 .• \ II I(I ,- 1 �•.• li < 1 1 t 1 I f•' 1,•.d 1'44 11•-e 1•,•l ,1, 11,•11 in ,•1, I 4444 t, L Ihr KIng.4 I:1 1.141 .I • 1:: 11 I.i1- 1 I ., 411, ilial 11.•1 Il ,446.• ,nitlu uC the ItVS[ .......m w.vse•mu+..ue,..mr,..,scuwm,n.. ,e.-.m,.v� _.. - 'Aea t !:f� a 441 V "1 .1 ill It 14111 11144.14+ .1•. i', t41,rb: ant II. (. rte,1 1011 , 1 • 1 l••1•, 1 ' I ' ,1• '1 :1.5(' 11,•44 u•Ii'I•! and 1',1'11 1 n' ll .1 L, 11„t 1i•' 1 - 11 % I, I • ,. ''1' t!, . .•I tel•..• .I;.• ,910.•-1-. 0I1. .`,•I .4 .••.' , II 1:\i. 5,1-int11II' t1, t, any .111,.,.11.,•5( „•II 1.,1.• 1! :I•.-11.1 ..!I I l"11 1'' ,4 are a(, kw :Ill 1 iIIt'l,. n ,,i•i»ll (111kra it pi441-11 : f, : the rig t•, 11111 4.lt14 only 01•I0. Hurd ••n!('111'. 1.111, •1;_ ,!.,1 III', 1.1:••1 I"• I :4.1..'11 111 ®'-���'` S• 11:44' your ti4ol.r 41,ee,f . it 01 11114 5(1`.1('.1 purchase. ,.;' 3 \1:1,1..1,5(• i! • IG, 1 . i -• ' .. 11 ,.1, •.ft ,„t !-11•.ii I he CANATAAN BEARiNGS9 limine. 11Oi���i6q anis .\!n, 1111 wan, • _ •'\1 I' Ian •1•:j 44.1 .'1` . 4111 •, : 11 111181 _ .1... 'It' t' .. ter.( 11:4., "4.841411, It:, - 1 II', III - "44111 • 1. ' r I•f 4-•:r Vit':`nnt , k• n Senttnr'1. 1 1 . . • I .r f,o'g,•ttot: tit-. `:al.i,..1.1' U' I L;.1• ,l 1 1 1. ,• i ,.- ,..111:I :: ;i 4vi!- . Ir•t. I here 441, - 1 :111'• . :.l • n: r, , •- IU Co 'illy 44it14 a' 1, 11. Ila i. 4 .• 144 • I 11 4'11 1hrvr � 13 ��4" •. ' '11 A. Ir dr.11:P'1 ,444 I , r t I'6..=r; ,•. '(4188, Prairl" n, -t . Ty f',1,.n: 14 , , 1 -l• , 1 14.0.1 1 - • .d 4 I -I , i 11 t„ ,f 1.44• r.' •',n x 1.1 1 i., :440 mlo'ttea l t- 1 'Ai), I.n+:111 •!' :•I 1., • r.':• 1111.1 It Dover fact• ly 'II k•'a. .t.. u• ,n'., 4!441 ..t 1..1 i . r,i .'. !,k '14 ,•• tar. 11-''i".• ! : ' Had t is ' Both -Pate Pat. nI'' II,'.. ' . ' ISI..: '0411•.11 , An 110 ' • !1 ' 1•'h••• 1"nt :1t :11 .,. .I,: '}141II.,. L•' 1115(_; "•I 1,.1 -, .! I. ..l'' ,. 111.•'•, ' nit '.1,-,'1.1»4 i of L1,„ I).•••.n'n.,'nt , I 1.:-I1., '.It'• .f t:. ma 41:11.(4 .,'• L ,'»11.1::', a •A('.1 . "• .I , '',d 4411'.• I'll ' 71•,v;, 111-r.• . :I . I 11 1.1 I1.r. 1.' 1 - 44 •,g, 1 ri:4 ,' I:'I' 41 1 i:ore t'hiq , .',I 't li,',tr!„tn .1.11' •, .II , •i.:be •,1...I'. ^r, 1 ,N, 'Ill 1`..! 8:144 t.'4 I1.1:'111, .I. .1,! .t )!: -.l I, 1. . .1 • -I 4:4'i1 nc" .., "Ii tcolrrn Ii' •41•r41 t..i ,II '' - .141 i. 41...1 I 1 i5(. 1111••I6.L(! :1 44'•1: 1 0.1 101 ' 111".11 l i, f.'I' ' 4 I.. , 444:, is '1: (41.11 1110 , 1 ' I':rrp ',,nn 1,1 •1 1,:`44:•"1•n( in the hpttse. s' i' t:.. . II"'II"'11.,1111 41: 11},:- I-44 ', -•4 .0 ,. •4c• 1•y 14. 1':441 i ma:: iil'I'• of .t«n t , 111. 1, •.o r.'.' •.! 44.4 I,.' T$::th.rtlallrs in II'' Kitrhen. ••.I 4 111 1•l izzrz111.' 1. .1's I)6.}•. 1/;:_v, 7t•.:an1s More itinlnadic. 'I •, _ 1 e ., .1 ir'''I'','1iye 1•.1.11, 1•.i, ,- '11 n.. you 1,,.::11:.1,' f':• I \411,11 •1'',1.. ,1 4 , 1 1 I' 1, I;, 1It1I4- 1 . ., I.. j 'Dili. 44.1 !I.•. 1.1 1 114 1 .1 I •1 I ett., fit III• 1. .,.i • 4 1„ 1141•.' , .1. 1• r I I' I '•l:,'I•' 1r 0"11 I :1 f•1 , n1II 111.'.•1 ASK YOU l't DEALS FO Duchess and Priscilla Fine Hosiery For Ladies Rock Rib and H cuIes School Hose Strong. as Gibraltar/ Ltaett of Stren tk Princess EgY1444a12 11,1,6 fop Children Fine Diem Little Darling and Little Pet For /infants Lambe' Wool and Silk( T1pa All Wool Fin© Hoalory Monutlawttnv'ellt a®r Oho WC'oll000Oo Trade: by 4Qno CHIPMAN-HOLTON KNOTTIND CO., LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO. 1 1.. h .I .1'- . , 1.1 ,.-i h . on j 'n.. I: • 11 '114' Ii• .1 I't,'I 11 n'n, .•44..1 • 'i 1...I. 1.I I :I' ,•. 1 11.11,111 I 1 I If 5.' I .. .Q«a .. 1., : I i,r.,r....,14.11 , I •• . . I •. 1 . • 1 1 I .. u , . .I 4 4I!''' 1i I 4I 111 L•-4.'1 III' I I •n If 'P `O - ( 1.?i11I II. ,, I. . 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C C S1I P A I'T'It . 16 H 1t' It T E D . e' 6tJnSbsa v°vl lla9. liotror oto. DitolaOm®o2. Se. yolki.sa. WIl .11164:006