HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-05-23, Page 4WHY IS IT You see so many times on our measure book, after a man's order for a suit, "Measure Same as Last." Because our customers are always Well Satisfied. We make your Suit as you want it made, and do not insist on any particular fad of our own get up. We have the Goods And can make you any kind of Suit, Overcoat or Pants, from a cheap two-piece Sacque Suit to a Prince Albert or Full Dress ; an ordinary Ches- terfield or extraordinary Paletot Overcoat ; Pegtop or Spring -bottom Pants. We Guarantee Satisfaction We sell the celebrated W. G. & R. Shirts and Collars—the best -fitting as well as the best -wearing Shirts and Collars made in Canada. We have a large range of Fancy Vests, made up or made to order. BARGAINS—Five dozen assorted Vests, regular $1.50 and $1.25, at 9Se. See window. 1axwe1l & Hill. Tailors and Ileus Furnishings THE WIN HAM ADVANCE r,,, TIIIIRS )AY, MAY 23► 1907 i----Thirteeta licenses are to be mit off by the Ontario Government between ►., i Fert William and Kenora during the ,1` railway eonsti'uetion work now in " l �'j progress. Such is in effect the an - le !t intlimm 1bttt�tt nouneenlettt of Ilan. NY. J. Hanna, Provincial Secretary. This firm net Theo, Mall * Proprietor, tion is taken on the part of the On- tario Government, because the Do- minion Government, for some reason or other has seen fit to modify its Ebitorm original pro..^lamatioli which prohibit- ed the sale of liquor within ?il miles G et)nstruetiort works, ibr reducing it to --SIX tttntlretl ;utd third -sit acct ; ten: miles. Tin-. Iatter affects fear if dents o: ctu•red in the various factories row licenses, t'onvinced, that the use . of Ontario during the year 1900, and , of liquor is dao exons among those " twenty-seven with fatal results, not I employed on railroad constt•uetion z cording to the nineteenth annual re- work the Government seeks to protect port of the Provincial Factory. the district through the Rainy River ,* , country between Fort William and —The Rhigetown Dominion, in lis- Rendez where the C. P. R.is being ettssin ;the iron bounties, says it is up double tracked, The following licens- ' to the people to say nay to the system, l. es will likely be cut off—Keewatin, and to elect men who will vote nay, ' three taverns and one shop; Wabi. d That is what was done in the ease of goon, two taverns, one shop ; Dryden, the Legislature, inti as a result no two taverns; Vermilion Bay, Dinar. more iron or sugar beet bounties are ale, Gold Rock and Ignace one each, being paid out of Provincial funds. A 1 Being an incorporated town, Kenora like course will produce like results at 9 is not'ttffected. tOttawa.* .. —The act to provide for inspection -'A circular issued by the Ontario of canned food products, meats and Department of Education states that fish, passed at the last session of Par- the Public and Separate Schools will Bement, will come into force Aug.1st'this year secure (in organized coun- neat. Regulations in respect to duties ties) a total of X1,000, an increase of $? of inspectors, methods of inspection$200,00.0over last year, while the dis- etc., are now being drafted. The trim grants will be $55,000, or double Seasonable Goods. Complete Stock of Hoes, Garden Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Ditching and Post -hole Tools, Sprayers, Sheep Shears, Bug Exterminators, Corn Planters, Paris Green, Sprinkling Cans, &c., &c. Have you seen our Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors and Windows, or Hammocks ? If not, it would be a pleasure to show you the goods. H. Bishop - Central Hardware Cat'rraz Paso t: p: TOm, ASSETS: Asassevx Wawa: Thirty-two Million Dollara 12,E11o,002 BANK OF HAMILTON A Qeneral Banking Business Transacted SIMPLICITY is the keynote of our Savings Bank Department. No formality or delay in opening accounts or withdrawing money. Interest allowed at highest current rates on all deposits a of $1.00 and upwards— - Iaterert Paid or Compounded Quarterly. WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH AGENT Government will appoint about 45 in- spectors, who will be under Dr. Ruth- erford as Inspector -General. The the amount previously provided. The Department has decided that the divi- sion of these increased grants will be total cost of enforcing the act is esti- based upon the salaries paid to teach - mated at about $75,000 per year. The ers, the value of school equipment, salaries of the inspectors will be $1,210 : the character of accommodation and per year. *R. —The town of Preston has appoint- ed a House and Grounds Commission. second-class certificate teacher is en - Its objects are to assist those who can- gaged, and in the unorganized dis- tricts building a house, by procur- ing a number of plans and specifica- tions, ranging from $1,000 to $3,000, and give advice and instruction as to laying out the grounds to best suit the situation ; also to improve eye- sores, such as buildings and fences needing paint or renewal. The mat- ter of procuring trees, shrubs, flowers and vines is also receiving considera- tion. Other places might profit by following Preston's example. the grade of teachers secured. In the organized counties $20 extra will be paid in each case where a first or . —The Canadian Public Ownership League has been organized in Toronto. Its objects are as follows ;— First—To --- First To enlist the hearty co-opera- tion of all persons, irrespective of creed or politics, who approve the principle of public ownership as laid down in our platform. Second To carry on an active pro- paganda for the purpose of arousing public opinion upon this subject, Third—To bring the principle of public ownership within the sphere of practical politics. Fourth—To obtain for the people the power of the initiative and re- ferendum in respect to the public ownership of utilities. .. —"Death on the rail" is becoming so frequent that more careful inspec- tion of the railways should be de- manded and enforced. With express trains running at terrific speed, and heavy engines necessary for long freight trains, the dangers are in- creased. On Saturday last, there ar- rived in Buffalo, a train bearing the remains of twenty-eight persons, who while on their road home from Los Angeles, were in a moment crushed and mangled to death in the wreck at Honda, California. They had gone 8 there and enjoyed themselves, and were returning in good spirits, when a defective rail gave way, and they m met sudden death. The "broken rail" 1 should cease to be, because of more careful inspection. professional district certificate, $25 for each third-class certificate, $30 for each second-class certificate and $35 for each first-class certificate. Special extra provisions for payments when good salaries are paid to teachers will be provided, and special grants to poor schools and grants for the build- ing of schools in new districts where settlement is new. Five thousand dollars is also provided for rural school libraries, all to share alike in the distribution. .a. —The Clinton New Era' (Liberal) has this to say for the Whitney Adminis- tion :—"The Ontario Government de- serves commendation for its action in refusing to grant licenses in Northern Ontario in districts where local option by-Iaws have been quashed through technicalities. It is pleasant to be able to record that the same spirit has been shown in an unmistakable way in Old Ontario. The Government has sent a letter to all Boards of License Commissioners instructing them that it is the desire of the Government that the saute course shall be followed in the long -settled districts. Where a local option by -lass' has secured the votes of three-fifths of the electors, but has been quashed by some red tape absurdity, the Government de- sires to give effect to the expressed will of the majority. He will be a wise Commissioner who accepts the Government's view. In this action the Government has shown an intelli- gent appreciation of its duties to the Province, as well as a broad grasp of its own functions and an ability to rise above petty technicalities of pro- cedure. And public opinion will ap- prove its course. .y. —There is no questioning the fact that British rule has done much for: India. Notwithstanding this is so clear, it seems equally true, that there is always a rumble of discontent and friction among the Hindoos because they are ruled by a foreign power. —The pledges made by Premier The races are so widely different, that P Whitney while in Opposition are be- they never can, and never will <ssimi- M CANADIAN ing fulf lied. The promise to supply late. The present trouble recalls the BANK cheaper and better school -books is awfatl mutiny of I i7, when I10 wo- OF COMMERCE READ OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. Z. VirrdLSEB, P-es"tet ACRS. LARD, Ge :e:al vs -sger A. a. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Paid-up Capita1,.$I0,000,000 Rest, - - - 5.000,000 Total Assets, ,- 113,000,000 BANK MONEY ORDERS :sso£ AT mt sts.towtira RRrE5: $5 and under _ 3 Over $5 and not exceeding S10..,,=, 5 " $10 " " $30...... 30 " $36 a ft $50 15 These Orders are Iaayabiee at par at any oce in Cana (Yukon. excepted;, and at the principal harking paints in They are negotiable at $.A•.go to the 1, stir icg is Great They fortm ars excellent method of remitting small sums sad at snsall cost, and may be obtained without delay at cents cents cents 87 cents ria of a Chartered Bank the United States. Eritain and Ireland. of r:tcney with safety any office of the Bank WINGHAM BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MANA1ER. i Coal Coal We are sole agents for the, celebrated Scranton Coal, which has no equal. Also the beat grades of Mihing, € annet and Do- mestic Coal and Wood of all kinds„ always on hand. Rasidatice Pikone, ;Mo. 3iit •' No 44 We tarry a fall stock of Lumber (dressed or ulldre-- eed), Shixigle , Lath, Cedar Poeta, 3arrels, etc. famaccdraimicayarsismatrataiortairrionsirais Highest Price Paid for all kinds of fogs. McLEAN • i f taking substance and nearing fruition men and children were murdered in by an announcement from Toronto one building, and their carcases that the Legislature has decided to thrown into a deep well until it was issue advertisements calling for ten- ' filled. The cause of the present tron- dein for the publication of public ble is the same as that which precipi- school readers. It is stated that it is tated the mutiny of 1537 -the natural 1 the intention to improve the subject , desire of the native population to be matter, to have more suitable type, freed from foreign control. Now as and better quality of paper and in then, another cause is given as the ex - general to enhance the literary and planation of the uprising. In '57 it meeba nical value of the series. Not- was the "greased cartridges," which, withstanding all these improvements it was said, were being distributed tit is confidently believed that under among the native soldiers as a means the changed plan the readers can be of destroying caste. Now it is (false- r issued and sold to the, public at much Iy) charged that a European officer tlower cost than under the monopoly shot a native who had refused to charges which have wrung thousands carry to the officers' quarters a wild of dollars from the pockets of the ; pig which the officer had killed. The people. Indian politician, like politicians near - *•4 er home, are not incapable of making —The Kingston Whig is a, staunch use of false stories to arouse the anger Liberal paper, edited by Mr. Pease, of the ignorant, who tan thereby be M. P. P. This is what the Whig says ! more Pasily induced to take the course tbut the new postal rates: The the leaders desire than they could by Whig's twice -a -week dollar issue will any other means. Ave taxed 51.04 postage, four cents ' more than the tabs: ri frtion. This week fully one thousand subscribers Greatest remote Strengtkefser On Earth will have to he situele off the mailing list, more srdhserii er than the daily Thousands of wornet are wast, at- anti weekly Whig had altogether lid, rtendoven and dispirited. What when the present manager purchased they meed ie that nourishing tonic it. Leet -aa Ianblishets will have r -ea- I; laui hingee Soon they spirits regain those g g � , brightsp r"sand rosy eon to remember their friends in pow- - cheeks. Ferrozone does this and more er at Ottesra its this matter. Sub- es Mrs. L. F. Aidrianson of Whitney scribers will net. pay doable rate for Pier; C'. I3.. testifies. "may slaughter netwspsprs. The esorliitant postal was very Much res at ti and lead considerable troubles at times. Often charge is going back in history to the I v:a5 at a loss to know what to do. days of newspaper tax and prchibi- I was advised to give her Fertotppone and I did so. Ferrotone cleared all iuL.n whlele for over a- century have , trouble, mademydaughterhealthy been aceeunted among the dark days. and well. Fereeeene gives good ap- The Lew postal arrangement Was a petite, regulates. strengthens. I eon- hi.ander, ein;:t it has not stopped the eider it a medicine every woman a cf railed States maga:Lam Should use regtrieri)r if ally: aratrtt to which are no grant. -Ca radian anyway. feel het britt. Rebuild arfttr Prrrozctne ft it the Meg of an airs& Ptica 50c The exprwaa es ttW ltr, pot box at *Fl iii, c DO]IMON BANKI IIPAD OFFICE. TORONTO. f Capital (paid up) * $.3,500,000 Reserve (auid p Hlvi . s 54,500,46(1 Total Assets, over $45,000,000 WINWIAM 131 ANOII. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Can. ads, the Culled States and Europe. $AVINCS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on dep5sits of $1.00 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager R. Yanstone, Solicitor •++++e+•++*+a*+•••sso • • :• You Make A Mistake ; 2 • If you buy a Piano with- i ♦ out seeing our stock, comparing + • prices and taking into account + the quality of the instrument. 0 All the best makes always in ♦ stock — Heintzman, Newcombe, 9 4 Dominion, and others. Also Organs, and the very • i best Sewing Machines. !► i David Bell Z Stand --Opp. Skating Rink• ! • O FARM LABORERS AliD DOMESTICS. I have been appointed by the Do- minion Government to place Immi- grants from the United Kingdom in positions as farm laborers or domestic servants in this vicinity. Any person requiring such help should notify me by letter, stating fatly the kind of help required, when wanted and wages offered. The number may not be suffi- cient to supply all requests, but every effort will be made to provide each applicant with help required. PETER CAMPBELL Canadian Gov't Employment Agt, wiN GHAM. WINGHAM General Hospital. (Under Government Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished, Open to all regularly Iicensed physicians. Rates for patients (which include board and nursing)—$3.30 to $15.00 per week, according to location of room. Far further informs. tion—Address MISS KATHR.LNE STEVENSON, Lady Superintendent, . Box 223, Wingham, Oct. A Summer Session Is held at the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, Toronto, during July and August. Students may enroll any time with equal advantage. Write j for catalogue and special summer rate of this oldest and best school. T. M. WATSON, Pim:cleat,, { I Now Is A Good Time To Enter The Well-knewn d ELLIOTT Ai // TOHO?iiTO, ONr. Canada's High Grade Commercial and Shorthand School. Our graduates are always successful. Their superior train- ing enables them to get and hold excel- lent positions. The pupils who graduate from our school are in the highest and best sense trained for business life. No vacations. Commence now. Catalogue W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal (Car. Forage and Alexander Ste.) CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Was established twenty years ago and by its thorough work and honorable dealings with ifs patrons has become one o, the largest and most widely known Commercial Colleges hi the province_ The demand upon ns for comnmercial teachers and race assis- tants greatly exceeds the supply. We mist graduates to positions. Students are entering each week. Catalogue free. Fr ztOTT ' MCLACHLAN, Principals. The name TUD- HOPE is all S the guarantee any man needs when buying a Carriage. You can't be half as particular about materials and workmanship and service—as the Tudhopes are, When a Tudhope Carriage leaves the factory, it is absolutely faultless in every way. Tudhope Carriages are guarana teed by us—and by the house of them he which has been making Canada for 55 years. May we show you some of the Tudhope Carriages. 4.1 !RJ10611, wWitIgham 541 . ...p...R., . ,.......:,.; The ig Store WINOHAM, ONT. Jiro. Kerr &lifts Bargain n Gents' Furnishngs r' You'll have an opportunity to share in what will no doubt be the most sensational S Fi I RT and COLLAR SALE of the sea;,on. Sensational because the goods are new and stylish, at a saving in price of from so to loo per cent. That sounds big, doesn't it i' But we will prove the truth of that statement if you'll give us the opportunity to do so. About 150 New Summer Shirts Secured at a very low price. See them in our north window, White cotton body with fancy sateen fronts. Every shirt worth 75c each. Our Special Price, Only 48c Each. Money refunded if not perfectly satisfactory. About 300 Collars, New Goods. Regular price 15c to 20(: each, Come and examine these goods, otherwise you won't realize the compelling power of these prices. Turn -down Collars, Stand-up Collars, Turn -down Stand-up Col- lars, all sizes and styles. You'll have to move quick to get your supply at these sensational prices. Our Special Price, 1tic Each or 3 For 25o. A QUANTITY OF MEN'S CONGRESS SHOES AT REDUCED PRICES. IIMen's Fine Dongola Kid Congress regular $2.25 to $2.50. Our Special Price to Clear, $1.65 a Pair. Cash Paid for Good Butter and Fresh Eggs, ,ikiiilAWWRAMAWMPAMMAMAMMAIWIMMIMO' Shoes, tete Walker's Furniture Store Is the place where you will find an elegant assort- ment of Furniture for the spring trade. Don't wonder why we sell so much 1 Call and see the goods and get our prices. Iron Beds, Springs and Mattressess at the same old prices ; a very large stock to choose from. We still lead in Couches and Parlor Suites. Jas. Walker & Co. r00009.0000000000000000000 C400000000000000000000001 fl�SEEDS ! SEEDS ! S For Far Garden �g CLOVERS.—Common Red, Mammoth Red, Alsike, Lucerne and White, also Timothy. These seeds are till inspected and approved by the department at Ottawa, for growth Cud purity, and are home grown. OATS.—We have several varieties: WRITE MAI VE —This is won- derfully productive, yielding as much ea 85 bushels to the acre, of large, 0 plump, white grain. 'remelt KING—highly recommended by the Ex- 0 it perimental Farm, Ottawa; strong straw, free from rust, WHITE Rrs- s1dx--has been grown extensively in Perth Co. Tnot;sAxla Doman OATS —well liked by the American farmer, BLACK BARLEY—Seldom yielding below 40 bushel pet acre. MENSURE BARLEY.—A well-known variety, strong and heavy. JAPANESE MILLET. --Also called Million Dollar Grass, well- known in Ontario; splendid for green fodder and hay. JAPANESE BUCKWHEAT.—'Very early and productive. RUSSIAN SUNFLOWER.—Grows 15 inches in diameter. GOOSE WHEAT.—The cleanest from foreign seeds we ever handled. CORNS.—The largest stock, coining of the finest varieties for silage and maturity purposes, in the County, Also Sweet Corns for table use, come up extra early; none better, Crosby's Early Sugar Corn, Country Gentlemen --•highly recommended. PEAS.—Field and garden. EARLY POTATOES., -.Nought Six, very early and productive. Carmen No. 1, grown suceetsfully at Experimental farm, Ottawa. Beauty of Hebron, very productive right here. We keep a stock of Ground Oil Cake, Bibby's Cream Equivalent (takes the place of Cream for calves), Twin City Herb Food (cheapest and best) and pure ground Flax Meal, also Sweet Peas and all Garden Flower Seeds. Come in sad so for yourself. A. Mills ..4 C*4 •*** 4* 4 4* 4* 4 4 i i..{ 4