HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-05-16, Page 51 411tttttt1•119tt11111t Clothing_For Men of Taste. ' The latest styles, the newest patterns, perfect fits and the lowest prices in Men's Suits are to be found here, We pride ourselves in giving extra value. Stylish Fancy Worsted Suits, well made and lined, . perfect fitters, latest styles, in all sizes, very Special Value at $12,00 Men's Tweed Suits in splendid range of patterns, good colors, splendid fitters, well made and trimmed, all sizes, Extra Value $8.00 Boys' Clothing Our stock of Boys' and Youths' Clothing is complete and up-to-date in novelties, styles and materials. Norfolk Suits, Blouse Suits, two and three piece Suits. Bring along the Boys and have them suited. Boys' Blouse Suits in fine Tweed effect, wash materials $1.75 and $2.25 • Hats You'll Appreciate---; A full range of Soft and Hard Hats in the newest shapes and latest spring blocks. King Hats, Borsalilne Hats and others, a beautiful as- sortment of all the stylish colors. Get the habit and come to us for your hats. Men's Furnishings —. A large assortment of Novelties, and Staple lines as well, in this department. The best that • can be procured in Fancy Hosiery, Gloves, Ties, Shirts, Collars, etc. Many exclusive lines which you cannot buy elsewhere. Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Suit Cases. A splendid assortment always on hand. BRING ALONG THE EGGS. , McGee & Campbell • Clothiers and Men's Furnishers A CIODERICH===DETROIT $1.00 EXCURSION THSTl3AMER GREYHOUND MONDAY, JUNE 17th, 8:00 a. m., leave Detroit for Goderich. TUESDAY, JUNE 18th, 8:30 a. m., leave Goderich for Detroit. THURSDAY, JUNE 20th,1:00 p. in., leave Detroit for Goderich. FRIDAY, JUNE 21st, 8:30 a. m., leave Goderich for Detroit. WINGHAM and STRATFORD Special Train leaves Stratford, June 18th, 6:40 a, m., Wingham 6:40 a. m., stopping at all Way Stations to Goderich. Returning, a special train will leave Goderich on arrival of steamer Thursday evening, for Clinton and way stations to Wingham and Strafford. Goderich Band Moonlight Excursion, 8 p. m., June 17th, 25 cts. WHITE STAR LINE E. H. AYER, Men Agent. Bodmin Lime Works. The undersigned will deliver lime to purchasers in Wingham during the season 1907. Place your orders early. For particu- lars, apply to A. Nicholson & Sons, 7l Belgrave, Ont. W. J. PRICE, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST (successor to Dr. Holloway) Will continuo the practice in the office lately occupied by Dr. Holloway, in the Beaver Block, Wingham. H. Brown, Rag and Metal Co., buy- ing all kinds of hides, wool and pick- ings, rubber, copper, and feathers of all kinds. Highest price in cash ; if brought to house, five cents a hundred extra; 50c a 100, cash, for old iron. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE » THURSDAY, MAY z5, z90 Lucknow. Treleaven Bros, have shipped a sample ear of flour to (great Britain. TIfe subscription taken at the Pres- byterian church in aid of the Chinese Famine Fond nd totaled $120, The new L O. 0, F. hall is nearing completion and is one of the best lodge roon)s in the Province. Mr. John Joynt is completing two new residences in the Ohl Reid Hotel Block, One of them will be occupied by Richard Webster, blaeksmith, and the other by Albert Mills, tinsmith, A number of the members of Luck - now Lodge, No. 112, L 0, O. F. joined with the members of Wingham Lodge in the anniversary services held at St. Paul's Church, Wingham, on Sun- day afternoon. Mr. W. Connell is transferring the Canadian Express and G. N. W. Tele- graph to Mesiirs. Bonnett & McGregor. This firm will, it is expected, remove to Mr. Hughes' block, to accommodate the business section. Word was received on Monday of the death at Calgary, Alta., of Mr. Archie Matheson, a former resident of this place and whose people reside near Lochalsh. The remains were brought here for interment. Prospects are bright for a successful baseball season. Everybody is ready and wiling to push the enterprise, and as Lucknow has the boys, the Money and the progressiveness, a healthy baseball team for the season of 1907 is assured. Wm. McKinnon, son of Mr. Angus McKinnon, 5th con., Kinloss, has taken a position as assistant to Mr. J. W. Westervelt, Auditor at Toron- to, He was one of the three who tpok 100 per cent. at London Business Col- lege exam. As he is but 10 years of age, a bright future should be his. Blood, Pure, Rich, Red. Rosy glow in the face, sparkling eyes, vivacious spirits are all the out- come of good blood. No surer way exists of purifying and enriching the blood than to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. By their gentle action on the bowels, kidneys and liver they filter every im- purity from the system, leaving it wholesome and able to do the work necessary for the maintenance of health. To be well, look well, and feel al- ways at your best, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, a truly wonderful medicine for young and old. Price 25c at all dealers. • • Teeswater. Mr. F. S. Gibson has bought the Cluff property on Clinton street and will take possession as soon as the present occupant, Miss Kirby, finds other quarters. The Riversdale Hotel property was sold last week to Mr. B. Kelp, of Tees - water. It will be occupied by Mr. D. Blue, who will take possession when the present tenants lease expires. S. R. Brill and Jas. Donachy were in Wingham on Friday and bought from Mr. Swarts a handsome bay team at, we understand, a handsome price. The team is to do duty on one of the creamery wagons. Mr. Adam McKay, after thirteen years' service in The News office, first as apprentice and later as foreman, has severed his connection with the business and will shortly go to Galt where he takes a position on The Re- porter. That the Teeswater hotel -men have been able to secure liquor licenses for this year is due to a somewhat in- teresting series of chances. The de- feat of local option by the narrowest possible margin was due to the ac- cidental handing out by the returning officer of two ballots instead of one, But this, as it has turned out, was not sufficient to make the granting of licenses a certainty, Just about the time that the license commissioners were meeting till over the province the Government issued an order to the effect that licenses should not be granted in places where the required majority had voted in favor of pro- hibition and where the law was later quashed on a technicality. The South Bruce commission got orders not to issue licenses in Teeswater but the message arrived one day too late. The commission had already granted licenses and accepted pay for them. Pay More And Get The Best. A cheap flesh burning corn remedy is never satisfactory. The best is Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor, costs but 25c, and is guaranteed to cure thoroughly. Use only Putnatn's. Lehigh Valley C I, Conte with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers. It has no equal. J. D. Burns If there is a carriage to be bought this spring, talk it over with us. Buying a carriage is pretty im- portant business with most men— and you can't be too careful about the carriage you decide on. • That's why we want you to talk over your wants with us—and see the Tudhope line. You know, you don't have to buy unless you feel like it—but you will feel like it when you see TUDHOPL CARRIAGES. J. J. rRYI'OGLE, - Wingham FARM LABORERS AND DOMESTICS, I have been appointed by the Do- minion Government to place Immi- grants from the United Kingdom in positions as farm laborers or domestic servants in this vicinity. Any person requiring such help should notify me by letter, stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted and wages offered. The number may not be suffi- cient to supply all requests, but every effort will be made to provide each applicant with help required, PETER CAMPBELL Canadian Gov't Employment Agt. WINGHAM. W IINGHAM General Hospital. (Under Government Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients (which include board and nursing)—$3.50 to $15.00 per week. according to location of room. For further informa- tion—Address MISS KATIIRINE STEVENSON, Lady Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont. • RTIIUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —Office in Macdonald Block— Oflice closed Wednesday afternoons during Jana, July and August. A Suinmer Session Is held at the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, Toronto, during July and August. Students may enroll any titno with equal advantage. Write for catalogue and special summer rate of this oldest and best school. T. M, WATSON, I'nuwn'ar.. THE PRESS PROTESTS. We publish a few of the opinions of the press on the recent change in the postal rates, made by the Canadian Postoffice department (Gait Reporter) "The local newspaper is being sacri- ficed in the interests of Saturday Night, the Courier, and the Canadian Magazine, which latter hope to profit by the postal exclusion of special class American journals," (Hamilton Spectator) "We do not think any Canadian Government ever passed so foolish and obnoxious a law as the new Cana- dian -American newspaper postal law. The condemnation of it is universal, and the people are marveling at the foolishness of the promoters of the movement and the stupidity of the Postmaster -General, who accepted the proposal." (Seaforth F,xpositor) "The new arrangement will impose a very heavy tax on the local or week- ly papers of Canada. Taking the case of the Expositor as an example. We send about six hundred copies to various parts of the United States every week, and our annual postage bill will be increased by about $300. This is unjust and an unnecessary tax, and it will not benefit any person ex- cept the Department, which has al- ready an overflowing treasury." (London Advertiser) "The new postage rates will almost prohibit the circulation of Canadian newspapers in the United States. This means the weakening of the ties which bind Canadians in the United States to their native land." i Brussels. It it said George Miller may be ap- pointed section boss of the Wingham Junction beat and if so will remove there. He is a steady going, reliable man who has had an experience of a good many years on the railroad. Wedding invitations are out for the marriage of Miss L. Powell, eldest daughter of G. A. and Mrs. Powell, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels, to Owen A. Sntily, the well known elo- cutionist and vocalist of the Queen city. The date is Saturday, May 13th. A flowing well was struck at the depth of 20 feet by Geo. Edwards & Son, last week ou the property be- longing to the Grewar estate, Mill St. The ever running stream is conducted through a pipe, the pump being dis- carded. Many people have visited the well to satisfy themselves of the reali- ty of the situation. SUCCESSPt)L GATIIERING.—The an- nual Sunday School Convention and Rural Decanal meeting of the Deanery of Huron, was held on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week in St. John's church, Brussels, there being over 90 delegates from snrrounding towns in attendance. The program was an in- teresting one and was as follows :— Tuesday—HolyCommunion ; luncheon served in the basement ; Devotional Exercises ; address of welcome, Rev. Mr. Langford ; "The relations of parents to the Sunday Sunday School" by R. L. Taylor, London, being unable to attend, his paper was read by Miss Myrtle Wilson ; "The Prayer Book and its use," E. Nash, Wingham ; "The Horne Department" was to have been given by Miss H. E. Walrond, Exeter, but owing to her illness, Rev. Mr, Turnbnll, of Goderich, gave a short address on "Advice to S. S. teachers"; Address by Rev. Mr. Bourd of Listowel ; "The Advent Collect," Rev. T. G. A. Wright, Walkerton ; a short address was given by Rev. Dr, Tucker, on "Missions"; Business meet- ing ; Tea. In the evening a fine ser - anon was preached by Rev. Canon Tucker, D. C. L., of Toronto, General Secretary, M. S. C. C. The text was Genesis 12th chapter, 1st and part of the 2nd verse. Anthems were well rendered by the choir suitable to the occasion. At Wednesday's session following, Holy Communion ; "Prayer Book Revision" was introduced by Rev. Mr. Turnbull, Goderich ; "The Catholic Faith," a review of Dr. Grif- fith -Thomas' Book, by Rev. W. H. Hartley, Blyth ; Business; Luncheon followed which closed the very enjoy- able session. Rev. Mr. Glume, pre- sided as chairman with ability. On invitation by Rev, Berry ib was decid- ed to hold the Convention at Seaforth next year. Delegates were here from Seaforth, Blyth, Belgrave, Wingham, Gorrie, Clinton, Exeter and other places. GREATEST OF TONI Those who use it get well. A certain cure for all run down conditions and wasting diseases. Highly recommended for Insomnia. THE PROOF. The following is a Sample of thousands of testimonies is tho wonderful merits of PSYCHINE in the most dlmeelt cases, Doc- ters.are prescribing PSYCHINE In their practice with the most satisfactory results. "Several years ago my wife was se seri- ously i11 of lung trou- ble as tor months to be unable to walk, at Which time a noted phytieian told me that the next dress that 1 would buy for her would be a shroud. She used PSYCHINE, and is tlOPP reasonably well. REV. C. E. BURRaLL, ��liMwptJ5t Mlnnister, Vortllt, ottt4' For Coughs and Colds take PSYCHINE. For Throat and Lung trouble take PSYCHINE. For Catarrh and Consumption take PSYCHINE. For after-effects of La Grippe, Pneumonia and Pleurisy take PSVClINE. USED PSYCHINE 20 YEARS AGO. "Years ago I was almost a physical wreck, and was suffering with lung trouble. Friends and neighbors thought I would never get better. I began to despair myself, Losing faith in my physician, I procured another one who recommended the use of PSYCHINE. It was surprising beyond description the effect it had. I seemed to gain with every dose. Inside of two weeks I was able to attend to my housework again. There are no symptoms of consumption about ate now. "MRS. HENDERSON, St. john, N.B." For Loss of Appetite take PSYCEINE. For Indigestion and Dyspepsia take PSYCHINE. For Chills or Fevers take PSYCHINE. For Run -Down System take PSYCHINE, To Feel Young and Xeep Young take PSYCHINE. Art Unfailing Cure for all Throat, Lung n,nd Stomach Troubles. A Reliable Remedy tor diseases caused bar exposure to cold or wet, For *al* M alit druggists, 50o. end *1.00, or Dr. T. Aa *locum, I.trretttrtot, Vie Mittsir Wei Torowto 1 1 Agents for Now Idea Patterns The Leading Store H. E. Isard & Co. New Idea Patterns only 10o Snaps for Satllrday MAY lSth. Look around and see what others are selling and then visit this Store and see the large range of Exclusive Novelties displayed for your inspection. LADIES' BELTS. -12 doz, Ladies' Fancy Kid Belts, "style right up to the minute," brass or silver buckles ; colors, black, brown, blue, white, tan, gray ; worth 50c, Saturday 25c LONG GLOVES,—Very scarce and hard to get, see our leader in black or white Lisle, Saturday 500 LADIES' DRAWERS. -5 doz. Ladies' White Cambric Draw- ers, nicely made, regular value 50c, Saturday. 39c LAWN WAISTS,—A large range of the latest styles to choose from. You are sure to get the right style and fit if you buy here. Special Waist, worth $1.25, Saturday$1,00 ROSE. --10 doz. Ladies' fine Cashmere Hose, fast black, seam- less feet, regular 35c, Saturday 25c UNDERSKIRTS.—Fine, black, Mercerized Sateen Under- skirts, regular $1,50 value, Saturday Sale $1.00 LACE CURTAINS. -24 pairs Lace Curtains, 3} yds. long, wide, regular value $1,00, Saturday 750 QUILTS. -12 White Bedspreads, large size, regular price 81.25, Saturday Sale $1.00 BOYS' SUITS.—Pretty pattern Tweed Suits, nicely made, Norfolk style, regular $2.50, Saturday $2.00 MEN'S PANTS.—Special line of Men's Working Pants. A Saturday Bargain, only $1.00 Good Window Shades, on rollers, only 35c Sample Ends of Lace Curtains, travellers' samples, your choice Saturday, each 25c Numerous other snaps we haven't room to quote here, Shop Early in the Day if Possible. .tattttttr111721te11ttttttttas H. E. ISARD CO. PHONE 68 WINGHAM • • • • 2♦ O 1 1 O • •••••••••4•••••••••••••••• 0o,A•N•N+•+a•06e/M44N•i COME TO THE Whiteohurcb Hardware Store For Up-to-date Goods in all Lines of the Hardware Business Portland Cement .... Drayton Tiles ... Carey Metallic and Galvanized Roofing.... Frost Fencing... Peerless Fencing ... , Paints, dry and ready mixed (Wortman & Ward's goods) . , .. Churns .... Washers .... Hay Forks, slings, car- riers and tracks .... A full line of General Hardware. In making our first announcement to the public, we are not going to pretend that we are selling anything for less than cost. But we will always sell at as close a margin of profit as is consistent with sound business principles. It will always be our aim to keep nothing but the best the market affords, and thereby merit a continuance of your patronage. GIVE US A CALL. J. T. Holmes' Hardware Store te!.t**t* *4,t*t***4lt?t' 4 4p 4# 4 PIAIiTOS SOMETHING NEW IN WINGHAM The New Scale Williams Piano Co., Oshawa Have requested me to place their Pianos in my store, and have appointed me the Sole Agent for Wingham and vicinity. A SPECIAL INVITATION 1s extended to one and all ( whether prepared to buy or not) to call and see theta. Don't he afraid to bring your friends sl,long. It costs you nothing to conte in and test their tone and see the designs. Yon inay use the Pianos freely to play on—the more they are played on the better. So don't be afraid to come in ---we'll consider it a favor to have you come. They are some of the finest toned Pianos in Canada to -day. Don't buy until you've seen thein. If you want the hest, we feel satisfied we can show yon something worth coming to see. Our invitation is to all lovers of music to come and see for yourselves. S. GRACEY FURNITURE DEALER WINGHAM ! 4a 444.3* ****************4*****