HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-05-16, Page 44 TH WIN HAM ADVANCE ---- THURSDAY, MAY 16, 19Q7 A lYlan Should Be Most Particular About His Hat, Because It really becomes part of his face, inasmuch that it either completes or kills his expression. The Hat that makes you look your best may make another man look his worst. Our Large Assortment of Spring Hats Contains many different shapes to suit the many different faces. We have made a study of com- bining the proper Hat and face, and will gladly put the correct one on you at no greater cost than you can afford to pay. SATURDAY BARGAINS FOR MEN. -60c off on any of our Felt Hats, hard or soft, black or colored, SATURDAY BARGAINS FOR BOYS.—Hercules Stockings, the best boys' stockings made, ranging in size from 5 to 10, at 15o, 20c, 25c, 30e. On Saturday, only -10c, 150, 18o, 22o. Maxwell & Hill. Tailors and Men's Furnishings Going To Have A fly Time. Call and secure the necessary Screen Doors and Windows for the occasion. Various styles and prices, in both pine and oak, to choose from. "in the Shade of the Old Apple Tree" In a Hammock. What is more refreshing ? A beautiful assortment just opened. Call and inspect them, N. Bishop - Central Hardware �C411T1u. earn tre: aa,aos,ano. TOTAZ. ASSETS: Thirty-two Million Dollar. Ramon FVlrD : 8,600,000 BANK OF HAMILTON A General Banking Business Transacted, SAVINGS Bank Department at each of oar 96 Branches. Interest allowed on deposits of 31.00 and ',Awards, at 6igbsst amt latah, f Interest Paid or Compounded Quarterly. Wingham Branch C. P. SMITH, Agent THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. It. WALKER, President ALX LAIRD, General Manager A. B. IRELAND, Superintendent of 8tatr.hes Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED FARMERS' BANKING $6 Every facility afforded Farmers for their banking business. Sales Notes Bashed or taken for collection BANKING BY MAIL. --Deposits may be made or with4ra.yn by mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention WflVGHAM BRANCH - A. R. SMITH, MANAGER. 4111144144444444144.41.4114..11.4411+“...414..411.111Th41444144 We are sole agents for • the celebrated &ranted Coal, which has no equal. Also the beet grades of Smithing, Cannel and Do - Mettle Coal and Wood of all kinds, al,&ya on banld. Oftic.t11C`E Phone -,No. 111IIIl "" No. 44 We carry a full stock of Lumber (dressed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Pasts, farrels, etc. gighest Price Paid for all kind* of Logs. . 111 MoLEAN C s 1c lxngl��tltz tit .c Theo, Hall ., Proprietor, bitoi tai —It is expeeted that the next sec- tion of the Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Railway, from Englehart to Boston, will be completed by August let, and the whole line will be ready for traffic in a year, * * • —During the first four months of the present year, that is, from Jan. 1 till April 30, the revenue of the pro- vince was $3,173.280, or almost double the amount the treasury department received in the same period last year. —These are busy days for Hon. Geo. P. Graham, leader of his Majesty's loyal Ontario Opposition. He is prosecuting quite a vigorous summer campaign and provincial candidates are being placed in the field this early in many ridings. • —Last year C. 111, Hays promised that the Grand Trunk Pacific would be hauling grain out of Edmonton neat fall. The General Manager's prophecy cannot now be fulfilled, the completion of the road having been postponed a year by the scarcity of labour, the late spring, the failure of contractors to send forward the sup- plies and of the railways to carry them. ** —Rev. T. Albert Moore, Secretary of the Dominion Lord's Day Alliance, states that the Sunday Observance Act, which came into force in March, has given rest to 50,000 meu in Ca- nada who previously were employed on Sunday. The Attorneys -General of five Provinces had been in cor- respondence with him regarding the enforcement of the Act. He expects within a short time it will be in com- plete operation throughout Canada. —The West is built on a big scale, so far as its area and fertility are con- cerned, and the people seem inclined to do things on a large scale. A. Thompson, eighteen miles east of High River, Alta., has probably the largest number of acres under cultiva- tion of any of the settlers of the West. He has a total of 10,300 acres of fall wheat in. All the breaking of the ground is done by steam plows. If there was a man, team and single binder placed in this field to cut this wheat it would take over three years to cut the grain. ** —Seconding to the statement of President Burchill, of the United States Board of Underwriters, the year 1906 was the most disastrous in the history of fire insurance. The underwriting balance sheet for the year, marine and fire branches to- gether, showed a loss of over $114,- 000,000, In New York State alone 156 companies reported to the State In- surance Department losses of $230,- 842,759. A total loss of $220,000,000, representing all the profits since 1860 and $79,708,174 in addition was the result of the San Francisco fire of 1906. *•* —Canadians have an aggregate amount of savings of over $650,000,000 in the savings banks throughout the Dominion. Of this amount over $490,000,000 is deposited inthe banks on notice, carrying on an average a three per cent. return to the people. Of this sum an annual disbursement of nearly fifteen million dollars is re- quired to meet the interest charges. The thirty-six chartered banks control about, $404,000,000 of the entire amount deposited on notice, and of this volume seventeen banks are re- sponsible for $351,567,000, or over 80 per cent, of the chartered banks' hold- ings. The postomee savings banks had in February a sum of $46,807,000 at the credit of depositors' accounts. *** —Some of the latest tasks which the United States has taken up herself have been induced by the necessity of finding more room for the people. With immigrants flocking to her doors, and a surplus of her own population lopping over into Canada, with no "easy" new area to be opened up, it was necessary not to find, but to make room, Thousands of square miles of land—in short a total area two-fifths as large as the whole United States -lay barren and arid, a vast system of deserts, inhabited only by the lizard, and broken only by bluffs of spiny cactus or hummocks of coarse grass, which not even the wild animals along the borders could eat. To convert this area into smiling fer- tile grain and fruit trees and dot it with homesteads became, not only a dream of the Government, but a working reality'. A Reclamation Ser- vice, composed of shrewd, capable men, was established to see to the carrying out of the work. The pro- ject was almost terrific, but it ryas al- so dazzling, and the money to be ex- pended was sure --$1,&00,000,000. l'he figures were staggering, but with suc- cess, the profits 'would be clear; the reclaimed land would be worth $2,- 5010,000,000, and would supply, $3,000,- 000 people with homes. This was all calculated out beforehand, What euceess the Service is having, may be judged from the fact that, although only oranize. four years ago, 280,000 *Orel; of -acid land have already been slatirtlad. --Me. Geo. Frederick Master, former member of the Provincial Par liament, and at one time leader of th Conservative party, who bad been ii for many months, tried on Thursd t• morning, at his home, 12 Elm (Mote Parkdale, at the age of 07 years. Mt Marter had always been an act iv worker and speaker in the Conserv. tive interest. Among his legislativ efforts was a bill in 1804, to prohibi the retail salts of intoxicating liquors This was not adopted. Bo also move, to abolish the maintenance of Govern stent House, Toronto, Mr. Harter rc signed the Conservative leadership o April 2nd, 1896, just at the close o the session, and he was succeeded b; the present Premier, Zion, J, P. Whit ney. *** —It looks as though Great Britai has trouble on her hands in India. is fifty years since the last India mutiny, and of late there has been feeling of unrest among the natio population, Reports have been cot ing from India for some time past of growing feeling of hostility among th natives against the British rule. Th nature of these reports is steadily b coming more serious. The outbrea is attributed to well-known agitator who have been making speeche throughout the Punjab. Five nativ lawyers, who are alleged to have bee the ringleaders of the agitation whit led to the riots, have been place under arrest. Racial animosity i undoubtedly becoming inereasingl manifest in parts of Northern India The Hindus, particularly the educate and student classes, are hostile to th Europeans, any unpopular act for ing a pretext for attacks on inn fensive and unarmed Europeans. *rt ■ —At the beginning, the Whitne government announced that it woul issue no new liquor licenses in Ne Ontario. Nevertheless a man at En glehart has recently erected a hots costing $40,000, with an accommoda tion for 500 guests, He was o opinion, as many others have been that the government's promises i respect of the liquor law were no worth very much. He felt quite sur that the Whitney government pro raises were Iike the Ross Governmen promises—made to be broken. Hi hotel completed, the owner, nape with the recommendation of the corn missioners, made application for liquor license, and was promptl turned down. It probably has not oc curred to him that his building of th hotel in the face of the governmen announcement of no licenses, wa simply.a strong experience of want o confidence in the promises o the government, made unreasonabl strong by reason of the fact that i cost $40,000. Some day it will Saw upon some people that the Whitne government is as unlike the Ross goy ernment as it is possible to be. POLITICAL CONDITIONS. Ili an article dealing with the receu session, and the parties at Ottawa, th Toronto News, while pointing ou weakness and disunion in the Op position, refers to the Governmen and its Liberal following in scathin language, the truth of which canno honestly be denied. The News says:— "Corruption on a generous scale, scandals which would have drawn down the .fiery thunders of de- nunciation from the party leaders prior to 1896, reckless extravit gance without justification other than that they have the money to spend, wilful blindness to seizures of Western lands by party follow- ers and relatives of prominent Lib- erals, the flagrant abandonment of the system of tendering and let- ting by contract in the great spending departments—all these are supreme to -day in the Liberal party that denounced them all in the days of Opposition. The Gov- ernment is drunk 'with power. It seems to ha'e lost belief in public opinion. It has taken to itself the principle of Divine right to rule— vainly imagining itself above and beyond the will of its creators. But this in itself is not so strange. It is the habit of Governments in a young country, But it is at once singular to the student of af- fairs and disheartening to the country that the great Liberal party of 1896 which had so faith- fully and valiantly fought for Liberal principles should so soon have become demoralized under the stupifying power of public of- fice and public plunder, Never since Confederation has demorali- zation been so rapid or more abso- lute, never has a party more completely abandoned its ancient creed." THE IRISH COUNCIL BILL. A modified form of Home Rule is proposed for Ireland. Its chief fea- tures are :- 1—The establishment of functions of an administrative council to sit at Dublin. 2—Council to control local govern- ment board, department of agricul- ture, congested district board, public works, education inspectors of re- formatory, and industrial schools and registrar -general. 3—The supreme court, judicature, Royal Irish Constabulary, Dublin ltletropolitan pjolice, Iand commission and prison board to remain under im» penal control. 4—Council to consist of 82 elected and 24 nominative members. Under secretary to lord lieutenant to be ex - officio member. 5—Council to be elected for three years. 6—Eight departments for financial purposes under control of council. '1 -Connell hat no power to levy taxes, but has full power to disburse fund to be provided for Irish affairs by lm sal Nrtbunsttb rLf�atttawitir. ,,. Real '' Property the O $650 t rents ;'$900 Solid } new, $I050 " $1200 a f $I30" Y $I30(1 $1350 n $!Mail Tt n $2000 a e CHOICE e n_ $4000 a' $5000 e cleared, e e_ The many Ic list. s Ritchie h REAL d S Upstairs y Griffin-Yanstoue m- f- w t >; a y e t s f f Y t n Y t t t Estate Office for Sale in and around growing Town of Wing., ham, Easy terms, Frame Cottage, 5 rooms. nice garden, for $72 per year, Frances St. Brick Cottage, 7 rooms, almost Martha Street. 1i story house, $ rooms. good repair, rents for $06 per year, Joh» St. 2 story house, six rooms, beautiful location, Albert St, New Brick Cottage, 7 rooms, hard and soft water, Josephine St. Frame house, six romps, good cellar, stable, 4 acres land, Town Plot. ii story house, 10 rooms, 2 lots, good stable, rents $103, McIntosh St, ti story frame house, good orchard, 1 acre land, Albert St. if story. 10 rooms, 2 1 -fifth acre lots worth $1000, rents $103, Minnie St. PARM PROPERTY : 100 ao., good frame house, fair barn, X55 ca cleared, excellent land, Morris, 100 acres, 4 miles from lVingham, bank barn, comfortable house, 85 ac. bargain for quick sale, Morris tp. above are only a few of the properties we have on our Call and get particulars, & Cosons ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENTS in '[TTr7-AA ((''1t it Block '1111T1111AM I, - e Wingham tx H a' W Y -9 Business College (Affiliated with Clinton B. C.) Individual instruction. Write for handsome catalogue. OEO. SPOTTON, Principal, d DO1MON f HEAD , Capital e Reserve Total s I • Farmers' Drafts ada, the SAVINGS Interest upwards, , It. Vanstone, BANK. OFFICE, TORONTO. (paid up) • $3,500,000 (and p ofi Ba- - $4,500,000 Assets, over $45,000,000 WINGRAM BRANCH. Notes discounted, sold on all points in Can- United States and Europe. DEPARTMENT. allowed on deposits of $1.00 and and added to principal quarterly. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager Solicitor Protection The The Canadian 6.73 Local and Safe Investment are combined in Endowment Policies —OF-- Dominion Life. A sound, well managed Life Assurance Company. Average rate of Interest earned in 1906- PER CENT. WALTER T. HALL Agent — Wingham, Ont. You Make A Mistake If you bay a Piano with- out seeing our stock, comparing prices and taking into account • the quality of the instrument. All the best makes always in stock — Heintzman, Newcombe, Dominion, and others. Also Organs, and the very best Sewing Machines. David Bell i Stand—Opp. Skating Rink• Nov Is A Good Time To Enter The Well-known }4)isLLIo . T / // k� % /r y TORONTO, ONLY Canada's tiigh tirade Commercial and Shorthand School. Our graduates are always successful, Their superior train- ing enables them to get and hold excel- lent positions. The pupils whoraduate from our school are in the highest and best sense trained for business life. No vacations. Commence now. Catalogue free. W. j. ELLIOTT, Principal (Cer. Tonge and Alexander Sta.) CENTRAL • // ji STfA'DFORCI, ONT. Was established twenty years ago and by its thorough work and honorable dealings with its patrons has become ohe of the largest end most widely known Commercial Colleges In the pro5ince. The demand upon in for commercial teachers and office assis- tants greatly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to positions. Students al's entering each week. Catalogue free. Stuart & ItiMCLAcItLA 4, Principals. 1 The Big Store WINGHAM, ONT. Jno. Kerr in yBargains Gents Furnishings You'll have an opportunity to share in what will no doubt be the most sensational SHIRT and COLLAR SALE of the season. Sensational because the goods are new and stylish, at a saving in price of from 5o to loo per cent. That sounds big, doesn't it ? But we will prove the truth of that statement if you'll give us the opportunity to do so. About 150 New Summer Shirts Secured at a very low price. See them in our north window. White cotton body with fancy sateen fronts, Every shirt worth 75c each. Our Special Price, Only 48c Each. Money refunded if not perfectly satisfactory. About 300 Collars, New Goods. Regular price 15c to 2oc each. Come and examine these goods, otherwise you won't realize the compelling power of these prices. Turn -down Collars, Stand-up Collars, Turn -down Stand-up Col- lars, all sizes and styles. You'll have to move quick to get your supply at these sensational prices. Our Special Price, 10c Each or 3 For 250. A QUANTITY OF MEN'S CONGRESS SHOES AT REDUCED PRICES. Men's Fine Dongola Kid Congress Shoes, regular $2.25 to $2.50. Our Special Price to Clear, $1.65 a Pair. Cash Paid for Good Butter and Fresh Eggs. y mmtviwfwlrUlrmvni]iWiwi Y"Ulswimwvinlylt m ssi Walker's Furniture Store Is the place where you will find an elegant assort- ment of Furniture for the spring trade. Don't wonder why we sell so much i Call and see the goods and get our prices. Iron Beds, Springs and Mattressess at the same old prices ; a very large stock to choose from. We still lead in Couches and Parlor Suites. Jas. Walker & Co. r000000000,00000000000000 000000 p p,^.,©3C3f3©ey, 3 SEEDS r ! ! _ S For Farm & Garden e Common Red, Mammoth Red Alslko Lucerne and the department at Ottawa, for growth areud purity, inspected and approved by p several vartettf.s Wa1TR MARVEL—This , , , , , , , , 3, , 3, 3, , , , , , , a CLOVERS.— White, also Timothy,' ' and are home grown. OATS.—We have is won- derfully productive, yielding as much as 85 bushels to the acre, of large, plump, white grain. TARTAR KfNu-•-highly recommended by the Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa; strong straw, free from rust, Wrnvn Rus - STAN --has been grown extensively in Perth Co. TRouSAND DOLLAR OATS —well liked by the American farmer. BLACK BARLEY—Seldom yielding below 40 bushel per acre. niENSURE BARLEY,—A well-known variety, strong and heavy. JAPANESE MILLET. ---Also called Million Dollar Grass, well- known in Ontario; splendid for green fodder and hay. JAPANESE BUCKWHEAT.—Very early and productive. RUSSIAN SUNFLOWER,—Grows 15 inches in diameter. GOOSE WEEAT,—The cleanest from foreign Seeds we ever handled. CORNS..—'The largest stock, coming of the finest varieties for allege and maturity purposes, in the county. Also Sweet Corns for table use, come up extra early; none better, Crosby's Early Sugar Corn, Country Gentlemen—highly recommended. PEAS. --Field and garden. EARLY POTATOES._ Nought Six, very early and productive. Carmen No, 1, grown snecessfnlly at Experimental farm, Ottawa. Beauty of Hebron, very produetive right here. We keep a stock of Ground. Oil Cake, Ilibby's Cream Equivalent (takes the place of cream for calves), Twin City Ilerb Food (cheapest and best) and pure ground Flax Meal, also Sweet Peas and all Garden Plower Seeds. Come in and see for yourself, T. A. Mills Q