HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-05-09, Page 5THE WINGHAM ADVANCE --, THURSDAY, MAY 9, x9ay
They are. made in attractive patterns, tailored by
experts, and they fit as good clothes should fit. We
would like to show you one of these Suits.
New Arrivals This Week.
And many of them exclusive lines. New up-to-date
Spring Suits for Men, Youths and Boys New separate
Trousers and Knickers New Fancy Vests, New Spring
Raincoats, New "Star" Shirts, Now Austrian Collars (the
beet in the world for the price), New' Ties, New King and
Borsalino Hats (and other reliable makes) New Caps,
New Hose (in plain and fancy cashmere and Lisle thread),
New " Crawford " Shoes and other popular makes, New
Trunks and Suit Cases—in fact, everything new.
Spring and Summer Underwear.
Maucliauffee's French Balbriggan Underwear, long or
short sleeves, knee and ankle length drawers, in a full
range of sizes The Ellis Spring Needle Combination
Underwear in Balbriggan ; also the same make of Shirts
and Drawers in Blue, Black and Brown Balbriggan and
White Silkateen Penman's and Robin Hood's Natural
Wool Unshrinkable Underwear, specially for spring.
This Week's Specials.
Men's Fancy Colored Print Shirts, cuffs attached, all
sizes up to 18, regular 75c and 85c—for 600
Boys' Fancy Colored Print Shirts, in sizes from 12 up
to 14, regular 50c—for 25c
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
On common fences the continuous
wire stays are sure to bend and the locks
to lose their grip under continual pres-
sure of your horses or cattle. And once
they do, the top wire, soon followed by
those below, will sag and destroy the
efficiency of your fence.
Nothing like that can happen to our
Dillon Hinge -Stay Fence. The short,
stiff hard steel wire in our hinge -stays
cannot bond when the lateral wires are
weighted down, owing to their being so
short and jointed at each strand wire.
Pressure of a horse on the top wire brings the "hinge s" in the stays into action
and prevents them from bending, and when pressure is relic wed the fence springs back
into place again.
Tho lateral wires are High -Carbon Hard Steel and coiled to provide for
expansion and contraction by heat and cold, and are also crimped at the intersection
of the stays and strands to prevent the stays from slipping sideways—therefore no locks
are needed.
Buy the Dillon Hinge -Stay Fence. It's "twice as strong." Twice as good an
investment. Catalogue free.
The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co:, Limited, Owen Sound, Ont.
A former Winghanlite, who chanced
recently while in Toronto to hear
Rev. It. Hobbs, a former pastor of
Wingham Methodist Church, has giv-
en us a brief report of Mr.. Robb's
Sunday morning sermon, April 21st,
in the schoolroom of the new Gerrard
St, Methodist Church, which is but
another monument to his great or-
ganizing and executive ability.
The text is found in Isaiah 40:31—
"They that wait upon the Lord shall
renew their strength ; they shall
mount up with wings as eagles; they
shall run and not be Weary and they
shall walk and not faint,"
With characteristic vigor of body
and clearness of voice, Mr. Hobbs be-
gan his morning message, The chap-
ter as a whole divides itself into three
lessons :—First is the impotency of
man, over against which is the Om-
nipotence of God, the wisdom of God ;
two great extremes in the study of
ourselves and God. 2nd—Man's im-
potence and God's Omnipotence may
be allied, resulting in the Apostle's
assertion, "I can do all things through
God who strengtheneth me." 'We are
united to God, partakers of His
strength. We should study how to
partake of God's strength. This is
one of the vital subjects we want to
study as Christians. Mistaken ideas
Mprevail regarding waiting on the Lord.
ultitudes in and out of the Church
are waiting for others to turn things
up, instead of turning things up.
Such are in a state of passivity.
When we have put on the breastplate
of righteousness, etc„ etc., and in
short have done all we can, and THEN
come face to face with insurmounta-
ble barriers, THEN wait for the salva-
tion of the Lord. "Having done all
to stand," but not before you've done
The waiter in the text is not an
indolent person, but a character in
the sense of a servant, always ready
for service, carrying out his master's
orders at all times of the night or day.
Such servants are on the alert for
orders. Their feet are not too heavy
to do their master's bidding with
alacrity. This is the disposition of all
who are to partake of his ;night.
With an active person, there is al-
ways a waste taking place, The more
active the more you use up energy,
strength and vitality. "I wouldn't be
a phlegmatic person for all the world"
(declared the speaker with emphasis.)
Up to the degree that you lay yourself
out for service, you'll exhaust your-
self, therefore the greater need of re-
newal of strength day by day. This
is why strenuous persons do an ex-
traordinary amount of work. If we
would become strong, we must feed
on Heaven's own diet, viz., the Word
of God. By watering you become
watered, by feeding you become more
abundantly fed.
Mr. Hobbs says if the prayer meet-
ing, class meeting and fellowship
meeting be the pulse of the Church,
then Gerrard St. Church is terribly
sick. These meetings are ordained by
God to increase strength.
The preacher is not satisfied with
running even like a Longboat ; he
wants wings to mount up sunward
and Godward. We are low down.
We are living in the mists of the mi-
asmas of the poisonous world, where
so many Christians, spiritually speak-
ing, have the malarial fever. The
world would have been saved long ago-
goif we had obeyed God.
Mr. Hobbs has hope for those who
are walking, that soon they may run
and eventually fly. He would not
have us ignorant of the Devil's delud-
ing devices. The Devil would rather
capture a good woman than a man.
He knew of a woman who got such a
meal on one occasion that she said it
lasted her for about three years. This
woman was in a dormant state those
three years, apparently unaware of
it ; she was like the Laodicians. As
the body needs renewing day by day,
so the soul and the mind require daily
spiritual and intellectual food. God
has made provision for renewal day
by day. There is the milk of the
word for babes, and the reverend gen-
tleman is "glad there is milk for
babes." He thinks there are babes in
Christ in his Church, who should be
farther advanced in the Christian life ;
they are dwarfs. He knows profess-
ing Christians who, if you don't give
them a little milk, there is nothing for
them, so let them have the paps.
Mr. Hobbs has coveted a settled
pastorate, where his Church members
could digest "great chunks of meat"
that would develop robust Christians.
Axle Grease, regular 10c box, at .... 6 for .25
Vulmar Washer, to clear, regular $7, at . 5.50
Triumph Washer, to clear, regular $7, at. 5.50
Daisy Churn No. 2, regular $6.50, at $5.25
Daisy Churn No. 3, regular $7.00, at .... 5.75
Large assortment of Screen Doors and Windows.
Woodyatt Lawn. Mowers ---all sizes.
Large assortment of Sherwin-Williams, Robertson's, and
Beaver Ready -mixed Paints.
Church's Alabastine, White Lead and Linseed Oils.
Carpet Felt and Carpet Whips for housecleaning.
s -me._ .,-.e......�..,
If you intend building, it will pay you to
call and get prices at
Young'sBig H
al 411.1011011 4101111.1110 01111111011110M4111111111010111 4111.11111111111001.•
Recommended by a Well-known
Toronto Doctor, Whose Love
for Humanity is Greater than
His Prejudice Against Pro'
prietary Medicines.
Tho following very valuable pro-
scription, by an eminent and success-
ful physician, n -ill be appreciated by
many who aro suffering from la grippe,
cold, cough, pneumonia, or any throat,
lung or stomach trouble, or run-down
system, as it is a certain cure, and
will save many a doctor's bill, It is
almost a certain preventwe as well:—
"When you feel that you are taking
cold or have chilly feeling or aching
in any part of the body or head, or
feel weal., tired, dizzy, unfit for work,
pain in the head or back of the neck,
do not neglect these dangerous symp-
toms, but send immediately to your
druggist and get a bottle of Psychine
(pronounced Si-ket u), and prepare as
follows :
"Psychine, 2 teaspoonfuls.
"Sherry, whisky or water, 2 tea-
"Choice of the latter can be made
according to the judgment and pre-
ference of the patient,
"Mix thoroughly and take regularly
before each meal and at bedtime."
This prescription has been used in
thousands of cases and has been so
universally successful that a number
of leading physicians regularly pro-
scribe Psychine in their practice for
any of the above troubles, or any run-
down, wasting or constitutional diffi-
culty. It is the most reliable and
valuable home remedy. It tones up
the entire system, giving a feeling of
youthfulness and vigor, adding• many
years to the life of those who use it.
"Years ago I was almost a physical wreck and
was suffering with lung troubles. Friends and
neighbors thought I would never get better. I
began to despair myself. Losing faith in my
physician. I procured another one who recom-
mended the use of PSY C III N E. It was surprising
beyond description the effect it had. I seemed to
gain with every dose. Inside of two weeks I was
able to attend to my housework again. Thera
are no symptoms1off consumption
on about on me now."
St. John, N.B.
"I had been suffering from La Grippe. My
lungs were weak and I had a cough, but rsyehin.
cured me."
Cheapside, Ont.
Psyehine can be procured from any
druggist at 60c. and. $1.00. It is a very
We don't
ask you to
buy:, We
do ask you
to SEE the Tudhope
We will show you just the style
of carriage you want for the road
—for every day use—and for the
family. Tudhopes make them all.
And remember, too, that Tud-
hope Carriages are guaranteed by
the best known makers in Canada.
J. J. FRYFOGLE, - Wingham
"Made to walk on" is what the
manufacturers say of Campbell's Var-
nish Stains for staining and varnish-
ing floors, woodwork .and furniture.
Well, if they will stand being walked
upon they must be made from a var• for the performance of Statute labor
nish that is all right. Why not try a for 1907 be adopted, viz.:—Assessed up
can,, For sale by J. D. Burns. to $500, 1 day's work ; from $500 to
as' work from 1000 to
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and $2200, 3 days' work ; from $2 00 to
every form of contagious Itch on hu- $3400, 4 days' work ; from $3100 to
man or animals cured to 30 minutes $4600, 5 dayswork, and for every
by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold other $1200 assessment, or any frac-
by A. L. Hamilton. tional part thereof, one additional
By-law No. 7, 1907, empowering the
Trustees of the new Union S. S. No.
17, East Wawanosh and Morris, to
issue debentures by way of loan for
A. H. Whitford, secretary Y. M. 0. the sum of $1600 for a term of 10 years
A., has set the church people of Buf- , for the purpose of building a new
falo thinking by the facts about the f school house, and for renovating and
membership and attendance of men at r improving the grounds of said school
the churches. He found that out of 1 section generally, duly read and
200,000 nominal Protestants in that +, passed. The Treasurer reported cash
city only 50,000 attended church. Out j on hand at date, $090.95.
of 75,000 young men, only 43,000 pro- On motion of Mr. Gillespie, second -
fess allegiance to the Protestant faith, ed by Mr. Parks, the following ac -
28,000 are Catholics, and 1,000 counts were ordered to be paid :—Ed -
Hebrews. But less than 20 per cent. gar Pattison, repairing culvert at lot
of the Protestants attended their 125 35, con. 12, $300 ; Fred. Rath, repair -
churches, while 03 per cent. of the ing culvert at lot 42, con. 4, $4.50;
Catholics were at mass, Out of 25,000 George Potter, repairing culvert at
houses visited less than 20 professed lot 41, con. 1, $6, East Wawanosh
infidelity. Out of 9,510 male mem- share ; Alex. N. Leishman, 2005 feet
hers of Protestant churches only 25 elm plank, $00.02.
per cent. are engaged. in Christian ser- Moved by Mr. Cumming, seconded
vice. With these facts in hand, Mr, by Mr. Gillespie—That the Council
Whitford was in a position to show now adjourn to meet again at Bel -
that the American city is under a grave as a Court of Revision and Ap-
great strain. In Milwaukee, Wis., it ( peal, on Monday, 27th May next at
is found that conditions even worse 10 o'clock a. m., and also for ordinary
prevail. Only 15,000 men out of 80,000 municipal business.
attend the 120 churches, ( Alex. Porterfield, Clerk.
Protection and Safe
are combined in
The Endowment Policies
The Dominion Life.
A sound, well managed
Canadian Life Assurance Company.
Average rate of Interest
earned in 1906—
6.73 PER CENT.
Local Agent — Wingham, Ont.
The following Pathmasters have
been appointed for the current year:—
North Boundary—Wm. Henderson,
W. J. Henderson, P. Fowler, Jno, Mc-
Cracken, Geo. McDonald, Jno. Messer,
N. Thornton, R. Messer, P. Moffatt.
1st Line—D, W. Campbell, J. D. Mc-
Ewen, D. H. Campbell, Jno. Spence,
A. McEwen, W. Thornton, Jno. John-
ston, R. Miller. 2nd Line—Wm. Find -
later, Jno. Perdue, L. Jewitt, J. Sellars,
W. Turvey, Jno. Mustard, 0. Forrest,
7.. Eckmier. 3rd Line—R. Maguire,
John Hopper, C. Garniss, Wm. Knox,
James .Hawthorn, 0. Campbell, 3. H.
Sellars, W. Farrow, Jas. Ireland. 4th
Line—W. Corbett, W. C. Proctor, W.
Stubbs, J. Nicholson, C. Wheeler, W.
McCracken, Ed. Brewer, Jas. Shurrie,
A. Crooks. 5th Line—J. H. Vancamp,
S. Irvine, Wrn. Watson, J. Clark, A.
McNeil, T. Clark, Wnr. Cook, Wm.
Keys, M. Cardiff, John Manning. 0th
Line—Geo. Armstrong, Jas. Kelly, R.
Young. T. Russell, Jno. Douglass, Jas.
Kernaghen, J. Smith, F. McCutcheon,
Wm. Thuell. 7th Line—Wm. Taylor,
John Phelan, John Craig, Geo. Pierce,
Thos. Pierce, A. Howlett, Geo. Read -
man, R. Bewley, F. Smith. 8th Line
—H. Fear, D. Laidlaw, Jas, Scott, Jno.
McCall, Wrn. Phelan, John Colclough,
Geo. Jackson, G. McCollum, Jno. Bell,
A. Knight. 9th Line—Jno. Potter, F.
Longman, C. Taylor, A. Taylor, J. W.
Shortreed, D. Laidlaw, T. McCall, P.
McArthur, W. A. McCall, T. Marshall.
South Boundary—Geo. Grigg. East
Boundary—A. Bryans, W. Youill, W.
Dark, C. Pollard. West Boundary—
J. Golley, J. Taylor, W. C. Grasby, D.
Denholm. Walton—T. Waghorn. Bel-
grave—W. J. Geddes. W. Clark,
What About Your Kidneys ?
Your back aches and fairly groans
with the distress of kidney trouble.
Your are discouraged, but you must
not give up. The battle can be quick-
ly won when Dr. Hamilton's Pills get
to work. These kidney specialists
bring new health and vitality to
young and old alike. Even one box
proves their marvelous power. Con-
tinue this great healer, and your kid-
neys will become as strong, as vigor-
ous, as able to work as new ones.
Remember this, Dr. HamiIton's Pills
are purely vegetabla ; they do cure
liver, bladder and kidney trouble.
They will cure you, or your money
back. Price 25c per box, at all
East Wawanosh.
Council met in Belgrave on April
20th, pursuant to adjournment ; mem-
bers all present. The minutes of last
meeting, on motion of Messrs. Parks
and Taylor (with the exception of a
change in Statute labor scale as out-
lined in minutes of March 22nd last)
read and passed.
Resolved, that the following scale
Facts About Church.Going.
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder
whose mission it is and which mission it fills in freeing thousands from the bondage of
dreaded, disgusting, discouraging, distracting catarrh, that cruel, relentless master that
is no respecter of persons. How do you know you are in its thrall ? Note the
symptoms—headache, watery eyes, pains over the eyes, deafness, buzzing in the head,
dropping in the throat, offensive breath, dryness in the nostrils—any or all of these
symptoms are forerunners of catarrh, and catarrh in the headache stage can be relieved
in so minutes by Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder and the sufferer may be saved the
suffering that comes with the chronic stage and the distress and maybe fatal results
when catarrh takes hold on the lung tissues.
Take catarrh in time with this wonderful cure, which, as thousands have said and
thousands more could say, "works like magic," and you will have struck the chord that
is the keynote to health and happiness.
DR. AGNEW'S CURB FOR THE DART gives relief in thirty minutes.
DR. AGNEW'S OINTMENT relieves eczema, scrofula and all skin eruptions
with first application -35 cents.
Por Sale y A. L. I A x oN,
for New
The Leading Store
e. E. Asara & co.
only 1,0o
Silaps for Saturday
MAY 11th.
Look around and see what
others are selling and then visit
this Store and see the large range
of Exclusive Novelties displayed
for your inspection.
LADIES' BELTS. -12 doz. Ladies' Fancy Kid Belts, "style
right up to the minute," brass or silver buckles ; colors,
black, brown, blue, white, tan, gray ; worth 50e, Saturday 25c
LONG GLOVES.—Very scarce and hard to get, see our leader
in black or white Lisle, Saturday 60e
LADIES' DRAWERS. -5 doz. Ladies' White Cambric Draw-
ers, nicely made, regular value 50c, Saturday . 39c
LAWN WAISTS.—A large range of the latest styles to
choose from. You are sure to get the right style and
fit if you buy here. Special Waist, worth $1.25, Saturday$1.00
HOSE. -10 doz. Ladies' fine Cashmere Hose, fast black, seam-
less feet, regular 35c, Saturday 25c
UNDERSKIRTS.—Fine, black, Mercerized Sateen Under-
skirts, regular $1.50 value, Saturday Sale $1.00
LACE CURTAINS. -24 pairs Lace Curtains, 3i yds. long,
wide, regular value $1,00, Saturday 75c
QUILTS. -12 White Bedspreads, large size, regular price
$1.25, Saturday Sale $1.00
BOYS' SUITS.—Pretty pattern Tweed. Suits, nicely made,
Norfolk style, regular $2,50, Saturday $2.00
MEN'S PANTS.—Special line of Men's Working Pants. A
Saturday Bargain, only $1.00
Good Window Shades, on rollers, only 35c
Sample Ends of Lace Curtains, travellers' samples, your
choice Saturday, each 25c
Numerous other snaps we haven't room to quote here.
Shop Early in the Day if Possible.
H. E. ISARD i Co.
• ***444•••••••••••••+••••••
Whitechurch Hardware More
For Up-to-date Goods in all
Lines of the Hardware Business
Portland Cement .... Drayton Tiles ... Care Metallic and
• Galvanized Roofing .... Frost Fencing ... Peerless Fencing o
.... Paints, dry and ready mixed (Wortman & Ward's i
goods) .... Churns .... Washers .... Hay Forks, slings, car-
riers and tracks .... A full line of General Hardware.
In making our first announcement to the public, we are
not going to pretend that we are selling anything for less
than cost. But we will always sell at as close a margin of
profit as is consistent with sound business principles. It will •
always be our aim to keep nothing but the best the market
affords, and thereby merit a continuance of your patronage.
J. T. Holmes' Hardware Store j
The New Scale Williams Piano Co., Oshawa
s Have requested me to place their Pianos
in my store, and have appointed me the
Sole Agent for Wingham and vicinity.
Is extended to one and all (whether prepared to buy or
not) to call and see them. Don't be afraid to bring your
friends along. It costs you nothing to come in and test
their tone and see the designs. You may use the Pianos
freely to play on—the more they are played on the better.
So don't be afraid to come in. --we'll consider it a favor to
have you come. They are some of the finest toned Pianos
in Canada to -day. Don't buy until you've seen them.
If you want the best, we feel satisfied we can show you
something 'worth coming to see. Our invitation is to all
lovers of music to come and see for yourselves.