HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-04-25, Page 6metelneeneezaccoccoacaccmcmgas 3 0 0 S netembetebettemmezzaccootzmoozngu TRIAL FOR LIFE i 3Sid POINTS of GREEN TEA for a nhv.ician! A liniment may savo i Largest Tiha a in the World. or lose your ntasteti's life!" t The hamuli bank in the world is in DfRESSMAKIN 3 SCHOOL The large°,t clnu•Ch is in Rome. The 'argot stock exchange is in New Yolk, The loftiest structure in the world is in Paris. The largest brewery is in St. Louis, There, also, is the largest tobacco fac- tory in the world. The largest suspension bridge is in New York. The largest hospital in the world is in Paris. The largest atone structure in .the world is in Egypt. The largest falls aro in Africa. The largest public gardens etre in Paris. The largest river is in South America. The largest monument in the world is in Washington. The largest life insurance companies are in New York. The greatest stove factory is in De- troit, Mich. The largest match faetory le in Ohio. The largest glut works in the world are in Essen. Perceiving; that no. one. offered to obey i London. n ' i cnntiuued to rlara a on him in detestation and horror, he said to the butler: "Watson, look to your master. You have some experience, Apply restoratives vigorously, while 1 hasten myself to bring surgical help." And he moved toward the door. Here he was intercepted by the crowd of domestics, who, roused from the ap- athy of horror, roughly barred his way )� with exclamations of: "No, yon don't, though!" "You'd cut and run, would you!" UNEQUALLED PURIFY—STRENGTH—FLAVOR, "Don't you ,ogeswing tfnr rathohl!;, (h, n it, ".Bold on, you. Stay where you are, will you!" "Don't let hien get away. Seize holt on him, Jeems!'' Bao for the perlice!" The confusion was indescribable. E LIME ■ lir:: while all 1 P LEAD PACKETS ONLY -40c, 50e, 00e Per Pound ---AT ALL GROCERS. He paused, still breathing low and quick, and raised his eyes, eloquent with em'tlon, to here. Her fate, that had been averted, was now turned gently towards him, when, heating her glances, he exclaimed: "Oh, Heavenl your eyes are full of teats. You do not turn away. My ware tip is not wasted! You accept the ovation! Oh, Laura, is it not so? Speak to mel Speak to me!" She placed both ,her hands in both of He, with a glance that told him all he wished to kaon. lir eatie,at those white hands and pressed them rapturously to his lips, to his heart, esnid exclamations of love and delight that made him blind, and e:eaf and ]lueneible to all else on earth or in ,heaven, 'blind, deaf and insensible in Lt to the presence of Sir V cel LesteT who had entered the schoolroom unan- nounced, and now stood gazing upon this lova scene with his dark and handsome face lowering with evil passions, until Laura Elmer raised leer eyes, astwith a slight exclamation recognized him and started to her feet. "Ibeg your pardon, 1lliss Elmer; but if this had been another than the school- room I should not have entered unan- nounced," said the baronet, with ,plerc- lag sarcasm. should have calmed her spirits, and she ,cried one of the servants, intercepting Ferdinand Cassinove stood up, and, wondered why it did not, and why, on taking the hand of Laura Elmer, con- the contrary, her soul was oppressed "W e should never see the sight of 1 tint else coal not shltke your face again if we were green en - Miss Elmer was more than satisfied with the accommodations offered, and therefore she immediately engaged the apartments, promising to conic and take possession in a few days. When Miss Elmer then mentioned that lir. Cassinove had recommended the house and the hostess, Mrs. Russel became enthusiastic in her expres- sions of gratitude for his kindness, admiration of his character, and aspira- tions for his welfare. Miss Elmer was delighted with her warns encomiums, and in this pleasing frame of mind she took leave. She returned to Lester House in time for a late tea. and without having a second opportunity of conversing with Cassinove, she retired to her chamber. Laura went to bed and tried to read could herself to deep, vainly, for she e innsther fix her atteution to the her hand. nor ompose herself volume to rest. The day had been too full of excite- ment. Ferdinand Cassinove, whom in her secret heart she had long adored, hind declared his love ,and she had made him happy by accepting the true heart that he had laid at her feet. They were be- trothed. She felt that this assurance "Friends, what do you mean by hind• ering ink. Let me pass. I must hurry at once to bring a physician. Don't you see that life and death hang upon every moment," exclaimed Cassinove in an ag- ony of anviety to save his enemy, if there should be yet a shadow of hope. "Oh yes, we know that your life or death hangs upon every instant, and you'll hang yourself pretty soon! Here cones Mr. Watson, hear what ho says about it," said James, the ladies' foot- man. Watson, the butler, who had ben anx- iously examining the condition• of the baronet, now left the bedside and stood among his fellow servants, pale as death. "A physician should instantly be sum- moned," again began Cassinove (anx- iously to say, when the butler gravely in- terrupted him. "`Mr. Cassinove, no physician) can bring the dead to life, and my master, Sir Vincent Lester, is quite dead; but, for all that, I will send for ono. James, you go at once and rouse up Dr. Clark, and tell him what has happened and ask him to please to come at once. He will know what is best to be done, and how to tell my lady-. And then, James, when —when you have told the doctor, go to Bow street and bring a pair of police - en Andmind,James, that do myounot say one word to anoue else as to what has occurred in this house until you are required to do so," James was about to start upon his errand, when C'assinove, starting for- ward, said: "Send the, footman at once to Bow street. I will go myself for the family plsysic'ian." "No you don't, though, no, you don't" fronted Sir Vincent with a Froud and joyous expression upon his fine face, saying: "Sir Vincent Lester, I have the honor to announce to you my engagement to Miss Elmer, who has just + blessed my life with the promise of her hand." "I congratulate you, sir; though your evident a fact seems rather a work of the next day ,and need never come into the butler, gravely. supererogation;" said the baronet, with collision with the Lesters again. a freezing hauteur. Thus it could not have been this"Not let me leave the room, What do Mr. Cassinove bowed coldly. thought of their animosity that filled you mean, fellow?" questioned Casein - "And now, sir," continued Sir Vincent, her soul with a sense of approaching oue, indignantly. "as the time of an engaged man must be calamity, vague and terrible as til' "I am afraid, sir, we dare not do it," h valuable h• thanforms that move through the valley of persisted the butler. vt nth n g nom off, and haunted with a presentiment of ?ugh to It you go! exclaimed another evil which she could by no means exe"- joining the opposition. vise. It was true she knew Lady Les- "What is the meaning of all this. Has ter had no kindly feelings toward her, horror deprived you of your senses?" and also that sir Vincent Lester hetet inquired ('aa-iuuve. looking in amaze- s • Cassinove with the intense hatre:i of meat from one to another and reading Tee � �, Babies. somewhat formal announcement of so herself, was to leave the house upon "Em afraid, -lir. C hero ve. that we must not let you !cave the room " said 'reaches 1)re&s Cut- ting and Malang 1a. ati its branches 'ay mall (8 lessons), Tho bent system ever lu- trgduced in Canada. Cort of full course is now only $!5. includ- ing one of the most perfect fitting systems in use given free. Ailopt this method and increase your M- ee m 0. Satisfactory bank references given as to your safety lel remitting money to us. For full parttculare write to -day. FOR, ALL HUMOURS Eczema, Salt Rheum, Pulltulea, eic.—no remedy heals more quickly than Mira Ointment. Mite rolievei inflammation, soothes pain, caries neve ti:suo to cover raw surfaces, and lidera the skin to healthy smoothness. Mrs. J. fi vbb, .r75 Dovecourt Strut, Toronto, writes: "It is a wonderful cure." J. Tresntett, Itarndron, sRys: ' 1 highly recomrnendyourMi'a Oint nurrt for .F.csenta.' Mira Tablets and Blood Tonic hell, to a more thorough cure. At druggists --or -from The Chemilis' Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton— Toronto. Insist on getting ififf New Engines for War Vessels. (Savannah, da., News.) A day or two ago we commented on an interview by Lewis Nixon, the naval archi- tect, in the course of lvhloh ho said the steam engine was doomed in ocean ships and predicted that the time was not far n hear vessels would be pro- dtslant when Y b 'Odwaltcacitlotilon ongiues. Ie ,pielled I Y iss seems, as a matter of fact, that the British admiralty has already had plans made for the conetructien of cruisers and even battle- ships driven by such engines, and may be- gin the construction of such vessels before a great while. That will mean the disap- pearance of all tophamlrer, such as masts and funnels, from warships and the fight- ing craft will to outward appearance bo hard- ly more titan a floating gun platform. a • m His First Country Visit. A little' 3 -year-old was on his first vis- it in the country, says Lippincott's Mag- azine. His mother allowed him to go out and see the fowls fed and the cows milk- ed. Soon he name running to her in. great excitement and concern. • "Ianuna, mamma," he called, "the calf is eating up the cow!" jealousy; but then Cassinove, as well ns Only abhorrence upon every face. tauc more va.ua a to himself to the shadow of death. - "Explain yourself!" peremptorily de - anyone else. I have to inform von that I meat, from this day, deny myself your restlessness that could not be soothed. "The circunrstanees, sir! the circum - inestimable servicer:, and authorize your .he heard the latest domestics one by stances!" She lay tossing for hours in a state of ntanded Cassiu(n•e, departure from my house at your earliest one, retire to their beds. And long of "What circumstances, fellow?" convenience." ter that, "in the dead waste and middle "The circumstances we found you in Again Cassinove bowed ceremonioilsiy' of the night," her ears, sharpened by when we burst Imo the room at the saying: nervous excitement, heard the faintest cries of murder, sir; our aneeter mur- dered have anticipated my wishes and ,nand in the empty street without or derecl and dying, We:tering in his blood; purposes in this matter, Sir Vincent. the silent house within- At length all Son standing over l 111 with he dripping My term is upof to -morrow, when I sitx:] without and within was as stili as death. dagger in your hand," said ti. hut`er, relieve you of my presents. Even her strained sense of hearing could `;luiddering with horror in the rec.nllec "Pray do not feel obliged to serve not catch the faintest sourd. tion. to the end of the term for which you The dead silence and darkness was al- Young Cassinove tuned ghastly were engaged. I quite willingly release most suffocating to her preternaturally white. reeled, and dropped into the near - yon from such au obligation, and pro- , excited nerves on the qui vive of a sort mise that, whether you go to -day or to- of fearful expectancy. morrow, the time of your departure shall It was while listening painfully make a difference in the not whuntolly lv through the deep silence, and gazing in - your wages—a consideration not wholly tently into the black darkness "1 ±ler:ins the (drops of agony from his brow, tunimportant, I presume, to a young gen- from that a line of ted lights, its he gasped forth the words: est bli who is thinking of setting up an from a candle, carried in the hall with- "But I had ruehed at the first cry fur establishment. Tkrrai•efsne, strand not out glided throth^h the crevice at the help to the assistance of Sir Vincent; 1 est seat, struck for the fir' -t time by the overwhelming force of the circum- stantial evidence against himself. Then recovering. with a great effort, and wip- had bear:, as usual, reading late in the upon the order of your going, but go at bottom of her door. ane traverse 1 the ,,•- once. If you hope to get another sttua•r tudv, .. ps length of her darkened Chamber wail-, niy custom, tion, however, do not come to me for and disappeared. +t the same m',went the cry of 'murder' from Sir Vincent's a character. I cannot conscientiously the stairs ltadmg down to the ^.r:xt once• I s;,r:'7)`-' up• and rushee in at recommend a tutor who passes his time fluor creaked sinvvlr and sof iy as n Id�r °ice; as T ran ensue-, tl,' hall, I thought in making love to the governess, and the weight of r:nnie cautiously descent:!lt g e figure ruut+�r1 part me in the opposite chooses the schoolroom as the theatre e• direction, hnt I kneeled on, and war, the of his romantic drama!" sneered the step. first to enter Sir Vincent's room; e Slight u as thin mento was, n the pre- found him in the first sp ;sin of the 1 baronet, whose face waa black with sup- ternatural excitement of they mer +r, it pressed rage. Then, turning to Laura filled her soul with terror. It was in wound; I raised him in my arms, and Elmer with a sarcastic bow, he said:drew out the poniard; he clutched Inc in "I must again begyourpardon, :Hiss vain that she assured herself that there his dying agony, and cried, a little wild- , was nothing unnatural or alarmira in Iy „r1 in,aherent'y 'Pursue him! per - Elmer, for breaking in upon your very the event, a r midnight w that the walker s interesting little scene, and say, in apol- merely some domestic passing through sue him!' and the next instant the roomwas filled with you all as it is now." ogy for my indiscretion, that I would the house on some harmless errand at :.Y Mr.es Cassinove, that sounds fair scarcely have expected to find the goy- an 1 raisons This own. She could not be at resr ; =,(r erness of the school so sentimentally heart stood still with horror! she lien). And with She heard it. if for some knell of doom. good with the magistrate, but the last And wrth a sardonic smile and bow he ,the heard words of my master, Mr. Cassinove-- left the room. "Murder! murder! murder! mord—" the last words of my master." Cassinove, with his dark eyes blazing Theze was no mhstalcingthosefeatfnl' with anger, started after him; but quick as lightning Laura Eimer sprang forward and caught his arm, saying: "Cassinove! Cassinovel Pause—con- trol yourself I" "He has insulted you! I must chastise him! I must werehhe kingl exclaimed household, startled ut of their deep Think of ht! On, it was }horrible, sir! b!e enough, and I hope it employed." may be as yeti say,and may do you shrieks that broke upon the silent mid- "Well what were they? I was so night hour, and died away in gurgling overwhelmed with horror that I did not inirticulation distinctly hear them. "They accused you as his murderer, She understood her presentimen- novo. Mr. Cassinove." She sprang from her bed in frantic haste "Never! never!" cried Ferdinand Cas - threw on her dressing -gown. and nisi,- sinove. and Willi I would if he ed out into the passage. The alarmed sir; I arm sorryto saytheydid. " Caaeinove.his o whole countenance inflamed with indig- sleep by those frenzied cries, were now It chills my very heart to think of it nation. now in motion and all hurryint . Half- nosh. Recollect the circumstances, sir. 'No, no, Ferdinand, you will not, yon rinsed, and with exclamations of as- You were standing over him with the must not. You will listen to me, and,tonishment, wonder and alarm, toward reeking daggr r in your hand. He had. govern yourself. Remember that 'he who the chamber whence the cries proceeded. you by the collar in his dying grasp, and iuleth his own spirit is greater than be Alrrrst maddened with excitement, with ids dying lips he said: who taketh a city.' Anger is insensate. Laura Elmer joined them, and the whole "He has murdered me—he, he, the irrational. To yield to it is unworthy' party poured into the chamber of Sirwench!'' of a man; keep your own soul in peace; 1 lucent Lester. 'Tint I was there, to save him. lie let this insulting baronet go. What is i tThere a seen? met her view thatsecni• e'.ut^sed rue on'.y in his mortar death he to us that -we should permit him to ' e'- to conceal' to ice ',eery drop of leer ±*,..,es. Iiia wild worr.s referred only to disturb our repose? To -morrow we shall q if4•r.•urrrnt. - t the vvret h who reailly did assass]nate • the an n be I f him to day let u5 forget r Vie Frt Ie t'r a" 1v(,ur<cr1 a.Marl h d not t nw' explained. Castel are saved suffering—and mothers given rest—when oue uses Nurses' and ]bothers' Treasure Quickly relieves—regulates the bowels — prevents convulsions. Used 5o years. Absolutely safe. At drug -stores, 25e. 6 bottles, Mee. National Drug & Chemical Co., Limited, Sole Proprietors, Montreal. 41 Demagogues and Gamblers. For business undertakings there is no way to .success save through busiue'sslike management. The teepioitation and loot- ing of railroad systems for private gain ire as unliniuessillc,' ne the exploitation and paralyzing bf them for political gain. The ',elite of the cnunlry ought to pray with equal fervor to be delivered from the demagogues on the one hand and from the manipulators on the other. Both are dangerous. --New York Times. - YOUR SUMMER OUTING IL you are fond of fishing, canoeing, camp- ing or the study of wild animals look up the Algonquin National Park of Ontario for your summer outing. A fish and Ramo preserve of 2.000.000 acres interspersed with 1,200 lakes and rhers in awaiting yott, offoring al] the attractions that Nature can bestow. Mag- nificent canon trips. Altitude 2.000 feet above sea level. Pure and exhilarating atmosphere• Just the place for a young man to put in his summer holidays. An interesting and pro- fusely illustrated descriptive publication tell- ing you all about it smut free on application to J. D. McDonald, Union Station, Toronto. Ont. a -s Wise Man. Wise—He doesn't feel that he's eligi- ble for membership in your Browning society. Woodby—You mean because he doesn't know anything about poetry. Wise—Not at all. I. mean because he's sensible enough to admit it.—Pliiladel- Oto Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. phis Press. He Over Did It. She—You remember what you promis- ed before we were married.? You said you would make every effort to make yourself worthy of me. He—Yes; and the result was that I overdid it, and made myself better than you deserve.—Punch. 1'r %II Mange, Prairie Scratches and ever/ form of contagious Itch o0 human or anlmais cured !n 20 mI '. fes by Wolford's Sanitary Cohens It never falls. Sold by druggists. o - + Real Quaker City Crime. (Pbiiedelphta Press.) "What!" exclaimed the plain citizen, "of course it was wrong. He accepted a bribe." "Oh, I don't know," replied the politi- cian; "thoro'a nothing wrong about—" "What? Why, they•caught him. with the goods and be admits g "Ob, if be was caught at !t of course it's ELITE DRESSMAKING SCHOOL Allss Valens, Instructor P. 0, BOX 91 pl1.91'01L Ate, OfV'T- A clergyman was talking with awe about J. Pierpont Morgan's determina- tion to stop the production of "Salome" in New York, and his willingness to re- imburse sir. Conried to the extent of $50,000 rather than allow' the music drama to be seen at the Metropolitan Opera House. "Doubtless," said tate clergyman, thoughtfully, "Mr. Morgan's $50,000 could have clone more good than stop a music drama that is, I have been told, a great work of art. But, all the same, I admire the spirit of the man. Ile is a man who achieves what he wants—a rare gift. "I remember how, ono Easter, a Meth• odist minister in the south wrote to Mr. Morgan and asked hien to subscribe to the erection of a new church. "'Since I am an Episcopalian,' Mr. Morgan wrote back, 'I can't conscien- tiously join this Easter subscription to the building of a Methodist church. Be- fore erecting your new church, though, you are going, I understand, to tear the old church down. For that purpose 1 gladly inclose my cheque for $250.00.' " A Pattern for the Cook, "Children," said Judge 'Willard Mc- Ewen, int a dinner in Chicago, "are the great home builders . A lack of children !Beans unhappiness, divorce. In the ma- jority of the divorce: suits that 1 pass (1nand 1 pass on a hundred it month -- the couples ere between ;i0 and 40 years of age and childless, "' - o children should be prized and cher- ished despite their faults , faults they have, 1 will admit. "Only the other day 1 heard of a lit- tle girl, huteltiug out, who was doteeted in tlic act of eranuning a large yellow handful of Spanish omelette into the pocket of her pink frock. "'11•liy, you little pig,' exelaimed her mother, 'what on earth are you about? Put that back on your plate et once. Why, I never heard of such a thing. \'hat on earth do you mean by it?' "'It's so good, muvver,' the child ex- plained, 'that 1 thought I'd take a piece home to our cook for a pattern.'" Fine muslins, dainty lin- gerie, iron easier, look better, last longer if the laundress uses the on cold -water (no boiling) starch that really saves work and really won't stick. Try it. Get TRA I WANT ERS MUSKRATS LARGE OR SMALL LOTS Write for price list. W.C. GOFFATT ORiLLA ONT. A Big Man. (London Canadian Gazette.) We cordially welcome the selection of Colonel the lion. J. M. Gibson as com- mandant of the Oanedian Bisley team of 1907. It will be a year of big things, and we want big men to honor the year. Mr. Gibson has been president of the Dominion Rifle Association; he has been in command of it Canadian team before in tbo Wimbledon days of 20 years ago, and no man has done more to give Cana- dian riflemen their place or honor among the marksmen of the Empire. The ad- jutant is to be Captain Duff Stuart, of the 0th Rifles, Vancouver—an excellent shot. Growth of a Great Ecorse Remedy. No better illustration can be given of great thine,s ieming f,•oni small beelnuiugs than ICE:VtiALL'S SPAVIN CURE. It was com- voundcd wind used in a small way about 30 yearin. the thensobscuo re yillage ector P Enoeburg. J. aValle, Vt. SPAVIN CURE" has gone to ell parts of the world. 'rhe merits, and the merits alone, of the remedy have done it. While Dr. Kendall was practicing he wrote a little book entitled "A Treatise on the ; Horse and Ills Diseases." It is eafe to say tbat no more (popular work on this subject hes even been produced down to the present day. It was originally banded out to the horsemen with whom he came in personal contact. It is said that now upwards of 12,000,000 of these little 'bootee have been pub- lished and .gratuitously distributed. The cures of spavin, curio, ringbone, splint, wird cuts, sores, etc., and the. expense and labor saved to horse owners by KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL' are beyond comprehension. For the greater :Hart of these 30 years KEN- DALL'S SPAVIN CURE has been the chief, and with thousands of horsemen, rho only remedy used. It must be remembered that it is not confined to North America.. It is decidedly to world remedy. With the title book mentioned above to guide, and with KENDALL'S SPAVIN' CURE at hand to treat promptly any case of epnaln, wound, lame- ness, incipient bone growth, etc., the ordin- ary horse owner is well fortified against all the common ailments to which horse flesh le liable. It is unquestionably a more efficient remedy, read adapted to the cure of more of the ailments to which the horse is liable, than any other now on the market. He Sold Bad Goods. Sir Thomas Lipton, whose grocery Limited," are as thick shops, in Londonas the fog, ws talking to a New York reporter on his last visit about pure food laws. "And that reminds me," said Sir Thomas, "of my youth, when I was run- ning my first grocery and sleeping under the counter. "A rival in the next street was selling notoriouely bad goods and 1. heard a story about hint with delight. "It seems that a customer entered his shop and asked for a pound of butter. "'Yes, sir,' said my rival, 'the real or the incitation, sir?' "'What was it you sold me yester- day?' inquired the customer. "'That was the real, sir.' "'Then give me the imitation'" - 'Co whom it may concern: This is to ' certify that I have used IMIINARD'S LINIMENT myself as well as prescribed it in my practice where a liniment was 'required, and have never failed to get the desired effect. C. A. KING, M. D. Had the Example Handy. Teacher—A tyrant is a ruler that's hated and feared. Now give me a sen- tence with the word in it. Scholar—The teacher swatted de pupil wid his tyrant. -4 1+ Minard's Liniment Cores Burns, etc. 4*0 INDIANS FOND OF BILLIARDS. Some of Their Favorite Dishes, Times of Feasting and Dancing. The Kiowa, Comanche and Cheyenne tribes in southwestern Oklahoma cense'. or dog neat better eating than any oth- er meat. When the Kiowits have a feast dog meat is given the first place as a special honor to the invited guests. When the guests happen to be a white man, he dares not refuse the proffered delicacy if he desires to preserve the friendship the man Many a paleface hos W nth rad Y tllue been coo oiled to eat do meat or clear O , eyin in bit tel. hie },cart's blood ^petit• P g him Come ou will tell to me this t eve, in eometernation at the increasing weenie." : lose his Indian friend's good will, and as y y iii in a th}Cd +r't frr*! wound f9 t 'f' ' a result eomes away with a longing to amain taste the for tlisome meat. Few white men in Oklahoma who have eaten dog meat will say that it 19 not good. Here in Mountain View most ,any day it is connive) to see neatly dressed Kiri- • " thein e •forte of the fatal circumstantial evi- time" ride. With the n:,tvu?aiveras of the 1 all Irraelted turnede towarday in a her a beaming with and his allg8r dying. he heal Ferderarel Cas n ve. este �(le"3 al] rounds quite, reasonable, Mr. tale and Fli^dt;w n'-' y-mraryze # with l;rr- (lsslnove, sir, and I hope it may prove love, as be exclaimed: ror, and eluteha a <r bard In his hard,' that will be for his worship "Yield to you, m love, my lady, my , "� , ' ' trete; tuffs h ween! Yielto you! Yes! ray will, me e„, over the .a:*dt:r-$ man, v;itll';u' ihr: ;i:at•Sstrata to j:slwe of. and not for life, my soul, should you require it Of atteeiticioY t', rr.at,1,4, ?ace. "tir:afstisne, it, is r.,ttr duty to keep In t o 11.0100 of Ti. ori t, qt le t3 ', T,e 3 a ere 2¢b'4 ' tl e , n.'," replied mt.", meaning of ti," er hae1 t1e I itier...ti.a 1, "ter, gra eer;. A little. longer she Gbtained him, t? be- while e,,a: t ati',as r,? 0007J.;,^c,t; ('J7sm .Gut (3,v rr' ° 17.3 f^r•e! with his sure that his indignation was ene.ir0, i,'tret from the mere end et.',ryone e,f ter- 1-at/Is, at:l 711 I r , 1.'r into Lie ecat. a. 'm and ha anddismissed missed, ,. then sheror from the women. ¢ �r.Are ,y a zreayr••tt }lash. 1;(; Kat thus summoned her pupils. "Ire flag relv,rle;•f• ne'• le•, 1.n, the w.t•) h's fn's leivited in his hands when CIrAPTEI1 XXIV. • 1:•reteh!'' enelaireed the ryilrg man. start- he fe-t 0 '.ig.1 tor -la upon his shoulder, E When =PIthe afternoon lessons were over, ling lire •1 t4en*.;Si'r r"rola ?r0cri Yif 1^r'1 b ere' G It-nt1n voce at his ear, Laura I:llldrove to Chelsea, to },r• . the .'{Ai'? -f Thar -'g a r, L - };t3, °7J *Td enerm r, ,',; eoft:y: 1 'r e,r t ° r r � n �' r• tae c ,lu n , t . � o ' � "<, • t i r. f %" " r "1 set ,.r4. ,¢7 Arty ,1i.tIP+a1 aryl spee� the lodgings on the second flsc;t' of srt(iiltet1 in tc.rr(nts Jr m 1.:n tr./•2171a:..76,F11:',,,, on �'re" vinic ,': n ante e1 ar."r Mrs. Ruesel's little cottage. She form 1 noun' 1, ,,jr,jr,,,l fou, Ai'$ e2;✓l Laura Ebrner, the landlady and the lodgings all that Arc the, t,cvt ire') t tl.a ,i v a'.^J r, t; c, M1 lir. Cas•.inove had represented thein to ,,i,a' ,i -it, f.�:rr; ¢;,.ar.'a^,g l y hi.3 r„%fn, b be ;grasp rr ']sari flay fa 1.l, t I�;tr1 WA, ar It (Tor+,r;tirivarlt)i e. ,rhehe cottage was situated in a quiet. :.a sly ar r man drof,p d Lac:: n;,n n:3• `. clean sir€et, and had the advantagadvantager•f �pil,:riI'1:r•--drrrl. or Ifeavr.tl'4 €ako run far 6,pht,,F:- r fi; a shady garden in the rear. The ('fan, a0W0 otlh! Fie 7113.r„1?p }:can fnntlt- fir.stflans'vvas occupied with cocci little ,di' exelaill.ed Ferdinand ('araiaov-.- sisop in front. and with the landlady's , waking as it were from the hauls r,f own epertt,.r'n;'1. in the burl:. ":. sic ],r.rrnr that }sad l,t,til:'l Lie ts.nsr-s, '1'hcat b40i1l i all eyo i find tips bi,,3 isr loathing and ama2er,.ent. and Let natl. derstanding the meaning of their gaze-. bid floor a elt.an, airy parlor. with nbite the n el:. e'ul;tallt e,?.l i) ,furl city hitt] el.:tt4}ci', with White tr• t:rup1.-rie i. i ni!,cs Lae'c. yet not frilling that a 111OHJellt shots al MVO' Pita- ti 14'!” tl,r' tattle pleaehig i be lest. that might he oe vital interest little lily that }:as already been de- to the victim, he exclaimed, earnestly: amitaaa "Hasten. flv. for heaven's, sake fly G:Jt;d Maa to Leave, Alone. Trip., (rs'-ote.) Vie ^rsao n •:.M slaw'. t':e moan evhete only Cz.05 r:,”, (r; lie r[sd3 tLn, Vpa;,cr !e e. "kirk" 4% CA t',.o';3 °.et dr r,•s eat liko is the :;ane o:ao 1.71:0 ' ik:'lots'• mu lee friends; thinko the r tori h l e 'ago in fs the dollen on earth; tretteee 13 rater, toe tete : er does feet Dern fro.g.ee tilnks the wea'her Is too ' tot or too sold. It is no tree to dee use any- - shag fn the 1.61r14 wall a rran of thst kb The only seneible thing to de to to elle Idre e,4,.r ►r ahfarr kr IMI(0.,r him alone. Defers deciding where to locate Inyouabout us tell West, lot the W these lands, The best wheat fields -- the riebeet grating land --are in this Province. Write us kr full information about crops, climate and epecial railroad rates, etc. Local rer rerentative wanted in each county, TELFER &OSGOOD !Cistern Sietlind Agents *00 CORISTINE EUILDINI� MONTREAL The Pocketless Woman, It is said the women do not want ,pockets. Of couree they don't. They are loyal to tate sunhap- py !e. They thinking what ought toon't make ebe, elvThey taes ke the fashions as they come and make them- selves as happy and beautiful as it Is pos- sible -to be and they succeed wonderfully. But when Jennie conies home and •tette Wil- liam that she doesn't know where she loft her pocketbook, and says there was $27.45 in It he arises in a etato of submerged wrath and goes up into the bath room and de- nounces M. Blanc and all his Parisian gang in words almost profane. But does that do any good? Not a particle. The world swims along as before and in the swim tits pocket - lass woman, as radiant and sereno as if there were no Husbands In the world to oross their flowery paths. So what's tho use—the birds eing their own tunes, the flowers breathe their own fragrance and the women go without pockets just the same. ••s Warned Away From Danger. (Laraante Boomerang.) A Laramie woman went to the theatre the other night with some friends, but when they were seated she was separated from her friends by a man and woman who seem- ed to say no attention to each other. The woman figured out that if the two people would sit over a seat she could sit with her friends. Bracing up her nerve, she said sweetly to the man: "Beg pardon, are you here alone?" The man stared at the cur- tain as 1f he were drawing a salary for It. "I beg pardon," the woman said a little louder, 'are you alone?" "Get wise," wills - corner of his mouth, "this is my wife." •sO Diinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. ISSUE NO. 17, 1907. HELP WANTED FEMALE. UT Aw'rnD 000D PLAth O bOK '0It family of flue, oa the rnauntala tsps Hamilton; all modern conveniences; ballet' maid and gardener kept; good wages. A+. dress Mrs, R. M. Breckenridge, littmtltolb •e.v Preacher Merely an Incident. (Washington Post. A Sb. Louis church has a penny bank, elo- cution lessons, an entertainment course, a millinery class, a class in Dnglish, a sew- ing school, a cooking class, a church book store, a reading room, a chorus class, a legal bureau and medical attention. Presumably, it also has a pastor who ,preaches the gospel. MISCELLANEOUS. OR. LE ROY'S FEMALE PILLS A sate, euro sad reliaole monthly r tar. I bele 1'01e bays (moused in for over a1ty yeses, sun retied lard for the pwpeso deelpual, sod sl, �a,plya. teed by the ma)wpis Enclose Many (N' sealed circular. Price OLW Dor box est 152 V e 1 or y maul, securely sealed, au rsee1pt of ors Ll1 ROT PILL 00.. Box 43, liaxalltoe, >7 BRIARWOOD IS IN DEMAND. Supply for Pipes Being Sought in Medi- terranean Countries, Here% an item of interest to all fond of the solace of pipe and tobatcco. In answer to a letter from an Ameri- can manufacturer of briar root pipes re-' questing iufurmation as to the market for briar root in Spain, Consul General B. H. Ridgely, of Barcelona, replies as follows: "There is no briar root industry In Spain and pipes are virtually not manu- factured in this oountry. Tho compara- tively few which are used are imported from England and France. In the die- trict of (lualba there are forests of cestnut trees and the country people in that region occupy their spare time dur- ing the winter cutting this: wood into rough shapes -of pipes, which are shipped from Barcelona to Marseilles, where they are finished and marketed, I was nIso advised in the course of my investiga- tion that briar root was largely found £'t Corsica. and. I at once wrote there tor information on the subject. "The result was a letter, from which I take the following interesting puma - graph: Briar root is i.nobtuinable just now. Tho two Corsican manufareurore hero have already hd Y refused ()Mere from n • r 9 r 1 OUO lea A America, amnmtm to Ci commission firm 'has it great many or- ders, amounting to thousands of bags per month, but the goods can not be had. There is an immense demand for the article, and I repeat that this can ndt be supplied in Corsica." •o ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists. •.a Fears Which Seem I11 Founded. (Cleveland Plain Dealer.) The inference that the comic opera "The Mikado," the Gilbert and Sullivan ' masterpiece, will not be included in tho London revival of the author's works because the Government fears the Jap- anese might be offended by it will strike the American reader as highly amusing. 'l'he charaeters of the piece are so ob- viously burlesqued that it doesn't seems possible that any real Pooh Bah or Ko . Ko or Nanki Pools or the Mikado him- self could be offended by the far-fetched imitations. It is to be feared the dip- lomatic Britishers give the Japs too lit- tle credit for a reasonably developed sense of humor. � glob' Cure Your Horse with Kendall's Spavin Cure— the one reliable cine for all Bone Diseases, and Lameness. PAIR GROUND, Ont., May 3 '06. "I have used Kendall's Spavin Cure with great success, and think it an excellent remedy for Spavins, Sweeney, Sprains, etc. Wu. LINDSAY. Accept no substitute. p a bottle -6 for es. Write for free copy of our great book—"Treatise on the Horse." 20 Or. B. J. KENDALL CO., Enosberg Fills, Ysrmont, U,S.A. Orders Must Be Obeyed. 6 (Kansas City 'Dimes.) "The best disciplinarian I ever knew," says a retired army officer, "was a colonel I served with during the civil war. (Ince eve were reconnoitering a position which the eo•,mv held with a considerable forte. " 'We will take that place to-morioe," be f'aid. Why, colonel,' I exclaimed, 'it's im- possible!' Impossible! Nonsense, sir,' ha snorted, 'I .have the order in i.y mpocket.' " v Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. o , s Bishop Potter's Question. A young clergyman in a remote coun- try district wrote once to Bishop Pot- ter, saying that he was about to take a wife, and asked if, to save some other clergyman a long and weary journey, he could not marry himself. The bishop's reply was marvelously concise. It said: "Could you bury yourself?" ASID YOUR DEALER FO Duchess and Priscilla Fine Hosiery For Ladies Rock Iib and Hercules shoot Hose Strong as Gibraltar Limit of Strength Princess Egyptian L le For Children's Fine Dress LittleDarlsng and Little ePet For Infants ts Lambs' Wool and Silk 'ripe All 'Wool Fine Hosiery Manufaotured for the Wholesale Trade by the CHIPMAN-HOLTON KNITTING CO., LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO. was riding into town on the finest equi- pages than money can buy. They are ,mime principally blanket Indians, wearing their long hair hanging in neat braids down theirplaitedg backs or with bright colored strips of muslin, gaudy bine, red and yellow intermingled with white. The squaws carry the Indian babies in era- ^ dies or "pontkas" strapped on their I. backs, and go shoot the strcea app ar- : ently not the least hampered by their burdens. The young btlelts are fondof playing billiards, but seldom Are al'en in the bowling alleya, presunl0bly because bil• Bards t0 the average young Indian re. quires less exertion. Alt' night not an 1n - dial, is seen nn the streets or in the plae• es Of amusement. They return to the rtrervation before sundown. Mardi 15 is the day they are paid off by the (Iovermnent. 'This is followed by te.s-ting and dancing till Rhe money is all spent. Their trtrlit is geed. at the stores and they are always prompt to pay off their elebto of reeciving their uu,ney from lru(t'ei y'.ttm.-Mountain 'kW mar. 6t, IsTrula O1s be-Dctnocr'att, IMPERVIOUS SI-1EATf-IING In three and 'six -feet rolls, is unexcelled for all building and lining parte poses, inside walls of summer houses, refrigerator plants, etc, GET OUR PRICES, i r;r • The E. B. E D DY' CO. i,i Elia ite,d HULL - - CANADA Agencies in all principal title. sly