HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-04-25, Page 5r ill .1 11 11 111) 1 v ir ti i THE WINGHAM ADVANCE --- THURSDAY, Amit, $, lf907 I II 11 1 1111 1 20th Century Clothing We call particular attention to this brand of Clothing. It is zoth Century in character as well as name. Three things you'll find in it, viz.—Style, Fit and Quality. The two first points of Style and Fit may be demonstrated at once — all that is re- quired is to try on a garment—it will speak for itself. Come in and try the experi- ment—it will cost you nothing. You may not want to buy now, but you will want to buy sometime ; we like to show the superior mer- its of this brand of Clothing. As to the Quality of both material and make,' you will be convinced upon careful examination that they surpass all other makes. The real test may be to wear a suit, but these goods will stand all tests, They are made to do this and they carry the guarantee of one of the oldest and most reliable Clothing Houses in the Dominion. EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. McGee ec Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers 1 On common fences the continuous wire stays are sure to bend and the locks to lose their grip under continual pres- sure of your horses or cattle. And once they do, the top wire, goon followed by those below, will sag and destroy the efficiency of your fence. Nothing like that can happen to our Dillon Hinge -Stay Fence. The short, stiff hard stool wire in our hinge -stays cannot bend when the lateral wires are r weighted down, owing to their being so short and j ointed at each strand wire. Press ire of a horse on the top wire brings the "binges" in the stays into action and prevents thorn from bonding, and when pressure is relieved the fence springs back into place again. The lateral wires aro High -Carbon Hard Steel and coiled to provide for expansion and contraction by heat and cold, and aro also crimped at the intersection of the stays and strands to prevent tho stays from slipping sideways—therefore no locks aro needed. Buy the DIllon Hinge -Stay Fence. It's "twice as strong." Twice as good an investment. Catalogue free. The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co:, Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. • W. J. GOULD — — AGENT ressegame4figuidaiiiI.00.15_sir 411111111111111110 , mom GRANTS FOR SPRAYING, DOCTORS USN • i no Provincial Fruit Growers' A soei+stion bas within the past thr years assisted in organizing a las number of fruit growing associations. One of the aims of these aesoesations has been the eo-operative spraying of orchards of their members, and it ie now proposed to assist these and kind- red organizations in such spraying work. With this aitn in view, the Minister of Agriculture has asked the Legislature fora grant. of $0,000 to be devoted to the assistance of fruit grower in the purchase and operation of power spraying outfits, Many as- sociations already own and are operat- - ing such machines and these will re- ceive the same aid as those organizing during 1907. The conditions under _ which the grants are available have been made as simple as possible with • the hope that a decided stimulus will be given to the proper spraying of orchards during this and corning sea- sons. Following are the regulations covering the payment of the grants :— A grant of $50 will be made to any five or more fanners who unite to form a fruit growers' association for the purchase and operation of a power spraying outfit during the season of 1007. These associations need not be incorporated to qualify for this grant, though incorporation of co-operative Dissociations should be obtained in the full benefits of co-operation are desir- ed, Co-operative fruit growing associa- tions owning and operating two or more power sprayers will be eligible to draw a grant for each machine operated, The number of such associations re- ceiving assistance during the proper year shall not exceed 100. At least 25 acres of fruit trees must be thoroughly sprayed during the proper season with each outfit. A reasonable portion of such spray- ing must be done on the farms or or- chards of each of the parties forming the association. Suelt associations before receiving any portion of the grant shell satisfy an inspector of the Department of Agriculture that the above conditions have been complied with and shall make such reports as shalt satisfy the Minister of Agriculture. Associations desirous of participat- ing in this grant must apply to the Department not later than the first day of May. 8- ee ge The Honest Physician ie Anxious HOO T M11 I to Cure and !Asea the Bes• t Available Remedios. PATENT MEDICINES WIN6HAM Barely Lived Through It. A terrible experience had Ed. J. O'Connor of Sault Ste. Marie. "From boyhood" he writes, "I have been a constant sufferer from asthma and catarrh. My nose and throat was also stopped up and I had droppings in my throat, When attacks came on I thought I couldn't live through the night. I would sit up, gasp for breath and endure great pain. Oatarrhozone made nie entirely well." No stronger proof is required. Asthma is curable, so is catarrh. Use ''Catarrhozone" and your recovery is guaranteed. Two sizes, 25c and $1 at all dealers, Doctor's Advice. Mr. Fiddle—"How did it happen that you were arrested for stealing?" McNabb—"It was the doctor's fault. He told me to take iron, and I took a stove." She Was Wild With Pain. From Willow Creek, Ont., Miss E. Diegel writes :—"A few years ago I was drenched with rain and got lum- bago ; it was like a steel rod piercing my back. I also had earache and was just wild with pain. I applied batting soaked with Nerviline to my ear and rubbed on Nerviline for the lumbago. That rubbing relieved and in a few hours I was well. No other liniment could do this." It's the penetrating power of Nerviline that makes it superior to all other liniment. No- thing beats it, 25c at all dealers. THS WEEK'S B1RGNS Axle Grease, regular lOc box, at Vulmar Washer, to clear, regular $7, at.... Triumph Washer, to clear, regular $7, at. Daisy Churn No. 2, regular $6.50, at ' .. $5.25 Daisy Churn No. 3, regular $7.00, at .... 5.75 6 for .25 5.50 5.50 Large assortment of Screen ,.Doors and Windows. Woodyatt Lawn Mowers—all sizes. Large assortment of Sherwin-Williams, Robertson's, and Beaver Ready -mixed Paints. Church's Alabastine, White Lead and Linseed Oils. Carpet Felt and Carpet Whips for housecleaning. If you intend building, it will pay you to call and get prices at Young's Big .40 01111111111100L * a 411111111111.1110 II* * The proposed legislation throneb the Dominion Parliament for the reg- ulation of , the manufacture and sale of patent or proprietary medicines is of the utmost importance, and it if receiving a great deal of attention, not only by the proprietary medicine manufacturers, but also by the leading doctors and druggists, ,Every manu- facturer of reliable and high class remedies welcomes the bill as a step in the right direction. The discussion has brought out the fact that the best physicians in Canada and on the con- tinent approve of and prescribe Psy- chine in cases of the most difficult character, In a recent instance of very serious throat and lung trouble the patient had been using Psychine. Two loading 1'nitod States specialists were consulted, in addition to two eminent Canadian physicians, Upon learning what the patient was using, a sample of Psychine was taken and analyzed, with the result that the physicians advised its continuance. They proscribed no other medicine but Psychine, with the result that the pa- tient has fully recovered and is a splendid walking and talking adver- tisement for the wonderful curative power of a remedy that will "stand up" before the keenest professional criticism and analysis, As a builder up of the system and restorer of all wasted conditions, Psychine has no equal, and the best and most earnest physicians recognize this fact. " At the age of 25 my twigs were in a terrible state. 1 had la grippe the year before; it settled on my mugs and 1 kept steadily growing worse till I got down so low 1 was in bed for sis weeks, I had a consultation of doctors, and they said they could ,lo nothing more for are. Then I started to use Psychine. 1 took the medicine for more than a year. It certainly did wonders ter me. I am now as strong as 1 was before my sickness," MRS. IL ROPE, Morpeth, Ont. Psychine, pronounced Si -keen, is the greatest of tonics, building up the sys- tem, increasing the appetite, purify- ing the blood, aids digestion, and acts directly upon the throat and lungs, giving tone and vigor to the entire system. At alt druggists, 60c. and SI, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 Sing Street West, Toronto. ,47.4ciefoe The name TUD- HOPE is all the guarantee any man needs when buying a Carriage. You can't be half as particular about materials and workmanship and service --as the Tudhopes are. When a Tudhope Carriage leaves the factory, it is absolutely faultless in every way. Tudhope Carriages are guaran- teed by us --and by the house of Tudhope which has been making them in Canada for 55 years, May we show you some of the Tudhope Carriages. J. J. WOW, - Wingham —On April 10, the entire upper peninsula of North Michigan and especially in the vicinity of the Soos, was snowbound. Operations on build- ings and log -driving are at a stand- still. It is estimated that lumbermen will suffer many thousand dollars' loss. There was good sleighing, and snow ploughs were in use. Health Depends On Good Blood. Everyone who uses Ferrozone has good color and great vitality. Reason for this is Ferrozone's power to create nourishing blood. "I was broken down, had no strength and couldn't eat" writes Mrs. Chas. Benny of Cloyne, Ont. "My nerves were irrit- able, I was thin -blooded and continu- ally unhappy. I tried Ferrozone. It gave me new energy, force, vita. It brought me strength—made me well." Greatest tonic and re -builder ever known is Ferrozone. Sold every- where in 50c boxes. 1 —According to a return prepared by the Department of Marine, 205 lives have been lost by wrecks on Lakes Huron and Superior since 1882. The greatest marine catastrophe on the two lakes reported to the department during that period was the foundering of the steamer Asia, which went down with a loss of 92 lives, and only two were saved. Last fall there were eight wrecks reported with a total loss of $374,000. Farmers! Have your Wheat gristed and get 78c a bushel for it, in Flour, Bran and Shorts, as follows :- 33 lbs. Star Flour at $2....66c 10 lbs. Bran at $1. l0c 2 lbs. Shorts at $1 . , . 2c 78c HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANK, MES For Settlers r� �,�ilf WESTER ONTARIO MANITOBA SAsHATdHEWAN ALBERTA Hoe Made and Haw Reached irate Los frseeoptss of GUIDE r tuTTLaSwith stook and effects to the Northward i March and April. with v.:meagerandfelghtrates. iTRN CANADA ixilpi3ms o e0 wen and western cwnditinee 80 poxes of Information invaluable to settler*. ygggui mope and statistics, TIME TABLES p q,,, avabu danY to Winnipeg and t'rlsary. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Leave Toronto daily. Comfortable, roomy bertha at moderate rates. Dilly equipped with bedding, cookingrange and every con- venience. Berths should be reserved (through nearest C.P.R..dgent) atleast two weeks before departure. Write to -day for free boob and anything you want to know about the west and how to reach it. Address C. B. FOSTER. Dist. Pass. Act.. C.P.R., Toronto Teeswater. Mr. Jas. Cameron died on Tuesday from cancer, aged 47. Airs. J. K. McLean, a respected resi- dent, aged 70 years, passed away last week. To fill the vacancy in the Culross Council caused by the resignation of Mr. S. L. Purves, nominations will he held in the Town Hall, Teeswater, on Monday, May 13. Mr, Leroy, representing the Tele- phone Company, was before the Coun- cil asking for the privilege of erecting poles along the streets, This com- pany is erecting "rural telephones." That is they expect to get the bulk of their patronage in the country by giv- ing phone connections between farm house and farm house and again be- tween the farm houses and the vil- lages. Teeswater citizens have the oppor- tunity of securing a grant of $10,000 from Mr. Carnegie for a library build- ing. The correspondence which has been going on for some time between the library board and Mr. Carnegie's agent has now reached that stage when all that is necessary in order to secure it donation of the stun mention- ed is to accept it ; Mr. Carnegie hav- ing said that be will be pleased to give etc. The total assessed valuation of Cul- ross is $1,756,700 ; made up as follows : land $1,309,025, buildings 383,025, busi- ness assessment 4050. 'The acreage of the township is 56,094 of which 38,829} are clear, 3000 in wood land, 1682 in slush, and 12,191 put down as waste. The number of children in the township between the ages of 5 and 21 is 741 ; the number between 5 and 16 is 593 and the number of males between 21 and 60 is 2188, The number of births during the past year was 37 and the number of deaths 12. RHF; i't n ; < TISM FLIES IN ONt TO THRICE DAYS WHAT A it HEAVEN BEGUN BELOW" IT WOULD BE TO MANY A WEARY SUFFERER FROM RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA AND ALL THE KINDRED AILMENTS, IF FAITH WOULD TAKE IjOLD OF AND USE SO RADICAL A CURE AS THE GREAT South American Rheurnatic Cure Why, its very nature makes it the most natural and easy cure that human intuition and diligence have discovered. Its wonderful power is in its simplicity ; its effectiveness is in its going right to the seat of the trouble, dispelling the causes that " bode evil," give pain, stiffen joints, distort limbs, twist muscles, and when it reaches vital spots, ofttirnes cause death. South American Rheumatic Cure is as harmless as milk. One of its marvels is the rapidity with which it effects a cure and the testimony of the thousands who have " thrown away their crutches" and climbed from the valley of suffering to the mountain top of health would fill a book. Don't be incredulous. Encouragement comes with the first dose no matter of st longhohow' standing. ALL rrnuoGISTS AND MRDICINE DEALERS tIAVE IT, d SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE for all etomich and nerve irodbles. oTtI S IJ AMERICANMONEY CORE t R r tt wonder worker. South Amerlcen Kidney Cttre giver relief In alit boors la All kidney troubles. For Sale By A. L. 1IAM L'ro r. i %alai Agents for New Idea Patterns The Loathng Store H. E. IsaM & co. r New Ides, ratternp only 10a Carpets, Linoleums, Floor OiIcloth. EVERYTHING IN FLOOR COVERINGS.—Our large Carpet and Rouse Furnishing Department on Second floor is ready for the House Furnisher's busy time. GREAT ASSORTMENT.—Floor Oilcloths in new pat- terns and colorings, all widths, 25c square yard. BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY.—Forty-seven rolls of Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, fine variety of patterns, prices are from 25c to $1.00 per yd. Twenty-nine rolls of Wool and Union Carpets, bought right at the mill ; our prices are the lowest. ART SQUARES.—We have a complete range of Rugs and Art Squares in the different sizes, prices begin at $5.00. ROLLER BLINDS.—Isard's Extra Special Blind, com- plete, in green or crearh, only 35c ; new patterns in Lace - finished Blinds, mounted on rollers, two colors, size 3 x 6, price only 50c. LACE CURTAINS.—If when house cleaning you find you need new Lace Curtains to brighten up the home, visit our Curtain Department, Here you will find a wealth of choice. Remember we import our Lace Cur- tains, thereby doing away with the middleman's profit, so you can depend on saving money buying curtains here. Prices begin at 25c. See our leader, 3?r yards long, $1.00. H. E. ISARD CO. PHONE 68 WINGHAM CONTINUED SUCCESS and Last Few Days in Wingham of PROF. O'BRIEN Canada's Greatest Phrenologist AND THE ONLY GENUINE SCIENTIFIC PALMIST WHO HAS EVER VISITED YOUR TOWN. Everybody is delighted at his graphic, instructive, interesting, scien- tific and truthful delineations—which they claim to be a revelation from the nonsensical clap trap practised here in the past by uneducated mountebanks. Speculators and those contemplating a change in business should not miss consulting him. Call .and see the autographs of prominent people who have become rich and others holding prominent positions through his practical and sound advice. Prof. O'Brien's work is all done on a scientific basis, hence the truth. Parents should bring their children and find out what they are best adapted for to be a success in life, Fowler's New York latest phrenological chart used. Your PAST, PRESENT and indications of FUTURE EVENTS as marked on your hand by nature, correctly- delineated. LOCATING DISEASE A SPECIALTY. Marriage adaptations explained. Character read from photos. CHILDREN HALF PRICE. Terms within reach of all. OFFICE HOURS, 10 a. m, to 10 p. m. At the request of several prominent ladies and gentlemen in Wingham Prof. O'Brien will give his most interesting and instructive LECTURE —ON— Scientific Palmistry With Chart Illustrations, on Tuesday Next, April 30th at 8 p. m., in Opera House, assisted by his wife, Madame Bonvini O'Brien Late prima donna soprano, from Milan, and principal concerts in Europe, who will render a choice selection of Irish, Seoteh and English songs in her most artistic and finished Italian style. Students of singing should not miss this great treat, also by the Misses Mabel and Mattie Orr, who will render some favorite duets on the piano, As Prof. O'Brien's object in giving this lecture is not to make money, but to instruct the masses in this most useful seience, which has been so touch abused by tnontebanks and confounded with the vulgar fortune telling, he will charge ten cents only to defray expenses, Come and investigate and learn. Don't be sceptical of what you don't know anything about. Ills lectures are always attended by the learned and itltelli- gent, and his patrons are amongst the sane, In addition to the edneational benefit it will be an entertainment to be enjoyed; a lot of information of great interest to doctors, scientists and the pttlilie itt general. You will be instructed and amused. Don't miss it. Remember it is only TEN CENTS. As Professor ()'Brien will only remain a very short time in Winghani, intend- ing patrons should call at once, or make appointments if possible. MISS MABEL ORR, ACCOMPANIST Private Office at the Brunswick Hotel. Seo what the Ingersoll Chronicle, June lith, IOfid, said "Scientific Palmistry" was the subject, of a highly instructive lecture by Professor O'Brien Canada's Greatest Phrenologist and Scientific Palmist, itt the Town Hail, last Ilii,*ht. The audienee was a largo and represen• tativo ono and very appreciative. That the visit of Prof. O'Brien to Ingeusoit has aroused si,lversal interest, was demonstrated bout by the large attenclanco and the attentive ltearing which he was tivou. Prot, O'Brien is a cultured and oxtroniol iieasin; aptaker acid im- r 9 es wall his hearers that z a he iv a utaetcr of11. •s' 1 1 m profession. It addition ldition th sl,rnetivo addressb p to o able and in• y Prof. O'Brien thorn were several delightful Folds by 'Madame O'Brien, who captivated the audience, Icer program nnnrhers were Kathleen Mavourneen, "Um Voce" from the Opera, The Barber of Sovitle, Robin Adair and Homo Sheet home. Her efforts elicited hearty and continued applause, and in responding 1.116 sang, No Lair, and Rdin- bore' Town selections which worn atse greatly appreciated. Madame O'Brien has a charming stage presence and her voice le of e'cellent r:illgeattd remarkable sweetness and is under per fret eontrol. Seldom indeed do Ingersoll musicians have the opportunity cif hearing nett a talented vocalist as Ntadante O' erten and them° who were absent ltdt night missed a genuine treat." DON'T P'OIIGET Tt'1tSDA'i: NEXT.