HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-04-25, Page 3WOMEN TURN TO MURDER.
Figure Largely in Criminal Annals ofthe Nation.
Are the opening chapters of the new t cipal attraction in the eyes of artists.
century to he made gory by the Remaly elle marriea O'Neil., but, aceord-
of woman? Is the becoming more Wood- ing to aceounts, did not tuid tier isec-
thiristy as the yeare roll on? I ond mattimonial vent -are a lappy one.
Beyond Shamine doubt ehe is figuring snore e that he ilt-treated. nor. lier
in the criminal annals of the day than
ever before; inore often are lier hands
turned te ilteede ethich, the law regarde in
the light of capital offenses,
During the last eix months or eo fully
two -seers more er lose sensational
lags by women have been reported at
greater or less length in the newer:titers,
while there have been. a number of oth-
ers to which less .attention was paid and
Which passed from the public mind as Greenwich which. he had constructed,
soou, perhaps, as the items were reack Aserting to have Bettered. wrong at his
In the majority of cases mem have been bands Marie Brooklyn, N. Y., coolly shot down Nis
ree Schabarit, 22 years old, of
has 1
the victims of womehomicidal fury.
Either jealousy or a mese of wrong colo Iserrance, within view of dozens of
prompted most of them Few women slay 1
people in the street. The shooting oc.
for plunder or any of the baser motives, curved almost in front of the Tombs pre'
All the traditional fury of a woman I
son, New York, while the crowd was
few pieces of jewelry had -been sold an
all the clothices ,ehci owned sne wore.
The stuburn-hairea little woman stout-
ly denied her guilt. Site asserted teat
her hueband had been :treating !wavily
just before Ids death and in Addition
had taken poison
O'Neil was a steelworker and it was u
eingular coineldenee that the wife accus-
ed of his murder was !oceed e cell at
gemmed flamed up in the heart of Aim
AMA M. Bradley of Salt Lake City,
when she aought out former Senator Ar-
tvaiting to. see Borne relative of ray
Thaw emerge from its doors.
Brown of Utah, in his Washington
When her victim fell atter the first
hotel a few weeks ago and shot him to , shot the girl fired three more bullets in -
death to his body, She was the coolest person
I on the street and, quietly handed the re-
volver to a poheenaan wit° came run-
ning up.
Committed to prison, she said she did
not wish to employ a lawyer, being full
convinced of the justice of her bloody
'Widespread interest was manifest last
summer in the case of Josephine Terran-
ova, a 17 -year-old Italian girl of New
York, who killed her uncle, Gaetano .Reg-
gio, and his wife by shooting and stab-
bing there.
Most unusual and. 'esthetic was the
girl's life story. It was shown at the
trial that she had sOffered unpardonable
wrong at the hands of her uncle while
living in his horn.Sh
ee asserted that
the man's aife knew of and. connived at
these 'wrongs.
Later Josephine married, happily, as
she thought. For a. time all went
State Hoepital for Ciensinteurstme, she
Itwas a sad day fee the brilliant and.
wealthy Utah lawyer when the feta)
first permitted his path to cross that of •
the WOnlan who finally sent him to the
For years she had been importaning
Lim to marry her, in simple justice, she
asserted, to her two young sons. \Viten
.he failed. to do what she considered his
duty she became a vengeful Nemesis,
.constantly dogging his footsteps,
Numerous and otorious were the love
;troubles of Senator Btrown. When a
„young attorney at Kalamazo, Mich, his
*wife became greatly incensed at his de-
' votion to Miss Isabelle Cameron, and, it
was reported tide infatuation. nariewly
:escaped ending a tragedy.
This condition of affairs ripened into
at scandal that is remembered even now
, in that town. At last ,finding himself
cut by nieny of hi a friends,
,no Salt Lake City, Ile wan followed by , but her husband learned of the unfor-
Ieabelle Cameron, and when he had beea I tunnee chapter in her life's history and
divorced from his wife, married. her, i feft -her.
It imems the irony of fate that Mrs. Then, with all her sense of outraged
Isabelle Cameron Brown introduccel to womanhood intensified by this last bit -
her husbeaul the woman who later took ter blow and thinking only of sure and
his life, Bre. Brown and Mrs. Bradley : speedy revenge, she invaded. the imam
were prouinient elubwomen in Salt Lake of her uncle and aunt and killed. them
.and had beconee acquainted through both. A sympathethie jury, after a
eiernbershiP in the Poet's nound Table dramatic trine acquitted her.
a, literary organization. In Council Bluffs, Iowa Frank K.
The introduction of Brown to Mrs. Potts, formerly of Philadelphia was
' elire.dley was made at St. Louis in 1890., shot to dealt in. his room. Charged. with
Brown accompenied by his. wife, had I the crime, Emma lepkie, nob yet 20 years
;gone Iso Bt. Louis as delegate to the re- i old, was arrested.
sublime national convemtion. I That Potts was shot while asleep was
One result of the friendship thus be- ; the •assertion of the police, The woman
. gun was the separation of Mrs. Bradley I asserted that Potts failed. to fulfill his
Sr= her husband and. of Brown from ; promise to marry her.
Ids wife Tben opened a long series of ; The photograph of another young Ivo-
' ' man, together with coerespendence which
seemed to have originated in an
tisoment by Potts, Was found among
his effects and thie led to the theory
that once again ungovernable jealousy
committed her fifth murder in Septem. 40RED MOTHER
In 1801 thie. bloodthirsty' 'woman killed
her son and then slumbered her husband, PLAN :
Paul Halliday, at their home near New. ii WONDERFUL VICTORY hIATION or oaoAluzATIorrs.
burgh, N. Y. Soon after she shot Ma 0
Sarah, concealing their bodiee in a, bitrn. he 11;°" 44d" le th° 144 "al 01 The Minister of Agrieultere for Oda -
Margaret. McQuillan. aud her daughter.
Committed for life to Mattawan hoe-, Cures Effected by Psychine. rio has, for the past two years, had un-
paid, she seemed a docile prisoner, Then,'
on the fateful September morning last Thlo Y01414/I who lives iBrown*der consideration plans for further as -
year, she suddenly attaelred and killtel elite, near 'Woodstock, Ont., toile her own
elating the fruit growers of the Pro -
n *
ono of tbe horipital attendants, Nellie story ins few effective worths of how she vince. Sprayinghaa now become, in pro.
Wicks, with It pair of shears, inflicting obtained deliverance from the terrible ducing a superior grade of fruit, the
-,-- .....
over 200 eparate wounds.
trip of weakness and disease, most important operation of the year,
,e, yams age I was going into a dot:10w. I COM
1 inee to Mauls esychtne formy present heath
, and while widely praetieed in certain
rdly erse myself acrora the Lloor. IMO WS sections, lias not yet been given the at-
Riee and Decline of the Street Fair. l's tention thet it requires in the apple sec -
IN. Y. Suite • weep the carpes
I 1 went ler a
dries i bad to Ile
&or:reit:41i. el:, i
Immediately after the close of the
Columbian Exposleion in Chicago a num. wet for A rails
ber of proprietore of entertainment en- rex/ ,,,,t,v;
terpriscs, impressed with the euccesseak
the "Midway," Undertook the organize- throuelithe gate-
wto lift it
tion of what hey° come to be known as rig; relietit
• street fairs, and they had for several froze hoeing a
years a wonderful popularity in all parts spin X erepped
of the country. The method of holding1=igliill
these fairs was simple. The business tenter woilidglee
men and municipal authorities of a town re no reef, ;Lau
wishing to advertise its attractions egitatiCeseledg;
-would. decide to give a."earnival," usually . was excellent for
of a week's duration, They would me- . lloces,Ilegnyteal;
ploy the annesement man to supply tl
--ie : the iesults aro
tents. The advent of the power sprayer
is of such recent date that the advau-
tagee it gives, especially in the spraying
of apple orchards, is, not yet appreciated.
For many yeare the Department al
Agriculture has been advocating more
and better spraying. Demonstrations in
the use of hand tend. power outfits, and
the preperation and application of the
most effective mixtures, have been given
throughout the Province with satisfac-
tory results. It is now felt that such in-
formation has been sufficiently diffused.
and another step forward is proposed.
The Provincial Fruit Growers' Asso-
ciation has within the past three ;mire
assisted in organizing a large number of
0 fruit growing associations. One of the
more elaborate portion of a tantastue .
industrial or civic procession, the street fl
wine; e4arked
,.. ! tufTnipeovereent. Instead of a little, pale hollow aims of these associatioas has been the
booths, games and the like, while the ' clinked, maim, melancholy girl. 1 am Weal ea -operative spraying of orchards of
home people attended to the minor de. I filet el Ilia reedy for a stsigieride, a skating their members, and it is now proposed to
tails. A queen and king of the carnival! ofgromno.notrtsatariooinmang arrtirtiniagaineyritiannrdebs.
such spraying work. With this aim in
assist these and kindred organizations in
were chosen from the residents of the 4 40 reet_le from ray home, L?rt;flei ligoerdihsAil, h•
call" WitfrA ingilLewoon. i view,
town; local pride was aroused, the "sea- el-tam4
41 Brownsville, Ont. asked the
the Minister of Agriculture has
Legisalture for a grant of $6, -
son of merrymaking" was advertised
widely, railroads were interested and d 1 omen are ming PSY- 000, to be devoted to the aesistance of
seine of whom provided extensive plants !tonic, parifying. the But not
success was not difficult. CHINE, because they know from expel.- fruit growers in the purchase ani opera- nearly $0,01)0,000 worth a year,
for their part of the show. Among these i disease gorme, gives a ravenoue app 4
et-te. ceive the same aid as thoee organizing t
1 inn att lea rwtirlfdt; histiefutt tiNtooroeuig% of
The success of a few such enterprises s fence that ln it they have a gate friend tion of power spraying outfits. Many
drew into the field many competitors t
, s and deliverer. Psyelaine is a wonderful associations already own and are oper-
blood, driving out ating such machines, and these will re- system.
carnival makers were, of course, not a and le a positive and absolute cure for the grants are available have been made : the use of meta
I A few years ago when the municipaa
recruits to the ranks of the professional!
I aids digestion and animilation of food, during 1907. The conditions under which ; it -
few who took adventage of the general ; disease of throat, cheat, lotto, storaach as simple as possible, with the hope that y first adopted an ordinance requiring
relaxation of restraints attending the I and other comma It quickly builds u I inofficial isalvage corps rose in revolt,
garbage receptacles the
P a decided stimulue will be given to the I They
fairs to make money by questionable ; the entire Ryden; making sick people had n:eetings and. a procession.
proper spraying of orchards during this , T
methods, such cm gambling games ancl ! well and weak people strong. ; hen the diecovery was mane thee, 40, -
des selb 000 citizens depended for their livelihood
s and coming seasons. Following are the .
Ralaistor's p nth
..-me.de right
—paint right
—loola right
—wear right
—AR Z right
.our 05 years experience in mixing palatal/
the best guarantee of the quality ot unsikei.
'Write for our Post 'Card Series "O," show.
Ing how some houses are paitted.
A, RAMSAY SON 00„ Paint Maker; • NOERES,
lestabitahed ISA 47
Elaborate System of Salvage In the
French Capital.
'The housekeepers of Paris throty away •
$10,000 worth of suitable stuff daily, or
tscandalou.s and sensational events, whic
culminated in the killing of the former
senator by the woman who had charmed
him but of whom he lter endeavored
improper shows. So bad did these fea-
tures become that a secret society which
had allowed its lodges to take active part I
regulations covering the payment of the ; upon the n•fuse of the city.
' grants:
A grant of $50 will be made to any i
I Their rights were recognized. It was
aidanged that the chiffoniers, as they
in the enrly affairs was finally compelled five or more farmers who unite to form ' call the people who dig through the re -
to prohibit all participation in them.
[PRONOUNCED SHCE,E24) l a fruit growees' association for the pnr-
Clergymen and educators who in the be- ga eb chase and operation of a power spraying ,
eeptacles, should do so indoors in the
early mornings before the city wagons
for sale at all druggists at 50c. and $1.00 ' outfit during the eeason of 1907. These
ginning gladly encouraged these periods came around. to collect the garbage.
of /slay soon felt called on to repudiate er bottle, or at Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, associations need not be incorporated to -
They forthsvith divided the field. am -
and denounce them. Municipal author -
Wee prohibited them, and reptitable
merchants refused to lend their names.
Thus a business that promised perman-
ency and large returns was crippled just
when its prospects eeemed brightest by
the greed and ignorance of the men who
had most to gain by maintaining it.
According to the Billboard, the de-
crease in profits has resulted in driving
aboratory, 1(9 King St. West, Toronto. qualify for this grant, though incorpora-
' tion of co-operative associations should ong themselves. Each one took posses -
Dr. Root's Kidney Pills are a sure and
be obtained if the full benefits of 00.
permanent cure for Rheumatian, Bright's
operation are desired. sien of a tearitory. There is no law cov-
I enng the matter, but the territories
of Kidney Trouble. 25o per box, at all growing asseeia. came to be regarded as vested rights,
"rhe •
Disease, Pain in the Back and all forms
Co.operative fruit
y are sold nowadays as a, doctor
dealers. tions owning awl operating --------- I
i power sprayers will be eligible to draw sells his practice and they fetch from $10
a grant for each machine operated. to perhaps $60, depending on the wealth
In pre -revolution times hanging was the ceiving assistance during the present .n
one way or another.
The number of witch. associations Te- of the quarter, l)f course, they are not
freeholds. Rent or commission is paid
out of the street fair business many of ordinary eteashment le vitmee, un, felony, year shall not exceed 100,
the men who brought it into disrepute. I though an exception was made in favor , At leaet 25 acres of fruit trees must 1 In poor neighborhoods the clrifioner
Only the best promoters were able to of high-born criminals whose aristocrat& be thorouhgly :sprayed during the proper I puts the garbage cans out on the side -
remain at the work, and these have not ; walks, thus saving the coneiere fronrhav-
origin entitled them to be decapitated, The season with each outfit.
been able to increase their territory; modern method of exeoution in France is A reitsonable portion of such spraying . Mg to get out of bed in the chilly dawn
being obliged to play the same circuit ocrimarily due to a Republican determinatione
. must be done on the farms or orchards . to do so. In houses where the pickings
year after year. Some of the best men are good a few francs it week may have
manner of the death pudislunent. It a ter -
not to :recognize inequalities, oven la t ..
of each of the parties forming the nese-
. .. . to be paid here and there to liold the
withdrew from the field in disgust.
That the street fair is doomed to ex-
tinction is not probable, however. Pro-
perly conducted, such enterprises provide
innocent amusement and relaxation of a
kind. that Americans take to more kindly
each year. The spirit that makes elec.
i grimiest suburbs. There is where he
ea rid himself,tion nIght and New Year's eve excuses • tlelier y
' sorts his gatherings in the forenoon for
At the time of his death Senator had played its part in a tragedy. ,cd. for the popular outpouring in this vicin- tionary, putting all bis victims to death in AgAssociations desirous of participating
sale later in the day to the wholesalers.
Brown, it has been gated, was engaged To its promptings also was than,
ity will support the periodical street fair mechanical apparatus. When he had put Ms
I the same fashion and by means of some
in this grant must apply to the Depart -
:to marry Mrs. Archie O. Adams, moth- the murder of William Robinson of Terref
in any town if the attractions offered 1 raotion he went on to protease the Idea of
, a machine. rapid In action, which would ment not later than the first day of
4., ,ar of Aland.° Adams, Lhe mamas, his se- Haute, Ind. His wife was accused o
. are clean and the unusual liberty per- First of all he sets aside scraps of food
dond wife having died. about two years firing tete bullets through his heart at
milted does not serve as a cloak for the • diminish the suffering of capital offenders. MT, ; for his own use. To a magazine writer
•before. It was tho diseovery of a letter • . :the motion was carried unanimously, but • • * who showed disgust at this one of them
'from Mrs. Adams to Ain Brown, speak -
:Mg of an appointment to meet in New
'Yreka that precipitated the tragedy in
• :the Washington hotel.
Jealousy, despair and an overwhelm-
ing sense of wrong seemed to have
;prompted this slaying, one of the most
ssettaatimml of the year.
But what motive prompted Mrs. Mar -
Min that Dr. Joseph lgnaeo WI ot ti,
a roirit of impartiaiLty, in the first inetance, P f grant shall satisfy an m- i
Department of Agricul-
any. I circuit.
• : The chiffonier of to -day has a cart
and sometimes a bony nag to draw it.
introducing; the ilwee-cellebratecit !invention Such associations before receiving
wiliest is named o.fter him, was actuated by
portion o the
and by humanity in the second. On °ember specter of the
loth, Jete, Dr. Guilletin: anoved in the As- ture that the above conditions have ; Sometimes he and his wife draw it -or
serably. where he eat o.s ono of the repro- been complied with and shall make such I maybe the wife alone. Ile has besides a
t ti es for Paris that the public caeca- rts as shall • Minister f hovel and. a yard somewhere out in the
width is kept running at moderate speed
over realm. Five ,ocr six women are lined
up beside it and as the bone,s pass them
they pounce with entined jUdgineatt open
therm which have special value. The rest
aro auteeteeically loaded on carts.
The bones which they select figure all
over the world later as ivory. Buttons
are eot from shoulder blades, also sticks:
for fang Marry bones melee pretty asp-
irin riegs aud pincu.shion frames without,
muoh work i•n the lathe. Outlet bones
are used. Sor toothbrush handles
The 'rejected bones are treated with
eine for the extraction of the fat.. This
beeomes snap and cm:idles. The bones
themselves may be boiled up into gela-
tine and glue or calcined into horse bleak.
Beloit. and. hare are favorite delicacies
in Framer.. Every day, it is estimabed,
about 15,000 of their skins get into the
hands of the furriers.
All are scrutespously cleaned amd
lized. IShese are (shaved by rttechinery
down to the very skin and, tare hair is
made up into fine felt hats.
The rabbit or hare skin. that is to fig-
ure as fur is 'treated with distingtits' bed
consideration. It is owed and softened.
The pure white ones are picked out for
ermine. All the others awe dyed into
chinchilla, otter or silver lox.
.es the fur of these animals always has
ehteraeterietie depth, the skins are pass-
ed through shaving • =chines -which
trim down the hair to the standard.
length, to a hundredth of an droll It
appears that the hare of no country
equals that of Franee in its fitness for
this east of counterfeit. The best aliens
when made up can be distinguished only
by experts from the real article.
Every year on the firat four days of
holy week the "flea. fair" is held in Paris.
At this 2,000 brokers who buy' frora the
ehiffoniers install theanselves for nearly
two miles along the sidewalks of the
Boulevard Richard -Lenoir and. the Canal
St. Martin.
There is nothing in the way of worn-
out metal work, broken furnibure ante old
fabrics that can not be found there on
sale. They all out their entire stock,
Of ceurese, waste paper is sent to the
paper mills from Paris as elsewhere --
24,00 p.outels of it daily, at 20 cents a
hundred pounds. Linen aatd cotton raga
go the same way. Sardine boxes and
other tins are sold by ehifioniers at 60
cents a hundeed. pounds and tresexel
chemically for the sake of the tin.
The plates are hammered flat and used
by toymakers and makers of button
molds. Gilt china and glass fragmeate
sell at 60 cents a hundred pounds. The
gold is salvaged by chemical prooess.
Only one thing i•xv Pens is totally use-
less when it reaches the refuse triage.
That thing is paper money. It is true
that the worn-out money of the Bank a
France is ground into pulp like other
waste pa,per, but it is so greasy from
handling that it would not pay to
cleanse it for remanufacture.
the teamination of a, quarrel Tesultmg
from the presence of the green-eyed
When Mao -Josephine Kelly returned
exploitation of gambling and indecencies. the suggestion as to the mac ne w
served for Suture discussion. It was during
this debate that Dr. Guillotin, vehemently , INDIGESTION CURED "Don't curl your lips," he said, "you
• od.Vocating• the instrument of death which '
to her home in Baltimore, Mr., one even- Canadian Inventor's so tar existed only in his own mind, ex-
claimed in an unguarded anoment:
; don't know what you eat sometimes
yourself. See these crusts?" They were
y Dr. Williams' Pink Pills After Six re heap of bread crusts in all stages of
ing in November she found. he: "With my naadnine I win cut yew head
ofttwinkling, and without your suffer- Doctors Had Failed to be of Benefit. ; dilapidation. "These aro crusts that my
Ing a twinge." That gnawing pain in the stomach, . horse wont eat. I sell them to the pork
dealer at half a cent a pound. They are
hueband. There was a general roar of laughter.
husband frora her, Mrs. Kelly re- INTERESTING INCIDENT BY A But the hilarity of the Assembly seems tragic eometimes shooting up into the chest,
enough when we remembor how many of often producing a eholdng sensation in
destined to perish h hr t• f' ins around, the in a mill and then used to sprinkle on
Accusing the sister of having taken I roasted in st coffee roaster, granulated
• 19 -year-
old sister, Ida Goff, in eouspany 'with her
:pry Clark to lure Algeron S. Atwoodceived a scornful reply. Miss Goff strue
horn DenveT to Boston to kill him and Mrs. Kelly with a piece o 14; FAMOUS PATENTEE.
than ex`raalit aulalda? Jealousy alone, a lively fight ensued, which ended when'
perhaps. the married sister fired a. bullet through Mr. Wm. Wilson, of Craigie
The woman's claim that e.he and At- the other's head. 1 London (Ont.), the inventor of tho Wi1-
ed. had been married was not borne A jury at Atlanta, Ga., ttequitted Mrs.
f mur- son Fruit Case, now adopted by the
wenewest, she asserted, that it was for E. M. Standifer o
Canadian Government, tells an interest- l cause to be constructed. Ile had 13roposed
der. She acknowledged. thatt usa ' dim had
, I nothing more than the nrincipal of decapi- medicine. Often they have cured. after 0 y.
out by the records in Boston. When he
wood was received in excellent social dr-
ies/bateau, and intelligent, young At discovered, she declared, in an intrigue 5 ,tatiou while indicating In general terms the all other bag had failed; as in the ease . There was a great vessel full of coffee
slain her 17 -year-old sister, whom she
and antiseptic value of Zam-Buk, the '
herbal bram. He salsa "I had two 'the purpose indifferent countries. Novethe-
various insMuments anciently employed for of Mr. Willis HernioaIn,haofriSteeCnathafoxfifi
cl red: peera ceueestto. meetref'reseahidebelitfeeee,hieffeomne-
the purpose of making a home for her. ing experience which shows the healing
•wornan to whose call ha had responcled. Copial County, Alissiseippi, an the mended, and I applied some. I acted'
Saso eptembierth1791,11all d9ecntor olcit btahe 21st h six (lectors but they did not help me; lent coffee."
des In- Denver end on Nov. 6 was mar- with her husband.
"It was not f or that, however, that
poisoned wounds on my leg, which were less, the whole notion was soon laughing
at him, bis excametion being made tile with indigestion and, stanneeh trouble for ier, "who dries the and regrinds them
Ont., who says:
ried to the deughter of a wealthy widew. very sore and inflamed. They caused text of endiess,pleasantries. People were in- years. At times my suffering was, al
Six weeks later he was eunamoned. to I killed her, but to wipe out the Ws -
Boston by a telegyam Which falsely stet- grace," she told to the jury. "I knew that
my parents, were they living, would re.- me ell pain and suffering, and al- be„nter heaar Tne :la tt:en tidenag ofroauttiong._aonf! moot indescribable. Sometimes for whole browned ryo and a, little burned sugar.
ed that Mrs Clark was teeing. titer see her dead than disgraced.. though I tried several salves the re- e'er
y i 1 li 1 Iul ti. 1 was 1 bl t touoh food. I diet- Then they're read f
ophy. The instrument was christened long '9,3'll I lla, e 0 y or packing in car -
When he entered the presence of the "The unwritten aw" ti f nee of • k was recom-
fused to heal Zam-Bu • before it had been invented, and with the ed and at different -times was treated toons for retail sale. They make excel -
'she shot him and then turned the revol- Mrs. Annie Birdson.g, recently tried: in splendidly and ------------------ e Amenably %adopted rgesniewsth
ple cott, tir f I only grew worse. For a. time I was In another bag there was a celiac.
• wer upoo hemelf. charge of killine Dr. Butler, while the healede
e wounds, i which one -clause provided that every crim- living in New York ancl while there con- tion of heads of gaine birds pheasants,
btyosteliat insatiable weapon, which as yettad
into nice brown artist.
he top of hams, where they are baked
heart; a feeling of drowsiness and a dis-
neither name nor form. As a matter of foot,
the worthy doctor, a man already at this taste for food -that's indigestion. Its
victims aro unmbered by the thousands. The pork man selLs the black dust
time famed for his philanthrophy, did not
Te. them: life is a burden. Dr. Williams' that falls from the mill to the charcoal
invent. but only mu...goats& the guillotine. ;
By the expreWon, "lViit machine," he simply
if they profited by his vague idea, would tiering this suffering than ,any other ers. „Sometimes you get it as prime chic -
meant such a machine as the authoritiea, Pink Palls, have done more toevards re- toothpowder makers and. coffee grind-
How Ruskin Kept a Cashbook.
deuekin's letters to M. G. e.ntl EL
hand restaur t " d t of his old age serve further
G. (Harpers), whiale were the pro-
Zam-Buk took away the soreness cut off. The method of decapitation now re- to emphasize the beauty -loving ar-
to bo decided. up un then the in- sto give me an relief. I then decided '"I sell them at 3 cents each to second. dor of his eh:exacter. which was as
rely New York manufacturer, on Nov. 11. Richmond, Ky., upon the charge of hill-, a
ing Mrs. Vicuna. Black 'at a, college healedatri-
the I
e wound. I lave also used Zam- the ire lezitThresendatireionth I felt some relief. I "When you get a salmi of duck or a ' see e f
'1YIS ' Pink Pill d '
d i o nhat odds and evident ia his decliming years as in
youth An example of thls passion
tto the lei ing. of Gustave Simon, a anal- lmost instantly and s d d
soon close an strurcent employed had been the sword or to try Dr. Wi lams 8 an in ‘,....... an S, was the explanation.
:Baroness De Massy, otherwise known as mencement was influenced in her favor
B 1 f th injuries,d 1 l ThIs g'hastar operation had been (perforated
er an . have no on r use for a couple of game pio goodness kn ws • for beauty, to the d egar o
tcharged with this crime. flaunted. her success in whining the al -
o i seva ire. t s, without doubt, a caused t ieleooffalfirf lee nIfil
.Anisia Louise Do Vernon, was arrested, ay. a similar sentiment. A.Irs. Black hesitationucfor
i n expressing my high opinion the part ef the executioner had sometimes
a mock, And clumsiness or emotion on co •
months longer and gained in weight; my of s t is made of, but it will be served
with one or two of my figureheads decor- of Ruskin's, natici says: "Even' Rua-
tr oltleinrar eitt a prreacoetnicala sides
Simon, 66 years old, was proprietor of feetions of Airs. Nucleoli' 'husband in
, splendid household balin!" tures. Instanees had occurred in which the
the victim indescribably horrible tor- appetite improved; the pains left me and
evidence of good kin's 'oasis book %am raFti. a oaelf hook
a waist factory on Broadway. On the Zom-Buk cures blood poison cuts 1 now feel better than I have at any ating the dish as an
the establishment and walked through ulcers, 'boils, spring eruptions, scalp question time during the ,past twenty-five yeaes.. faith,' r 1 at all. It lead the prose's/ word on
criminal's head had not been severed front
shy of the shooting the baroness -entered One day hest fall a bass:, ., al Amoral
bruises old u d ' ' ' his
wo n s, rotating sores, trhi, I will Owens gladly recommend Di. Wil- I ne 0- tae inost Profitable species of Ito back, but evethIns though there
the face of the maddenee rife.
body till the sixth or seventh stroke.
r en oatrhei ng
tile crowded rooms to the office of Si- can woman, calling hensolf "Ales. SW-
ford," killed an old Frenchman named
soles, eczema, itch, barber's rash, burns, tion called 11pOn
to draw up o. report 011 the subject, indi- linens' Pink Thilelys Ntwainostbuerrelysudfoferfocrrsobthe: i wefeteiseteiswoaledte.shoTeisie;
They are carefully diasected. Wooden wore a few accounts. it was metal-
sembly. At length the !Comitteo of Logisla-
greatly 'Preoccupied the the celebrated celebrated surgeon Louis iieving that LI
anon. Muller at a tell° in the Hotel Jungftrievue
scalds and all skin injuries and dis- eating the fittest mettle& for cutting off ly filled with the diary of a Can -
fifty cents a ox, or front sam- u cCo., the prInei
a nomOn'A Load rapidly, and according to
ples of solence. Dr. Louis erwis wIlienatyotlnierise.ln.tDvre.IdloInunfafiaore mplei.1".i'c pills , tinental tour undertaken weth Mr.
I who Apecializo in them.
• relling was beard. 'rhen the woman for the deed. has ever bet euggested or
h t ' Toronto, for price. Remember, it is =Ad his report to the Assembly on Unroll
pre- as a blood punfier and nerve tonic you . heels are sold for kindling Sole
are not experimenting -they have been carefully detached from uppers and douingwood in 1882." One entry.
for instance, tdtally ignoring dol -
Shortly afterward the sound of guar- at Interlaken, Switzerlana. No mo
bf 7 B 1 C
eases. All druggists and stores sell at
er cd. and Simon immediately behind acknowledged. are tars and cents, wets as follows :
Irlyste7 obsoures the motive leading jury that tried Airs. Natant° Nock/els of cut. me sus aine a nasty Mal senteneed to death should have his head tented a epecirdist but he was unable partridges, pigeons, reed birds.
At another time I t • d
raaebine, tee Adoption of which he now
recommended, lir. Louis 010 not coMent indigestion.
make new, rich, red blood, that enables to a child's.
them to cure such troubles as. anaemia, i Some manufacturers mak '
kidney trouble, i of these restorations. A new slab of
makes Venn look all rieht '° the Vareine a ;miracle of aerial maj-
"Per feat light on the Dorome and
t teimed. into new soles. A inan's a'
be the direct act, not af a rasa, but of a pIrtovfaccIth,dpufereepssefwtteirintethaeoutsaaatiat;
e a ,specialty
tar: ,dteddiadnad,dadoltdeadtagtatidordtddisardreurdndeda.
? cut down to a woman's size, a woman's
can e
non, in order to be surely effected, must otrfiecdasner.
:floor, Mortally wounded.
pasted over them oats,. I -happy in ft more eelenert
way thau et old."
41 • ••
Jdaseey calmly declared, when arrested. ing released from an insane asylum. .
!She asserted that tho ahootitg was done Mrs Clarence Markham of Andoven
it, clultlren from That what has been was good -was good
to show, which. after a succession of Improvements, --- ' '
was definitely adopted. Originally the new
instrument was sometlines called the Louts- For sale bv all medicine dealers or by There are sixty wholesalers enga ed i
e ?end ailments of girlhood and i side a thin 1
gi , ; iniug is
employ from ten g t
out- Ile Prussian and Bavaelan author'.
Wireless Signals on Railroads.
know ad we a Gorman mosennician named &brume to St Vitus dance, partial paralysie and, leather
hineadf with drawing up his report. ne hired rbeumatism.
construct, muter eis directions, a machine those as
"1 dia not shoot him," Baroness De decapitated iter children soon a, i
What is to come we know not;
tette, seer the name If its Amble]. creator. ties am experimenting with s system
day another pitmen, who was lying in Mass., chased. ber semi ti evomonhood that cause eo muth misery. 1 inside.
tl t MO slayiug them one by one, Better to hide, and best of all to bear.
rd and
But guillotine w ft q already the oommon title, mail at 50 cents a box. Dr six boxes for • this trade; they
2.50 fr in
tlee Dr. Williams' Medmine - dozen men each at $1 a day. •an
-. o a sults, An aerial tranent tter wire is car-
s roads Avid& is said to Fro
of wireless telegraph signals for
t ffito collect room to room, throug a ie ya,
iteraseemed to be pushing her from the
room. tatter it little time she returned
and three shots were fired. Employees
tushed in, to find Siraon lying on the
In sanity prompted Mts. .
of Jersey City to •cut the throat of her Purely herbali
younger daughter and then throw her-
self from the roof of her house. Mrs. What is to Come?
Henry Knippen of Columbus Grove, 0., .
(By William. E. Henley.)
rail -
• are ItilOWNI to fall en the floor.
The nails, beeltaps ami eyelets, if any, loop antenna, is placed on the top of one
y pro- •ea the telegraph poles at the side
of the :road., with transmitting stations
in the sigual bell towers, and a wire
duce, it is estimated. 50,000 soles a year.
The shoes are entirely taken. apart.
When of the ears of the train. By this meting
She e good re-
swait as --------------------
money due her for workIt was assert- into the s ,
Jed at the time that Simon, when dying, and then killed herself. Insanity, bey:ond We are the masters of the days that
efe accusal the woman of shooting him. doubt, was the cause.
a char ed. with attempting to poi -
Baroness Do Massey comes of the aris- At Detroit lira. Reim Barron WAS er-
ecter:1th family of De Vernon prom
'cat in one of the French rirovinces. Her mit members of ten families.
husband, o, friend of Count Boni De Ces- Ono woman, Mrs. Mabel Rogers, was
tellano, tiled suddenly three years ago honged in Vermont last year for tho
and the baroness euspected that he had inurdee of her husband.' Upou it similar
been poisoned. cheap Mrs. Kato Edwards of Reading,
She took up the veork of ferreting out Pa.; Mrs. Agnes Myers of Kansas City,
the assassin and het search, it is said, Moe and Mrs. Alina, Valentina of Lodi,
led her to America, l'or some tittle be-. N. J., spent the year behind the bars
fore the killing of Simon. she had. boon under sentence of death.
working as It designer of shirtweists. This sentence was commuted in the
.About the middle of December Joseeb. caso of Mrs. Valentina, but Airs. Alyere
O'Neil and his bride, "Goldie," formerly and Mrs. Elsvards begen the ItOLV year
a weleknown artist's model in New with impending doom etill hanging over
York, took a room at it hotel in Green- them.
afterward O'Neil *all the murderers of recent times
was foun ddeinf from a stab wound un- however, Mrs. Lizzie Halliday desetves
'with, Conn. Shortly
1. We have lived, we have loved. we have
I suffered -even so.
' Shall we not take the ebb who had tho
. flow?
Liie was our friend. Now, if if be our
• f oe.
' Dear -though It spoil and break us -
need We OM
What ia to eoine.
Let the great winds their worst and
wildest blow,
Or the gold weather Tound us mellow
s slow;
- We have fulfilled oureelves, and we emu
, dare,
Ana we oan centime, thou& Wo May
f not there
Xn the rich quiet et the afterglosv,
What is to come,
Indians Pond of the Dance.
1 Like all the rest of his red-skineted
brethren, the Crow holism dearly loves
thla donee. Art Indian will drop his hay-
ing in the fade of 11. thunder storm to
I go t� 0, &Mee and a equew will forget
I all her hifalutin college eaneittion. at
I i the prospect of keepieg step to the meg-
' id beating of thole tamtatts. The music
-der t te eye,
nail file.
They also charge that lies. O'Neil was
alone with him in the room at the time
ettd that is why she was arrested, ae.•
cused of killing her hesband.
Ten years ago the young woman mar.
ried Winos II. Finley, a member of the
Neve York police force, but eeparated
/roan him later and became strtieVe
Only it 'couple of years ago he. Was one
of the best knoten inodele in Neer 'Searle
,And tad. bean employed. by almost every
artiet of note, Slit was eoneidered ono
of the moat beautiful young women Who
frequented the etudiot tend Was in de.
mend to posts for peentings atd sculpture
Then site was known as Kitty or "Got.
die Itellatt, light4tearted girl, whose
0,04 mete of *am* hair vhsa her prin•
int! cted the pollee se record place. At the Matteasvan N. Y.
y with
and 15 .soon became universal, its well as
technical and official. The guillotine took
its first human life on April 25th, 1792,
Co., Brockville, Ont
-4 -4
British Army's First Trousers.
(London chromme.)
• iesey are street up tae non is separated.
Mothers can find mire relief for Perhaps the o.rmy reralution of deepeat in- g
d 1823 when for the first time he was the mese. It is sale to one emelte.r as
siptals fo "stop," go ahead, go e ow
and. so en mot be transmitted. to movitg
trains over an effective distance of seven
and 0, half miles. -New York Tribune.
Strange Lack of a University..
talaringtiald, Masa, Edpublican.)
There ie no reatettorship of Engitsh Mors-
ture in the great English university of Cam-
bridge. This queer, and sad doubt sur-
mises .A.InertOnno wbo AUpp090 to know some-
thing about Magiteh ethoole Bet after the
many terituntes Proteasor Skeet Makes to .
extends, the first appeal for ouch a stair,
quoting an Aineriena university president
who emitted thiS that "in Our antererentes
tddaerddetid= tetd &Mg ptIbleidadeddaratdadaig
if that"
their suffering little ones in Baby's torest to the soldier himself was that effect- ; Sto
where they
anrtea g esoldt
41-0 converted into fertilizers. So sweep -
leg is the salvage work of this indaustry
time the parings of leases' hoofs from
the blaelesmith elteps are collected to the
extent of 600.000 peunde is year. The
voltette of leather eemp estintated itt
3,600,000 pomuld
Peels eate the fled). daily from 40,000
to 50,000 pounds -of bones. These are
collected in yards in the suburbe, where
they undergo a tigid. examination.
Men shovel them on a long, endlese
belt ef leather it cemple of feet wide,
little one, end eitre all the minor ilia in °Users. The announcement rom
Own Tablets. 'These Tablets are A
of babies and young children. They la Bortsre Guards took the following ro-
gentle laxetive that do not. gripe the
are pleasant, to tette, prompt ill their tneekable forna: "the Majesty has been
action and
titer direaesdd tol nerve VI tillheogistriianrittatior di)f
they never de harm, and tite me
atnfid dreatiideigsat'odettrifdeinagerfsauetry ooldiers anti of taue-
has the guarantise of a Government stituted." In order to indemnify the cloth -
and half -boots being sub-
IMMO. "soothing"
analyst that they •
contain no drags jelliflei•61;tantigst 1c0:uAltlYitiusteradellecigedetitilirttlire
stentlemen should no logo. be called upon
harnifill to even the youngest baby. to ImOvide the waistcoat of Toulmy, but that
Thousanes of mothers give their lit. SOIWil,a1; 44,1114.1111rOltressIrulle it
i't'f `,4`
tle ones nothiag else but, Baby's Isointed out that lie was In a position to do
Own Tablets when eonetipation, co with comfort, becauee Ile would to longer
stomach trouble indigestion, olds or have to buy gaiters..
warms bother die baby, or \Olen the The Crime end Its Atotive.
.. •
drearled teething time tamest Mee
(Chicago Chronicle.)
Joeeph Mercier, Plessisvillle, Que., •sayst •
"My baby Wag a great sufferer front There is not tt anadow of a doubt that
eonedipation, but thanks to Roby's Thaw took tiara life of White in cola
Own Tableta Gm troeble hag disap- bleed foul that his motive was a black.
peered." The Tablete tire sem by guard type of jealousy .
all drupelets or by mail at 25 emits a It wits not even a decent jealousy, be -
box haul 'Ile Dr, Williams' liciaieine muse, as is admitted, the wothou was
not decent and beconse the jectlouter was
Co., Broekville Oat.
—.-:----easess-*" imaginary. There is not a particle of
Cranl Titrust. proof except the worthless word of Mrs.
er tnad any
of the dente tepreseute the sernmont .r.f The lean pester artist in the volumin. ',thaw beide la ' i •
t the ages -it is the call of the wild, , one filmset& &AA big black bow grew on. advances to her after her marriage.
. The absolute hypocrisy of Mr. Deimos
I which the Indian eau not mist, The best ithusiaetie.
; and most industrious Buceumb to its "I'il always- be it true Boliemistri," he epetell is ehown by his inconeistent jure -
1 wiles. The governulant is trying to stop Iexclaimed, proudly, "Trust me for that." bling of the iteetity plea with the "tit-
' Indian dettetag on all Om reeervations,; "That is the very rermort I won't tenet written law" plen., which he had 60 Vat -
ter the reason that an Indian will do you," replied the landlord. "NO one will antly repudiated at the outset. Ile eat
nothing but dance when ha is given free trust a true bohemian -not Oen for tt It "dementia Amerieato," but he slanders
reim-Denver Republican. drink," tho Atkleraeftil people.
A New Orleans woman was thin.
Because she did not extract sufficient
nourishment from her food.
She took Scoff's EntaLtion,'
She gained a pound a day in weight.
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