HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-04-11, Page 8THE WINGUAM ADVANCE THURSDAY, APRIL I I, I9oy Personals Miss Edith Walker was a Mt. For- est visitor on Monday. Roy Gordon of Toronto spent a few days. at his home this week, Miss Kate Gundy of St, Thomas is the guest of Miss Hammond. Ed, Bradwin, of Cobalt, spent a few days with his parents in town. Rev. F. Powell of Granton visited friends in this vicinity this week. Rev. J, H. Osterhout of Wroxeter was a Wingham visitor on Monday. Sterling and May Reading have re- turned home from a visit to Brussels friends. Walter Hall, of the Advance staff,. spent a few days with friends in Owen Sound. this week. Mrs, Null and two daughters, Bessie and Mary, of Nebraska, are visiting Mrs. Null's sister,. Mrs. Burrowes, of town. ;iE&Hburcb ` Rews Whitechurch, Wroxeter, Morris. Jamestown,Miss. Isa. Craig Sundayed at home. DIED.—In California, on April 8th, Township Council met on Monday Miss Rae Moses spent Sunday in A, A. Clark, brother of Mrs. (lay.) L. of last week.. Brussels, hies. George Gaunt, jr., is still very Perrin of S'i±Troxeter. Fled. Kellingt011 was home on a Len Eel�mad ier hquite a successful low. Miss Lizzie Kennedy was home forIl. C., E. M. II ' Iclvad, sail of v C. J. D. and Mrs. Scott have got nicely Duncan and Mrs. McDonald visited Sunday Hazlewood of this place, to Miss 1l1' R, settled in their new home on the 7th Auburn friends last week. Berry, con, Mrs.. Dave Miller spent the Easter The concert iven by Miss Emma. T. Robt.. Campbell is very ill at pro- holidays with Toronto friends. Irons in the Methodist church last sent, but we hope he will soon be Miss Isabell. Strachan of Brussels Friday evening, was a high-class pro- well, spent part of the Easter holidays with duction, Miss Irons presents a very pleasing appearance on the platform, Mr. Thos. J. Ellis delivered a fine Miss J. Taylor. and she certainly is an artist of great horse to a buyer in Seaforth, last Will. Riley is hired for the summer ability. Her selections, whether gay week- with Robt. Black of the boundary.. or grave, were exceedingly well ren- Sonic farmers started to plough last He commenced work last week. tiered, Those who were not present week, but were stopped by the cold Wm. McKelvey has disposed of his missed a rare treat, Should Mise weather- 100 acre farm on 2nd of Grey to Frank Irons return baro in the future, she Mr. and Mrs. Richard Armstrong, Wright, jr., Mor•risbank. We have will be warmly received, Grey, visited the lattot's sister, Mrs, not heard aas yet where Mr. McKelvey TIM. Appelby and wife spent last 'Tilos, Warwick. will remove to, Wednesday visiting Mr. Appelby here Mrs. Wm. Lackie, jr,. has return- Alex Rutledge got his knee cut by a Messrs. B, Gerry and J.E. Maunders ed from a visit with friends in London saw at a wood -bee last week, which of Brussels spoke in the interests of and Wingham.. Herman Morrison proved to be very sore, the Bible Society in the hall least Sun - .. returned from North Toronto and Last week Geo. McCall, 8th line, fell day evening. Owing to the disagree - spent a few days at his home here.... front the granary door to the ground, able weather, the attendance was not Editor Carr spent a few days last a distance of 8 feet and receiveduite so large as usual. Mr. Mason, Wing - week in Toronto....Waldo Miller is a shaking up. q ham, is expected next Sunday even- in ven in town fora time....J. N. Sanderson Jas., son of Quintin Anderson, 3rd ing. line, was successful hi passing his final exam. at the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege,Toronto, He captured honors in four subjects in his difficult examin- ation. Wm. Kelly and sons, of the 7th line, who were large farm owners, be- came involved in the ayment of the Ott A 11 2od, in Trail, holiday visit front Owen Sound, wood -bee last week. M 1•RLMED,-- p Rev. J. Small of Auburn will be in- ducted. on April 18th as pastor of St. Andrew's Church, Blyth. Rev. W. a Howson will preach in Listowel Methodist church, next Sun- day, morning and evening. Markdale Methodists have tried rented pews for 28 years; now they are trying free pews in the new church. The last of the special services for young men will be held next Sunday evening in St. Paul's Church. The special subject will be "Decision." Miss Lydia Kew spent Sunday with Mrs. Henderson. Frank Henry is having very poor weather for shingling his barn, Robert Ross is engaged with Robert Simpson for the Summer months. Mr. E. Phillips has rented a shop in Auburn, and is going to move there soon, W. H. Johnston of Manitoba is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Johnston, Farmers are getting anxious ; the only question is—have you done any ploughing yet? Rev, W. A. Finlay was unable to occupy his pulpits on Sunday, on ac- count of being ill,. Praise meeting Tuesday night at 8 o'clock ; Epworth League on'Wednes- day night at 8 o'clock. of Hamilton was a visitor here last Miss Lizzie Henry returned to her week....Mrs. R. B. Harris was a Har - school in Wroxeter on Monday, after riston visitor last week. ..Miss Cassie spending the Easter vacation with her Harris has gone to Toronto, where parents. she has secured a good position.... Principal Dobson has Miss Mabel Morrison has returnedreturned from his holidays and resumed his duties home, after spending some weeks John and Mrs. Hartley of Blyth with her sister, Mrs. T. Taylor of East called on their Wroxeter friends dui- pp Wawanosh. ing the Easter holidays... Miss Henry same and have hande over all their We are glad to report that Miss has returned from VVltitechtn•ch where ossessions to their creditors. F. S. Lizzie Mirehonse is improving nicely ; she spent her holidays....M. Hazel- cott, Brussels, is the assignee. A her many friends will be glad to bear wood of Clifford visited here last Fri- meeting of creditors will be held in A. of her recovery. day ....Mr. Roe of Fordwich was a B. McDonald's law office, Brussels, on Wroxeter visitor last Saturday Monday, 15th inst. Some of our farmers attended the Mrs. W. M. Robinson is visiting in Spring Fair held in Clinton, and were Teeswater....Rev. Osterhout was a A pleasant evening was spent in able to carry homesome of the red Wingham visitor on Monday ...Jas. Ebenezer church, Bluevale circuit, tickets, Tom Inglis received three Paulin is on the sick list....Jahn Bre- on Friday evening at an entertain - firsts ; Jas. Forest received one first, thaeur was on the sick list the first of ment given in the interest of the Sun - and sold six horses ; for one team he this week ....Rev. Dr. Wilson of Mild- day School in that place. Lewis of the received $000. may visited Rev. Perrin on Monday Jewitt, t, the superintendent One of our young men, while return- ..Miss Ida Reavely of Dowagiac, school,was chairman. Selections ing home after taking a happy drive Mich., is visiting her uncle and aunt, were given by a phonograph under to town, got lost when within a Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hastie....Miss Al- the management of Isaac Jewitt. stone -throw of his own house. Seeing metta Hall of Bluevale was the guest Several mouthorgan selections were a light, he tied up his horse and made of her cousin, Miss Alberta Hastie, rendered and . Haney uadreandn ohn n - e t and theholidays. .1 - Grey. Next Sunday will be the anniver- sary day of Wingham Methodist Sun- day School, and Rev. D. N. McCamus of Listowel will be the preacher, morning and evening. In the morn- ing at 11 a.m., he will address the pupils, teachers and friends of the School in the auditorium. In the same place, in the afternoon at 2.30, there will be a mass meeting, and a program of addresses, and music will be given. All are invited to enjoy the afternoon with the School. In the evening, at 7 o'clock, Mr. McCamus will preach again. The officers of the School are anticipating a successful anniversary. Thousands have pronounced Hol- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea the Whengreatest medical sciencealing er on fails, it earth. Makes you well and keeps you well. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist. The Tiverton Watchman changed hands last week, Mr. Jos. S. Gadd having sold. to Mr. Arch. McDougall, until recently a member of the Dur- ham Chronicle staff. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. ...The... "Little Eaton" IS UP TO The Clock Tick SPECIAL LINES —THEY. ARE— NEW CLEAN RIGHT IN— Pattern Design Quality l�ii'�*1 mil.ii�ulu�iiillNtiiYil611�i�sIIW6'i1tI9�dl�JmluLdal{rWN'a1:.tYmt Ever Ready—Clothing. Done to a Nut Brown— Head Dress. Exclusive to Us — Shirts and Neckwear. Fireside Dreams -- Home Furnishings. We Love—To show you around. Saturday's Bargains 85 WorkingMen's Shirts, in BlacTwill Sateen and Flannellette, regu- lar 50c, 75c, and $1.00, SATURDAY...35e, 50c, '75c 40 Pairs of Men's Braces, regular 25 and 35 cents, SATURDAY lflc 30 Pairs Men's Overalls, black and blue, with Mid without bib, regu- lar $1.00, SATTJRI)AY., 80e his way to th light, d found it to during y • day School work was given by the be his next door neighbor. His friend had to take the lantern and help himpastor. . to find the horse again. The question is—how did our friend get so mixed Does Your Heart Flatter i' up ; must have been nervous? Mr. F. T. Bryans and sister, Miss Geo. C. Hanna CLOTHIER AND HOME PORN/SHIM Eva, visited friends at Belgrave last You know heart fluttering means week. you're not as well as you should be. Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hayden visited It's an evidence of impaired nerve and with Mr. and Mrs. John Savage of Fe rezone owit has a specialrtacure, tco David. Farrier is in town this week Dungannon last week. visitingamongold friends, the heart as seen in the case of Thos. Mr. Robt. Weir of blarmora spent a Grover of Cole Harbor, N. S., who Mrs. J. Clegg and son visited her few days with friends on the 2nd. He says : "If I exerted myself it would father, C. W. Lawrence of Buffalo, was accompanied by Fred. Wells and bring palpitation. To carry any last week. Elliott McAllister of the same place. heavy weight or go quickly upstairs Mr. and Mrs. John Crowe of Dob- We are very glad to report Mr. Jno. completely knocked me out. When binton are visiting at W. Wray's and McLennan's condition very favorable, bad attacks came on I lived. in fear of Geo. Daley's, this week. an improvement for the better having sudden death. Ferrozone gave my Mr. Jas. McCallum visited in the taken place. We hope he will soon be heart the very assistance it needed, and now I ant quite well." For heart vicinity of New Market last week; he convalscent. or nerves it's hard to excel Ferrozone, reports the fall wheat looking quite On Wednesday of last week the 50c per box at all dealers. brown, and not nearly so good as it commodious home of Mr. Jas. Elliott does here. of Molesworth was the scene of a most - - I -- - - On Wednesday of last week, about happy gathering, the event being the Blyth. 25 ladies of the Missionary Society marriage of his estimable daughter, y gathered in the basement of the Pres- Miss Ina, and Mr. Julius Stedlebeaur. The house and blacksmithshop, byterian church and quilted four fine At one o'clock the beautiful strains of owned by the late Mr. R. Douglass, quilts for the Home Mission cause. the wedding march pealed forth, play- has been sold to Mr. H. Bradford of purchased the ed by Miss Liddy Mitchell, and the R. DicKenzie has D charming bride, who was dressed in rich company's scales in Be ] grave and in- , white silk, with rich lace trimmings, Farm For Sale. Lot 33, Concession 1, Culross town- ship, containing 126 acres, of which 00 acres are cleared. The farm is well located, and has fair buildings. Easy terms of payment may be secured. Apply to A meeting of the Presbytery will be tends putting them in first-class order and carrying a handsome bouquet of held in St. Andrew's Church on Thurs- as soon as possible. Farmers have Easter lilies, came in, leaning on the day, 18th inst. In the evening the In - felt the want of scales for a year or arias of her father, and took her place duction of Rev. Mr. Small, as Pastor more in the village. under a beautiful arch, where awaited the groom. Miss Mary, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, while Allan Mitchell of Molesworth upheld the groom. Rev. Mr. Burnett of Moles- worth performed the ceremony. Con- gratulations over, all repaired to the spacious dining -room to partake of luncheon, which was served in Mrs. Elliott's usual good style. The happy couple left on the 4.20 train from. Lis- towel amidst showers of rice and good wishes, for Stratford, Berlin and To- ronto. Upon returning they will take up housekeeping at Fordwich, where Mr. Stedlebeaur is the esteemed cheese -maker. We extend to them our heartiest congratulations and wish them a happy voyage o'er the sea of life. Among those who were present at the wedding we noticed Misses Ruby Robertson, Eva and Annie McAllister, also Tom McAllister, all of Toronto. :0 --, Blue Pills No Longer Used. When the stomach needs cleansing, the bowels increase activity, the liver additional power, don't use mercural pills, try Dr. Hamilton's. Vegetable in composition, extremely mild, yet sure to flush out all impurities and wastes, no remedy is so well adapted for family use. Positively a cure for biliousness and sick headache, unfail- ing in constipation and bowel trouble, exceptionally good for indigestion, no medicine is so universally needed in every home as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Good for the young, the old, the sick and the well ones, the benefits of Dr. Hamilton's Pills are manifold. Sold everywhere in 25c boxes. ASSISTANCE iN DRAINAGE. Editor "The Advance," DEAR SIR :—During the past two seasons the Department of Physics has been endeavoring to emphasize the importance of underdrainage, and arrangements have been made where- by our services are available to any- one wishing advice in matters relating to drainage. We have full equipment for drainage survey work and, when requested, visit a man's place, survey his land, give him a map shewing elevations of all parts surveyed, to- gether with locations of drains, their grade, depth, etc. There is no charge made for this work except the travel- ling expenses of one man, consisting of railway fare, meals, and cartage of instruments. These expenses are very light, as arrangements have been made with the railway companies whereby we can travel at one cent a mile each way, i. e., a man living fifty miles from Guelph would have an outlay of $1.00 for railway fare and 25 or 50c for cartage ; one living one hundred miles away, an outlay of $2 for railway fare, and 25 or 50c for cartage, and so on. Last year together with others, you were kind enough to make an an- nouncement of this plan, and many applications for assistance either by way of information or surveys result- ed there from. I beg to thank you for your past kindness and to ask if you will again make mention of this work. Your very truly, WM. H. DAY, Lecturer hi Physics, Ontario Agricultural College There are many tonics in the land, Every woman appreciates a beauti- ful complexion, so much desired by men. Such complexions come to all who use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist. DUDLEY HOLMES, Wingham. WINGHAM General Hospital. (Under Government Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients—$3.50 to $15.00 par week, according to location of room. For further information—Address MISS KATHERINE STEVENSON, Lady Superintendent, Box 223, Wthgham, Ont. of St. Andrew's Church, will take place. Rev. Mr. Anderson of Goderich will deliver the induction sermon ; Rev. Mr. Smith of Hensall, the charge to the minister ; and Rev. Eacrett of Kippen, the charge to the people. Rev. Mr. Leckie, Moderator, will pre- side. The first Spring show under the auspices of the Agricultural Society was held in town on Tuesday of last week. Quite a crowd was here, and in some classes of stock the competi- tion was keen. The same live interest was manifested in the grain and seed department in Industry hall. Mr. S. Rennie of Toronto gave practical ad- dresses on eradication of weeds, and how to select good seed. Secretary Metcalf distributed the prize money, and reports a surplus on hand. At the close of the prayer meeting, Thursday evening, in the Methodist Church, the pastor, Rev. S. Anderson, was agreeably surprised with an ad- dress and presentation of $50 in gold coins from his congregation. The ad- dress was read by Mr. S. H. Gidley, and the presentation made by Mr. Isaac Brown. ., St. Helens. The following is the result of the Easter promotion examinations of S. S. No. 4, West Wawanosh. Names in order of merit :—Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th —Nina Woods, Edna Woods, Ethel McPherson, Jno. Webb, John Allen. Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd—Stewart Pinnell. Bert Miller. Sr. 2nd. to Jr. 3rd—Mar- garet Miller, Clarence McDonald, Maud McQuillin. Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd— Hazel Anderson, Fanny Anderson. Beatrice E. Anderson, teacher. The annual Easter Vestry of Christ Church, St. Helens, was held on Mon- day afternoon last and there was a large attendance. The general busi- ness connected with the church was attended to. The report showed the financial condition of affairs to be ADDRESS. Rev. S. Anderson, Dear Pastor :—As this Easter time commemorates the -death and resur- rection of the Redeemer of the world, we the members, adherents, and chil- dren of your congregation think it a fitting time to acknowledge in some tangible way, your unselfish and un- tiring efforts to lead us to see the beauty and grandeur of living the life of which this Saviour is the great ex- ample, and to accept him as one liv- ing head in all things. Those of us who have had trouble or affliction come to our homes, have found in you a sympathetic friend and wise counsel- lor. We know that your highest aim is to spend and be spent in the Mas- ter's service. May our Heavenly Father spare you in health and strength to continue this good work, and may He more abundantly crown your services with success and eventu- very satisfactory. Mr. Ed: Haines all resent you faultless before His was elected Lay Representative to the throne. e. Wedesire also that our good Synod and Mr. Jas. Dump, people's wishes be extended to your estimable warden. The Rector appointed Rich. wife and interesting boys and girls. McQuillan his warden. After the We ask you to accept this box not as vestry meeting was over all repaired a measure, but as a mark of our ap- to the home of Mrs. J. Gaunt, where a predation and as a token of our grati- large number of the ladies had gather- tucie for your devotion to our highest ed and spread a sumptuous lunch, interest. Signedon behalf of congre- which was much enjoyed by all. Lion—A. W. Sloan, Jas. Beattie. The Grim Reaper, Death, gathered .L. one of our respected residents in the person of Mr. Geo. Asquith on Tues- H. Brown, Rag and Metal Co., buy - day morning of last week at the home ing all kinds of hides, wool and pick - of his grand -daughter, Mrs. Thos. Ings, rubber, copper, and feathers of Taylor. The deceased had been ill all kinds. Highest price in cash ; if only a few days, On Good Friday brought to house, five cents a hundred morning he was stricken with ape- extra; 50c a 100, cash, for old iron. Wingham Business College - WEA H (Affiliated with Clinton B. C.) Individual instruction. Write for handsome catalogue. 050. SPOTTON, Principal. Protection and Safe Investment are combined in The Endowment Policies —OF— The Dominion Lite. A sound, well managed Canadian Life Assurance Company. Average rate of Interest earned in 1906- 6.73 PER CENT. WALTER T. HALL Local Agent — Wingham, Ont. Bodmin Lime Works. The undersigned will deliver lime to purchasers in Wingham during the season 1907. Place your orders early. For particu- lars, apply to A. Nicholson & Sons, Belgrave, Ont. the papersyou can see; plexyl from which he never regained -•-+- As by p p consciousness, but gradually sunk —"' But none of them can equal until death ensued. Mr. Asquith was Salem. Rocky Mountain Tea. a highly respected citizen of St. Ask your druggist. Helens. He had been asailor on our Miss Bush, Turnberry, le at present - _ _ -- great lakes for many years, but lately visiting friends near Teeswater. I)IR1'!S, had lived a retired life with his grand- We are sorry to hear that Mrs, Jno, daughter. He teas a faithful and can- i,+itch is not improving very fast. Casemore---In Morris, April 7, to Mr, sistent member of the English church, and Mrs. J. J. Casetnore, a Baugh and his genial smile and pleasant face A number from around this part ter, will be sadly missed. shipped hogs and cattle on Monday Salter ---In East Wawanosh, on April : last' 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Salter, ` ,� , ' : Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Bentham spent a daughter. People want a Varnish Stain that Saturday and Sunday last with Breckenridge— In Turnberr , Apra will stain itva finish furniture ur n to rep and ' friends near Wingham. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bracken- w cur n the rain of the toad. In Mrs, Raba. Mitchell returned Noma we are g from Toronto hast Thursday; ridge, a daughter, these days of pigment varnish stains, leased to learn she is much improved MATHS. which are in reality varnish ppaintsh , it 1) p ottlr while to rertlilnber that 'In health LIFE INSURANCE FIRE Lowest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCIDENT W Campbell--Tit Lower 'Winghani, April Campbell's Varnish Stains give a Mr. 3. C. Gefelfellow, Who spent a 9th, W. IT. Campbell, aged 02. beautiful color anti varnish effect few weeks visiting in this part las Duncan—Tri Woodstock, on April 7th, without obscuring the handsome , winter, hits returned to Kenora Mrs. H. Dutican, relict of that late -rain of natural woods. Sold by 1, where he will again a uPm � his dutie It's Worth Your While When Shopping To Visit The Bee Hive Stores For Dry Goods, Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Carpets, Linoleums, Lace Curtains, Ladies' Raincoats, and best quality Groceries, Money - Saving Prices in all departments, A Splendid Display Of - In The Men's And Boys' Dress Goods. Departments. Nowhere can you find such - values as These Stores have for you, and with varieties, weaves and colorings away above ordi- nary showing, you will be inure than pleased in selecting Dress G is here There's a big showing of the newest in Clothing, white and fancy colored Dross Shirts, Gloves, Hosiery, Collars, Silk Neckwear, Hdltfs., Umbrellas. Great Bargains this week in - Raincoats for Men and Boys. Don't miss These Stores for Groceries. Special Low Prices for large lots, Highest Prices For Produce. We Pay Part Cash. The Bee Hire Two StoresWingham AND BRANCH AT GORRIE a Cc di Iiia MAIL, ,,J I6i • lilt ! lit. 111Idyuria L aril 'III II ,uhill i,is I I f,, iLi.,ilaL111 PLATE CLASS TAKE Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, and for cleansing the Blood— there is nothing better. 200 Days' Treatment $1.00 Trial Package -80 Days' Treatment -25c. At all Druggists, and W. McKibben, Wingham. Wholesale from The Rival Herb Agency, Kincardine, Robt, Duncan. $luevaile. aged '711, h Burns.Al`bralres2rt,Ixt cal the P. R. lust To Hand A. full supply of New Stationery — Special Writing Tablets made expressly for the " Big Book " Store— Superfine Paper, ruled and plain. Try one of Fisher's Writing Pads, and you will be sure to buy the second. OUR Wall Paper Business is in full swing— Cheapest and Best — Selling Fast—Don't miss the chance of a lifetime for good Paper and Low Prices. K. WI. Fisher The "Big Book" Store Manufacturers, Listen! i�IIIII @ Why not reduce that fuel bill by having your engine put in first-class condition? We do all kinds of repair- ing. Send us your work and get per- fect satisfaction. Bicycle Supplies always in stook ; we have some rare Bargains in slight- ly used wheels — good as new and twice as cheap. Try us. FOR SALE.—Steam Laundry, thoroughly modern and up-to- date. Terms easy. Machine Shop at Chair Factory, W. G. PATON C. D. McGREGOR Proprietor Manager Cobalt Special �v. A SOLID TRAIN OF VESTIBULE CARS AND PULLMAN SLEEPERS LEAVE TORONTO DAILY AT p P. M. ARRIVING COBALT 8.45 A. M., NEW LISKEARD p.15 A. M. COBALT IS RICHEST MINING CAMP IN WORLD ( AND WELL WORTH A VISIT. One -Way Second Class Colonist Tickets On sale daily until April 30th to points in British Columbia, California, Washing- ton, Oregon, Colorado. Montana. For tickets and full information, call on L. HAROLD, Town Agent. J. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto. In order to make room for goods coming in, I oiler some exceptional values in Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, &o. You can judge f or yourselves. Just drop in and see them. DINNER SETS. 1 Only, 102 -piece Dinner Set, nicely decorated gilt lined and stipling —A Decided Bargain, Only $11.50 1 Only, 97 -piece Dinner Sot, as above, aregular price $12—Exceptionally 10.50 Cheap, Only $ 11 Only, 97 -piece Dinner Set, white with beautiful gilt design—Big Value, Only $11.25 Other Sets from $8,00 upwards. TOILET SETS. i 3 Only, Toilet Sets, latest designs, very richly decorated and tinted, I gilt stipling—Only, Per Set $3.75 3 Only, Toilet Sots, beautifully deco - ,1 rated (blue) with gilt stipling— Only, Per Set. $1.50 !11 Only. Toilet Sets, assorted designs and decorations—Only. Per Set$4.50 Also at $1 00, $5.75 and $6.00. • Ont.HOMES We don't ask you to buy. We do ask you to SEE the Tudhop e • Carriages. We will show you just the style of carriage you want for the road -,-for every day use—and for the make cin all. ' udho 9 2nAlC fatal 1` ie y And remember, too, that Tud- hope Carriages ate guaranteed by , the best known makers in Canada, J. J. rinoroo :I «� whighBhii J. Henry Christie GROCER AND CROCKERY MERCHANT WINGHAM For Settlers IN WESTERN ONTARIO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN - ALBERTA _ JI. Y - I r�7i; WINGHAM Hour Mills. Farmers! How Made and How Reached - Write for froo copies of VTTI,I t]ly4' GUIDE nlaiagtniepperll 1 • train sere co for settlers traveling with livo stock and effects to the Northwest in March and April. with passenger and freight rates. WESIVIN CANADA ute-datodi. rripcion of the west and western conditions. 80 pa es of - information invaluable toeettlers. Useful - maps and statistics, TIME TABLESshowin iiger`ltr:in alv'ilrve to Winnipeg and Calgary. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS trove Toronto daily. Comfortabl roomy bcrtl,s at muoderate ratce. Fully equipped ss it heading cooking range and every 6011.vo,,ienee. ilerths should he reserved (Levine -el nearest C. P.It,Agent) atloaat two wesiel hereto departure. Write to -day for free beaks and anything yo a van', to knew cbout the west and how to reach it. Address C. II. F OST,'r tl, Dist, Pans. dgt•, C.I'.Tt.,.Torostio Have your Wheat gristed and get 78c a bushel for it, in Flour, Bran and Shorts, as follows :—:r 33 lbs. Star Flour at $2....66c 10 lbs. Bran at $1 10c 2 lbs. Shorts at $1 ... 2c 78c HO' SON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANR. Property Owners Will find it distinctly to their advent- age to make me their Agent, based on quick returns and satisfactory dealing. The following are a few of the many - properties for sale:— $900 1} story frame house, 7 rooms. cellar, hard & soft water, Bristol Terrace. $900 Solid. Brick Cottage, 7 rooms, almost new, Martha Street. $1050 1, story house, 8 rooms good repair, rents for $06 per year, 'John St. - $1100 1; story triune house, 8 rooms, hard and soft water, fine collar, excellent repair, Frances St. $1200 2locastorytion, house, Albert sixStrooms, beautiful . 1250 It story hoarse, 8 rooms, hard and soft water, good location, rents for $102 per year, Victoria St. $1300 Now Brick Cottage, 7 rooms, hard and soft water, Josephine St. $2700 2 story solid brick house, bath, fur- nace could not be built now for $1000, Maple Street. $2800 2 story Brick Pottage, eight rooms, } acre. fruit trees, beautiful loca- tion, Diagonal Roach, $,3500 2 -storey new Brick House, furnace, bath, lavatory, electric lights; every- thing strictly drat -class and up•to-date. If you want anything at any time in Real Estate, Como direct to headquarters. Money to loan on farm security. J. H Chisholm REAL I:STATTE INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT Vanstone Block '{:Ingham