The Wingham Advance, 1907-04-11, Page 5II
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You are busy and you
have not time to keep
studying style all the
time. The safest tiling
for you to do is to buy
clothes made by peopie
whose very business exis-
tence depends on produc- , -
ing absolutely correct
styles each season, -
20 Century
for men have an estab-
lished reputation for cor-
rectness. We can assure
you that if you put your
faith in them and in us
as Sole Agents, you will
not be disappointed.
A "Special" in Boys'
and Youths' Suits
11 Boys' Navy and Black Serge Suits, 3 pieces,
good quality, sizes 26 to 33, regular prices $5.50
and $5.75—Special Price $2.98
12 Youths' Navy and Black Serge Suits, 3 piece,
long trousers, good heavy quality, sizes 31 to 35,
regular prices $7.50 to $8.50—Special Price $4.38
Our stock is most complete and the quality
the best for the price in the following lines :—
Overalls, Working Pants, Working Shirts, Smocks,
Heavy Shoes, Socks, etc. Eggs taken as Cash.
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
On common fences the continuous
wire stays are sure to bend and the locks
to lose their grip under continual pres-
sure of your horses or cattle. And once
they do, the top wire, soon followed by
those below, will sag and destroy the
efficiency of your fence.
Nothing like that can happen to our
Dillon Hinge -Stay Fence. The short,
stiff hard steel wiro in our hinge -stays
cannot bend when the lateral wires are
• weighted down, owing to their being so
short and jointed at each strand wire.
Pressure of a horse on the top wire brings the "hinges" in the stays into action
and prevents them from bending, and when pressure is relieved the fence springs book
into place again,
The lateral wires aro High -Carbon Hard Steel and coiled to provide for
expansion and contraction by heat and cold, and are also crimped at the intersection
of the stays and strands to prevent the stays from slipping sideways—therefore no locks
aro needed.
Buy the Dillon Hinge -Stay Fence. It's "twice as strong." Twice as good an
investment. Catalogue free.
The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co:, Limited, Owen Sound, Ont.
Tu rn berry.
Dlinutee of Council meeting ]lel
April 1st, Members of Connell al
Tenders for township printing wer
received from the Winghani Tittles
W ni;llani Advance and the Wroxete
McMichael—Moffatt—That the ten
der of the Whighum Times be accept
ed it being the lowest--cue:lied.
Moffatt---Kelly---That no action b
taken on Dr, Mttehell's claim ----lost,
McMichael—.Rutherford--In amend
anent, that the claim of Dr. Mitchel
as recommended by the Local Board
of Health be paid—carried.
By-law No, G, 1007, passed for the
appointment of Win. Il. Mundell,
Thos. Aitkin, Thos. Goy, Thomas
Haugh, Saul. Vanstone, Jas. Elliot
Joseph Lovell, Peter Scott, E. Orvis
and Robt, Leathorn, Fence -viewers in
the township of Ternberry for the
current year.
By-law No. 6, 1007, passed for the
appointment of John Little, Henry
Lawrence, Geo. 13. Scott, Hugh
Tucker, Allan Fralick, Jas. Kirton,
jv., John Mundell, Peter S, McEwen,
Peter Scott, E. Orvis, Jas, William-
son and Wm, Maxwell, Poundkeepers
in the township of Turnberry for the
current year— carried.
By-law No. 7, 1007, passed for the
appointment of Henry Lawrence, Jno,
Weiler, Wm. II. Mundell, Andrew
Campbell, John Little, David Holmes,
Jas. Stapleton, henry Thompson, Jas.
Godkin, G. Marshall, Rueben Stokes,
James Scott, Wm, Mitchell, Ed. Jen-
kins, Geo. Casernore, John Holmes,
Fred. Lewis, jr„ Jas. Caldwell, Peter
Hastings, Hugh Tucker, Frank Car-
ruthers, John Pringle, Geo. Taylor,
John Wray, Jas, Wylie, Robt. Breen,
Robt. Yeo, jr., Sam. Vanstone, John
Sanburn, Jas. Nichol, Jas. Elliot, A.
Hooper, John McNaughton, William
Wright, Gideon Parks, Jas. Hislop,
John McEwen, Peter Scott, Thos.
Higgins, Andrew Gray, Peter King,
Henry Bosman, Wm. Maxwell, John
McKenzie, Robt, Leathorn, Henry
Wolfe, Geo. Yeo, John Moffatt, Geo.
Walker, John F, Mulvey, John Lane,
Andrew Gcmmill, Henry Muir, Jef
fery Musgrove, Alex. Moffatt, John
Finlay, Sam. Kernigham, Thos. Hart,
George Srigley, Wm. Bolt, Jas, Wil-
liamson and Robt, Musgrove, Path -
masters in the township of Turnberry
for the current year.
The following accounts were passed
and cheques issued :—Theo. Hall,
printing, $19; Mrs. iTcLeod, Board of
Health, nurse fees, $35; Mrs. Rutledge,
nurse fees, $50; Miss E. Maxwell,
nurse fees, $50 ; Miss Maxwell, nurse
fees, $100 ; Miss Maxwell, nurse fees.
$68.25 ; Dr. Mitchell medical fees, 1
McMichael — Moffatt — That this 1
meeting do now adjourn to meet in
the Clerk's office, Bluevale, on Mon-.
day, May 27, at 10 a.nx. for regular
business and at 1.30 p.m. as Court of
d The hotel-keepexw of town aeknow-
(Contr'ibuted for the Advance)
1 ledged before Police Magistrate An
Brews violations of the license Act
e and fines were imposed accordingly
, four being fined $50 earls and one SIO
r and costs,
' With the company of spring, the
spectacle pedlars and others of that
' ilk have once more become active.
Every concession, line and side -road
are now infested by these gentry.
The unfortunate fanners' wives and
daughters are the chief victims of
these conspirators against the public
health, The attempt to check the
ravages of tuberculosis by the authori-
ties is most praiseworthy; to protect
the public from having the eyesight
injured or ruined would be a still
more worthy project. The wearing
of improperly fitted or unsuitable
glasses is a serious danger to the eye-
sight and a menace to the general
health. All diseases of the eye and
of the nervous system are made worse
by wearing unsuitable glasses, and
many diseases are caused by it, See-
ing the importance of the eyesight
and nervous system to the general
health some measure of protection at
least should be given to the public.
Instead of protecting the public
health, the spectacle pedlar is allowed
to infest every road in the country
and to intrude into every home.
An ignorant, blatant braggart,
when once he gains admission into
the home, nothing will induce himto
leave until he has changed some of his
yellow -looking goods for the farmer's
hard eartia cash. The spectacle ped-
lar knows nothing about the phy-
siology or pathology of the eye, and
cares as little, so long as he can palm
off on the public his glassware, To
preserve the eyesight, leave the spec-
tacle pedlar's goods alone. The
simplest plan to get rid of him is not
to permit him to enter the house,
These pedlars are mostly foreigners,
and of a very undesirable class.
The Council has decided not to rent
the stores in the Town Hall, and the
- space now nsed as stores will be fitted
up for municipal purposes. The
e Council has placed the fee for tran-
sient traders at $150, and for hawkers
- and pedlars at $ii0, $3,000 will be
l spent this year on the streets.
The Masonic brethern took posses-
sion of their new hall on Friday even•
ing last. The ball, situated over the
Sovereign Bank, is conveniently locat-
ed, commodious, richly furnished,
' brilliantly lighted, well heated, in
short it is an ideal fraternal home
and the brethern are well pleased
with it,
The death of Mrs. Henry Baker on
Monday morning carne as a great
shock to our citizens The operation
she had undergone was successfully
performed and her condition was
satisfactory, but during the night a
relapse came and not being strong
enough to withstand it, she passed
peacefully away.
A man who was well known to the
citizens of Clinton died suddenly at
Cross Hill on Monday evening in the
person of Mr, J. H, Elford, formerly
of Holrnesville. He was seemingly as
well as usual duril.g the day, but in
the evening complained of weakness
and laid down, but a few minutes
afterwards he became unconscious,
from which he never recovered.
D. French has resigned his position
as manager of the county house of re-
fuge at Clinton, and the house of re-
- fuge committee of the county council
meets on Thursday to consider the
matter. Mr. French is going to Ed-
monton, where his son is located. He
has been in charge of the house of
refuge ever since its establishment
and has been a must capable officer.
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious Itch on hu-
man or animals cured in 30 minutes
by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold
by A. L. Hamilton. -
---1MIr. Donald McErachen, tax col-
- lector for the township of Elderslie,
says, that if the exodus to the West
keeps on much longer, there will be
scarcely anybody left in the Tp. at
all. Already about half the farms are
without tenants, and on one line, in a
i stretch of two miles and a half, there
is just one lone farmer living. As.a
matter of fact according to this year's
assessment roll the population is only 1
2018, whereas in 1880 it was 3271, a I
falling off of 62 per cent. in 27 years,
These figures are startling, and the
worst of it is the departure of old set-
tlers is going on as rapidly as ever.
By this time next year the population'
of Elderslie will not likely be more',
than about 1800. Just why people
should leave Elderslie in such large
numbers it is difficult to understand,
for it is one of the best townships in
the whole county. It's a case of green
fields in the distance.
Why Chest Colds Are Dangerous.
They lead to pleurisy and pneu-
monia. Follow the advice of W. H.
Fowles of Fowles' Corners, Ont., who
says : "I used to be subject to attacks
and although I used most everything
nothing relieved quickly till I discov-
ered Nerviline. I have used it for .
pleurisy and sore chest and found it
just the proper thing. For Lumbago
or Neuralgia it's quick as lightning,
I cheerfully recommend Nerviline."
Strongest, cleanest, most pain destroy-
ing liniment on earth is Poison's Ner-
viline, 25c bottles sold everywhere.
Smith's Falls, April 6th.—The three -
clays -old infant of Mr. and Mrs. D.
Gilbert slept continuously for four
days less ten minutes. All efforts to
awaken the little one were without
effect, and it had to be nourished by
injections. It awoke apparently well
1 7.-C N ..�I Great lam eolid
1 Daisy Churn No. 2, regular $6.50, at . $5.25
Daisy Churn No. 3, regular $7.00, at .... 5.75
Axle Grease, regular lOc box, at .. 6 for .25
1One Minute Washer, to clear, regular $10, at ... ...... 8.50
Vulmar Washer, to clear, regular $7, at 5,50
Triumph Washer, to clear, regular $7, at. 5.50
Graniteware still going at Cut -in -two Prices.
Just Arrived!
One Carload Cement.
One Carload Wire Nails.
IOne Carload dazed Tile.
If you intend building, it will pay you to
Icall and get prices at
.1111 41111111111111110 4111111111111110 4011110111111111110 IS 0101.1111111111110 OR 611111111111111111 Nib i
Doctors Change Their Methods.
Years ago they fought catarrh by
internal dosing. They saw this ruin-
ed the stomach and changed to the
ozonated air cure, better known as Oa-
tarrhozone. This treatment is sure
to cure. It goes to the source of the
disease; it destroys the causes that
maintain catarrh and even in the
worst cases permanent cure is guaran-
teed. Failure with Catarrlxozone is
impossible. Antiseptic, healing and
far-reaching, it's bound to cure every
time. Endorsed by more than twenty
thousand doctors in America alone
and sold 25e and $1 sizes by all
tot' New
The Leading Store pit I
R. H. Isard & Co. ozi,100
Our Prices
Make Us Busy
3, Floors Well Stocked
With Bright, New
Spring Goods at money-
saving Prices. Our doors
are open to all, with a spec-
ial invitation to come and
look around.
H i h=Class Clothing.
MENT on 2nd Floor, where you'll find a GRAND DISPLAY
COATS, &c. Two Thousand Dollars' worth o£ NEW SPRING
CLOTHING to choose from at PRICES in keeping with our
BIG VALUES in other departments throughout the store.
BOYS' SUITS.—Boys' Fancy Suits in Buster Browns, Norfolks,
and Sailors, made up of medium and light colored tweeds --
Our Special Prices are $2.50, $3,00, $3.50
BOYS' SNIOKER PANTS.—Big stock Boys' Knickers, every Pair
• a Bargain. Extra Special—a line to dear at , 500
—After fourteen years of anxious
waiting Mrs. Jacob Voisin, 12th con., e
Culross, has heard from her son, Peter
Lawrence, who ~vent to North Dakota
some twenty years ago. Peter, like
many another youth who has gone
West, was at first regular in his cor-
respondence to his former home ; but
in a few years he grew careless and
finally ceased writing altogether ; pos-
sibly thinking some day to drop in
and give the folks a fine surprise. He
didn't come home, however, and for
fourteen years his mother and broth-
ers had given him up for dead, never
again expecting to bear of him, It
would be difficult to imagine their
surprise and joy when last week,
through the kind offices of a friend,
they learned that Peter Lawrence was
BARGAINS IN MEN'S SUITS.— Men's Fancy English Tweed
Suits, very pretty patterns, well made, good strong linings.
All sizes. Our Cut Price $7.00
MEN'S ENGLISH WORSTED SUITS. --Plain and Fancy Greys,
well tailored, this seasons patterns. Special value $10 and $12
All that's new and up-to-date in Men's Soft Shirts, White
Shirts, Collars, Ties, Sox, Underwear, Braces, Belts, Umbrel-
las, &c. See our special Soft Front Shirts at 50e.
still alive and well in North Dakota
where they had last heard from him. ri and Scientiflo PalmistryNot only is he alive and welt but hehas grown tipphrenolagJp with the country and is
now enjoying a large measure , r'� n A Study of a Lifetime. No Fortune
of western prosperity. — (Teeswater
News. 1 Telling, but Legitimate Science.
Or. l }n 's Or frth cart
Cures the nerves through the heart, Experience of the highest medical authorities has
onclusively proven that the quickest way to cure diseases of the nerves is to fortify the
heart with "food" that is natural to it, and that enriches the blood ; and it has been
proven also, beyond the shadow of a doubt, by this same high medical authority, that
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is the most potent nerve nourisher and heart
strengthener that has been "gathered in" from nature's lap to assuage sufferings, stop
pain and heal the heartsick; and when you know that with the heart, the main spring, the
balance wheel of life, out of order, the future looks out on nothing but darkness and
suffering, why postpone applying the remedy? Why delay taking holcl of the healing hand
that will lift you back to health? Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart will relieve any and
every form of heart disease in 3o minutes.
Margaret Smith, of Brussels, Ontario, says : "Many a time my suffering was so great
.that I would have hailed death with a welcome, but four bottles of Dr. Agnew's Cure
for the heart wrought a wonderful cure in me."
DR. AGNEW'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS cure Sick headache, Biliousness, Indigestion
and Constipation— they never gripe -40 for 10c.
DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDEI; relieves in 10 minutes.
For Sale By A. L. HAMILTON.
t 1 ,ala ti •�
1/1;:J' 1.4)14::::11447
/ 1
TQ swap BU'Y'EfSS
Our 1907 Catalogue will tell
you how to get, Absolutely Free,
a beautiful Carving Set of
Celluloid Handles and
Sterling Silver Mounts,
enclosed in a handsome
plush and silk lined
case. The outside be-
ing covered with leatherette.
Our Handsome Catalogue
Guide Book is richly illustrated and
is free to everyone who asps for it
and contains details of other special offers,
etc,, also gives full details of new and standard
varieties of Seeds, Plants and Bulbs,
Writ* today.
k.C3tV>t3CfiV, tartaaxda.
Prof. O'Brien
Canada's Greatest Phrenologist and the only
recognized Scientific Palmist, from Toronto,
whose methods were approved of by Judge
and Jury at the Toronto General Session,
March 15, 1901 ; only Lecturer on Scientific
Palmistry in Canada,
Is Now In Wingharn
For A Short Time Only
By the request of several of his patrons and their
friends he is now making a tour through Canada, and
the success he has achieved in every town has never
been equalled by anyone in the profession, Prof.
O'Brien is recognized by the press medical faculties
and scientists generally as the foremost Phrenologist
and Scientific Palmist of modern times, and should not
he classed with those travelling cheap pretenders who
bring disgrace on these sciences and mislead the public.
Hundreds of skeptics have been converted by hire. Prof. O'Brien is
an enthusiastic investigator, a careful student and a conscientious business
than. His patrons rank among them Premiers, Judges, Members of Par-
liament, Lawyers, Doctors, Clergymen, Bankers, Editors, Phrenologists,
Merchants, Mechanics, etc., and their families.
Prof. O'Brien gives instruction in a practical way, which is worth
more than money to every young man who desires to secure the high-
est type of manhood, physical capacity, mental and moral culture. Those
contemplating change of business should not miss consulting Prof, O'Brien.
Nothing against the Law undertaken. Your PAST, PRESENT and IN-
DICATIONS of FUTURE events, as marked in your hand by Nature,
Palmistry is mentioned 1433 times in the Bible and was practiced
2t55 years B. C. The most careless observer nnlst perceive that the hands
differ in their shape and lines—for there are no two hands alike—the
fingers, palms, lines, etc„ differ as greatly in different people as the noses,
eyes, hau', ears, lips and teeth differ ; as the will, manner, step and gait
differ ; so the characters differ also. By the outcome of their charac-
teristics, their natural characteristics, their characters are formed. A call
on Prof. O'Brien will prove to the most skeptical that Palmistry is a
pure science and has no connection with the vulgar fortune telling.
Don't miss consulting him, as it may be years before you will have
the chance of consulting such an eminent man in his profession. An
examination from hint now will be worth thousands of dollars in after
veers to any young man or woman. If yon are a skeptic, COME as
I)rof. O'Brien will enlighten you free of charge on the science of Pilings -
try, and explain to you WHY and HOW lie can read your hand, Call
and see the autographs of all eminent people examined by him. Terms
within reach of all,
CHILDREN, HALF PRICK. HOURS --so a. m. to to le in.
Ltiektioty Baseball team has been
re -organized for the season,
Messrs, Blake & McConnell took
possession of the Thompson livery on
Lawyer Morrison has disposed of
his resilience on havelock street to
Mr, D. It.. McIntosh.
Mr. John Adams had the misfortune
to fall from his waggon on Thursday,
sustaining painful injuries to his
During the past few weeks Alex.
Loss has shipped ten sets of team har-
ness to the West, and lifts several
orders yet to 1111.
11ir. Iorank Gordon, who has for a
quarter of a century been engaged in
the butcher business here has disposed
of his business and intends leaving in
a few weeks.
On Wednesday, March 27, a pretty
Easter wedding was celebrated at the
home of Mr, K. McDonald, when his
sister, Miss Minnie, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Geo, J. II. Middleton.
Messrs, Bennett & McGregor have
purchased the Telegraph and Express
business from Dir. W. Connell, and
are having the shop vacated by Mr.
It, W. Matheson fitted up as an oMce
and also for their produce em-
Shelburne voted down the by-law to
develop electric power tit a cost of