HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-04-11, Page 44
New Spring Goods
Easter will soon be here, and you will want your
New Suit, Light Overcoat, Hat, Gloves, Tie, Fancy Shirt,
etc,, etc.
We have one of the largest and best assortments of
Suitings ever shown in this part of the country ---all the
newest designs and best qualities at lowest prices. Do
not buy a ready-made suit and be dissatisfied all the
time you wear it, when for very little more you can get
one made to order in any style you wish --one you can
feel assured will wear well and always look good. We
guarantee satisfaction.
We have the best assortment of Hats in the new-
est styles. The Perfectus Health Hat is one of the best
Hats made. We are sole agents for it. We can give
you anything in new styles. You will not find anything
that has been carried over for years in our stock, all
new. Our Caps are new and stylish.
We also draw your attention to our new Fancy
Shirts and Neckties. We have a large assortment of
these beautiful goods. Anything you want in Men's Fur-
nishings, give us a call.
:axwe:1 &
1 —
1 .....•r-. I
Tailors and Yen's Furnishings
Your barn doors hang forever if
hung with "Big 4" Hanger
and " Braced" Rail.
Can't Come Off the Track..
If you are from Huron or
Bruce, come into our store
and we will "show you."
lit • in i�� m 1tair
Theo. Halt - Proprietor.
G.n, wJ
---Brantford, Ont., has macre a de-
cided success of municipal ownership
and operation of the waterworks, the
surplus earnings for 1906 are $29,342,
an advance over previous years, which
leaves a surplus of $7,859 after deben-
ture interest and sinking fund pay-
ments are made on cost of construc-
tion. » »
—The railways in India, which are
both owned and operated by the Gov-
ernment, yield a handsome profit.
Tho Rt. Hon. John Morley, made the
statement in the British House of
Commons, that although the average
passenger rate was less than half a
cent a mile, there was a profit last
year of $5,000,000. The railways and
irrigation together showed a profit,
after meeting all charges for working
expenses and interest, of $15,510,000.
» »
—Sir Wilfrid Laurier and two of his sentfloated the standard or re
colleagues in the Cabinet have gone
lion, and in the strong prison room of 1 annual loss to the farmers of Ontario
the fort were caged men loyal to the ; of over a million dollars through the
toEngland to be present at the Con- throne of their fathers and their coun- , injury to the oat , .sop caused by smut
fe of Colonial Premiers. The try. The old gateway where stood i and it is probable that there is a fur -
leadership of the House will devolve the half -savage sentry that Christmas ther indirect loss caused by the in -
upon Mr. Fielding, and the senior morning only a few years ago, with furious effects of the diseased grain
Privy Councillor, Sir Richard Cart -
half -savage ideas of racial privileges ' upon animals to which it is fed. This
Wright, will be acting -Premier. It is and political freedom, is now sur- ` loss can be almost if not entirely pre -
expected that the House will prorogue rounded by a population, by buildings, vented with but little trouble and at
about April 22, when it will have been bymercantile establishments, by ran_ trifling cost in money.
in session five months. All legisla- w.y stations and tracks, by a civilize- Before sowing oats this spring treat
tion that is not absolutely necessary tion his untutored mind could never the seed with a solution of forrnalde-
will be left over till next session. have conceived. One of the railways hyde in the proportion of four ounces
».» alone has in the city120 miles of
, of formaldehyde to ten gallons of
—A mass meeting of both political tracks. water. This would be sufficient for
parties was held at Emo, on April 3rd, "„» twenty-five bushels of oats. Place the
to initiate the movement in New On- —There is the appearance of friction seed in a heap on the barn floor and
tunic of secession from the old pro- between the Ontario Government and go carefully over it with the solution
vince and forming a new one embrac- that of the Dominion, on the question Poured from a watering pot with a
ing Algoma, Nipissing, Thunder Bay of Provincial Rights. Corporations fine rose attached.
which~ was the property of a Hominy - than one guilty person in high life.
an citizen, The Nicaraguans did not The guilty should sutler, no Mutter
deny taking the mule, but said that it who they are, or on which side of the
belonged tory Nicaraguan citizen who, House they sit. As it is, the cloud
on aecount of his resistance to that remains on the House, and many
government hail taken refuge in Icon- electors will regard the ruling out of
duras, To this Honduras replied that Bourassa's motion, as a means to keep
the man from whom the mule was the lid ou tight and spare the guilty.
taken was a, reputable Honduran cal- This will confirm the impression that
,zen, who to his sorrow bore the same after all, there is some ground for the
name as the Nicaraguan refugee, but Fowler charges. If Hon. Mr, Fawner -
was an entirely different person. This son is innocent (as he avers) why
fact was disputed, and the conflict be- should he resign? Is he the only one
came so acute that peace negotiations against whom suspicion exists? These
were broken ell. The war began, are questions that electors will bo apt
which now threatens to involve other to ask. CIIARACTEIt is something
States, Tho mule is notorious for the that Canada has a right to demand in
mischief he can do with his hoofs, but her public men, for never before was
probably this is the first time he has this country so much before the oyes
been the cause of quarrel between of the world as to -day. Yet the fact
nations, remains that the past few years, in
".» political circles, have been amazingly
—Thirty:seven years ago, there fruitful in proven as well as rumored
looked from the bastion of Fort Garry wrong -doing. Charges or counter
a sentry of mixed French and Indian charges, so serious, should be specific,
blood, armed with a flint -lock trade and should be cleared up, whether
gun. Fort Garry was then only an against Government or Opposition,
isolated trading post of a great fur- and immoral men shut out from our
trading company. A quarter of a Legislative halls and public life. Vot-
mile away was a small and scattered ing down investigation will only con -
collection of log and frame stores, ; firm the electorate in the belief that
drinking shops and dwelling houses, ; the charges were based on facts,
accommodating a couple of hundred .
people, the beginning of the city of T
Winnipeg. The little community was SMUT IN OATS.
divided with discussion, rancor and'
rebellion. • Above the head of the
Uel• ,
ry It is estimated that there is a direct
Central Hardware
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of
and Rainy River districts. After a have been going to Ottawa for char -
number of speeches bad been made by ters to enable them to evade Provin-
the reeves of the several municipali- cial control, but the Ontario Govern -
ties and other leading citizens of both ment is not likely to submit without
parties, a strong resolution, moved by a struggle. Another phase of this
Dr. F. H. Bethune, secretary 'of the question is ntet by a Bill introduced
District Conservative Association, and by B. H. Bowyer of East Kent, de -
seconded by W. I. Price, a leading signed to prevent clubs or associations
Liberal of Burriss, endorsing the going to Ottawa for charters which
movement, was carried by a standing contain no prohibitory liquor clause,
vote. A strong committee was also although under a recent ruling all On -
appointed to confer with the other tario club charters do contain a pro -
districts. - hibitory liquor clause. The law at
»»» present provides that license com-
-In 1906 about 60,000 automobiles missioners shall grant licenses where
were manufactured in the United there is no prohibitory clause. Mr.
States, at an estimated value of one Bowyer's bill provides that no license
hundred million dollars. Incidentally, shall be granted to clubs not incor-
it is interesting to insert here that porated under Ontario law without
during the same year the value of the written consent of the Provincial
horse-drawn vehicles manufactured in Secretary. .Another clause provides
the United States was estimated at that no liquor shall be given minors,
one hundred and sixty million dollars. except by parent, guardian or physi-
The remarkableness of the auto out- cian. Only recently the Toronto Hunt
put will be seen the clearer by a Club was incorporated at Ottawa, and
glance at the comparative figures of said to be "for the general advantage
the number of automobiles manufac- of Canada," in order to evade provin-
tured in other 'countries. In 1001 cial jurisdiction. The Ontario Gov -
France built 23,711 automobiles ; the ernment will deal with these matters
United States in the same year built in a Bill now being prepared, and
314. In 1906, as already stated, the hence Mr. Bowyer's Bill was with -
United States built 60,000 ; Franca 55,- drawn. » »
000; England, 28,000; Italy, 19,000; •
and Belgium, 12,000. —To any person who takes more
» » than a surface glimpse of present con-
-The 39th annual report upon the ditions, it is evident, that teachers'
salaries are on the up -grade. The On -
Gaols of Ontario, up to September
tario Government endeavored to place
30th, 1906, has been issued. It shows them on a fair basis, for the benefit
that there are 44 gaols, and 13 pro-
of the rural schools, and trustees in
vincial lock -ups in Ontario ; total ex- every county almost were aronse4 to
penditure for gaol maintenance dun- indignant protest. Then the Govern-
ing 1906, $158,174.01, or decrease of
ment relaxed, and when trustees felt
$5,091.42 from 1905. The number of somewhat relieved, the increase of
persons committed to gaols during the salaries bids fair to meet them at the
year was 10,810, a decrease of 225.
next turn, by a combination of the
Prisoners sentenced to the penitenti- teachers, themselves. At the meeting
ary during 1906 showed an increase of
31, but those transferred to the Cen- of the Educational Association last
week, preliminary steps were taken
tral Prison decreased by 281. The to form a Provincial Teachers' Union.
total number committed to Huron About 400 teachers were present in
county gaol was 111 ; of these, the that section of the convention in
cost of 41 was paid by the province, which this proposition was made, and
and the remainder by the municipali- the proposal made was greeted by
ties. Huron county gaol expenses these with applause. The objects of
were—for food and clothing, $1,061.88; the union are to bring about a higher
for salaries, $1500 ; total expenditure level in salaries and to elevate the
for the gaol for the year, $2,649.33. standard of the profession. The main
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and
When the fluid is exhausted turn
the seed thoroughly so that every
grain may be entirely wet with the
solution and leave the'pile for about
an hour, after which spread out the
grain to dry. When perfectly dry it
may be bagged or stored away until
required for sowing, but be careful
not to put the heated seed into any
receptacle which may be infested with
smut spores or your labor may be
Do You Peel The Pinch.
Not of poverty, but of corns, aching
corns, that can be cured by Putnam's
Corn Extractor? Don't suffer, use
"Putnam's"—sold everywhere in 25c
•» reason given for taking action just
0 —The famine in China has not yet now is the abandonment by the 'mum saran
Gov -
Rest, - - - passed the crisis in severity. Sicknessernment of the minimum Y
Total Assets, - 113,000,000 of all kinds—fever, small -pox and clause. The teachers say if they can-
plague—is increasing. Some seed had not get what they consider fair sala-
in United States and England been sowed and a half crop was hoped ries by means of legislation, they will
for, but the people, who for some time endeavor to accomplish this object by
have only had the bark of trees, weeds organization. All the trade have
BANKINGBY MAIL 85 and straw to eat, are now in sheer their Unions, and now the teachers
Capital (paid up) - $3,000,000
snnd WO- - $3,929,000
Reserve ed profits)
Total Assets, over $42,000,000
desperation, pulling the green wheat are on the defensive, if not the ag-
Business may bera
transacted by mail with any branch for food. They are even tearing down ressive,
of the Bank. Accounts may be opened and deposits houses for fuel or to sell, that with g »•
made or withdrawn by mail. Every attention is paid the proceeds a little food may be pro —The "Wihe, Women and Graft"
cured. The Christian Herald has charges made by G. W. Fowler, M, P.,
to out-of-town accounts. done a noble work, and its readers in the House of Commons, were again
E. Smith, Manager.
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Can-
ada, the United States and Europe.
Wingham, Ont., Branch :—A. have already contributed $150,000 in a disturbing factor in the House, on
cash. Besides this, a cargo of 5,000 the 3rd inst. Mr. Bourassa, M. P.
tons of good, clean flour, or 250 car- (Liberal) moved that Mr. Fowler be
loads, is being shipped. The United asked to name the persons, specify
States Government has granted the the charges, or else withdraW them,
nee of the transport Buford for the and failing to do that, he be censured.
lid the shipment is expected The Speaker declared, the motion out
Goal Goal
We are sole agents for
the celebrated Scranton Coal,
which has no equal.
Also the best grades' of
Smithing, Cannel and Do-
mestic Coal and Wood of
all kinds, always on hand.
Rteaidence Phone, No. 55
Mie w. 84
ll ,. No 44
We carry a full stock of
Lumber (dressed or undres-
sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Barrels, etc.
Highest Price Paid for �►11
kinds of Loge.
J. Al !oLEkN
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and
upwards, and added to principal 30th June
and 31st December eaoh year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager
R. Vanetone, Solicitor
purpose, a
to reach there in a month. The cargo of order, and thus, on a technical
is valued at $100,000, snaking in all a point, investigation was shut off.
quarter of a million dollars sent to the Premier Laurier sustained the Speak-
peak- t"`^
famine -centres by the instrumentality er, but the Conservatives, with but
f the Herald. This is practical Chris- six exceptions voted for investigation.
The "
*MP. 10410.90WW44*WWWW*114
ig Store"
John Kerr
People always come to the "Big Store for "Big
Bargains" and they are never disappointed. We always
have "Big Bargains" to offer, We're always on the lookout
for special valves for our customers, and our watchfulness in
buying goods has made this "Bargain Store" the most popu-
lac shopping place north of London.
More Bargains To Offer This Week. Shop Early.
Royal Gloss Starch, 1 lb. pkg.
reg, 10c, Our Special Price.. 8o -
Red Cross Brand Pork and
Beans, 2 Ib. tins regular 10c, 7e
Special Price
Also reg. Se tins 3 for 100
Shoe Blacking, Day & Mar-
tin, England, tins contain
as mucic as 4 tins of 2 & 1,
Our Special Price 3 for 20c
400 lbs, more New Dates, sel-
ling at
1700 Bars Laundry Soap,
"Best," "Eclipse," "Bee-
hive," Special 7 for 25c
600 Cakes Toilet Soap,3 reg.
5c, now
Another lot of Green Tea sel-
at per lb
Another lot of Black Tea sel-
at per lb
White Beans, choice, 2�o
picked, 10 lbs. for
Mop Handles, wire fastners,ldc
Diamond Dyes, all shades, we
are headquarters, 4 pkgs25c
Blueberries, fancy fruit, per
FARMERS ! You'll want for
your stock plenty of Sulphur
and Glauber Salts. We sell—
Sulphur at 10 lbs. for 25c
Glauber Salts at. • 10 lbs. for 25c
Men's Fine Shirts.
A quantity of Men's Fine
Shirts at reduced prices, good
1leg. $1 Shirt, Special Price ..77SSc
Reg. 75c " „ . •SOe
Reg. 50c "
Black All -Over Lace.
Several pieces of Black, All-
over Lace at reduced prices.
Reg. $1.25 a yard reduced to Sac
,. 75c " "f
60c " 450
" 38c
,c 25c " 19c
" 20c " 15c
Dress Trimming Bargains.
A quantity of Silk Applique,.
Lace Applique and Insertion,
Cotton Applique, Silk Braids,
etc., at 25 per cent. less than
regular prices.
Buy Your Raincoat Now.
Men's and Women's Raincoats
we're offering at greatly re-
duced prices and just at a time
when they are most needed. If
we have your size you can have
the coat at a very low price.
We show a fine range of new
HATS and OAPS for Men and
Boys—new styles, new shapes,
low prices.
Garden Seeds ! Flower Seeds ! Field Seeds !
May's Flower and Vegetable Seeds, 15 packets for 25c
Simmers' Vegetable Seeds, 2 packets for 5c
Ferry's Flower and Vegetable Seeds. Giant Yellow Intermediate
and Mammoth Long Red Mangel Wurtzel Beet. Imperial Half -
long Sugar Beet. All new seeds.
Cash Paid For Butter And Eggs.
Tons of good butter and fresh eggs wanted.
Oats taken in exchange for oatmeal or other goods.
I have been appointed by the Do-
minion Government to place Immi-
grants from the United Kingdom in
positions as farm laborers or domestic
servants in this vicinity. Any person
requiring such help should notify me
by letter, stating fully the kind of help
required, when wanted and wages
offered. The number may not be suffi-
cient to supply all requests, but every
effort will be made to provide each
applicant with help required.
Canadian Gov't Employment Agt,
W. J. PRiCE, L.D.S., D.D.S.
(Successor to Dr. Holloway)
Will continue the practice in the office -
lately occupied by Dr. Holloway, in
the Beaver Block, Wingham.
and best business school in Canada, be.
on Apr.2nd. Our catalogue explains
our superior work. Write for it.
T. M. WATSON, Piuxcrrar,.
Now is A Good Tithe
To Enter The Well-known
Canada's High Oracle Commercial and
Shorthand school. Our graduates aro
them tTheir
getrand hold excel.
lent positions. The pupils who graduate
from our school aro in tho highest and
beat sense trained for business ilia. No
vacations. Commence now. Catalogue
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
(Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.)
tianity. On appeal from the Speaker's ruling,
»++ a vote was taken, and his decision
—Mules are stubborn animals, but sustained by the House by a vote of
we read of one that has caused a heap 101 to 87. One result of the charges,
of trouble and even bloodshed. At however, has been the resignation of
present there is a war between Nice.- Hon. Mr. Emmerson, Minister of Rail-
ragua and (Honduras, and a mule ap- ways, and the Premier has accepted
pears to have been the cause. Both his resignation. Ile declares his in -
nations claimed a small strip of land, nocenee, and has taken action against
and the matter in dispute was nearly certain newspapers for damages. The
settled, when a party of Nicaraguans incident is discreditable to a Canadian
e oseible an in -
tory of Honduran acid bolting a mule, 4/mitigation would hoe tooled mots
ed with enterin the tenni Parham lit, a d it is p
was charge g
,�. .� 4444-A .-14..�.......0
Was established twenty years age and
by its thoreugh work and honorable
dealings with its patrons has become
ono of the largest and most widely
known Commercial Colleges in the
province. Tho demand upon us for
oonimerclat teachers and office amis.
tants greatly exceeds the supply. We
assist graduates to positions. pStudents
aro entering eaoh week. Catalogue
4» k
You Make
A Mistake
If yon buy a Piano with-
out seeing onr stock, comparing
prices and taking into account
the quality of the instrument. Y
All the best makes always in
stock — Heintzman, Newcombe,
Dominion, and others.
Also Organs, and the very
best Sewing Machines.
David Bell
Stand—Opp. Skating Rink
For Farm & Garddil
GLOVERS.—Common Red, Mammoth Red, Alsike, Lucerne and
White, also Timothy. These seeds aro all inspected and approved by Cf
the department at Ottawa, for growth and purity, and are home grown.
OATS.—We have several varieties: WHI'rl MARVEL—This is won- O
derfully productive, yielding as much as 85 bushels to the acre, of large, 8
plump, white grain. TARTAR KING—highly recommended by the Ex-
perimental Farm, Ottawa; strong straw, free from rust. WIHITE RUS-
SIAN—has been grown extensively in Perth Co. THOUSAND DOLLAR OATS
—well liked by the American farmer.
BLACK BARLEY—Seldom yielding below 40 bushel per acre,
MF,NSURE BARLEY.—A well-known variety, strong and heavy.
JAPANESE MILLET.—Also called Million Dollar Grass, well-
known in Ontario; splendid for green fodder and hay.
JAPANESE BUCKWHEAT.—Very early and productive.
RUSSIAN SUNFLOWER.—Grows 15 inches in diameter.
GOOSE WHEAT,—The cleanest from foreign seeds we ever
CORNS.—The largest stock, coming of tho finest varieties for
silage and maturity purposes, in the county. Also Sweet Corns for table
use, Com up extra early; none bettor. Crosby's Early Sugar Corn,
Country Gentlemen—highly recommended.
PEAS.—Field and garden.
EARLY POTATOES.—Nought Six, very early and productive.
Carmen No. 1, grown successfully at Experimental farm, Ottawa. r
Beauty of Hebron, very productive right here.
We keep a stock of Ground Oil Cake, Eibby's Cream Equivalent
(takes the place of cream for calves), Twin City 'Herb Food (cheapestan
best) and pure ground Flax Meal, also Sweet Peas and all Garden
Seeds. Come in and see for yourself.
A. Mills